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The year is 2025, and our HOMURA THREADS ARE BACK!

With one month down, the new year is well under way. Have you made each moment count so far, anon? If not, you’d better change your ways! Unlike a certain special magical girl, we can’t put sand back in the top of our hourglasses. You get one timeline, and ONLY ONE, so make sure you reach out, and take your dreams by the hand - especially if it's scary to do so.

No matter how timid she may have seemed, Homura always strove for the tomorrow she wanted the most - even if she was scared out of her wits while she did so.

Be brave like Homura, and bring forth the reality you want the most!


Previous Thread:
Behold; the infinite Homu
Armed with the greatest of megucas and machinery
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A smug, tired Homu
Moemura is love. Moemura is life.
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Homura supporting the visually impaired by being a guide dog puppy walker!
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Hooray for another Homura thread!
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Skate on, Homura!
Thread 143 has been added to the archive! Get it while it's hot!

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Maid in heaven!!!
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edgy Homura art
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<3 Mio's art
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Homu in the rain
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The gang's all here
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I'd like to thank OP again for the kind and inspiring words! They really do give a strong moral boost.
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You've very welcome, anon. Keep on grooving, and GANBATTE!
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Protect that smile.
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how did captcha manage to get worse?
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It's an AI countermeasure. The easier it gets to make bots and spam places like 4chan, the more annoying captcha will get.

In about a month I'll be able to buy you a 4chan pass.
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Good ol’ Homura
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Don’t worry Homu, we like you just the way you are.
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Avengers level collaboration by megucas
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The lady in red
didn't know the archive existed until now, somehow. the best thing i've ever learned
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To be fair, it's pretty new - we've only had the archive for about ten years, anon.
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do your best no matter what
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I'm thinking HOMU, HOMU, oo ee oo
Nooooooouuuuu what are you doing down here an Akemi Homura does not belong on page 5 until image cap

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Don’t forget to smile!
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That's such a cute Homura. I actually had to double take. Happy Valentines to one and all!
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February 14th!!!!
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Valentine’s Day!!!!
Moemura, as brave can be!
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Akuma Homura deserves to be happy, too!
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Goodnight, Homura thread. Happy Valentine’s Day!
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It’s Sunday! Yay!
Comfy lazy Sunday!
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red vs blue!
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nite nite Homura thread
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I'm pretty convinced this artist on X is using a really well trained LoRa to make their content. That AI generated art is nearly indistinguishable from normal art is a testament to how good it's getting.
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Angriest looking Homu I've seen in a while
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Chin up, Homura!
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What a beautiful thing
Oh my gosh she's so beautiful I might shed a tear
Simply the best.
She's so fucking cute
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Happy birthday to our favorite mahou shoujou
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What a special Saturday! Onwards and upwards!
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is it really?
There are no "official" or canonical sources that "confirm" Homura's birthday as Feb 22nd. Basically, hearsay over the years make people think today is her special day.
HOWEVER! That doesn't mean there's anything wrong with picking today to celebrate Homura's birthday! All I'm getting at is, we don't know.

More Homu celebration and appreciation = BETTER!
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Homura changing up her look! Still the cutest!
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Making 2025 better for homura
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Happy Monday!!
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Are you learning japanese?
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No. Too busy, and I'm figuring AI is poised to turn the world upside down with translation and voice-to-voice tools that'll outstrip what I can learn in the next few years.
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agh spooky homu
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not yet!
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Don't forget to SMILE!!!
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High ideals and crazy dreams... my kinda gal
Don't give up your dreams, anons! Homura fought for a dream that was deemed impossible, but she never once gave in to that fear of impossibility! If one thing is to be learned from her journey, it's that giving in is never an option! Keep going with all your might, overcome all challenges that come your way, and build an ending you can take pride in!
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It's been a lot of fun watching Mio's artistic skills develop.
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Let’s get to work
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I for one am VERY excited for Tanabata.
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got a little something commissioned for a dunkin gift card
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That’s extremely moe and cute. Great gif, anon!!
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Actually, hold up. How does this work for a gift card? Is it an e-gift card that plays gifs?
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The artist has this cute scratchy style for lower res stuff, so he threw in this animation as a bonus. The card is physical and mostly white space horizontally. I thought this was more interesting to post.
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Its dark as a dungeon
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Exedra releases this month! Hooray for new official art with Homu!
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My angel
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Her line of macaron-maid figures are beyond moe
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I was about to refute this but then I remembered that I recently saw a researcher who made a tool that can turn your voice into a different voice on-demand with just a 80ms delay, so the age of the gaijin carrying around a retarded AI voice box speaking at 100 dB to drown out his original English might be upon us

I still maintain that if you actually want to connect with a real person, learning for real is the only way to go, but the main use-cases for learning a language are vanishing quick
I wish I could be with her
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>the main use-cases for learning a language are vanishing quick
the main use-case for language-learning is love
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A very cute Eevee with a very cute Homu!!!

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