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A thread for telling stories about anything and nothing - funny, roommate horror, party shenanigans, creeps, things you wished you didn't see, etc.

>Be me
>Walking around con floor with friend I just met the day before
>He is fairly high at this point in time
>Tells me he wants to try and find some bitches to bring back to the hotel room
>I'm down, decide to try to be a wingman to him at the very least
>He is cosplaying as Loid Forger
>See thicc qt3.14 Yor cosplayer
"That's a really sweet Yor cosplay, my friend here has been trying to find a Yor cosplayer for a photo"
>She sees him behind me
>They start talking
>To my surprise, he has some fair rizz
>A second Yor cosplayer approaches, she seems to know the other one
>He hands me his phone and asks me to take a photo with both of them
>High off his ass, in between two Yor cosplayers, arms around both of them, both of them leaning into him
>He must be in heaven
>Unbeknownst to me at the time, his camera was on a delay for taking photos
>I click the camera button on his phone, it doesn't seem to be working
>I walk back with his phone to ask him what I'm doing wrong
>Camera takes blurry downward photo while I'm handing it back to him
"Oh dude it looks like you took a photo of our feet, hahahaha"
>He finds this hilarious
>Both Yors are looking at us with a mix of concern and disgust
>I'm able to recontain most of the spaghetti to our pockets by showing that it was on delay mode
>Take photos
>Both Yors walk away afterwards

Anyone else fumble the bag this bad?
>No posts
Sad! This thread has potential. I'll start with some silly ones

>Holiday Matsuri, early afternoon
>Wandering halls when a high school age kid dressed as L approaches (no parents around, no friends around)
>Hey so like...what do you think of my waifus?
>pulls out phone to show a collage of anime girls
>Hey what do you think of my husbandos?
>Switches to a collage of anime guys
>Point being me cause there's someone I wanna take a picture with (and an excuse to leave)
>Get shots in, try to open my mouth, he pops out from behind
>Hey, what do you think of my waifus?
>Hours later chilling in the bar area with some other guys
>He's back again to ask again "Hey, so my waifus..."
>After he leaves, one tells me "Oh that kid. He told me earlier that he likes asking cosplay girls to step on him for pictures cause he gets off on it but says it's "a joke"
(Stepping signs weren't a thing yet)

>Ikkicon on New Year's Day during rave
>Impressed by the size-appropriate Chef cosplayer dancing with them
>He shouts "Hey, Spider-Man, come join us!"
>Confused cause there's no Spider-Men around
>Realize he means plugsuit Asuka...a man...with a full beard
>Not about sexo
>Nobody cares
Sadge! Captcha: 000A2
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"Anything and nothing" could very well include sexo.

If only I had used a naked anime woman as the thread image
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It always helps. I will try again with another silly one (that also relates to Spider-Man)

>Saturday (?) night, hanging with somebody and his zoomie roomie dressed as Spider-Man
>Go up to my room for some reason, then say I'm gonna scout for parties after
>Hear party noises right next door, go in
>All the older folks are loosening up and drinking, Spidey is standing in the corner just watching
>We wanna get him to join in, give him a beer, still not interested
>Eventually head to the courtyard in front where there's thousands partying too
>Find a contest to scale a ~15 ft lamppost and touch the very top, nobody can quite do it
>Spider-Zoom runs up from behind, pulls his mask down and gets it on the first try
Not often ya get to see such an instant transformation.
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>Walking around, looking for something to do
>Getting late but not enough for parties yet
>Friend texts me
>"There's a cereal party outside"
>Go out
>See a crowd of people and a line formed in the middle
>At the front there are some dudes distributing cereal, milk, bowls and spoons
>Find my friend and eat cereal in cosplay together
It's the small, silly things.
>at second con ever with two friends who're attending their first, early second day
>ambitious friends decide to take edibles before going out
>walking around, friend pretty toasty, haven't even started drinking or anything myself
>"hey man I think I need to go back to the room and lay down"
>look over, edibles have hit, friend has now become far too toasty
>alright, gather other friend and turn around
>begin walking, friend is very quickly losing control of motor skills, have to almost hold him up
>his legs give out and he hits the floor in the middle of the largest con walkway
>struggle him over to sit against a wall so we aren't drawing so much attention
>staff comes up, friend is paranoid and keeps telling him he's okay
>decide to go buy him a water, leave, come back, both friends have bounced
>staff tells me friend insisted he had to leave
>catch up to friends, one who's high off his ass keeps mumbling about some hot cosplayer
>get him back to the room, he spends the rest of the day and night passed out
Was a lot of fun. Shame he missed the whole night though. I'm not particularly sociable but even amongst weird strangers at a con him and I together can bullshit with anyone.
taking edibles isn't all that ambitious, but it's definitely better to underdo it and have it hit later and less hard than to overdo it at a con. sorry your friend missed the night - i'm sure he was not having a good time.

i've greened out on planes, at malls, at formal dinners, but a con is not a place i would want to be hung over a toilet or passed out in the hallway. it's good your buddy made it out without puking.
I only say ambitious because it was his first con, it wasn't one particularly known for partying or anything, and he took an assload super early on in the day. Greening out in any of those places sounds like a nightmare, but I have little personal experience with that sort of thing.
>i'm sure he was not having a good time
He handled it pretty well, just upset he missed everything. We later brought him up a pizza that ended up being prolly one of the best we'd ever had, but that may be in part because we were collectively pretty fucked up at that point.
>Be 8 years ago
>Con friends are much more rowdy
>In bar at top of con hotel
>Drinking, laughing, fucking around
>Me and a friend have to use the bathroom
>Bathroom corridor splits, left is bathrooms, right is unknown door.
>Try to open it.
>It's unlocked.
>Use bathroom and go back to table
>Tell others about it
>4 of us (out of 6) decide to go back and check it out.
>Poke our heads in, no one there.
>Supply room
>Rummage through some boxes, friend stuffs something under his shirt.
>Back of room has hotel staff stairwell.
>Use it to sneak back down 7ish flights of stairs.
>Prop open door ever so slightly.
>Once in room, friend pulls out what he took.
>American flag
>Not just any American flag, but a huge one, the one thay flies on top of the building
>Laughing, we spread it out across the two double beds in the room
>Take a few pictures before folding it back up.
>Wake up early morning.
>Sober, realize that keeping a flag that big/expensive might be a bad idea.
>Return to the staff stairwell, door still ajar.
>Proceed to unsteal flag
It was a great time. It'll be a forever memory and we still talk about it sometimes with people new to the friend group.
Have you posted this before or did I hear it from somebody in person? 100% sure it's come up before, either way.
Maybe years and years ago. It's been at least 3-4 years since I've posted on /cgl/.
>girl approaches me and shoots the shit about the character I'm cosplaying
>swap instagram handles
>she hits me up the next night, asks about what I'm planning to do that night
>friend is trying to get more girls to come to his room party, so I pass her the room #
>she shows up, tries to talk to me for a bit, but I'm busy with other stuff (also in a relationship so not interested)
>she pivots and talks to my friend for the rest of the night
>tell this story to my GF and she's just like "bruh... you're one of THOSE types of guys"
>i'm just like "look, ik people are looking for shit to do, i'm just happy to help em out. or would you rather I flirt back with them?"
YOu should have wiped your ass with that flag. America is a failed contry controlled by trannies.
Huh. So the options here are that someone had a very similar story, or what I find more likely, it spread to another group who spread it to me. Maybe even a member of your group, though a damn shame I forgot where / when I heard this story. It was definitely less than a year ago, and I'm almost fully convinced it was in-person.
>It's the small, silly things.
>>Staff for a con.
>>Cosplayer hands me an airsoft rifle
>>Aim down scope at con-director off third floor balcony.
>>Squeeze trigger
>>Not an airsoft gun
>>Hand it back to Cosplayer and suggest they don't get fucking caught with it or there'll be hell to pay. Fuckin armed police and shit.

