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All matches have been sent out, happy shopping!

>Shipping deadline: December 13
>Grinch check: January 31

>Rules, Hints, FAQ and more:

If any issues arise, contact us ASAP:

Remember to include your ID number, as well as their gift tier, in the package you send to your match.
When you receive your gifts, you're REQUIRED to post them in the thread, along with the tier and both your and your Santa's IDs. If you could also include them in the image for future reference, that would be super helpful!

If you have any questions or need clarifications, feel free to contact your match in the thread. If you don't get a response, email us and we'll forward whatever questions you have directly to them.
If you get stuck, we're always here to help, so please don't hesitate to ask!

Previous thread:
I know I'm in $20 tier but I can't wait to spoil my match anyways :3
ty matches for doing a really good job of filling out the form I feel like I did a bad job now >^<
Found one of the items on my match’s wishlist right away! Gotta get some other things to fill it out but I’m so glad I was able to find a wishlist item right away! I’m hoping this helps make her Christmas amazing.
Is it okay if 45 tier has only one clothing item? I know I could get more but not brando items.
i wish we had a no spoil rule. i put it in my form but the last few years i think my matches thought i was being humble or something. i get really horrible guilt from it so please respect your match if they put that.
I almost missed your post since the threads changed but I’m so glad I spotted it! I’ve never gotten a santa who likes Negima, or even knows it I think, so I’m very happy! It’s my “out of character” favorite but I love it so much.

Also I’d definitely be interested in the Milklim cutsews! My specificity about the years is mostly to help people who don’t know anything about the brand, since some of the stuff they put out in their last couple years was just mass produced garbage with a Milklim label but since you’re already familiar with them, if you think the quality is okay then go for it!
Hi 7169! I’m super excited to shop for you, your style is right up my alley.
I wanted to check on a few things before I really start buying: you said you don’t want an abundance of indie brand items, are jp indie brands okay with you? Especially older or defunct ones? And are you okay with some smaller items from indie or taobao brands? Nothing major, no clothing items, I just have a couple things in mind that I have personally and can vouch for that I think you would like in other colorways, but if you’d rather I skip it then I can!
Also, what VNs and JRPGs are you into other than Persona?
Hi! Yes, jp indie brands are totally fine! I forgot to mention that, thank you so much. As for taobao and other non-jp indie items, I will trust you that they’re high quality, but I wouldn’t want it to be a main part of my gift or anything. Thank you for checking!

Persona is really the main game I like, lol, it’s almost to the point of excess… I can’t overstate it. But! I also enjoy Higurashi, Hashihime of the Old Book Town, and the original Pokemon gameboy games.

Can’t wait to see what you buy, I’m so excited! I’m sure I’ll love whatever you get.
>found an item from my giftee’s wishlist
>it’s overpriced
Anonnettes, should I bite the bullet?
awesome!! super excited to put this together for you!! i already have tons of great ideas.
If it's overpriced, personally I would refrain.
Did she give you anything else to go off of? Anything she collects / other indications as to what she may like? Or was it only a wishlist?
get therapy
NTA but I hope you're not my match. It's reasonable to feel bad in a lower tier if your match has spent 3x the amount when you joined a low tier for a reason.
do it nonna
if it's within the price limit for your bracket then sure. but if not then just get something else desu
lmao I hope you match with a stingy anon then, everyone will be happy.
that's probably why they haven't bought it yet. maybe receiving it as a gift would be guilt-free compared to buying an overpriced item themselves. but either choice is fine.
Hello 2464 and 2097!

This is your Santa checking in to let you know I've already started shopping! I'm so excited to put together the perfect set of presents. I wear sweet too so it's going to be a blast hunting down items that fit your specific styles

Thank you both for being so thorough in the form. If I have any questions I'll be sure to drop them in the thread
if anon joined a low bracket then it's not stingy? you sound like a brat.
Hi 6311! Also just checking in. I have started shopping already and found a few cute things I think you will like. Will definitely be sending you some local sweets and teas too so am excited to hopefully find some things you havent tried!
3157 & 6311 !! Popping in to let you both know ive started shopping! I already have the bulk of both of your gifts ordered, I'm super excited!!
I got the main part of my gift this week, still looking for more and I'm going to start on cards soon too!
3157 here, I'm so excited! I know my application kinda sucked, if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me with a burner account because I know I was kinda vague.
4894 -- hi! you mentioned you're running out of storage space and would prefer one main gift versus several little filler pieces. i've already picked out your main gift, but would you be okay with one or two extra things that you've specifically asked for? obviously don't want to overwhelm you with things, but 'tis the season.
2464 here! I’m glad I was thorough enough for you, I always worry that I don’t give enough information! And it’s also good to know that you’re in the thread and active. I got grinched last year so it’s really comforting to see you in the thread!
I think I bought them the same thing you did. I didn't use the reservation system on the wishlist site because I thought they'd be able to see what was purchased. So, I guess they're going to have a backup.
Thank you for your efforts, Santa. Happy holidays!
P.S. sorry, this was dumb of me to post. i got woken up in the middle of the night by coyotes howling and posted this half-asleep because i was stressed to notice the situation. i will contact the organizers for more gift ideas to add to my gift since it seems like you're planning to buy the other options in the lower price tier so even if i got a replacement gift chances are that it would end up a duplicate as well. apologies if i still sound dumb, it's still the middle of the night. i will handle it tomorrow when I'm wiser and more coherent.
hi, just fyi, I tested it and the owner of the wishlist can’t see what we’ve bought unless they log out or turn on a specific option. I used the reservation system because I was afraid of this happening! I don’t mind trying to sell the thing I bought secondhand and buying something else for them, lol. do you have a throwaway email so I can contact to confirm we don’t buy the same stuff?
Thank you for reaching out. That was totally on me for not using the system. I don't have a throwaway set up, but I will email the organizers and tell them to share my email with you so that we can coordinate our efforts without bringing the public into it like I accidentally did. I'll just include the existing duplicate as a bonus item - maybe our giftee will want to twin with a friend.
Nooo i totally missed out on this. Ive joined in the past 3 years :( dang. If any slots open up to join or help with grinch please let me know.
I'm hoping I can join next year too. I'm a little too tight on funds to be shipping things internationally this year.
I better check in too- 3460, I think I got something you would like, still looking for goodies to add but I´m looking forward to putting everything together for you!
hi 2097! a few questions from your (second) santa:

do you generally look for matching printed accessory sets to coord with the dresses you own, or do you prefer solid accessories for their versatility?
if you're interested in complete sets (matching headbows/otks/bags), are there any specific dresses you do not want to receive matching accessories for?
are there any specific kumyas or kumya paraphernalia items you've been looking for?

