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CCC #2 Repent Edition

What recently mischiefs have you done recently? Or plan on perpetuate on your next innocent victims.

Me: Ask someone if I can play Street Fighter II on the SNES classic. It was a close match manage to win, He was getting ready for a rematch but I say thank you and prepare to leave, He leaves first. Also after that pick up some free posters that some left of the consoles table and I leave.

Also repent for being lazy and missing 3 cons this year.
how the hell is this something worth "confessing"
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I sexually harassed an entire convention woth le ebin meme and got banned from that convention for life. I didnt do anything illegal though so i wasnt arrested. It was fun.
i always rip ass loudly in crowded areas at a con.
Okay I secretly recorded girls asses, but deleted the videos because I needed space. Are you happy.
There was one anon who said she soaked a seat at a holmat event or something. Maybe expand on that? What about the dress or seat. Did anyone notice
deleting it is a grave sin. i am satisfied with this confession. go and sin no more
I like to look at all the cute girls even though I have a gf >_>
i gave away expired condoms to horny ass weebs at a late night party
i let a very drunk, yet very sexually aggressive girl blow me at a friend's room party. said girl was going through a breakup and i made the friend mad.
i intentionally gave people wrong directions to panel rooms or big areas because i didnt like their cosplay/character.
i dont cosplay anymore, but i heavily critique my friends and others' cosplays (friends ask for honest opinion)
i unknowingly let 17-18 year olds drink when my booze was being passed around
jerked off in the hotel bathrooms one year because of a very hot cosplayer i was obsessing over the whole weekend and i kept getting half-mast
didnt share water with people during a hot summer con day

she'd think you were gay if you didnt
I've browsed this board and watched cosplay building guides on YouTube for almost a decade but I've never been to a single con. I came so close back in 2017, bought tickets and everything, but I chickened out last minute and stayed home.
A girl at DragonCon grabbed my shoulder thinking I was someone else, when she realized her smile drained off her face and she slowly let go of me with her hand sliding down my arm. I've never felt dirtier.
I'm a comic artist and I used to fuck art groupies who came to my con table. Now I got married and haven't banged a con groupie in over a year, but it's still extremely tempting, especially when they are wearing a slave Leia costume or dressed as one of my waifus.
I cosplay video game characters at anime conventions
I've done sexual things dressed in cosplay. It was not even a sexy costume
i beat off to my friend fucking his smoking hot gf by eavesdropping through the connecting door of two hotel rooms.
gumped it at a con and honestly feel kind of disgusted about it now since she was fat and ugly as shit.
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I am a 'cosplaysexual'. Aka, I can only get it on if me and the other person are in costume. That led me to engage in friendships with people solely because of the costumes they have.

I'm in a country where sex with your costume is taboo and con parties are done in other places, distant from the convention, and they are mostly connected with anime shit (aka naturo and demon slayer), while I do exclusively star wars.

I cough or pass near people kissing each other to make them stop.

I slander some cosplay colleagues with whom I don't agree with, but never say directly to them what I don't like about them.

I'm quite lascivious, always on the look out for some cosplay fuck, but because i'm an autist and look like one, nothing ever happens.
what costume it was anon
Why do you beat off thinking about your friend? You gay for him?
Duke nukem
now that's what i call fanservice
hope it was good at least
thats just sad
I cut off a blind person at NYCC 2019 due to not having peripheral vision.
Some edgy teenager was going around honking cosplay girls’ honkers then running away. Eventually he did it pretty close to me and as he was running away I stuck my foot out and tripped him. He ended up smashing his face into the corner of a metal and plexiglass case, busting out his front teeth and being knocked unconscious. His mouth was bleeding pretty bad.
I just Homer Simpson’d into the crowd and fucked off. Apparently he was only 14 or 15 so people who talked it about it were kinda split on whether he deserved it. Luckily people just seemed to think he tripped on his own.
>t. she/her
>i intentionally gave people wrong directions to panel rooms or big areas because i didnt like their cosplay/character.

I judge harsher than I think I should.

If I see wrinkled fresh out of the bag cosplay I think of how talentless they must be to not even be able to use an iron let alone a sewing machine.
But then I feel bad that's it's probably some young teen with a less than stellar home situation who was never taught some basic lessons and their parents probably would never approve of cosplay so they just snuck it in their bag.

If I see very fat cosplay that is elaborately trimmed with gems, lace, fur ect I think they should have spent what was clearly a long time on losing a large chunk of those pounds instead of how long that costume took. Especially if they are fat enough to have a front butt.
But then I remember I know nothing of their past or their health and it's none of my fucking business what they find joy in. They are a person also and deserve to have a good time just like anyone else.

If I see a very pretty cosplayer I assume they made none of their outfit and lie about it though omission or outright.
I still assume this and figure they gotta get their jollies too. Until they realize that the internet says pretty faces have an expiration date and better have an actual skill before that happens.
i go to the very start of cons with huge waves of people ready to line up for their badges and steal their credit card info with an rfid scanner and go hogwild in whatever city im in.
>They are a person also and deserve to have a good time just like anyone else.

