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Popular female cosplayers seems to of become more of dressing slutty for attention than putting together a well made costume for a hobby
>>10854442 (OP)
>dressing slutty for attention
that is a hobby
>>10854442 (OP)
Well made costumes don't pay the bills
Ya that’s the point it’s supposed to be a fun way to spend money not make it Cruella de Vil
>>10854442 (OP)
Um sweetie; they’re dressing that way for themselves not for you. Stop thinking everything women do is for men.
How many times are we going to have these shitty derailment threads? Is there really no saving this board?
My favourite women are the whores who accept that their whores and then their back on this mentality and laugh along side men at this shit.
Board is dead my friend. I made a thread for one of the biggest cons in America for the 2 weeks surrounding it and there was like a total of 10 posters.

The board really should get the axe. Lolita and jfashion can be moved to /jp/
>>10854442 (OP)
I remember when cosplaying was just for fun. Now its all about how hot you can be. These girls would sell lewd versions of their cosplays through patreon, and then onlyfans rolled in. Ethots have really sucked the fun out of cosplay. I used to love Kayyybear, but shes just an onlythot cpsplayer now. Such a disappointment.
Whats worse, the fake e girls like Belle Delphine who were only in it for money from day 1 or the actual real cosplayers converted to thotdom?
>I remember when cosplaying was just for fun. Now its all about how hot you can be.
Literally when was it even not about how big of whores booth babes could be?
Get a real job then.
>>10854442 (OP)
Always has been
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I‘m sorry to tell you, but they really dress like this to make money. There ain’t a lot of fun in randomly walking around in lingerie
How are you different from a drop shipping grindset bro? Get a real job
Monetization is what makes the hobby no fun. It just often comes in the form of ethots.
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She literally sells books and patterns. Just because she doesn't sell glossies doesn't mean she only picks armor bikinis bc she just likes them a whole lot.
What hobby doesn't involve money changing hand?
Just because things can involve money doesn't mean its the sole motivation.

There's thousands of amazing artists out there doing it as a hobby who rarely if ever take commissions or contracts. And inevitably any artist that starts going down the money hole starts hating it and bitches constantly.
this is the most pick me shit ive seen all day
You're totally wrong. I know multiple not attractive girls who don't make any money with cosplay and they love posting their lewds.
lol, op was no doubt a jelly woman. This board is mostly women you know.
what is there to be jealous of? any woman can take off her clothes for coomers on the internet if she hates herself enough.
Not the horrible cringe fatties that make up Lolita.
If you’re over 160lb you stop being a woman and start being an sexless blob of fat
Plenty of people ran around in skimpy costumes before patreon/onlyfans was a thing
Hell, even go back to the 70s when girls were in Vampirella/Red Sonja outfits
Kek as if coomers have standards. There's plenty of morbidly obese OF whores who make bank off feeders and fat fetishists.
Maybe. Maybe not. Either way they domt get posted here.
Classic offer and demand.
Coomers want sexy cosplay
Sluts deliver
They have no reason to make a well made cosplay if nobody is demanding them.
Fat mid cosplayers get simped over all the time on this board. Just open any "cosplay thighs" thread.
Oh wow the fat fetish containment thread contains the only examples of fat people here? And even then, you still note they're "mid?"

I accept your concession hole.
Buddy, there is hiking and enjoying nature and being in the moment and then there is filming it all, editing it, and putting it up on TikTok so you can try to be a van life influencer.