if you'd prefer not to give specifics, that's totally alright, and i'll continue my search as planned.
hi anon, if you're in $75 tier, i think we're looking at the same mercari listing.

ignore if i'm wrong, but let me know if you'd like to reach out to the organizers to exchange contact info, like the other anons itt who have the same giftee.
Hi! Thanks for checking in! It's honestly no problem, feel free to put as much or as little as you think is good! It's not a hard rule or anything. I mostly put that note there because some of my past santas have stressed about not having tons and tons of side gifts, so I just wanted to make sure that my future santas don't stress about it too because I'm happy either way. Plus if it's something I listed, then I have a storage plan for it so those types of things are totally fine. Thanks for being such a thoughtful santa!

Thanks for checking in too! Honestly I already appreciate you two being my santas, so I'm sure I'll love whatever you got! And yes, I have a friend who I sometimes twin with, so duplicates are totally fine!
I like both print and solid accessories. I have a lot of stuff already, but it's because I like a lot of stuff, so don't worry if your idea is too smiliar or too different compared to my existing wardrobe, either way has appeal. The only type of set accessory I would avoid is one I already own an exact copy of, but I own so much stuff, I feel like that'd be a tedious requirement. If you're feeling thorough, here's a big album of my existing matching, non-basic items.


I sometimes skipped buying matching headwear because I'd have to wear hairpieces to balance the volume, so it would get used too rarely for the price. But of course I wish I owned that fancy headwear. For day-to-day, I've been noticing I like tulle headdresses (I have black, burgundy, and lav so far), dangly hairclips (I got every color of Baby's Fallin' Ribbon Ribbon clips), and braclets. I don't have any silver or bronze bracelets, so that would be a great find. Cat stuff that goes with my Meta Cat Print Lace Up JSK would be great.

For the kumyas, there's not anything I've been searching for, only things I passed up because they were pricy (White Rabbit Costume, Hawase Embroidery, Love Heart Embroidery), so I don't want to transfer that financial pressure onto you. If one of y'all is crafty, a duck/chick outfit or a yellow one in general for the kumyas could be cute. But I'm happy with anything, so no stress!
oh wow, thank you! i hope you had the collages already on hand and didn’t spend all that time just for SS, but they’re super appreciated and will help me not double buy an item you already own. so excited to put together your gift!
well, making the collages is fun for me, but i don't want to overwhelm you. if there is anything else you'd like to see or know, please ask. happy shopping!
I really wanted to participate this year. Have fun, gulls, maybe I'll be able to join you one day.
hi #8425 :)
you mentioned sax- what colors would you normally wear sax with? also what other colors are in your wardrobe?
also, do you have a CD player?
I wear a lot of navy, red/wine/bordeaux, white, and grey (but almost never black), but i'm wanting sax socks because some of my prints that have sax accent colors (cool tone sax rather than minty sax, think baby/moitie's kind of robins egg, though i can make more pastel shades work), and it's the one color i don't have any non print socks for. i'm not super picky about them, just wanting something versatile! i don't wear gingham stuff though, just as a heads up-- most of my taste in sweet is solids and florals.

(also, i forgot to mention this on my form, but if you can't find any socks, i've also had a wicked need for red accessories of any kind! most of mine are dark red, so some bright or mid tone reds would be useful! square headdresses, bows, headbands, bonnets, hair ties/scrunchie i will take any solid red/red with white lace accessories)

also i do not! the one in my car stopped working recently :(. i have a turntable, cassette player, 8-track, and minidisc, but no CD player currently. however that has not stopped me from buying cds for collecting! they're very easy to back up for digital copies, and often have neat art, so i would not be unhappy with cds!

hope this helps! i wasn't as detailed with my form as some others so i'm happy to clarify anything.
this is super helpful, thanks!
!!! #6311 !!!
I know you're allergic to shellfish but would you appreciate a mermaidy/seashell themed accessory?
Hello Santa anon! 6311 here.
I have two dresses that it would compliment perfectly, it's a theme in my wardrobe I would definitely like to expand on past the usual toy and animal prints I gravitate towards.

I'm always excited to try new varieties of tea and sweets! Thank you sm for checking in.

Are your ears pierced?
they are not, sorry. i typically don't wear clip-ons either, as they hurt my ears with extended wear.

let me know if you have any other questions! i've been worried i gave too little information on my form and wishlist.
No problem! If you have some more info about more general items you're interested in for the 75 tier, I'd appreciate it. I've been hunting for the wishlist items, but they seem to be on the rare side, and I don't want to disappoint by going off-list. I've seen some sweet jewelry that caught my eye, but it wasn't the exact series listed on your wishlist, so I was afraid you might already own it. I'm open to any advice!
I've got all the gifts ordered, now it's time to wait for them to arrive.
Do you have stickers of your OCs?
Hi anon, I do not have any!
the items I bought for my giftee came in, I’m so excited to package them up and send them out… I’ll probably wait until after thanksgiving but ahhh!! she is gonna get so spoiled
what crawled up your ass and died, anon?
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This guy
How would you feel about getting tea that’s beyond the best before date…?
I keep seeing people say they're excited to spoil their match and it just makes me feel sad that I'm a poor grad student and can't do the same for mine. :,(
thats why you go down a tier from what youre comfortable spending, so you can still spoil them within your budget
no. why can't giving and receiving gifts from strangers within a specific budget be enough?
It is, nobody expects to be spoiled, but being sour about people who are excited to spoil their matches feels very against the holiday spirit. Let people who want to go above and beyond do that, sometimes their giftee was just easy to shop for and they find a lot and sometimes they just enjoy finding gifts and want to find more, so why not allow that?
I’ve been joining this event for six or seven years and I’ve gotten great gifts that were in budget and shirts gifts that went way over. Stop whining about how sad you feel that you can’t spoil your match and just follow the rules and you’ll be fine, and leave the anons who want to spoil their giftees alone because that’s not against the rules either.
you sound like a grinch. please stop projecting your weird inferiority complex onto people who are trying to be nice to each other during the only time of year CGL users can be convinced to be nice.

if you don't like the culture of spoiling matches and deriving joy from giving gifts you probably just shouldn't participate. i joined the grinch squad because i actually enjoy giving things to others while expecting nothing in return, not because i just wanted a present and am begrudgingly willing to send out the bare minimum to qualify for it.

i suspect a lot of santa's here joined for similar reasons, and i suspect people whining about others going over budget are probably the same people giving out the cheapest most generic pocky-and-a-sticker presents to their matches.
I chose the $20 tier; I can't really go lower than that.