No they're not.

Fat things aren't people.
Girl I liked was piss drunk when she came back to the room during Katsucon and I nutted on her face when she was asleep. Woke up in the morning and just thought it was her skin cream from her night care routine which i also placed onto her face after to help sell it
I keep trying to convince myself to workout but can't but I keep wanting to cosplay buff characters
I once threaten a guy I'll call the cops for rape if he didn't give me his room. Overall I got a free room.
This isn't really my fault, but when I was 14 or 15 a grown woman I didn't know kissed me on the mouth and told me I was beautiful at a big convention. I don't know if she knew I was underage (she literally just walked up to me, kissed me, and walked away), and I don't think she was drunk (middle of the day and she didn't smell/taste like alcohol)
Poor kid. He was wrong but didn't deserve that.
I used to grab cosplayers boobs and butts too when I was his age, worst thing that happened was I got slapped.
I lightly flirt with underage boys when they pose with me for pics.
Nah thats a good thing. They'll always appreciate it.
I cosplay anime characters at comic conventions
Sometimes I go to cons in big elaborate cosplay by myself and i don’t talk to anyone or do anything besides one or two panels with famous people & then I go home and feel like a loser who wasted my money
what do you do at the panels
I'll meet people at cons, hit it off with them, hang out with them for 5+ hours, get their contact info, then never speak to them again because I have autism and social anxiety and don't want to bother them
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Usually just sit and listen to the Q&A or the stories the actors/actresses will tell
i'm kinda like this, except it's more that pretty much everybody else seems to be in a tight-knit group of friends/romantic partners who don't plan on adding an outsider. i do have passing conversations with some people (related to the panel, or sometimes not) but there's a full understanding that they'll be on their way

the only time someone initiates conversation and seems to go a step further like asking for social media contacts is with other dudes who i'm fairly confident are gay and trying to hook up.
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>Go to ALA
>Monk mode,
>see plenty of ass and tits
>Am good boy, never stare too long, don't get creepy, always polite.
>No Touchy
>Pretty much ignored coomer bait in the artist alley like it didn't even phase me.
>Don't even get horny at con.

But then

>Monday night at home, first day back from con.
>Wake up in a panic after weird dream
>Apparently splooged the biggest load of cum in months in my pants, soaked all the way out to my sweats from a wet dream.

I haven't had a wet dream in 15 fucking years.Was it just the pheromones and general horny levels of the attendees coming off like radiation that finally wore down my mental defenses?
>practices monk mode
>goes to anime cons
>filled to the tits(lmao) with costhots, beach cosplays and hot bods
>loses months of semen retention
i mean, what did you expect? go to a smaller con or one that is more family friendly. also, wet dreams dont count bucko. that's normal for your body
Don't talk yourself down like that, anon. You took the initiative to research and attend an outside event you wanted to go to. You had a fine time and you enjoyed the panels while you were able to. If you liked the experience then it sounds like money well spent to me.

I have a running list of almost a dozen congoers in my contact list who I swear I'll meet up with once I get my life sorted out work/school/careerwise. The important thing is that you remembered them, and they'll probably be happy you reached out to them if you ever get around to doing so one of these days.
>help run the cosplay event
>saw a pregnant coser
>watch and fapped some maternity porn once I went home
Fuck I can't really help it.
I am going to masturbate to this story later tonight. Thank you.
i dont blame you anon. preggo cosplayers are very hot.
Girl or guy?
Pixar/Disney have ruined any personality cosplayers have. They all act with that over the top "head shakey" expressive faces and shit you see in modern disney movies and its fucking bad
I cosplay comic book characters at anime conventions.
fuuuuck there's a guy that lives super close to me that I always want to hang out with, but my "hanging out with people" schedule is unfortunately a bit packed. iktfb
When I first started out cosplaying and making my own costumes, I borrowed a sewing machine from a dormmate (college). One day I turned the hand wheel in the opposite direction to change the mode it was in and it jammed. Couldn't turn it back in either direction anymore, and the needle was no longer moving either thanks to the jammed hand wheel. I quietly returned the machine to the dormmate some time after that without saying anything about it, and she never approached me, either.
I suck guys dicks without telling them im a trap
They probably know though
Of course we know, bro. I've fucked plenty of traps at cons and they are the ones that make me cum the hardest. I love dudes in dresses.
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What did you do exactly?
You did the right thing. That shit is traumatizing if you’ve been previously assaulted and even if you haven’t it completely ruins your enjoyment of the rest of the con. I guarantee every girl that got sexually assaulted by him that day is grateful you put a stop to him.

He did deserve it and hopefully he learns to never do that shit again
He was a kid
Alerting con security or speaking to his parents would be better than giving him a lifetime injury
I don't understand this "you can't be pretty and talented" mindset. They usually go hand in hand. If you thought that way more often you'd be prettier. I think it's just bitterness at not wanting to believe that it's possible to have it all. It makes some people feel worse when they feel like they don't. More confidence please guys.
Sure. But it you put your hands on someone, you are asking for hands to be put on you. Turns out people don’t like pervy little faggots very much.