Most hobbies can be enjoyed for doing whatever the core thing is without considering a profit motive. You can do crocheting for the love of it. Don't be obtuse, you know the exact shift in intentions when a hobby becomes about monetization and how it alienates you from what you originally liked about the hobby.
I never said they were attractive, just that there's coomers out there who are into fat bitches. Learn to read, retard.
My man here has never heard of attention, a sense of belonging, and dopamine as a form of reward
Hiking and enjoying nature costs money. You need to travel to a site, have decent gear, etc. Most people buy good quality stuff to hike. But even if you don't, it's unlikely you live right on a trail. Also--quite often you have to pay for park access or parking, even in rural areas.
You lost and got shrekt. You're living in an ideal world of free and money-less hobbies that never existed and never will.
Yeah, but the coomers here aren't. We overwhelmingly like hot women. Also--am I a coomer if I jack off to a hot slut? What if I get jacked off by a hot slut? Whatever your answer please explain your "reasoning."
Lel. Not him, but this is the most retard of all retard posts. Fitting, since I notice every board is already flooded with summershits. The declaration of victory, when you don't even understand what you said makes it all the funnier. It would almost be quaint, if it weren't so pathetic.
Umad. I accept your concession. Also, kek at making u mad.
You must be 18 to post here.
Even better than sage. I love when I witness someone have a meltdown and switch to @. It's so fucking funny. Like really bra? U that mad? The only way you get out of this one is to close the thread and stop posting. I'll wait ;)
Maybe if you just keep responding to me, you'll show everyone that u not mad.
You sound like a literal retard and keep moving the goalposts with every response. Degen men will jerk off to literally any woman that gets undressed whether because they have a fat fetish or simply get off to women debasing and degrading themselves.
So am I coomer or not? Simple question. I jack off to hot sluts. Am I a coomer?
i wish most cosplayers were like kamui. but then, that would entail actually having skills and smarts, instead of showing your anus on a webcam.
Yes, which is probably why you're too braindead to follow a simple conversation.
If I get a hot slut to jerk me off instead of me jerking off, does that mean I'm not a coomer?
>whales got this triggered over a single post
Nobody likes fatties you’re disgusting. Your onlyfans making $20 a month off a few black men means nothing.
>>10854442 (OP)
My experience is recent and only with local cons. It seems to me that most people have stopped cosplaying. I don't know if they are too lazy, too intimidated, too busy or if it hasn't occured to them. The few people who do cosplay are either Luffies or Tanjiros without wigs and toystore katanas. Then there's the dedicated cosplayers with the wigs, the suits, the props. There's a big gap between the two.
Say what you will about the costhots. I've said a lot. They buy their stuff, they filter themselves like bad coffee, they paint themselves like whores. But the end result is there inbetween the pros and the casuals. They look better than the average cosplayer, they sell sex appeal and they are a novelty.
>most people have stopped cosplaying.
>local cons
That could be part of the problem right there, but more important, what are these conventions billed as? That plays a huge role in the turnout / enthusiasm
Those are all my posts and I find fat people and whores similarly vile, another cumbrained retard who can't read, what's new? Cope all you want but your fellow men have no standards and will literally fuck a chicken sandwich if it will get their dick wet.
Jajaja lies lies , the lie ugglos say to feel better
% agree, love the ladies who accept they dress sexy ,big booty and all to tease men, get some money $ out of their hotness and don't be a hypocrite about it
At this point I’m so desperate to see actual effort I’d rather fund some creative seamstress on Patreon than just another thot and I know I’m not the only one
True, their Only Fan accounts are aimed toward women. Right?
>that face
>that tummy
I want to commit a crime bros
I don't want to be a simp but she's making me feel things
>>10854442 (OP)
I think a lot of people who are into cosplay are more interested in looking good than the crafting aspect of it. I'm guilty of it too - at cons we're all preening peacocks strutting for attention. The guys too - at a con I saw a dude in a shirtless cosplay prop his phone up against a wall to record a TikTok of himself flexing his muscles. And even the non-slutty cosplayers are concerned with the look - whether they want to look mysterious, elegant, cute, etc. At the end of the day, the act of cosplaying itself is essentially just modeling. Most models are not modeling something they made themselves.
>>10854442 (OP)
>women being women

you dont say
>>10854442 (OP)
If they just said "I cosplayed yor cuz im hot and she's hot, buy my shit" I'd be content, but they sell themselves as something they're not and get offended when someone calls them on their bullshit
Honestly this wouldn't be as bad if they were just upfront about it
>Sell OF cosplay content
>People tell them ur hot lmao booba
>Get offended
>Skimpy (non-canon) versions of character outfits
>OOC photoshoots of sexy characters (Power doming Makima, Kobeni being sexy, etc.)
>OMG YOR IS LITERALLY ME (naked while wearing a black wig)
>Some dude tells them lmao yor has no personality she just wants to be a housewoman
Yes they do. You could literally hand craft well made costumes and sell them to lazy people

