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Recently I got a crush on slav women, they're fucking goddesses

Name: ksana stankevich
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Name: Evangelina cos
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Name: mirikashi cosplay
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Name: saya scarlet
They're literally anime girls hdgdakkadjj
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Name: pink_sun_a
>They're literally anime girls
and you can be too anon, with the right filter!
it's funny cause all the women you posted are hot PRECISELY cause they don't look slavic at all
But anon kun asian women also abuse filters and they look like ayyy lmaos instead of cute anime girls irl
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well I think he's beautiful
They look like the most stereotypically Russian women lmao
only if your view of what regular russian women look like is the exact same as the foreign stereotype of russian women.
I live in Russia, the majority of above average young women here literally look like this
ahhhhh that explains it, so it's a cope
regular isn't "above average", regular= average. Also city girls are going to look quite different from rural girls.
nothing about these ladies looks inherently slavic either.
actual russian beauty standard
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foreign stereotype of russian women;
-soft and feminine
-innocent and untouched by feminism
-is a 10 but thinks she's a 4
-has no opinions of her own
Russians like latinas?
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Catzilla Chan. Odd face but amazing body.
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Theres more kobeni stuff but its not really special, this is just all the free shit I could find.
topkek she's trying SO hard to make her boobs look bigger by smushing them together as much as possible with the most ill-fitted padded bra. her body isn't very amazing if she's that desperate to make it look good
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Name: diaphora cosplay
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I think her face goes well with Kobeni's character but I'm not sure that's a compliment
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More ksana
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Name: miakanayuri
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I love this thread.
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Visit the fabulous balkans, interact with the enchanting locals and pick up an exotic ethnic tradwife.
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More Evangelina
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Slavs are pure sex
choose one
Slav women are fucking hot but I heard they hit the wall pretty early and quite hard.
I mean I saw some babushkas and I can say they did slam on the wall pretty hard.
no they do not, they age very gradually. "The wall" is bs that manosphere guys tell themselves as a cope because they like the fairytale of men looking their best past 40 and women turning into ugly witches once the clock strikes 12 on their 30th birthday.
Kek, hit a nerve eh
Go to sleep grandma
Those words don't hurt me, I died in 2018.
The wall is still a bs concept, if it exists men hit it the hardest and the earliest because they think skin care is gay and prefer 5-in-one shampoo, conditioner, face wash, bbq grill cleaner and body wash in the scent "gunmetal" because otherwise it's not manly enough.
Most of you all will have saggy wrinkly man ass at age 50 and the only reasons you would be able to keep having sex with a woman would be if she thought you were kind (which requires you to be kind, which manosphere guys aren't) or if she could stomach being with you for your money (which would require you to be rich enough to attract gold diggers, and for you to put up with someone who can't fully hide their disgust).
Grandma, you're off your medication again.
Also tumblr allow NSFW again, why don't you go back to your Retirement ho... I mean tumblr.
try harder, this wasn't as snappy as you thought it was
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Slav men hit the fucking wall at 20. I wish they'd cut down the damn smoking and alchohol so they don't hit twink death early
Wow grandma, it's just an insult to you, do you expect me to win the insultolympics or something? Sorry to disappoint you grangran, but I prefer to allocate my points on more useful skills.
If Slav men hit the wall at the age, I don't see why not with women
Serbian women like all slavs are subhuman. I don't care if they have sex with black people or rats or cows. They're nothing compared to white Anglo Saxon protestants.
okay, you have won the award for lamest comeback. Happy now?
can you read? It's because the men smoke and drink vastly more. The women also control their weight and figure through diet. Most slav men get a beer belly before 30.
Hey, it's still an award. And it's not a participation trophy either!
>Implying slav women don't smoke and drink.
reading comprehension
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Name: astesiangel
Thats rich coming from an amerimutt
Ksana is cute as fuck and super down-to-earth, she often tries to reply to people who interact with her on Instagram. She made an Asuka cosplay a few months ago that still makes my heart flutter.
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Look at how fucking adorable her delicate slav face is.
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Thank you for being a fellow appreciator of beauty and not partaking in the retarded shit flinging from some replies ago.
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I just want a hot Slav gf
Kek she really photoshopped a belly button in? Fabric doesn't work like that
I don't know, scrote. As Polish woman, I prefer my boot on my man's neck instead.
Bazowane, dobrodziejko.
Man it's like a cosplay mail order bride catalogue in this thread.

