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So I roomed with other people this year of the first time and it was actually a fantastic time. Why do people always make this seem like shit? Any of you got any horror stories
I think it's because they expect things to run smooth, but don't always go that way. I've roomed before, but the only horror story was someone stealing my Nikes. I had backup shoes and the Nikes weren't that great, but it was kind of annoying.
Yea but last time I posted it people accused me of a pedo for 300 posts.
300 posts? that's a LOT of posts... what did u do anon
don’t be a pedo then
Power Girl anon?
Jesus christ, how?
The worst I ever had it was someone loudly entering and leaving the hotel room every hour as the other 3 of us were trying to sleep and we wanted to murder him.
>Why do people always make this seem like shit?
Because of various things that can go terribly wrong
>small hotel room
>too many people stuffed in one room
>retarded autists who don't know how to respect other people's belongings or how to clean up after each other.
>immature people who want to do nothing but gorge on junkfood and booze and stay up all night and then make their sudden and totally expected illness everyone else's problem
>dumbasses who bring strangers back to the hotel room and then invite them to stay without paying
>dumbasses who bring strangers back to the hotel room and then fuck them on the bed that other people have to sleep on
>retards who don't bring enough money and then spend their share of the hotel room cost and then never pay you back
>shitheads who don't bring any food and then eat all the food everyone else brought
Con roommate fucked a married woman and ruined a marriage in our airbnb while I was passed out in the adjacent room
Here’s my con room horror story:

>Unable to room with friends at con. Can only stay one night instead of the whole weekend due to reasons.
>Ask on the official con forum if anyone can put me up. Someone responds, let’s call him J.
>J says he has floor space and we agree on a set amount to pay him.
>Day of con arrives. Meet up with J after getting my badge to pay him.
>First warning sign was that he tried to weasel out of giving me my change. “I thought you were nice and giving me a tip.” He said.
>Find out J is not staying in the actual room but is just the “room head" and staying in a different room.
>J lectures me on room rules and to follow them or be evicted. It was the usual common sense things I already knew but he was incredibly condescending about it.
>J takes me to the room and starts bitching about how messy it is.
>5 people are staying in the room and it was honestly not that bad. I’ve stayed in messier con hotel rooms over the years.
>I get my room key from J and go off to enjoy the con, but not before I see J take two big boxes of pocky that clearly didn’t belong to him.
>Later that night I head back to the room for some sleep and this is when I meet fellow my roommates, who are pretty cool and normal.
>We all share our experiences with J and agree that he is a dick and that there is something off about him.
>Find out that J was being a creeper towards one of the roommates, let’s call her M.
>M is asexual and clearly not interested in J. M talks about how J kept hitting on her and was trying to touch her when she was arranging her cosplay stuff.
>At one point J bursts into the room looking for M. We hide her under the bed until he leaves.
>Don't see J for the rest of the night.

The next day:

>It's late in the afternoon and I head back to the room to get my suitcase so I can drop it off at my car and enjoy my last few hours at the con.
>J is sitting in the room alone. Someone must've let him in because he claims he doesn’t have a key.
>J starts pestering me to room with him again at future cons. I politely turn him down. After the last 24 hours I want nothing further to do with him.
>J then starts whining about people not talking to him in his room and how he wants to spend the night in this room instead. Bullshit, I know he just wants an excuse to creep on M.
>Luckily my fellow roommates arrive and shut his idea down.
>J dicks around in the room for 20 minutes trying to make awkward conversation while my roommates and I are trying to change and get our stuff together.
>J finally gives up and leaves the room so I say goodbye to my roommates and give them my key. I didn't want J getting his hands on it.
>After the con ends J makes a whiny post on the con's fb about how he's autistic and wasn’t trying to be a creeper. He had apparently been creeping on other girls that weekend and several people called him out on it.
>A year later J messages me asking if I wanted to room with him again at the same con. I never responded.
When me and my friends were underage we were forced to room with a Power Girl cosplayer who wouldn't stop jiggling her fat tits in our faces
>room with randoms
>get too drunk and shit myself and puke everywhere in bathroom
I still talk to some of these roommates and hang out when they're in town somehow.
I only roomed with randos one time and it was a mistake

>Buddy is looking for a 6th in his room that he is planning with his college's anime club
>Didn't really care to the con but though as long as I got one of the two beds I'd go.
>He talked to his club and they were cool with it as long as I paid a bit extra for a bed space instead of floor space.
>Drive up with my buddy, his cousin and his cousins gf who were in his club and the other two would meet us there.
>Turns out the room was 1bed room with a queen bed, and a living room area with a pull out couch and tons of floor space
>I tell the couple they can have the room for privacy and they feel bad as I paid extra and insist that they will take the pull out couch and they also said they knew everyone so they don't mind not having their own room
>What ever I was going to complain
>Other 2 eventually get there and its and some quite nerdy kid who was ight and some loud annoying chick
>The kind of girl who was the "oh I'm a GIRL who like ANIME" kind of vibe
>Right away she tries to dibs the room with the bed
>I was cool with letting the couple take the room but after meeting this girl for 30 seconds I could tell I already hated her so I told her to fuck off.
>Everyone else agreed as I paid but she went and through her stuff all over the room anyway.
>She made some sort of comment like "Well I'm asexual so if he wants to share a bed with me that is ok, but I'm not interested"
>This point I'm not backing down so I call her on her bluff
>I go to change into cosplay so I can get the fuck out of there and she probably walked in on my like 3 times while changing and making some kind of comment that I'd have to get used to it
>Honestly used to changing into cosplay around my friends so really didn't bother me but what ever
>I go to the con, do some shopping in the dealers room, come back and room is empty
>Text my buddy and he apologizes and just says she is like that
>I end up meeting up with my buddy and we chill for most of the Con
>End up going to a room party that was bunk so we decide to back to our room and drink with his college friends
>Get there and 2 of my figures I had bought were open sitting on the table
>I lose my shit and my buddies cousin said they thought it was hers as nobody was with her all day
>I storm off and my buddy comes out after me
>He offers to smoke me up and apologizes profusely
>Not much of a weed guy but this is Canada and I decide to take him up on the offer
>we wander into the parking lot and stumble upon some people tailgating
>They cool as shit so we party with them for a bit
>Buddy runs up to get alcohol so we can pitch and upon his arrival the girl is with him
>She apologizes and tells me she thought she was flirting with me
>I guess when my buddy was talking to his anime club about me he mentioned something's that caught her interest so he mentioned he would try setting us up if she was interested and this is how she reacted
>I accept her apology and tell her I'm not really interested in anyone right now but I'm always down making new friends
>Things go alright until this girl decides she is going to try smoking pot for the first time and gets super paranoid and anxious
>I end up taking her back to the room and pretty much babysit her all night
>She ends up over sharing way too much and telling me all about her traumas and abuse
>Eventually she falls asleep but I'm now unable to sleep
>Probably got 40 minutes off and on throughout the night
>She wakes up and is her same annoying self
>I let everyone clear the room and end up sleeping most of the afternoon of the con
>Buddy and girl end up coming back to check up on me and bring me a coffee which was not to bad
>We end up going around the con, eat and then pregame for the rave
>Rave comes around the girl is dancing with me but at this point idgaf because it's a bit better than dancing alone
>Part of my mind is telling me I should just take her back to the hotel room before everyone gets back to the room and the other is telling me that's is a really bad idea
>I end up asking her if she wants to ditch the rave
>She looks at my buddy who is vibing beside us and he just tells us that we got until 1:30
>We go back and she is being super flirty and for the first time this weekend I think she is a bit cute
>We get back to the room and she says she hasn't really done a hook up before so she wants to a have quick drink
>We take off our cosplays, chill on the bed in our underwear just chatting over a drink or two
>Before we can get frisky she ends up throwing up and passing out in it
>Not knowing what to do I tried picking her up and waking her up but it was no use
>I drag her over to the bath and lean her over it and try to wash the side of her face that was in puke with the shower head
>Luckily enough this was enough to make her semi conscious so I got her to at least dry her self off as I stripped the bed
>I help her get back into bed and she instantly passes out and I spend another night barely sleeping as I watch over her making sure she didn't throw up

Ngl the end was partially my fault for trying to sleep with her when I knew it would be a bad idea. Also I think everyone including her thinks that we ended up sleeping together and my buddy keeps trying to get us to room together for other cons.
Wow, what a horrible thing. What's her name? Does she have an instagram profile. I need to know so I can avoid her at cons.
>having a fun time chilling at a room party
>room head shows up, says X is passed out and needs my help to drag them back to our room because i'm stronkl
>ithappens.jpg, I usually play medic so I've seen this sort of shit happen and know what to do
>it was already 11pm so whatevs, time to sleep anyways since it was only a thursday
>literally 2 days later the EXACT same thing happens with the exact same person
>i see them getting wheeled out by a different roommate and I groan and just avert my eyes

I'm not opposed to helping people out and I'm the first to jump in, but when someone goes that hard TWICE in one weekend?? FFS

