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How was Holmat? Anything interesting happen?

Anyone keeping an eye on the cosplayblackbook IG for the latest drama?

Any future plans?
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The Florida General survived almost a year, but if we wanna go again, I'm up for it. While HolMat wasn't super eventful for me at least it was more fun than last year. What they both had in common is how I only found the after hours stuff on the last day. Future plan is of course Otakufest, and wondering how we're gonna top 2022. I thought the same thing in the leadup to this year's, then my expectations went 100x over. Between FINALLY adding on Friday, more floor space and apparently a smaller parking lot I expect madness from start to finish.
>Anyone keeping an eye on the cosplayblackbook IG for the latest drama

Thinly veiled excuse to direct people to your shitty call-out IG. Went there expecting drama, just found a few posts crying pedophile and groomer. 6/10 though I guess, you made me look.
not OP, but sorry you got called out groomer
OP here. Not my IG. The incognito shit they are trying to portray is high-tier cringe.
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Yeah, if we could keep the drama to a minimum that would be great. It's what the Florida scene does best, and I'd rather keep it that way.
Took a look at that IG. Looks like nothing more than a witch hunt. They’ll get banned eventually due to all the harassment.
That one dude on there is fucked up. Threatened multiple times over and over and still keeps threatening to kill and violate people’s bodies after. Went into detail about wanting to have sex with a 15 y/o too. Has some weird sniff fetish.
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Nice job, OP. Fucking idiot.
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Loved HolMat. My only gripe is that, apparently, they're moving to a new venue in 2024. Rooms were spacious and clean, panels were interesting. Game room had PCs (first time I've ever seen that), and the people were friendly. The wifi is still as shit as always.
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>OtakuFest - January 13-15 - Miami
>SSA+S Toracon - February 4 - Sarasota
>SWFL-AnimeExpo - February 12 - Fort Myers
>Pensacon - February 24-26 - Pensacola
>Colossalcon Cruise - February 24-27 - Departing from Cape Canaveral
>Collect-A-Con - Orlando - February 25-26 - Orlando
>My-Con - March 18 - Orlando, FL
>MegaCon Orlando - March 30 - April 2 - Orlando
>Mizucon - May 26-28 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 16-18 - Orlando
>Florida Supercon - June 30-July 2 - Miami Beach
>Metrocon - July 14-16 - Tampa
>Anime St Pete - September 30-October 1 - St. Petersburg
>WasabiCon - October 13-15 - Jacksonville
>Anime Iwai - November 10-12 - Coral Springs
>Holiday Matsuri - December 16-18 - Orlando

>they're moving to a new venue in 2024
Both good and bad. Makes it lose character but this has, no question, the worst managed parking situation I've ever seen at a convention.
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can I get a quick rundown as to which of these are good or not?

i haven't been to a con since FL supercon before the coof. back then i went with a group but I kind of feel like trying my hand at just going to a con by myself
Went from tiny to huge in just two years. No clue how they can still fit in their venue anywhere (the same as the Supercon-adjacent ones that ended in 2018). Absolutely love it.
Haven't been in years and it was a different venue then. People really seem to like it these days. It's also run by the same people as Iwai.
You got to see it right when it really started going downhill, if you mean 2019. Totally sanitized and kiddy friendly now. Nothing I want from a convention except people I know attend.
Went in 2021. Big turnout, nice venue but honestly can't remember almost anything about it.
>Anime Iwai
Tiny venue, huge turnout (relatively speaking). Only con I've ever seen where the staff actively promote and host parties. Very community based.
>Holiday Matsuri
Already gave my thoughts in the first post. Can also add that it's another with a really dedicated following even if a bit too big for my tastes.
Those are the ones I've been to anyway. Nobody has a good word for Megacon which is only ever described as an oversized vendor hall.
thanks for the info. just going off google, it looks like i definitely went to 2017 supercon, skipped 2018 since they relocated to broward and i figured it would be a mess, and went again to 2019

so it's been a while for me. desu i just popped in here since I just saw a commercial for Otakufest. Seems close and convenient enough for me to try going solo
Went to all three of those Super's. Looking back, it was never great but alright, especially when at the Ft Lauderdale Convention Center, and I really liked the full Rocky Horror re-enactments. Now that they're under the ReedPop umbrella, they're just a soulless husk.
>Seems close and convenient enough
It's my home con, so glad I got a good one. If being solo is an issue, just keep in mind: the Florida congoer scene is huge and everyone knows everyone. Even if the presence here is small, if you get chatting with a rando, there's about a 100% chance they know one or several people from these parts.
Yannick or Caleb detected, cope and seethe pedo
From what I’ve seen it looks like every post has proof to back it up retard
Is it just me, or was the last thread much more active? Is there a discord people are on now or something?

for example i'm checking out Otakufest's social media pages and it seems to not have all that much engagement despite looking to be a pretty big con. Where are people meeting up? Or is it more of a just "everyone just shows up at the lobby and we go from there" sort of deal
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>Is there a discord people are on now or something?
If they are, I'm not in it/them. There's a small server and no doubt several of the people there are attending Otakufest (myself included) but it's also mostly inactive. What I can tell you is last year, no one bothered posting in their thread at all and yet it was enormous. 2021 had several meetups off site (which started by dicking around in the lobby, none really last year that I'm aware of. Since I'm close, I will drop in Thursday evening and see what it's looking like. No clue what to expect, since this was only ever a two day event until now.