I'm not being sour about it, I just said I'm sad that I don't have the resources to do the same.
Card tier! Last year I was really strapped for cash, but I spent about $20 on gifts for my giftee and they were really excited!!

Budgeting can also go a long way. Squirreling $5 away every now and again in a place you don't access often can really add up!

You could also try handmade gifts with things you might have laying around.

Ultimately though, you don't have to spoil your giftee. $20 is the minimum, if you spend that amount you've done all you need to & shouldn't feel bad about it!
there are literally less than 30 participants. calm tf down.
with this attitude i see why
It's OK anon, I'll still appreciate whatever you got me! if you made a nice card and put love into it then that's what's important!
anon needs to calm down and stop accusing people of random things. she's the attitude here.
Waiting for one last item to arrive at my SS... I hope my giftee won't be disappointed in their gift.
Shipped out my cards and present today!
8425: when you say black wrist cuffs, do you specifically want all black, or would white with black ribbons work?
To 6737!
I just ordered your gift and it should be coming from Germany! I’m US based so I decided to ship directly to ya and then send a card from me.

SO if you receive a strange box from a random German address that you are not expecting… please go ahead and assume it’s from me <3
Since my santa hasn´t mentioned my id, I hope everything is going alright and I wasn´t too confusing in my form.

Anyways, my order arrived; is it too early to send it out? My cards are also ready.
I think you’re asking me since you responded to my post, but I’m 5369. If you are asking me I’d prefer all black so I can wear them with my gothic pieces as well as my sweet but black with white would still be okay since I can definitely also use them!
dyslexia got me, thank you! i can definitely do that! i've almost got all your presents together and wanted to get one last thing from your wish list. i'm so excited to get this mailed out!
>is it too early to send it out?
The earlier the better imo. The closer to the holiday season you send, the more you risk your parcels getting delayed or lost. If your giftees happen to receive their presents early, they can always wait to open until Christmas!
Hey 3460, do you prefer more traditional holiday snacks like chocolates and tea or more weird unique snacks? Do you have any flavors you don´t like?
wanted to let you know that your stuff arrived:)
if all goes as planned, i'll have it in the mail next week.
really hope you like it/ get some use out of it!
thank you anon! i'm very excited
3157!! Your gift for me has arrived!! I am gonna hold off on opening it, but when i shook it there was a very exciting noise so im looking forward to seeing whats in it!
Wow that was fast! There are german cookies in it but they are shelf stable until april of next year.
Ooh!!! Yum!! Yes that is so awesome!! My oma is german so i am certain i know the brand and will cry when i open the box lol. I am bursting with excitement
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3157 your card arrived and its fantastic and I especially love the hype amogus drawing! ! I went to follow you on Insta and realised I already follow you haha your card has definitely brough Christmas joy and I shall hoard it forever!!
Aw I'm so glad you love it! I wish I could've put snacks and other fun goodies in there but I'm glad it got there safely
aww that's so cute
The drawing is adorable!
We are now in the final full week before the shipping deadline!
I want to remind everyone that you have to send proof of shipping to us when you ship your gifts and cards!
I think a gift/card already arrived to me!
Are we posting on/after christmas or whenever?
I'll keep my presents unopened until Christmas, so I can get that Hallmark movie experience, but I've seen people open and post theirs early in past threads. TL;DR, do as you wish!
Thank you, I'll keep a look out! <3 I've been really slow with watching cgl and my mails, sorry.
#4894, i'm planning on sending your package out tomorrow!
7169 and 2185, I had a shipment take longer than expected getting to my shopping service so your gifts will be a couple days late getting out but everything is on the way to me now! I’ve also let the organizer know. I’m very excited about everything I got for you both and I’m so sorry about the delay!
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Hello again #2097
I emailed the organizers earlier this week with your tracking number. I made the trip to the post office this afternoon to drop off your parcel, it's officially on the way! I believe you'll be able to see the tracking updates once it has been scanned in at the regional center.
#7169 here, no worries at all; thanks for the update and I can't wait to see what you send!
#6311 and #8425 I have shipped and asked Santa to pass on tracking numbers to you!
hey this is 2185, no worries!!
i appreciate the effort you're putting into it, i'm sure i'll love whatever you send:)
Thank you so much! My apartment has package lockers, so it will be safe. I plan on waiting until Christmas Day to open my gifts. Super excited!
Hello 1066, this is your Santa letting you know that I finally have all your gifts ready, but I've sadly fallen to fever one day before the shipping deadline, so I'll have a bit of a delay in terms of shipping. I've also let the organisers know! I'm so sorry for this delay!
I have a question for #4279 and #1845, can you eat things produced at the same factory that handles the things you can't eat?
#1845 here and that would be ok.
#4894, sorry to be a bother, but can you confirm that your package arrived to you? no need to open it immediately if you want to save it, just wanted to make sure it didn't get stolen. thank you so much!
Thanks for the update, please get well soon!
Heya!! 4279 checking in!! I absolutely can eat things from factories that handle peanuts, & I can have things like walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc. It's just things that have peanuts as a direct ingredient that I cant have. Thank you for asking!!
Anon, I think if they get all brando, even if it's just one item, that it counts.
Shipped via FedEx. Feel free to take them out of the FedEx boxes, they are wrapped up inside. I tacked the greeting cards on with a little washi tape.

