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share images of your favourite maid cosplays, whether it be the cutest girls or the most fashionable and intricate designs.
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>Coom bait thread
>It's good
Thank God, this is all I ask of coomer tourists, just make threads that are good and varied, even if they're obviously coom bait for crossboard retards.
i think a lot of them are generally fine, even the fetish threads usually. the worst ones are from those chinese nationalists.
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Yeah I mean threads like the cute face thread that is just one Chinese cosplayer and a deranged incel samefag and the big boob threads that are mostly onlyfans girls in Amazon outfits with silicon breast plates rather than the regular hot cos girl threads. We've always had hot cos girl/guy threads, but they at least tried to post good content. I don't even think we can have hot cos guy threads since r9k/poltards keep derailing them and the cross play thread that used to be pretty active with good advice became a mini trans general.

I'm don't have much in terms is maids, but good luck with the thread!
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joke's on you, most of /cgl/ is here for the boobs and the legs
he's saying it attracts horny crossboarders, faggot. like the ccp retard and his threads full of flat, curveless chinese chain smokers.
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The jersey maid trend is my favorite so far.
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post maid cosplays
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Mane why you gotta be so personal
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>berry-chan detected

The only woman to ever exist.
Why do all of these look like cheap garbage
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I love doing maid cosplays i don't know why but i feel like that trend will never be obsolete.
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Where do i hire an actual maid who dresses like this and calls me sir?
All real professional maids wear shit yoga pants and t-shirts with a gaudy printed logo on and aren't formal at all.
nice digits
>love doing maid cosplays
Pics or it didn't happen...
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Jesus this breast plate doesn't even match her skintone. Why does Rem always attract the worst kind of retards? Horrible cosplay right here.
incredible. even the halo is well done
>alien face photoshop
this is incredibly fucking unnerving
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Where would I procure an actually high quality maid outfit? No spirit halloween, Chinese tier bullshit. Something made with decent fabrics and good stitching, that will well on a 5'10 150lb male body.
Bump for maid outfit reccs.
her instagram

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THIS is how to make a Rem cosplay for good.
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can someone id this outfit?
i bought a maid outfit from devil inspired and it's actually the first thing i've gotten from any ita-adjacent website.
I saw mixed things about devil inspired but despite them using paypal I'm sure it's not a scam
It’s coomer fuel made for future mtf trannies to jerk off to until they fall into a self hate agp spiral.
>jersey maid
Guido maids driving to D'jais in Belmar for a night of dancing and jager bombs
>Gulls getting mad over people lewding cosplay that was literally made for coomer reasons in Japan.
Never change
disgusting on so many levels. delete this
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peak cosplaying
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I hate thots, but I love coomsplay, send help
Goal thighs
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blessed thread, blessed trips,
cute maid cosplays!*she puts on her maid outfit

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