And as far as inactivity of this thread, it's why I didn't bother making one myself. Obviously I should have because everyone's trying to derail it hard. Definitely not making that mistake again.
Yeah seems kinda dead here, I miss the days of calling someone a retard and they’re active enough in the threat to actually see my insult and respond back…. Sigh
*thread. This is why I hate phoneposting at work
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It's our greatest strength, in a way. People in the community might not be as entertaining, but they're also far more stable in the head. Either way...I will keep my ear to the ground and see about some kind of meetup whenever
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OH THANK GOD IT'S A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE (by the way the Otakufest schedule is super barren for some reason)
Just bought my otakufest ticket and debating between ubering or just driving and dealing with parking.
Honestly thinkin the best shot is to dump my car there tomorrow evening. It stayed there till Wednesday morning last year, no problem.
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Word to the wise: GET IN EARLY WHILE YOU CAN. Just checked and it's already filling up. That lot is usually empty on any given day, so I am gonna leave my ride there soon.
How’s it looking out there so far?
they should call it bitetown con
Anything cool going on now?
I had a difficult time parking but I blame it more on me being an idiot.
Mood has been quite different so far, but that's no surprise since it's our first time doing Friday. Crowded and emptier at the same time somehow. Some anons showed themselves this time, to my surprise. I've noticed yall tend to advertise it, even if a bit subtly.
In and out of vendor hall in 90 seconds flat. We're at nightmare-tier right now and I might not be able to even stand it indoors for the next few hours
Captcha: VTVSTD
I’m the solo non-cosplayer just wearing a backwards Seele logo cap today. Showed up late yesterday and was predictably completely disoriented. Still a fun time for sure
Well I have an uncanny ability to locate people even with the thousands around so don't be surprised if I materialize. And if you attend any panels tomorrow afternoon, well...
By the way, the anons from yesterday were the corpse paint duo. There's also a Christine Weston Chandler (female) here which I feel is worth mentioning because Alog himself is too. Found him last night
will they be moving to a location with a pool? The main reason I want to finally go to HolMat is for the pool
The event staff seem to be freaking out that the building is shaking from people jumping in the main ballroom. They had the DJ make an announcement asking people not to jump. So they’re not letting any more people in the ballroom despite it technically only being half full. And looks like almost every other room is at capacity.

That poster that predicted chaos was right on the money
>SWFL-AnimeExpo - February 12 - Fort Myers
can anyone give me info about this one? honestly my area has nothing and this is the only time i've actually seen this con listed.
Nowhere near as crazy as last year, which is probably a good thing. The digits that stopped it:
>>10829777 (blessed)
>The event staff seem to be freaking out
Not seem to be, DEFINITELY were. I was getting messages from them about it and that's as crazy as it got. Either way, this is one of the best community cons I know since it's for young adults as opposed to boomers or babies. More importantly, they're a lot cooler, friendlier and in shape than at other events.
For me, some of the best parts were that some of the rooms for panels had been hijacked (either because the panel had already ended and somebody must have wandered in and found an empty room- or in one case i saw, the panelists had cancelled altogether). so it was just a bunch of messing around with a microphone and making up unofficial events like speed-dating and debates.

From my experience, friday afternoon and night felt actually pretty low key, saturday was by far the biggest day start to finish, and sunday was pretty strong until the last dying hours. kinda feel like there could have been more stuff going on to properly finish it off with a bang but maybe i just missed where the action was. If I had to speculate I think a lot of people on Friday night left the con to go party somewhere else, though there were still a decent amount sticking around. And then the same happened on Sunday but on a much larger scale (outdoor DJ booth was already being dismantled around 9:30ish?.)
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I'm fairly certain that I saw you and your panel. Were you the Rei cosplayer doing the occultism panel? Or the curly haired lain hat guy co-hosting it? If its the latter then I ran into you beforehand in the hallways, with someone else (was it the same person who presented as rei?). Hope I didn't come across as too much of a sperg.

I did rike the panel, and it was easily one of the most educational panels out of the bunch. The enthusiasm Rei-cosplayer had definitely added to it. I'll admit that once the MGS slide appeared I thought to myself "Welp, we're definitely going to be on this one for quite a while!" Kojimbo memes didn't disappoint, though I was surprised not to see La Creatividad in there.