>claims she's asexual
>in Canada
>overshares about trauma and abuse

Anon, I can think of one person who fits this description perfectly, but I could be wrong since every costhot acts like that nowadays.
Mohawk college?
Asexual is costhot lingo for "There is not currently a dick inside me."
I ain't hearing a name, dawg.
Cause your a goof simple as
based bf
once the SOUL went out of cons the con horros stories also died
>Me going to AWA 2019
>Rooming with buddy, his obnoxious gf who always goes super flavor of the month SJW plus blames being a bitch to people on “muh autism” and their “trans” friend who despite being a “boy” only does girl cosplays, presents daily as girl and pushes their tits up with everything they wear (nothing against trans people but really?)
>Have motorcycle but no car so I decided to PAY my buddy to take my medium sized suitcase, duffel bag w spare Normie clothes and 3D printed helmet. My buddy drives a Toyota Highlander too so plenty of space for 4 peoples reasonable luggage
>We’re caravanning bc my bike doesn’t have nav so I’ll follow them, plan is to make a pit stop to pick up fakeboi on the way
>Get to fakebois house and it turns out they have like 4 large suitcases and a MASSIVE dress that has to stay on a mannequin because they didn’t finish it but planned to do so in the room
>Can practically see the gears start turning in fakebois head on who to blame for this “can’t blame guy driving me, can’t blame autistic female, guess I’ll blame guy who I don’t know”
>Proceeds to blame me for taking up space when “I’m not even riding with them”
>I fire back with “I’m paying for my small space, why do you need all that stuff” and get real snarky about it
>fakeboi fires up the crocodile tears about how they’re having a “panic attack” and how I’m being a “rude and unreasonable dick” and that they’re autistic
>Buddy sees me about to pop off so he and his gf come up with a compromise where she’d put the food bags under her legs so fakeboi can put one of their suitcases there.
>Things seem to mellow out after that, everyone apologizes and we hit the road
>On the Highway some dumbfuck almost merges into me, I have to pin the throttle to haul ass out of the way, pass my buddy’s car in the commotion but slow back down so he can lead the way

>I ride a Kawasaki Ninja so when I pin the throttle like that it gets loud
>Pull off for pit stop at Moes halfway to Atlanta
>Fakeboi first one of out of the car and angrily walks to confront me that I “made my bike loud on purpose” to give them “sensory overload”, “scare them” and “make them spill their drink” in the car
>I was fucking fuming, start screaming about how I could have died, how close I came to dying and how ridiculous the accusation was
>Fakeboi said that I saw them drinking from behind the car and that used the incident to jump scare them
>”My brother is a professional rider so he knows and I’ve never seen him do that and he’s never been in a wreck”
>I tell fakeboi that’s ridiculous and to put my bike helmet on, go stand the distance I was from the car and ask what they can see from that distance wearing a tinted helmet looking into a tinted back window
>Fakeboi kinda shuts up after that
>Buddy and gf pull me aside when Fakeboi is in bathroom, say that they know Fakeboi was wrong but that I should apologize for screaming so loud
>In the interest of keeping peace I say yes but only if Fakeboi apologizes for the ridiculous accusation they made
>Fakeboi comes out of bathroom
>Decide to beat fakeboi at own game, I apologize for yelling but get my progressive points back by saying that I want an apology bc I have “trauma” about accidents
>Not wanting to lose any face, fakeboi acts all fake sorry about upsetting me
>Rest of the ride up to Atlanta was fairly peaceful
>Fakeboi wants extra help with bags, wants their stuff taken first
>We all go to Korean BBQ w some friends later on that night
>Fakeboi and I are stuck sitting by each other
>In the interest of being nice, I start a convo w Fakeboi and it’s kinda nice. Fair amount in common surprisingly, taste in anime, vidya, bbq, sake and soju
>fakeboi tells me about their brother who rides. “You remind me of him anon”
>Fast forward everyone’s back in the room after briefly checking out the con
>It’s Thursday night so the con is kinda dead, we’re all just chilling in the room
>Ask if anyone minds if I watch tv, everyone says it’s fine. But they’re all preoccupied on their phones or sewing so they said I’d be the only one watching
>Decide to turn on Thursday Night Football
>”OMG Do we HAVE to watch sportsball? It’s toxically masculine and all my Dad does is watch football. Anyone who likes this sport is probably secretly gay, like you’re watching big sweaty men beat each other up and play with balls. You’re one of us honey get over it”
>Fakeboi is in female booty shorts and a thin tank top with no bra and nipples poking through because “they’re a boy teehee” and is working on their dress
>In the interest of being peaceful I put on adult swim and watch the game on my phone
>Fastforward to Saturday Night, Friday was pretty uneventful. Fakeboi and I went and hung out with our respective friend groups
>Going back to room to change into bug catcher Pokémon trainer cosplay (my casual drinking cosplay)
>Fakeboi is in there, just them and me
>I change into my cosplay, but just as I go to grab my phone fakeboi says
>”Everyone says you’re such a sweet guy Anon, I was wondering why you were such a dick to me at first and then it hit me and it all makes so much sense…”
>”You don’t have to hide it Anon, you’re attracted to me and you’re wondering if that makes you gay or not. It’s ok Anon you don’t have to hide it, you can be open with it. I can sense the tension between us and I find you attractive too”
>It was at this point in my tipsyness that I briefly considered biting my tongue for some quick pussy
>Decided it wouldn’t be worth the fallout, labeled “gay” plus I don’t think I could fuck someone with he/him pronouns regardless of how female they are

>last posted 7 hours ago
RIP, anon.
anon got got by the he/him pussy
My bad guys, I thought the final response posted. Anyway here is the conclusion

>Instead of laughing in fakebois face and being unfairly labeled a transphobe all over social media for the rest of my life I decided to do an ego stroke approach on fakeboi
>”I’m sorry fakeboi, it’s just that I feel I can’t date anyone who uses he/him pronouns. You’re an attractive individual but I feel like if I was to have sex with you I’d be internally misgendering you and viewing you as a girl and I don’t want to do that”
>Fakeboi tells me that they don’t mind being called “a sissy” and “a girl” in bed but can’t stand being misgendered anywhere else. Unprompted said that if we dated I’d have to call them “my boyfriend”
>Awkwardly leave the room to go out and drink some more
>Before I leave fakeboi says “if you ever feel like coming out of the closet finally hit me up”

The rest of the weekend was kinda w awkward but fakeboi was nice to me (probably in hopes that I’d change my mind) and since their dress was all sewn there wasn’t the same big fight about space on the drive back down. Fakeboi still likes all my photos, responds to my Instagram stories every now and then and still dresses feminine as possible, takes no testosterone and pushes their tits up to their fucking collarbone same as before.
hello, what is her instagram sir
i would like to meet fakeboi
that's not a horror story, that's based
>He was pretty wealthy
>They were all high
now you know dating out of your class isn't really the move i suppose
I would but this story would be easily recognizable to fakeboi and I don’t feel like being cancelled for the rest of my life lol
You should know your place then yli broke bitch.

You think high value men wont cheat and do whatever they want? Youre nothing to him.
>Fakeboi tells me that they don’t mind being called “a sissy” and “a girl” in bed but can’t stand being misgendered anywhere else. Unprompted said that if we dated I’d have to call them “my boyfriend”
>Before I leave fakeboi says “if you ever feel like coming out of the closet finally hit me up”

...did you

HAHAHAHAHA holy fuck BASED???? What a legend! All 3 of you tasted his dick.
how about instead of room shit we post naughty things you do at cons, I'll start
>room party won't let me in so I report them for a noise complaint
>some thot cosplayer being annoying I complain they aren't wearing a mask to security
>if a room party won't let me drink enough I take a shit and don't flush before exiting
>join discords for a room promising to pay cash then nope out of the room on the first day bouncing to another room and blocking the people
>tell LBGT people wrong directions, if they can't find their gender why should I help them find the door?
>never buy a badge even for small cons of <1000
>join con discords just to back up or start claims of stupid things just to watch them crumble
I'm pretty sure this is bait but I can name a bunch of people who do this exact shit
Nah, not worth the headache. Even though fakeboi was a girl in every sense of the way (again nothing against REAL trans people) no sexual partner is worth that much shit, and I just know once I’d tap it’d make things 10 times worse.
i've dealt with similar types, you'd be surprised how much potential relationship drama can be dodged when you frame it to them as "just bros hanging out fucking", bc then that is in a way actually very affirming of their identity
This seems like it can only lead to affirming the fujo view that men secretly want to fuck all their friends, is that an idea we really want to perpetuate?
Worst experience I had was I was fucking my gf and right before I was gonna nut the police broke the room of the door down and raided the room
Fucking narcs
you know the pussy would be interstellar
How was the ass game? If "he" had a nice ass and you passed I'll be pissed
Friend, boning enbies or girls larping as transmen is next-level sticking your dick in crazy. It's sublime, but it's also a huge risk and you are not going to walk away from it without some sort of trouble. Just be prepared.
>He had the same boring costume every day, Trigun,
I know exactly who you're talking about lmao
Is the ass fat? Then I accept the consequences
Girl's bf is the definition of shit. Never showered, brushed teeth, thought he was hot shit for being in some shitty band, was a huge asshole bitching about every little thing. Also had some form of diabetes that made him have random dyharia and it didn't help he would eat nothing but candy and drink constantly. Roomed with them twice and on the second time he literally shit the bed and the room holder and us literally beat the shit out of him and threw him and his gf out. Ran in to the gf before covid and she told me that they are fully broken up. Apparently he stole all her money and is not living in Florida to be in a polly relationship with 2 underaged girls he met.
lmfao he sounds based as fuck wow
You say that until she starts telling everyone that you’re in a “homosexual relationship with another man” and “a gay couple” and the minute you break up with them you’re labeled a transphobe and maybe even a rapist depending on how vindictive they are.