Good luck making money when you’re 30+ hag. How you gonna pay bills then?
>Captcha: MAGA0G
I mean, I dress this way for other women. Straight men are garbage animals who deserve castration. You either get morons who think they're superior while being objectively stupider and less empathetic than women or gay dudes, or "nice guys" who are an immense waste of time because they have no integrity. Or abusers. So.
Real dykes dress like men to attract other dykes
Women are NOT attracted to costhots!
Yes we are. You're just a prude.
Without makeup and touch ups for the pictures she kinda looks like the dorky girl in class (who happen to have turned 37).
and you men are the people who buy into it and give the slut cosplayers money, making them do it even MORE
it's literally, and i mean literally, horny men's fault
The drug dealer gets blamed more than the drug taker
By the same logic we blame the thot more than the simp
nah because the drug taker doesn't HAVE to buy the drugs but originally consciously made the choice to do rather than saying "no" then kept doing it to form an addiction
>>10854442 (OP)
>Popular female cosplayers seems to of become more of dressing slutty for attention than putting together a well made costume for a hobby
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Women are sluts

They get attention, money and concessions. What's not to like? You either become a thot sooner or later or you're a fatty-chan/retard/autistic (basically lolitas)

>Good luck making money when you’re 30+ hag.
I bet $5 that if a 35 y/o hag undresses you're gonna coom. All they need to do at most is up the level of lewdness. The well of perversions is well tapped by now, but it's a very *deep* well. Plenty for everyone.

>and you men are the people who buy into it and give the slut cosplayers money, making them do it even MORE
>it's literally, and i mean literally, horny men's fault
True in part. But there are nobodies whoring themselves for crumbs, if for anything at all. Women strive on attention, just as men crave for sex. It's the way nature intended and why are we here now.

>shitty derailment threads
This. Board is a rotting corpse and there's barely any flesh left.
We all know OP wants to be a Yuru
Bikini armor is the shit. Whoever says its sexist is obviously fat and uggo.
Oops, retard moment, wrong tab
Intended for anon here >>10862337
Who is this?
Must suck then that they won't fuck you :C
i'm jacked and 42 but look around 32 - best way to bang cosplay sluts?
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>>10854442 (OP)

Whores found they can milk nerdy men of their money. "HAHAHA I AM A STRONG LIBERAL WOMYN, GAZE AT MY PUSSY."

Just taking advantage of retards who've never felt a hug before in 2023. All will hit the Wall and all will likely be alone. Thanks Jews.