>>Not the US so live firarms are generally unexpected in public.
Do you live in the midwest? If not, then that story got repeated/traveled far as fuck. I guess it wouldn't be crazy if s9meone else did the same, it was essentially rummaging through an unlocked storage room, taking some novel pictures, and putting everything back.
[spoiler]We did make it into the convention center staff area of the same con another year and one of my buddies grabbed a free perrier water befor stumbling out a door that lead into the ongoing rave.
>be me
>take friend to con since she was hit by a car and lost her nephew in the accident
>push her around in wheelchair all day, no biggie and it’s a fun time
>at exhibition hall looking around, stop at one vendor in particular
>obese Mexican 5’5 weeb comes to us
>”who are you cosplaying as?” To me
>no one
>asks my friend same question and she says she isn’t
>but ur in a dress and wheelchair you must be in cosplay
>im not, I was in a bad accident my nephew died
This nigga.
>wow anon, sounds like a boring shoe or game you’re from
>Mfw friend starts to breakdown in tears since it was fairly recent incident
Dumb spic didn’t realize she wasn’t cosplaying until she started to cry hard
>mexiboo puts his hands in prayer and bows to us “sumimasen”
what a pointless story.
Similar story, less bad for those involved.
>Be Acen 2019
>Feeling a little sick at the start of the weekend (Friday)
>Decide to only smoke and take edibles because drinking would be risky.
>Get blazed as fuck on Sat morning.
>Have fun roaming halls and stopping in some panels with friends.
>Go to dealer hall.
>Looking at stuff is a little more fun when high.
>Traffic is funnled pretty well, friends pointing at shit and laughing and having a good time
>Get to artist alley portion.
>Much wider space.
>Friends disappear
>Edible raging hard in me, worry starts to set in
>All these people might be able to tell I'm high
>They might turn me in
>No friends in sight
>Panic kicks in.
>I might get in trouble
>Feeling really sick
>Might throw up
>Pacing quickly up and down rows looking for anyone I know/came with
>Feels like forever
>Finally turn a corner and see a friend
>Walk quickly up to them
>"You ok Anon?"
>Tell them yes
>Anxiety levels drop back to nothing
>Ask nonchalantly later when I'm not high how long we were sperated in the artist alley
>"Oh, like 5 minutes"
>Feel retarded.
All in all, harmless, but your story reminded me of it still.
>Do you live in the midwest?
There it is. So one of your guys passed it on however many times until I heard it. Probably some Chinese whispers going on, because I remember some extra detail about hanging the flag from a balcony before returning it? Somethin like that. And the place that keeps coming to my head about where I heard it was Colossal Prime. Not a guarantee, but you definitely pushed me further to that conclusion.

Troon hands typed this post in a very shitty false flag attempt.
She showed up because she was interested in you. You led her on and then ignored her, that's weird. Just be direct and say "I have a gf but my friends are throwing a party if you're looking to do something"
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>go to a convention as Char
>looks pretty good
>a girl insult me from being a nazi and tries to rally people

Fucking Earthnoid.
Since this is mostly about getting wasted
>At Anime Punch
>Got so drunk off of absinthe Friday night we didn't want it anymore
>See The Protomen drinking in the con suite Saturday so I offer the absinthe to them
>"Sure but you have to drink it with us"
>Proceed to get so drunk that I can only remember walking around for a while with some girl but don't remember talking ever
>Meanwhile one of my friends threw up all over only his clothes in the hotel room
Another story
>At Ohayocon
>Get on elevators
>Some guys already on elevator, overwhelmingly smells like weed
>One of the guys says "is it oh-tah-ku or ota-koo?"
>They're all blown away
>I say I think it's oh-tah-ku dude and exited the elevator
>Later go to Steve Conte concert
>Realize that was him and his band in the elevator too high to remember Japanese
Damn, you're an oldfag like me because I remember that con.
>At Sakura Con 2017
>Swapped out of cosplay for the evening, wearing an NHL team shirt because playoffs.
>My team beat the Bruins that afternoon in overtime, guy who missed whole season with a concussion scores the game winner.
>Going up an escalator while someone else is starting down the next escalator.
>Recognizes the shirt, screams "FUCK THE BRUINS" at the top of his lungs.
>Meet at the escalator landing, hug, talk hockey for like 15 minutes.
> Turns out he went to high school in buttfuck nowhere with one of the defensemem on my team, said he was a prick.
I got no stories to tell, everything I've experienced is so mundane.
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That can be changed any time. Your wish is your command.
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The next con I go to will be my last. So it goes. Too much of an old fart.


>Attended first ever run of a con in 2005
>Pure desolation. But it existed
>Kept conbook for 18 years for no reason


>Attended con in Feb 2007.
>Pedobear Cosplayer with kid on leash
>Things that'd get you kicked out today
>He was kicked out then too


>Yaoi. That's a paddlin


>>Staffed con one year
>>Got so drunk in the pub quiz I fell off stool and concussed myself for a week


>>Cosplayer brings airsoft sniper rifle to con as prop
>>Aim it from the top balcony at the con-directors head and rack the bolt.
>>Squeeze trigger
>>Hand it back to Cosplayer and politely tell him not to get fucking caught with a live rifle at an anime convention. (Not america lol)


>>Con in a shitty hotel
>>Fire alarm flooded due to heavy rain
>>Everyone had to run outside in the rain five times on Saturday because lol fire-alarm
>> Fire alarm disabled for entire hotel
>> That con died 8 years ago


>>Otaku Con *existed*
>>Claimed to have permission from Otakon
>>According to someone involved in Otakan I may have inadvertently made aware of this - they didn't
>>Name changed to Kaos Con
>>Worst con ever. Didn't even have ballpit
>>Owner threated to sue /CGL/ for deformation[sic]


>>Spent an entire saturday drinking a bottle of whiskey from a flask
>>Best saturday ever. Actually talked with people


>>Someone paid full price to enter The Con at 15:00 on Sunday - an hour before the closing ceremony. Why?


>>Attended last run of a con in 2016.
>>A large number of the photographs in the 'goodbye' reel came from me.


>>Due to drive everyone to Con Friday morning. 3 hour drive
>>Spent Thursday evening drinking the guts of a bottle of whiskey
>>Woke up Dtocious. Rawest hangover ever
>>Got a feed of fry in me and managed to keep it down
>>Blew clear on the breathalyser
>>Drove like death warmed up for three hours and passed out in the B&B
>>Went at it again that night
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>>Con has pub quiz
>>Prize is a voucher for free drink at the bar
>>No value limit
>>"Two of your most expensive whiskey please"
>>Con director couldn't believe we did it. (But would've done the same himself)


>>Take photo of cosplayer with film camera
>>cosplayer doesn't understand concept of film
>>Demands to see it, snatches camera from my hand and opens the back
>> Well, they're all ruined. Idiot


I've only ever spoken with two guests at a con
>>Vic Mignonga (In 2008 I think, when I was staff at the con.)
>>Todd Habercorn (In 2015, when the con had a VIP ticket option and a personal meet and greet with the guests was the only thing it got you)

I didn't want to be around either of them and so fat they'd drop me on Nagasaki


>>Got drunk in con-bar one year Todd Habercorn came
>>Sang free-bird while he tried to sing with his band
>>Someone called us a bunch of idiots here. (Sempai noticed us!)


Only record of a local con ever existing is that it's mentioned in the Evangelion 2.22 Blu-ray Director's commentary.


-The only time I ever managed to cosplay was as a TF2 engineer (Back when it was still popular

-Made a prop-wrench out of scrap hardwood that was heavy enough to kill if swung with vigour.)
-Con took it on the first day.
-David Bowie lookalike won the competion
-I was just a fat guy in duct-tape goggles and dungarees, with computer parts hanging from my belt.
-Everyone enjoyed it.