#5986, $75 tier, ETA 12/16/23, Feel free to remove that extra bit of bubble wrap on the outside early - it's a sneak peek

#4894, $45 tier, ETA 12/18/23

Happy holidays!
Yes, I can confirm it arrived safely! Thank you so much and I can't wait to open it!

Thank you! I'll keep an eye out for it!
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mfw my gift got hit with customs fee
Hi 1066, your secret santa here again! Your gifts have been shipped, ETA between 22 and 27th of December. Happy holidays!
have you tried not living in a shithole country?
received my gift today, going to take pictures later with id numbers properly but oh my gosh my santa spoiled me
don't worry anon, I'm not american
kek get her ass
#8425 here! got my gift the other day, just got time to take pictures. decided not to wait for christmas because i am impatient. Not pictured: candy! i shamelessly ate all of it before remembering to take the picture.

i'm super super happy! I was in the lowest tier, but still got both of the items i put on my wish list and a nice notebook! the candy was delicious too, and the socks are literally PERFECT for the coord i needed them for! the combs are also the perfect shade of red i was missing! i feel so spoiled and couldn't be happier. thank you so much anon!
i’m so glad you like them!! i was worried the red would be too dark but i’m really happy to hear it’s the right shade. and i’m so glad the socks will help complete your coord!
you’re super welcome, hope you get lots of use out of them:)
I don't know if you're participating this year, but to my Santa from last year (#2111): I sent you a gift but I just realized there's a chance of it getting hit with a customs fee. I'm putting a contact in the field so if you do get charged, just confirm it's you and I'll pay you back. Sorry for being a retard. It should count as a gift though so it might be okay.
americans don't pay customs fees, sorry you're a europoor or inbred canadian.
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Got mine in the mail a little while ago but just haven't uploaded the picture. Giftor suggested I paint the handle and braces on the mug, so I've since done so.
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hi 4279 it's 3157! I received my gift but I'm waiting until crimmas to open it!
Sounds good!! I hope you like it!!!
imagine missing the joke this hard
$150 tier gift, from 4894 to 5369.
Thank you so, so much anon! You really understood my taste so well and got such a cool spread of brands for me. I don’t have any other Algonquins pieces in my wardrobe so it’s exciting to add another iconic brand! I’m especially thrilled with the jacket, I’ve been really into tartan lately. And I’m so in love with the Putumayo OP!! I immediately put it on for the rest of the night. Any clue where the mini hat is from? I couldn’t find a tag on it but it’s so cute, I’m looking forward to coording it. Also the lamb jewelry!! I’ve been eyeing it for so long and meaning to buy it, so I’m very happy to have it. The wigs are super cute too, they really scratch that 2013 fairy kei itch. The CL rosette is just perfect, I love that vibrant shade of blue! And I’m not sure if you made the little cat but I adore him.
Lastly, thank you so much for the Evangeline drawing! She means so much to me as a character and your drawing is so beautiful, I really love it.
I’ve gotten grinched the past two years and decided if this year didn’t work out I wouldn’t join again but this was just the way to get me back to having a positive outlook about it, so genuinely thank you so much!
whoa, looks like an amazing haul! we love to see it.
Whoa, looks nice!
amazing! excited to see everyone's gifts
#1845, I got the gift I sent you in return, so I will have to resend it. I have no idea what went wrong though, they didn't give any reason, so I just hope it doesn't happen again. I'm sorry it's arriving so late.

#8425 and #4279, I talk about what's in the gifts in the card, so if you don't want to have the gifts spoiled, you should wait with reading it until after you have opened the gifts.
(How will you know it's from me, though)
the lamb jewelry and the kitty are especially adorable!
Hi 2097, from 5986: I wanted to let you know that your second gift, which was scheduled to arrive in time to ship to you by Christmas, has now been put on hold by DHL. I’m doing everything I can to find out what’s going on and when I can expect it to arrive, and I’ll ship it out via UPS Express as soon as I have it in hand.

The gift that’s already delivered to you fits within the $75 tier, but it’s on the lower end in value. If you open it and are disappointed, my deepest apologies to you; there is one more gift coming, and I’m so sorry that I couldn’t get it to you by Christmas. I hope you have a lovely holidays regardless, and I’ll update the organizer as soon as I have the second tracking number.
hi #6311, this is #2185.
wanted to let you know that the package arrived safely today! i'm going to wait until xmas day to open everything. super excited:)!!
Tysm Nona 8823, I appreciate it a lot & will make tmw !!! today we made many cookies and desu ran out of things to make so I'm really happy to make something new!

I'm glad to hear you like the idea! I was concerned that it would be a swing and a miss, so I'm glad it worked out! Merry Christmas to you as well!
i got all of this on card tier T-T thank you so much nonna #6311!!
i’m beyond excited to incorporate these into my coords. feeling so incredibly spoiled right now<3

hope you have a merry christmas & happy new year!!
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Hi 9140! Thank you for the lovely gift. I wasn’t expecting to get an entire set for my $45 tier, so imagine my surprise when I opened the package! I’m already thinking about how to coord these pieces~

Thank you for the letter and stickers as well. I’m glad you enjoyed ORV, and I’ll definitely check out your recommendation. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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Hi 2464! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank you very much for the gifts you got me. I can feel you put a lot of thought into it.

The jacket is just perfect, and I can see myself using the muffler daily now that the weather’s gotten colder. I immediately opened the snacks to share with my family, and we all agree you have good taste haha.

Thank you again~ I hope you have a wonderfully cozy holiday season!
I’m glad you like them! I felt like I hit the jackpot when I found the jacket you had on your wishlist right away! I’m glad you like the snacks as well!
Have a wonderful holiday and new year!
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3460 here! I received my package from Estonia anon safely (you must’ve paid a fortune to send it, oh wow!). I’ve been saving it for Christmas and will open it when I get home later tonight! Thank you again!
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!!! 3157 here !!!

Thank you #4279 and Natasha (no number given) for the lovely gifts and card, respectively!

4279, you're so sweet! you really spoiled me this year. I spend most of Christmas Eve arguing with my family so this was a really lovely gift to receive. I love the very salty (lol) choice of little buddy you sent me as well. The cardigan is perfect, it matches one of my newer JSKs really well so I can't wait to wear it soon!