You don't understand. They're not doing this for "fun" or because they "love the hobby" they do this so they can milk simp money. They're succubuses. Spit on them at all opportunities.
blame the simps then. if simps wouldn't simp they'd give up if due to lack of attention. simps are wired differently, blame them.
If simps make women e-whores then why arent you an e-whore?
not a woman, but it's the same reason everyone isn't a druggie or that all women aren't prostitutes, people have different personalities. but it's a 2 way street, but the incentive is what drives these girls. and if simps didn't simp, the ewhores would have no reason to do it.
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>>10854442 (OP)
It's funny, I remember when she first started getting popular in 2009 and thinking how its obvious shes just doing it for the attention knowing desprate nerds would give her money. Yet of course her and her white knights all insisted she wasnt and its just because she was a "gamer girl" into video games. Fast forward to today where she has an OnlyFans. At least she showed her pubes
The hottest part of this video was actually when she was rubbing herself while still zipped up.
>>10854442 (OP)
Yeah and its AWESOME. cope more.
Yeah, I always knew that but it's about the fantasy. I actually get off harder knowing she hates nerd shit but she forces herself to pretend for my attention and dollars. Really makes my goo spew.
>>10854442 (OP)
Samefag incels making the same thread over and over.. kek.
There are loads of normal cosplayers but you hone in on ones you could never form a relationship with, totally out of your league. This topic stinks of you being a total unemployed neckbeard who has never met soap. It's only your own fault you aren't making the cut for her attention. It must really suck to suck. Try the gym, lardwad.
I pick her, dusty bitch
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>>10854442 (OP)
Nigri was never a cosplayer, shes a stipper who occasionally wears video game related stuff
Fake. You ever go up to one with fake tits and ask for rates? They will straight up tell you how much.
It quite's the season of bait. Oversexual society begets coomers which then drive the pornification of hobbies and vice versa, so go complain about the commodification of sex instead of all this incel tier seethe that kills this board. The prudes and the radfems weren't incorrect totally.
Yeah animals arent coomers, rite? Only society makes coomers.
[reddit space]
Ha what a fag
My kind of girl.
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>>10854442 (OP)
>>10854442 (OP)
I hate that she didn't remove the tag on the front of the underwear. Why?
Bitch's not even that pretty why is she so popular
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Then go and do it. Support some talented artist’s dream and make him/she happy.
>Good luck making money when you’re 30+ hag. How you gonna pay bills then?
I bet these bitches will be rich by then, either by collecting money from the simps, marrying some rich dude, or both. Remember that these people (sexy women) live life in easy mode.
>when a hobby becomes about monetization and how it alienates you from what you originally liked about the hobby.
This shit is too real
Sure, and then their pimp steals their money and moves onto the next one. Amouranth will be the next Niece Waidhofer. She will die soon of suicide or drug overdose.
Fuck off to the kitchen, femoid
>Hiking and enjoying nature costs money
????? What?
Where do you live that you don't have forest trails and mountain biking places accessible via public transportation? This is one of the stupidest things I've ever read in this board. You all need to go out and discover what real life is like.
Enjoying nature costs money?? Wtf
plenty of OF girls in their 30s like J-Nig and still make a living
>Where do you live that you don't have forest trails and mountain biking places accessible via public transportation?
That would describe a lot of places? Not everywhere is the same as where you live
ain't not way this bitch just said "um sweaty :)" unironically holy shit
>dressing slutty for attention
>that is a hobby
bro it's a career, amouranth makes a million a month

cosplay -> patreon -> twitch -> onlyfans -> retire rich at 30

if you're hot you'd be stupid not to farm the incels
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>"nice guys" who are an immense waste of time because they have no integrity
What does this even mean?
>if you're hot you'd be stupid not to farm the incels
Its called having some self respect.
keep perpetuating the stereotype asshole
It's pretty much only ugly girls who say that honestly.
>>10854442 (OP)
This gets whined about literally every 2-5 years going back to at least the 70s. Do you fucking mouthbreathing, bitchless nerds ever get tired of hearing yourselves whinge about nothing?
Having self-respect means respecting your body and selfhood enough to do whatever the fuck you want. If that means you don't wanna show skin or be a slut, that's fine, but don't police other people. That's just being a cop and a prude.
Talent is inversely proportional to looks
Also applies to male cosplayers
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>>10854442 (OP)
I hate how attention whores turn every cosplay they do into some kind of porn parody.
Both can share the blame, the same way that you could blame both the junkie and the drug dealer. Simps and e-whores could have some dignities but they don't.
I hate this wig
it wouldn't matter if the ewhores had dignity or not without simps, we'd never know because they wouldn't exist. they're like stray cats, you don't have em unless you feed em.
>>10854442 (OP)
I want to cosplay like this but I'm male.
being oggled is fun
its ok bro

elons got the catgirl waifubots coming, just hold out another 30 years or so
advertising sponsorships and payments direct from onlyfans itself

you didn't think all that money actually came from simps did you?
That's marketing cash girls

it comes from advertisers who want product placements in videos
it comes from onlyfans paying out a contract to an influencer to keep her on the platform and drawing in other girls to use it

