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I was wondering if I ever make a cosplay, I firstly understand what makes it bad. Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway. I was wondering if it is something else, like face structure or just being ugly. Also not talking about cosplays that don't match body build or those that want to look bad ironically.
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they really do be looking like these 3
I think if you get the right materials, design it to be at least somewhat accurate (and recognizable for people who know the character) and make the cosplay fit you well you're already 80% on your way to a good cosplay.
Some exceptions apply (like you already mentioned). If someone is a 300lb tubbolard they're not going to have a good cosplay if they cosplay as a ripped character. It definitely helps if you aren't the polar opposite in terms of body size. Having a below average looking face is less of a problem than body size imo.
But a lot of people don't even want to put in that amount of effort because they are completely fine with having a good time in a mediocre cosplay.
Directly translating a cosplay from anime/manga into real life doesn't always work well. Take Wolverine's yellow spandex for example. Sometimes you have to alter some things in order for the costume to look more realistic and more aesthetically pleasing. As long as you don't sacrifice recognisability this is fine imo.
Being fat can ruin everything unless you're cosplaying as a fatass.
I'd say makeup is one of the most important things that a lot of people forget about. Even if the character you want to cosplay doesn't wear makeup, you should at least apply some base or concealer to make your skin look smoother, among other things (like contouring or eyeliner if you want to achieve certain shapes, etc).
This is a surprisingly complex question because attitudes towards bad cosplay and what the constitutes a bad cosplay have shifted since cosplay hit its boom in popularity. See back in the day (early 2000's), there was waaaay less accessibility for materials. Options and resources were limited to shitty quality materials. Therefore, bad cosplay wasn't about fabric choices necessarily but sloppy work and a lack of love for the character. Almost everyone used shiny party city wigs, cardboard for props, and obnoxiously shiny costume fabric.

Nowadays with the rise in accessibility of tutorials, pre-made costumes, and attitudes towards individualism (as opposed to an appreciation for seeing anyone, let alone multiple people dressed as your favorite character), the criteria has shifted. From my understanding a bad cosplay now means:
>calling a closet cosplay (aka a regular non-canon outfit and a wig with some accessories) a full costume
>crunchy, crimped, overly teased, poorly proportioned wig
>over accessorizing (think decora kei level decor but 0 of the charm and 100% more literal garbage)
>(This is somewhat linked to the previous two, but) costume choices that make the cosplay so far removed from the source material that it becomes almost unrecognizable -- it's a fun game to play "guess the character" in bad cosplay threads.
>A lack of love or appreciation for a character. This can happen when the cosplayer doesn't know the source material and only chose the cosplay for grinding clout or $$$. Also known as picking FOTM (flavor of the month) characters.
>not ironing your costume. A truly simple but stupidly missed step.
>Makeup that doesn't fit the character (drag makeup is one of the worst offenses of this)

And of course being fat, odd-looking, or ugly has always been a standard both before and now.
I got so sidetracked in my history lesson that I forgot to answer your question. Cosplayers before and now have always given leniency towards new cosplayers. It's fun to poke a bit of fun but I've seen even the cattiest of people here on /cgl/ come to the defense of new cosplayers because we all start somewhere. We all are trying to profess our love for 2d characters. It's a skill not a talent and it takes time to perfect. In my opinion, it's always really obvious to see the difference between someone who is new at the hobby and is genuinely trying versus a lazy or neurotic cash/clout grab.

>Even if I dress properly, make up, good wig, I feel like it would look bad anyway.
Your first cosplay is going to be bad. Everyone's is, but it's the love for the character that you're cosplaying that makes you feel like the most beautiful and cool person in the world. And others will see that in you. You will get better with time and learn from your mistakes. Doing some research before hand and giving yourself enough time to practice will reduce the amount of ugly the first go around but remember WHY you're doing this in the first place. You didn't spend your hard earned time, money, and energy to impress strangers, you did it for yourself. Have fun with it, you goober.
Honestly its the lack of effort
Not looking at yourself in the mirror after getting ready
Ordering instead of putting in the effort to make it yourself, especially in the lolita community.
Letting TikTok influence your make-up style
you fucker, almost made me spit water on my screen ahahahahahahahah
A very specific hot take but yeah if the character doesn’t have winged eyeliner and nose blush than the cosplayer shouldn’t either
this isn't even a cosplay exclusive thing this is generally good life advice
anon probably means some of the more extreme ugly tiktok cosplay makeup, not just egirl shit.
fuck I'm retarded but this was meant to be a reply to >>10827985
Many little things can make a cosplay bad.
>Un-styled wig or using your natural hair when it doesn't fit
>Poorly fit costume
>Body type not right for the character
>Low effort or taking on something complex for your skill level
>Lack of makeup when it's necessary for the character
>Unrecognizable closet cosplay

Honestly I think the "cosplay is for everyone" trend makes people believe that they can put in little to no effort and still be part of the "cosplay community." This is why the cosplay community has become so cliquey. It also doesn't help that conventions are trying to be more "inclusive" lately with doing stupid crap like putting preferred pronouns on badges, letting fuggos with shit costumes win costume contests, inviting transgendered cosplay guests, vendor hall booths selling gender-identity flags and filling the panel schedule with things like "What It's Like To Be A Gay Transgender Black Muslim Woman In The Cosplay Community" that have jack-all to do with the rest of us.

