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>mfw realizing cosplay is only worth it if you're attractive
“worth it” for what? if putting on a costume isn’t the reward, you’re focusing on all the wrong things
based truth piller.
a hot person in aliexpress cosplay will look better and get more attention and be more canon than an ugly or mid person in handmade cosplay
most anime characters are drawn very attractive so ugly people can't really cosplay anything except niche characters
all the popular cosplayer these wear premade chinkshit but are hot people
btfo uglies!
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>Pick fun/niche character that you fit the profile of pretty well
>Fans of that series will be ecstatic to see you cosplaying from it and will swarm you moreso than the main character (but hot)
If you actually went to cons instead of being an always-online scrote, you'd know how things actually worked. It's a shame you'll never vacate your bedroom to actually see the world, but a blessing upon those who will also never have to put up with you.
t. an ugly
That’s life though, not just cosplay. Attractive people will get farther in life just because of pretty privilege, the halo effect, etc.
Yup & that’s a good thing now put down the kfc and put on some makeup or go to the gym
Lose weight.
you are probably just fat

just put on a mask if you are ugly
> muh attention
There are a million easier hobbies for you to get validation from strangers.
OP, you're just using this as an excuse to not better yourself. I got into cosplay because I love sewing and making the characters I love come to life. I'll admit that I'm not hot, but the hobby has really pushed myself to looksmaxx the best I can. I take better care of my skin now, I've lost weight, and I've learned how to pose. If you're in this hobby just to be popular, you're going to be disappointed. Instead of whining about what you can't change, fix what you can.
wrong, it's only worth it if you're attractive or insanely ugly and do a parody cosplay. Being average sucks

But that’s why you dress up, and it sounds absolutely fucking miserable.

I was right the first time. If putting on the costume isn’t the reward, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. People like you are very easy to spot a mile away lol

these are posts made by average people with insecurities. The people you make fun of get more attention and friends than from you being like this
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cosplay as someone who looks cool instead, you don't have to be attractive to cosplay someone like sub-zero. MAYBE /fit/, but that's it. or just cosplay a superhero. literally any character with a mask if you're not that confident in your looks. i do it just cuz all my favorite characters wear masks and they look badass and cool
?? i was giving advice to just wear a mask if u are ugly its no big deal because of covid nowadays

if u are fat theres no hiding it u just gotta lose weight
This is correct but it's more straightforward to become attractive (or, at least, normal) than most people think
Also you can greatly accentuate your attractiveness by cosplaying well
Isn't wrong, but ignores how spectacular well made cosplays can look.
Obviously, all else being equal, a more attractive person will pull off a cosplay better than a less attractive person.
Again though, it's easier to be attractive than most people sell.
I'm a big guy, I've fucked plenty of sluts. Just be confident my guy. Get the fuck out of your basement and start getting to know people. I'm sad I didn't start doing it earlier, probably would've saved me a lot of time to getting the confident mf I am today.
What took you so long to realise this?
Hm, I mean, not wrong but times have changed
Quite literally everything in life is only worth it if you're attractive, if you are ugly you should crawl in a hole and die.
sadly true.
It's not all looks, charisma can get you far and even make you popular despite being unattractive.
What pisses me off is that people like me who have 0 charisma or social skills and are unattractive are left to rot. Those are the truly disposable ones
>Be ugly as fuck
>Make good cosplays
>People give me a lot of compliments on them, but everyone avoids being in photos with me
Being ugly and accepting it makes you notice a lot of little differences in how people treat you even if you're not a bitter bitch about your looks. Especially if you have more attractive friends. You can accept yourself as much as you want but you can't control humanity at large from being judgmental. People are weird.
It's easy to be attractive. Just don't be fat.
Yeah same experience. People don't take pictures of me but I get alot of questions about my work and how I made what I did
>looking at cosplay like zoomers look at tiktok people
just cosplay deadpool if you're that desperate for easy attention from people who wont pay you.
>work out
>get thin
>pad bra
>choose a masked character
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Just quit and do something else, problem
I wouldn't say OP is 100% right Abt cosplay being worth it or nah, but in our local scene the same exact shit happened very recently: cosplayer with the shittiest, least accurate costumes winning contest bc one is a guy who's a little bit handsome, and the other is a chick with a pretty face huge ass boobs
So I can say I can understand OPs frustration
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literally this
If I have the body but not the face is it over? I've tried different makeup looks to see if I could atleast bump myself up a few ranks but it's not exactly helping and need advice? Maybe just confidence my way through it??
good thing theres covid and you can wear a mask
honestly this.

I'm pretty attractive at base, but am a doomer depressed anxious piece of shit. So I workout and let cosplay give me that 1d4 to attracting friends/partners. Probably autistic. Tech is making us more cringe irl.

