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new larp thread

Now with 87,45% more polearms and a little bit of hydrophobia

previous thread
Whats with Conquest and Burgschneider? I only hear negative things about them and that people boycott them
all I know that conquest got their Swampageddon this year
maybe they're mad about the team up with skilltree?
Only heard few things, but not sure if they true or not.

> Something Something about the fact that if you play self-written songs on the conquest, they have the right to copyright them and something something about that volunteers who don't show up for their voluntary service, for whatever reason, have to pay a fine of 350€. Also something something burgschneider monopoly
Do people not like skilltree? I've always thought he had some pretty decent tutorials, his videos got me into leather working
Can't speak for conquest, as I'm not a European, but the few items I've ordered from burgschneider have been fine, I've only gotten some leg wraps and a tunic from them though. The tunic was too small but that's my own fault for reading the size chart wrong, the leg wraps are fine tho
Is larp stuff exclusively medieval? I kinda want an excuse to dress up in my Stetson, boots, and Ruger
I like em but you know how autists are with social media celebs
nope, there are all kind of larps out there, one special mention is Legion for example that is WW1 about a Cheslovak legion that got trapped in Siberia
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Yeah, absolutely loads. I was at a Wild West game a few weeks ago, it was pretty great blasting blanks off. When you get a photo at night like pic related (not of me, from a past event a few years ago) where the cameraman really catches the moment someone fires, it feels fantastic. There was a proper hanging and stuff as well, very cinematic.

Yeah, Burgschneider seems very solid quality for slightly-high price, but honestly I'd recommend it as a really solid beginner option. Interested to see how their collab with Games Workshop on Warhammer fantasy stuff goes.
Any guides or advice for larping in high temps? Colder temps seems obvious (and probably more common) but there's not many options I can think of for good 100 degree weather ideas besides shirtless barbarian. Thanks for the advice, fa/tg/uys.
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Like all things, it depends on what sort of aesthetic you're going for. The best, and most general, advice is just wear lots of natural fibres. Wool and Linen breathe very well, and I've happily ambled around and fought in several layers of both in hotter weather.

Other than that, if you want a more general medieval fantasy look, braies and split hose are very breathable, and you can even roll the hose down around your ankles using garters to basically just be swanning around in your underwear. Certain styles of tunic can be hoiked up around a belt to leave more space for breezes to get through. Coifs and straw hats are very aesthetic, and held keep the sun off your head/ neck.

If you're wanting to fight, don't get a super thick gambeson. Something like an arming doublet will easily suffice most of the time unless you are wearing really badly shaped armour that doesn't fit at all. Drink lots of water, stay in the shade, that sort of thing.
You know when poeple say dont sweat it? Do the opposite. Also what previous anon said, and never forget that until you sweat through your cloths you will be uncomfortable from the heat. After that its managable As long As you use the natural stuff
Sudo medieval/ Renaissance, and d&d style kitchen sink fantasies are standard, but they run the gamut. Post-apocalyptic, usually aping fallout, modern gothic-punk ripping off word of darkness, steampunk are all very common.

Then you get folks like Gropey who do bronze age and Napoleonic fantasy, or weird Nordic laps where they are role-playing a 1980s trailer park in Alabama.
Israeli LARPer here, so I'm used to LARPing in over 30°c.

-Just like the other anon said, get natural fibres are the best. Honestly I wouldn't even go for wool, in that heat. Linen is ideal, cotton a little less so but still great.

-Carrying a bottle, a waterskin or whatever may-have-you is non-negotiable. Find a solution for drinking and drink often.

-Do what we call "The Onion Method" - Have your kit assembled from multiple layers you can play around with. If we take a basic Knight or fighter for instance, then you're going to have an undershirt, a gambeson and a tabard or a surcoat. So you may want to wear all three at very certain scenes, but otherwise maybe you stroll around the city wearing your undershirt and tabard, go to battle with an undershirt and a gambeson and when you go out drinking and don't need to look formal, or just resting, you can just wear your undershirt.

-Sleeveless stuff is your friend! Not only it could make for an interesting layered outfit, it is *much* more friendly with the heat. So, if you plan on wearing a gambeson - Get one with detachable sleeves. If you plan on playing a high-class character, see if that can be done with a sleeveless vest or a jerkin, etc etc.

-Hats are not only unique and fashionable, but will also save your noggins from frying.

-Consider typecast when you choose what to play - As much as I want to be a cool Vampire Hunter, I know wearing an all-black trench coat is suicide by dehydration.

-That being said, I've seen people play most archetypes here with the right adjustments - From cape-wearing royalty to robed mages to armoured knights.

If you have any more questions, ask away!
Natural materials and get tougher. I'll wear my plate no matter how hot it is, but I also train a LOT so my body can handle being put through bullshit.
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Just found out someone I have been peripherally larping with for a few years, and who I quite liked, committed suicide a few days ago. Look after yourselves anons, its a rough world out there and if you need help make sure you ask for it.
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Anyone has any experience with foam and latex tankards, especially this one from Epic Armoury? I got one and it's super neat, but I want to know:

1) How much of a bad idea would it be to drink from it?
2) What beverages might harm it and what should be okay? I remember vaguely someone telling me once that you shouldn't drink either gassy beverages like beer and soda, or alcoholic beverages in general and non-alcoholic are fine but I can't remember which was which.
3) Should any treatment be done to it after drinking from it?

Thanks a lot!
>1) How much of a bad idea would it be to drink from it?
kinda bad

>2) What beverages might harm it and what should be okay? I remember vaguely someone telling me once that you shouldn't drink either gassy beverages like beer and soda, or alcoholic beverages in general and non-alcoholic are fine but I can't remember which was which.
nearly everything will damage it either directly or indirectly. Latex needs a protective layer if you want it to last more than a year, so usually silicone spray. even regular water will wash it down but any kind acidic liquid will fuck it up to some degree. Not instantly unusable tier but it will get wasted way sooner.

>3) Should any treatment be done to it after drinking from it?
buying some charcoal tablets if you put a lot of silicion spray in it beforehand. And silicone obviously but you already knew that.

Your best bet is just putting a plastic cup inside the mug, maybe a transparent one.
My brother in Christ don't drink from that. Even aside from all the obvious health risks, it's going to be a pretty shit drinking experience. I've seen such a mug (not sure if it was exactly that one, it was like ten years ago) be used to hold snacks, and it got pretty wobbly when full.

In my experience, larp non-weapons (mugs, bottles, tools, etc.) work best when hidden between real ones anyway. My standard camp setup used to consist of three very similar earthenware bottles, two real and one of pic related. I've gotten some very genuine scared reactions when I reached into the assorted bottles and suddenly lobbed one at someone.
I'd just splurge on a real one, if you're going to actually drink from it.
has anyone had any experience with these belt shield things? are they worth it?
Does Freyhand still produce? Their onlineshop seems kinda dead.
Also, how are calimacil weapons? I'm looking for a historical warhammer and calimacil seems to be the only one who still has one in their range.
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Depends on what you want really and what price they go for. I find that the small belt ones often flap about a bit when you really break into a run, and don't provide more protection than, say, a maille skirt. If you're going for a more lightly armoured look like pic related, I think they have a place though. Painting them up with heraldry is baller though.

It should do, they were posting on their FB this month. I find the calimacil stuff a bit whack desu, decently priced, but I really don't like the injection moulded stuff. I just find it too hard and kinda ugly, but the latter is personal taste. Where are you based, I might be able to recommend some places, and one handed or two handed?
These can't be sealed properly and they're not safe for food and liquids. They're props.
You can find their product on the Burgschneider onlineshop (I didn't know that until I ordered something from them and the brand Freyhand was on the product).
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Those are the same 10 leftovers that are also on their own website, they don't seem to make any new weapons.

I'm in germany and looking for a sleek one handed warhammer with a ravens beak/pick on one side of the head. Pic related would be ideal.
They look stupid and aren't going to help if you're fighting someone competent
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Hmmm. I know Calmacil does a warpick, pic related, but I'm not really a fan of their injection moulded stuff. I know Irregular armouries in the UK does them, but they might be a bit chunky for eurolarps. Sorry I can't be more help, it might be a commission job.
That's the one I settled for, will see how it is when it arrives hopefully this week. But yeah, picks are quite the rarity. Though I guess that could be because they seem like they break easily if they're made of foam.

Guess it's time to read up on self made foam weapons with kevlar support again.
I was suddenly invited to a my first ever larp day after tomorrow and I don´t have a weapon. It´s low fantasy and I´d like to have a small sword. What is quick and beginner friendly way to make a weapon within a day?
The short answer: you can't

The long answer: It depends on the game, but even then you shoudn't. For an actually nice larp weapon, like the ones up the thread, you need a few specialist tools and a decent amount of foam and latex experience. For shit american boffers, idk, grab a pool noodle or some shit and throw tape on it. If its your first ever event, just say your new and don't have a weapon and I guarantee someone will lend you one.
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sup /cgl/
/n/erd here.
the help thread is dead so I'll ask here for now

I'm trying to get pic related into the hands of someone who can use it. it fell off the sycamore tree next to me and I thought it looked neat like a scythe. in my mind, a wizard larper would want it for a staff. I'm a pretty good woodworker and took the scraggly bits off and cut the length and finished it with a ton of danish oil.
I'm in Atlanta so I walked around dragoncon with a for sale sign. several people took my picture but no offers.
I've heard of cosplay stuff going for $$$ but doesn't look like I'm going to get anything like that. just a small amount to cover the shaping, sanding and finishing would be fine.
is that realistic? I don't have any social media so do I make an etsy or where do people go for larp stuff?
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a bit better angle of the scythe part. photos don't really do it justice
It's a stick with danish oil on it, you're not going to get anything for it.
If someone invited you for a larp that is in the day after tomorrow while you enver even been to larping then the common decency says they fucking give you loaner stuff, weapon included. Otherwise reevaluate your life choices
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Long shot, but maybe worth it: does anyone here know of some good software to track character relationships / family trees in larp writing?

I write a yearly larp that revolves around a large extended family (of gnomes, it's the best thing ever). It's written on a generational basis, where every larp takes place a full generation after the previous one. The family tree currently contains some thirty entries, and is expected to grow by about 10-15 entries every year. As I'm sure you can imagine, it will get more and more difficult to manage over time, and I'd rather get everything sorted now rather than when it's already become an unmanageable mess.

Ideally, I'd want to just add new characters to a database by family relation to an existing entry, and have the whole tree be auto-generated. Anyone know any good tools for that?
Etsy is pretty commonly used
Advice for joining a first /larp/?
find friends, have fun, play the game
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I'm pretty sure Milanote lets you track exactly what you want. I've used it for some RPG stuff before and it's worked pretty well. World Anvil also has a family tree editor built in, so maybe check that out.

Without more info it's hard to give much constructive advice due to how different larps can be in different places and across different genres. To start out though, don't buy a single big piece of showstopping kit. I don't care that you love the witcher, don't buy a full geralt armour cosplay, or a full set of leather, or a massive high fantasy weapon. It'll really pay off in the long run to put together some decent soft kit that can be used for a variety of settings, and the same goes for weapons and armour.

Something like a basic tunic, cloak with pennanular broach or a hood, and some leg wraps with a proper belt will immediately elevate you over 90% of larpers for almost no effort. There are a few decent places to get base quality kit, but I really recommend learning to sew as it saves you a big chunk of change, allows you to make exactly what you want, and gives you a nice feeling of satisfaction.