Don't get me wrong, I think cons should be inclusive, respectful and welcoming of everybody. But there gets to be a point where it feels more about being inclusive than it is about anime.
"I want to be part of the cosplay community" is the wrong reason to cosplay anyway. That's one of the reasons for low effort cosplays. It should be "I love this character and that's why I want to cosplay them".
I'm tired of seeing girls that only know ONE style of makeup and will use it for every cosplay regardless of context.

Character is from a medieval setting and spends the whole day covered in mud? DON'T CARE, e-girl makeup it is.

Worst offenders are wings, eye shadow and bright coloured lipstick.
Being a man and trying to be a female character in 99.9999% of cases
>letting fuggos with shit costumes win costume contests
What really?
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>What makes a cosplay bad?
when it's not authentic

you can have the best clothes and still look like you are out of place

cosplay will never be authentic because cosplayers are just failed actors or fashion designers depending on which side the coin lands
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Been cosplaying for 20+ years and these days here is what I observe:

>not ironing your costume.
Especially if it's fresh out the bag from EZcosplay. It's likely because the public has moved away from knowing how to iron and they didn't teach their 15 yr old how to either. Hitting the con floor in a creased and wrinkled cosplay screams BAD. After a couple hours yeah you might have some wrinkles but you shouldn't start that way.

>Not understanding your body type.
You can make a lot of things flattering if you are shaped like a stick or if you are 70lbs overweight. But new people aren't skilled enough to know how. So often you will see a super flat Nico Robin or a very fat Yor Forger.

>Not cutting your bangs
New folks get a wig and dump it on their head with no edits. They will shove the purposely left long bangs off to each side of their face and end up with a hairstyle that looks nothing like what it is supposed to.

>over or under doing make up
Yes you should wear some make up even if your character is 10 yrs old and doesn't. Because cameras wash out lashes, eyebrows, lips, and jawlines. So you have to make them look more prominent so they look normal in photos. Also anime has perfect skin, people do not. Make up helps bridge the gap.
Some folks go TOO HARD with contour, eyeliner, and blush where it doesn't belong. Then they just look like a caricature.

>no effort
Some people waited till 3 days before the con to try and throw something together and it shows. Or they make a big deal of finding just the right yellow for a top but the top is in the wrong cut, style, and fabric...
Both scream I don't know what I am doing and didn't think this through.

>dirty ass tennis shoes
Guys are usually the offender here but sometimes girls too. But people forget footwear is part of it. Often it's the hardest part. So they don't even try and wear their dirty school shoes and it brings the whole cosplay down to crap.


>hoe-ing up something at the wrong time and place
Let's not be Puritanical here but save that shit for OnlyFans or cons that are more for adults.
Princess Peach in pasties and a thong is just so basic. Sexy underwear Superman so you can show off your pecs is also basic.

>not understanding proportions
Even some seasoned folks aren't good at reasoning out why they look frumpy in a costume. You can change a cosplay to suit you better but it should be done in increments. If you change too much cause you are modest, want to cover a tummy, or don't feel comfortable showing some body part it tends to wreck the overall look.
You also need to figure out where the wig should hit on your face, how long a skirt should be, or how to tailor a coat so your shoulder look wide like the character.

>trying to be offensive
Nuff said. It just screams you didn't get enough attention from your parents and should have been in therapy 5 yrs ago.
This guy is so fucking right, he's the only one mental enough to say the truth
Most cosplay contests are always won by a fujo woman cause she's "good at sewing" while she wears the most generic costume. Often, her costume is just original, and yet meanwhile all the people who did make cosplay of characters end up losing to her, even the very good ones. it's a trend Ive seen constantly and it's nothing but a clique thing
>Some people waited till 3 days before the con to try and throw something together and it shows.
I sometimes do this just for the challenge.
oh and she is usually always fat
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Poor Fit
Tattoos unrelated to the character
No wigs/Bad wigs
Bad Makeup
Surprised I haven't seen it said yet but quality of materials is really critical. It doesn't matter how well Walmart pants fit you, 90% of the time they're still going to look like Walmart pants. Especially important for characters that have really elaborate get ups with high quality materials, like say Dante from DMC. If you get some shitty polyester crap even if it fits it's going to look bad because it's shitty polyester crap. Maybe it's just me but I actually think closet cosplays are a safer bet (assuming your wardrobe is high quality which is a big assumption) than being more true to the character but using garbage material.