Not worth it bro
How does some like that manage to acquire a gf? Like even if the girl is busted, what goes through some womans mind to fuck dudes like this?
Taking notes to find your first gf? He was probably hot or charming. Or she was equally repulsive and/or lonely.
I make enough money to room alone ;_;
Some women are just fucked up in the head. Actually, scratch that, MOST women are fucked up in the head.
This is getting a little too specific, what is this referring to?
There was one anon who said she soaked a seat at a holmat event or something. Maybe expand on that? What about the dress or seat. Did anyone notice
I was at a horror con in FL in may and it was ok. It wasn’t as big as others and didn’t have movies on display but I saw the new Michael Myers again, the woman from sleep away camp who took a pic for free, then Corey Taylor and he played a set there and it was fun until I heard my dad got in a fight with security over something
Money causes a lot of them since everything is so expensive and some might not agree on autograph or pic prices
So, how many times have you been cheated on by your gfs?

Thats the first mistake. All girls are temporarily for fucking. I dont pretend she's my one and only.
Are we talking Vash the Stampede? Because his costume is far from boring.

Cheating sucks, and he’s an asshole for doing it. But when you are part of the top ten %, he’s gonna get pussy thrown at him left and right.
are you just posting this everywhere until you get a story you can jack off to? you also posted >>10818354
Chad move

I'm surprised you didn't get accused of rape by someone like that.
Not my room but

> colossal con 2015
>me and friend going back to room
>all of a sudden a door swings open and a guy and girl are thrown out.
>girl is crying her eyes out and the people inside the room are going off on the guy they just threw out about doing something to the girl.
>Think where about to see some creeper get his ass beat.
>some guy deep in the room yells "THERE'S FUCKING BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!"
>Girl crawls over to stop the fight and explain
>Just before she starts guy yes "AND SHIT IS FUCKING SOAKED IN THE FUCKING BED"
>turns out guy and girl are going out and decided to try anal sex for the first time
>they went way to rough resulting in her spewing blood and shit everywhere.
>girl then looks us dead in the eyes and says "it was the best orgasm I've ever had in my life"
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man, it's funny how nerd people having sex can make sex so... funny
holy shit
Damn at least they finished lmao
You missed a bullet early at least.

That said, most of those stories are Horror stories because it involves literally sgharing a room with strangers, so it's a roll a roll of dice. Always share with someone you know or at least its related to someone you trust
who threw them out? first time anal with an audience seems...weird.
How do you wear a jacket in a boring way?
just got back from a con and boi do i got a story

>friend asks if he can bring a friend (I'll call him "this guy").
>this guy seems decent enough online, also trust him because friend of a friend.
>og friend bails because he's broke, so this guy helps find two more guys. so far, so good.

>this guy comes in dragging a giant trash bag of stuff. i guess he couldn't shell out for a luggage or something but i'm not gonna shame someone for being a poorfrog.
>lend this guy my sewing kit, and he ends up keeping it with his stuff "for convenience" when i asked about when he's returning it (spoiler: he never returned it)

>i wake up to see this guy's stuff just exploded all over the bathroom. it looks like a makeup influencer was fucking murdered because the towels were all covered in blotches of brown and red. all sorts of make up containers are littered over the sink, and to top it off, this guy's makeup bag is in the sink?!? like who does that?
>come back with other roommates, and the mess has continued spreading. this guy literally set up a tripod and everything to take selfies.
>come back after partying and the bathroom is an even better miss. this guy left his shapeforms and underwear literally just lying around in the bathroom.

to be cont.
the stories of this guy, cont.

>this guy wakes up the room at 7 am by talking to himself loudly. Like legit narrating fucking everything while he does stuff. idk if he's just like this or he's a super big vtuber fan and trying to "practice for when i start streaming"
>he had an entire monologue about coconut oil with like literally just one point.
>lost his badge because he put it on his ground-bed and flipped around the entire room while narrating the stages of grief, convinced himself that the next location would be it with arbitrary reasoning (it wasn't), started nerd raging/panting really loudly, and then finally found it underneath the actual bed next to his ground-bed. if i didn't need to take a major shit i would've booked it.
>whined about how he doesn't like eating alone, invited himself to dinner with my friends who I haven't seen in years, tells us he'll just be five minutes to change, and then proceeds to take 30 minutes and more. I missed a rave with hot cosplay girls for this bullshit.
>bathroom is still shit to use. dirty tissues litter the sink counter, makeup bags cover all other usable estate, dirty towels continue to cover the ground. i ask front desk for more towels. they probably think we're having the gayest of messy sex or something.
>come back to find somehow this guy has literally covered the room hallway with his stuff and it's fucking impossible to get through without tiptoeing/hopping over, especially in the dark. his chest pads and panties are on the ground in plain sight. the makeup bag is in the sink. again.

to be cont.
this guy, final part

>this guy wakes up early to go to the convention without having cleaned up first. we almost get penalized for checkout time because he was still cleaning up while i was trying to convince the front desk "he'll be here shortly."
>freaks out over not being able to find the shirt he bought and almost had another badge meltdown.
>burdens the front desk by asking them to hold his trash bag while he goes back to the con.

tldr; roomed with a guy who turned my room into a small landfill.

he also hasn't paid me for the room yet btw
>he also hasn't paid me for the room yet btw
lmao. why do people let this happen to them? when i was responsible for bookings, everyone had to give me half or all their share upfront. and i was paid in full 1-2 months before the con start date. i even threatened to cancel a booking because someone was trying to act cute with paying me, thus turning everyone else against them. if you cant afford to room at a con with others, you have no business attempting to go in the first place. also, if it's a friend-of-a-friend situation, i hold my friend accountable for their friend. ive gone through so much con room BS, that i only have a select few people that im willing split with. if single bed rooms werent so obscenely expensive, id book those instead.
to be fair i did give him a line of credit since he was a friend of a friend, esp since he seems to be one of those poor-financial-decisions sort of weeb (buys hundreds in makeup, doesn't buy a fucking suitcase).

the irony is by leaving such a bad impression i have no reservations about shaking him down for the cash when i feel like it. fortunately money isn't too tight because of my job but at worst if he disappears and fucks off that's the price of never dealing with him again.
Hello anons, if you're in the US hope your holiday was nice. Anyway while this thread is mostly negative. Thought I'd say something I'm thankful for. To set to room I'm normally pretty neet-like outside of cons. Really the only time I solicaize. So I was cosplaying Oz from Pandora Hearts and this chick came up to me cosplaying Shuten Douji. Hung out for a bit till we split up later. This was friday. On saturday night we ended up meeting at a party. I wasn't in cosplay but she was in Shuten Douji again. She didn't say/tried to act like she wasn't but she was a total light weight but wanted to go drink for drink with me. It ended with having a light buzz and her completely hammered. Like we are talking barely able to function levels of hammered. Honestly this is super fucking gap moe. Especially if you know Shuten Douji. Anyway it was like 4am and I tried asking her where she was staying so I could take her back but all she'd reply with is about how she recently got some new plants at home and was taking care of them. So I ended up carrying her back to my hotel room. So I put her on one of the beds and went to sleep on the other. So like an hour or so goes by and I wake up and she is cuddled up next to me. Which you know honestly was pretty great. As I was deciding whether to wake her up or just let her sleep she starts throwing up. As she is facing me I take the first blow lol. Anyway I get her to the bathroom and she continues on and off for prob 30-40 minutes. Through I don't think she ever fully woke up... she went full back to sleep. So I pick her back up and put her back on the bed after wiping her face off. Wake up later and she apologizes for passes out at the party and I say it was no biggy. We exchange numbers and she leaves. The end.

Some might call this a horror story but I honestly wouldn't mind it happening again. Maybe I just like taking care of people. Anyway as an ending reminder don't rape Hanako :p
That's cute. Hope it works out between you guys.
I've posted this one before but it's been some time
>Going to a con with a cosplay group con has a designated "party floor"
>Got stuck with booking 3 rooms for the group one guys on the party floor one girls one couples joined
>I'm in the couples room, good friend with everyone in the couples and girls room
>My friend Mike wants to bring his friend Jake, they didn't have a 4th so cool.
>Room rules are payment sent before con plus $125 per person for incidentals returned after checkout no smoking no drugs
>Friday night decide to get some booze after eating dinner on the way back, go up to the guys room to do some drinking pretty chill and relaxed
>Heard the next day from Mike that Jake decided to go find another room party and came back trashed at like 4am and woke everyone in the room up.
>Jake is still complaining about room rules, tell him that he can book his own room next time if he doesn't like the rules
This is where things get fun
>Jake books room with Mike and two other people other guys find their own room so I only have to deal with my close friends this time
>Jake's credit card gets declined at check in so calls me to ask if I could cover it
>Not no but HELL NO. I guess they got it worked out somehow though?
>Friday night he calls and asks if we have any booze (we do but I'm not sharing with people who aren't my friends)
>tell him if he wanted booze he should have bought some
>Jake says "FINE!" and hangs up
>Later that night Mike comes to my room to crash on the floor because the others are getting too wild and he wanted to get some sleep.
>Find out the next day that one of Jake's friends got arrested for screaming obscenities at the hotel security and the police when they showed up
>Other friend got arrested at rave because he was trying to offer an underage girl drugs
>Next day Jake is complaining that someone broke the hotel room TV and the room was being charged for damages
That's what incidentals are for
Anyone ever find out what the nakacon drama was?
>Rooming with gf, her sister and her sisters friend
>Originally her sister didn't mind sharing the bed with the other guy as she claims it's her gay best friend despite neither of us ever hear her talk about him before
>gf asks me a day before the con if I would switch with her.
>What ever its one king and one pull out couch so the compromised was we would get the king
>First day goes ight and we decide to go to bed.
>Almost asleep and the guy is cuddling up to me
>I'm like nah and go tell gfs sister we are going back to our original sleeping arangerments
>She tried to argue with me but I'm paying for the room so I'm not putting up with this shit
>She eventually gives up
>I wake up around 6 to take a piss and see her curled up in the corner of the room sleeping
>I ask what's up in the morning and she told she just didn't feel comfortable sleeping with him but then later tells my gf that she work up to something poking her ass but then realized what it was when he started rubbing it up and down her thighs.
>I'm about to kick him out but she claims that he was doing it in his sleep and didn't realize
>Gf suggests that us 3 take the king and he gets the couch
>Second day goes good and we go to bed
>Gf wakes me up and whispers that she thinks the guy is jacking on the couch
>Flick light on and there he is not even covered with dick in hand
>I end up kicking him out after that

Third day and check out went alright other than accidently flashing my gfs sister but at that point we just laughed it off
>Chest pads

“He” is an FtM troon isn’t she
As a person who wants to not be a victim.