If you have options, generally you don't want to go to a game with more than a few pages of core rules. There's still a very strong element of people who go "lrp is just 1 to 1 RPG mechanics ported to real life", and those people were dropped on their heads as children.

Just put yourself out there and have a nice time. Larp is inherantly a very social hobby, so most people will be perfectly happy to just chat. There's cunts everywhere of course, but that's life and you just have to ignore those people.
Speaking of sewing, any good sewing tutorials/pattern resources for larp kits? I know certain specific cultures would require more effort to find patterns for, but in general.
I highly recommend the medieval tailor's assistant. Just google search it and its the first, very dodgy looking, link. A lot of it's patterns are very easy to put together, even for a beginner, but it covers a wide range of historical European designs pretty accurately.
I don't know a lot about VTM, so can't really swing in on what rulesets to use/build off of, but I've run a few larps so I'll give what advice I have.

The first, and hardest part, is finding a location. A community hall, pub, whatever. You'll need one that hits at least 2 sides of the triangle of cheap, consistantly available and immersive (just generally being a nice place). Once you get that, you can start advertising it. Use social media, local nerd hangouts, whatever, but make sure your marketing material (and also your actual ruleset) is easy to read, has some pictures to draw people in that arn't twilight cover-art levels of shit (ideally of people actually in kit looking good), and that doesn't just target larpers. Its more likely you'll get someone who plays WoD interested than someone who just enjoys dressing up in sports gear and hitting someone with a pool noodle.

Ideally you'll have at least one or two mates who are both A. interested and B. competant who you can make refs, or plot NPCs, or really whatever you need them to be. Offer them free tickets or a beer or whatever, as really if you wan't people to show up you can't price tickets at a level where you can actually pay your volunteers.
Anon, unpromptedly getting defensive about trashing children is not a good look. Having said that, I think >>10890528 covers the gist of it. I'll post some more random tips. Note that these are specifically for organizing episodic (monthly/biweekly) larps, and don't even remotely generalize to all forms of larps.

>Get your location first and work from there.
You're going to have to build up your venue before every game, and tear it down afterwards. Scout out your location, then ask yourself "what kind of game can I run in this location?". Don't get try to dress up a community center canteen as a palace, and instead have an in-game location that pretty closely resembles the out-of-game location you play at. Working practical considerations into the design of the larp will save you buckets of time.

>Vision first, team second.
You'll need a handful of other people to keep things running smoothly. Make sure you know your vision for this game and your sacred cows (things you're unwilling to compromise on). Only then go and gather a team. I've seen multiple larps (including one of my own) go to shit, or at least devolve into uninspired lowest common denominator design, purely because the organizers didn't share the same vision. You're better off with a group of okay friends that want to work towards a common goal, than a group of close friends with wildly divergent goals.

I am super sleepy so I think I'll think of more tips tomorrow.
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I'm looking to get an arming doublet. Anyone know if Forge of Svan is even remotely quality? My local Buhurt guys are miserable to get in touch with for advice.
>I'm pretty sure Milanote lets you track exactly what you want.
Awesome, I'll check it out. I looked at World Anvil before, but I have no way of telling if it can do what I want before buying it.

>Have an existing network
If you want to get your larp to take off, you'll need to find a lot of people willing to jump in blindly for the first session. You may be able to promote on a handful of Discords and Facebook groups, but your biggest form of promo is going to be word of mouth. Without an existing network of people who know you to market to, you'll be incredibly hard-pressed to find enough participants. If you don't have such a network yourself, join forces with people that do. Which names are behind a larp is a deciding factor in participating for a lot of larpers.

>Protect against old guard syndrome
Your game will have a relatively small playerbase at the start, and (if all goes well) grow to your preferred size over time. Make sure that those players that join in later aren't forever doomed to be lackeys because all the important roles have been hogged by the earliest participants. This applies for both a mechanical perspective and a social one.

For mechanics, I strongly recommend avoiding a mechanical imbalance between existing and newer players. Simply put, that means not having an XP system where you gain XP for every time you show up. Most rules-light social larps that I know just give people a fixed number of perks and the ability to re-allocate those perks inbetween sessions. If you really do want to go the XP route, at the very least make sure that starting characters get enough XP to be at the highest relevant level of a single thing.

From a social perspective, important positions and resources will consolidate in the hands of your long-term players. Ensure that the number of important positions and resourses grows with the number of players, and that new ones enter play in the hands of new players.

I've been eyeing one of those myself, please post a review should you get one. I can confirm Forge of Svan is good, but I've only seen their armour and never their garments.

For a lot of larps it's dead normal that new players are sidelined to mook duty, and you really wish to avoid that. Not only are you going to create a pretty socially unhealthy situation if you tell people they need to "earn" their fun by groveling to the grogs first, it will also just stifle the growth of your larp.

>Pick your scope well
For a montly chamber larp to work well, you really want to have the gameplay be PvP instead of PvE. The assets of the characters at the larp need to be more interesting to players than the assets of the rest of your game world. If not, players will want to interact with the outside world more than each other, and you'll be swamped with downtime requests and plot writing. In general, the two safest scopes are "the players already own the entire city/country/world/universe and are fighting among ourselves who gets to control it" and "the players are all stuck in the same crap bucket and are competing for limited resources". A prison setting is a good example of the latter.

For vampire larps in particular, the death knell typically comes when the GM's start introducing all kinds of super high-powered vampires and the normal players are overshadowed.
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>please post a review should you get one.
Will do. I'm thinking I might spend a bit more and go for something from quilted armour. Friend of mine who's big into armored combat sports highly recommended them. Still weighing my options though. Will post results.
this is so dependent on the theme/culture/inspiration that there's really no way to say anything without elaboration. I guess make a shitty tabard is the standard step 0 people tend to go for that's more or less ok for anything, but after that it starts branching out. I guess my main tip would be to try and figure out a few of the defining features of the given time period and region and try to get those down first
Buddy has one of theirs, loves it.
They are not bad.
Care, they size usually stupidly big with their armor, though the textile stuff is decent.
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anyone larping as a ranger? i wan't to make a ranger kit and can't decide what kind of bow to get. A longbow looks like fun, but don't know if it's bulky or not. And a shortbow looks a bit too short?
Ranger is about mobility and huntsmen used shorter bows when hunting so it may be more appropriate for a ranger rather than a Yeoman's longbow lined up with his 30 buddies behind pikes ?
can confirm
So, 58" would be better then having a 68" long one?
You'll not have to shoot the charging french cavalry but pick up single targets, the shorter one should suffice I guess but you do you.
>check 3 closest high fantasy events near me
>1 doesn't even have official website or wiki, so no character progression or rules, just killing stuff in a field
>the other 2 don't allow dark magic, necromancers and demon summonings
well, if I can't play a dark wizard then what's the fucking point?
Just FYI, don't go to Thailandor in FL. It went from Larp Group to sex cult.
Go on
WTF I love Florida now

Consider looking into the fourth closest fantasy event
They probably banned the dark wizards because they were sick of the edgelords and murderhobos who only want their consequence-free-zone to sperg out and don't actually care about the wider story. Can't really blame them. Frankly it sounds like a good idea to me.
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idk where to ask since there isn't a reenactment general on /cgl/ but what would be a good site to get a hungarian WW2 uniform?
I want to do a Hungarian infantry man since WW2 reenactments are flooded with SS or Grossdeutschland
Have you tried Hungarian surplus stores?
I live in the UK so thats not really an option I contacted this place and awaiting a response
well then the only other option is contact someone who make new ones but those will less likely to ship outside of hungary (or even to speak english) than the surplus stores that have a webshop.

I mean you can TRY for example szabosag.com but I'm unsure what are your chances
Yeah I sent them an email both in English and Hungarian. I might have to go and visit them next year to contact them in person XD
If I do I'll get the cheapest ticket to Budapest then a train ticket to that city it's located in
technically speaking you could try the n+1 facebook groups too but the welcome there would be less than wonderful in my experience.
The WW2 reenactor drama is worse than vietnam.
does anyone have recommendations for good crossbows? all the sites I normally look at all say the crossbows are meant to be decorative and not actually meant to be fired.
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Depends on where you're based, but FakeSteel does some really nice crossbows in Europe. In bongland I hear good things about Umbra armouries.
IDV the manufactory that build the larp arrows sell some crossbow

>decorative and not actually meant to be fired
i mean, they exist to be used, but even the larp one's stuck under the gun protection law in germany, so maybe this is why they count as a decoration?
Can there, theoretically, be a LARP content creator that's actually good? And what would it require from them to be?

On the contrary, if there are any already, link me pls
How do you train for combat/physical activity? I figure just being fit and able to run/hike will give me a leg up, but if there's a specific regimen a vet would recommend I'd appreciate it.
Personally, I'm a martial artist trained heavily in karate and kickboxing. I generally get in an hour of training every day save rest days. It helps with fitness and endurance, cardio is king. Generally after warmup I do two minutes of shadowboxing/drills followed by two minutes of exercise, hitting cardio, lower body, core, upper body, then core again each. Works pretty well for me, it is a bit much for a lot of people though.
The problem with larp content creator as a concept is that most larps are by and large completely different from each other. You could realistically do a sort of review channel where you travel to a different larp every few weeks and talk about how it was, but then you are committing a lot of time to going to games that are probably wank. The alternative is doing costuming or basic "how 2 roleplay" stuff, but a lot of that content already exists in the renfaire (blegh) or RPG spheres already. Just talking about "here's what me and my mates did last week at the same larp we've been going to for X years" really can only hold attention for so long.

Just general full body workouts with a decent amount cardio is what I do. Probably about once a week I do a run wearing my maille, not really much different from a weighted vest.
It's LARP fighting bro, it's really whatever. If you want to get fit it's a generally good thing that will translate to LARP in whatever way. Most important thing is having decent cardio.

Go running, swimming, dancing, hiking, HEMA, Muay Thai, wrestling, cayaking it doesn't really matter.
If you want to get better at sword play try HEMA or fencing. If you want to get better at showfighting try showfighting/any grappling sport. If you want to also punch people, try Muay Thai. If you want to fuck dudes, try BJJ.

And so on and so forth.
don't take it too seriously but still put effort in it. That's all. As others mentioned some general idea about how to use your weapon and being fit is good. Although don't oversweat the knowledge in weapon fighting because larp weapons works differently and every larp rules also different that would change a shitton of things.

Also, have fun
You might be interested in Cowboy Action Shooting, it's an actual competitive target shooting sport done with late 19th century guns and you're required to dress in period-correct gear for most events. Sadly pretty expensive to get into though, I really want to but you're looking at $3-4k worth of guns alone and a lot of gear including a hand loading setup if you don't want to bankrupt yourself on ammo.
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Anyone knows a european shop that sells something like pic related? i tracked down the original seller for the tunic, but they won't 300€+ for this, which im not willing to pay
this seems the closet match ive found so far [coming in at 128.42 Euro]
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I'm planning a larp based on Howards Hyborian Age. What characters and stories should such a game tell? My initial plan is to have it start as a gladiator recruiting thing, and devolve into a slave revolt. There will be a snake cult somewhere in there.
Post barbarian aesthetics
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Any DIY LARPfags in here? I wan't to get out of my "i'm scared to start a project, just so i can fail it and as a result waste my time, money and resources so i gonna buy the shit online" bubble. I want to start small and thought maybe a watter bottle would be a good starter, so i draw a template on paper and finished it in GIMP. Before i start getting into it, is there something i should know or any tipps which could help?
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Think about the scale of the game, how many episodes you want it to run for and what's easy to physrep. The players all starting out in a Ludus having been brought there as slaves is a fantastic in, as it forces them all together despite disparate backgrounds AND gives them a common goal. It also then makes sense post-revolt, as they can then switch to doing guerilla warfare against the governing class from a set location. Having the first game be half gladiator training half revolt, then the next 2 be vs slavers, THEN introducing snake cult stuff would be probably how I'd pan it out off the cuff.