After the panel epilogue I was standing awkwardly in the background while the other attendees were praising you and talking about the panel. I was going to pretty much just ask about you a bit about Eva, but I left before I had the chance (can't remember if it was that i was trying to catch another event or just had to go take a piss or something). Still anyways, thanks for the great panel and hope the rest of the con was amazing for ya
I was the presenter, yes. So huh, you found me instead. Lain hat is here too, though, you can see him right here >>10829374 And if you mean RIGHT before then probably was me. Really can't believe that took nearly 2 hours cause the script said ~50 minutes. Still, thank you for sticking around. And I was there till the last second. Either way, if you were still wondering about it, I could try to answer
I was mainly going to ask how you feel about the whole thing where it's often said that eva's christian imagery was used because it just looks exotic and cool to japanese audiences. I recall that you mentioned that you've covered Eva before so that's what spurred the question. Also now that i know for sure it was you guys, I am regretting leaving when I did. Full disclosure, I was totally holding onto the delusional hope that the anonymous posters here were all Rangiku Matsumoto or PS1 Tifa lookalikes
>where it's often said that eva's christian imagery was used because it just looks exotic and cool to japanese audiences.
nta but anno himself said that...
The entire premise of the NGE segment was "Here's what he said, here's why he was lying". I can think of three ways for you to get the full rundown
>Post you an invite to our Florida server
>Send you the link to my edited version of the panel from last year
>Come to Mizu and hear me give it again, with some extra stuff I've added on since (the best option)
And as for this...
>here were all Rangiku Matsumoto or PS1 Tifa lookalikes
You'll find very quickly that girls who do dress/look like that well...maybe they don't actually post here but they have a similar mindset. Ask anyone who cosplays CWC or the girls that do it themselves.
Anyone think this year's Otakufest was pretty bad? Like wow security was practically nonexistent, shit was overcrowded, they didn't give a shit that vendors were displaying a ton of 18+ merch for everyone to see, and people just seemed trashy overall. I've never seen the MACC second floor with so much trash on the floor and even ketchup stains all over the walls? Like these newer congoers just seem worse than ever. I've been doing south FL cons since 2011 and honestly considering not even bothering anymore.
i'm not a big discord guy, but i wouldn't mind
>Like wow security was practically nonexistent
So the funny thing is that the days where I arrived later, I could pretty much just walk in like nothing. It was on Sunday where I actually got there before opening where security seemed to be hounding the front doors
>shit was overcrowded
> they didn't give a shit that vendors were displaying a ton of 18+ merch for everyone to see
maybe it's because i've been to red light districts outside of the US, but this didn't seem that adult to me outside of after-hours blatant 18+ hentai panels. I mean yeah there were vendors selling bodypillows and big booba mousepads, but it wasn't like there were dildos or actual hentai or nipples anywhere. Yeah I would think "what the actual fuck" when I saw someone pushing a stroller or walking with a 4 year old, but frankly I don't think this entire con needs to become a sanitized disneyworld type of thing. There's other cons for that.
>with so much trash on the floor
yeah i did see lots of garbage on the floor but what I saw didn't seem massively annoying or obstructive (just stuff like plastic wrapping here and there, business cards from vendors that might have fallen out of a pocket, etc). The one bad part was that there was one section that smelled like piss, and the consensus I got from most people was that the blame fell on the tiny maybe handful of people that brought dogs
This thread reminded me I saw this on saturday of holmat I thought people werent allowed to hold signs though
>For me, some of the best parts were that some of the rooms for panels had been hijacked
This made day 2 last year, but I was too caught up with other stuff (I can't remember) to check around. Closest thing is a huge boardroom was used for photoshoots right before they ended. Otakufest is not THE con for partying but I went to the same one held by friends Friday and Saturday. A shame I got burnt out cause Sunday last year is the only time I saw people were partying too. And yes, the final DJ show was cancelled.
.gg / CPqQukAp8u
There ya go. This is for anyone interested in the Florida scene too.
Is anyone going to Orlando anime day tomorrow or central Florida comic con?
HYPER BASED Florida Man strikes again
Why is this community so dead here but so active in person? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
Because /cgl/ is pretty much the last place you want to use as a resource for con shit these days, discord has taken over in most regards as moderation is actually there and harder to derail with mask stupid shit.
>Check Florida Discord
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These were best in show for me.
One of the best I saw was a Reverse-Flash cosplayer who seemed to have put in a lot of effort into it. Literally the first panel/room I walked into upstairs was a free-for-all discussion, which quickly devolved into a live action re-enactment of /dbs/ powerlevel wanking and shitposting. The Reverse-Flash guy put forth a question like "what would be your dream cosplay with unlimited budget and time" but his question pretty much got completely glossed over immediately for more power level autism.

another cosplay I quite liked was a Dabi holding a puppet of an injured Shouto.
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>Thought about Katsu
>Just came back from a semi-lengthy trip
>Decided against it
>Hey, there's a local con that same weekend and they're "community based". I like that, we'll go there instead
>Forgot it has COMIC in the name
>Full of kiddies, foagies and lardass Plebbitors
>Attended the worst panel I've ever seen
that face when my feeling
I was thinking about going to that con but I decided against it. Seems like I made the right choice