Anyways, an ex-friend of mine supposedly got mad that my closet cosplay got more attention than her literal halloween costume. She got forced by her folks to get plastic surgery and I laugh everytime.
Op said he was 14 or 15. That’s old enough to know what sexual assault is. Especially these days with how much it’s talked about on the internet and in schools. If there are no real consequences, it leads to escalation in that sort of behavior
You should go
It should have been me
>get contact info
I have never done this
Took some upskirt photos but deleted them later out of guilt
>deleted them later out of guilt
Good, that kind of shit will get you banned from every con in your area. If people are making callout posts that stuff will follow you for years, especially if they know your legal name (which isn’t hard info to find out)
If it was an underage girl doing the groping would you be ok with her getting her face smashed in?
I am this anon>>10842504
Yes lmfao. Pussy pass denied.
My con confession is that a friend and I realized during con that we lurk the same cgl threads and probably unknowingly called eachother fat ugly retards in said threads. Good bonding experience. If you see this ily lmao
kek why do moids always think this is a gotcha
You're a fat ugly retard
I always say I'm going to cosplay then never do and spend the entire weekend wishing I was in cosplay, having fun, and making friends.
But why never cosplay
I get busy and don't prepare, laziness, not passionate about a character that would be doable, or any combo of these reasons. The con I'm going to this year, I committed to doing an AtLA cosplay with friends and so at least have 2 people to remind me to do it. Will probably go as Zuko.
>I get busy
I misread that at first
life update: I have done this
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I started cosplaying when masks were common and now I'm too shy to cosplay now that masks are going away
do masked cosplay then
if you're a white haired cosplayer that went to kumoricon around 2009
1) i hate you
2) that bj was incredible and i should've taken you home with me instead of sperging out.
I talk about wanting a cosplay gf but I seldom actually try talking to girls at cons. I'll ask for a picture if I really like their cosplay, but I'll leave it at that and fuck off elsewhere.
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Twice now I've indulged in "Step on You!" antics. I'm not into it *that way* at all, it's only for laughs. I agreed cause they both offered first
getting stepped on or doing the stepping on?
Stepped on. Honestly, I do wonder how many people are actually into it for more than meme purposes. It can't be that many...right?
one day you’re going to get old and tired and decrepit and gain fat on your body and nothing is wrong with that. retard. learn some self love
unless you have some sort of developmental disability, you should know that shit’s wrong and disgusting by the time you’re eleven. no excuse. i’m glad he got tripped and you honestly deserved to get slapped. those poor cosplayers just trying to enjoy the convention shouldnt have to worry about being groped by little perverted retards running around
I'm definitely into it. It's a pure sexual experience for me 100% and it actually kind of blows my mind how so many girls will do it casually.
If there is one good thing that comes from it, maybe thots will stop walking around half naked in cons where there are kids
I dont get why people want sexual experiences when theyre not going to have sex. Blueballing yourself is even worse
It's not blueballing for me since I would actually cum.
I love doing sleeveless cosplay of male characters even though my arms are twigs
Based kid.
I once had a girl hit on me at a con, I spoke to her a bit but I found out she had already slept with a guy at the con the previous day so I got grossed out and just slipped away and deleted her details.
That's weird. Personally if I had a girl offer to step on me at a con I would go for it even if she stepped on a whole bunch of guys before me.
I'm kind of a prude.
I cringe hard when I see aging cosplayers. Unfortunately, unless you cosplay with masks or obscure characters, this is not a hobby where especially girls can age dignified...

Cospalying Love Life or genshin Impact when you are approaching your 40s is just hard to watch.
I always find it great, honestly. Maybe it's not the best visually, but that people are still sticking with their hobbies into their older years always warms my heart [spoiler]Probably because I'm getting older now too[/spoiler]
just depends on the character. the best version of that Resident Evil tall big hat lady character I saw was some 46 year old woman
I asked a slutty cosplayer to hold hands with me.
did she?
I like Madoka (the girl) cosplays, so I always try to take pictures with them
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I got so pent up from seeing all the slutty cosplayers that I edged myself for hours when I got home, didn't cum on purpose, then went to the con the next day in a chastity cage
I was losing my mind and no one even knew (but god I wish someone did)
you need me to cum inside of you
convince me
Slutty cosplayers ask to hold hands with me.
I'm going to a couple big cons this year and I want to go wild and party for once but I'm super introverted and don't know how to let loose so it's probably going to require an unhealthy amount of alcohol.
same but I don't drink at all
I don't know how to deal with it
How do you define "going wild" then? Also are you interested in parties without drinking? Not unheard but still a lil odd
I don't know
I've never been in control of my life and have too much anxiety to talk to anyone even though I'm desperately lonely
the con I go to has a rave but I couldn't even really be a part of it this year because the people I ride with wanted to leave early and it made me upset
We're kind of in the same boat because even though I need alcohol to be social, I can't really drink because I'm a lightweight.
My friend can't have alcohol so they use gummies and stuff instead
it's not that I can't drink or take substances, I just willingly avoid them because my mother is an abusive alcoholic and it disgusts and angers me
yet I'm so anxiety riddled I can't talk to people or be comfortable at all and it makes me miserable
I don't know what to do
Do you have a friend you can go with? I'm just going to tail my roommates, although I do want to have some independence. It would be really awkward if I tried to do anything with anyone at a party in front of my friends...
I have someone I know from highschool that I go with, but we aren't super close and I usually split up to do my own thing otherwise I end up as a third wheel to their SO
I never have even known about any parties at the con I go to because I don't stay in the hotel and the people I'm with want to leave early so I miss out on late night stuff anyway
You sound just like me.....I mainly stick to high school friends and rarely hotel, so I've never really gone to a con party before.
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Yes. She did. I'm kinda ashamed though, it is a little cringe to me in hindsight
Cute virgin cosplayers ask to take a picture with me :^)