As far as characters go, basically take each of the main characters from the films and put them into an archetype with a gimmick. Story wise, probably lots of found family vibes, pseudo philosophical musing, that sort of thing.

I've never gotten the "whoopsie doopsie I forgot to eat tee hee" thing, it seems to be brought up a lot in online circles but between IC cooking and eating OC meals it's never seemed a problem to me.

The only advice I can give is just commit. As someone who gets horrible descision paralysis when making stuff for similar reasons, you've just got to bite the bullet and get on with it. A slightly shonky bit of kit is vastly superior to a pile of materials at the end of the day, and the only way to improve is by doing. Most people arn't going to even notice small errors, you are your own worst critic etc.
I'm in the process in making a full lizardman mask becuase I don't want to spen a shitton of money on something that I will use once or maybe twice, instead I can fuck around with half the money and a shitton of hours but at least I'm getting better in several crafting skills in the process
Also btw, how do you plan to waterproof it?
There is generally three methods there.
First put an already waterproof container inside it, which might need some tweaking.
Second is just sewing the leather really tight, then after it gets wet end the water seeps through a little it will hold it but VERY slowly still gets some water out (on the long run this will destroy the stuff, but depending on how often you use it it might take years and for a first project it's generally good enough)
Third is after you sew it together wax it out from the inside. This is not easy, friend of mine tried it once, fucked it up and said fuckit and just bought one from someone at the end.

Might be some other methods out there, didn't dwelved too deep into the flasks yet
I would tight it with contact cement and sewing it tight. After that i would beeswax it in- and outside since most of the tutorials i saw, recommended it
personally I wouldn't recommend the contact cement if you already plan to wax it anyway.
So stitching and beeswaxing would be enough to hold everything together? some people say the wax could be start melting at hot summer days
yeah it coould but if your stiches are good it won't be a major problem. But the glue can be easily seep into the water and give a bad taste (although the taste of the water WILL be bad for the first few times no matter what you do)
How do I make a historically accurate gambeson for a Renaissance faire? It's on 1 month. I have a pretty busy schedule too so idk how much time I'll have to get it done. My mom said I should get pre quilted cloth but idk if it's necessary to take that shortcut. I want to be as authentic as possible.
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Depends on a few things. What period of Gambeson are you looking for is the first question, as construction method and general shape and apperance change a LOT over the medieval period, pic related.

I will warn you now, making a properly 100% accurate gambeson is a time consuming, intensive process, involving using lots and lots of layers of linen sewn together. Even a decent chunk of reenactors use wool stuffing as a work-around. For a general start though, LivingManuscript on youtube has an alright starter guide and IntheShieldWall has one on his blog (even if using a gambeson for Viking era reenactment is the epitome of cringe and bad history).

Oh, and also get that AI slop outta here, jesus, disgusting.
>will warn you now, making a properly 100% accurate gambeson is a time consuming, intensive process, involving using lots and lots of layers of linen sewn together. Even a decent chunk of reenactors use wool stuffing as a work-around.
Would it be a lot cheaper to do? I'm hoping to not spend more than 50 dollars on material because after a point I'm better off just buying one.
I'm not gonna lie, it's almost certainly going to be cheaper just to buy one. Not even thinking about quilting, if you want 100% linen and wool (which you do), it's going to run you more than that. I will say that if you're buying a gambeson for 50 bucks, it's not going to be historically accurate in the slightest, beyond vaguely getting the shape. Making a gambeson is cheaper than buying one if you're looking at top tier, perfectly accurate fair, but that's still dropping maybe 100 bucks plus on materials compared to buying a tailored, hand sewn one for 300-400+
What if I buy pre quilted cloth?
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That will make it cheaper aye, but then you're butting back up against "historically accurate". Most pre-quilted fabric you're gonna be able to buy is going to be a decent chunk % polyester or other modern materials, and stuffed with unhistorical types of cotton. If you CAN get prequilted 100% linen outer material, dear god let me know the source. You seem to be asking for "historical accuracy" without really considering what you want from that. Want it to look fine for a ren fair? yeah, just get some pre quilted stuff and bash it together into roughly a jacket, ideally without a front opening to get a better-than-average historical look. Want TRUE HISTORICAL ACCURACY? Expect to drop a massive chunk of cash.

Again, this all really hinges on what period of "historically accurate" you want. A gambeson from 1200 and a gambeson from 1500 are completely different in terms of materials used (largely due to the introduction of materials like cotton from egypt). According to Chronicon Colmariense from right around 1300, the gambeson (wambasia) should be made of either linen and tow, or old fabric/rags. For armourers in London, "... That a haketon and a gambeson covered with sendale, or with cloth of silk, shall be stuffed with new cotton cloth, and with cadaz, and with old sendales, and in no other manner. And that white haketons shall be stuffed with old woven cloth, and with cotton, and made of new woven cloth within and without." That's totally different to the earlier layered linen designs, for example.
>Want it to look fine for a ren fair? yeah, just get some pre quilted stuff and bash it together into roughly a jacket, ideally without a front opening to get a better-than-average historical look. Want TRUE HISTORICAL ACCURACY? Expect to drop a massive chunk of cash.
Alright that makes sense.
My goal is historical accuracy but I will compromise if it's gonna be so expensive I might as well buy one. I mostly just want to avoid using a sewing machine also.
Any anons active in the tidewater area of Virginia? Does Gropey still post here?
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It seems that it is true, most helmets from deepeeka are just too wide for the average head, I tried placing a coif underneath to at least mask some of that with but I now really want to try and find a way to just reduce it's with.

Was thinking about turning it sideway and just placing some weight on it for a long period of time but I don't know if I should.
Anyone got any interesting larps coming up? There's a napoleonic one the other side of the country from me that seems interesting, but I think it's full sold out. Website's a bit all over the place as well so no idea if there's a waiting list or not.

That should work if it's mild steel, just start relatively light and work your way up, don't want to overdo it. Either that or just commit to some really nice padding, maybe even glued directly to the helmet itself rather than as a coif.
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So I gave it a try and didn't used contact cemented like >>10908769 said. It's leaking through the stitches. I still need to cover it in bees wax and hopefully that will fix everything. But overall it was fun till now. I need more focus and sharper knifes, but I can see myself making more shit
even with the strongest stiches it will leak a little as I said. But your stitches aren't bunker strong either from the looks of it, I usually stich 3-4 loops of double thread if I want to make sure something remains strong. Also did you use syntetich thread? Looks shiny on the photo and can't decide if it's just the light in the photo or synthetic thread

Other than that it's really nice work
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I used some waxed leather string and stiched it with the saddle stich method, since all of the tutorials i watched used it. Now I'm in the middle of the last step with the hope that I did everything right.
Gropey is historic triangle and he's been out with some major illness. I'm in Chesapeake. Wassup?
Just finished getting settled at naval station Norfolk. Looking for people to hang with and games that are not just boffer faggotry.
So do you think that you're going to be sent to die in the Middle East, China, or Eastern Europe?
>got invited to a renaissance faire
>checked the weather
>comfortable and overcast
>decide to go as a wizard since I have an old robe
>still fits well and feels comfy
>washed and redyed it to make it more presentable
>trimmed the excess straggly bits and stitched up the loose seams
>pretty happy with it
>a wizard needs a staff
>spent the past week carving and sanding a piece of salvaged wood
>stained and waxed, just need some leather strips for accent bands to finish but it's looking good
>want a proper hat to complete the look
>not enough time to learn how to make one myself so hope to find one at a vendor
>check the weather again now that it's a few days away
>forecast has changed to hot and sunny
god damn it
Jesus Christ, anon.
I'm in a wheelchair, but want to participate in larping. especially combat. Any tips/ideas?
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I'm going to answer this assuming that this is a question asked in good faith, and not some weird "combat wheelchair" bullshit from /tg/.

For clarification, I have a degenerative spinal injury from a workplace accident that has been seeing me relegated more and more to my chair, and will eventually leave me fully dependent on it.

The long and short of it is that LARP is make-believe, but the Live Action part of it means that there is just stuff we cannot do. The first step is accepting the fact that your disability will continue to follow you even to the game. This does not necessarily mean that you can't participate, but you're going to have to be a realist about what you can do and what is possible within the setting of your game. People with disabilities have existed all throughout history, and have managed to find a place in life and society, so you're just going to have to look at them in order to figure out what you're doing now.

First and foremost, non-combative roles. Merchants, mystics, and scholars don't necessarily need to walk, and having the excuse of magic means we can get away with a lot more. For example, I'm planning on megan a character who is a cleric, who is bound to a magically mobile throne, as an anchorite taking the wounds and injuries of others in order to heal them as an act of penance and sainthood.

That said, if you are intent on getting into the scrum, it depends on how you want to dress up your chair, and how willing your friends are to get goofy. I remember years ago we discussed how would a mermaid character get around, and they came up with having her sitting in a bathtub with wheels, paddling it around. If you got the willing friends, or got some creative dressing on your wheelchair, you could totally also go as a dwarven Lord being carried aloft on a shield by his shield bearers, or perhaps a goblin or gnome knight riding a giant snail?
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Imagine being a goblin squig Rider, and putting the feet on the wheels of your wheelchair to make it look like they're running as you roll around
If this thread is not appropriate for this I apologize. I got invited to a Ren faire what should I wear? I've never been before. I like to cosplay, but don't know what the vibe is at renfairs.
A renfair is a vaguely history/fantasy themed costume festival. Don't get too hung up on it. Dress up as an elf. Dress up as a fantasy Viking. Dress up as a princess. Some people wear their LARP outfits, some people wear their reenacting clothing. Do whatever and have fun. Just be sure to eat a giant chicken leg and a churro.
>Just be sure to eat a giant chicken leg and a churro.
Oh I will!
One of these days I'm gonna have the time and resources to make a good orc kit...
Anyone who wears leather bracers and can tell me how thick the leather laces and how big the holes should be? im trying to make something and i am bad in estimating
why do game of throne, manor lords, world of warcraft etc cosplayers get a special title like larpers? arent we all just cosplayers at the end of the day
Next week i'm on my second LARP event. I goes 3-4 days, but i don't know what is a good food/snack to get, since we won't have a refrigerator. Cheese and Sausage/Salami is a classic. What else should i get?
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Just cleaning my armour off after Empire here in bongland. If anyone went, hope you had a good time, despite the fuckin horrible packdown and the mud.

It's surprisingly easy to do good orc kit on a budget. The key is lots and LOTS of layering and weathering, stuff like pic related on the left. Gambeson-maille-pauldron-hood on the torso and trousers-gambeson-warskirt on the legs bulks you out a lot and makes you look raggedy, compared to the orc on the right in just a breastplate. Also, having an actually good orc mask that fits well is easily half the battle.