I'm curious as to what qualifies as the worst panel you've ever seen
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If you mean Beyond, yes. You absolutely did. I barely recognized anybody, already a sign something was wrong. No friends or acquaintances, but not faces in the crowd who I see at all cons either.
>I'm curious as to what qualifies as the worst panel you've ever seen
Well I don't care one bit about comics but panels are time killers so, I went to the only thing happening at that point. It's a roundtable debating the intricacies of recasting Black Panther or not, "Is any black man able to do it like Chad?", "Why is it ok to get new actors for white heroes" etc. High schooler crap, but oh wait these types are old enough to have high school grandkids. Honestly embarrassing. This was NOT "representation matters" panel, and I've found that if you ignore those at anime-specific cons, nobody's smug enough to think the audience cares to hear their opinionated drivel. And oh yeah, these are also drawings created for children.
New list of smaller cons dropped, and I'm sure it's nowhere near complete.
>Swampcon - March 25 - Gainesville
>Itasha Expo - April 22 - Jacksonville
>Wombo Con - May 20 - New Port Richey
>My Hero Convention: Florida Smash - August 25-27 - Fort Walton Beach
>SWFL Anime-Fest 2023 - October 29 - Ft Myers
Right now I'm on the fence about Mega cause on one hand, it's a good weekend. No doubt tons of people I know will be there. On the other, nobody seems to like it. AT ALL. If anybody knows, and especially if they can compare it to Anime Festival I'm all ears. That was actually one on my radar for 2021, but they had already cancelled before I even decided.
i really don't expect anything to happen at the next SWFL anime fest, there just isn't the people here, i've been living here for years and we dont even have a genuine anime store, just some store at the mall that sells bootlegs and fakes.
from what i saw in the pictures it was all teens maybe young adults, nothing really going on. so unless they can pull some impressive voice actors or something, maybe. at least it's local and doesn't cost a fortune. i just wish this place wasn't a fucking retirement swamp
apparently there's a one day con happening tomorrow. HeroHype. seems to have a lot of red flags (capeshit themed being the glaring one) Despite apparently being a thing for 11 years, looking through the archives only has a few posts that are mostly just saying it's shit.

I'm still morbidly curious on checking it out. Same venue as Otakufest. Anyone planning on going?
Well, damn. I'm two posts above you but I didn't know the date for Hero Hype. Figured it was soon cause they were shilling it at Beyond. I went last year and if you're lucky like me, you can get in for free. I'll be down to meetup if you're interested.
With all the shilling for other cons at otakufest, not seeing anything for a con happening just a month and a half later at the same venue is a bit strange isn't it?

Should i end up going then i'll post here or in the discord. With a super small con I'm sure meeting up is a more matter of when rather than if
I don't see why it's strange. Those "Black Market" guys and somebody calling himself "Looty Warrior" seem to take turns hosting events literally every week. And all those were being shilled too, like that Kirbiicon thing that happened last year and got INSANE attention even though it was only on night (I'll be there this time by the way). ANYHOW I'm already in the Discord if you mean the same one as I do.
Considering going but unsure, is Megacon actually good? Seems to be bigger than most cons but seems reddit-y as well, the anime part at least looks fun.

I've never actually been to a convention before and I'm mostly interested in firmly anime related conventions.
>seems reddit-y as well, the anime part at least looks fun.
You've never been to a con? Cause your instinct are right on the mark. Comic cons are Reddit fests and if you're not into that, you definitely don't want to force yourself. Anime is the way to go for anything social or even just outside the realm of debating internal politics in capeshit stories. If you're local, go right for it. If not, I'd skip. You can do much better for a first time event
Mega is fun if you’re old enough to drink and have enough disposable income to meet the plethora of celebrities and afford to buy tickets to the after parties and eat/drink at the fun Orlando joints nearby like Señor Frogs or that English Pub. Mega is not a con for the broke, but if you put cash in you get good out
Debatable, some comic centered cons can DEFINITELY be like that, but don’t act like anime cons aren’t the same level of tumblr that comics cons are reddit. Mfs will be cosplaying Junko, pushing their tits up, having fake nails and going by “he/him”, don’t see that as much at comic cons. Local cons are usually reddit af to be sure and not worth your time, but the bigger they get the better they tend to be, with Panels, meetups, celebrity guests and the rest. Mega itself actually has a fair amount of anime presence too and always has, if you’d ever been you’d know this.