Fucking kek
Look, I understand this is a touchy subject.
But the question is, from many threads in /cgl/ how many actually willing to post ugly cosplays?
The reality is, even when we want to avoid hurting someone's feeling, but deep down we know we prefer the beautiful cosplayers.
makeup is so underrated. my biggest cosplay pet peeve is cosplayers not wearing makeup, ESP if they have a wig on. ur face is just going to get drowned out and look so beyond plain. pls even just a bit of eyeliner/black eyeshadow will help.
i agree that makeup is important but you don't know anything about makeup.
lmao k how so. i literally commented 2 sentences and u claim i know nothing
It's the job of the bazed 4chan poster to write your personal biography, taken only from two sentences you posted. That's enough to know you, birth till death. (And all biographies must end with doin your mom)
just mentioning black eyeshadow is enough.
Cosplay judges are also looking for and counting imperfections. The more of a variety of materials and techniques you use, the less likely you are to have performed them all without error. Compare that to someone who made a dress from scratch and styled an excellent wig. Cut out props, armor, painting, abstract makeup, other areas that can have errors and you see why they end up with cleaner scores. I've never seen anyone at a decent sized con win with a "bad" cosplay. But the most incredible and most ambitious ones almost never actually beat "girl-chan in dress".
I keep waiting for bad cosplays to be posted (not ironic/shitpost cosplays).
>Thinking all cosplay judges are fair
Btw I have a bridge for you to sell.
You think what I posted is fair? Or do you just want me to say every score in every cosplay contest is based solely on bias/nepotism and no other factors?
being fat and also being black/wrong race

3rd factor: being too old looking, that why most cosplayers(70%) are girls because they look younger.
lol you bumped a dead thread from page 10 with bait post expecting some "muh controversy" ?
I will say having a bad wig.
Seems it worked on you.
It already on the first page bumped by a moron when I posted that. It's not that hard to notice when you're on a board this slow and I already read this thread before.
Lemme guess, you're that moron.
shinji is acurate
even worse

>using no wig and just lazily wearing the outfit of the character

Just dont complain when no one wants to take a picture of you
If you want pictures:
-make your own cosplay
-get a good wig
-learn how to style a wig
-learn how to use make up
-practice skincare
-learn how to groom yourself
-hang out in the main lobby or near areas ideal for photo taking and don't look busy
Cosplaying as a character because you think they are cool:

Cosplaying as a shy character because you have anxiety and you would feel more comfortable if your anxiety ticks were played off as character quirks:

people with self-esteem/anxiety issues should not be cosplaying because you are cringe/weird and making other people uncomfortable. You take the fun out of conventions. If going out makes you clamp up and emotionally drained then don't cosplay and attend conventions. no one wants you around. no one wants your pictures . You will come off as rude/weird even if you are dressed as an anxious/cowardly character. It's only cool when sociable people cosplay as shy characters because they know how to play a part while making sure everyone else is having fun. When you walk around with your hands holding each other and pressed against your flat chest because crowds make you nervous, people aren't thinking you're cute. They think you're up to no good and that you are weird. and yes people are talking trash about you. if someone does take a picture of you, it's only because they want to make fun of you online.

Do not go to a convention ever again until you have your trauma handled. why should anyone offer you any decency when you don't put any effort to take care of your anxiety? no one likes you . you're a waste of a ticket .
Refund your SacAnime Summer 2023 ticket. No one wants you to see you in a cosplay you bought from miccostumes. Your wig is a mess and your cosplay doesn't even fit your properly. If you're only wearing a facemask because you're insecure about your face then maybe don't go out. like... wow... you're so ugly you still hide your face even when mask mandates have been lifted. You're one of the worst types of convention attendees , burdening everyone with your self-esteem issues. You want to be in group photos, but you put no effort to engage with others. You just walk around conventions hoping someone asks you for a photo.

look at yourself then look at the people getting pictures taken. Not only are you ugly and weird, but you're donning a store bought cosplay. People aren't at cons to see losers in attire made by someone else. They want to see absolute weebs who love their favorite character enough to put in the effort to make their own cosplay.

that's right, cry. go sit by yourself at a convention staring at everyone having way more fun than you will ever have in your life time.

why do you keep going to conventions hoping things will get better when you don't even put in any effort to learn how to sew? there is literally no excuse. there are so much online tutorials nowadays holy fuck I want to kick you.