Should the room host(me) require full payment of other peoples room payment well in advance? Should I do a no refunds rule in case some faggot cancels out at the last minute and stiffs me the bill?
nah just one of those people who are really into femboys and crossdressing. Though I wouldn't be surprised if he went MtF in the future.

It really depends on how well you know the people, also if they have refs.
Total strangers? Insist on payment well in advance. As the booker you're taking the risk so it's only fair you have the rights. If they don't like it, they can find another room.

Friends who've paid before? Usually I let them pay me back whenever, as long as it's not ridiculously late.
Things run on reputation, and usually these horror stories come from the unknown strangers lol.
When I used to do rooms with randos (not anymore, I stick with my friend group now) I requested payment at least two weeks ahead and a non-refund if canceling within like two-four days of the con. Even with my friends now I make them pay me at least before check-in. I refuse to use my own money when we've been planning cons for sometimes months in advance. If you couldn't afford it or can't go you've had plenty of time to let me know.
Yeah, I'm similar, I want the payments when I make the booking or within a couple weeks of that even with friends and definitely before the con. If they can't come it's up to them to find someone to fill the spot and it better be someone that we both know. I don't want to deal with randos or friends of friends any more even though I haven't had many horror stories myself.
One of the first things I do for a con is find out who the card holder is, and how much to pay.
50% down non refundable to reserve a spot and other 50% two weeks before the con
I would ask for the money two weeks before the con as a standard, friend or no.
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Not a room horror story, but about to possibly be a cosplay gathering horror story.

>Organizing a gathering for next year for a niche show
>Rain or shine, no matter turnout, I always run my gatherings on time and never cancel, even if it's just me and one other person. (though that's only happened once out of the 10+ I've run)
>Not many responses of interest so far.
>Only other person interested is a fat tranny who's also a furry.

Anime Jesus, give me strength.

What niche show or would that be too specific?
OP here. When she started spewing shit everywhere the rest of the room heard the commotion and entered. They weren't watching them have sex.
Naming the show could easily draw the comment back to me, so I'll probably have to keep that to myself.
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>anime weekend atlanta 2019
>rooming with 4 other people, 2 i dont know
>someone's stuff apparently went missing
>they (dont know who it was exactly), go through my stuff without telling me when i wasn't there to see if i had it.
>apparently one of the people we roomed with with tried to fight someone or some shit and went mental psycho mode.

i was just as a big piece of shit around that time so i won't comment but atleast i didn't steal anyones shit.
Story please?
Your fault for associating with a faggot
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Lotta scrotes itt
So his gf was a tranny?
Shut your cock holster, slit.
imagine being such a braindead scrote that you actually believe the fanfic written on this board, especially a story as laughably ridiculous as that one
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W-What is the story of Power Girl anon?
He sounds gross as fuck you dodged a MASSIVE bullet. Hope u got better freinds/boyfreind anon.
It was cell phones.
Once people knew their any actions could be recorded and uploaded online at any time, nobody took big risks anymore which has its goods and bads
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I'm booked with my friend + 2 randos. We all agreed they would pay me in cash at the hotel. For the friend, I'll let him pay me back when it is convenient if he doesn't immediately produce the money. For the randos, if they don't hold up the agreement I will just ask them to sign a small agreement saying they will pay me by.

It is really all about reputation and trust when booking with strangers.
Actually yeah the harrassments still happening but everyone's to afraid to get caught so they keep it in the "how to find hot booby succulent moist gf at con" threads.
Anon motorboats teens.
Not sure if the right thread but is about rooming
>anon we will call ted is part of our normal room groups
>Room under my friend who is also a friend of Ted+ some others
>I know for a fact ted did not pay for the room himself
>Last minute con friend wants me to tag along I just had some car issues so my budget was pretty low
>Ask friend if I can just floor space and bring some liquor+snacks I have from home to the con as payment since they will be buying that shit anyways
>At least 80 dollars worth of this, friend agrees this is fine for floor space
>fast forward con goes over fine(mostly)
>Ted asks why I haven't paid, tell him that I spoke to room owner about just using the floor space and payment was the booze/food I brought
>"Well everyone else paid cash so... I don't know anything about that. So you should probably get cash out"
>Laugh explain I thought X booked the room, so I talked to him and he is fine with the booze and stuff I brought
>Ted looks at me and says I should still pay cash if I intend to room share
>tell him to go ask friend about it because I spoke to him regarding this situation
>over the next few days ted keeps bringing up "how everyone should pay for the room" even the room host is a bit confused says everyone is good
>during packing, host is downstairs checking out
>Ted tells me straight up I need to pay him money over paypal because he spoke with host and that wasn't the case at all
>hung over and tell him whatever I'll get them back on facebook to clear it all up because I know host said it was fine on FB/texts
>get back home send him a screenshot saying host did approve this form of payment and that he wasn't the room host
>Ted basically stops talking to me
>few cons come and go get a weird feel from people I use to know but just figure it's some dumb shit
>gets harder and harder for me to find people to room with as time goes on but don't make any connection
>con that started it all comes back room with friend
>stay with friend host a room party all seems to be going good but weird vibe around me for some reason
>Some drunk dude offhandedly says to my friend "Hey make sure this guy pays this time okay I heard he skipped out on paying my friend last year"
>Friend confused as to what he means was paid as I only got floor space
>"Oh I dunno man Ted said anon here stayed with him a few times and never paid"
>Friend confused as fuck because he knows Ted never has hosted a room in his con/cosplay life
>Asks ted wtf the next day about it
>Ted tells him he wasn't aware of that and just was "looking out for him"
>Friend comes back to me tells me that ted wasn't aware, but I show him the texts/FB shit about where I detailed it and Ted still wanted cash
>Friend doesn't even keep it private at this point straight up asks Ted in front of people what the fuck is going on
>Ted basically deflects into some BS about how it was a long time ago he isn't sure what he meant but it was for the best! promise!!!!1
>Friend pretty pissed given the evidence against him
>Con goes by turns out Ted has been doing this scam to others
>Over the past year has been spreading roomers about how the people he scammed were massive piles of shit and how they skip on the bill to discredit them before they know what's going on
>begins to come to light over the next few days/weeks
>he's also been stirring constant drama against users in discord to keep people not trusting eachother
>this all blows back on Ted
>ghosts all his accounts
>haven't seen him at a con scene since