>>Had intended 2020 to be my last con trip
>>The Inconveniences ended that
>>This year will have to do
>>Just don't feel like part of it anymore
>>Depression is a god-damned terrible thing, isn't it?
>Cosmania 2022
>Hololive guests: Ollie and Risu
>Q and A starts
>producers start lining people up
>half of the line: horny teenagers
>hosts recognizes this and scolds them in front of the guests
>Kept conbook for 18 years for no reason
Keeping the conbook from your first convention after nearly two decades of attending and staffing various cons seems reasonable to me
Yeah I have a few con books from my first cons and even now I keep every con badge
Same for me with badges. 12 years of 4 cons a year on average, got a full bookcase shelf neatly organized with them.
I've only been to two cons and started less than a year ago and I've kept the badges/books from those and likely will keep however many follow
i care
Fuck off back to /pol/. This flag represents not a country, but the ideals of its Founding Fathers.
>(now ex) gf decides to do a slutty cosplay with her ass on display
>she gets touched several times
>asks me to defend her
>I laugh and tell her it's her own fault
/cgl/ is right about costhots don't date them guys
I'm moving on to lolitas
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>ax 2022
>Receive a mini soppo plush from GFL staff for helping them find vendor badges
>Hang lil junya on my lanyard the whole weekend
>Love me junya
>Go to the pool party at westin on Saturday
>Get completely fucking trashed
>There is a thick Asian girl in a seifuku with her ass hanging out
>Wait a sec, I think I recognize her!
>Go up to her and strike up a conversation
"Hey, are you the person that's been advertising their onlyfans with billboard trucks and airplane banners all week?"
>She looks at me with a blank stare
>Grabs Junya and looks at it
"can I have this"
"Uh... No"
>Pinches my shirt
"Can I have this"
>Reach into my pocket and hand her one of the stickers I was handing out to friends and give it to her
"Thanks! Can you put it on my ass?"
>I oblige
>She then explains yes she was the girl with the billboard trucks
>Had a conversation about marketing for 15 minutes
Probably the most interesting conversation I've have l ever had with anyone at an anime convention
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>At a booth @ ALA back in January checking out cute stickers
>Random fat brown moid runs up to booth close to us
>Male and female staff say "nah" and he fucks off to do it again somewhere else
>Can hear him across dealers hall
>I'm not particularly sociable but even amongst weird strangers at a con him and I together can bullshit with anyone.
Damn you're literally me when i'm with friends
was this in brazil or some other similarly sketchy country?
Even in murrica bringing a gun to a con is insane, hell in some cucked city conventions they even ban unloaded airsoft guns
Kek. Hope it's real
Who's this char character?
He's a fujobait spacegay in mecha anime.
>Scolds them in front of guest
But why?
char is a himbo retard, not fujobait
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You keep telling yourself that.
>he thinks this is fujobait
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Little is more fujo engaging that the eternal cycle of unspoken homolust and betrayal
We don't want you
>thinking himbos are not prime fujobait
>attending first con recently with more experienced friend (tfw zoomie + too poor to attend one before this)
>cosplaying as Guilty Gear May
>friend knows the venue but has never cosplayed so she goes on ahead for a bit when I get asked for photos until she notices I'm gone
>things are really fun and we are walking to a nearby restaurant for dinner
>guy who practically looks like the south park warcraft nerd, or the Numa Numa guy stops me
>"MAY!!!" followed by a uguu squeal
>let him take a picture and he starts talking about how he's been a May main since 2004, the second I see an out I say OK and rush over to my friend who's blissfully out of earshot of all this
>guy sees me walking away with her and shouts "Why are you with her and not with Johnny?"
>awkwardly dismiss it to my friend as him being REALLY into guilty gear

I switched to cosplaying fujobait twinks after that and haven't looked back.
That's a "lol" from me.
fujos are lesbians
Fujoshi are females that are enjoyers of male on male content.
Whoever told you this is just fucking with you.
are you both new to the internet? 90% of fujos are lesbians or they/thems.
I've been here for over 20 years. Fujos have always been yaoi enjoying women.
A couple years ago it got adopted as a buzzword incorrectly by clueless scrotes to mean females in general.
Now it's being used incorrectly again for gender specials and lesbians.
You're new to the internet if this is what you think that word means.
I've been a fujo since I was 12, writing romantic fanfiction of Sanosuke and Saitou from Rurouni Kenshin. The girls on Tumblr reblogging gifs of Benedict Cumberbatch Sherlock and Watson GLANCING at each other are fujos.
Literally google the word fujoshi and see years upon years of definitions showing you that you're misinformed.
fujos are just straight girls whacking it to gay porn.
I will confirm just how true or false this is (it's false) after my Venti costume arrives
anon, most women who enjoy yaoi are lesbians. do you not know what fakebois are? all fakebois are fujos. it's not a misrepresentation of anything, you're just in the minority.
Don't try to backpedal on this >>10855458 to make a desperate connection of lesbians to fujos. Even if your ridiculous generalization was true, it does not excuse the blatant misunderstanding of how Char and himbos would be a prime target for fujos. I still regularly see people fundamentally not understanding the term and parroting it to mean female in general with no context for the yaoi even crossing their mind. I am not surprised that people are now using it for this too.
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>Anyone else fumble the bag this bad?
no see that's not even that bad.
>two very cute girls approach me at con
>exactly my type (boxxy)
>they like my fallout vault dweller/wanderer cosplay
>they ask for photos and take some with me
>we talk a little
>they ask for my facebook
>i don't have one
>respond: "ah, sorry, everything like facebook and social media got destroyed in the apocalypse"
>they laugh
>walk away
>regret not getting their phone number to this day.
>sperg out and dedicate yourself so heavily to your cosplay that you basically reject two very cute girls
This is better than the possibility of getting laid desu, you did good
,,,Didn't you just try to pass this off as a good thing earlier today?
>shitty false flag
Probably had post-nut clarity
no, you are normal and so read context and intent into things where there is none.
i did a photoshoot with a mikasa cosplayer last year at A-kon, she had a BBL because some sit down poses look weird around the hips. after the con she sent me a bunch of nudes. one of the videos was her squirting in the bathroom at her job.
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>AX2023 Day 4
>went with 4 friends
>friend wanted to go to the Omocat booth
>we sit outside the exibit hall as another friend goes with them to the booth
>she buys a omor keychain blindbag and gets Kel
>angry and distraught getting her least favorite character
>gives the keychain to one of our other friends and goes back to the booth to buy more
>comes rushing back 5 mins later
>drags my friend she had just given the keychain to back to the booth
>this 18-22 yo Kel cosplayer sitting on the floor in front of the Omocat booth surronded by keychains and people pulling his wallet out again
>when my friends come to him and offer to trade he gets so happy
>gives us his double Omori keychains and all the cards that came with them
>bro walked away spending near $150 on a Kel keychain, making all of us happy with new keychains

please help me find this kid he was dope asf
I cosplayed as Robin from Batman . I took off my mask for a while and put on my prescription glasses and some people still asked for pictures lol
Tell me you're underagedb& without telling me you're underageb&. Holy fucking shit, you god damn retard.
The Philippines is a very Catholic country so the hosts probably thought the fans were embarrassing themselves.

The hosts probably didn't know who Ollie and Risu was either.
NTA but are you serious? I get that you're from twitter or something, but fujoshi are mostly les/wanna be men. Most yuri anime is just hot girls fucking, soblesbians turn to yaoi for same sex romance. It's even worse in the west where every other fujo is on HRT. Any retards ITT arguing against this must not remember NCN posting on DA about having a prostate.
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fujoshi in my experience like yaoi, and want thier (imaginary) sexy goth vampire bf to do lewds with cute boys.
>she doesn't know lesbians like yaoi because it depicts more romance and drama than yuri
anon i...
God, I really NEED my fujobait costume to ship already so I can put these competing viewpoints to the test
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Remembering this classic from 2011.
guns are banned in brasil
Went to the last con in my area. Had a good time. Nice to see new young cosplayers who are starting to get into the community.

I saw a small group of adorable teenage girls who were cosplaying for their first time as Genshin Impact characters. The outfits were NOT bought online, they tried to make them by themselves. Of course these were far from perfect but it's their first time and it's understandable.

All nice and good, blahblah. When I get home, I see that certain old crazy hag over 40 who doesn't go to conventions since 2019 (her last year) STOLE one of those young girls videos, posted it on her TikTok and said she was the one cosplaying Diluc!