Come to DragonCon, definitely a party and if you need someone to chill with you are always welcome to hangout with me and my group.
the schoolgirl cosplays get me horny
The sailor moon cosplays got me feeling unwise
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NTA but I'm in the same situation as the other anon. DragonCon sounds really interesting and fun, the plane ticket is cheap. I'm just worried I will be raped in hotel price.
Hypothetically speaking, does your group (or one you know off) have some free place in a hotel room so I could pay my share?

Yeah, a host room will probably cost you more than you may be willing to spend, but you can definitely find some good Airbnbs very close by that won’t run your wallets deep. It’s definitely worth the price of admission. I don’t know anyone that has spare space, but I know the Facebook page is great for that sorta thing.
I'm scared to cosplay and talk to people at cons. At best, I've only asked a couple of people for their photo and that's it.
One funny thing I've found is that whenever I see Madoka and Homura cosplayers together in a duo, the Madoka cosplayer is always the more social and outgoing one while the Homura cosplayer is less outgoing
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Literally the only merchandise I care about buying at cons anymore? Coom stickers and similar items
Going to college dorms next year (not underagefag just a retard who did nothing for 5 years after college) and I'm gonna have to nuke my computer case with all my coomer stickers. Genuinely sad about it but theirs nothing I can really do, already going to be awkward rooming with someone 5 years my junior.
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Are you actually required to remove them? Cause if not, I'd just leave it. My desktop's also got over a dozen but I'm a bit lazy for pictures now
I'm not, but I'm scared of being judged by normies.
That's one of those scenarios like "You got caught jerking off, but kept going to make the other person back away." Owning it shamelessly is always more respectable, and yes I am 100% serious
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Just get a fabric cover or a snap on case. You used to be able to buy stickers like that at pacsun and hot topic. Pretty damn normie being in the glass case under the registers. NSFW were under these ones. One of them was friggen Pfil. Just cover them if you are trying to be professional.
Are you me
Get over it. People just have sex, it's a hobby to some. It's just a thing people do like eating or farting.
When I was a kid and boob height with cosplayers I would put my face on their boobs when taking a pic with them
Too old and tall now sadly
Based puritychad
Just be careful of Airbnbs that try to charge extra for cleaning fees - otherwise, you might as well as be at a hotel.

Look for Superhosts for less possibility of creeps.
I've made out with, felt up/been felt up by countless numbers of girls at con parties. And I never went into any with any intention of wanting to do such. It just kinda happens.
Report to con security
You were sexually assaulted I'm afraid
>b-but I enoyed it!
Whether you enjoyed it or not doesn't matter. Consent matters.
>reporting a made up story to con security
None of the stories are made up despite what you might want to believe. I'm seeing why everywhere says this board is at least 95% incels, sheesh.

I was more than happy to oblige or join in, no uglies though. You read that like I was forced upon. When two people are drunk and find each other attractive/loosened up things happen.
I went to a con for the first time and also cosplayed for the first time a couple of months ago.
It was just an Ezcosplay with a few improvements/modifications, but tons of people told me it looked great or stopped me to ask for pictures. All the attention felt great, I'm so used to feeling invisible but in those 2 days I got more compliments than I've gotten in the past decade.