Megacon isn’t bad, a tad expensive but if you spring for celebrity meets and the after parties and good food nearby you’ll enjoy it
what's the best con this year that you can attend solo? I don't have any friends and not really risking trying to roll a dice with strangers, i mostly just want to go in cosplay, see panels and an after party, im not 21 yet so drinking and more heavier partying isn't for me
Well there ya have it. These just aren't things that interest me at cons.
>buy tickets to the after parties
This in particular sounds very iffy desu.
>don’t act like anime cons aren’t the same level of tumblr
Yes, they are. No debates from me, BUT there are entirely separate spheres within a convention center. Half the Tumblrinas are off doing their own thing, they can be easily ignored. The other half is easy to chat up because they keep it to themselves. Now that I think about it, that's what Florida's scene is best at: You can get your fill of tism or normalfag partying. Too much of the first is tiresome, too much of the second is boring. I've never seen this balance anywhere else.
amazing life changing holmat video
I mean, yeah I agree but trust me those afterparties are usually worth it. It’s just a cover charge usually 10$ or so for men, women get in free the same as a club. The ones that are more expensive usually come with a drink voucher or two that would equal the cost of a drink or two at a hotel bar
Hm. Well let's flip the script here a second, since I've still never done Mega (and that's not changing this year, though by force). Have you done HolMat before?
>It’s just a cover charge usually 10$ or so for men, women get in free the same as a club. The ones that are more expensive usually come with a drink voucher or two that would equal the cost of a drink or two at a hotel bar
...Since the middle men described here are cut out entirely.
Anyone going to Swampcon? Its pretty small but at least its free
I have, absolutely love it. Been doing it since 2014, although my two complaints of recent have been

Parking has been an absolute bitch, even for hotel guests checking in as early as Thursday. When we checked in on Thursday we were in this huge ass line where the hotel staff tied a license plate to a room number, and their policy now is 1 car to 1 room and it took fucking FOREVER. That’s why everyone in my room piled in my big ass truck

>2. Venue
I feel like the con is getting too big for the venue, it’s felt kinda crowded these last 2 years or so and even in 2019. As much as I don’t want it spread over multiple hotels, that’s just the way it’s gonna have to be if it keeps growing.
For a free con, Swampcon used to be good pre-covid. I was only able to attend for a few hours this year but it was so dead and had a depressing miasma permeating the entire event.
You mustve just moved here. The amount of shit I hear happen at all these cons every year like clockwork. Its a great show though.
Nobody's going to Megacon?
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>You mustve just moved here
This, but not at all. And compared to shit in other areas, Florida is daycare-tier arguing. As one example, probably the worst con drama ever (setting cars on fire) was California.
Surprised there’s no general thread up for it. My buddies and I are going tomorrow as the Warlords of the Sea (Crocodile, Doflamingo, Blackbeard.)
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Didn't go to Megacon, but I wish I did after seeing that this cosplay was there
Best in show desu
How the fuck did I miss this guy?
Bumping this thread to say...one of my earliest memories of a /cgl/ conversation was somebody saying they couldn't stand the fat balding Asian asshole who sells manga in Florida cons. I haven't seen him in years...until yesterday at SakuraCon. Had my doubts at first, but he starting yelling immediately. All doubts gone.
Does holmat STILL not have their dates out???
Supposedly gonna be the weekend of the 22-24th, which is fucking stupid. Again rumor has it that the hotel is giving them that week because they don’t want as big of a crowd as they had this year and that this is their last year on the contract with Holmat and they don’t want to renew. All rumors and hearsay though, wouldn’t be surprised if it turned up true however.
I had a pretty good time at Kirbiicon.
Hardly a convention, hardly any hentai but same
I would honestly be okay with that given how crowded it has gotten the past two years. Probably get less people from out of state and it would become more local again.
For the last one at Marriott I'd like a return to the atmosphere of pre-covid holmats. Last year was kind of ridiculous with how crowded it was.
I’m definitely going next year, but I’ll buy tickets early when they’re still 20 bucks instead of waiting for them to get overpriced
$20 for a few hours is already overpriced desu, not that it matters since I'm near 100% sure it's gonna be even more next time
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>Holmat confirmed for fucking Wednesday through Friday
I get it was booked but holy shit there goes Holmat
Beat me to i--
>Wednesday through Friday
Yup, every other weekend was booked so I guess this is their best option. I get why but this is going to cut attendance by a ton.
lmao what a suicide
I wonder if/how another event was able to take their spot like that, surely as a long running convention they'd get some kind of priority
Marriot fucking hates Holmat. I also think the other thing had it reserved early this year.
>I also think the other thing had it reserved early this year.
Also I like to send positive thoughts into the ether just by stating them. Here is one of those moments: They're going to Gaylord and they'll be all the better for it
Isn't Gaylord smaller than the Marriot?
also isn't there ICE? I don't see Holmat happening at the same time. I think it's going to go to the Orlando Convention Center and Holmat will be even more dead. The capacity amount was a huge problem with Marriot and they're going to bring it somewhere smaller? They're shooting themselves in the foot
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The quickest of quickest glances shows Gaylord is actually ~10% bigger when it comes to "meeting space". Even if not, this looks too damn cool for me to care
Damn you got a point there. That would be nice for photo shoots. I appreciate your optimism, anon
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Glad to help. The first step to happy mind is saying upbeat things. The second step (and the first step to getting everything you want) is believing it.
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He got talked to several times but kept pulling the sign out anyway.