I was like "Wtf! Are you serious?! Nobody is going to mistake you for a 15 year old girl!". This is how a crazy old woman who never took care of herself ended: trying to get attention, even if it's bad attention or ruin other people having a good time, it's enough for herself.

Luckily, nobody knows who she is anymore, or remember her at all. So only my closest friends noticed about this. We are not going to say anything to that Diluc cosplayer or anyone from her group of friends. We know this crazy woman is desperately trying to get the attention she never had. She is jealous of basically anyone, but specially hates young girls who are starting to experience cosplay, cons, making new friends and getting positive attention.
>sitting outside taking a breather
>this guy I know shows up (let's call him Stinky)
>he's famous for being a general stinky pervert
>tell him that there is a time and place for everything but not now and not ever
>later the same day
>sitting inside
>talking with this other guy I just met
>Stinky shows up again
>tell him in the most kind way possible that it's not polite to talk about those things near strangers
>Stinky fucks off and I continue talking to the other guy
>"yeah he's like that"
>guy replies
>"don't worry I'm a furry and used to this kind of shit"
The video is still up on Pornhub iirc but I wouldn't suggest looking for it
other story
>agreed to meet with friends before going to breakfast
>one of them has terminal autism, the guy reminds me of Rimmer from Red Dwarf so let's call him that
>still sleep drunk so I went into the breakfast room without him
>sends me a message asking where I am
>reply saying I'm at the breakfast table
>guy walks in angrily yelling at me for not waiting for him
>entire breakfast room is looking at us
>I'm just trying to enjoy my morning coffee and pancakes
>"Rimmer it's 10 AM on a Saturday at Weebcon, I don't have the energy to deal with your terminal autism"
There was also the time I gave away somebody's gopher shirt.
>different con, first time gophering
>notice a gopher shirt tucked into the desk at the bag room (no name or tag so it's essentially a lost item)
>put it on a coathanger so the owner can store it somewhere
>Saturday evening
>bagroom shift again
>was supposed to be relieved an hour ago, replacement shows up way later
>"uh yeah I didn't feel so good so I'm not going to run shift"
>shirt still there, figure that if he/she really wanted it then she would have picked it up
>see one of my friends
>"hey do you want a free gopher shirt?"
>"yeah sure"
>shows up way later coming up with some BS excuse (didn't report her absence to the head gopher) (let's call here Shuffles)
>somebody else relieves me and I report to the head gopher
>see Shuffles and she mentions something about picking up her shirt at the bag room
Told the headgopher what I did but nobody cared as she kept missing shifts despite there being a gopher shortage.
>in the cab going back from PlayNYC
>watching Manhattan scenery go by
>see a lady walking a dachshund
>dachshund's body is too long and it's legs are too short
>poor thing can't really walk normally
>it kinda half flops forward
>looks somewhere between a dog walking and a fish flopping
I wish I had gotten a video
>youmacon 2014
>tiny AoT cosplayers are trying to do wall jumps off the newly renovated con center walls to get extra air for their photos.
>this giant ass mother fucker wearing the skin titain morph suit (idk what the name is i hate aot) comes up and wants to join in.
>runs to the wall sonic speed.
>busts though it like some sort of Jackass sunt.
>we are all staring in shock over the giant ass hole he just made.
>He gets up and despite his face covered, you can tell even he is in total shock over what he just did.
>after a long moment of shock and silence he just fucking darts in to the night.
>Another moment passes and we all also scatter like roaches being found.
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holy based Kel enjoyer
>early 20s at small-to-mid sized con in (2018-2019)
>drinking with friends in the lobby and fucking around
>everyone splits up and I find myself in the karaoke room
>start chatting with woman who represents the nearest renaissance fair
>pretty hot for ~30-40yrs old
>share wine from a fucking chalice
>getting along well and she invites me to "smoke" in her hotel room a couple miles away
>says I can crash if I get too tired
>get gun shy and change the conversation
>she keeps asking and almost insists
>head outside into the lobby as she goes to retrieve her work stuff
>reconvene with my cohorts
>winch returns and this time publicly extends the offer to me

Am I secretly Ryan Gosling or was this maiden trying to rob me?
sounds more like youre secretly a homo
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this gave me a good chuckle
here's a sort of con-related cosplay story for you
>work with this one VERY autistic but high functioning girl
>big into star wars
>she does stuff like pretend to use the force to open elevator doors
>actually funny
>total chad
>does this stuff without giving a shit about anyone's opinions
>see her at a bar one day, she is in full cosplay as some superhero character
>sees some guy in cosplay as a jedi
>immediately magnetized to him
>he fears her autism
>she does not stop talking to him
>eventually she leaves for a minute
>i intercept her to say hello
>gives me a big hug
>bar is loud
>i lean in to say "may the force be with you"
>for a moment she thinks i was trying to kiss her
>but hears what i said
>gives me that badass masculine handshake where you grip the whole arm, like i was a brother she had not seen for years
>i try to speak to her more
>but she instantly disappears into the night to search for jedi guy
>keep seeing her at cons
>she is awkward with me now
i think maybe she was very drunk and doesn't remember that night clearly.
Yea this seems like something I would do if I was only slightly less socially aware and if it was my main Zato instead
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We've booked the same con next year. Haven't bought tickets, but we'll be in the city. It's a good time of year for a break.

Keeping the option open.
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>Be me
>Rooming at AWA 2019 with good buddy, his kinda SJW performative gf (but she hears him say retard all the time in private and doesn’t say shit) and her friend Fakeboi
>Not a hateful person and cool w people being who they are, I just don’t think fakeboi is ACTUALLY trans (always dresses and appears super fem, cosplays fem characters, pushes her tits up, doesn’t like male things etc)
>Have motorcycle but no car, because of this we devised a system where I’d follow behind them on my motorcycle and I’d PAY my buddy to put my luggage in his trunk
>Set out on the drive up to Atlanta, picking up fakeboi on the way since they live in Central/North FL
>Get to Fakebois house
>Fakeboi has a FUCKTON of stuff, mannequins, suitcases etc
>Asks friend why they have to take my stuff even though I’m not riding with them
>”Because I PAID a premium to have my stuff, if you wanna pony up to buddy feel free”
>”wah I’m autistic and broke” excuse
>Get on the road, making good time and the trip begins to smooth out
>riding behind buddys car, buddy stuck behind a truck so I decide to pass them and the truck bc I know where we’re all stopping for lunch and what exit
>Get there before friends car, chill in parking lot waiting for them
>Fakeboi gets out and starts screaming “YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE DIDNT YOU?”
>Tuens out Fakeboi is “sensitive to sounds” due to “autism” and accused me of purposely revving my bike loud to scare them as I passed them
>I have a Ninja 600 and that shits just loud
>Kinda get aggravated with fakeboi, start yelling about baseless accusations
>About to call fakeboi “she”, I stop last minute bc I know it won’t be worth the fallout and that part comes out as stuttering, the same happens once more
>Friends bitchy gf takes fakebois side until fakeboi starts SCREAMING at the Moes we were at
>Eventually friend makes us both apologize
>Decide the fight isn’t worth it and swallow my pride to keep peace

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>Get to Waverly with no more problems
>Unloading things when fakeboi starts demanding everyone take their stuff first
>Eventually get all unpacked
>It’s Thursday so not much to do, buddy and gf have a “date night” at the Asian place in the hotel. He tells me he’s sorry about Fakeboi and he’ll buy me a drink later
>Just me and Fakeboi in the room
>Turn on tv to watch football game
>”Do you ever notice how gay coded football is? It’s just a bunch of sweaty men grabbing balls. Those guys that are too into it are probably secretly gay teehee”
>Not my team playing that night and don’t wanna hear more retarded shit so I turn the tv off and turn my switch on to play some Pokémon
>Fakeboi chimes in about Pokemon
>For once we actually have a nice and amicable conversation, fakeboi likes Pokémon and knows more than I thought. Although only wants to cosplay female characters and the kid from Sw/Sh
>Pour myself a drink because I need one
>Fakeboi asks for one too, actually likes my strange recipe(a dark and stormy with lime juice)
>Start to think maybe we’ve finally found something in common and not be at each others throats the whole con
>Head out to con
>Meet buddy of mine for drink a few hours later at the bar
>”Hey Anon, thanks for being so understanding about fakeboi. I don’t like her either but she’s gfs friend”
>Fills me in that fakeboi only started identifying as “trans” 8 months prior, we both think fakeboi is a trans trender. Also tells me fakeboi doesn’t have many friends outside the idol and cosplay communities and literally no irl day to day friends
>Fastforward to 8pm Friday night
>See fakeboi and idol crew
>Fakeboi sees me and lets out the most feminine “EEEEE” as she runs across the con to see me
>Introduces me to whole idol crew, listing names AND pronouns
>Don’t really care just trying to be nice
>Confused as to why this bitch hated my guts yesterday but is all buddy w me now