I use 3mm leather thonging, so extrapolate from that for hole size basically, 3.5mm or so.

The difference is cosplayers arn't, you know, playing a game or really roleplaying consistantly. That's like asking the difference between the fan in the stands wearing a football shirt, and the player on the field actually moving the ball around. Also, cosplayers arn't generally doing meetups with set themes and where non-cosplayers arnt allowed as theyd break immersion.

Pies are great. The pasty means they keep very well, and its basically a whole meal that doesn't require a plate. Dried meats etc are also a good shout, as is fresh fruit like apples etc. I have a mate who swears by scotch eggs, eats like 8 a day.
damn it, i just hitted 8mm. What a waste
I woudn't worry about it anon. Having it bigger is really not a problem if it makes sense for the size of the bracer. Just trial and error your way through it, I've seen them as big as 1.5cm on some bracers. It's not an exact science
Where can I get good quality old school Nordic clothes/leather boots for an upcoming Ren fair? I'm willing to spend a little more for better quality
Where are you based, and what do you mean by "old school nordic"?
I'm in Virginia, and I was trying to find the proper term for the time period, but I believe it's just called the Viking age
Same anon as >>10909509?

The word that you're looking for is Nordic expansion period. Also, vikings are lame.
Thanks anon, and no I'm not him but it's interesting there are two of us in the area here.

>Vikings are lame
They are definitely "played out" what kind of kit do you usually go in?
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I'm not gonna be the most help, as here in europe I can get custom fitted 100% wool stuff made by a polish guy in a shed for a pound. Saying that, I think Burgschneider ships to the US, and despite the fact all their models look about 30 seconds away from ending it all, their stuff is pretty much top of the line as far as off the shelf goes. I know a lot of people who've gotten stuff from their norse line and been very happy with it. Grab a tunic, leg wraps and a hood from that range, throw any old belt or trousers on, and blam, easy ren faire look.
I recommend https://handcraftedhistory.blog/saljes/

They also have some tutorials up if you are interested in making your own items.
Which pole do you mean?
Ive also heard good things about perkele viking store, does anyone have experience with them?
Thanks anons! now for the hardest question, where do I find quality calf length leather boots? I'm willing to spend extra for form and function if possible.
Perkele is really good. They've raised their prices a bit over the last few years, but I've gotten some great bargins off their sales tab. Decent customer service, and I've used the same wool tunic and linen undertunic from them for at least 5 years at this point and they're still good as new.
Vaguely 1500s german-ish. Think Warhammer fantasy empire.
Sounds rad anon! Where do you get your kit?
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Leatherworker of/larp/, I need your help once again. I finished the leather bottle and it works perfectly (except that I can't find a fitting cork). I started a new project. An arm guard for my archer, but I have problems getting unto the stamping part. Do you wet your leather before stamping it?
>Do you wet your leather before stamping it?
Anyone has some experience with Epic Armoury's Vanguard like? Because I have a few questions:

1) Do they feel as cheap as they are priced, or do they stand in par with stuff like Hybrid/Stronghold?

2) Is the blade more like their latex coated EVA stuff, or like their Stronghold? (Asking because ran into contradicting information)

3) Do they require any long-term maintenance? (Again, contradicting information)

Thank you!
Bought pic related. I wan't to add something to it, so i doesn't look so basic. any recommendation?
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If your character has any personal heraldry that's an obvious one. For generic stuff though, I go absolutely hog wild for checkerboard patterns. Copying whacky artworks is also a shout, stuff like Bosch work. Putting a medieval marginalia piece on the front would be fun as well.

Eyy, nice. It's also cool seeing that kind of kit out in the wild.
Someone at Grenzwacht in Germany today? Would be interesting to know
Sup folks.

What's new?
Games workshop and Burgschneider are releasing a line of warhammer fantasy weapons
Well, fuck my wallet.
>What's new?
I have successfully orchestrated a trial period of latex weapons in my local (Vermont, USA ) A lot of work to do game, after finally, convincing people that they will not cause players to spontaneously explode into a pile of gore on contact. You? Been a while.
Anyone with an outfit from Chows Emporium? I'm US based but love some of her sets but am having a hard time justifying the $1k price tag.
Chow's stuff is nice, but INCREDIBLY overpriced. Don't get me wrong, it's warm, hard-wearing and looks decent enough (and I've seen a grab bag of her stuff get used for crewing a game every other weekend over the course of three years and not get shredded), but at the end of the day it's fairly basic patterns of wool kit with a whopping price tag on it.
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Yeah I'm eyeing this set from her but it's $1100. Epic armory has an eventide set of armor with the cloak for around the same price that I like, or les artisans dazure knights armor that ends up a bit more for leather armor.
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Here's the other sets I've been checking out, way different vibe. It'll mostly be for renn Faire and the masquerade ball thing they do in socal. It also gets hot as balls here in the summer so that's something I need to consider. My nephew does sca and has been trying to get me to join so it may end up pulling double duty down the road.
Honestly? Most of the stuff looks pretty amateur, and the prices are insane. For less than that you can get stuff custom made, or by reenacting quality clothing.

What is "hot" to you? The easiest way around that is to wear kit that was designed to be worn in hot environments. Most of my personal stuff is South Italian, or Spanish for that reason.

As for using that stuff in SCA, 1: It won't protect you. 2: look at historic kit.
how can you sell a spell casting implement when you can't even spell?
Any vendor recs for decent garb?
What kind of look exactly are you going for? D&Dcore? High medieval? Renaissance?
Lean more toward dndcore I think. The chow kit here >>10914189 is still probably my favorite vibe of what I've found so far. I saw burgschneider has some dnd kits that are pretty basic but maybe a good starting point.
I'm not saying this to be a dick, but to me that reads as " generic fantasy clothing from Kult of Athena, with random bits of fabric tossed on top to make the vague approximation of layering"

Kult of Athena carries a variety of vendors of that generic fantasy clothing, both American and international, and their prices are some of the cheapest online. The real trick is to take it and build it up yourself. The layers need to be natural, and they need to make sense. Not just be random bits and bobs.

Your clothing should kind of tell a story about who you are and what you're doing. Why do you have those random flappy bits? What purpose do they serve? How do they help your character in his day to day?
>not saying this to be a dick
Nah man it's good. I'm pretty new to this so trying to learn what I can. I hadn't heard about kult of Athena yet, mostly been browsing Etsy, medieval collectibles, burgschneider, zootzu, armstreet, mytholon. Maybe I'm struggling to picture all the separate pieces together to make an actual outfit so I put worth on the pre-made shit even if building the kit separately would be significantly cheaper.
Don't buy from Etsy, contact the maker directly.

As for the other brands, Kult carries all the ones that you listed.

Do yourself a favor, get yourself simple clothing first, it build it up over time. You will figure out what is good, what works for you, and what fits your character a lot better. Start with the under clothes (shirt etc), then pants, then a top, then shoes, then practical accessories like a belt, a pouch, etc.

Do not get hung up on having everything all at once. If you dress like you are wearing clothing, and not making a character costume, you will have much better results and save money.
NTA but thats all real solid advice. Thanks clownfag.
That looks like $50 worth of shit tossed together.
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Does anyone have a link to a good pair of jackboots for sale in the EU?
Google isn't being my friend today as it directs me to out of stock items or wish/temu/shein sites..
Specifically something with a rubber sole and not ww1 hobnails

>tfw phase 3 already
the thirties are hitting me hard though xd
Try looking for surplus east German police boots.
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I sold off some gme and made like $1600. Probably just gonna order the chow set and some extras like Pic related
That looks retarded, and most games will make you remove the glass bottles.
Meant to tag >>10914472
Got some hits on that but they were all being sold in the US for some reason :(

My options seem to be between these
https://www.epicmilitaria.com/german-wachbataillon-jackboots.html ("made in UK", might be china tho)
https://www.militarysurplus.eu/product-eng-16429--German-High-Boots-Wachbataillon-Used.html (Mil-tec)
https://www.asmc.com/boots-leather-jackboots-black?number=23181 (Mil-tec)
https://www.militarysurplus.eu/product-eng-40149-GERMAN-SAFETY-BOOTS-WITH-STEEL-TOE-CAP-USED.html (surplus)

I need a solid weatherproof complement to my actual medieval/larp shoes, which ones should I choose?
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Ehhhh... I hate it personally, and >>10914481 is right about the bottles.

I'll be honest, I also hate them all. They look way too aggressively modern to my eye, but it's your call. I would suggest probably dubbing and polishing your medieval shoes, and wearing proper wool stockings with them. And not standing in water. In the end, it's your decision and money.

Pic Are my 15th century boots, freshly dubbed with hot beeswax, before being polished. Watertight, and keeps them in good condition. Another good option is clogs for pattens for your medieval shoes.
loving the finish on that wax bro
my 12th century boots are decently water resilient, its more that they are not so tight that mud and water starts to seep in, and they give little protection against debris and provide very little stability. my previous pair had similar issues, but anyways this has more to do with just how shitty the terrain and weather is during the spring/autumn campaigns. summer is fine.

idk this problem just never seems to go away from me, I go out in the woods determined to use all my articles, but I always end up using my modern hiking boots as soon as I get the others soggy :/
Has anyone here ever run their own event? I have a sort of idea about a larp id like to run, but I have no idea how to go about it, like how to advertise and drum up interest, or how to get access to a location to run it, how much cash I'm gonna need up front to even get the thing started.

Just looking for advice desu
ran several chamber larps, some smaller events and a few ones that were around ~100 people. Actually one of the game series we do and has roughly a hundred people usually will be next week.

If you want to run a game advertisement, hpye and whatnot is pretty down on the list you should worry about. There are a shitton more design choices you have to make to even get there, not counting actual work.
I'm on episode 3 of the game I run, we generally get 50-60 players and 40-50 crew. Advertising should be the easy bit, just rely on word of mouth and having an interesting enough setting/ruleset will do most of the work, as well as some broad internet posting on places like Larp FBs. At least here in bongland, getting a location is the hard part, as theyre often either very expensive or crap. Scout camps and airsoft sites are often good places to start looking.

As far as cash goes, it depends on what you want to do. The game I run relies very heavily on having a big store of crew kit and weapons to create an immersive atmosphere, so that's an immediate massive upfront cost. If you're willing to run with fancy dress costumes and paper masks, it'll look crap but not cost much. The best advice I have is write the rules out, write a general costume primer on how you want people to look, then see how expensive it is to actually get that kit. It's all well and good writing a super cool Siege of Peking larp, but if the buy in cost for kit is multiple hundreds of quid, not many people will probably be interested. Oh, and put loads of photos you've taken in kit in your design doc, it shows whats feasible/ what your aiming for.
Keep it simple at first if you want to build up a campaign of sort for the long run.

As for advertising, you should engage with larp groups and orgs and invite them, if you get popular groups to come then that will also attract more people through word of mouth.
Making posts on various forums such as larp calenders in your country is pretty standard, but it would also help a lot if you put up posters and engaged with local communities/municipalities. In my country you can receive grants from local governments for hosting public events, and they will also advertise for you in schools and such, only problem is that they might not be interested unless you have some participation data to back up your application with.