no wonder you sat alone at lunch from grade school to college.
bad cosplay:
-acting like your character when no one's taking your picture/video or when you're not in a skit
use conditioner on your wig!
Satan trips of harsh but fair truths.
I think the biggest problem with cosplay nowadays is that it hit mainstream enough to create new wave of people who want to try it but insisting to follow their mental status even when cosplay will always naturally attract people into.
I think those people want to yell
>"Pay attention to me! but don't talk to me!"
kind of stupid mixed signal.
>Pay attention to me!
Ego stroked
>but don't talk to me!
No effort in gaining it. Stupid? Yes. Logical? Yes.
Ugly face/face that doesn't fit the character is the biggest dealbreaker. Sounds harsh, but everything else can be fixed with some effort.
That's not logical! Humanity is social animal. Either you became an introvert with limited interaction or you became cosplayers and have interaction. You can't have your cake and eat it too
Cognitive dissonance rules the day and is at the heart of God knows how many people's misery
No it's not. You only say that because it's the internet era and you can say that save behind your keyboard and screen.
There's time when you have to be social just to survive. Internet isn't a total solution and deep down you know that.
I am not condoning this behaviour at all, and I don't engage in it either. It's my way of trying to explain, especially since I people watch enough to know there are some insanely shy types. They try to put themselves out there, just aren't able to. And on top of that someone somewhere (no clue about either anymore) wrote / spoke about an encounter with a Master Chief cosplayer that went something like
Of course the internet is not an end-all-be-all solution either, I've run a panel on that very subject.
Yeah, but even anime like Bocchi the Rock already pushed forward the idea that introvert shut ins need to actually having interaction. Getting picture taken is inevitable. Even Jaiden animation, the girl who used to don't want her photo taken and a shy person now became more active because she did put herself in front of her public with her animations.

The only way if you want to stay anonymous but still want your presence known is Vtubing.
>Yeah, but even anime like Bocchi the Rock already pushed forward the idea that introvert shut ins need to actually having interaction
Isn't that most anime with characters like this? And so many times they're misinterpreted. Bear with me, cause I haven't seen Bocchi or any Bocchi cosplayers yet (honestly surprised) but *from what I've gathered* it's getting the same kind of treatment as Watamote: they embrace that the character is "Wow! Literally me" instead of "Maybe I should do something about this".
Some people don't change even after watching Bocchi, Genshiken or Welcome to NHK. But I bet there's people who actually decided to do something and those shows might be part of their influence to do that. We can't win them all afterall, nothing's perfect.
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This show pushed me to stop being an introvert nerd with no goal in life and to get back into the reality of adulthood. I was going through a big slump in college where nothing was going right for me so I coped by watching anime and going to anime club. Genshiken was a real hit in the face that life was passing by and I wasn't living yet.

Now I make six figures and am close to buying my own assets.
Being ugly for one
Being unattractive.
Good for you. I mean I hate it when people always think that because someone watch anime then they're jobless loser. I want to see more successful people that also enjoy watching anime in their down time.
Hey, I dunno if you're the one that I first discussed with last month in the posts directly above this one but I still feel the need to respond. Cause now that I've finished Bocchi, I can say for sure, it solidified what I wrote here >>10847002 That's evident from the first episode when she's annoyed no one notices her guitar while refusing to put in any effort for herself. Something else I've not really heard about the psychology of the series is her descent into the crazy fantasy scenarios where she's executed for not making eye contact. That's a major issue I both suffered from in the past and see on full display with this site: massive sense of importance, zero self-esteem.

Plenty of other tangents I could go on too, so I'll leave it for now by saying...this did get overhyped too much. Still, is very good, well made and realistic (all things considered)
>massive sense of importance, zero self-esteem.
Yeah I can see that, and that's not just you, but me as well. I have time when I felt like I can do something good for myself but then I find myself losing motivation. I have too much ups and downs and sometimes worried about something that don't happen yet.
For example, there's a month where I felt like I can finally lose weight. I bought a kettle bell, use my cardio bike more and actually way more active. But the next month I felt like it's all pointless and I just simply.... stop.
I can't go on like this for the rest of my life. I keep blaming something. This self esteem issue suck ass and I live in a country where mental health help isn't a priority. We men are forced to be super tough all the time while feeling completely lonely all the time as well.
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That's most people on this website, let's be real. And since there's always a good and bad side to anything, I KINDA wish there'd be more promotion on being a big tough guy 4 u, since that sounds like they're not too worried about pumping loads of medication into you.