Justice was sweet, but holy fuck man I did not know this apparently was a common thing in the con community when I talked about it to others.
How do I room with random? Where do I look?
This will destroy the thread but here. I planned to room with an ex-friend and her friends and she ditched me and her 14 year old brother and his friends who tagged along. I didn’t have a ride home and basically had to babysit them and share a room with them and slept on the floor. Also I was cosplaying as Power Girl. They were creepy and awkward but nothing happened. Then cgl accused me of being a pedo and sleeping with them for 300 posts.
Thank God you have an actual gold freind Fuck Ted he sounds like a loser
Ok but did you have to cosplay Power Girl you are basically showing the kids your boobs all day. Just dress casual.
300 people responded with you're a pedo? I hate to break it to you, but you did some pedo shit. Unironically, seek help.
you dodged 3 bullets, desu. They weren't your friends, and he was community dick. I hope you heal quickly.
Not saying you are a pedo, but imagine if it was a guy rooming with 3 horny teenage girls and walking around with them in a revealing costume.
People would be calling the police on that dude.
bruh. why would you do this??
I just stopped dating after that. I tried to become a lesbian but realized I'm Ace. I try not to talk to other humans IRL anymore
Hang in there. You should join an ace community or something. That shits terrible but not everyone's like that your freinds were just grade A degenerates. Hoping things get better and if you ever room again u get to have an actual normal fun time.
no offense, but everyone would do it if offered the money. I don't trust anyone anymore. Sometimes I think about going back to him and living a normal life tho...
No offense but the last time a guy offered me money for that I laughed at his gross ass. You do you of course if you think it's easier. But not every man with money is that embarrassing.
Could it be that your bf was sexually frustrated because you weren't giving him sex?
So he cheated instead of just dumping her? Unlikely.
I'm not some whore. I would never fuck before marriage.
This is bait but if you don't feed your cat it will seek food elsewhere.
If you don't fug ur boyfriend b4 marriage that means it's okay for them to fug someone else?
Ignore the spinster haters. They hate to hear about young men winning.
Women love ain't shit men. You haven't figured that out yet?
>“trans” friend who despite being a “boy” only does girl cosplays, presents daily as girl and pushes their tits up with everything they wear
Known a few people who do this, one of them once got mad at me cause I called them a "she" in passing, like wtf do you want me to do, you are wearing a skirt and have your tits halfway out
>be a gold-digger
>be poor
>have friends as shallow and stupid as you
>be surprised your bf dumped you and fucked your friends
why would you want to unless you are a sex predator?
Honestly it sounds like most of these problems are caused by poverty.
nor/mlp/erson here.
i win automatically
apart from my friend who saw a pedophile called toonkritic getting away with it and he stole his stupid hat and threw it in the toilet, took a photo and tweeted it
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>why would you want to unless you are a sex predator?
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>be room host
>offer to a few of my friends room
>get it filled
>few weeks before the con friend messages me to check about hotel
>login to third party booking site
>see hotel exactly across the street from hotel originally booked is about 150-200 dollars cheaper for the weekend
>same style/star hotel with same walking distance to con
>Basically going from a Hilton to a Holiday Inn Express
>even has free breakfast for the room
>oh fuck yeah booking this
>let group know, seems like everyone is cool their bill is lower and we get breakfast
>one guy moment
>dude has a habit of 'forgetting' to fully pay his share of rooms but we kinda overlook it we all know he isn't a rich anon
>literally a .01 mile difference if that, like a cross walk city block at most
>anon proceeds to flip the ever-loving fuck
>show on the map where old hotel is and where new one is, also explain they don't need to pay me as much when we get there AND freebreakfast
>proceeds to still flip out like I kicked their dog or cat
>backs out
>okay whatever room is now OG price but with less cramped space and free breakfast
>have a blast
>anon butthurt acts like he's still coming tell him we have space still but we gotta go over the price shares again
>"is coming to the con"
>never shows
>after the con friend furious about how he supposedly showed up to the con, we fucked him out of a room, and told him the wrong hotel
>keeps this story up to this day about it
>turns out friend was broke all along, just like we thought

I will never understand why broke anons attempt to go to cons, they somehow always make the biggest scene's and spread the fucking dumbest rumors imaginable.
>literally a .01 mile difference if that, like a cross walk city block at most
Jej. While I know this sounds like a very "special" case, there really are people who will cry about walking like they're deathly allergic to it. Remember seeing one like "I don't wanna wait 20 minutes for an Uber so Paco can drive me two minutes to my hotel." Pretty weak desu
Yeah reminds me of this time, had a hotel literally 2 blocks offsite maybe .25 miles if we are rounding up.

Was a Best Western ~200 Thurs->Sunday only problem was it wasn't onsite, could still easily walk to and from the con good weather too.
okay anon but like it's walk-able besides no need to do elevator line con then
So what is?
>long rant about how staying off site kills the con vibe and how you can't score or get into any parties
Yeah but we save so much money and besides not like we can't do something at our place or bring some booze for a friend over to their rooms

Was something like 179 or so a night for onsite and not even that great a con. Will never understand the do-or-die mentality with hotels and cons.
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They need to be more tactful. Like book a room
charge people a little more for the room making it free just for you and still pay off the room cost. Also obtain those sweet bonvoy member points if its a Mariott run hotel. Rinse and repeat. This works better with popular con hotels and if you are a girl like I am
>I'm a girl (by the way, in case you couldn't tell which you obviously did)
Man, I'm so glad my poor days of rooming with randoms was over before the trans shit blew up.
yelled at a girl at KatsuCon for stealing my bed spot. She stole it when I went to get up to use the bathroom
Actually it's funny you mention katsu because I have a story to be heard
>know a person for a long time
>stay with them at multiple cons, introduce them to room parties, be company to help them out
>even follow them after the con to the airport and stuff helping them not be solo loner
>be me at katsu
>fly up for this
>help anon out all day 0 and hang out with them
>come back to their room for a rest
>""Well anon I hate to state this but I booked this room for ME and my friends. you aren't paying so you aren't staying" his exact words
>I snap back oh I thought we were friends
>he goes on to accuse me of not paying for rooms that previous cons I stayed in along with other shit
>I tell him I've been helping him out since day 1 to find room parties, have a good con time, and not look like a loser loner
>he goes, get this [spoiler]I never asked you for any of that I do not care about any of that. If you wanna stay you need to pay[/spoiler]
>pissed and go sleep in DCA for each night

SOME FUCKING FRENDSHIP ASSHOLE. I helped you out after YEARS of things. This is how you repay me?
you actually seem in the wrong here lol
I encountered an content creator/influencer irl who was a bad influence to my circle of friends and scammed us technically

>We met by circumstances.
>He had a room booked well like 5 rooms booked technically according to them.
>He helped me and my group of 5 secure one of the rooms in the main hotel for this con
>The price was pretty much around 300 per person in the room.
>Wondering why despite having 6 people we each had to pay 300
>Says its still a good deal being 99 per night and that was what the hotel price was
>Shrugs it off and say "okay" but kinda felt like something was off
>Other friends of mine didnt care they just wanted to be in the main hotel for easy access
>Fork over the total amount to this guy and he gives us the keys to the room and goes off to his own room saying "If you need anything give me a contact.
>Doesnt provide any contact whatsoever
>Tells my con roomates about free breakfast across the street at another hotel which he planned to go to every morning
>encouraged my other friends in the room to go and eat free food
>told my friends its okay to go in the morning and eat other hotels food because its free
>I didnt like the idea of stealing food from a hotel that I wasnt staying in so I passed
>Spend the whole weekend never hearing from him again
>At the end of the con realized the hotel cost was half the amount we paid for in total
>this guy doubled his money and kept the extra money
>Didnt want to say anything to my friends or tell them because they thought he was a cool guy that could help them get laid etc
>Decide to never rely on convention randos for a room hookup ever again
I think the term you were looking for was mentally ill or malnourished
pay your share of the hotel anon. doesn't matter how good of friends anyone is.
aw, they're kind of right but that's a childish way to behave. maybe one of their friends put that into their head (if they did a 180 personality change)
why not expose him if he is a content creator?
shared a room with a guy that was like 400 lbs and snored literally as loud as a chainsaw. I could barely hear the music in my own earbuds. Never shared a room again.
femcels are more hilariously pathetic than regular incels.
i'm 99% sure that my best friend's gf was licking my feet while i was sleeping while at youmacon. left early and have never spoken to her or him since. the fact that they never tried to contact me again after i silently left like that speaks to both of their guilt, somehow. i will never know the full story.
The obvious (probably not entire) explanation is confusing you for him. That begs more questions, but still.
Good on you for not and don't do it, that goes for anyone in this sort of situation. It's literally just a power game for them. They want to feel like they can have anyone and make anyone anything for them. Unless you know how to play them it's never worth it, and even then it's debatable. Should have said something akin to knowing who you are and finding it offensive that your identity isn't being respected because of their overactive hormones.
Not that anon, but I assume it would get struck down for drama posting if names were named. Or its completely fake idk
how do you know it wasnt your friend licking your feet?
he doesn't have long hair
y didnt he report the pedo to the police?
Show me your cosplay
Nigga dafuq lmao
Not me but

>had a friend who got locked out there room bc other friend was taking a bath with both doors locked

>another friend got nearly attacked by some girl's crazed ex bc he thought dude had sex with the girl despite my friend having on two layers of clothes

>friend nearly stabbed someone in my friend room (same friend from second story

>my bff got locked out his room bc our other friend's were having sex and he really needed to take a dump

The worst that happened when I had a room and shared it was someone banging on the door looking for me and waking my other friends. Not really sure, wtf they wanted bc everyone told them I was down by the rave.
do you have an onlyfans?
Footfags strike again...when will they leave us alone?!
You went with anons from here? I don't know if that would make me more or less comfortable seeing how the /k/ meetup went down
>tfw forever loser loner
girls cant be footfags
No but the temptation would remain
"Hotel horror stories" always happen because people don't do basic research and don't have basic common sense. Yeah, you're cramming 12 people into a room meant for four max and you haven't met nine of them before this weekend, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?
you do realize they jacked off to you right?
you basically raped them mentally
Who cares? I'm a dude and I jacked off to everything at that age. ESPECIALLY the thought of being mentally raped.

Twitter is that way.
So one guy I roomed with was lusting after another girl like it was nobody's business. Then he realized that he was friendzoned and he whipped out his big nice guy fedora wearing energy and had an alcohol fueled meltdown in the room. And I was having such a good Saturday night too.