Managing part is not gonna be easy even thought it might seem so, there are going to be problems all the time.
Its good if you can split the responsibilities up and let other people handle stuff for you, such as having one guy who only deals with running food/drink related services, one guy who takes care of sanitation (such as toilets, showers, water supplies etc), a guy managing a team of "referees" and maybe even on site medics that are IC etc
Hosting a larp you are basically a ceo, ultimately everything that happens in the larp is your responsibility so you need to be involved to some degree, but more as the one setting the goals and guidelines for everyone else in the team, and making sure that everyone does what they are supposed to be doing.
You dont want to spend your time setting up dishie schedules for the inn or calling in extra water tanks when you should be managing the game itself and the people in it, with plot developments or making rule judgements that will need your attention every hour.
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This needs so much more information though, so let me ask some basic questions in response.

How many players are you aiming for?
What country are you running in?
What kind of LARP are you hoping to run?
What kind of players are you trying to attract, and what do you imagine is their budget?
What do you exactly need help with?

The question you asked is so vague the only response could be a book at this point.
To start out I would wanna aim for anywhere between 20-30 people, 50 would probably be the max I would want for now.

I'm in Burger Land, specifically the Midwest

The larp would be a sort of post apocalyptic old West. The original vision was zombies but I'm starting to get worried that people would think that's over done

For players, the larp would definitely be combat focused, but I also want there to be some good RP going on.

Budget wise, I've priced out a few kits and luckily with the subject matter, kits can pretty much be as cheap or as expensive as you wanna make it. On the low side I would figure around 70-100 USD for a buttoned shirt, pants, and some Chelsea boots. On the high end, I plan to let people sign up to be part of the military remnants, and that kit would around 400 USD

For what I need help with, most of my experience is low level organizational stuff with airsoft events. Securing food, telling people where to go, that type of stuff. The previous posters have been very helpful, Im mostly looking for advice on stuff like finding a location to host, how much dosh I should be expecting to lay down up front to get it off the ground, where I should be thinking about advertising. I've written rulesets for both tabletop games and airsoft games before, so im not too worried about the ruleset
>post apocalyptic old West
desu I could see this becoming popular

I know this may be a very european opinion, but you should set it as a goal to have high costume standards, because america really lacks that in their larp scenes and I think it would be a lot more attractive for people when they hear about it.
Are you going to use airsoft guns or nerf btw?
I come from a reenacting background so I have high standards for my own personal kits, I would just be concerned coming straight out of the gate with super high standards, as that could drive the barrier to entry way up and i'm worried id be shooting myself in the foot before I even get started.

The airsoft vs nerf thing is something ive been mulling over myself. Either way theres not a lot of options for period correct weapons, but im fairly handy and have been working on some designs.

The basic dilemma is this: If I go with airsoft, individual guns will be more expensive, and any thing I design will be fairly complicated in nature, BUT there are more off the shelf options available on the market
If I go with nerf, guns will be cheaper, and the design of a nerf gun is fairly simple, BUT with the way nerf guns function, its fairly difficult to design weapons that are similar in appearance to any real-world revolver. Also id have to include something in the rules about picking up darts, cuz bbs are biodegradable, nerf darts are not.

Perhaps the solution is just using both? Have airsoft revolvers and nerf rifles?
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How many crew are you aiming for? If you're doing zombies, you're going to want imo at LEAST crew/player parity, otherwise it'll be a total turkey shoot, and then you'll need to find out how to get those crew.

If you're stuck between airsoft and nerf, airsoft pretty much blows nerf out of the water EXCEPT for the fact wearing the glasses is not super in keeping with historical settings. Have you thought about blank fires if you're in the states? Very immersive, but does pidgeonhole your game into being rules-lite and a "Roleplay everything" kinda system. While I personally quite like that, and have seen it work very well for a western game near me (that ran a halloween zombie oneshot a while back funnily enough), it's not the normal american style as far as I know.

Honestly, I agree with >>10916593 , set the initial standards high but achievable. Cowboy stuff can be as simple as boots, jeans and an old shirt which is very achievable, but can then balloon out if people want to drop big bucks.
I don't completely see crew becoming an issue. I have a decent number of airsoft friends that I'm 90% sure would be down to help out. I'm also going to include the option for players to become a zombie if they wish, either RPing their character dying, or simply stepping out of their role for an hour or two to be a NPC.

I have partially considered blank fire but it's not something that is drawing my interest considerably for a few reasons. For one, at least in my experience with airsoft games that allow blank fire, players tend to just ignore it, even when the rules say not to, as there's not dart or bb hitting them to make them consciously think "Ive been hit, me not going down would be cheating" instead with blanks (in my experience) they just go "huh someone's shooting blanks, wonder who theyre shooting at"
Secondly, if I were to do blanks, it would either significantly increase check in time, or significantly increase the crew I have to designate to check in, and those crew will have to be trained on how to check in blanks. I would want every participant thoroughly searched and their weapon examined.

Crew fucks up check in with larp swords and nerf guns? Someone maybe gets lightly stabbed with a fiberglass core, and has to go to the hospital. Bad day for everyone, but the larp could probably recover.
Crew fucks up check in with blank guns? We're on national TV, I'm making statements to the news on how I fucked up, and that 6 of my players are dead cuz we didn't identify a psycho at check in and he had a few live rounds in his pocket.
After posting my other post, I did some more research and I think I've settled on nerf, for a few reasons. One, id be designing most of the blasters myself, and it's much easier with nerf guns.
Two, nerf blasters would, at least from what I can tell, make a zombie setting more fun and challenging, because they're inherently more limited in range, meaning you've gotta get a lot closer to the zombies if you wanna shoot them. Not realistic in the slightest, (then again neither are zombies), but I feel would make the game more challenging. Especially if the zombies aren't Romero, Dawn of the dead (slow, shambling) style, but rather Max Brooks, World War Z (fast, sprinting) stlye
Best Advice I could give is to keep it simple and try a lot. It is really useful if you have a larp scene or source of players who would be willing to try something out. Not sure how that works in the US but if you can just go to a existing larp or local group and say "Hey I want to try this, are people interested" that lowers the bar to get stuff done.

The rule for volunteer projects is that if you need it to ge done you need to do it yourself. Maybe you have one or two co-leads who are as invested but otherwise volunteers are really unreliable. Especially long-term. You can probably get someone to do the barbecue but you cannot rely on someone to for instance deliver a writing project or a significant amount of design work unless you actually pay them. They may deliver good work nevertheless. But you will be at the bottom of their priorities so if something goes wrong the larp is left in the dust and you end up without character sheets or a critical plot MacGuffin.

This also means you should scope the thing down until it is a one-man job. Then scope it down by half again to make sure it is a one-man hobby project. then scope it down even more so it's a one-man hobby project that can be done in a few months.

If you have a group of larpers in your vicinity I'd recommend trying a one-day one-shot first to get your feet wet and learn important lessons. Your first project is always going to be full of beginner mistakes. So do another one-shot with less of those, and another one and then maybe think about a weekend or a campaign. Especially because if you end up not liking it after all, with a one-shot you won't have the commitment issue or the big upfront expense. Plus it is an opportunity to find people to help you organise.
>I come from a reenacting background so I have high standards for my own personal kits
based, I always found it strange how popular reenacting is in the US with period accurate clothing and all, and then the larp scene is all sweatbands and bedsheet cloaks.
>I would just be concerned coming straight out of the gate with super high standards, as that could drive the barrier to entry way up and i'm worried id be shooting myself in the foot before I even get started.
that would be an issue if it was high fantasy setting, but old western stuff is easily obtainable and articles that can pass can be bought in regular shops.
It would probably be better if you had high standards from the start, so you can attract more serious players, which in the long term will help grow the culture and popularity.

I would also advice for having nerfs, or nerf like, guns. Airsoft is great but its too easy to shoot people, plus people would have to wear safety goggles which would be a hassle if the event is more than one day.
i fucking swear, several times i tried speaking with the lady who owns quilted armor and each time it ended with "ok i'll get back to you with my design" even though i was prepared to spend a few hundred
i fucking hate facebook sellers so much
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>spent $2600 on handmade armor
>found out the hard way that customs wont let anything from Kyrgyzstan through due to the war
>asked to have the order canceled and get a refund from my armorer
>he said he'll pay me back all the money once he sells off the armor he made for me
>not a single cent back for months now
what did i do to deserve this god?
Reenacting is popular cuz Americans love war and love to dress up and play army man. Larp never caught on most likely because it's an extension of roleplaying games and those have only very recently entered the mainstream here
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Only problem is of the very few larp groups in my area, they're all boffer groups that do very limited roleplay. As much as I want my game to be combat heavy, I still want to provide opportunities for good RP and I am adamant that there WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO BOFFERS. It's partially why the first people I'm probably gonna go to for help/volunteers are gonna be the people that I play airsoft with. To be more specific, I play in an airsoft event several times a year called "Milsim West" that while being an airsoft game, also aims to be an *almost* larp, with heavy focus on costuming and engagement with the lore. I'll attach a picture from a recent game so you can kinda see what I'm talking about.

I'm gonna try and get a very VERY rough draft of a costuming guideline done by tonight, more than anything so I can get something on paper that lays down kinda what I'm aiming for. When I'm done I'll make it a PDF and put it up here
Entirely fair enough desu, those are all good reasons. Here in bongland all blank firers are bottom venting with the barrels sealed shut with a solid 2 inches of lead, so it's not really the same issue here. Have you also thought about playing around with limited ammunition rules? Gives easy plot of going to scavage more bullets, leans it less pulpy and more horror though which might not be your kettle of fish.

If you're coming from Milsim West and have people who do it as your crew you'll be fine. Its one of the few things in the US I'm very jealous of, there are very few if no good milsims here, which is strange considering how generally good a decent chunk of the larp scene is. Happy to look over any guidelines you write as well and throw in my thoughts.
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Yeah here in the states, a blank firing gun is typically just screwing a blank adapter into the barrel of your actual gun, making it actually somewhat dangerous if you're not familiar with the people who will be shooting blanks at you.

As for ammo, I definitely intend for it to be limited, but not to the point of people never wanting to fire their weapon. It'll take some workshopping to figure out what's the proper amount of ammo to issue to everyone, but currently I'm thinking 12 darts to start with, giving those with a pistol essentially two full loads.

Milsim West has definitely given me a lot of ideas that I'm thinking about stealing lol. Such as their use of water as the healing mechanism, which by nature puts a timer on revives (how fast you can drink a plastic bottle of water) as well as ensuring everyone has at least *some* water to drink during the event. I've currently got 4 MSW events under my belt, 2 force on force events, which are basically regular airsoft games that go for 42 hours straight, as well as 2 "insurgency" games which are the more larp oriented games. They're very player driven, which is something else I want to emulate somewhat. The picture is a group that was RPing as doctors without borders reviving a guy from a group that was RPing as Russian military police, both groups were entirely player created and led, with almost zero input or assistance from the "crew" (MSW calls them cadre)
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>*wheels up to you on the battlefield, and readies her weapon*

How do you react, anons?
V0.01 of the costuming guidelines are done. I still need to add some pictures, but I've got a description of what I'm going for under each category
(It's a MediaFire link cuz i can't post PDFs here and i really don't feel like sharing my public google docs account on 4chan lol)

Currently I have the guidelines split into 3 categories: civilian man, civilian woman, and military remnants. I've got some links in there to places I recommended to get garb from
That sounds like prime hunting ground for the people why might be interested in RP-heavy larp while being underserved by the current offerings. While also reducing the amount of direct competition and making it easier to advertise because you are a different kind of larp.