>I’d PAY my buddy to put my luggage in his trunk
he is not your buddy.
this weekend we gave two or three random acquaintances lifts, with thier bags and stuff, for free.
>think fakeboi is a trans trende
>listing names AND pronouns
suspicion confirmed
>Obligatory "Didn't cont" post
Also I feel like I've read this one before
you have it's copy pasted from the last one
without reddit rules flaming them for reposting their lack of inner morality is shown
beautiful content, anon, enjoying it
Apologies for lack of finishing, phone decided to crap on me
>Fastforward to Friday night around 9pm
>Stopped in room to drop a shit and change to my comfy cosplay
>Fakeboi is in room with other fake “trannies” and idol girls
>The minute they see me go into the bathroom they all leave except fakeboi for some reason, almost like they were prompted
>As soon as I come out fakeboi says to me “I know your secret Anon”
>”I know you’re secret, you’re attracted to me it’s obvious. That’s why you got dogged it on your motorcycle, got defensive when I called you out and I could tell you were flustered you were stuttering. The nice conversation and drink we shared confirmed it to me. You’re wondering if it makes you gay, yes and no but see-”
>Stop fakeboi right there and say that although they are a nice person I am not interested in men or anyone that identifies as such (even if they blatantly are not)
>“You don’t have to fight it Anon, it doesn’t mean you’re totally gay, just bi-curious and that’s ok. We can keep it a a secret”
>Re-iterate politely that I’m not interested
>”Ok Anon, if you say so. When and WHEN you come around I’ll be here”
>Stares at me intently and removes both their shirt and bra flashing full voluptuous tits good enough to make me consider playing pretend to hit it while they put on their night cosplay
>“I see that look anon, you can’t hide it. I’m a guy this is just like changing in the locker room, I know you used to do sports in hs it’s the same thing”
>Be so confused I have to crank it immediately after fakeboi leaves to get some MUCH needed post nut clarity to decide if I am in fact, going to stick my dick in crazy tonight
>Fap and nut, decide it isn’t going to be worth any potential fallout. I know the minute I tell fakeboi I don’t want them to be my “boyfriend” imma have a 6 page false accusation IG story about me
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>Fastforward to Saturday night around 1am
>Sloppy drunk
>Pull fakeboi aside in Waverly lobby, be direct and ask
>“Hey “man”, if I did decide to fuck, you aren’t gonna peg me or anything gay right?"
>“I don’t have a strap on with me no, but Anon you need to understand that it’s ALL gay, I’m NOT a woman I just have a vagina. Even though it’s PiV sex it’ll still be gay at it’s core”
>Awkwardly say “I getcha” and walk back to the sunken bar area, decide it isn’t worth it
>Fastforward to the end of con, Fakeboi still hitting on me
>On the drive back down, Fakeboi gives me a massive hug and says we should “hang out” some time
>Fastforward to today
>Fakeboi is dating some Leddit moderator looking cis dude who I can TELL doesn’t actually think fakeboi is a man, but does it for the pussy
>3+ years later and Fakeboi still isn’t on T, had their tits cut off or anything that an actual trans person would want

I’ve posted it here before
Eternally glad I dodged that bullet
As someone who was unable to resist the allure of they/them pussy and paid for it, you made the right call Anon. The nut is wild but it's not worth the headache after.

Was she at least decent looking?
At the time she was definitely bangable, still kinda had a dykeish greasy haircut and no makeup with a kinda slovenly everyday appearance to her. but when she put on her idol makeup and long hair wig could see what she was/could have been. Like a composer gone deaf, I could see where her beauty potential was, but it was sadly pissed away by a slovenly half assed attempt to look pseudo-masculine but still somehow feminine presenting freak.

Worst part is man, if she just was cool with being called she and her, hell even she along with the he/they I would have probably wouldn’t have been able to stomach resisting my better judgement and hit it.
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When I went to Japan Expo 2022 in Paris I couldn't even enjoy it fully because I was on my period and the day before it was painful and the flow was so heavy that I couldn't even visit Paris as much as I wanted. I went to the hotel soon after but my shorts were entirely covered in blood and the reason why nobody noticed was because I was wearing it under a large dress thank god. That was too much anxiety for me in one day and I didn't go back this year because of this. I also went there alone to be alone specifically because I used to go to my local con with friends and we were badly organized every single time and some shonentard in the queue to go inside tried to make small talk with me and that pissed me off so much. The retards at the Noevegrafx booth gave me a bunch of wrong info so I also couldn't get anything signed by Kotteri because of them, unless I agreed to buy two copies of the same manga. Fuck them.

It was the only time I went to a con since 2018 or 2019 I think. I'm considering going to the local con this year in a few weeks because even though it turned into normie shit and I'm sure it'll be full of Genshit merchs I want to take my 3DS with me and meet people with streetpass. If I ask my friends to go with me I'm sure they'll refuse because they got bored of how similar it is every year. I'm also considering going back to Japan Expo next year but I'm worried about the olympic games and bed bugs ruining everything. Last year I went to Japan and had a blast but it's a more expensive trip so I won't do it again in 2024 even though the yen is pretty weak right now and hotels and trains in France are overpriced even before taking the olympic games into account.
>> my shorts were entirely covered in blood
Have you ever considered getting some of those heavy duty period pads? If your flow is that heavy I doubt that a tampon is gonna be enough to hold it. those period diapers are also a big help but they’re pretty uncomfortable to wear.
I wore one of these pads for heavy flows but it's never enough. When that happened I was walking just fine and suddenly a blood clot the size of my fist came out and splashed all over my shorts . Shit like this makes me suoer paranoid so if there's a con or I want to go on a trip while on my period I know something like this will ruin my clothes at sole point, and my day. This summer in Japan I got my period a bit earlier than planned so I couldn't shop for clothes as much as I wanted and it ruined some of my plans in general.
You forgot that Floridians are garbage humans and incapable of true friendship. Everything's a hustle.
have you ever went to a doctor about your period, it's not normal for it to be so heavy and painful
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i was too bedridden sick to go to my local con :(
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>last night of con
>party in a big suite
>"they're trying to get kicked out since it's the last night"
>show up
>booming salsa music in the hallway
>knock and a guy suspiciously lets me in as if it's supposed to be a secret gathering
>ear ringing my loud salsa music
>people fucking on every surface of the suite
>bed, couch, bathroom counter, kitchen table, literally just the floor, in the closet
>probably 10 people fucking and 30-40 more partying
>I've been in here for like 2 minutes, about to get a drink
>music cuts and everyone is getting out in a rush, people running out with cum still leaking from them
>too high to be in a rush, saunter out
>fifteen hotel security giving disapproving looks
>leave and have a laugh
>on the way back to my room, introduce myself and start chatting with some randoms
>They're all ERP friends on WoW
>bum some booze off of them
>follow them back to their room and hang out and talk for a couple hours, watch YouTube on the TV
>bum more booze
>I leave and they go to bed
>go to another party that gets shut down after 20 minutes
>go back to room
>crawl into bed and shiver/shake violently in miserable pain after running around and racing for 16 hours with almost no sleep or food

I've never been to a con where I wasn't in physical agony for a large portion of my time there, but they're always so fun
Guessing youma or grand rapids
Can a mildly autistic person go alone to one of these and make friends or maybe get laid
Friends? Probably
Laid? Hasn't happened to me yet but I've heard stories from people around me
How does this work? Do you just meet people, talk and follow them around and eventually end up like this. I have never even been to a con and i want to know how you end up doing shit like this.
This is from another thread a while ago but it’s cool