Think any of these cuties are trying to escape Ukraine?
Funny how the only two races incels idolize are both starving poor, low IQ, with english not being their first language, desperate to get out of their origin country, has deep/uncontrollable anger issues, and has no problem with whoring their bodies off for quick cash.

Yes anon, I'm talking about slavs and gooks.
Have you tried looking in the mirror?
>Slavic look
Slavs represent several phenotypes. There is no "single Slavic look". Belarusian girl from Minsk hardly look similar to Czech girl from Prague and that one would differ in look from most girls from Lyublyana in Slovenia.

As for Russians most of cosplayers from Moscow I see online have obvious Volga Finns ancestry. Which is nothing strange as it's literally Volga Finns clay.
Yes I have anon, and i'm none of these things. What's your point, incel?
>Yes I have anon, and i'm none of these things. What's your point, incel?

That you just pwned yourself with this reply
>using pwned in 2023

literally what are you even getting at? what're you, 12? lol learn2deb8

kindly fuck off to jerking it to gooks and slavs in wigs incel and leave me alone.
You reek of total lack of anger control
>delusional assumptions based off words on a computer screen
>rages because an anon offended his slavic/gook waifus

take your meds skitzo
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Name:tsuru hime
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More bitches to racemix with less cat fighting
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manage your anger issues even if you show them only online, and I'm not even the Op to begin with
Imagine getting triggered bcuz I said the truth about Slavs and chinks

You just outted yourself as the incel
I’m out here making simple points and you’re getting mad about it lol you’re clearly the incel who’s mad if ur triggered by common known facts about Slavic and chink whores
>u sound angry uwu

And? I’m still right about starving Slavs and gooks and you’re triggered about it cuz ur the incels that subscribe to their bullshit and it just itches your asshole when someone points them out
>manage your anger issues

And who tf are you to advise me about anything lmao u a therapist or some shit? Are you feeding/fucking/housing me? No? Why would I ever take 4chan anon incel advice to heart lmao wtf planet are u from that you think anyone is ever gonna listen to anyone off 4chan about anything
Go away anon, stop gumming up this board with your baggage. Gross.
Fat Amerilard fingers have typed this post.
>criticizes Slavs and chinks
>grrrrr you…. You…. fat American!

Bro thought he did something lol
When are the eurocucks gonna dish out new material.
I'm from Europe and never been to United Fastfood Bars of America.
I heard Slav girls age terribly is that true?
I heard Slavs ritually sacrifice Russians to Satan. Is that true?
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Fuck off back to your Lolita containment threads, roasties.
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>knows deep down inside he'd have to murder his parent's for their inheritance money to afford any attention from her
>spams regardless because collecting terabites of slavic cosplay whores gives him a sense of power
>fuck off roasties!
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>call thread "Slav"
>post obviousl Udmurt and other Volga Finns

w*stoids at their finest "bbbbut aren't Russians Slavic"? [spolier]No, most of them is not Slavic[/spoiler]
you're retarded
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Even the scar on her left leg is perfect, holy shit. I hope she doesn't turn into a tiny babushka in just 10 years from now.
Cry harder Volga Finn
>Thot literally called Stanky Bitch

It's like pottery
trash, look up french (also french canadian) and dutch models, those girls are true goddesses, miles above slavs
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>foreign stereotype of russian women;
That is way out of date. These days the stereotype is rather unkind, where they do softcore, mainly on onlyfans, and left Russia to be able to get that money.
Innocence went out of the window, and now it is cold, hard business, and they will accept your ugly mug if you earn enough. I write from experience.
OP haven't seen a Slav to begin wth, all he posts are some Katzaps.
>Low IQ
Idk man but who invented helicopter, heavy bomber, nuclear powered i ebreaker, armored cruisers, chemical board of elements, artificial heart, saunas, peaked caps, sailors hats, radiators, p 47 thunderbolts, A FUCKING RAR FORMAT, modern contact lenses, sugar cubes, plastic, parachutes and so on and so on
>Anger issues
Projection is not an argument on nations that were carved by hardships of wars from which they had problems to recover as another shortly followed or were dragged into
>Projection is not an argument on nations that were carved by hardships of wars from which they had problems to recover as another shortly followed or were dragged into