Also I'd be interested what happens if you put a bunch of milsimmers and boffer larpers in a room and close the door.

I would directly walk up to the GMs to complain that that flail is not larp-safe.
Looks good for a first pass through. I'd recommend adding some pictures, not just of the stuff you've posted already, but of other outfits to give a sense of the vibe your going for and to give a broader range of options. People fucking LOVE pictures, it is what it is. A section on accessories could go hard as well, stuff like bags, period appropriate hats, that kinda thing, stuff that makes character distinct even if they're copying the same general kit guidelines you posted.

I die instantly as a metal flail ball impacts my cranium (not larp safe)
Let's give some feedback. My style is to point out everything that does not work so do not be disparaged. It is a good first attempt and with some expanding could work quite well.

The document reads less like a costume guideline and more like a kit requirement. Which makes sense if you are from a re-enactment background but for a larper the question is less about which clothes fit the setting and more about what story the clothes tell. So You would do better to explain what "vibes" you want instead of what clothes ou want. Pinterest boards are cliche as hell but they work.

I would also have a "ban" list. What clothes would get you kindly requested to not wear that again. A lot of the times the limits tell more about the design goals than the recommendations.

I really like that you point to a vendor because that can really help people get ahead and prevent them for looking for a costume on amazon. I'd say you could even expand that and have a list of recommended vendors, acceptable ones and ones you recommend against because they sell trash or are arseholes. Or maybe here are vendors which are good in one category but horrible in another. You may also want to include sources of sewing patterns so people can make their own clothes which happens regularly.

Regarding modern clothing. There are probably going to be a bunch of people who are going to thrift and buy modern clothing and possibly modify it a bit. This is especially common with dresses. You probably want to consider where to draw the line with those. same with modern shoes which people are going to wear. Of course neon sneakers are out but what about modern brown boots?
Now per category

The men's cowboy costume as given is business casual. Jeans, blue shirt and some high-heeled shoes. You probably want to consider being more specific and discussing accessories as well as how to make a great cowboy outfit and not just a basic one.

I also miss the middle class townsfolk which didn’t look like either a cowboy or a businessman. What kit should the barkeep or the tailor wear?

For the high class also you only give one option when you would be better of either just linking to an article on fashion or posting a couple images and a link to vendors. Also, what is your opinion on people showing up in modern formal wear?

For women: Here thrift shopping will happen and you need to focus on what to do with modified dresses. I also really miss accessories. The best advice I could give you is to ask a women how she would assemble a kit and include that advice.

For marines: This is obviously a re-enactment kit instruction and larpers are going to run roughshot over it. You can probably get away with "white trousers, blue coat, kepi-like hat", but people are going to thrift shop and modify clothes to get a "marine like" look and the accessories are right out of the window. Are you okay with that? One possible excuse is that it is a remnant so they probably have makeshift and improvised gear.

Also, I probably have to bring up Native American clothes and the bruhaha about people wearing those as costume so you probably need to include something about that to stave of the screaming.

Lastly, you might want to include some group/faction signifiers to add some variety and recognisability. Maybe the townsfolk all have a specific flower on their clothes. Or the cowboys wear the badge of the ranch they all work on. Just to create some diversity. Oh, and the “no sar if you are not the sheriff” rule.
Seconding all of this. The one thing I will say though is that there are always people who will drop MAJOR money on high aesthetics larps, plus reenactors who might want to give something less set in stone a flutter.

Definately make a hard line in the sand on native american stuff, as well as tropey banditos eyyy tacos and tequila stuff, as that normally crops up at wild west games.
What are some good cloaks to use, while wearing a backquiver? I wan't to create one on my own, but don't know which one to make and which fabric is a must use
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A complete non-issue. In my game, we gatekeep by forcing everyone to climb three flights of stairs before being allowed to participate. It filters sub-humans such as pic related as well.
The best materials for cloaks are either 100% wool or waxed canvas if you refuse to wear wool for some reason. wool is warm, breathable and somewhat water-resistant. Waxed canvas is more water-resistant but less warm and not actually cheaper. Try searching fabric markets for cheap wool.

Most cloaks are either a rectangle or a full or half circle with a gap in it for the head. No clue how they work with a back quiver since that's the back scabbards almost-as-retarded cousin and you should get a hip quiver anyway.
Where do you get decent leather armor if you don't make it yourself?
leather is so easy to work that you should just do it yourself
the exception is scrollwork, which you can hire a professional to do, then finish the rest yourself
And people who buy leather armor typically end up having to learn to work with it regardless cause of how frequently they need to be repaired.
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is this cutout of the piece of fabric that I have on hand good for a cloak or should I order more?
gonna use the spare bits to make a hood for it

also if anyone has any good alternative cloak patterns that use modest amount of fabrics I would very much appreciate it!
That's good enough, depending on the cloak version you want to make but it's a decent one. There are other patterns that might use less fabric while arguably look worse though (technically speaking, you can use a rectangle too and gather the neck part which can give it a wavey look but it's not for everyone)
Hey, I was wondering if they have civil war events/cosplay type festivals where they have dances where I can dress up as a confederate officer with a waifu wearing a Southern Belle outfit.

Basically I want an excuse to buy a girl this and get her to wear it with a lace choker for reasons...
Judging by the way you type I don't think any girl will be willing.

But besides that, there's some good reenactment events if you just want to ball and dance I guess. There was a vampire themed ball that's close to LARP in Denmark not too long ago.
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Figured I'd post something here again.

I'm working on the ballista for the entire week, in order to get her working again for Drachenfest. So far, I've replaced the old flimsy axle with a much stronger steel one, and I'm currently working on adjusting my wheels and axle caps to fit the new axle.

Meanwhile, my blacksmith made a very sexy new catch mechanism. Sadly, my old crankshaft broke last Drachenfest, and the temporary replacement we made on-site wasn't worth keeping. Fortunately, I needed a new shaft anyway to match pic related, so no time was lost.

I'll occasionally pop in with pictures should I make anything I consider worth posting.
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And some wheel extension blocks being glued and weighed down. I'm 100% cheating with modern glue and screws here, but fortunately none of that will be visible in the final product.

The original wheels were too wobbly, and also really needed a spacer to be a bit further away from the frame, and this solves both problems in one go.
Nice to see you still working on this anon
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And this is what the wheels look like when connected! They are centered VERY poorly, but they're sturdy and won't wobble so I'll take it in my stride. Canonically, this ballista was made by woodworking apprentices in detention, so all the messed-up bits at least make sense.

I finished the caps that go on the end of the axle today. One is glued in place, the other just fits on incredibly tightly. This way, I can transport the wheels, axle and frame separately instead of having to fit pic related in a car in one piece. Spent a solid fifteen minutes just trying to get the endcap off again, then forgot to take a picture.

Thanks! Our camp at Drachenfest has a very impressive siege train but a very unimpressive army, so the siege platoon works incredibly hard to have as many working (and good-looking) engines as possible. It's gotten so bad that at this point our camp just rents out our siege platoon to other camps, then throws in the rest of the army as a freebie.
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Also finished up the crankshaft today. Actually had to get new wood, because I fucked up both the original piece and the spare. Got too ambitious trying to space two holes exactly the right distance apart. Too far apart would be a minor issue at worst and too close together meant scrapping the piece altogether, so naturally the holes ended up too close together twice in a row. Fortunately, third time's a charm, and it's all in working order now.

Tomorrow I'm going to be crafting a new slide that holds the trigger, and then slapping several layers of woodstain on all new components and all chipped old ones. From then on, it's only firing tests left! I switched from very ugly pool noodle arrows to significantly less ugly black stress balls this year. They're proving to be quite the headache to launch, but I have multiple potential solutions in mind.
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What games are people preparing for/ have recently been to? Was just at a Napoleonic game at the weekend, and I've got Empire coming up in a few weeks (the big UK fest larp).
someone please, tell me as tory about some significant experince you have had that made you reflec ton your life. i think there could be something impotantnt and of value here. i WILL find my people one day. i will find you. i will fin dyou all. someone out there who ... seomeone who
Been to Legion again, in January
ran a few older chamber larps of mine and plan to make a new one until september
Organized a big (by hungarian standard) game in may.
Been to some other smaller games, had to make a lizard mask with functional jaw frm scratch for one.
Will be on Drachenfest next week.
Will go to 97 Poets of Revachol
Will go to Knight's Song
Will go to a cyberpunk larp that's organized here

And a few other things, but that's just this year, next year I plan to make a wh40k larp and some other stuff.

The first Legion I went to gave me insisght on suicide
sry, was drunk when i shitposted that. i dont know a damn thing about larping. but im considering getting into some parallel stuff at my favorite place, the ren faire, and i wanted to check out everything else that would sort of come easier if i invested in what i was thinking about. ive been on an obsessive rabbit hole fixation about this larping thing and weather or not i would like it. really hard to say, and yet it looks very interesting.

i bet there are experiences that are overwhelmingly bad. it seems like such a fine line between fun, engaging, exciting event where you are meeting interesting people versus the most obscene group of sweaty permavirgins burning your eyes out of your head with how cringy they are and the whole thing feeling like some sort of autism awareness daycare. am i the right blend of slightly tistic while also not being cringy? who can say.
Are you Revachol Run 1 or Run 2? Also, post lizard mask pics
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Run 1
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here you can see a little the glow in the dark paint even during daylight
Ah, killer, I'm on run two. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it afterwards, it's my first international game so I'm approaching with a little trepidation.
the good news is that the Rolling team is very competent, probably one of the best, with a shitton of experience. On the other hand it will be a new game and that probably brings a bunch of unforseen probelms as always
I know how to work a sewing machine well enough, but am trying to work with soft leather (The kind you use for couches) and it is kicking my sewing machine's ass.

I'm only using a very standard household one with leather-specific kneedles and know very little about the machines actually work, so my question is: Do I need a new machine altogether to sew this leather right, or is it just a matter of getting the right settings/parts?
Apart from my usual Amtgard-related stuff (I know, not a LARP, but it used to be), I have an interview for Hynafol in Austin TX next Saturday. I'm trying for the 2025 Gathering as I doubt I can cobble the budget together for 2024's and there;s almost nothing I have from Amtgard that will cross-over into a hardcore LARP, be it weapons, clothing, or immersive period living. It'll take time, but after the disaster that happened the last time I attempted this (Dragoncrest circa 2001-ish) I'm kind of stoked even with the anticipated expense that this will be a completely different experience.
I have never done this, i have some interest and i have watched videos of larger events that seem very interesting, and now i have been inexplicably invited to a 'local larp' by an acquaintance. what are some red flags to look for on their discord, or their website? im trying to figure out how many people go to this thing in total. my first guess is... maybe about a hundred. cant find any videos of it either
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Your current machine *should* be able to do it, you just have to be real slow and careful. I've made several leather warskirts using a household machine, but its kinda a ballache even with the settings done perfectly.

Best of luck anon. How come you need to do an interview? I'm not that knowledgable about the US's weird larp culture.

