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old thread reached img limit >>10787408
Can I post some cute slender legs here or do they have to be thicc as fuck.
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Oh great, yet another obesity validation thread? lmao
I guess its ok
Dont wanna annoy the jannies by having too many similar threads up at the same time
he's gonna spam shoop'd chinese girl again.
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Have a thicc Mexican girl instead.
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I want to put some cilantro on her taco.
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For real tho, this was just a subterfuge to post my bong muse and her cute slender legs.
>t. 50 pound anorexic skelly
nah just autogynephiles posting again where they are not welcome
Were these threads created to contain coomers so they stay out of feels threads? If so, I approve
That has to be one of the worst 2B cosplays I have ever seen. Bet she never played the game.
everytime i go on this board its women seething at other women or making fun of other women. i thought guys were supposed to be the incels
/cgl/ hates hot women especially hot women who monetize their bodies in some way
it's also guys fighting over which cosplayer is hotter, and even making fun of other people's favorites. And fighting over which ethnicity is hotter. Also thick leg lovers vs slim leg lovers.
I just assume it's mostly guys in the cosplay threads, especially the coom threads.
That's how it should be, women should stay out of the coom threads just like guys stay out of the dress threads.
>obviously overedited fat whale
No, we hate retards like you who wouldn't be able to spot an editing app if it slapped you in the face

Everyone can just put minimal effort into their cosplay, makeup, or diet and they will still get asspats. Sad.
obesity isn't hot, retards
you say that like fetishists dont invade lolita threads
I bet each of these girls have a lot of calories on them, which makes them hot by default. So you're wrong.

We really don't.
this is just pathetic failted bait at this point, go back to /s/ already.
They are not even obese. Overweight - some of them are. But it's not obesity level yet.

it's called femcels/lesbcels
it's just some chinese spam poster. he did this last thread and made a failed "shoop'd to fuck chinese girl" thread that no one was posting in.
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Ah, he must be some paid wumao attempting reflexive control.
>Overweight - some of them are.
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These chubby girls make more money on onlyfans than any ugly /cgl/er ever will
what if i AM a chubby onlyfans girl? it's not only salty femcel lolitas here, don't forget!
post fat rolls
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Nickelback makes more money than most bands out there but no one gives a fuck because they're utter garbage.
Same logic applies here, why do I need to give a damn about these hideous simp-sellout landwhales when their (((cosplays))) are utter garbage?
>inb4 muhhh seething foid keep le malding
>Cosplay legs
only degenrates think that this is her real face/skin/look. holy photoshop batman
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no (you) for you braindead idiot
fuck you
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Oh shit look, the braindead /s/ poster is pissed! Who would've thought? :)
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I just know that shit VIBRATES to edge of earth and back when she fart
how is this possible?
who's this ?
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Fapping she is so hott any more?
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shes sitting her legs are squished. have you never noticed it happens to everyone?
Cosplayer: mandymoonof
Cosplay: Senju Tsunade
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suzupoii has the best
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10/10 bong princess
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Sexy legs damn.

Love her legs

Hotty with a body
lmao that looks fucking retarded
Based suzu
I like them thick, but this is ridiculous, go see a therapists or some shit
Any Himiko Toga cosplayers that have thighs like that? Follow-up question: Do they dance on TikTok?
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suzu thighs ftw
I love to worship cosplay girl legs.
Historically Laced
that cammy has an amazing ass
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>women seething at other women or making fun of other women
They are all men, anon.
reading this thread at school :)
I would give anything to have my head squeezed between those thighs.
Am I safe to assume we're all ass men here as well?
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The beauty ideal has never changed. It's fluctuated, sure, but it's never really changed.
Who told you the sculptor meant this thing on the right to portray beauty and not mock or make fun of someone?
>retard troglodyte standard of beauty
>coomers treat it like gospel
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I love her legs
i need man, i need the sSAUCE!!!
who's this holy goddess?
>And fighting over which ethnicity is hotter.
as if this was even a debate
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I would pay hundreds of dollars for this.
sauce senpai
why tf is there a stairlift behind her
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I licked my screen.
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Hottest legs I've ever seen. Shame she doesn't show them a lot
you're fat and your mirror is dirty.
Her whole body is perfect.
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anybody know a place that uploads haneame sets?
she should wrap them around your neck
Me next please.
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sure. just place your neck right here
God fucking damn
Don't have any pics unfortunately but Sailorscholar has some of the nicest thighs and ass I've ever seen
She's great
We need another cosplay lesbian thread so badly.
Gravettians weren't troglodytes thoughbeit. And that statue could have easily been a fertility item in a women's cult or something.
AGP female or AGP male?
NTA but AGP females are just normal women.
Everyone knows men make better women than women.
Nobody cares about that nasty extra hole they got. They can't even take a real pounding.
Women need to understand they are useless in the grand scheme of this. They are useless, temperamental cunts who don't deserve oxygen
I want them to cut off my oxygen using their thighs.
troon hands wrote this
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Then your opinion on women does matter because homos have a very low genital response to both females and troons.
Then your opinion on women does not matter because homos have a very low genital response to both females and troons.
Non-terrible company vs being a woman are then different things by definition.
nta but if you're attracting annoying female friends then it must be some kind of vibe your giving off. faghags flock to certain gay men.
All this cosplay ladies are gorgeous, they give any convention, grace, style, beauty and great photo ops , so I support them , regardless of ethnicity
Gorgeous ladies , 10 +10
No I said your opinion on trannies and women and a comparison between the two doesn't matter especially on whether men make better women. Not that you dislike women.
I want to be a chair so badly.
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Any luck?
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Name? Link?
>>t. 50 pound anorexic skelly
Kilograms, please.
Humans gonna human
Reconcile with your father.
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Lady Hunk - Legsthighs
>Lady Hunk - Legsthighs

In which social media bro?
need her to suffocate me
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Sadako Cosplay 001
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Sadako Cosplay 002
"durr obesity thread" ok post some fucking bbws
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i love sexy ladies
I would watch on my intake
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Oh mommy
Sometimes I come to this board just to pick on neurotic woman and then I feel super guilty afterwards :/
Sorry folks
What neurotic women?
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All the cgl gals
>coom-maxed pokehmans
Oof, it hits different on your 5th day of nofap
You look great girl
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he was hard (like every other deadpool cosplayer)
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If youre looking for me, you can find me underhere
Sign me up
Just use a brown paper bag
I've always wanted one of those
You would not be allowed to touch her and it must be done publicly, does that change your price?
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