I've since gone totally overboard and am getting close to finishing a full set of armor. It's from a series I like, and I think it will be fun to clown around in armor, but I still feel like it's mostly wanting for attention, especially from women
Going to conventions and walking around just to get compliments is a very valid reason people go. Having your part work get recognized, or just getting told you look great in that premade chinese junk always feels good.
>Consent matters.
only if you're mentally ill and/or an unfuckable uggo. hot people dont deal with this song and dance, they talk like non-dysgenic humans to one another and fuck each other.
same, i could care less about buying print, clothes, or anything else really. a lot the merch at cons are very low quality.
Kind reminder if you look good in 5$ of chinese "fabric" you probably actually look good and you should take that to heart
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>When two people are drunk and find each other attractive/loosened up things happen.
Being drunk is no excuse
It's not really a song and dance. There's nothing weird about asking "do you wanna make out?" Or "do you wanna fuck ?" And it takes a second. It's also normal human communication. Get a clue
you're repeating what i just said.
>There's nothing weird about asking "do you wanna make out?" Or "do you wanna fuck ?"
thanks for outing yourself as an unfuckable uggo. there are just two rules to follow: no having sex if one or the other is borderline blackout and mutual initiations. i have never "asked" to kiss a girl or stick my dick in her. you sound like a neurotic sperg when you interact with women like this. it's embarrassing!
I am a woman and this is my preference. I don't like being touched by people and appreciate when people ask. It's sweet. And if you're into the person, it's hot because now you can discuss the kinda shit you like in bed so that the sex is better. I think it's weird you've never asked. Super creepy.
>I am a woman
opinion discarded. and thanks for double confirming the unfuckable uggo claim.attractive women dont post in this cesspool.
I have literally outright asked someone that question before because I wanted to skip the flirting song and dance and just leave the party to fuck. It worked easily. Some people find the directness hot, and if you're already an attractive person you really don't need to play coy about it and hyperanalyze signals. If you were attractive, you'd know this.
Well, shit. If I didn't know any better, I would have taken this whole conversation as a weird kind of gaslight attempt...except I've seen it work more than once. Guess I know to always leave that as an option now
Thanks, both of those do make me feel better about it
The main reason I go to cons is because my wife cosplays.

She has put on so much weight that I don't find her attractive anymore. Her in cosplay changes her enough to make her attractive to me again.
I spent on a cosplay recently just to not wear at a convention because of the weather.
I am big and tall (>6'5) and scare little asian men into submission at conventions but inadvertently scare the hoes
Is this seriously why I don't get responses back after conventions? Wtf
I like to daydrink and then generate uncomfortable experiences for women at cons. I don't even sexually harass them, I just say shit that ruins their mood.
>I just say shit that ruins their mood.
based women hater. much love from kazakhstan!
lean into it
go to your next con as the Slenderman
I really oversold how common fucking cosplay girls is at cons in order to get my normie friends to come with me, they're all coming thinking it's a sure thing they're getting laid
Whatever works works. Besides they're probably sluts like Avalom "5 cocks in one" cosplay
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Fucking based
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I confess I posted a reaction image outside of /b/. On regarding OP's faggotry.

Does that count?
But it is super easy if you host after parties. I've never not had a one-night-stand at a con when I've hosted a party.
Yeah, at all zero of the parties you've hosted.
>Duke nukem
>not a sexy costume
You need to be more proud of your masculinity, Anon
Punching him in the face? A no-no. If he gets hurt would have been in your conscience.
Tripping him as he runs past you so con security can grab him? A classic example of something you are legally allowed to do. If he got hurt it was literally an accident.
You are not a bad person for having done that, Anon.
be glad he didn't call the cops, say "this girl is threatening me with a fake call accusation, I need an officer with a field sex agression test kit here", then pressed charges against you, THEN raped you. Now THAT would have been hilarious.
Not gunna like anon, that's kinda hot
I mixed MDMA powder (from the darknet not that street bullshit) in an oral syringe and put it up a girl's ass.

Same girl few cons later, we fucked in a public bathroom at otakon while torched. Door latch was broken or something, and the door swung open like 3 times and there was a full room mirror facing opposite so if anyone was looking, they knew.
This MF fucked the kitchen sponge lmao
I honestly don't understand this feelong at all as a guy. Even when 9/10 girls approach me at cons I will actually completely ignore them and put earbuds in, look away from them and if they try to talk to me again flip them off if they give me a generic compliment. If you don't even know who I'm cosplaying fuck off, I'm not a fuck machine that exists to dispense free cock to lonely girls
Fuck I hate cons sometimes girls at cons are fucking annoying
Yeah man I bet lots of girls try to talk to you at cons.
>At con earlier this year
>group of girls standing by me
>one of them (qt short girl) approaches me
>Asks for pic with me
>Not even in cosplay, just a random Fire Emblem shirt
>Nervously agree
>She does so
>Too autistic to ask for contacts after

I can’t tell if that’s how con girls flirt or not
I've been putting off getting into crafting my own cosplay for about 5 years now and am approaching my 30's. I feel like at this point I need to accept I'll never actually do it because I'm fucking lazy.
Also, I'm too much of a socially anxious retard to even initiate conversations with people. I have no friends. I seldom initiate conversations and even when I meet people and get their contact info I never speak to them again.
When I go to my local con I can't help but internally make fun of most cosplayers. They're all ugly, don't know how to sew and are retarded enough to walk barefoot in the middle of the street and then take public transports in December until they reach the convention center because the characters are supposed to be barefoot. Bitch the local crackhead pissed there a few hours ago and it's 5 degree Celsius! Wear shoes!
You should assume every girl likes you until you get signals she doesnt. Thats not true but thats how you should act.
The fact that they are there is on their parents.
Getting tripped or smacked seems fair. But losing teeth is a big deal. Sure he sounds like a shit head, but a permanent injury seems excessive.