There's clearly some kind of correlation here too, explaining why 100% of Bocchi cosplayers I've seen are guys. Even then, not that many at all. (This picture is from Canada, so not mine) Being a shutin who comes out of the shell by playing in a band apparently has 0 female appeal, even when there are only female characters on screen
We're supposed to not behave like that? I figured it would take me from weird asocial otaku to weird social otaku
That's also my hopes with going to cons, trying to find similar friends and cosplay of course !
>No success yet but I'm not deterred !
Material improvement of life not withstanding btw
Contrary to what this site would have you believe, most cosplayers are quite friendly and just wearing a pre-made cosplay isn't 'bad' per se. Everyone needs to start somewhere. Yes, your first cosplay will probably be bad; pretty much everyone's is.
In today's episode:
Hammond wanks off onto an Asuka cosplayer because 'it's what Shinji would do'
James gets spiked with ket and has to dip early
And I get groped by coomers and cry in the women's bathroom
Y'know, sometimes we have to recognize we don't have the proper tools or skills to manage other people problems. But that's not our problem, idk who your talking about but maybe just cut them off and forget about them cuz they're taking up space in your head rent free.
Is that Moot on the right?
>bait post
that’s what the vast majority of people think
being loud and obnoxious and thinking random people want to interact with you just because it’s a con
>what makes a cosplay bad?
>not being biofem
>not cosplaying a sexy character
>being a girl older than 21
>being a girl with no tits
>being a girl with no ass
>having crooked teeth
>being any race other than white, slavic, east asian or a light skinned hispanic/latina
i’ll let eye color and hair color pass bc youre gonna be wearing contacts and wigs anyways
oh and no tats or piercings
ugly and fat cosplayers.
adding goth boots to the fit, bad make up, bad wigs
also being fat
Bad wig can ruin an entire great cosplay. Inversely, a phenomenal wig can elevate a mediocre cosplay immensely.
If there wasnt a caption saying who the characters were, id literally never know. This made me gag it was so awful. If you dont want to have a shameful, bad cosplay like this chick, MATCH IT TO YOUR GOD DAMN SKIN TONE AND BLEND!!!! At least put real effort into your makeup, dont be like this trash.
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would still bang asuka
imagine your children's jaw, priceless
To me its almost always bad fit. Look at something like dress shirts as an example. Even if someone is out of shape with a gut, and has a properly fitted shirt, he will look fine. As fine as a out of shape someone with a gut can look like. But if that shit is not fitted properly? Then it just attracts even more attention to the problem.
>hoe-ing up something
Honestly what pisses me off more about the hoeing is how low effort it is.
old and/or unnattractive women. also men
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I never come here, but this seems like a decent thread to ask this.
I'm going to my first ever con with a group of buddies in a few weeks as a hunter from Bloodborne. Does anyone here have any advice for a con noobie? Is there any etiquette that I should be aware of? I'm a pretty outgoing and social person, so I don't think I will have any problems but I want to make sure I don't breach any taboos.
Pic related is my also my first cosplay, did everything except the coat myself.
theres nothing to it. if you want a picture, its polite to ask first if you can. otherwise if you're fishing for pictures just walk around the populated areas
Looking really cool
If you go with the mindset to have Fun with friends, eat some pizza afterwards and count how many minutes Batman needs of Prep time to do anything, anything you use is fine
But, if you go to the Con to group picture, fan event, ect then
1- be out of shape is the #1 reason a cosplay looks bad, you can have all the props and the exact costume, but being out of shape will make it look bad, not matter what character is
2- lack of details or sloppy accessories, the costume don't fit ,cheap materials...all of that is the second enemy of a cosplay
If you are fat you should cosplay as Charlotte Linlin
I'd still hit it, all of them
For me it's simply passion- when someone is genuinely happy with what they've made and love a series it always shows through. When they're just kind of along for the ride it's pretty obvious. Not saying you have to be perfect or take cosplay super seriously, but ultimately most people expect cosplay to be a labor of love, so it really does kill any motivation when you can't have any sort of conversation about the character or content related to them because the person cosplaying them hasn't even watched the series.
Other than that deep fried wigs I guess.
tell us ur a fattie without telling us ur a fattie
underrated but quality posts, thanks anon
There's no special etiquette beyond common sense and decency. Shower, don't touch other people without consent. Avoid screaming, don't sit down to rest in any walkways, etc.
I've heard some people say photobombing is highly frowned upon now but I also hear others say they love when their photos are bombed by someone being intentionally goofy in the background. But obviously don't walk in front of anyone posing in the lobby when you can tell they're being photographed. Typically food can't be taken into the con hall either, so keep that in mind. See-through water bottles are okay.
Btw your hunter cosplay looks super cool, I hope you guys have fun!

a cosplay is bad if i don't find the person in the costume sexually attractive
so what do i do if i have a fucked up face?
wear mask
learn how to do makeup
>drag makeup is one of the worst offenses of this
holy shit this is easily the worst demographic to start going to cons when they became popular, fucking drag queens. at this point the only place you'd find more queers in one place is at a damn pride parade. let me add my own pet peeve:
>shitty premade cosplayers in general but the specific demographic of them that deck their shit out in pride pins and walk around with some sort of lgbt flag
The only thing that matters for a cosplayer is having good forward facial growth
The sooner you realize this the sooner you will stop suffering
It's also why asians look way better in cosplay than white people
Nice try Chang
Did I say asians? I mean Japanese/North east asians specifically
Changs and south asians are just as recessed as whites
This is the best takedown shoop on 4chan.
I just hate how basic guys look. Women will at least attempt to get the wig, makeup and general outfit done while a guy won't even bother to use a wigcap and think his handmade armor is good enough to hide all the other elements they lack
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>What makes a cosplay bad?

These are the responses the thread needed.
I've also been cosplaying for 20+ years and this is what I have seen over and over again.