Major red flags include any way where you can buy in character bonuses with real world money, a core set of rules (basically what you'd need to play the game as a new player) longer than a few sides of A4 in a cheat sheet format, and also just the general look of it from photos. If its all jeans and pool noodles, it shows a lack of care from the participants that probably means other aspects are also very sloppy.
oh wow, everything you have listed as a red flag is clear here. looks like about half of the people are dressed up at all in the one photo i can find, and you can buy some sort of in game currency right off the website.
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Dang, sorry to hear that bro. Honestly, if you don't mind maybe having a subpar weekend I'd at least give it a shot so you can make your own judgements, but all signs point to NOT GOOD. You can have fun at bad games; sitting drinking beers in the woods with mates is always a good time, even if the game itself is dogshit. If you are interested though, have a search around and see if you can find a game that ticks those boxes. If your acquitance already larps you could probably drag him along to something better with a little work.
i just got back from chatting with the guy who invited me to the larp... for about two hours in a parking lot while it was raining after this class i literally just met him in. he and this one other guy proceeded to tell me stories about this larp with such extreme, emphatic enthusiasm it was kind of mind boggling. they were so ecstatic to share their enthusiasm for their game i was kind of dumbstruck. they just told me stories and stories and stories. i told them id have to wait on it for a little while and to tell me how it goes. sounds like they do one literally every month. ill certainly think about it. theres a chance that itll be too much for me. but if i keep going to this class theyre probably gonna rope me into it eventually. i am happy that i have an in into a local larp, ready for me for when i feel like it. just havinga few misgivings about it. apparently you arent allowed to drink any alcohol on the premises, when i heard that i was like.... shit, i dont know about that.
>How come you need to do an interview? I'm not that knowledgable about the US's weird larp culture.
It's to establish what experience package to charge for the event, and to answer initial questions, prep, etc. It also gives the event runners an idea of what my expectations are and what I might bring to the table that they could use me for if I were inclined to be more than just a spectator or character.
>you arent allowed to drink any alcohol on the premises
Dry sites are a plague, but if there are children present it's honestly for the best. Last thing an event organizer needs is some Karen freaking out some grog slipped their unattended 12 year-old a "potion" that's an Amaretto & Everclear Cherry Jell-O shot.
Anyone here go to Epic Empires? A mate of mine has invited me to come to an event next year, but havn't really heard much about it from anyone who's actually been.
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Hey folks. Been a while.

Might be moving to North Carolina in the Statesville area soon. Anyone have any input on the local LARP scene? Local HEMA scene?

Pic is current project. Going to turn this chunk of 200-year-old black walnut roof joist that that had to get removed, into a new new bollock handle for a fencing dagger.
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I've only heard of fantasy LARPs in that region, but I don't live there so I'm not 100% in the know about all of them.

Welcome back, you gorgeous beast.
Jesus Christ, that's an old picture. That's like, 15 years old, back when Bohurt was just getting started in the states. Every single piece of that harness except for the shoulders is scrap now.

Why the hell would you save it?
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I saved a bunch of interesting stuff from when this thread was on elegan/tg/entlemen. Like, I'm pretty sure you told a story about this guy once. I also have your quick "how to be an event god" breakfast-lunch-dinner post chain saved.
Is this post implying that Gropey knows holywood armourer Ugo Serrano?
He's SCA, and good people. We are not close friends or anything like that, but we've met and fought a few times, and we are friends on Facebook. He is a really cool, and very approachable dude with a ton of skill in his art.
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You still make these things, Gropey?
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I mean, I can, but those were a fundraising project for my local work group made out of scrap. I can make much better stuff than that.
Nice. The one of these >>10933350 you made for me lasted almost a decade. If you're up for commissions, I'd love a somewhat larger replacement. I used the old one as a coin pouch.
Nice! Got a pic? I can definitely do something similar, larger, and honestly nicer. Email hasn't changed, screwloosecircus AT gmail dot com
Of the old pouch? Sadly no, but after 9 years of systemic abuse on the field it basically disintegrated from the seams. Probably didn't help it was full of metal things with edges.

I need to make some measurements, but I'll hit up your email on Monday. By chance, are you adept with hardshell leather case-making, like if I wanted to put a phone or glasses or my smokes on my belt and have them survive amidst LARP combat? Might need to make two commissions if so.
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We'll talk about it more in email. If you have a lot of stuff that you need cases for, the most helpful thing in the world that you could possibly do is take a picture of the stuff laying flat on a measured cutting mat like in >>10933647

Random meme for tax while shitting up a thread
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Does anyone have good recommendations for arming hoods in the UK/EU? All the cheaper ones I can find seem to be made of poor materials or don't sit well, but the ones that do seem to be incredibly expensive.
I garden and do landscaping for a living. Can I larp as a simple farmer with a wagon full of veggies I've grown and like a scythe complaining to m'lords and m'ladies about the windmill tax?
Still interested?

It seems like all of the old stand bus I knew in euroland are gone, or at least focus on buhurt stuff now. Sorry bro.

As a character? Hell yes! Either as an active character or an NPC you could have a lot of fun with it.

As a merchant? Also hell yes! If you show up to a multi-day/ overnight camping event, with a cart full of veggies that you are actually selling, you become real popular with people who want to make a fresh and immersive camp dinner.

I know the guy who shows up to all the major LARPs and living history events who just brings a cart with garlic, onions, fresh herbs, and cabbage. People always want to talk, or buy stuff.
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Welcome to the jungle.
Not really existent from my vantage, then again I am relatively new to the scene. Your best bet is going to be at Carolina Ren Fair.

My group teaches rudimentary shield walls at viking gatherings. NorseForged in October is going to be a big one. I'm working on divinations with bones and runes for my seeress character, but I think I need a headdress of some kind?
>Not really existent from my vantage
>Your best bet is going to be at Carolina Ren Fair.
>I am relatively new to the scene
>My group teaches rudimentary shield walls at viking gatherings
>I'm working on divinations with bones and runes
The raw amount of cringe that you are exuding could be used to power a small city for a year.
>small city
NTA, but gb2reddit. You spouted a whole bunch of nonsense based off of your ignorance and got to live with it.
Is this picrel >>10917870 # you?
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Nah. Besides, a fat pickme skank who shits the bed on 4chan, and then tries to attack someone else's appearance via an unrelated post could never possibly hurt anyone's feelings. I would suggest killing yourself, as it would make your parents and your polycule happier in general.
Rudey poo.
*Roody poo

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson circa 2001 called: If you're going to quote his outdated catchphrases, at least spell it right and another plane just hit the second tower.
>Welcome to the jungle!
>Not really existent from my vantage, then again I am relatively new to the scene.
Oh there are plenty of established groups, I'm asking for people who are familiar with them to keep me out of the trauma and ego cults that can pop up.
>Carolina Ren Fair
I've gone before, and like all renfairs it's just an excuse to drink and have fun.

I'll pass on the Viking stuff. Not my vibe.

So what game do you play in? What kind of rules set do they run?

Come on children, don't make me turn this thread around.
Sorry, didn't mean to annoy you. Good luck out there.
>So what game do you play in?
NTA, but there are a lot of Dag/Bel based foam fighting games in the area but are more stickjock than roleplay. The player base is a little cheesy cringe but nice in general.
>Oh there are plenty of established groups, I'm asking for people who are familiar with them to keep me out of the trauma and ego cults that can pop up.
Tripfag is asking to be spoonfed specific groups.
I think you linked the wrong post.
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I'm just telling y'all not to be dicks to each other. I want to hear about local games.

I don't dislike boffer games, and occasionally play with my local groups. I just wish they would allow the head as a target.

More like warnings and experiences.
>HEMA group A is great socially, but all anyone does is longsword. Group B is national standard in obscure fencing systems, but It's ran by a cult that violently worships Chris Pratt as the second coming.
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Looking for some advice on making this look less boring. I'm going for a 'northern mystic/shaman' look with a theme of bones and runes. The main issue I'm running into is how to make it not look repetitive on the front while still getting the theme across. I have more bones to mess with and want to paint some runes on to the parka. I think part of it is I need to use another material for holding the charms rather than just using leather string. Any advice is appreciated
Having just finished binging the terror on Netflix, spooky artic shaman stuff is kind of on my mind.

If you're willing to go as far, painted imagery in fake blood would always look good. Instead of leather, try to get some faux seal fur, and antler toggles.
>painted imagery in fake blood would always look good
Why are you giving anon shit advice?
Sounds fine to me. It's also the best time of year to buy good FX blood.
Anon could literally buy blood-colored fabric paint that would at least stand a chance of actually showing and not washing away on that dark parka.
Also fake seal fur for no reason?
Go reread >>10935994 and quit being a retarded faggot.
You don't paint fabric with fake blood.
Quit being butthurt and put your trip back on.
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What part about not being a retarded faggot do you not understand?
Not exactly looking for a horror look so I don't think blood is what I'm going for, the seal fur idea is interesting but it'd be better as a main material for the parka and not as additions in my opinion.

You got any recommendations?
Again why the fuck would you use that when you are working with a dark fabric and literal fabric paint of any sort would be better and anon doesn't even need any of those giant ass bottles or jugs to paint some runes? You're such an aggressive clown willing to call faggot when you have no idea what you're talking about.
>put your trip back on.
Is clownfag in the room with you right now?
Not the clown, and the reason you use it is because it dries to look like it's still fresh and wet. It is designed to be used on fabric and is flexible and wash resistant you retarded faggot.
Any craft store is going to sell fabric paint in a decent but not overdone quantity. I bought Make Market brand for $6 at the craft store to paint runes on my garb and it worked a charm. Lasted in the machine wash too. Because it looks like your kit accents are going to be tan leather and possibly brass (?) I think you should do a light grey or white rune design with metallic accents. You could go with the assclown's suggestion of blood-colored paint, but you would likely need a layer of white underneath for the red tones to show over the black anyway.
>>10936021 this will make you look like you smeared period blood on your nice parka.

Don't have a better suggestion for your charms other than leather stringing if you are trying to keep it accurate to nordic shamans without going into beading and jewelry territory.
Do a swatch of that dumb shit on black fabric and see what happens you idiot.
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My goodness you're a salty Sally.

As >>10936021 shows and >>10936027
mentions there is purpose made a special effects blood for clothing and prop purposes.

Obviously, you live with a little bit of paranoid delusion, but I will say it's awfully comfy living in your head rent free. Believe it or not, I wasn't any of those anon-posts.

Completely fair. Can you give us more information about exactly what you're going for character-wise? Are you going for a more Nordic thing? Arctic? Seafaring? Etc.

Pic related is just some random crap I grabbed that's somewhat relevant, trinket wise. I recently was playing a priest of Manann (Warhammer's version Neptune basically), and I had several ocean related trinkets hanging off of me, including various knots, porpoise and shark teeth, etc.

I have, personally, and it shows up fine. Nice and reflectively glossy.
Glad you're done schizo-posting.
>I have, personally, and it shows up fine. Post it then, faggot.
Then after you're done presenting your murky tatters, we can get back to the part about why anon should buy that expensive shit when he can buy fabric paint for cheaper and not have a fuck ton of product leftover. All because you wanted to blogpost like a bitch about your Netflix binge and recommend "horror" for a shamanic kit LOL.
Do you even read anon's posts itt before you sperg out? 'Runes' and 'mystic' and 'shaman' and 'northern' weren't obvious enough as to what he is going for? You even said upthread that this kind of garb isn't your vibe, you've lost the plot and need to sit down.
You seem upset and confused.