He's wrong, but yeah typically signs are not allowed.
I'm hyped. midweek days are strange, but I think will still work out. They had like 16,000 people attend last year and it was too crowded. I wouldn't mind returning to what it was like 2017-2019.
Also, even though the hotel screwed them with the dates, they let holmat reserve every single room for the entire week, which they have never done before. The con room block is going to be way bigger this year and everyone staying at the hotel will be there for the convention, which is pretty awesome.
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This is what a Holmat staff member said in my friend's server
Funny how people are being massive babies about it. I saw someone cry about how taking 3 days off was eating into half their allocation and I just can't help but laugh. Not their problem that your job treats you like garbage. If anything the attendee pool that does show up will probably be much better behaved and of higher quality in general.
>If anything the attendee pool that does show up will probably be much better behaved and of higher quality in general.
WELL FUCKER ALL I GOTTA TELL YOU RIGHT NOW IS.....I agree entirely. And it was one of the first thoughts that crossed my mind
It just hit me that Ft Lauderdale Convention Center hasn't been used for a con since Super 2018. Damn shame. I like it way better than Miami Beach
Welp even if nobody breathed a word about Mizucon till now I'm gonna say it anyway: I did not ever realize just how many autist girls (the good kind) live in South Florida
Is this con worth going to from out of country even if the days are shit? I have a flight voucher I need to use by the end of the year and friends going to this con.
It's by far the most beloved con in Florida, and the only one I know where people regularly fly in from out of state. You'd definitely best try to make it, since one of the biggest draws is their venue, and you'll never get another chance.
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TFCon Orlando has this announcement concerning crossplayers
>Trans in the name of the event
Holmat 2022 was the first anime convention I ever attended.

Needless to say I saw some shit

And I loved every second of it.
Anime festival Orlando this weekend- fingers crossed it's not a cringe shitshow
Any word? I've barely ever heard a peep about it to begin with
It's fine, there's a few greasey men in maid outfits, but there's been some pretty good cosplays and merch
Is metrocon good
everyone always gets hooked after their first
Only went for 2021. I can commend them for doing no masks that early and it's a nice venue, but other than that I can't remember a single unique thing about it. The other stuff that stood out was this one vendor with tons of Japanese CDs and import games, but he does literally everywhere. The other thing was Rock Band karaoke, those guys are also found at HolMat
Another year of me wondering if anyone actually likes Supercon. So far, it's at 0%. I've been every time since 2016 (more than any con ever) so that makes it even more sad for several reasons
Any reason for not returning to metro con? I keep hearing it's shit or it's GOAT, with basically no other discussion I am close by so it could be fun. The concern I am having is if it's worth the drive and seeing posts about the attendee age being very young
>Any reason for not returning to metro con?
That's the thing...there is none really, but that's almost worse than hating it for x or y reason. Just means it was boring. I don't remember much of vendor hall, cosplayers, panels, meeting anybody, etc. Only thing coming back to me is the rave which I THINK was pretty bag but even then it was mostly just me wandering around
Alright still unsure about the con I might just end up saving for another con in the area
>porn convention called "XXXOTICA" is happening in Miami the same weekend as Metro
Kind of funny coincidence.
That's a good point. I am hyped!
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>tfw I live near one and close enough to drive for the other but chose to skip both for a one day con in LA
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Not even 6 months later, and already back for more
Anyone had luck booking with the Marriott at HolMat? At first it was showing up as sold out the minute it opened, now it's saying Tuesday and Friday are sold out but not the other days. Can't tell if it's a bug or if a midweek con actually sold out in 15 minutes
Have most cosplays at previous kirbiicons been lewded anime/hentai themed or regularly 'par for the course at most cons' anime themed?
Only reason Im going to holmat this year is because a lot of my old friends are also flying in to attend. Had so much drama there last year in our cosplay group that I barely want to deal with it.

Supercon used to be alright when it was at the Macc, but Miami Beach is such a pain to deal with. Only went this year for saturday and it was to help with a friend's table.
Its the last year at its current venue. The con is pretty great all-around. Just dont even try to park at the actual event though and be thankful if you can book a room there. That being said, theres plenty of great hotels within walking distance of the actual con.
Honestly, I don't remember much of anything "lewd" about it at all. Felt more like a club with vendors and costumes here and there
Yes. The location really is one of the worst things about it, and the consistently low energy really makes me wonder if they're gonna have to downsize eventually. Since there's a new Hyatt underway next door, I've already put the prediction out there that by the time they're done (or even before) Otakufest will have moved in. Keep in mind I DO NOT want that either, it just seems inevitable
Seems like things are going to be dead for a while here
It's like that almost everywhere for months. But oh hey... Ultracon... that's... a thing
Then there's Iwai in November
Indeed. Cancelling last year's was honestly crushing. Especially since they waited so long to announce it
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Necrobump time. Now a third Florida con is having venue and date problems. Fun!
Even though there were a few problems at Otakufest, I really think it’s a gamble leaving MACC.
Any good winter cons late jan/feb for FL scene? Otakufest seems to now be three days and I always thought it was 2. Not seeing much else and not really into "comic con's".
That's a pretty dry time of year in general. And with Otaku dates now up in the air, there might not be any. They only started doing three days this year...and I'll be that's part of the reason why they're moving now
What's going on, hotels sick of con bullshit or leadership at Florida cons being complete retards?
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>Be Florida anon
>Went to Dragoncon last week
>10000x better than just about any con in Florida save for Holmat and sometimes Megacon