Honestly people think I am a good cosplayer because I iron my shit, understand my body and proportions, understand my coloring, cut my wigs, do make up that flatters me, wear nice shoes, don't whore it up, and am generally positive and pleasant to interact with.
me on the back with the fishing hatç
what am I seeing though?
The same one faggot (Inuyasha[Kingbishie]) posting himself in the desperate and misguided hope that someone says he's attractive. That, or we're in a post-irony stage where others are posting him for (you)'s.
learn to pose; even a bad cosplay goes to a 10/10 if you pose it right
>gatekeeping a hobby
queer folx have been part of the cosplay community since it’s inception
Gatekeeping keeps communities healthy
so which is the better option, showing up at a con in bad cosplay or no cosplay?
I got in this thread to say this, and I cannot unsee it. Thanks, anon, thanks.

I want Jixaw to say this.
No Cosplay. If you aren't going to put in the effort to make it decent then it's not worth it. Just wear normal clothes and be comfortable.
Whichever one you'll have more fun in. Good or bad isn't the point, people like >>10904824 have lost the picture. Which would be more fun for you? If wearing your cosplay would be more fun, then that's what you should do. Even if it's not the best. Because you should be cosplaying because you love the character and want to have fun emulating them.
just say its "ironic" bad cosplay
Looking at this photo with a critical eye can show you some of the things that can go wrong with a costume and how to avoid them.

First up: body proportion. Not everyone is going to look good in every type of outfit. The Evangelion characters are all very thin and wear super revealing suits. Proportions here are very important. While Photo Asuka has a narrow waist and broader hips, Photo Rei doesn't have quite as much definition in the waist and her hips aren't quite as wide, making her look unbalanced. A bit of padding in the hips, like a crossplayer or drag queen would wear, only much thinner, only 1/2" or so thick, could have helped with this, but I'm not sure it would even be necessary if the bodysuit wasn't... wrong. More about that below. And Photo Shinji- he might have the right proportions, but you can't tell because his costume is swallowing him whole. Let's talk about that.
>>10907798 cont.

Costume proportions are also important. The Eva plug suits have shoulder armor. Photo Asuka has decided not to include those, which has helped to keep her profile closer to Anime Asuka's character design. Photo Shinji has has made shoulder armor, but it's way too large. It comes more than halfway down his arms. The same thing with the collar, and the chest things and the... things that wrap around his sides. They're all too big and they make him look odd. Those things on his sides make him look super wide. And the collar makes his head look tiny. This could have been avoided if he'd mocked these pieces up before making the whole costume. And let's mention Photo Rei as well. The idea to use a bodysuit and tights was probably both cost related and knowing-how-to-sew-with-fussy-stretch-fabric related. And it could have worked out better with a different shape of bodysuit. Photo Rei's bodysuit comes down low over the hips, making a line that cuts her off at the leg. This makes her torso look too long and her legs look too short- but they aren't. She's about the same height as Photo Asuka and they have the same inseam. A bodysuit that's cut high over the hips, like they wore in the 80's, would lengthen her legs. Look at where the leg seam on Photo Asuka's costume is. That's where Photo Rei's bodysuit should have come up to.
>>10907799 cont.

Material quality. We all see it, right? No need to say anything else? You don't need to spend a lot on your costume- you just have to spend enough.

Hair. They've all used their own hair. It works for Photo Asuka, since Anime Asuka has the same hairstyle. Photo Rei's hair is not at all the same style as Anime Rei- it's the same length but that's about it. Just trying to style it ahead of time would have given Photo Rei a clue that a wig was necessary.

Makeup. You don't need a lot, but some can really help. Photo Asuka have given her brows definition and a small amount of eye makeup, and it looks like maybe something to smooth out her skin tone. This is something else where you don't need a lot- just enough.
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Whatever this is
Receding hairline + greasy hair with no attempt to style or wash it
Giant flabby arms
Mid body
Shiny poor quality costume that’s only purpose is to be a “sexy” version of a popular character. God awful Asian fishing makeup.
Is it drugs or is she rlly old?
>Holy pixel famine
>1.25 MB, 4000x4000

Do android users really?
I know I'm replying to a year old post here but as a guy who's getting into cosplaying and has never ever touched makeup, how do I start here? Do I just use foundation by itself? I don't want it to be super obvious, but I do want to look good.
I don’t think she shower. I seen her @ my states cons and she always got the grease.
Some of this is wrong body shape due to our modern way of making and wearing clothing. As an example, google "1930s suit" and then google "European suit". Even the expensive European suits will make you look like crap just because they don't have (or aren't made to accommodate) the nice shoulder pads we see in the 1930s suits. Additionally a lot of the European suits are made of thin or shiny material which conforms to the actual body of the wearer instead of being padded between the layers (google "suit collar padding") which contributes to a false idealized body shape. The vast majority of costumes for both male and female characters would highly benefit from shoulder pads and other shaping features, similar to the 1930s suits.

Some clothing supposedly looks worse simply because of the type of stitching used. As an example, kimono are said to look better on the body if they are hand-stitched than if they are machine-stitched, there is something about the perfect evenness and perfect thread tension of machine stitching that supposedly changes the look.