Got really drunk at Holiday Matsuri to the point I pissed in my seat during the Hottest Men in Anime contest. It's an after hours event that's 18+ and the staff didn't allow reentry into the room. It's one of the main reasons I attend Holmat and I wasn't going to miss the rest of the show over a bathroom break.
Going by own experiences and testimonies, a lot of it really is just using dating apps. Meeting someone "the old fashioned way" is definitely possible there, but it's a lot more difficult even if they *are* interested in you
>Get persuaded by weeb friend to attend con. Not into anime usually.
>Has an unhealthy obsession with me paired with absolute nonexistent social skill and hentai overload fetishes .
>Too spergy to notice that, social skills are on her levels or below.
>For observers we basically play the cringe olympics of who can drop the most spaghetti.
>Both absolute pros at that though. Normal people around probably get the spergs just by witnessing it.
>One of her friends who has a crush on her also comes. She doesnt notice. No one gets anything here.
>Silent serial killer type of guy.
Fast forward a day of painfully clumsy social interactions.
>One hotel room. I insist on taking the carpet. Serial Killer and Weebina take the bed.
>Wake up some time during the night because someone is wriggling at my wrist.
>Weebina took a cheap pair of furry pink handcuffs with her and nonchalantly conjoined us after Serial Killer fell asleep. Also slipped in her oversize but skintight harley onesie.
>"Im yours now" in what probably was supposed to be her whispering sexy voice.
>Half asleep my spergness reaches unknown intensity and I'm just answering "what?" completely puzzled and loudly.
>Serial Killer is up.
>Doesnt like what hes seeing.
>Switches from silent guy to raging sociopath in a second. He lost his shit. All of it.
>Now there is a cry-screaming guy added to the situation, mind goes totally blank until I realize that I'm one step away from becoming a gruesome murder case chained to a fat Harley Quinn.
>Weebina unlocks her side, the second she is out of the danger zone Serial Killer jumps me and just throws some mean suckerpunch.
>When his fist connects with my eyesocket I hear a sickening snap.
>Almost throw up.
>Takes us both a second to realize it wasnt my face. He got his finger in an odd position and basically dislocated it.
>Look at his hand.
>Almost throw up again.
>Pain starts setting in. Serial Killer stumbles into the bathroom.
>Can hear him gagging and uncontrollably sobbing trough the ringing in my ears. Too utterly confused to notice the pain at that moment. Weebina is in the bathroom trying to safe the situation.
>Quickly get my shit and leave.
>Call a cab to the next train station.
>A guy pale as a ghost with unkempt hair and a bleeding laceration under the right eye with pink furry handcuffs on one wrist.
>Ride home Seevetal hours because of shitty night trains and let my dad forcefully open them the next day.

Im still baffled to this day. Never heard from them again.
>Staff at con in the era right before banning signs
>Parent walks up to me to complain about a teen girls sign
>I look over and see the sign says "Rape Me"
>I tell her to throw it out and she gets super mad at me and puts in a bag
>Tell her I want to see her throw it out because I know she will pull it out again and it can get her in an actually bad situation
>She takes it out, takes a bit out of it and throws it in the trash

I just don't understand women.
for the party, i heard about it from friends of a friend, and that friend i had already known for a while before going. but it was open, anybody could go, knowledge of the event was the only barrier

for the people i met, they were moving around a bunch of booze i guess from one room to another, they were chatting, i sorta interjected (probably rude but i was too high to gaf) and they offered me some beers that i drank and i just invited myself to their group. I attribute that working to the fact that they were also all drunk but also that I just charismamaxx. they didn't mind me in their room as they weren't ready to sleep yet, so i got some drinks from them, had some fun conversations, what have you. When it was getting quiet they politely dismissed me and that was that.

I wanna say most of the parties i ever went to I was completely uninvited, knew nobody. Also I was (and am) 20 and a lot of parties were starting to card, so i had a lot of luck slipping into those without being confronted despite being a clean shaven babyface. I wanna say I was at about 5-6 parties that were carding but never carded me. The one I avoided was more of an "official" thing, which is to say it was hosted by a group as opposed to one dude. They had a guy sitting out front of the room actually carding so I knew no way they'd let me just vibe in like that. I mean, I could've approached him and tried it and probably nothing would be at stake but I cringed at the thought of the embarrassment so I avoided it. Would've been master tier if I did and succeeded.

I also knocked on random people's doors when i needed to piss to use their bathrooms and it worked every time, and a couple times there were doors accidentally left ajar and I just walked in and acted like it was supposed to be public.

Cons are a great place for training up your people skills, specifically inregards to being places you shouldn't, with training wheels since most people at night are tired/drunk/high. cont.

A couple of minor but worthwhile additional anecdotes:
Talked about public drunkenness in a public con telegram chat, guess that caught with someone there, they invited me down to the hotel bar. They were all drunk as all hell, so again I just vibed with them at the bar, somehow avoided getting carded, and they paid for a salad for me. I did ask for the salad, I insisted I would pay. I was hungry and would've paid. But I also hoped they'd pay. I'm betting they didn't want to pay but did anyways out of politeness even though I offered to pay, because they read my offer to pay as in fact only based in etiquette and that I would somehow be angry or cause a confrontation had I not paid. This was somewhat true as I probably wouldn't have actually ordered the salad had I known I had no chance of having it paid for by someone else, but also, if they had said no I would've avoided confrontation and simply paid myself as I had stated.

Offering to pay when you don't intend to is of course always good sly behavior, though I've always limited it to people I could easily avoid after, didn't know at all, or could reasonably play it off as a mistake.

Another good example is that I sat at something of a free art gathering, they were doing some free OC sketches for a group of people just hanging out and chatting. I got ahead of some people by suggesting that I'd pay via paypal or some such means afterwards, and made sure to very clearly ask the artist to DM me their paypal. I never paid anything (although I would've if I had such money to spare)

Having reliable friends, well, any friends reliable or not, is great for drinks, drugs, and gossip. Oh, yeah, gossip is great. Just ask acquaintances about anything they've heard is going on and you'll find dozens of wacky things you'd not even guess. If it's a private thing you can even go there and tell a half truth by saying that you're good people accountable to your acquaintance.
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>I also knocked on random people's doors when i needed to piss to use their bathrooms and it worked every time, and a couple times there were doors accidentally left ajar and I just walked in and acted like it was supposed to be public.
Lel. And I thought I was audacious, but this is next level
You people killed the SOVL of cons
Was this AWA 2019?
>>A guy pale as a ghost with unkempt hair and a bleeding laceration under the right eye with pink furry handcuffs on one wrist.
Man, I've had nights like that
>"Can I have this?"
I would have defenestrated her immediately for her hubris
Not that anon, but I think I remember that happening a long time ago at a much earlier AWA:
Just having to deal with a person that never takes accountability for their actions, and constantly blames it on either their neurodivergence or other people misunderstanding the intent behind clearly sexually-charged inappropriate comments. Also seems that lack of boundaries is apparently still a thing as this person has constantly done to several people I know, and tries to fight back with "well, if you're talking shit about me you're transphobic / ableist."

Loves to insert themselves into friend groups, and then immediately latches onto one or two people, will try to get people alone frequently, and now because they staff, the biggest worry is that they'll absolutely find loopholes to come back to our friend group at the next convention. We're honestly at a loss on how to deal with this stealth creep who weaponizes their neurodivergence and the fact they're trans to get away with stuff, it makes the other trans folks in our friend group feel unsafe.
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>Saturday night hanging in the super crowded lobby area
>Somebody tells me they're going to their room and will be back in a while
>I wait by the elevators and get the brilliant idea to pull out my speaker and start singing along to dadrock like Carry On Wayward Son and Peace of Mind
>Really get into it as I get more and more positive remarks from people
>Switch to Let's Go Crazy
>Not THIRTY SECONDS IN his Purple Badness walk by
>Get a pic and have a drunken laugh over it
I'm not a hard guy to please when it comes to an amusing con experience. Just give me something like this and I'll be happy
This Thread is a Year old
holy shit i hadnt even noticed
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>>Last year was planned to be last con I went to.