And Natasha your card was so lovely, if you wrote your santa number on the envelope, I'm an idiot and recycled it. I'll definitely send you a message really soon!
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Glad it arrived safely! I hope you have nice christmas time!
Please do not worry. I'm already so happy to receive these kind gifts from you! I'm excited to coord these accessories with some of my favorite dresses. Thank you so much for hunting down the pieces I've been wishing for. They're all perfect. I love your gift! I hope the shipping company treats you well and doesn't sour your own holidays. Merry Christmas, Santa!

Santa 6311, thank you for the thoughtful gifts! I'm a lonelita, so I agree - it's wonderful to be able to participate in the /cgl/ Secret Santa. My state has passed policy phasing out plastic shopping bags, so this market bag will be getting plenty of use. The face towel is so cute, I will definitely be using it in my decor. And the pink Hawase set for my Kumyas is perfect. It will go with many of my pink dresses. I'm afraid that the Hawase cut wouldn't suit me, so I'm happy that I can still enjoy it vicariously through my Kumyas. They are supermodels, so everything looks good on them. I hope your holidays are as happy as you've made mine. Merry Christmas!
I'm so happy that you liked everything! It was lots of fun finding gifts for you. I miss the 2013 fairy kei era and the dark Jfashion of the time so much so it was really nice to see someone with such a great wardrobe for them! When I received the lamb jewelry it was so cute that I want to buy them for myself too! Spoiling my giftees always comes first, but maybe next haul... I wish I were good enough to make the little cat, but I actually bought it from a local artist who makes lots of these cute little handmade cats. I knew I had to include one!

I'm sorry to hear that you were grinched the last two times. I'm so glad this was a positive experience with secret santa for you! It's my favorite event of the year, I love going all out for it, and I want it to bring the same joy to other gulls too. Happy holidays!
Never have partaken in this gift exchange, only some on other boards, but it's nice to see this board still does one and has a good time with it. Also you guys take such nice photos of your gifts.
Made it finally tonight, in fridge now, will post (probably belated updates)

Sadge I haven't gotten my card yet but I was late on sending my own so I suppose I should forgive whomever
Heya!! I think I received this gift, but the name on it isn't mine (though the address is!!)
Can you double-check with the hosts to make sure this went to the right person? If it did & I received it, thank you!!! that is so thoughtful & I will open it right away!!
8425 here, received card from 1066! WOW. you went nuts! both of my cards were insane, i hope my matches aren't too disappointed.

the cardigan is gorgeous and a perfect muted shade! it fits great too, and it's absolutely perfect for my wardrobe. the bows are also wonderful! they're a great mid shade between the dark reds i had and the bright ones i got from another match! i'll definitely get tons of mileage out of these. the stationary and candy also really excited me, i actually don't own this baby letter set yet!

also you must've paid a fortune to send this overseas, all for card tier. thank you so much anon, you're the best!
and a double post for my other card tier. this one didn't have a number on it, and i don't want to out you, so thank you "C"!

the tea and candies (not pictured) were delicious! and the washi tape is soo cute, some of these are really old prints! i feel so lucky to get them. the pens are also great, i think i may use them to try and color some traditional sketches. and again, shout out to overseas matches for paying shipping on card tiers. thank you so much!
I kind of regret not participating this year myself.
Update on the gift;
it is extra yummy! My family & I are very happy to enjoy your recipe!
I think we have roughly enough to make it again, and probably will once we finish this one

Included in the gift was everything to make except the eggs/sour cream (unshippable).
That's great! I'm glad you like it! I'm glad to share cultural specialties with those willing to try them!
I didn't know your name but had to put something on the customs declaration. If it's addressed to Sarah Gilbeaux, it's for you!
Santa #3157, thank you so much!!! I know we've already spoken in DMs about this, but Im so grateful for this gift. I've been hunting for this necklace for so long, thank you for spoiling me!!! I've already worn it with a few coordinates since it arrived. Your letter also made me laugh, and I did have some borsch as per your recommendation. Thank you for making this holiday season so incredible, Merry christmas!!!

I am so, so happy you like everything!! I can absolutely relate on the arguing front lol, christmas is always a pretty tumultuous time of year so im really pleased I could make things a little better!! In all honesty I just kept finding things I thought you might like & I couldn't help myself lol. Merry Christmas!!

Oh, you are just the sweetest!!! I will open it asap. Thank you so, so much for sending me a card in return this year!! Is your address from last year still the same? Would you mind if I sent one back?
$20 tier, from 8425 to 5369.
Wow anon, you really spoiled me!! I was so surprised when I got such a big box, thinking “this can’t possibly be my $20 gift but I already got my high tier gift so it must be…” and I was even more surprised when I opened it. The Milklim shirts are really nice to add to my wardrobe, thank you so much for those! The Magical collab is actually one of my favorites, and it’s probably the last good print series Milklim did before they turned into Taobao resellers. I was actually wearing another shirt from the collab when I opened the package, so trust that I’ll get plenty of use out of the tops! The wristcuffs are really lovely, and I’ll honestly probably keep the pink ribbons on them since I have some black pieces with pastel details.
As for the Negima items, I actually already had the Ala Alba pin, but it was an item I specifically wanted a second of so I could have one to wear and one for my collection, so I’m really happy to have another now! And the Evangeline figure!!! I’ve wanted her since I was in high school around 2008, but I kept putting off buying her so you’ve fulfilled a 15 year old dream of mine. Thank you so, so much, I’m so happy to have her after all this time! This was one of my top most wanted pieces of Eva merch, I feel so spoiled.
As an aside, your stationery is beautiful. Thank you again for everything, and happy holidays!
i'm so glad!! i reread your preferences after getting the figure and was worried it would be one you already had, so i'm so glad it ended up being a dream item! i'm also so happy to see those milklim items go to a loving home, they've been neglected too long. happy holidays!!
What's with the creepy groomer drawing? Mentally ill pedo shit right there...
I think the joke is that hatsune miku is around that age, it looks like sand planet miku?
Oh this was from me. Yay! Glad you like the pens and the treats. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
I'm really happy that you like what I sent you, and that you will be able to use both the clothing items!