When you've bought synthetic fabric which claims to be just like silk, wool, etc you can often spot that it's synthetic in photos. The nagging feeling that something is "off" about the costume contributes to the ugliness factor.

My natural hair is dark brown and curly and I have a "German nose", which means it's wide but normally you don't notice it. I found out that either if I have hair lighter than my natural color, or if I have 100% straight hair, it makes my nose look like it doesn't belong on my face anymore and I become 500% uglier. So I cosplay dark-haired characters and put very slight curls into the wigs even if the hair is supposed to be straight. Also use tutorials from "lace wig" people to make the wigs look less crappy.
Wigs - the hair is usually 100% all the same color. Real human hair (even black hair) has slight variation between color in strands (on that note, your eyebrows should be a shade darker than your head hair - a point many cosplayers miss). Ardawigs is one place that has multicolor-stranded wigs even for plain colors. With real hair, you can also see the scalp. With a wig, you can rip out some of the netting between the wefts and glue or sew in silicone bandage strips to simulate having a scalp cap.

I don't believe race is an automatic factor. Most anime characters are closer to looking half-Japanese. Some cosplayers famous for having amazing costumes actually look nothing like the character age-wise or facial-feature wise. There are also simple changes you can do to your face that makes a big difference towards looking more like another race. One is "Asian eyes" (monolids) versus "Western eyes" ("epicanthal folds"). Anyone can have either one of these, all you need to do is fold your eyelids a different way and then hold them in place with eyelash glue.

White skin that easily turns pink or red, as well as blinding white skin, is seen as ugly (it instinctively reminds us of stuff like rashes and illness). You can eat a lot of beta-carotene foods (sweet potatoes, etc) and fermented foods like home-made milk kefir, it will change your skin from white-pink to white-yellow as well as even out your skin tone. Also, whiten your teeth but not to blinding white.

Origin of prebought items - real Japanese tabi are often a slightly different shape than Chinese-made tabi. Real American blue jeans are very different from European blue jeans. The wrong look will feel "ugly".
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Posture - don't pull your shoulders forward. Wear a posture corrector under your costume. Watch feet and arm placement - body language that screams "I'm insecure" makes you look worse, so fake confident body language. Wear something to help your feet not hurt or rub in your shoes: shoe pads, insoles, or special socks with hidden features (double socks with shoe pads hidden in the outer one, etc) - walking when you feel uncomfortable will worsen your posture. If your eyes are bad use a cane, umbrella, sword etc like a blind man's cane so you aren't staring at the ground when you walk. If you normally wear glasses you can spring for prescription contact lenses, but in my case they cost $800 because my eyesight is so bad. Sometimes your whole face seems to change just by changing your eye color. Glasses - get glare proof & flash photo proof lenses.

Wrong shoes (heels or tennis shoes when the character has none, flip-flops instead of zori) - These days you can buy almost any type of shoe under the sun for $10-30 on Chinese sites like Temu, Aliexpress and Taobao, and get used traditional Japanese items for similar prices via sites like Mercari & FromJapan, so there is usually no excuse to not find shoes similar to the character. You can use colored shoe leather retouch paint to get a more realistic look for shoes, and make diy worbla (plastic pellets + flour) for harder shapes.

Wrinkles - the costume in this pic would look great if the gold parts weren't wrinkly and shiny.

It's psychologically proven that smiling increases attractiveness. Have you ever noticed how almost no one simply walks around on the street smiling to themselves? If you get accidentally photographed in the background of someone else's shot, you want to be smiling. And you don't want to be "not smiling" because you're worried about no muscles, BO, skin flakes, oily hair or something (diet, lemon juice + coconut oil shampooing, etc goes a long way in changing that).
Makeup - use the smallest amount of makeup necessary. Women - most put on way too much even when they are going for a "natural" look, and you can tell their face is caked full of makeup.

Even just a hint of facial hair or bead stubble instantly makes the character look more male.

Women - most don't usually do anything to simulate facial hair, sideburns, etc when crossplaying. This automatically makes the character look odd even though it's such a tiny detail. You can buy costume-use facial hair, and you can dye your arm, leg and any chin/neck hair you may already have darker so that it's visible.

Men - facial hair gets in the way of makeup and crossplaying, big time. If you need that baby-smooth look you can try using hair removal cream, but it must be for the face and must be for men (apparently men often have stronger hairs than women and women's cream doesn't break them down).

Face - You can get realistic-looking prosthetic noses, ears, chins, etc and glue them on then blend them in with makeup. But if you really wanna go that far, hyper-realistic silicone face masks exist now, "half masks" (mouse/nose) are yours for $100 to $200 while full masks are yours for $400 to $700...
Surprised I haven’t seen her posted here or the farms before
Still would, dont care

She a druggy and rumored to drug ppl. Dodge the bullet
>There are also simple changes you can do to your face that makes a big difference towards looking more like another race. One is "Asian eyes" (monolids) versus "Western eyes" ("epicanthal folds"). Anyone can have either one of these, all you need to do is fold your eyelids a different way and then hold them in place with eyelash glue.