I'm going to end up going this year.

Figured out something I can do there, at least.

38 is too old for this shit.
>be Janny at my local con
>get told we have Janny retention issue
>walk around con and notice all kinds of issue: exploitative expection, supreme jannies power tripping against jannies, bad janny management, bad training, bad information transmition etc.
>suggest some idead
"No annon, you are wrong. What they need is better fomo cheap gifts"
>all power tripping supreme jannies get promoted
>rention issue persists
>walk around my city and see a laminated recruitment poster stapled on a post
>go on LinkedIn and find some supreme jannies listing Janny experience as work experience and telling their network to Janny at the local con
I may be a Janny but holy shit
Another one
>be Janny
>get my first aid license
>be at con late at night
>see staff scream while holding his chest and collapse
>run to him, do my abc and sample. Think it's heart related because he tells me his symptoms are chest/heart level pain
>I am alone but i am close enough to one of those venue phone. I dial security and tell them theres a medical emergency, where i am and to bring a first aid kit and aed
>security comes, I tell him my sample and he does his abc and sample
>he decides to call an ambulance
>EMT comes, we tell them our sample, they do their abc and sample
>suddenly this Janny starts to remember info he didn't tell me or the security guard
>then I hear, "sir you can't go 24h on just red bull and protein shake without consuming actual food. A meal requires physical objects. Not just liquid.
>Janny decide that he doesn't need any professional help anymore so he signs a discharge paper
>when everyone left, he turns to me and belittles my reaction and how I didn't follow any protocole
>mfw I followed all protocols including venue protocol
Turns out, this grownass adult wanted to power through his Janny duty and enjoy everything.
Some people are just a different breed of stupid
I used to get through entire weekends on water, alcohol and pure obesity
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>>Black Cat cosplayer comes up to me and puts her hand on my chest and says "ooo..."
Uhhh did that girl ever hear about "Cosplay is not Consent"?
You should have reported her to the authorities
Imagine if the sexes were reversed
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>char is a himbo
Char couldn't be any further from himbo if he was a chick. The stereotypical image of a himbo is someone who's muscular, kind-hearted, and may or may not be "stupid" but is definitely not making his intellect the forefront of his personality. Your typical himbo is someone like Kronk from TENG, Inspector Hildibrand from FFXIV, arguably even Goku.

Char is ripped in Zeta, sure, but he's about as far from the other two criteria as you can get. The man is a permanent ball of mental conflict, stress, anxiety, and depression. Even as early as 0079 he spent the entire series living a double life as the heroic Red Comet, icon of Zeon, and as the bitter young man Casval trying desperately to get revenge on the Zabi family. He successfully does just that but also in the process helps to facilitate the Federation's dismantling of Spacenoid power and dignity that Zeon zum Deikun had worked so hard to built. Zeta has him trying to let the idea of the Red Comet die while he ignores (at best) Neo Zeon, even outright becoming its enemy with AEUG but also trying to stop Haman from indoctrinating Mineva - the heiress of the family he'd fought so hard to exterminate, and ironically the last real hope for his father's ideals. Mineva being alive renders everything he did in 0079 meaningless. In CCA he's forced back into the role of the "Red Comet, hero of Zeon" that he had tried to shed before, and despite being visibly uncomfortable with it (see: the train scene) he's once again held up as some sort of spacenoid messiah. He sabotages his OWN WAR EFFORT by leaking the Psycho-Frame data to Londo Bell in order to give Amuro a fighting chance against the Sazabi. Char is outright suicidal in CCA.

His bitter, violent, miserable nature is a far cry from any sort of "himbo". He's a cold man juggling so many masks even he doesn't know who he really is. And yes I AM replying to a nearly year-old post just to seethe.
Rather minor but at A.F.A. Singapore 2023 they had a massive amount of the second floor dedicated towards a Warhammer 40k tournament (idk how it is in America but in SG cons of all kinds are a mix of TCG, board games, anime/manga, lolita, comics; doesn't matter whether it's a comiccon or an anime fest by name, all of it will be there)

I get tapped to go to the hallway for a cosplay photo by event staff. They threw it together last second so as the photo was being taken a lot of people were running down the hall until the photographer said no more were allowed. One of these groups of people included a Warhammer 40k player in a full SS officer uniform outfit who was easily 300+ lbs and in a group of regular guys also playing in the tournament. After leaving the photo shoot they pointed me out and threw some remarks my way and towards a HSR crossplayer. Later when I was doing a paint-a-mini at the warhammer tables on the second day I saw con staff ask them to leave.

A lot of young Singaporeans have low knowledge about ww2 in Europe so I am not surprised it took con staff a while to ask them to leave, but also knowing Singapore there is a chance that some ISD Agents had lunch with that guy a few days later.
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>Day 1 of con, staying in a massive room with loads of people
>Hear they're going down to the hot tub area and I decide to join in
>Get in cosplay costume which sees instant approval from the girls
>One starts with the most obvious flirting I've ever seen
>Passes around the drinks she snuck in
>Soon feel like my brain is frying for (at the time) unknown reasons
>2 light beers suddenly feels like 6 cocktails in a row
>Another of the girls comes up to me, really excited
>Eyes are bugging out and she seems to be talking fast but I can't hear a word
>Next thing I remember is heading back to our room with my arms around both of them
>Picked one of them up and did some squats, spun around in circles
>Black out
>wake up in the bathroom like 9 hours later
Yeah, that was the day I learned that sitting in a hot tub for hours and drinking isn't a smart idea
>hot tub
>in costume
The fuck were you cosplaying as?
Plugsuit Shinji. I knew I was making some kind of mistake there, and you pointed it out. This was ColossalCon, where swimsuit cosplays (what I meant to say) are common
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A recent one
>At con karaoke, just about had my fill
>See "Love Dramatic" (Kaguya OP) on the queue and decide I'll stay till that one
>Guy's completely off-key, can't keep time, doesn't even try to pronounce Japanese
>I'm in my spot singing along without missing a beat
>Eventually he stops altogether and just stares at the crowd
>As it ends and I turn around to leave, I hear him say...
>Can we start it again from the beginning?
>can't get hotel room this year
>no problem, we live in the area and mostly just get rooms for parties, we'll just bring party supplies and crash in someone else's room
>friends with rooms all bail first day of the con
>we are now dragging a heavy wheeled cooler with a 24-pack of beer, two handles of vodka, and a bunch of 2Ls of soda around the hotel lobby openly asking for room party invites
>no takers
>set up cooler in one of the forgotten corners of a higher floor, start drinking and offering beer to passersby
>people start to join us
>within an hour there is a full on crowd and someone has set up a mini-keg
>con security shows up
>everyone scatters and it's just me left with a cooler
>"Uh, I'm taking this to a friend's room downstairs"
>drag heavy-ass cooler down three flights of hotel stairs, somehow go straight past the lobby, emerge in the fucking bowels of the building
>con security catches me dragging cooler BACK up stairs
>"Uh, I got lost"
>Consec is just following me now
>Spot huge black guy who called himself "Diamond" and drank with us in the lobby, call out to him, he instantly clocks the situation
>"Anon, where the hell have you been? Get that cooler to the room!"
>Enter Diamond's room
>It's full of passed-out weebs of every shape and size with hentai playing on the TV
>End up drinking and watching porn with a stranger in a room full of passed out people for an hour
>Diamond regales me with con sexual exploits and says he plans to get down with some bitches this weekend
>I'm a virgin and have nothing to offer, so I gesture at the hentai, where one character is coming on another's face
>"You'll do that, haha right?"
>Diamond's smile disappears and his voice grows stern
>"That shit is disrespectful"
>Finish drinks in silence, part ways as friends, never see Diamond again