And have a happy new year!
Miku is supposed to be 16
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Happy New Year, gulls! I couldn't participate this year, but I'm living vicariously through all of your posts
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Hi, 9406 here, Happy New Year! My gift arrived, I was suprised how close by it came from haha. Anyways thanks for everything, I definitely can make use of this Meta cutsew and appreciate you got me bug-mushroom themed stuff. Also I haven´t really bought any fancier accessories for myself as I tend to cheap out so it´s nice to have the brooch!

I didn´t see your # number anywhere but I hope organizer can tell that I got your gift.
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#7169 here. i got my package today from #5369!

when the first thing i unwrapped was the innocent world blouse, i knew the rest of the package was going to be amazing. i'm shocked at the condition of the cat print skirt, btw; the screen printing is still pristine! i love it so much, it's adorable. and the accessories are of course perfect and match with so much in wardrobe. the little shirley temple bag is so fun--i love velvet--and the head pieces are exactly the type old school classic and sweet pieces i've been searching for. thank you so much for your thoughtful gifts!

(excuse any cat hair, my cat immediately wanted to sit on the gifts lol)
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#7169 again. i just realized i forgot to include the jabot in the photo! i had left it in my closet because i was comparing it to an innocent world JSK i have, whoops. it matches perfectly.
oh wow, that cat print skirt is such a cool gift, congrats anon
Pretty sure it's Hololive shit. Looks like Noel and Marine.
Doesn't really matter what it is though does it? It's some kind of joke that both the sender and the receiver get, and the receiver must be ok with it because they took a photo of it thanking the sender for the gift. Are people really mad that someone would make an edgy joke on 4chan?
Thank you, 8425 <3
I wish usps was kinder in the shipping, but alas I'm still v excited!! tysm
i'm glad you liked it! here's a digital copy of the miku-- i've never printed my art out before so i'm not sure i did the best job! merry christmas!
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$75 Tier - From 2097 to 5986
Hi 2097,
My apologies for the late post - it’s been such a crazy holiday season, and I ended traveling unexpectedly for a few days after Christmas. I did get to open your gift on Christmas morning itself, though, and it was so incredibly special. You really spoiled me; thank you so, so much! The box and packaging was so beautifully done, and the card was so sweet. I could not be more thrilled with my gifts, and have not been able to stop thinking about the La Luice cat bag (that’s so cute that our bags are twins!). It’s such a gorgeous bag, and will coordinate so well with both my cat-themed coords and old school pieces. The Moitie choker is gorgeous as well, and will be a lovely addition to my collection; you’ve filled a hole in my wardrobe for a choker with a cross charm!
As for the extras, the La Luice rabbit bag charm is so, so cute - I’ve clipped it to my favorite black bag, and just looking down at it makes me smile. It’s such a cute way to add extra flair to my purse! The decals are absolutely stunning as well, and now have made a lovely home in my office. Thank you for the air freshener and tape too! Christmas is my favorite season, and it passed by far too quickly this year, so it’s great to have the balsam scent to satisfy my post-Christmas blues.
Thank you so much for spoiling me like this and making it such a lovely Christmas! I am so incredibly appreciative; your gift was so sweet and thoughtful, and you really made my season brighter.
Thank you #5369! The package arrived safe & sound. thank you so much, you really spoiled me!!!
So cool that you’re into cult party kei. I admire/ appreciate cpk since there’s a lot of overlap with dolly (I was lucky enough to nab a headdress from Virgin Mary before they closed last year </3).
Love the LaLuice bag, and the Verum tights are so cute! It has animals drawn in an ornate / antique kind of way which I love. Both of these gifts will blend into my closet so nicely—thanks a million! Hope you had a great New Year’s:)
(Also the gift wrap you chose is super cute)
I mean, most of the lolitas browsing this board now are woketards, so.
even i have to say this is wholesome and i hate you bitches
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Thank you 8423, 8823 here and I finally got your card! The card and goodies were very nice; I appreciate them all! It's funny you mention knowing nothing about TG, because my other card had a TG doodle on it, LOL. Thank you so much and I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year!
I'm glad that my gift reached you safely and brought you some joy. I have the bunny crossbody bag in white, and I think it's great - it fits so much more than my other animal bags, and the lace layers are so pretty - I knew I had to get you the cat backpack as soon as I saw it on your wishlist. I chose white so that you can do both all-pastel coords as well as contrasting black x white coords, but I got the black bunny charm so you can have a little something even for fully kuro coords. I hope you and your kitty bag will have some nice adventures together in the new year. Happy holidays, and thank you for participating in the Secret Santa!
The gift I sent to you is finally out for delivery, and I should have said this earlier, but the letter contains spoilers for what's in the gifts! The card however you can read whenever. Both are in the same envelope, but the letter should be folded so you don't accidentally read it when you take it out of the envelope.
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Thank you so much to both of my santas! These gifts were fantastic.

#2097, you nailed my tastes exactly and I adore everything! You put so much thought and care into each piece and I really, really appreciate that. I will be reading everything and getting so much wear out of the accessories! Thank you again and I hope you had a great holiday season!

#7169, thank you for such a wonderful gift! Everything is beautiful and I can already think of a bunch of coords I'll be wearing with these. We both got into lolita at the best time, if I may say so myself! And don't worry, I totally understand with how weird sweet prices can be sometimes nowadays. I hope you had a great holiday season and thank you again!
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Card, from #9140 to #1066

Thank you for the card! I really appreciate the effort you put into your card, and I also like the drawing and that she's wearing a Lace Frill JSK!
It was also a big surprise to receive a video game as well! I will play it with great respect to respect your past enjoyment of it!

I hope you had a great Christmas!
I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the gifts. I hope you have a wonderful 2024. And thank you so much to #7169 for coordinating with me and helping me find some of the items! All the best to y'all.
5986, you sneaky santa, leaving the best for last. What an amazing grand finale to the holidays for me! This is a beautiful dress and, like you said, 100% my style. I can't wait to steam it and wear it out and about right away. Thank you for your generous gift - you are too kind! I especially love how the adorable kumyas in the print are having fun together like us gulls in the secret santa event. Thank you so much for making my holidays extra special this year. I hope you have a fantastic new year.
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From #1066 to #1845

Thank you so much for everything. I got so excited when I unwrapped the box. The Azunyan teacup is a dream gift, that I had been looking for.

