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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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hey /cgl/ this me cosplaying as my cat rupert, who is on my shoulder for reference.

Does anyone else here cosplay as their pet, or have tips on how to cosplay more like a cat without looking like a furry?
I love you rupert!
Furries usually go for the full face mask, so you'd want to use makeup and maybe contact lenses to make your face more catlike. Maybe also a striped shirt to go with the cat aesthetic. So more like a "fancy costume party" cat than full-body animal outfit. But you'll still get a few people thinking you're a furry.
he said thanks


hmm okay thanks for the infomation i will try some contact lenses that are the same colour as ruperts
how old is rupert now
I luv rup rup
hi rupert
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850 days

he said meow back
kill yourself so your cat can eat you. only worthwhile thing you'll ever do.
finally, rupert, you are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
are you iranian?
also i love yuo rupert
Say hi to Rupert for me
rupert the grand tour!
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no way its rupert guy!!! fuck yeah!
i cant believe i get to see a live rupert thread
whens next ranger boots drop stream
it was a matter of time...
hi rupert.
i dressed up as my cat benito once.
very good rupert cosplay, probably the best I've ever seen
Go the full CATS musical route, I fucking dare you faggot. Rupert is very cute.

Might want to wear something that evokes the tabby cat pattern somehow? Dont make the lines too abrupt though, make em blend in a bit. Are you familiar with gijinkas? You would be thinking up a plausible Rupert gijinka and working off of that. Think of how he’d be if he was a human. Is he a lazy slob fuck? Prim and dignified? A toe biting asshole?
i love ruptert
Hello, Rupert. May we see Rupert do cosplay?
Hi Rupert guy! It's me again from two months ago! How did your cosplay turn out? Did people think you were a furry? Did Rupert like it?
thats so holesome
rupertposting will save this board
hows my boy rupert doing?
for such a complex character design I say you pulled it off well
RUPERT!!!!!!! :D
I love your cat. I hope you still lift for him
very comfy thread, thank you op
make rupert a matching outfit while you cosplay him
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>how to cosplay more like a cat without looking like a furry?
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oh this though, for real, make your cat tiny versions of your clothes.
>Does anyone else here cosplay as their pet
No, since I at least go to the toilet
yeah people liked it thanks for all the replies i didn't think thread would still be up
ty he's a big fan of it
oh my god its rupert, i love you rupert <333
Kek, you gotta love the Rupertster, baby!
more Rupert pics please
More like POOpert
Extremely based thread. Bumping for Rupert, you go little guy!
why did you choose the name Rupert?
cool beans
OP, show Rupert's beans
You don't look like a furry imo, furries are generally way more garish. Matching your pet is based as hell. Give Rupert a little patpat for me please.
rupert is a very handsome gentleman
also incorporate pattern/colors into an outfit and get higher quality ears
cute I like it
Rupert seems pretty chill ngl
Gay. Shave that awful mustache too
fucking love ruep
mad jealous
mad cuz he got mad pussy and u dont
Not OP but I love Iran and I love Rupert.
The kind of quality thread that will save /cgl/
This thread needs to fucking die. Every month I come here looking for a fursuit thread, and instead get this same greasy pustache ass motherfucker. This thread smells as bad as OP does
just spam the fuck out of it so it autosages. some idiot is camping it to bump it every once in a while.
Awesome to see rupert happy as usual, as a cat lover myself, I'm glad he's being cared for by someone so loving.
There was a video I saw of you posting a torrent of photo's of rupert.
Would you still have the magnet link? I can't seem to find it and the one in the video has bits cut out.
Just leave the thread and go to another you braindead retard.
This isn't the only thread on the board, you inbread vaginal belch.
Spamming is against the rules
You could do a tail, ears, and paw gloves.
I think drawing on a nose and whiskers works be good too.
I think that's probably the limit before you look like a furry.
If you do those giant paw shoes that's furry territory.
Post the costume with upgrades once they're completed
your posts would be deleted anyway
does he bite?
bump for rupert
damn, this place really did turn into reddit
just make your own fursuit thread. we need a new one anyway since the last one died a couple months ago. Also hi rupert, you remind me of my old cat who passed away too young 15 years ago, rip and happy catting
Where is Rupert guy? Did he died?
If I saw you I would assume you are a furry faggot
Nice cat
I think I wanna punch you in the face so hard your entire body explodes
this should be a sticky
Hi rupert!
Only good thread left
New Rupert Lore
This makes this a general
Damn the original pic isn't showing now even if you click on it
It's still in the archive though

cant even repost it as its saying duplicate
Gotta make it to 2025
>my cat rupert
Stale forced meme that's only well-known because of twitter repost accounts. Get off my board.

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