Thank you for saving me from IRT, strange large black man
>bored in the lobby
>decide to pretend an official Con Parade is about to start
>Wander around lobby telling everyone the Parade starts outside the atrium in 15 minutes
>Friend deputizes a guy dressed as Doctor McNinja (carrying a clipboard for some reason) to come with us and recruit people for the parade
>Realize it's getting noisy, look behind us, see 50 fucking people following us
>Proudly lead group back to the atrium
>Group is chanting "JOIN THE PARADE, JOIN THE PARADE" at top volume
>Parade continues up glass staircase in atrium, JOIN THE PARADE and lockstep marching start echoing through the room
>Con security out of nowhere
>Everybody bolts, nobody speaks of it again

No fucking idea how we pulled it off. The clipboard must have made it look official.
>15+ years ago in seattle
>crossplaying in sailor uniform, look terrible, trying to get from hotel to con, smartphones don't exist yet
>stop to ask for directions from the first person i see, it just so happens to be some japanese salaryman, probably in his 50s
>asks me what i'm wearing, i say a costume for an anime convention
>old japanese guy gets super excited, saying stuff like "we have anime in japan! you look just like a japanese! i'm so happy you like japan!", doesn't give a shit at all
>japanese guy goes into his hotel lobby to get a map, helps me figure out which direction to go. never see him again

that was probably my first "damn japanese people are nice" moment
Aw, that's a sweet story! I would have expected an older Japanese person to flinch at someone crossplaying, glad to hear he was cool with it and nice to you
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Well, nobody else is posting. A few more memories:
>Second-ever con, I'm still a nervous shut-in who can barely talk to anyone
>End up in elevator alone with woman dressed as Chocolate from Sorcerer Hunters
>Desperately holding on to spaghetti
>"H-how are you liking the con?"
>"I'm having a great time!"
>Why does this woman sound so familiar?...oh shit it's Tiffany Grant
>Struggle to think of anything to say
>Asuka Langley Soryu tells me "this is my floor. Enjoy the con!"
>Manage a "you too" and feel like I just met a celebrity

Another time:
>Cowboy Bebop VA cast reunion panel
>Audience Q&A portion, everybody's asking pretty good questions about working on the show, voiceover in general, etc.
>Guy gets to mic, looks at Steve Blum and says "this is the stairway to heaven...ya know that, don't you?"
>Dead silence
>"Uh...what's your question?"
>Guy stammers that it's a line from Mushroom Samba
>Spike Spiegel sounds like a disappointed parent: "I'm sorry, I recorded those lines in 1999, I can't remember all of them anymore"
>300 people cringe in sympathy as dejected weeb goes back to his seat

Or back when ACEN had a karaoke suite:
>Sign up to sing "Rain" from Bebop
>Wait 40 minutes, organizer comes over and tells me they had to bump me
>Mary Elizabeth McGlynn gets up
>Julia from Cowboy Bebop stole my song, and she fucking nails it

I feel like you never run into VAs and anime creatives just shooting the shit or enjoying conventions anymore. Hell, pretty sure I saw Yoko Kanno rifling through merch at ACEN back in the early aughts.
This one's a legendary story in my spic country, passed on for generations.

>be 2004, first ever Anime Convention here
>pretty neat
>lots of cosplayers, lots of japanese snacks and candy and shit
>suddently, two random guys pose for pictures
>apparently they didn't know each other
>they're a brown Kenshin and brown Makoto Shishio
>they drew their katanas
>they're real, they both look pretty cool
>one pose has them crossing over their blades
>agry pose
>they get caught up in the moment and start fake dueling
>doesn't seem too fake anymore
>a few seconds after, Shishio fuking slashes Kenshin's finger and apparently the inner part of his elbow
>they fucking continue?!

>they stop when there's a sizeable puddle of blood on the floor
And ever since then, any sort of katanas are completely banned in any Con around here.
A LOT of people know this story, since I'm not a weeaboo anymore, but my brother is and told me he heard this from someone else.
His face when I told him I was actually there when it started and when it finished.
FF to present day, I'm going to my first con and I wanna finally cosplay with the objective of picking up a cosplayer and maybe picking up another one, so my almost 30 wizard brother gets laid for his first time, lol. Wish me luck pals.
>be me with black friend
>walking around ax around 2016 i think
>enter hallway
>see fucking araki himself
>say to my black friend "yo is that fucking araki"
>araki looks at me nevously and hides inside room
>leave con and find out he was fucking there to anounce golden wind
Ill never forget the day I single handily scared araki unknowingly. I have been weight lifting to not look as scary or disgusting since.
this is kind of a boring one but i think i've dropped all my interesting ones in previous threads :(
>at con, off my ass on tequila, it's like 1am
>head to the lobby with friends
>some jesus is paddling people
>"how hard do you want it, 1-10?"
>before i can reply, friend leans in and whispers something to him
>i later find out it was "11"
>bruise on my ass for a week post-con
I ate shroom chocolate off the floor
Was hyper focused on the con floor but spent time writing Japanese characters with a Miku cosplayer
>go to anime impulse pheonix
>feel like I went inside a demon's asshole
>dumbass staff thought having a line wrapping around the block in 110 weather was a great idea instead of having people wait inside
>see at least one teenager in an anya cosplay have to be carried in due to collapsing from heat exhaustion
>apparently at least 3 more people also needed medical attention
>might have ended up being the 5th if not for a based vtuber fan I met that day
Thank you again miss hakkito. Karaoke was fun as shit 10/10
>take picture of cosplayer together
>her friend reports me for sexual assault
>throughout the day, staff keeps harassing me, interrogating me, and asking for ID
>freaked out and decide to leave the con for good
What a fucking mess that was. I didn't witness the line hell because I got in through the loading dock but:
>Arrive day 1 two hours before opening
>the first two hours of the event there are maybe 20 people walking the halls
>Igo out for a smoke break at the loadin dock and see the line
>"Damn that sucks" I thought to myself
>Around 2pm people start to come in and they are drenched and complaining
Good to see a Phoenix con that isn't run by the same two people but I don't know if anyone will come back after that fiasco
I've been going to a lot of the Anime Impulse cons. Aside from a line issue at Anime Impulse Orange County 2023 (Sneaker Expo people were late and held things up trying to do set up, so they couldn't let anyone in until 1 hour later. However, everyone was waiting inside. I assumed it would be the same for Pheonix), the others were pretty well run. Anime Impulse Seattle 2024 in particular was the GOAT aside from wifi issues. Not sure why Pheonix staff didn't have an early badge pickup option like Seattle's. Or ANY use of those plastic badges. Instead, they just left those on a table as useless souvenirs. Couldn't even scan them in or something.
>Pic related
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Jobbed the picture, fuck me
Got a few autographs. Went with friends.
Wow, another dying thread bumped with an equally AWESOME story! I'm sure it's a coincidence
It was ok
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Being harassed by those 'help the children' niggers in Chicongo who go to most cons or malls and threaten people for "donations"
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>Did a con in the summer
>Hung around the pool tables for some reason
>Girls sitting across from me doing their own thing
>My guy and I leave cuz it's clearly about to rain
>As I get ready to walk off, I tell one of the girls "Nice Nezuko"
>Feel like a retard for realizing immediately that I goofed cuz it's actually Shinobu
>Kinda don't feel like a retard cuz I've never cared about Demon Slayer
Not a story worth sharing in itself, EXCEPT...
>Fast forward two months later to another con, not even the same area
>Another of my guys says he's wanted to find his friends for hours by that point
>Track em down, it's a guy and girl
>Girl immediately asks me "Hey, didn't I see you two months ago? I was dressed as Shinobu"
>I remember the aforementioned incident, apologize for my oopsie
>Have a laugh over just how connected the cosplay world really is
>Cosplaying Toko from danganronpa but with no makeup because hungover and checkout was earlier than expected
>Random dude approaches me
>”Are you cosplaying from Emergence/Metamorphosis?”
Happened to me too, why do they even let them inside wtf
He was subliminally telling you (yes YOU) to kill yourself
I went as moka akashiya 2024 and got complimented even though my wig was unstyled and a bit frizzy and not to mention the lack of contacts. If you saw me at acen and complimented thank you, you’re very sweet. I will do a better job this year, thanks!
Lose weight too.
Meant for
Almost two years now

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