Why are Florida cons such shit? It’s always either small animu cons or poorly run comic cons with washed up guests

Why are FL cons such shit

DragonCon is like the king of non-corpo cons.

Though Atlanta cons in general seem to lean towards more fun/night stuff going on.
All these cons with venue problems are too big and / or full of loud drunk retards. I'm sure the staff knew it was ogre when they were forced to have people bussed in from a lot over 5 miles away
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Another bump for the three people who still care
Any central FL cons left this year or do I have to wait till 2024, ended up missing AFO (also how was that?)
There's one this weekend...at a library. Unless you wanna go up to Jacksonville for WasabiCon, also this weekend. Other than that, looks empty.
I'm confused on the timing of the con this year.

I see per registration it's Wednesday-Friday as each con day.

Does that mean it ends at like 6PM on Friday like a normal Sunday would or does it go until 2AM on Friday?
Probably early since ppl have to check out of their hotel rooms.
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They really need to put times out, I understand schedules not being ready but at least the basics..
I went too, and thought it was lit af. I arrived early to catch the first band playing. The whole thing felt like a concert/ convention/ festival in one night. Vendors were literally everywhere. It was like playing hid n seek. I LOVED THE DRAG SHOWS!! My friends and I are planning on getting a place in the area, so that we can party till sunrise next year.
>Wasabicon website had a packed schedule on Saturday featuring live screenings and vidya panels
>2/3 of what was listed didn't even happen
What happened? I was looking forward to the weightlifting panel
it goes to 2am Saturday from what I understand
Iwai’s been fun. Though I would be shocked if it’s at the same venue next year after all the shit with the cops
I'm disappointed with Iwai this year. The highlight of Iwai has always been the room parties and those were all shut down fast. I'm glad I didn't stick around for the "secret garden" party either since I hear things went to shit there.
Maybe not a total loss, but yah this was a step down. Iwai 21 was as perfect as they come, so it was probably unreasonable for me to expect that level ever again. And as for last night well...thankfully, the con staff say they're also not happy with how the hotel management acted
>thankfully, the con staff say they're also not happy with how the hotel management acted
That's good to know. Hopefully things get sorted out for next year. I heard the cops came, do you know what happened?
Oh well. Holmat is right around the corner and I think everyone is planning on going hard this year.
Hotel staff was already upset on Friday with just one room making noise in the corner (that's also why "party floor" was put in that area). So of course it's even worse to have like 5 rooms making noise, and one of them in the open area. Also apparently some rando tried busting in to one of the rooms to take pictures and mock people
All the parties got shut down, and not long after the cops showed up. At one point I heard a loud voice declaring “Everyone must either return to their rooms or leave the premises.” So from there a lot of people ended up being corralled into the garden party and parking area. They locked all the doors too, so it was impossible to go back in. From there I don’t recall much, but I do remember someone who I think was con staff taking a decent sized group and trying to convince the cops at the main entrance to let back in, and from there they’d be escorted in one by one. And that was all happening I want to say at around 03:30-04:00am ish. I’m sure some more crazy shit went down (and I did hear some rumours) but that’s as much as I saw myself and know for sure
A rando as in someone from the general public not even attending the con?
Yep. Oh, and while still on the subject of parties, this is the only time I can think of where people were charging for drinks. Something tells me that's not even legal
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Jesus Christ, I know some of the cosplay community can be “UwU sof” or whatever but you’re gonna let some obvious Normie bust into a hotel room someone paid for and start insulting people?