there are more girls on onlyfans than simps subscribing to them. you'll be lucky to make $200/mo off that site lol
its fun if you are a man but not if you are a woman
supremely based thot
The "talented" female cosplayers = their boyfriends/husbands made it
>shes a stipper who occasionally wears video game related stuff
So basically a female cosplayer.
>>10854442 (OP)
I fucking hate this so much, basically every chick that isn't a gender freak and/or underage is basically a prostitute publicly shilling onlyfans
to me it seems like its hard to even start because everyone is in their little insular cosplay clique that is very closed off unless you're a cute girl
it kinda bums me out because id like to try but i also want to do it with friends
stop talking like a redditor
>all these unironic replies
is this board somehow even easier to bait than /vp/?
the gender freaks are even more likely to have an OF
There's three threads
that's bc you're only looking at algorithmically boosted cosplay women on the internet, schleb. Most women irl do not do this. you are being fed content for your demographic which is lonely horny male.
but would she pick you?
>>10854442 (OP)
Social media is a thing so that's inevitable unless you somehow forced everyone to be anonymous and had fashion police measuring everyone's hem length upon con entry. It's not going away.
but everyone on /cgl/ seems to be a prude
To her credit, nobody wants to walk around downtown SoCal or Texas in a full-body foam/Worbla armor set. She actually *makes* her stuff and wears just about everything. She ain't like Jessica Nigiri who makes stuff skimpy on purpose to make her bolt-ons look bigger for the simps.
>who makes stuff skimpy on purpose to make her bolt-ons look bigger
You say that like it's a bad thing
Zoomers are the worst generation.
she meant to say that they have no firm beliefs of their own, they can't stand up for themselves so they would never be able to stand up for her. Basically they are not masculine enough and don't set boundaries in a way that is attractive to women. Being a "nice guy" or a pushover causes women to take advantage of you, which means they are interacting BUT they will forever view you as beneath them so you'll never be considered for a relationship or they will only be in it reluctantly
>>10854442 (OP)
>Popular female cosplayers
I don't even know who the popular female cosplayers are anymore. I can name Yaya Han and Jessica Nigri but they were big 10 years ago. I guess Amouranth is a modern example but her main hustle is streaming, I don't even know if she still does cosplay.
>It seems to me that most people have stopped cosplaying
went to a con last weekend and there was plenty of cosplayers there, works on my machine
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The days of cosplay celebrity are gone
/cgl/ used to be full of all the gossip of the big cosplayers back in the day
These posts are almost a year old, but I'm pretty sure the second one is me. If it is, maybe focus more on reading comprehension and less on gloating. There's no end of cons with high cosplayer turnout, from the biggest to the smallest. The real problem is if it's "an expo" or some generic multimedia event, in which case you're gonna be flooded with boomers, kiddies and normalfags
Matt Mercer did WHAT
Bullshit lie
How about fuck you , fuck your life, fuck your dumb cosplay, fuck your mentality, damn fuck your generation too
>Its called having some self respect.
but a lot of them will be rich by 30 and by that time everything would've forgotten about them, then the next generation of cosplayers do the same fucking thing
and still has way more money than all this thread combined
>actual real cosplayers converted to thotdom
well this arent actually bad honestly
>I'd be content, but they sell themselves as something they're not and get offended when someone calls them on their bullshit
absolutely, just be upfront about it and call it a day
But at what cost
>>10854442 (OP)
You can usually tell the cosplayers from the pornographic models by the amount of clothing they use and the effort they put on crafting and sewing them. For instance, the one in your post is just a underwear model making bank over simps from the cosplay community.
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If male con-goers looked half as fucking good as this dude they'd be wearing all the skimpy armor too.
I hate sex just so much, I wish one could cosplay without getting anything sexual involved.
Why cant you?
>>10854442 (OP)
Thottery is essentially the female form of drop shipping or crypto or other /biz/ activities
>At least she showed her pubes
>The hottest part of this video was actually when she was rubbing herself while still zipped up.

