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Discussion and analysis of CAP & SNK cosplayers.
Post cosplayers names if you know them.
Also Event & Year of pic.
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Final Fight is probably my favorite game. Yeah, you can say Cody is a “basic bitch” cosplay, I don’t have any pictures of Prison, or Mayor Cody yet.
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would fuck
event-no ass convention
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Oh poor girl was born without a belly button
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I didn’t have the wig yet.
How do I credit these as? By Hitman Monaghan or something else?
For the resident Evil ones is it Leon & Christ right?
Why did you mean as is that a bad thing or a good thing?
Anyone have more cool Capcom cosplays?
I’m black_ops_cosplay on instagram
Leon and Joseph Frost
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I will follow you sometime in the future when I get an account, Thanks for all.
Sure thing!
What the fuck, is this Jenna Marbles?
Sorry if this is the wrong thread, I also asked in the help thread but you guys might know better; is Wesker's S.T.A.R.S. uniform shirt supposed to be a long-sleeve shirt rolled past the elbow or is it a short-sleeve that happens to have cuffed sleeves, and if it's the latter, where might I find one?
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It is a rolled sleeve, but since it's a 3D model it looks like it's a fake rolled sleeve.
Now with reveal of new Cammy outfit and hairstyle, I hope more cosplayers use that than her old model.
Not that I hate the old cammy, but her twintail braid hairstyle is similar to my mother's when she was young and it killed my boner for Cammy dead.
I unironically like her new Karen hairstyle. Funfact: Before it became Karen hairstyle it was actually hot girl's hairstyle in the 90s. It's just that Karen's brain never develop past high school era so they stuck with that hairstyle even after they became a bitter grown up.
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Oh yeah nothing says cammie like a 12 pound napolean.
>No camo pattern stocking
Is it that hard paint some green streaks on her stocking?
Nu-Cammy means girls are now going to cover their butts sadly
the classic skin still exists in game so no worries the leotards arent going anywhere
I would eat a 3 course meal off that ass
Oof, imagine the BRAPs
Attention whores will do it anyway.
Really fucking hot, but really fucking lazy cosplay.
Remember the time Jamie Lee Curtis showed up to EVO as Vega and nobody knew until after the fact because of the mask?

Based HUNK poster
Meh, she's not relevant for over a decade.
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the girl is quite fit actually
Okay, that’s impressive.
Gorgeous, more of this in all Cons please
Gorgeous, Cammy!
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I need names anons
this one is awesome
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A whole row of limp dick impotent redditors. How can you sunk that low and be totally oblivious to it? Why would you spend a single second thinking about the metal bar when you have such an awesome ass on your face?

Redditors are really the cancer of this planet. Their impotence ruins even the bestest of ass displays. She needs a tongue in her ass, not pathetic limpdick comments.
Oof, you almost had me.
She has a dick? That is VERY nice. Instant rock hardness.
Just because you are desperate for pussy does not mean everyone else has to be too.
I'm moar impressed by claw's claw; that's a rly well done claw
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what a fucking lad, coming as Dan
do you think she BRAPs on a whole another level or just regular BRAPs? I think the caliber might contribute to elevate the quality of the BRAPs
ass man here, this is no good
Based Ralf

Mian needs to return and she must be paired with Rock Howard.
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Ahh the hallway from the Marriott to Peachtree Center during Dragoncon.
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>>that cute little freckle
Nice cake
More like Cummy thread if you ask me.
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Almost no Cammy in this entire thread has a firm ass. Sad!
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Love my friend so much.
Fake ass
as a black that wants to cosplay dmc3 Dante, I approve
this is naruto and her ass is a pancake
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Don't you die on cammy
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fuck these meth whores, use AI
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Legit fm12 mask. Based.
I can certainly appreciate both the new and classic cosplays for Cammy. They both have their qualities to them
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I wish white women had asses like this irl
Supposedly she has nudes. Always wanted to see them
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wrong skin color and phenotype
Met you at Dragon Con. Pretty chill guy.
wrong skin color and phenotype
>t. ass status: mad
wow don't know Macron wife doing cosplay...
So when the fuck are you gonna be relevant?
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I have seen many images FAKE related with womens, I can´t distinguish if is a real person or not ¡¡ ... This even happened to you ?
this whore completely butchers it up, but that thingie who's name I don't recall is one of the top tiers of sensual cosplay
Is it weird to cosplay non-SF Capcom characters at an event such as Evo?
Not at all. EVO has tons of games being played other than Street Fighter and there would be tons of Capcom fans there that would appreciate seeing them. Although it would probably be more well-received if the character was at least from a fighting game in some regard.
wish i could dwarfmaxx like this
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Sweet mutha of gawd 10/10 the things I would do … … … …

Name and sauce for the love of gawd
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How come there's no Crystal Graziano in this thread yet? She was the best Cammy around 2010.
Best way to die.
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Found a couple other guys at Dragoncon that were Final Fight cosplayers.
>scooby doo Fred
>Jasper from Odd Future
>your eastern European neighbor
Name please?
How much do you think she would charge for a creampie? No protection.
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she doesent even look slightly like the character she is just using the "cosplay" as an excuse to dress like a fucking whore

Love it.
Me too
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Farts are stored in the buttcheeks
My guess……between 500, and 1,000.
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I miss Jarod :*(
I'd pay doulble it and the child support. Dumb whore.

I love fucking whores. The kind I pay as well as the kind I don't pay.
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>open STD sharing invitation
I'd pass, I'd hit way worse, but this one hits my self preservation instincts
Some vile stuff ITT. I wouldn't mind coomers so much if they had some actual taste.
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Say, why isn’t cosplay escort a thing? Chicks come to a con, hang out in the lobby, fuck a guy for 3-500, wearing whatever character everyone is jerking off to at the moment.
I do it all the time at cons. Ask one of the cosplayers if they like to party. If they say yes give them booze or drugs and start negotiations. Usually start at 200 and work my way up. Never gone above 1000 even at comic con. Fucking hilarious when Im filming myself fucking some wannabe model and shes all into it. Then I whisper “Fucking whore” in her ear while I bust a nut and feel the life leave her soul.
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It never happened.
Sure foid. Prostitution is a made up myth. It's only for poor and unfortunate people. Regular hot women never engage in prostitution, and especially not at huge gatherings of people far away from their homes.
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Just missing three Bravo members, when we get them we will have all the STARS members
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It's so sad and pathetic how these zoomer coomers are all appearance and no joy. You'd think these dumb whores would be better at fucking on cameras but you can tell they're just going through it. Enji always looks like her rapist uncle is forcing her to get her ass out at gunpoint.
Have sex, fattie.
I dont think you got whar i was saying bri. They hot but cant fuck. Good at seduction but not suction
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I miss seeing smiles
How can people walk around in public wearing this

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