True, we Slavs had to fight Fingolian race of Moskals (nowadays known as Russians) for centuries. Tho Ukrainians are finally putting existence of these Volga Finns Golden Orde to the end.
Get a load of this retard who has never left his small town in a flyover US state. I’ve spent time in Eastern Europe, Russian women fucking mog all other ethnicities
No. This discussion appears quite a bit on /fa/ and /s/. A lot of people will tell your Russian/Ukrainian girls (example) burn twice as bright for half as long. Maybe someone trying to make a point will post a Chinese girl who’s 24 who looks 12, but it’s not hard to upload a photo of a 19yr old Brit girl who looks 42. In all fairness, whites age OK (women always have it worse) but pretty girls fall further from grace. It’s why examples of hot white female celeb looks like shit 10yrs later is such a common trope. Eastern women, Europeans and Asians, take better care of themselves and have a greater on emphasis on beauty. Yeah there’s a lot of 3rd world shitholes and you get the good with the bad but that’s an upside to being conservative/traditional. Slavs in particular age fine. My mother in law (52) looks great, and her daughter I married at 18 (when I was also super young and overseas doing a gap year) is very neotenous. The thing is, many of them don’t age poorly but “let go” when they get married. Once they’re settled down with a man they think that they’re just there to cook, clean, have babies and expect their men to cheat or see hookers. It’s kind of sad. Not all of them do this but a lot do. Granted, they are better looking to begin with and also have better personalities and values, but this IS a thing. You want to know who ages the worst? Latinas. A Russian can go unmarried then be a crazy sexy MILF but without the kids at 32. That cute Mexican girl you think is 22 is about to turn 15 and when she’s 25 will look like utter shit and there’s nothing she can do about it.
>Inb4 some beta s0i cuck tries to say “But J-Lo” or “But Ariana Grande”
> Gook
> Korea
> 10th largest economy in the world

What are you fucking smoking you dumb shit.
Certified idiot
And my quads confirm
If you would like to be banned all you have to post is “Russians are not white” or some variant thereof.
The few Russian that I spoke to were way out of this line:
>Incredible down to earth and realistic
>Actually know they are a 10 and will abuse it
>Insecure as fuck, specially money. Will look like misers and gold diggers
>Racist as fuck.
>Strangely enough, low body count. 1 was even a virgin at 24. Is the only woman, that I personally know, older than 20 that is a virgin.
>Wants kids, fear marriage. Despise nerds.
I only know them because of my job. But they overall look way better than woman of similar age.
>Wants kids
I could help with that
>fear marriage
>Despise nerds.
>Racist as fuck.
Well its their loss
Just rape them, easy
Technically true but they don’t have yellow, brown, or red skin. Not even olive like the Mediterraneans. They get white privilege and will be treated well wherever they go so it’s totally moot
This is at least somewhat true. My dad has awful skin so he's always taken excellent care of it. He's nearing 60, and looks like he's in his late thirties or early forties. Meanwhile, there's this scraggly old lumberjack i work with who's barely used sunscreen, and uses simple products. He's 38 and looks 55. Doesn't help that he smokes.
You can tell a slav a mile away. Poles are the most "white." But white is just made up nonsense anyways.

I like her face. But you are right, amazing body.>>10834322

Shes great


Love her
>But white is just made up nonsense anyways
Super true. Actual “Caucasians” (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) are olive if anything. But I’ve spent quite a lot of time in that region and you can only point out Slavs when they’re overseas in America surrounded by non Slavs. They’re pretty much white, maybe not Nordic or Scandi but 95% of people won’t be able to tell
Leave it to westerners to pick the most fake, caked up in makeup bullshot looking slav girls imaginable, how about you actually come literally anywhere in eastern eu and find something real instead of instagram thots and fake and gay filters that aren't representative of my people
also,. the simps worshipping these girls talking about how "nice they are" and "muh goddess" have 0 clue about anything at all
love from kazakhstan
Funny enough, what attracts me the most in slavic woman is their down to earth/chill nature and the anger issues, because i absolutely hate submissive woman, i need a certain conflict in my life to function properly and spicy things up.