Nah, this doesn't fly in the cosplay circles
Another cool thing would to see how other people have fixed or redone their old shitty cosplays
Free drugs sounds good to me.
They won’t be free brother. Trust.
It flies in the non-cosplay makeup circles, so dunno why it wouldn't work with cosplay. It's just an alternative or addition to certain types of eye makeup. For example if you want 〜anime eyes desu〜 including Brock eyes or huge shoujo eyes, refolding your eyelid can help create the appearance of a bigger or smaller eye, as well as change how deep your eyebrow ridge seems. I think most people don't talk about it because it's mainly done by Asian women and half-racial people.
whats her OF
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God damnit! That face and make up is so perfect to cosplay this chad with a few more touch up!
Not sure if this is the correct thread, but how do you fight perfectionism? For instance, I want to do my very first cosplay of a character I like very much, but I know nothing of sewing, makeup and wigmaking, which only leaves me with an option to buy some polyester crap from ezcosplay and be happy with that.
I would really love to wear a “good” cosplay instead of plastic bullshit, but that will require me to learn sewing (or spend a fortune to commision/hire a tailor), learn how to style a wig properly, and learn how to do a makeup (I’m a guy so never used it)

Do I just go with ezcosplay for starters and improve it later down the road?
Find yourself a good baseline and go from there. Once you start going into handmade stuff, remember to take a step back if you find yourself starting to get sucked into a single detail and look at the whole thing and how it looks. As for stuff like wig making and makeup, it just takes time, practice, and a good bit of study.

What state so I can look out for her to avoid lol
Nc. She weird asf. BFFs w a literal kid
who is this
no cosplay

unless you’re really hot, you’re going to have to put in a lot of money and effort… i’ve been fooled by some hot cosplayers before, after a minute i would look closely and notice how terribly seen it is

Bruh tf? Why is she bffs with a kid?
Does she not have friends her own age?
crack hunter
not fitting well.
that's literally it.
but even wearing bad cosplay can be fun.
fuck, your post reminded me of how much I was disappointed with Great Deceiver

what a waste of a visual novel
Pick characters that initally wear a mask/fully closed helmet.
I've been thinking the same thing for years but never seen anybody else point it out
small breasts
Get fit, it is that simple!
I've met her at a few cons she's actually really sweet plus pretty sure she's been sober for awhile now so no need to worry about that
Bro what did you do for that Hunter? That looks awesome
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When it looks uncanny more than bad
Hey, dude's not doing the hoverhand.
The people in it.
I'd add that, depending on the cosplay, there are ways and tools to hide body fat. I dressed up as Postal Dude from Postal 2 one time (For the record books), and it was at a time that cosplay parts were limited (I actually made a blue alien logo on a black shirt because it wasn't available, and a large smiley button). I was a bit chubby (about 200 lbs at 6ft, and not much muscle), but the character wore all black, which hid the fat a lot. Now, won't work if you are trying to be Ariel with an Ursula body, mind you.
Scrotes really do get this down bad and then suddenly turn misogynistic after they're ruined, despite multiple warnings told to their face to avoid a problem bitch, lol.
Lose weight.
This is a good take! I used to have anime magazines when I was 11 and all the weird cosplays made me feel awkward. Also my fisrt anime con was when I was 11 (my mother took me), and everyone looked rly bad to my opinion. the best cosplayer was a girl around my age that was dressed as Sumomo (Chobits). The cosplay quality was amazing, and she looked so tiny, she was the cutest ;w;

If you think you pass the cosplay vibe, do it. cosplay is about having fun, not pleasing fans lol fuck them.
Thats actually his wife
Spreading magi-chan is pretty bad but the look is real good ngl
Low effort
Epic bot reply
Reminder he founded Cosplay Deviants
Theres unironically no such thing as "bad cosplay". It's like saying theres "bad confidence", you either wear it with confidence and everyone gets pictures with you.
Or you wear it thinking you look like shit and everyone thinks you look meek.

I've made cosplays that i've personally felt looked like shit, yet been featured on con's websites and got a TON of pictures.
NGL, getting pictures of your cosplay can boost your confidence in it IMMENSELY.
I've even seen people cosplaying as the same character as me, and it makes me feel really good.

Your cosplay doesnt HAVE to be 600 dollars worth of foam and LED's to be good either, i've gotten a shit ton of pictures just cosplaying as Max Payne because I can "do the face", for a cosplay that in total maybe cost like 60 bucks?
>>over or under doing make up
This is probably the hardest lesson to "learn" as a cosplayer, especially at conventions. Knowing the right makeup for a con is incredibly hard since you just can't really tell what looks good or not until you're at the con, and even then you can't guarantee it'll stay looking good when you're there. It'd be nice to have somebody teach me about what the balance should be sometime.
boner robin, the absolute legend
My wife

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