>A classic example of something you are legally allowed to do. If he got hurt it was literally an accident
This is pretty subjective. Sure you could be defending someone, or preforming a citizens arrest, but legality is more complicated, and could include things like whether you NEEDED to, or if you were being negligent when taking such actions.
>fire emblem fan
>autistic with women
Checks out
I have a girlfriend but I saw so many women staring at me in my shirtless cosplay and it made me really happy
how would you feel if your gf dressed like a costhot at a con and lots of guys were staring at her?
>I have a girlfriend
Come on guys at least try to make these sound believable.
I can assure you most weebs think you're cringe too.
By lying and making up fake stories on 4chan.
I always shoot at least a black person and a gay person at cons for my videos, so no one can say I was being racist.

Also don't list my prices for shoots, so I can charge higher for folks I don't want to work with
>don't put black and gay people in video
>you're racist
>make conscience effort to put black and gay people in video
>umm, they're just token minority cast members, you're still a bigot

Mate, just make the content you want to make and screw whoever tries to give you shit for not abiding by their ideals and desires.
>make con video
>forced to put big titty thot in the thumbnail so it gets views
No Link is a boy
>being gross pedophile
>being based

Choose one.
Anon, you are shooting at a con. Its normal there for the straightest of guys to put on a maid outfit, wig and even fake tits.
What makes someone look gay enough to be certain they are homosexual in that kind of crowd.
it's pretty easy to tell the difference. You can smell horny vs embarassed pretty easily, and honestly if they're both they aren't gay or straight they're just a bottom

>capcha has this cool black circle in the background that makes it way easier than normal
ty 4ch
>"We can make money off of this!"
I like dressing myself up in my cutest cosplays then peeing myself
Im an antisocial, (flaming) asexual who has been hit on and hugged way too many times at cons in and out of cosplay and idek why the hell people do it as i am not offensively fugly but not sexy or dressing that way either. Or starting any flirting. It was the worst when I dressed as mike schmidt in fnaf in the mid 2010s but im a fucking girl??? People also hit on me when i was dressed in a TRIANGLE BILL CIPHER COSTUME but that was bill fuckers not like people searching for dates and sex. Males and females, all different ages. A bill fucker judge who groped my costume a lot (mascot not like my body or anything) and complimented it excessively gave me a cosplay contest award. Again mid 2010s where bill cipher was the most desired man in the world, in any form. Hit on by a vincent the purple guy cosplayer and another mike very strongly when i was like 15 that was fucking scary. I also look a lot younger than i am. I am now in my mid 20s and still look like a young ass teen. Its my face and asexuality gives you a higher chance to roll short height, which i did.

Because im double A and a massive collector my fav thing to do at cons is shop but since dealers dens have turned into over priced scams or sometimes people wont stop talking to you in hopes of a sale on an item i never wanted to buy i barely go to cons anymore. More $ for the online shopping addiction yippee yippee

My favorite kind of panels are workshop q and a s for shit like resin, foam, sewing, fursuits or like tumblr askblogs where you can watch character groups talk and fuck around and ask them questions though unfortunately that one has become harder to find esp for my fandoms.

At least at a mlp con a guy who liked me gave me 200 in pony shit for free. Bronycon traumatized me as an adult and seasoned mlp fan though. I am not sad that one died. It was the worst mlp gathering ever with the most horrendous staff and attendees. Maybe worst CON i went to ever.
I really want to cosplay lavagirl and even though the sequel has come out since the fandom gathered and showed itself through memes and internet i worry i will be made fun of or something as ppl have been dicks to me about loving the movie so much since childhood (including family) and ive gained a lot of weight, so fucking much after becoming crippled in a car accident 7 years ago and this is like a spandex bodysuit mostly. But something like this is an ideal pick since i can buy it. It hurts very badly to make costumes now.

I hate how oversized some con locations are now that im crippled and have to walk too much over and over again to get to places far apart and with little time in between panels and shit. I miss my body not having chronic pain so much. And chronic fatigue. Some cons and congoers have taken pics of me fallen asleep in cosplays in chairs sitting up, i think at least one con posted it. I dont mind that. Its kinda funny. But fuck i want energy to enjoy the day. And its pathetic to have 4 to 6 hours of battery sometimes between naps.

I think con staff need to bother pot smokers, people without tickets and people selling or dressing as revealing shit less and staff/panelists/attendees being massive dicks to attendees and creating horrible atmosphere more. Stop praising and inviting asswipe panelists who are nothing but rude and condescending to the audience each year and keep inviting them back.

Kids have brightened a lot of my cosplay/con experiences and never cause any bullying or sexual harassment issues. Its not acceptable to want kids out of a con thats not adult exclusive or kink themed. But its also not acceptable to throw cosplay contests for a little girl dressed as elsa who sang 4 sentences from let it go while other people went psycho on their costumes. Yes this happened. it was painful, so fucking painful.