Still, the reason why incels glorify foreign woman so much is the toral opposite, they truly believe that a overly submissive woman who lick his feet is the solution to their severe depression and social inability.

Anon, a woman who agrees with 100% you do is not a partner, is a follower and this is not something healthy also, high chances most of those foreign woman are being submissive because they want a green card, which adds another layer to the situation.
Cringe and lies

Slavs can be ice queens but once they feel comfortable with you they’re very warm. Anyone complaining otherwise is probably a perv that no woman would want to open up to. Yea they CAN be gold diggers just like all women but if you’re from the west the grass is definitely greener in EE where girls have more values and are MUCH prettier
Sex cum woman
Based and truthpilled
Cump (cum bump)
Sometimes I forget this board is 50% coping, loner, loser fat women and the other 50% is retards trying to jack off
Yeah, that sums this place up exactly desu
they got kicked off patreon for being russian
but have a bootsy now
I heard slavic girls are the white girls most open to dating Indian men. Is this true?
The true master race when it comes to women. German girls look like men and stop being cute at 20
Not even indian women are open to dating indian men. White women are smarter and arent slaves to indian men like indian women are.
Thats why indian men need to rape to satisify themselves
That, and arranged marriages
If I say that slavs arent white I get banned. Thanks Republicans.
Shawties owe me secks
Those who wish to play with poo do.
yoshinobi (russian) stopped posting right at the beginning of the conflict
is she still active somewhere other than insta?
This s thread about Russians, not Slavs.
All those girls are Churkas trying to larp as Russian women
All Slavs are mongoloids.
>Title: Slavs
Of course the thread went to shit when it attracted seething fat white bitches from the west
Ur not white if you not from the West.
Ze West ist flooded with mutts, Mein Fuhrer
And where are you from that is whiter?
Breast humiliation
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Slavic girl superiority. Rosaries stay seething
holy shit lol
Yes, but all being posted here are Russian a.k.a. Fingols. They are not Slavic, so this is not a thread about Slavs. Easy as.
>All Slavs are mongoloids.
Just because you are from Yakutia does not mean you are Slavic or Slavs have anything to do with you or the way you look.
she might as well be american, now show me slavic girls that actually look slavic
>aka bad
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>now show me slavic girls that actually look slavic
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Bumping for the most powerful female ethnicity
She’s from New Zealand tho? With a bangin’ bod like that I too would assume she’s a Slav tho…
I thought the stereotype was that asian women are colder than white women
She lives in New Zealand but she's ethnically slav, that's why she looks like a goddess.
It was fun was until it lasted
Atleast they mark themselves for mental illness
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op here, I didnt think this thread would be so popular. Here's more slav girls

Name: Peppy_cosplay
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Name: Michi Kyunn
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Slavs are so hot nghhhh
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Name: kanra cosplay
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>They're literally anime girls
wanna know the secret? they have less race mixing over there.
she is wearing the wrong size bra and it is painful to see
wtf is that hand
female hands typed this post
Are all cosplay photos this bad lol
The lighting
Dios mio...
feel free to report posts you think are rule-breaking, anon.
Not surprised. No Kiwi would have a body that bangin’.
Post #200
Plz saev me jannies! Is 4chan just reddit now?
i busted so many loads to oniksiya, i saw her cosplaying Shahdee when i was a teen and that changed me forever
ok that is cool but ukranians really be claiming shit is theirs when it's just a slavic pagan thing that they are now LARPing hard. We still make flower crowns.
Name: Astela/Stacy pinky
This girl is 10/10 for me but I wish she didn't have tattoos and she photoshops her moles away in her fansly posts but not in onlyfans, weird
It only means that their averave is bigger than yours.
They only do that if they drink or smoke
This thread proves all slav women are disgusting whores. PLease put your clothes back on and go back to Church.
This is super cute. Is she dressing as miku? That would make a really nice Romeo and Cinderella photoshoot
fat by russian standards lol
>thread supposed to be about Slavs
>OP posts Russians
did you want him to post slovenian males
No, but posting Slavs instead of Russians would be nice
I would prefer white people