Isolating makes us worse too.
Isolate? Your ability to socialize weakens!
Socialize? your ability to socialize strengthens!
The problem? You can fall into an extreme isolate and hikikomori or become an extrovert and enjoy life. Don't suffer like me anon. please
Isolation, which is likely driven by tech, definitely estranges you further from society.
Confidence is overpowered, regardless of what your intentions are in the interaction. It generally makes people more pleasant to be around. It might take you some time to find the right balance /skill, but you can't really fix your face, so you may as well try lol. Other anon is right, practice that shiiet
Anyone can boost their number by a few points. Lose weight, hit the gym to build muscle, eat right and avoid junk, drink a lot of water, get ample amount of sleep, get some sunlight, and wash and moisturize your face. You'll see some dramatic changes in a year if you follow all those. Some quick fixes: straighten posture, stop rounding your shoulders, and learning how to pose for pictures.
literally just lose weight dumbass who gives a fuck. you can look like an ogrebeast in the face, but as long as you aren't a fucking landwhale people will praise you
Generally beauty is subjective so unless you're a great unclean one from Warhammer 40k you're a fucking idiot.
A lot of people find hot bods with butter faces a real turn on.
Do masked cosplay
So many people don't take into account for cosplay one of the most baisic things: fitness. You don't have to be Arnold or a kpop member, but you do have to have some sort of physical activity in your life. You could do low steady state exercises daily for 30 minutes and you'd look fantastic, male or female, compared to the ones who can only buy xxxxL on cosplay sites. Yes, fit people are attractive, making their cosplay attractive. But honestly that's it. Go for a walk while you scroll. Put on an episode of somthing and just walk on a steady incline. You can't dress up a pig and convince people it's not a pig.
Masked characters are still a thing anon, many of them super popular too
I went from normal weight to obese/50kg to 70kg in the past few years and I haven't gone for a walk in months now. Earlier today I finally felt motivated to go but my partner didn't want to. So I wasn't going to. But you've singlehandedly convinced me otherwise. Thanks!
get a mini stair stepper. you can use it at home.
How small are you to be considered obese at 70kg?
I have a cycling machine at home, but it's 100% a motivational issue. Went jogging almost every day for two months in the summer, but then I lost the momentum and the cold weather came. Honestly I keep forgetting I have that machine, I'll try to restart my routine.

Almost, more like 1,55 I think
this is true

also you have to be white

there are very few characters that arent either Generic Asian Anime White that arent also hugely muscular or have a very strange body shape or something. unless you wanna cosplay something silly like the tf2 spy or the venue the anime con is at itself or something unless you're white you can't do shit
If you look bad in cosplay blaming it on your face instead of the rest of your body (or clothes) not fitting/looking like the character then there's a lack of effort. Being ugly is a choice for 99% of ugly people
>ignoring that you have to be white
>the white supremacists are brown
I swear this website

Try having fun instead of crying
>Try having fun instead of crying
Half of being attractive just regularly exercising and being between 20-25 BMI, any cosplay improves significantly if you meet that criteria
ukraine isn't White.
Covid mask makes you look ,not ugly, but very stupid
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This ugly fat fuck is supposed to be the guy from Spy X Family.
I mean, why choose such a character? The costume is just a suit and wig, it's not like there's craftsmanship involved in making it.
He looks completely ridiculous, there's zero redeeming qualities to a cosplay like this one in his case.
I think he looks pretty decent by con standards
hes the size of a house
If Spy family was made by Americans Lloyd would literally look like him.
Spies in American movies are fit and good looking.
Learn good makeup. Learn good wig styling. That's 70% of cosplay right there. Even if your outfit is absolutely dogshit that's still a passing grade right there. Weight has very little to do with it.
>Weight has very little to do with it.
Holy mother of cope.
Everyone outside of your support bubble circlejerk thinks that you look like shit, which you do.
If I saw him walking around at a convention I would think "Oh he's dressed like Loid" and move on.
It's just about knowing who to cosplay
>Be nerdy as fuck
>Glasses and shit
>Cosplay as Mclovin
Why the cheap cosplay suit when you can just buy an actual suit and look 100X better?
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Just get a full bodysuit
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Sell cosplays to other more attractive people.
Good thing I'm fucking sexy lmao
Why are you bothered by that? It doesnt change a single thing in your life bro
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I get more compliments than almost every guy at cons I go to and I look mid
Cope more
>worth it
define "worth it"
honestly this is true about anything in life.
everything is more fun when your hot.
Except mental illness. you can be hot and broken and a garbage experience that avoids everyone and isolates and will never experience a norma-
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Holy pessimism