Furcons and mlpcons are full of people that let me put away my social anxieties <3
Few years ago but I still feel like crap whenever I think back on it
>17, friend I was supposed to go to con with and we helped make eachothers costume was sick but she wanted me to take her autistic older brother since she couldn't go
>He kind of creeped me out but I always tried to be openly polite
>Tried to be nice to him no matter how excitable he was at con or how insistent he was I was a fake gamer girl and kept trying to catch me out with lore questions
>Kept telling everyone I was his girlfriend and looked like he was about to cry or have a tantrum when I'd gently deny it
>We shared the same hotel room I booked thinking it eould be me and another girl, it was him who I didn't feel comfortable with in the same room with and he kept blabbing until I maaged to get some sleep
>Wake up
>He's sniffing my shoe and making weird noises so I snap screaming a him slapping and scraching him insulting him as a retard etc. venting all my issues with him
>Feel like utter scum and beg him not to tell anyone and he cowardly agrees begging me not to tell anybody whaever he did wrong
>Puke and cry in the bathroom shaking
>Me and him hang out the rest of the con barely saying anything, I buy him merch of stuff he likes to make it up to him and give it to him
>we never spoke of the incident again and he obviously didn't snitch as I'm still tight with my friend/his sister
I know I'm cringe or a bitch or whatever but I hope someday I could put it all behind me...
share some inside bronycon stories?
Every con I post fake rooms for parties in multiple discords and threads. I've sent so many people to random rooms or on wild goose chases for rooms that don't exist.
im that guy that goes to cons alone and walks around aimlessly and doesnt talk to anyone
Pretty much me too, it happens that I talk to some people but I'm mostly alone, arrive alone, and don't talk a lot.
how do i get a cosplay gf?
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When we were in high school my friend was cosplaying Mikasa and I called her fat constantly to make her feel like shit. I don't know why I did that, I just had a short sadistic streak with her.
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For a while I thought all the girls I see in my day to day life with colored hair were cosplayers or into anime but I found out it was a feminist thing
This really shouldn't be something weighing you down. I get the dude was autistic but there's no world out there people can handwave blatantly fucking weird behavior cause the dude's autistic.
*opens thread*
do you smell that? is the scent of multiple stds
he was asking for it 2bh, your anger betrayed you, but it was still not your fault, the heat of the moment, etc
Im at awesome con currently and i keep staring at all the jiggly asses of the thicc mommas here
I'm at banzaicon rn and I wanna fuck this 2b cosplayer so bad
I chatted with her for a bit and she's gonna be dressed as makima today. So hot, I wanna invite her back to my hotel
too bad you're too pussy to do it
If someone has their ass on display they will be expecting people to look. Just don't touch.
She kindly rejected.
A Ryuko cosplayer complained about having to cover her ass because staff couldn't handle it
>got invited to an after party by the hottest woman I'd ever seen at a con
>drank with my out of state/country friends because we'd never hung out before
she wanted to fuck she touched my face and neck and chest and I blew her off this was 2010 I could have hung out afterwards but that was once in a life time strange :'( god forgive me for forsaking your bountiful gifts.

I did have a girl tell me she trust me for the first time though so it wasn't all bad.
I'm only doing cosplay because I've been exiled from my IRL friend group and need to find a new circle before I kill myself
Also asexual, similar experiences being hit on. It's like people smell it and they want what they know they can't have. Nice to know I'm hot but really sucks when I'm a socially autistic retard that has a hard time saying no, so I just have to visibly cringe until they go away which feels even more rude but I do it automatically every time like clockwork.
It's an anime thing for me. There are probably more of us. You just gotta know where to look. I sure don't!
>i gave away expired condoms to horny ass weebs at a late night party
Its all dudes and trannies. The few girls are the type that dont sex anyways so you pretty much accomplished nothing.
I will just say I'm at Conventions with a Game Boy Camera.
I'm glad my boyfriend isn't interested in conventions because it's an easy weekend to cheat on him. I can get it out of my system a few times a year.
I have a crossdressing fetish for frilly clothes and I use my local used cosplay market for cheap outfits to wear and coom in (especially if the girl is hot)
I do this to everyone in general not just con people
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I wear Lupin's clothes to church and work. Nobody knows about Lupin and the old ladies at church like how I always bring a different variation of suit and ties (I have all the jacket colors so its easy for me to alternate)
Fucking based. Tell us more.
>loopiner's autism leads to becoming a full time cosplayer.
>first two
kill yourself
>i unknowingly let 17-18 year olds drink when my booze was being passed around
i should say this is bad but i used to be that 17-18 year old and this keeps the con ecosystem flourishing
I pissed in a Nazi's beer once and watched her gulp it down. Couldn't tell the difference between Miller and urine, typical inbred mayo
Reading all of these confessions is way funnier and gives a more accurate perspective when you realize most of these responses are from socially inept autists who don’t know how to behave in public
i don’t know why people line up for hours to meet english voice actors or why people obsess over them, it’s not like they’re the actual character, they didn’t invent the character either, they just do what the director tells them… and most of them aren’t attractive, can anyone explain?