Gonna need to ask for sources on these
>See videotour of con
>literally everyone dressed normally
>that one girl walking around in a glorified bikini
and you just know people are standing in line to talk to her or take photos
>>10854442 (OP)
it's always been like this. first there was alisa and hchan, then miyu and yaya han. then jnig came in and replaced miyu when she quit cosplay. it just went mainstream since then but it will never change.
Its for men. Half are on onlyfans and moids and simps are 100% their fan base.
Nah they usually in the same boat years ago after wasting money on stupid shit.
Idk some of the girls I see with onlyfans make me laugh. 90% are mid and need to catfish to look decent.
Just so you know, assuming you're remotely capable of introspection, when you're lying awake at night, wondering why people don't like you, it's because of shit like this.
Those were the times ..
Too bad she didn't do Cammy lewds back in the day
She has an OF now but eh, its 15 years too late
I feel like women view men as this even when a dude is genuinely trying to be a good friend. In my personal experience women are REALLY bad at just viewing people as people and not genders. Once i bought someone i now call my sister boba after her breakup (she asked ME to hang out) and she went out of her way to say she wasn’t interested in me. I just like talking shit with her. We had a laugh but online you guys seem so full of yourselves and assume every man is out to sleep with you. Its so tiring to be around and you radiate weirdo victim energy that other women complain to me about. Prob the type to ghost your friends when you get a man too.
where did the talented cosplayers go

Sauce, my guy?
slut detected
Women literally stop existing when men go to sleep.
They either aged out, moved on or make more money crafting costumes for other people instead of wearing them.
>>10854442 (OP)
Because cosplay is no longer a hobby for nerds passionate enough to bring characters to life, it’s a hobby for narcissistic zoomers seeking validation in some form.
Every con you go to now is filled with zoomers making fun of con goers, except for them. They’re totally the exception and very attractive*!
It’s actually really hard to find someone genuinely into this hobby who’s also an otaku, you’re more likely to run into wannabe influencers networking in the hopes that they’ll sleep with each other.
Except that everyone is too chicken shit to do anything.
This is the part where someone gets offended and replies trying to dismiss what is the reality of current day cosplayers. They’ve totally slept with 1000 attractive cosluts and deflect to skill issue, etc.
>assume every man is out to sleep with you
Which says a lot about who they CHOOSE to associate themselves with.
That's right. They're posting the photos online and monetizing them only "for themselves" too.
literally retarded. Nobody does anything "for themselves". That doesnt exist. ever.
how is it womens fault that most men are stupid enough to pay and women are taking advantage of how retarded you are with your finances. maybe you shouldn’t constantly do retarded things if you don’t want them to happen.
>>10854442 (OP)
If I run one through the knuckles at a convention whilst gazing at this, I can't morally be held responsible.
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or a target for a random beating, DAE right girls??
sex should be prohibited. simply. I mean, the sexually appealing costumes. ban all of them.
What really pisses me off about this is when they wanna do lewd cosplays of minor characters or doing both lewd cosplays & then cosplay characters from various family friendly shows on their pages. It's gross.
>moids and simps
Iirc, the owner of Onlyfans came out and said that most of it's users were older married men, not single men.
Boyfriend energy without boyfriend prices, that's all.
It's like banging a girl without having to woo her or text her after, everything you want with none of the effort.
Let people cosplay whatever they want
Saying if someone does one lewd cosplay then every cosplay needs to be lewd is silly
>almost 50
>still showing off the tatas
Is this based?
I bet she still looks amazing naked. Too bad that face is just eye watering.
crazy that she's 48 now
>>10854442 (OP)
This isn't new, the hobby has been hijacked by normie sluts int it for easy nerd bucks like a decade ago
>cosplays of minor characters
I see adult cosplayers being attacked over doing this and it's so retarded and ridiculous, especially since these characters often don't even come from "family friendly" media which is also what you're mad about. Also learn how to separate reality from fiction, fictional characters can't have "ages"
I know this is sarcastic but if you dress like that for yourself you wouldn't feel the need to not only take pictures but post it online.
>women are whores and men are simps

More news at 11.
>>10854442 (OP)
Don't like boltons like that, but I do like pale skin and black hair. Also, nice panties.
Dude, fuck off. You don't need money to appreciate nature. All you need is a sturdy set of clothes fit for whatever weather you're expecting this season and a backpack for food and supplies. Anything can be a hiking outfit as long as it's practical.
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straight women are disgusted by you, you dyke freak, you abomination of nature
>>10854442 (OP)
Some of them put together a well made body Anon through healthy living or hard work,
you need money to get to nature to appreciate it

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