What's wrong with you people
maybe you don't like dressing up enough
because it's for fucking cosplay? You really fucking think I'm about to buy a legit fucking suit to parade around a con for a weekend? Or worse go to a party with a bunch of drunk barely legal teenagers who for some reason are in to homestuck?
It's not hard to be attractive for cosplay. I'm a mid woman, but I can easily look nice through working out (if you are fat/chubby), and learning how to put on makeup. It is a lot of work to learn makeup but honestly if you put effort into your appearance you will be fine. That's why if you go outside 80% of the women you will see will just be so much more attractive than men on average, it's simply because women put more effort into their appearance. Taking care of their body, taking care of their hair, using makeup, knowing how to style clothes can easily raise someone's appearance.
You don’t have a suit?
You don’t have to go to Brook’s Brothers or anything like that. Hell, thrift shops have great pieces for suits.
Most anons want instant gratification without the work involved, just look at the catalog and see random threads attacking well know cosplayers
To most here, cosplay is super competitive and the crabs in bucket mentality is really bad here
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MID WOMAN... CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
become a lolita
everyone of them is ugly
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TF2 spy cosplay is the lowest hanging fruits and it always works for literally every fucking convention conceivable.

Thank you Valve.
Just gotta do what I do, and cosplay masked characters. Also don't be fat, or cosplay fat characters.
Wrong. I can put on one hell of a Quasimodo cosplay.
>Not intentfully doing hideous cosplay
Wrong as fuck.
You can be attractive jailbait and not have any fun because all you get is pic requests nonstop and pedo creepers because you’re autistic and have no friends.
Then people like wholewheatpete are ugly as shit and have the time of their life.
Cosplay sucks unless you’re a normalfag.
but what about the ugly girls do they have fun
3 of those are actually possible. Heigh too, you can get lifts pretty easily. 5'10" to 6'00" is a big difference.
I am an ugly piece of shit but I still get compliments on my cosplay all the time at cons so its still worth it feeling good about all the kind words, but I do put alot of effort into them to be fair
Same. I am by no means attractive, and I get plenty of compliments. Sometimes people are just nice for the sake of being nice. OP is just black pilled
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Lose weight if you're fat (yes you can do it, I know you can even if you think you can't)
Learn the basics of skincare, hair care, and makeup (yes even if you're a guy)
Brush your fucking teeth

Congrats you are now capable of pulling off virtually any cosplay in existence.
>buh-buh-buh I don't look like a model costhot-
Nobody gives a fuck. The cosplays people remember most at conventions aren't the FOTM anime girls, they're the ones from that niche show or game or manga they're really passionate about. Everyone's seen a billion Yors and 2Bs and Makimas already, there is absolutely no value in using that as your standard. Your mentality is the biggest obstacle to enjoying cosplay, not your appearance.
>hair care
I'm balding even on finasteride, minoxidil, AND microneedling, and I'm not a candidate for hair transplants since I'm a diffuse thinner.
It's legitimately worse than manletism.
Brooks Brothers is poorfag shit
Congratulations, you have a head naturally ready for a wig to be glued to it. Enjoy not getting headaches from a constricted brain.
Correct, I'm already good looking and half the reason I go to cons is literally just to look even better by comparison. Either up your fucking game or quit. Does this post upset you? Good, go lose some weight fatass, thank me later.
1 by a huge lead followed by 8 followed by 7 if 7 is taller than me and is female then i wanna upskirt her. 6 is fairly mid and everyone else are either uggos or men
1>7>3 are good looking people, the rest are average 0 is average but has a good body
2-3 POWER GAP 0 HUGE DROP INTO POOP. Straight white cis dude for context. Hope you're 2 or 3 OP, u good looking.
k-kawaii >.<
is 8 showing feet?
>You have to be white
fuck no. you gotta have a white/asian girls body, but black/brown skin cosplays are fucking hot. Just leave the fatt gyatts in the hood plz.
>implying you can't cosplay as an orc.
saw some people with dwarfism cosplaying hobbits recently. absolutely based, play to your strengths.
How grim
What do you cos anon?
>Learn the basics of skincare
Don't really know where to start for this now that my eczema is finally controlled. Never really did much "real" skincare stuff because of the topical steroids I was on.
facial cleanser to start, moisturizer daily AM/PM, chemical exfoliator every few days or as needed (like salycylic acid, theres more), finally sunscreen spf30 ALWAYS when going outside even if cloudy and you have your basics. theres a fuck ton of other things you can be applying to really skincaremax but that will get you off to a good start
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Just do like me and cosplay with a mask. That way people can only assume you're ugly.
Garbage take, I shit on these people all the time. Better yet if they bicker >hurr durr cosplay so expensive, while actually just paying 100€ for a cosplay, but buying 40 fucking costumes just to produce shitty tiktok videos and never be in character for a second. I don't touch league of legens or genshin impact, but I can still tell they're not in character.
Any specific brands you prefer? I used a lot of CeraVe products when I was moisturizing regularly for the eczema if memory serves.
Just cover your ugly ass
And yet I'll do it anyways.
Most hobbies don't do that actually
Literally just stop being fat
>Wanna dress like the guys in magical girl manga and anime
>No sense of fashion
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>get a full bodysuit
get a good one!
Sensei from Blue Archive
Ozempic is cheap if you're on your parents healthcare.
I refuse to leave this accursed faggot earth without getting my fill of joy and so should you. Pick a character with a mask to hide your ugly and aging face. Work out. Work overtime. Look for raw materials and make your cosplay instead of buying it.
What if I join orc gang and be a gross smelly orc that heroes can kill? Is being part of the mook brigade fun?
Mask or helmet or armor. Like Halo or some generic tacticool guy from COD, Resident evil Umbrella or SCP
many are saying this
lots of people think fat is attractive
what do you even want out of a con?
social media upboats? getting laid? friends? ???? profit?