Maybe you should get off the internet for a little bit. Have a snack, and a cup of tea.
I'm not wrong. Seethe.
>inb4 you drop trip to talk shit again and pretend randos on one of the slowest moving threads give a fuck about your whack arguments
Okay sweetie. Whatever you have to tell yourself to make it through the day. Why don't you go do something productive? I'm restocking my repair kit, for example.
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Forgot my pic
>Do something productive
I gave anon legit advice and then your fat ass got in the way with your equally corpulent ego.
Whatever you say, my darling.
Praise Slaanesh!
I hate defending tripfags but holy shit nigger. Go download the friendchan extension and stop being a massive fag.
Go to bed Gropey kek
Check the IPs nigger.
Can't speak for hema, but can speak for larp in NC and it's not good. Covid killed a shit ton of games and there really hasn't been any recovery since. The biggest games are Alliance, Land of exiles and Shadowmoor, which are all generic boffer amerilarps, Vanguard which is going to latex weapons, and strong belegarth and amtgatd communities. There is also a steampunk larp that uses Nerf guns that I don't recall the name of.

There is also the SCA, which a lot of people who lost their games went over to,and what I mostly do now, but you probably already know that scene.

You certainly are.
Sent you an email, Gropey.
TL;DR How to pull off a fantasy/western take on Monks

So, I really like monks in D&D and would like to play one, or a charactrr inspired by them, at a LARP.

I plan on using a quarterstaff, and while I like the whole theme of "simple tools, complex arts" or like "dude who only needs a stick and either light or no armour to kick your ass", I don't want to dress like your "usual" monk like pic related because I'm not of Asian descent, and dressing like a Christian Monk would make people think I pray and make delicious wine rather than like, master the art of ass-whooping with a stick.

What sort of character should I play, or how should I dress for that? Keep in mind that I'm still going to incorporate the theme of profound martial arts into my character, whatever it may be, just without any Asian aesthetics whatsoever. Both reference pics and textual advice would be greatly appreciated!
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Have a look at 13th C medieval pilgrims. Entire schools of staff combat emerged during the period, particularly in Spain, for pilgrims to use to defend themselves from bandits etc, as it was basically the only weapon to hand when travelling and from that particular social class. This would eventually end up in works like those of Fiore de Liberi, Mair and Meyer a few hundred years later. It depends on what rough period/ kit brief your larp has, but leaning into either a 13th C pilgrim look, or a 15/16th C duellist look, could work.
Honestly that was super helpful, thank you so much!!! Those pilgrims look like exactly what I was looking for.

How improbable is it for one to be like, REALLY good at using their quarterstaff as a weapon?
Who knows, a decent level of likely? If you were a pilgrim you could be travelling around for years, or even longer if you made it your main thing. Add on to the fact that quaterstaff was quite a common weapon in places like Spain or the Scottish highlands anyway, and it's not out the question that someone just got really good at it.
Funny enough, I did. I had work in the morning.

Have you taken your meds yet?

>Covid killed a shit ton of games and there really hasn't been any recovery since

That's been the sad story for much of the hobby for the past couple years.

Do you play in any of the above games? I have found them all on Facebook, and I'm taking a peek now, though I will avoid the steampunk one for personal taste reasons. As for the SCA, I'm well familiar with the local groups, and in fact, my friends who have been raining monarchs live in the area.

Just saw it! Sent you a reply

I really like the suggestion of fencing Master /pilgrim as suggested by>>10936181 and >>10936215, but depending on you're setting and theme, you can also run with something more along the lines Robin Hood's merry men/ forest brigand who are also famous users of quarter staffs in the stories.
Why not just carry a real weapon? There's a reason oversized sticks weren't used in real combat.
Not all LARPs are combat-intensive, but weird shit can still go down. Some asshat might see steel on your hip and decide they want to pick the fight you're not looking for, because maybe this land is a prickly one where duels are legal and challenges are open. Maybe there's been an unsanctioned murder recently and the town guard are eyeballing every unfamiliar face with a blade a bit more closely than comfortable. A stick, to those unwary, is just a stick, and while you get the lay of the land it's unobtrusive but still a means to defend yourself if necessary.

Case in point: in the full immersion LARP I'm joining, I'm coming into play as an itinerant wanderer new to the realm, straight beggar-core, with no friends or contacts or guild protection, so I'm easy meat for bandit NPCs or shitty nobles looking to take some frustration out on the stranger begging alms by the lodge patio. But what's this? Tucked away in my shitty, travel-rotten robes, easily concealed behind my back, longer than the game-mandated 14" but not long enough to stick out to the outsider? A pair of latex kali sticks, with which to Ferdinand Magellan a motherfucker that tries to roll me for my chump change. Later on comes axes and rapiers and claymores, but I'm not looking for that sort of attention from the get-go. Unobtrusive.
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And you have now made it sound edgy and unappealing. Bad day to you.
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It's sticks. They have no edge.
They were used in real combat; the duelling styles of the 15th C didn't just spring out of nowhere. The Expugnatio Hibernica of 1189 stated that "it would be good that an order was enacted (as it is in Sicilia) that none of them should carry any weapon at all; no, not so much as a staff in their hands to walk by, for even with that weapon, though it be but slender, they will (if they can) take advantage, and vent off their malice." It'd be strange to particularly call out the staff if people wern't regularly hitting each other with them. If you mean "real combat" as proper small battles and larger, rather than skirmishes or self defense, the Dark ages Irish used Shillelighs fairly commonly, for example.

As far as why you'd use a staff over a "real weapon", there's a few reasons. It's cheap and easily replaceable, just go to any nearby block of woodland and pick a stick off the ground at its most basic. Literally anyone can acquire a staff. It doesn't stand out as a weapon, but gives you far more reach than any hidden knife. It's a useful tool for walking, and in general has far more utility than a sword. A significant number of people had them, and a decent number of assaults and murders around the 14thC were committed with staves rather than more "classic" weapons like knives.

I'll also take "what is a hussite war flail, a bec de corbin, or really any other weapon focused on blunt truama for 500 please Alex".
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That's a club. And a peasant. Notice how The peasants are being slaughtered. The three options presented are christcuck, ye olde hema jock, and Robin Hood's forest faggots. Trying to compare a weighted, metal covered flail to a staff is also pretty retarded. Your manifesto is full of cope and delusion.

Enjoy your stick. I hope you have erectile dysfunction.
I raise you a fat Dutch stick with a spike on the end.
>metal reenforced, lead filled club with an iron spike made specifically for armoured combat
> Comparable to broomstick with an ego

Yeah, nah. Not even apples and oranges. Apples and butt plugs.
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Christ anon, who pissed in your eyes this morning. "The peasants are getting slaughtered" would be at least somewhat of an argument if several soldiers in maille wern't fighting each other, as were several unarmed combatants. Also, to argue against the one piss poor argument you actually made, just because its not the PERFECT OMG INCREDIBLE ULTIMATE KILLING SWORD OF SHADVERSITY doesn't mean it isn't, you know, a weapon. It's cheap and cheerful, so largely peasants and militia, rather than knights, would be using it, so it makes sense that's more depicted. Here's an image of a knight using one to dome his unfortunate target though, so there's that. Staves, especially those wielded by more wealth individuals, were often capped in iron, such as that wielded by John Pentyn, who in London in 1322 assaulted his neighbour and "criminally struck him on the head over his left ear with an iron stave, inflicting a fatal wound three inches long and five inches deep". Doesn't mean that it wasn't still a staff, in the same way that a weaponised threshing flail is still a staff with an extra foot of swinging wood on the top. At the end of the day, grow up.
Lol put your trip back on Gropey.
>iron stave
>Same as a broomstick

>Have you taken your meds yet?
Said the asshat replying to a post made five days ago because he thinks it's safe to do so.

Talk your shit in the field you coward fuck and see what happens lmao.
Anon, seriously, are you in distress?
Is everyone you disagree with Gropey?
You quoted three separate anons. Funny how you wanna fellate his cock so bad and seemingly come to whiteknight him within minutes on a very slow moving board.
I'm literally looking at the IPS right now friend. You're not fooling anyone.

And the reason I'm here is because of you. Take that as you will. Think of it as people being concerned for your well-being.
This is just pitiful anon. It's not even bait at this point, it's just wild ranting. Do you see bogeymen around ever corner? And here I was thinking my particular posting style was fairly distinct, and you think that I'm Gropey? I'm not even a bloody yank. I honestly just find it sad that this is the most posts /lrp/ has gotten in a while and it's watching you have some sort of live breakdown. Seeing you throw your shit against the walls of your cell has at least given me a chance to do some good research into staffs. If anyone has a spare few minutes, I discovered a website called the medieval murder map that tracks court reports in the 14th C in London. It's an interesting read that gives some good insights into medieval urban society, and has some good interactive elements built into the UI.
Don't respond to him anymore. He's obviously unwell.
>I discovered a website called the medieval murder map
Well my afternoon is spoken for.
I don't particularly like Robin Hood but that's solely personal taste and I appreciate the suggestion!

The short answe is because I think it's cool.

The longer is, as mentioned I'm really into monks/martial arts and would've probably attempted something like gauntlets/knuckledusters if my LARP allowed it. I'm also a firm believer that while combat should be at least semi-competitive, one shouldn't always opt for the "best" option but rather what they find tne most thrilling and fun to use. I wholeheartedly agree that a stick is a worse weapon than a sword and shield or even a spear, but that's not what's going to deter me from using it!
> I honestly just find it sad that this is the most posts /lrp/ has gotten in a while
honestly, what did you expect? the larp threads in the past 4-5 years were complete shit, or "horsedick and night light" just to use a better term.

Also, was the murder map updated or it's just the same from years ago?
...Did we just witness active moderation?
Moving us off of /tg/ certainly didn't help matters.
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Well, this thread has been a trip. Post your current project

Completely fair. Aside from what's been mentioned, can't really think of much else myself.

I've been posting occasional threads in /out/ with a special focus on camping and such, that have been doing pretty well.

Maybe? The irony is that that dude was probably making the most posts in a short time span qnd probably triggered some flood detection or something.

We specifically moved off /tg/ because it was becoming toxic. At one point, Hungarian and I were alternating threads between here and /tg/, when a massive culture shift swept the board. Creative and community endeavors suddenly died. Posters started becoming more antisocial, neck-beardy incels, etc. This is around the same time of 8 chan and Squaredchan going tits up, so I figure their shit started floating in.
Hungarian still exists? What is up with him nowadays?
Why not ask him yourself >>10936785
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Kit prep in progress, going to finally do something about the ludicrously long arms on this chain shirt.
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Nice. What kind of maille, and how much are you taking off? Any plans for the scraps? A guy in one of the groups I follow has been working on making panzerhose, where the maille covers the gaps in his leg harness.
18 ga steel, I think, might be 16. Weighs a bit without a belt to bear some load. Going to trim about six inches off each arm, I'm sick of having to stuff the excess into bracers. No real plans for the scraps yet, might keep them as repair rings.
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>Post your current project
Pic related is my current project. Making some decorations for my helmet, this is a mock-up without any batting in the tubes yet. The helmet will eventually get replaced with an actually good helmet, but this was the only one I could try on with the eye sockets at a convenient height.

I'm also slowly working towards building an air cannon since the ballista is getting too old, but that's still in the "shopping for components for a prototype"-phase so no interesting pictures.
He started the thread you soggy nacho.
I'm at a larp right now (whole week of chamber larps, two every day actually) so, kind of tired. Also, still lurking but there is less and less reason to voice my opinions. Wont change anything and I have too many larp projects to do.
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Also, one of the current many projects that is actually a prop and not organization
meanwhile, thread is heavily in autosage so here is the new one



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