i get it if you want to meet one of the cute ones though and at least some of them are funny
for the same reason people go to meet celebrities or japanese voice actors
I did a photoshoot with a cosplayer that involved some physical contact (like holding their face, sitting really close to them) and I think I have a huge crush on them now… I can’t tell if I’m obsessed with them or the character they were cosplaying but either way it’s doomed. Should I just block them so I don’t have to see them? It hurts to be reminded of it every day

ask to do another photoshoot, if no then block and move on
>be me, 17f back in 2010
> BF of 2 years just turned 18
>We're being extra careful so no hankey pankey for a couple months until I'm also 18
>The day before the con he says we have an addition to the room, an old friend from his last school
>Find out that old friend is an ex that dumped him
>Find out she didn't pay for the room
>Wake up to find my makeup destroyed, she didn't want to mess hers up for her cosplay
>He says we're going to breakfast, guess who 'we' was
>Come back to room for a break and notice a nice bag, which I just bought 4 hours ago, was filled with her merch
>Empty it out and take it back
>Get chewed out by BF for making her cry and he takes the bag from me to give to her, says I'll get it back later
>Get ditched the whole con by him
>I ask what's up and he says I need to chill, he's just catching up with an old friend and we'll be back to normal after the con
>First night she says she's sick and needs a bed slot, the one next to him that I paid for
>Of course she gets it
>Try to ignore it, it's Saturday and I'm going to enjoy the rave at the only con I can afford this year
>Have baller time w/o BF
>Tell friend 1 I'm heading back to the room, they freak and try to stall
>Realize BF and girl are not with us
>Ask friend why that is
>They cave and say that BF wanted some time alone to talk with her
>17, not retarded
>Get to the room and the hook latch is engaged
>Go ape until they open the door
>He's trying to act casual and play some SSB, she's smirking on the bed in only a t-shirt
>Can't even cry, too numb
>Get ahold of another group of friends and ask to crash, crash granted
>There my MTG bros and we stay up late chatting and gaming
>They hear of my plight
>The dude we lovingly call Papa Nurgle get up and goes to the bathroom for a bit, come back with a small cup of cup
>I'm WTF but he explains the plan, and I'm drunk and sad enough to listen
>Wait till me OG group leaves the room
>Smear coaglilated cum on BFs hygiene products
>Smear it all over he stuff too, making sure to give her pristine makeup palette a good serving
>Think that's the end of that, I get a good chuckle and breakup with him over text then hang with MTG crowd all the way home
>A few days later find out she blocked him the second the con was over
>Couple months later they both have herpes
>Papa Nurgle was packing and didn't tell anyone
>He laughed like maniac when he heard, we both lol'd

I don't regret it
*cup of cum
I didn't realize how many trannies have invaded conventions until a recent con I went to. Seeing hons in real life is truly harrowing, unfortunately. I prefer furries to them.
I went to a cosplay event dressed as a character I actually like and did start no drama whatsoever. Sorry for letting you all down.
Good on you
I was doing a Char Aznable cosplay, but I had trouble having the face mask looking natural with my glasses, so I just put sunglasses and a wig like one of the alternate design and called it a day

But the real reasons why I also did that was out of sheer laziness because I didn’t wanted to build the helmet. Though that cosplay forever will feel unfinished to me. It’s a bit of a paradox
A free hug girl hugged me out of nowhere and then ran away, I got a bit spooked but this as I thought free hug girls wanted to be hug, not wanted to hug people
probably planted a tracker
what’s a rfid scanner and how does it work
I remember I was reported for hanging around in my Saiyan cosplay (I was topless)
I always buy a poster of one of my favorite characters and carry it with me all day to try and entice others to come up to me to talk about it
I just get completely shocked when a troon voicemogs me online or irl, like they will have the most manly dude voiced ever and expect you to refer to them as women, or assume that they're women by default? like they don't even bother to sound like women anymore, let alone look like them
an RFID scanner looks for a specific code in a tag usually found on the barcode of an item.
It uses radio signals to get a ping back of said item.
It's useful for finding clothing items, boxes, ect. in retail but it HAS to have an RFID tag to work.

Basically that faggot is lying because you physically cannot get anything from an RFID scanner other than the code from the tag, which you also need one of those to identify with the scanner.
it's not impossible just not as easy as people think.
papa always delivers, what a g
i kinda canceled an agp in my local egl group chat caz he keep referring to himself as a dyke, i am kinda disgusted with myself because id used identity politics to succeed
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So where's the bad part again?
I shower, brush my teeth, wear deodorant and cologne whenever i go to cons so i wont be “that guy”

Too bad im constantly ripping out farts during a convention
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>i intentionally gave people wrong directions to panel rooms or big areas because i didnt like their cosplay/character.

>Too bad im constantly ripping out farts during a convention
I used to do this but eventually one con a girl caught me and called me out, haven't farted in public since
I've never been super horny, but I have a thing for a lot of goth aesthetics. I saw a girl cosplaying a character who has a lot of those aesthetics and was talking to her for a decent bit since she was a friend of a friend. My eyes kept getting drawn to her breasts and I still feel bad about it.
I started hrt when I was 12 and use passing completely to fuck with both troons and troon obsessed alike. Why? Because theres nothing more funny then seeing a bunch of troons and chuds get all riled up.
Also like, it used to be expected you didnt try to call yourself a woman when you hardly even pass as a twink, or that you had like, dysphoria.
I am very well behaved at cons

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