if you arent attractive, what you're doing should have some level of soul. doesnt mean has to be handmade high effort cosplay. just do literally anything to differentiate yourself from being just guy #14,888 at a con with a downer personality.
fat or morbidly obese? world of difference between slight yummers tum and a morbidly obese creature. gender might not be a spectrum but fat sure is
Unironically based reply. Cosplay bug really got me to better myself, in all aspects. It’s also a fun hobby, and the dopamine hit from making something and seeing it put together knowing that you made it yourself for the most part… with the wig styled, contacts in place, shoes that are also “dressed up” and EVA armor painted and coated, prop completed, and everything else… feels good. It’s an even higher high if ur not a girl (because all girls have to do is dress slutty for photo requests)
>Be me
>Not attractive in the slightest
>People still walk up to me asking for photos
Sounds like a (you) problem.
>get my picture taken many times through a con
>feels good man
>one of them tries to show me the picture after they took it saying how well it turned out
>recoil in disgust seeing myself
>day ruined
>consider shelving the cosplay

i've learned to just never ever look for or seek out the pictures people take
>get more attention
Attention really is pornography for women.
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stop doing that you keep doing that
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He's never gonna stop till he's permabanned, though I'm right sick of him, me. You know you're down with the tism when your room reading skills are so fucking bad, you can't even understand that a thread is OVER. He's the same clown who replies with irrelevant bot-type nonsense to necrobump dead threads too. In fact this might actually *be* a bot
It is indeed unfortunate
have you actually TRY to make yourself attractive before posting this ?
>>mfw realizing cosplay is only worth it if you're attractive
well yeah, most anime characters are cute, so cute girls will fit well in a cosplay
This isn't a forum
Yeah but If you are only doing it to look hot then you don't actually want to cosplay. You just want to look hot. There are plenty of ugly cosplayers who get awards and constant praise at con for there skill. ONLINE hot cosplayers are praised and ugly are ignored but it is the complete opposite at CON. If your hot u will get ignored. Maybe someone will awkwardly hit on you but end up being really creepy. If your not hot you get constant praise and end up making more freinds bec your approachable and surrounded by nerds. From experience op... do u really want to cosplay? Or just be hot?
It's painfully obvious that your the only other person here who has been to a Convention. Ignore them there too online to know. They'll figure it out when they stop sucking there own dicks.
Fool, also theres plenty of cosplays that cover the face

If that already stops you then you dont have enough interest in it to begin with, seek a different hobby
real. i went with a friend who’s basically a 10/10, gorgeous and always got attention. she did a really basic/generic cosplay that anyone can recognize, and was swarmed with people. asking for interviews, doing professional photos, and a bunch of normal people asking for photos too.

hurt the most when it was SOO obvious that people only wanted to talk to her, but we were in a group so they awkwardly went, “oh yeah, you guys can join in this photos too” and then had a 10 min solo session with her.

also when some guy literally ran after us (we split with the group for a bit so just me and her) to get a photo, and made me the cameraman. like. i try to not feel bad, and i enjoyed myself, but damn. it fucking stings.

especially since i went as a niche character and no one had recognized me that day :(
>black/brown skin cosplays
I did this with Kamen no Maid Guy. The costume turned out like shit because I finished it the night before and didn't consider actually having to move around in it or how to keep my hair up. Still, it was fun and the one guy in all of Anime Expo who recognized it thought it was dope.
I like to cosplay lesser known characters as well. You just gotta cosplay for yourself. Ask others for pictures if no one is asking you for yours.
Just cosplay a character that's old.
it’s hard to not feel like shit when your friend is being singled out and getting a boatload of attention. im over it now but it feels like shit in the moment

i’m still cosplaying my niche characters though because i like them.
Kinda. You need less effort into the actual costume if you're attractive and if you choose to put effort and make it you get more recognition for it. It's still fun if not but it definitely feels like you put in a lot of work for nothing
Kill yourself

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