The salty licorice is growing on me but that first piece was a bit of a shock.
I'm really excited that I hit so well with the teacup! I was actually a bit worried that you already had it, but you having looked for it without having it really was the best possible outcome! I hope you have a great 2024!
To #6311- I just got home and opened my gift and wow did you go above and beyond! I’ll take pictures tomorrow since it’s late and it’s dark but I wanted to let you know ASAP that it arrived safely and I opened it since I was out of town and couldn’t open it earlier! Thank you so much!
May I ask Secret/organizer, how many are still waiting on their gifts and cards? I haven´t seen mine recieved and my card is also not here but I understand it´s been busy times for post and people.
I’m back with photos as promised!
Santa, you went above and beyond and truly spoiled me! And you also have a great sense of my style!
I love that the curses has chiffon sleeves so I can wear long sleeves without getting too hot (it’s hot here most of the year now) and the cardigan is perfect for when it’s cool enough for another layer but warm enough not to need a wool cardigan. The necklace is one I’ve considered several times but never pulled the trigger, so it was amazing to get! And the headpiece is perfect for pink and black coords! I mainly have monotone headpieces so this will get me to step out of my comfort zone! And I love the Hello Kitty x Sailor Moon collab too so it was great to get those items too!
Last year I got grinched and I wasn’t sure about participating this year, but you really brought back my faith in the exchange! I hope you had an amazing holiday and have an amazing year!
From 6311 to 2464.
$75 tier
We are still waiting for 23 gifts to be posted, and 27 gifts have already been posted.

8 people have had everything they sent been posted by their giftees to the thread.
11 people have received everything they signed up for, and also posted photos of everything they received.
In total there were 22 participants.

We have not yet made an exact overview of the number of people who have received but not posted their gift, but tracking shows that a significant number of gifts have made it, but not yet been posted.
Some gifts were sent untracked, and some gifts have tracking that shows the gifts have still not been received.
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Received my gift, thank you so much Anon #5756!
I made the mistake of opening my card first and knew immediately what you had found! Polkadot duck (specifically in blue) was one of my first dream items and I always ended up missing it so she will be treasured alongside my other ducks. The Meta socks are also perfect and a style I had actually been debating getting so another great choice. And of course staying on theme with the FlowerKnows swan collection and your comment made me laugh, I also LOVE this lip formula! Thank you so much for everything it is all perfect and I really appreciate it!!
K-On!! cup AND saucer? Badass.
I’m glad everything arrived safely and that you like it! Have a great year anon!
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Hello! I am truly so happy to have been a part of your secret santa redemption arc. Even more pleased that you love your gifts! You have such a cohesive wardrobe, it was my goal to give you things you could easily integrate as well as use often. Have a wonderful 2024!!!
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Thank you based collageanon for posting a picture of your kumyas in their finery! I couldn't pass up on the Hawase Doll dress when I saw it, it's just too iconic and especially after I noticed you mentioned it here in the previous thread. Wishing you the best in 2024
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From #7707 to #1066, $20 tier

Finally, after watching the local post spending almost two weeks to get the package through customs and having it sent out, I finally received my $20 gift today.

And thank you for the gift! The tea looks really interesting, and I'm excited to try it and develop a greater knowledge of what different teas exist! I was a bit worried that the teas in the cans were teas I already had, but I smelled them and they smell different.
The stroopwafels are really good, I've already eaten multiple, I just need to ration the rest a bit now so I'll have them for a while and not run out too quickly.
Also, thank you for the wrist cuffs! Them being home made was a surprise to me, their quality looks really good! Now I really need to hurry up and get a black and white main piece so I can use them, I was looking at Kumya's Love Heart Embroidery not too long ago but decided against it, but now I'm thinking I should have bought it when I had the chance, but I know there will be other opportunities.

I also liked the Usakumya drawing!

Thank you for everything, and I hope you have a great year!
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Giftee #9140 reporting in!

I love love love this exchange and this year was amazing!
The first card was drawn based on my own cosplays!!!?? Immediately fridgeworthy. We’re also cardmates, so I hope you like yours!

The second card was more like a gift and it had the entire room rolling with laughter when I opened it. Tea, stickers, a yearning love letter written by my Husbando Jace from magic the gathering. What more could a girl ask for??
The gift ($45 tier) is incredible! You spoiled me! I’ve always had my eyes on bodyline shoes but never bit the bullet! Both the bow and the beret fit my wardrobe gorgeously and I cannot wait to put together some fun coords! Get ready for chocolate Lolita 2024
Card match from 9406 to 6311

Thank you for the sweet handmade card and beautiful postcard !!! I I've already put it in a small frame and hung it up with the rest of my collection. I love Miffy and your illustration of her in a cute lolita coat is super cute and thoughtful. I hope you had a lovely holiday season
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Card match from 4279 to 6311

My goodness anon! You spoiled me above and beyond what I was expecting for card tier!!! The lookbook is one that I do not have, and the cookie ring will go nicely with so many of my coords. Thank you for sharing thw window cookie recipe, I love to bake and look forward to trying it out very soon, finally wrapping up the busy season at my work. Also your handwriting is lovely, and the drawings you included of my favorite characters and doggo are perfect. Wishing you the best in the new year!
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$45 gift tier from 5756 to 6311

I can't thank you enough for such a wonderfully thoughtful gift! The individually wrapped presents and ribbon made it even more special. It's taken all my efforts not to have indulged in the tea and the candy bar already, as it took me until now to take photos. The sleepy bunny pin is super cute. The pop up card is absolutely darling, and I was quite surprised to see so many postcards! I didn't even realize there were more than one until I removed the plastic sleeve for photos, and I love them all. I can't believe you even found the candy ring from my wishlist! Your gift indeed was magic, and I hope you holidays were full of joy
hi this is #2185
so glad you liked the card!
hope you and jace had a romantic new years XD
I’m relieved you’ve received everything safely! Enjoy the tea and chocolate!
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9140 again! Tysm 6311 for the gorgeous wrist cuffs. They give me Italian carnival vibes and I have just the jsk in mind for them!