10/10, never again.
They sound based.
cool story bro
You shouldn’t be allowed to attend cons if you can’t even afford your own hotel room. Genuinely pathetic.
according to this thread 90% of girls who go to cons are asexual. does that just mean "I don't want fat creepy weeaboos to hit on me"?
I went with my then-gf and her pit bull. It ate half the mattress while we were at con.
Yes. Lemmie add to the thread.
>Find out last minute I can go to a local con.
>None of my friends want to/can go.
>Hit up the FB roomshare saying looking for space for Fri night.
>One response.
>Chat with guy on FB messenger
>Agree to meet at public spot so he can 'feel me out'.
>Get to cob early Fri morning (11am) , get badge and roam a little.
>Meet and hang for a little while while talking and roming the con.
>Guy is sperg central, but I enjoy intense passion about autistic stuff.
>He shoots a message to his friends, I'm in.
>Go to meet said friends.
>6 other people in the room.
>Obviously viewed as an interloper.
>Break the ice with a few of the more chatty ones.
>Suggest going to dinner.
>Most are from out of down to I tell them about a bar with good food down the road, walking distance.
>They agree after looking it up.
>Quickly realize on the walk that sperg who invited me 100% is in the group out of obligation.
>No one really talking to him.
>Try to bouce between the 2 small groups while walking to establish myself.
>By the end of dinner, most have opened up pretty well to me.
>Autism guy seems upset.
>Go back to hotel and redouble effort on drinking.
>Go to a late night panel a little later that has karaoke and alcohol.
>Host is giving out free home-brewed beer to anyone brave enough to come up front.
>Autism guy steps up.
>While he's on stage, one guy tells me he's insanely light weight.
>Also reveales that no one really liked him.
>I appologize for popping in through him because I felt bad for getting in through the 'weak link'.
>Another guy in the room tells me to shut up and that he's had a lot of fun hanging out.
>Autism guy finish he song, slams the beer, and comes back to sit down.
>Within 10 minutes, he's a stuttering mess, going back up to ask for another beer and getting denied.
>Comes back to seat and has mental breakdown sobbing about how everyone in the group ignores him.
>People try to cheer him up with fake sympathy and he calms down.
>Other than an extreme snorer and an overstuffed room, Sat comes and goes with little incident, autism gut keeping to himself most of the day.
Simple story, may have posted it in the past. Not total horror but to this day I do still feel bad about it a little kind of 'sneaking' into the room through the least liked guy. I can at least feel better in the fact that 2 of the other people in the room added me on socials and we met up at another con a few months later for a drink.
you played you cards very well anon, im impressed by how you handled they/them mongroids. this couldave been a nightmare
very well handled, you seem like a good dude anon. your story has also increased my hatred of transtrenders by 784%
Just happened this past otakon:

>Be nice enough to buy and cook breakfast for bum roommates because they sleep til the afternoon.
>Be nice enough to buy more alcohol/other shit to make sure they're ok
>Be unjustly accused of "assault"
>Be kicked out of room for saturday/sunday
>They threw my shit in a box and left it in the hallway
>Stole my shoes
>Stole my color treated hair supplies
>Get treated like a criminal
>Were nice enough to include the box for my safety razor...without the razor in it
>Had to deal with DC metro police
>Had nowhere to change so drove home in cosplay
>They made it up and admitted so.

I'm never going back to otakon. The locale, all the hotel staff, the weather, and DC in general suck cock.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention, the shit cherry on top was the person in charge of this room was apparently a staffer. Somehow they got a hold of FIVE rooms. They didn't even stay in mine.
Another late addition. Tire blew on the way home so I had to change it while still in cosplay.
Well, shit. Otakon 23 gave me my worst con room experience ever, but not even close to this level of bad
The worst part is the fucking asshole head of the room was head of disability services for the con.

Also, non-sequitur, but I stubbed my toe bad while drunk. Like BAD bad, as in the entire nail of my big toe is about to fall off.
Pic related
>unjustly accused of assault
so what happened
Wash your foot pls, it might end up getting infected
Turns out "molested a girl" turned into "assault" which I later learned was code for "way too drunk."

Fuck those people and fuck that room.
were you drunk or was she? or both? if you took advantage of her when she was incapacitated that's absolutely assault.
i have a feeling this accusation may not have been so unjust
I wasn’t even in the room. I was at a friend’s room and wanted to go back to my room to sleep, but they didn’t wanna let me in because I was too drunk. No one was physically touched or involved whatsoever.
drunkards must pay for making everyone else's con experience worse
>Always the one to book the room
>One friend always bitches about the price and somehow gets everyone to side with him.
>Always have to make last minute changes.
>None of them ever invite others and expect me to find people to fill our room slots.
>Also don't want anyone they don't know and bitch about my choices cause 1 time many years ago we kicked a person out and one of them is a retard that decided to sleep next to the door and was pissed people stepped on her.
>One friend always drops out at the last second and then pretty much stays with us the entire weekend.

The real nightmare.
Broke people in general confuse me cause most the time they really are just lazy fucking idiots. My one broke friend constantly calls off work and eats out and then wonders why he has no money. He was bitching to me about how he wwas supposed to get OT pay and had to teach him that OT is only for when you work more than 40 hours and unless you have PTO you don't get paid. The look of pure confusion and insult on his really made me question why I hang out with him.
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This thread is also a year old and only now I realize the connection between the OP image and the theme
>going to AMW. had a falling out with the friend i was originally gonna room with since she invited me. fallout unrelated to rooming, she was just a nasty bitch and i didnt wanna be around her. but i already had a ticket so i had to hurry to find someone new.
>pop into the AMW discord to try and find a new roommate. find a guy, X. We make our plans and get 2 other people. Finally meet at the hotel, and at check-in he has to call his dad to give him money. Weird, but whatev. We get the room. Everyone's nice and chill, me and X even get the same maid cafe timeslot so we hang out a bit.
>End up having a great time. One of the roommates is a panelist so I go and support her too since I have nothing going on at the moment.
>Months later, X asks if I'm going to CAD and if I wanna room with him. I wasn't originally planning on going, but I figure hey, why not, and we agree to room together again. He said he already booked the room and even sent me a youtube video tour of it. its a suite with 2 fucking floors.
>10 days before CAD. X suddenly tells me he cant go, but if anything changes he'll let me know. im pissed, but bite my tongue and stay civil while I ask him for a link to the discord server so I can find a new roommate. instead of sending me a server link he says "ok im going. not sure but maybe." wonder what the fuck im even supposed to say to that and just tell him I still want a server link just in case.
>he says "yeah let me see" and says nothing else. i keep pestering him but he's gone. finally the day of the con comes and I'm still trying to get ahold of him. Finally I tell him its an emergency and he needs to communicate.
>i shit you not, this fucking jackass responds with "well what do you want me to do"
>and in case you thought this guy couldn't get any stupider, he doesn't send me a server link. he says "ill text the admin" and then sends me a fucking screenshot of 18+ server.

>the fuck am i supposed to do with this?
>i tell him again to give. me. a fucking link. finally he gives me one and i wonder what the fuck took him so long. its literally the day OF the con and i have no hotel room because of this moron.
>i say thanks, he responds with "youre welcome, ill be at the con btw"
>is this guy fucking serious. make up your fucking mind.
>i ask him if that means we can room together
>he says "nah sorry im crashing at a friend's place"
>i ask him if he still has the hotel room booked so hopefully i can join the rest of the group as originally planned
>he texts and asks them. i wonder why he has to fucking ASK if a person can join a room when they already planned to be there. and i soon find out why.
>he tells me "yeah they don't have space for you sorry"
>I genuinely want to fucking strangle X. I put my foot down and tell him this was not fucking okay.
>I know what I can do though. In a few hours, con-ops will be set up. So after taking a lil nap in the hotel lobby, I throw away every ounce of dignity I've ever had, and go to con-ops to tell them I need help finding rooming plans.
>guy tells me "lucky for you we still have some volunteer positions open, and volunteers get free rooming". I also meet another guy at con-ops who introduces himself as Ryan. I'm a bit of a dumbass myself so it takes me a while to put 2 and 2 together.
>I immediately get started and help them transport a few coolers of sodas for the staffroom. only a couple other volunteers, most havent showed up yet. a few are working badge pickup. Passing on by, guess who I see? None other than X, picking up his badge. I'm like "hey man what the fuck" and forcing out laughter as I speak so it doesn't look like I'm trying to be confrontational.
>he just holds up his hands and says "sorry!" and thats the end of that.
>eventually im told that I dont have to stand around by the badge pickup counter and can hang out in the staff room.

>Ryan is the only person there. There's not much to do so we just chat. we talk about our favorite anime, I tell him I'm a big Hellsing fan. He tells me he cosplays Alucard and does a pretty decent abridged Major impression.
>I notice some wrapped boxes on the counter and ask about them, Ryan says there's gonna be a white elephant and those are the things he's putting in the pool. I brought some things for the swap meet on Sunday, so I wrap a little something and put it in too. We talk more, and other volunteers start trickling in. White elephant is great and everyone is really nice.
>I'm introduced to my 2 roommates. 2 other girls, super nice. Our room has 2 queen beds, and since they've both been volunteering for a while and I'm a newbie, they share a bed and let me take the other one for myself.
>next day rolls around and I enjoy the con while also doing the tiny bits of volunteer work I was assigned. not a whole lot left, mostly unwrapping cup noodle containers. Make chitchat with the one other volunteer. It's nice and chill.
>later that night I work badge registration. Ryan's fiance is shadowing me. I talked with her a bit the day before and she's also super nice. It's pretty late at night so nobody is really coming to pick up badges and we just talk. She runs to buy some poutine. splits the thing in half so we can share. I'm still hungry, buy muffin at hotel lobby cafe. offer her half. i dont use FB much but we add each other. she invites me to the concert later that night.
>Ryan eventually comes out to hang out with us. We talk for like 20 minutes before
>me, being the amazing supergenius I am, say "wait youre ryan kopf right?"
>he's like "yeah lol" and I try to play off my dumbassery by telling him I have a question.
>ofc im not gonna bring up the rape allegations. But I DO want to know one thing.
>"why the fuck isnt liberty city anime con happening anymore?"