Women that want kids and fear marriage have been through toxic relationships where they dated a guy way below them in league because he was nice/funny, then it turns out he was a toxic, insecure controlling creep and fear they will lose their independence in a marriage
What? She still active recently. She even cosplayed the McDonald's mommy thing. She probably was just escaping the country or something.
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I would literally chop my balls off just to get a chance to lick Shirogane-sama's plugsuit
That woman's face is like it was designed to be the irl Asuka
Name: Freilson cosplay
It's Weissm she's a big fan of RWBY
Here's more Michi Kyunn because she's one of the hottest
All Slavic women have a scar on the upper left arm bc of mandatory vax.
Yeah they’re missing a notch on the nose and their cheekbones don’t stick out that much. They’re not squinting either
Slavic women from Czechia all the way to Poland have high cheek bones and squinting, almond shaped eyes. They also tend to have a moon shaped or sharp jawline. Anything more to the East has rounder eyes and a higher forehead.
what the fuck- is Tatsumaki a fucking dude
none of those women are Russian
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Do Russian/Israelis count?
Just post slavs in the general non-white cosplay thread. They don't need their own subhuman speciality.
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I need to move to Russia.
Slavs are the most powerful race on the planet.
Israeli no, they betrayed their motherland for western imperialism. Lenin is rolling in his grave.
Yes. Is true wite Christian country with true Western wite values.
Slavs are my favorite cosplayers. I've spent over 500 simping a few different slavic cosplayer beauties
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lol no
Russians are a mishmash of Slavs + every other race that lives in or has ever tried to conquer Russia. Putin’s mistress/baby mama is half-Tatar.
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I spent around 1.5K hahaha
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They deserve the money more than I do. So beautiful...
She's smushing them together because men like how that looks
Personally I like it better when the bra fits.
Anime and manga artists obviously base their female characters off of slavic women's faces and now they provide us with the best takes on those characters. As Elton said, It's The Circle Of Cosplay. They also look the most elfin.
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Idk anon, every woman posted in this thread has a big Caucasian nose, protruding caveman brow ridge and deep-set sunken eyes. Pretty sure that anime and manga artists design their characters to specifically ERASE those features.

I get that you're comforting yourself through the tactic of cope, but at least open your eyes and see whats literally in front of you on your screen, lmao.
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This girl showed up on a Japanese show where they randomly interview foreigners walking by. On the show her face was really blurred like in her photos, but her real face looks insanely different, basically no correlation to her shopped photos.

Its kind of cute seeing Japanese comments on her Youtube videos shocked at how different she looks. Basically politely calling her a gorilla in the most Japanese way possible. Hope she never translated those comments, lol.
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But anime characters aren't drawn with receding rounded chins, bulging eyes, or flat faces, anon. So they can't be based of azn girls.
She's prettier without filters than asian women with 30 hours of photoshop in lmao
Said anon, while posting a picture of an anime girl with a small nose, small chin, and flat face next to a picture of a caucasian with a large nose, caveman 'ridge, jutting chin and long rectangular face.
Her nose looks like a chiselled potato. Her brow ridge straddles her eyes like an australopithecus. Nothing wrong with that, but if you think that's pretty you should probably stop cosplaying anime characters, its just not meant for you.
You've been brainwashed by photoshop so much you've forgotten how your fellow human beings look. Cosplay isn't about literally looking like the character otherwise you end up as the uncanny aliens you like. It's making characters humans, and Saya is beautiful without filters too
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>Find 10/10
>Check her profile
>She's Russian
It really is that simple
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Ryoko Demon and Rei Doll were very big on the Euro cosplay scene over a decade ago - constaly zipping around yurop to compete or judge cosplay competitions. Since the recent unpleasantness Rei Doll has been living in Istanbul though after constantly speaking out against Putin and cronies on social media.
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the only russian i have spoken to was 1,2,3 but had pretty based and nationalist opinions.
She was kind of old though (used to be a 10/10)
also yourpic_rel
No, I've seen girls walking around that look like anime girls without even trying. It just so happens none of them are caucasian.

Saya is a beautiful australopithecus, sure. But she wouldn't get very much attention if she went to a cosplay convention in the country where anime comes from.
She looks fine.
absolute unit
What counts as slav
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