I don’t wanna sound like a “Mr.Tough guy wannabe” type but if someone did that shit to my friends or myself some hands are likely gonna get thrown.
>Everybody's drunk
>Assumed they had free reign to party without being bothered
>Hotel staff immediately start hassling
>Cops called in
>Everybody being corralled from one spot to another
>Some weirdo in a suit pops in saying he's the manager
I'll give the benefit of the doubt this time and say it was confusion more than weakness
Thoughts on the HolMat guests so far? Seems like a lot more “variety” style instead of cosplayers
By variety do you mean vtubers?
is the maid cafe worth it
everytime i see them post i have no idea who any of these people are , the lineup is like:
>VA with two roles and a twitter following
>VTuber that relies on simp bait
>J Michael Tatum (i'd be more surprised if he wasn't going)
He was one of the only guests for Otakon that I'd ever heard of. He didn't go. Make of that what you will
Never. Just go to McDonald's like every other normal person does.
WELP. At least they didn't keep us in limbo for half the year like Iwai did but I can't say I'm happy about this decision....at all
RIP MACC. I have no idea how I'll cope with the Miami Beach traffic. Especially on Friday.
That's really the only reason I don't completely hate this change. So I can laugh at how much they effortlessly mog "Super"con.
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Any word on what franchise the themed drinks will be from this year? Last years Avatar drinks were pretty damn good all things considered
^ Had a >phoneposting moment, rip me if you want
Whatever happened to moonman? I haven't seen his racist rei at cons in a while I use to see him at like every con here
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The look has changed a bit but I haven't gone anywhere
Still larping as someone else?
Anyone at Holmat lurking here?
Is anyone up? I need help opening a bottle. Will offer you drinks if you can open this.
you know it, Any good parties going on tonight?
I'm hosting one right now. Just started.
Where at?

... Where?
24th floor
Oh no you don't, I was told it doesn't exist.
Or someone just didn't want you showing up for some obvious reason
This is a non bullying con. You're so mean.
It's not bullying when you are trying to avoid confirmed creeps.
I'm not a creep.
I'm literally here. It's ongoing
How is the orgy?
Did somebody get roofied to death last night? Crazy rumors floating around
Someone on IG said someone roofied the water dispensers and multiple people had to go to the ER. No idea if it's true or just a rumor, but it would explain the ambulances yesterday. Either way I'll be drinking from my own water bottle today.
No one died. It was just a rumor.
Slipped the room service lady $50 and she let me go to town. Good hotel. Cute little cuban
Link to Instagram post? What exactly was in the water??? No wonder this is the last year at this venue.
There's a legitimately retarded and schizophrenic cirno cosplayer that thinks that a certain Rei cosplayer is larping as him and trying to steal his identity. It was some major midwest gull drama back in the day
God I feel retarded right now. I had no luck finding parties yesterday, and neither did my group really. And all I had to do was check the damn server, CJ
Yeah, I was the one advertising my party in the server and even here. Had a huge turnout last night and tonight. Who are you?
I'm here as Venti (with sunglasses). Are you the one that was talking about having your party on the 25th floor?
Oh, you're not welcome, sorry bro
Absolute faggotry

t. Fat Thor
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Ok well I'm having a good time without you. Your loss.
So which one of you faggots roofied the water?
It's a larp. No one believes this.
I can't believe it's fucking over. I'm going to miss this venue dearly.
that entire ig page seems like it's run by someone who desperately wants to stir up drama + fear/uncertainty/doubt
It was pretty good this year but if the new location has functional internet I'll take it
Exactly why I wanted people to quit talking about it at the start of this thread
Funny seeing people still parroting the shit about the water jugs as if that wouldn't have incapacitated half the crowd
I cant lie the perc had me feelin crazy at holmat this year...
Yeah hundreds of people drinking the water but only a couple people passed out. IDK why people are acting like those people didn't just drink too much, it happens every year. This community is filled with drama queens.
Wow, a venue change I actually approve of. Only took four tries
Is it just me or was Artist Alley mid this year?
I thought the vendors and artists were really good this year.
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The people who run HolMat say: nothing to see here!
So then nothing. For all the talk about stupid conspiracies, how's this for one? Somebody spread a fake rumor of mass roofying so that would be how people remembered the final Marriott Holmat
Anyone got a list of the 2024 FL Cons?
Of course this list is really incomplete, but if it's anything to go by, WOW did I make a good call by deciding to slow thing down. And by the way, HolMat 24 has the exact same dates as this year's
Outta state myself, but will be traveling down to Tampa for MetroCon on July.
Always enjoyed that one. Heard last year was a bit lacking though
how much of a meme is this
KYS already, faggot. Not like the Florida thread has been that active in a while anyway, but I have no doubt this has been so slow in part because the retard OP didn't even bother to include "Florida" anywhere in the title. Basically none of the threads you necrobump ever revive either
So there's nothing until May then?
Unless you're including Kirbiicon in there, not really, no
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There we have it, folks. It's a week later and further than ever, but at least we're not stuck waiting until summer only to find it's cancelled. And most importantly, no atrium
NYS, retard.
You seem upset
Why are there 2 florida threads?
Also bro you were straight up BRAGGING about stealing parts of his cosplay in the main channel lmao. Ye that niggy moved to japan or whatever but lmao you're a pile of shit, also where's my 150 dollars? Don't tell me you "forgot" again
This is the OG it should stay
The other one is a fraud
Put "FLORIDA" in the title next time, dingus
>Post-HolMat/FL General
>FL General
He's afraid

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