>tells me its because they cant compete with ANYC. which sucks. because ANYC sucks. and hell, LCAC is where I met one of my best friends. so im bummed out but oh well, it is what it is.
>eventually badge registration closes for the night and I head up to my room. I end up passing out and missing the concert with Ryan's fiance and I FEEL SO GUILTY. We agree to try and catch the next one tomorrow night.
>tomorrow night comes around and im looking for her. finally I find Ryan and ask him where she is. He says she was asleep. This was a complete coincidence.
>nothing really notable happened after that. had an amazing time despite the really weird situation.

tl;dr because I don't shut up - Dumbass "roommate" fucks me over with his lack of communication. End up spending the con hanging out with Ryan Kopf of all people.
Your kind really should hang themselves just saying.
you need better friends bro hope ur on the east coast
>People would be calling the police on that dude.
It may look suspicious, but they didn't do anything wrong. They just got fucked over.
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I am on the east coast
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Okay legit question.
How much does one need to have an enjoyable con both for you and your possible frens/companions? What is the minimum and what is the comfy guideline, granted its a three or four day event. $300? $500?
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You know which cons he runs and what people think about him, but didn't think there was a chance that a staffer named RYAN at an event run by RYAN might be the guy in question?
About sums it up. Pretty sure I got the record for the world's longest brainfart.
This seems to be a recurring theme.

>Drunk asshole gets too handsy with someone he shouldn't
>Consequences ensue
>Cries about it
>Attempts to gaslight people

Here's a thought, maybe don't treat girls being drunk as a license to molest them. Novel concept I know.
Drunks really are the worst.

>Dude like I was drunk that means I didn't have control over myself!
>I was drunk idk what I'm like while drunk!
>yes it's 6am and everyone has left just one more youtube video while I sneak another drink or two.

I don't put up with this shit anymore. When the party is over I accept no one. I could care less if they drive home drunk and kill someone, get out of my house.
>M is asexual
yeah J definitely done nothing and M is an attention whore they usually attention seeking people
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Bare minimum and worst case scenario is when you are sleeping on a bed with one other bedmate. Three or more to a bed is rodent-tier, and you will feel like shit every single night without exception. Cost-wise, at that point you had better be paying $200 MAXIMUM or you are actively being retarded.

That being said, the comfy threshold will ultimately depend on your own finances and capacity to meet your own desired rooming situation, but what I'd personal regard as minimum for an ideal rooming situation is:
>One person to each bed(couples exempt, but everybody splits costs evenly)
>Roommates you already know, nobody you cannot account for
>Hotel still spoken for during the last day of the con, so you can choose if you want to go home immediately or not (This gives you time to consider partying extremely hard the second-to-last night of the con if you're that type, but also you can leisurely peruse the stalls for final day sales, last-minute events, last-minute photo ops with those few cosplayers still lingering around, passively getting contact information, and even just hanging out with your roommate[s] for one last day at the ass end of the con)
>Food, drinks, etc. in the room so you can choose to feed yourself without needing to eat out every single meal (and most especially have available water handy)
>Some degree of direct passage to the convention, be it a train, bus, or a shuttle that's near the hotel, or simple adjacency to the con center, to make sure at your worst, you can get to and from without calling Uber and the like every time you need to go
I've managed to have all of this for about $4-500 for a 4-day con on regular occurrence, but sometimes I'll go up to a max of $700 if I wind up rooming alone and want to spoil myself for the whole length of the con. Anything beyond that is excessive, poor planning, or unwillingness to budge on some factor that could otherwise cut costs by a significant amount.
reading this literally a year later and i know exactly who this is
Tell me, based quad-fours getter, what was in the deleted post?
Assuming you aren't going to buy shit from the dealers hall $300 minimum.
Where exactly is the partying happening at cons? Im autistic someone please outline for me how these work
he didn't ruin anything
People really need to start doing research that isn’t porn before doing anal.
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It's pretty always in the host hotel, or one really close by if you're in a hotel-dense area. This is where it really pays to be in a group. If I'm out of town, someone I know will give the heads up. If it's a local one, they'll tell me directly since I know pretty much everyone already. If all else fails, I'll check here. Even though that'd the biggest gamble, it still can produce results, since the average person here willing to meetup is also way more likely than average to have a party. Of course if you're at some corporate crap in the middle of downtown with no hotels attached, there's probably nothing happening at all
Not really a horror-story, but happened at last convention
>be me, at the hotel, wantig to go to the convention
>see someone get out of the elevator
>it's someone in cosplay
I obviously knew at this point, where she wanted to go
I took her with me, since I had a car
This barely even qualifies as a story.
This was a few months back buuut
>First time at a new con for me, my friend had invited me
>He also invites a few other friends that i don't know really well, plus one guy just to fill out the room
>Other guy is weirdo photographer creep, actual low level autist
>Proceeds to ruin every roommates con by being drama, drunk and rapey
>Bring him to a room party and he almost rapes some fat tranny
>Gets kicked out by hotel staff on day 2 of 4

Never rooming with strangers again
>Bring him to a room party and he almost rapes some fat tranny
>Gets kicked out by hotel staff on day 2 of 4
And I would had gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling normies!
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Less horror, more a pain in the ass
>Big con that no one likes but attends anyway rolls around
>I refuse to drive that area, and take the bus on Friday
>Guy convinces me that it's not too bad I should drive in tomorrow
>Do it and try to show up early
>Every spot is already gone
>Find a place offering $25 flat rate, not great but not bad
>Come back at night and find the sign now say "$30 for five hours
>Attendant gives me smug "OOOH THAT SUCKS" when I ask what's up and says "$50. But it's not $60 right?
>Dispute this with the bank, rejected for lack of evidence
>Immediately hop on the bus again just to take pic related
>Send this to the bank, get refunded
>Shitbag company actually charges again a month later
>Call the bank and tell them to block any more attempted payments
There is genuinely no lower form of parasite on this planet than a parking lot scumbag.
that's why you always download parking apps or pay with the machine.
Not gonna lie, if I were more impulsive I might have just spit at him. I thought it was weird that they had attendants just standing there when I pulled up and it only made sense after leaving
Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I don't think they had any. Fittingly enough, I got notified just last night that someone liked my review calling the place a scam (notice that sign is cheaply taped on there so they can tear it down every night). Of course this is in a tourist-heavy area so most people won't be able to do anything about it
you can even see several layers of old tape on the sign where they've regularly ripped it down and put it back up
>Why do people always make this seem like shit? Any of you got any horror stories

Because it CAN be shit. My experiences have been great since I've only invited friends BUT the one time I took a rando in because a former friend (who was this well regarded cosplay figure from the Love Live community way back) vouched for this one dude. 2 days later, the guy proceeds to molest a friend of mine while we were sleeping and we only found out about it the next morning. Former friend promised to address it with him personally to stop me from giving people a heads up on social media but it turns out she didn't do so because it would've painted her in a bad light. I only stopped because the victim herself told me not to do so. Also one of the first points that got me to despise career cosplayers in the process, since that former friend essentially buried an actual molestation case just to preserve her career.

Most Anons in general don't gamble on randos, so negative experiences are rare.
People (me) just want you to be a pedo and to have fucked the little boys.
Why do you guys room with random people?
Is it just a money thing? or to meet people?
I don't really get it. I'd rather just have my own room and bring people there or float around.
I don't get this at all.
If you have 5 friends with money, why could you not just book a room? Are they very limited or something?
Most of my friends are poors who can't travel for cons.
Finances. Even on group blocks, the rates can still be expensive.

That said, it's not that horrible if you screen people.
Mainly a money thing. My old group where assholes who would never ask people they know to room with us, but would still bitch about price and not wanting strangers. If you just interview people, or just have a spine you can find new good friends or kick the creeps out fast and pretty much have your room paid for free.
I come on this board once every 6 months or so and even I know this story.
>Why do you guys room with random people?
A con I might be on the fence about and don't want to spend full cash on a hotel for something close-ish.

A meh con can be a lot better if I am only paying 100-150 for the weekend compared to 400
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>Be me
>Holmat 2018
>Ride motorcycle to con bc was poorfag and didn’t have car at the time
>Park bike in white striped line area bc I don’t want to be “that guy” and take up a whole ass parking space as well as risking some dumb weeb pulling into the spot and hitting my bike
>FYI: motorcycles can park in white striped lines in parking garages, but not yellow bc that’s usually handicapped
>Obese landwhale in Lolita Coord comes up to me with another Landwhale-ita in tow
>“Excuse me sir? You can’t park there”
>Tell her I can
>“Actually you can’t, I’m disabled and have a disability tag, you can’t park in lined spaces”
>Try to tell her I can in fact park in the white lined spaces, it’s the yellow spaces that I can’t because those are the ones specifically for disabled people
>“Um you’re wrong it’s literally ANY lined space, what if someone with a ramp parked here, they wouldn’t have enough room to unload”
>Tell her that the closest space is in fact NOT a handicapped space, point to the one further down in the other corner, even IF a disabled person parked there even though they have a much better space near the elevator further down, my bike is 8ft plus from the parking spot border line
>Bitch sends her landwhale friend to go get a parking attendant
>While waiting fatty tells me that if I walk away before this is resolved, she’ll have my bike towed
>Landwhale comes back with some Mexican parking guy who can hardly speak English
>Mexican guy says I can park there
>Fatty starts to spiral, literally pulls up google translate and types shit in to try and “clarify”
>“Jes, he cane parqe hear”
>Fatties storms off to go rejoin their whale pod
>Mexican guy laughs with me and says she’s crazy, no one tows this garage at all this weekend
>Give Mexican guy a few bucks for his time coming all the way up there
>Mexican guy tells me “Mai bomber Gerardo, I watch over jur bike whail ju stay”

God bless you Gerardo
Alright Sheik Aldin, men are simply ravenous animals and women uncovered meat. Go on now, I'm sure you have more Lebanese rapists to spout religious apologetics for.
wtf how do i get into con degeneracy like it seems everyone else is?
>inb4 "make cooler friends"
I'd much rather pay 1k for a weekend than room with my friends, let alone random fuckers. When I wanna shit I wanna shit.
>Mai bomber
Top kek
It doesn't take much to get called a pedo on the internet.
Oddly enough these same people never call out actual pedos like those running hollywood or the "sex work" industry. Really makes you think
Sounds like the kind of things that could be fun but was ruined by the sexual revolution.
We ordered a pizza and decided to save the leftovers for the next day but we found out the cleaning service took it from us even when we had the Do Not Disturb sign outside.
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In this position right now
>book katsu
>hotel is good but someone pulled out due to a medical issue
>decide to go check for shits and giggles places around
>hotel, but it's across the bridge
>whatever we have to uber anyways not walking to the comfort inn from the con
>somehow cheaper and has free breakfast buffet to also help save on costs
>me and other person on board to move to it
>other guy flipping shit because we are "too far" from the parties
>remind him last time we did the comfort inn we still had to uber back and forth to the parties and was fine with it
>acting like someone pissed in his cheerios because we are for moving
>agree's finally but is a dick about it like "Well I guess I need to tell everyone I am staying super fucking far from the event in another fucking state even"
>mfw it's literally just across the river and arguably a nicer place
>Why do you guys room with random people?
Believe it or not I would say most people are chill and trust worthy here. There have been some... unique instances but overall it's generally fine. Most everyone I've roomed with have been people I've gamed with or talked to on discord or met before.

Rooming helps drop room prices especially for cons where I am flying in for or hotels get fucking stupid, see katsu con.
>I don't really get it. I'd rather just have my own room and bring people there or float around.
I would when it's feasible, but for me some cons all I need is a place to shit/shower/shave
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>remind him last time we did the comfort inn we still had to uber back and forth to the parties and was fine with it
Weebs can be extremely pissy when it comes to even mild inconveniences. I try to ignore or even laugh about it now. But more to the point, you've raised two of my main concerns about going to Katsu: knowing where to find parties and catching Uber late at night. Is it gonna be $50 to go up the street? Your posts implies it's not but I'd rather be sure. And for parties, I guess it'd be better to ask instead, are you a "serious cosplayer"?
The past few katsu's ubers have been about 10-15 dollars peaking at 20, and that was to get to the holiday inn express across the way at like 2AM. Most the time to Comfort Inn we were looking at 8-10 bucks, which when we split and took into account we would booze up at the hotel room. Came out ahead compared to buying more drinks at the con.
So you have enough money to come to the con, enough money to do shit around the con, but not enough money to pay people for a room?

I will never understand brokefags, what's worse is 90% of the time you try and call their shit out they have miles of excuses as to how they actually did pay or well they offered to and it wasn't doable or they are paying back next con. I've had someone basically use my room as a crash pad and when I asked for payment or where the money was they kept the excuses up forever and probably to this day. If you have money to come to a con pay up for a place to sleep otherwise don't come.

No your ability to 'hang out' is not a supplement for paying for a room, if the room was free they'd say it was free. If you actually just showed up expecting a free room and then got pissed that he told you no, fucking lmao. You have to be fucking blind to not see that or sheltered beyond saving.
Step 1 - cosplay (preferably something that the community likes, not some weird niche that you like).

Step 2 - approach a cool cosplayer for a photo.

Step 3 - talk about their cosplay, the con, plans and ask if they wanna hang.

Step 4 - tag along and maybe become a degen.
He does it all the time.
i'd be pretty annoyed if you went from hilton quality to holiday inn quality without asking anyone first, have you tried their breakfast? also a $200 saving split 4 ways is nothing
lol its funny ive actually been taking pictures as a way to force myself to interact with people
im very closed off in general so thats my baseline for social interactions, that i shouldnt approach strangers and try to talk to them because it would somehow be a bother to them
i know thats a very limiting belief and its a fucking con, like, compared to normal life surrounded by normalfags, at a con youre 100% guaranteed to have something in common to talk to people about
so im trying to change and open up
The suites are limited, so people will buy them all up to exert dominance over the party room scene, prevent their opponents from getting suites to host a party at, hoard the rooms and resell them for a higher price closer to the con etc
Fortunately I met someone I trust to room with for every con and don't have to worry about crazy shit (most of the time kek)
J for Jamal and M for Melissa (who was white)
Lmao amazing

I've taken to using instant film for a lot of that as I get older. Gives people a cool memento, but it's gone for 20 quid a pack to over 100 and they're a lot less reliable since the last ones expired in 2019.

Still feels special.

I might just adapt the damned thing to run on instax.
My horror story isn't so bad but sucked at the time - roomed with friend (con-goer) and their mom (non-con-goer). In the days before public wifi. Friend's mom is obese and snores insanely loud all 2 nights of 3 day con so neither me nor my friend get any sleep. Then the mom racks up hugeass phone bill by calling relatives on hotel phone - didn't listen to the receptionist's instructions during check-in, nor read the instructions written on the phone, both explaining it's not free. Friend's mom can't afford to pay own phone bill, irately argues with hotel staff for 2 hours while my mom drives down to bail her out and pay for her.
Here's my horror story. It's more extremely awkward and names were changed.
>Anime Expo 2017
>Room with four other guys and four girls
>One of the guys, Dale used to date one of the girls, Chanel
>Dale is 20. Chanel is 18 and has massive breasts
>In between our initial plans and arriving at the hotel, Dale and Chanel break up
>Probably because Dale is a gigantic pervert and cheated on her
>Chanel immediately comes out as gay and starts dating one of her friends
>Dale, who has the sexual appetites of your average hentai protagonist gets a new girlfriend he met on a BDSM website
>She's almost 30 but has the behavior and mannerisms of a toddler
>Both Dale and Chanel bring their new SOs to the Con
>Spend six hours in the same car with these individuals
>At the Hotel, the girls get one room and the guys get another
>Except for Dale and his new girlfriend, who get to be in the guy's room
>Sleeping in the same bed together
>At least one handjob takes place while all of us are in the same room, asleep
>Not to be outdone, Chanel and her gf start acting aggressively gay
>It starts to make everyone uncomfortable
>Rely on Dale for parking
>He parks in the shittiest part of LA imaginable
>Almost get mobbed by tweakers
>Manage to still have fun at the Con though as everyone just does their own thing
>Day 4, go home with guy friends while Chanel stays in LA and Dale goes home with his weird fuckbuddy
Moral of the story: Don't make plans six months in advance with sexually active teenagers
I'm guessing Chanel either has an OF now or she cut her tits off and became a they/them
Liberalism and its' consequences...
How the fuck do you find strangers to hotel room with? The fuck?
>their “trans” friend who despite being a “boy” only does girl cosplays, presents daily as girl and pushes their tits up with everything they wear (nothing against trans people but really?)
This is something I never understood either. I'm an ally and I generally find queer people more interesting than conservatives but it never made sense to me how there's people who identify as men but exclusively cosplay Miku or some shit while not taking a single pill of testosterone.
I can’t imagine being triggered by such inane shit. If a big titty hottie wants to be called a boy I’ll do it and motorboat his himcess moobs later. You roasties work yallselves up over nothing.
If you want to attend cons why would you troll them to crumble them? Seems against your own wishes.

F*ceb**k groups, back in the day.
Facebook is disgusting
>late 2000s local anime con
>end up becoming club president of my anime club and decide to book my own room separate from the club room
>everything's going pretty good day one
>morning of day two, I get a knock on my door
>the club room is being shut down and everyone is banned from the con
>turns out one of the freshmen brought weed and 5 other friends to smoke
>off the interior balcony of the club room
>everyone in the interior courtyard could smell it, point out what room it was coming from, and got the cops called on them
>as club president, I was the legally responsible party, so I had to show up and get grilled by the police as they took the weed
>since our club was on such good terms with con staff, they didn't press charges, but everyone in the room (including the people who didn't smoke) were kicked out of the hotel and banned from the con until next year
>had to decide whether or not to have the freshmen arrested and kicked out of school

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>meanwhile, in another club member's room
>pastel lolita has fucked around and gotten three guys interested in her
>one is an abusive asshole who thinks he's House MD because he has a limp
>one is a nice guy fuck-buddy she's obstinately dating
>one is a self-centered sociopath who wants to fuck/beat her while trauma dumping on her for fun (who isn't bunking with them for obvious reasons)
>sociopath comes knocking
>nice guy goes to confront him
>sociopath has practically two feet on nice guy and beats the shit out of him
>House is practically jerking off because men are fighting over "his woman"
>sociopath and nice guy get arrested and banned from the con
>80% of my anime club has now been banned from our hometown convention
>sociopath gets permabanned because he tried to sneak back in to run his late night panel

There were no more club rooms after this shitshow. Kicked everyone who got the police called on them out of club.

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