And my second $45 tier is in. cred. i. ble. The skirt is so cute! I actually have this axes femme print as a jsk but no I have the skirt too?? Amazing. The 6% doki doki shirt is such a nice thick t shirt fabric. And it should go so well with my ACDC Rag skirts! Candy is always appreciated and then I’ll never get over the giant microbes. A little common cold and a little dna?? I’ve never been so happy to receive a virus.
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I’m so glad you like everything!! I was also pleasantly surprised at how crisp the screen print still is. I’m really happy that the jabot matches something you have! I thought it was so cute. Happy holidays!

I’m happy you like the tights and bag! I wasn’t sure how big the bag was going to be so I was a bit surprised when it was as large as it was, but hopefully that means you can get some use out of it! Verum’s legwear designs are so beautiful and I had a hard time deciding which to go with so I’m glad I made a good choice. Hope you also had a happy new year!
I'm really glad you like everything and that the gifts arrived safely! I hope you have a great year too, that the tea may be delicious to you as well and that you'll get lots of wear out of the cuffs :)
A reminder that people have to post a photo of the gifts they received!

We will soon start sending out emails asking about how far along in the process of posting people are.
thank you for staying committed, organizer-anon, and not just disappeaing after Christmas
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I just made my first cup of tea from the tea that you sent me! It's the darker can tea.

Actually I didn't notice all your explanations of the teas until the next day after I'd already posted the photo, but they make me appreciate it all that much more! There being real explanation that can actually educate me on what the different teas are too!
Aww, this warms my heart anon! I'm a huge nerd about tea so I was honestly really hyped once I saw you were into different teas and learning about them. The Tieguanyin specifically comes from my personal collection, I drink it every day and it's a high quality harvest!
??? to #7707
Tier: $20

Your gift to me arrived last week, and I'm really happy about it! The mymelo and kuromi pins are absolutely adorable, I love the little bit of lace they have at the back. The Miku charm is really cute too! Thank you so much!
I am sorry for taking so long in posting my photos!! The holiday season has kept me a busy bee.
Santa #4279, you really surprised me!!! I wasn't expecting this much from a card tier! Thank you so, so much!! The wrapping was so lovely, and the candy was delicious-- especially the fruit gummies!! I think you fit the gifting theme you were going for perfectly. Getting this sweater was so funny, I was actually debating buying the listing myself for about a week, I'm so happy to have received it! I hope shipping wasn't too expensive from where you're located. I hope you had a great christmas!!
I received this package a little bit ago, but I'm posting it now!

I am so glad you liked last year's gift so much, it was so so sweet of you to pass it on again!! This really made my day. The chocolate was really good, I've never had any with sea salt before but I really ended up liking it (and tracking it down locally afterwards because it was so good). Thank you again for spoiling me in return!! It would be fun to return the favor next christmas as well.

I am so glad your gift arrived safely!! I was worried that the lookbook might have been a repeat, so its a relief to know its new to you, & that everything fits your style. The recipe is from my Oma, they're really good & super nostalgic to me for the holidays, so I hope you enjoy them!!!
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8823 here.

I forgot to upload your card, but I did receive it and very much loved it! If you'd like the digital files for the artwork, hit me up on IG!
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Card tier 3157 to 6311

Thank you so so much for your generosity and the unexpected gift! I love the seashell bag, it's so shiny and a perfect size too. I'm always happy to receive a handmade card, it definitely embodies the spirit of the gift exchange I hope you had a lovely holiday and wish you the best in 2024
So did anyone get grinched this year?
We don't think that anyone has been grinched, but there are two people who are still waiting for their gifts, that were sent without tracking. We are still trying to figure some things out before we are ready to contact the grinch squad.
If anyone feels that they may have been grinched, please contact us!

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$75 tier to 6311 from 2714

I was so excited to open this when I saw where it originated from. It must have cost a small fortune to post it! I could not believe how many things you were able to include in this gift, it was such a great experience opening it. From the AP gift wrap and washi tapes, to the candy and teas, and the beautiful heart pochette and accessories, you thought of everything! You really know how to shop, santa anon

Thank you for the lavender bows, wristcuffs and socks. I'm happy to have been gifted a brand bag that isn't vinyl or pleather, since they are always so delicate. I love the soft velour material it's made from, and it pairs perfectly with the beautiful twin pearl necklace. You did amazing for not being a sweet lolita, I would not have thought otherwise if you hadn't mentioned it in the card! Now that I've finally taken the photo, I can indulge in the loose-leaf tea and candies. Not pictured...the pineapple candy, I absolutely could not wait to try it and it was delicious!!! We don't have anything quite like it here.
Thank you for the swan lake mirror, hairbrush and cosmetics too. I'll post a photo of the cute bonus item you included when I put it together.

Thank you for spoiling me and making my holiday so special with this thoughtful gift. I hope your holidays were lovely and you're having a great start to the new year
grinch squadder here confirming that i'm still able to do my job if i need to!
Aw yay! Thank you for posting, I was worried it was either lost/ you hated it. Glad to hear you enjoyed the Pineapple Lumps too, I think most people either love them or hate them haha Also very pleased to hear you like the accessories too - and totally agree with the bag, it was a lucky find it was both not something that would disintegrate and also in lavender so I knew I had to snatch it up for you.

Anyways, hope your holidays were good too and you have a wonderful year!
Hello anon, I am deeply sorry it took so long to post this, and I truly do hope that you’ve had a great holiday season and good start to 2024.
Thank you very much for the beautiful gift, everything inside was greatly appreciated and spot on. Funny story about the skirt- I used to own the navy version, and sold it when a friend had it as a wishlist item. The black actually fits my wardrobe much better, and it’s been a delight to have in my wardrobe again. Great work on the seasonal Funassyi items, I opened the package on Christmas and displayed them all on my Christmas tree as long as I could. Did you laser cut the wooden ones?! That’s so cool! The sweets and tea are fantastic too, and the Funassyi artwork is displayed in my room, you must’ve put so much effort into that!
I really do appreciate the kindness and care you put into this gift, and thank you again. Feel free to reach out on insta/ stay in touch!
There are still three people who haven't posted everything they received. We realize people may have things going on in their lives, but we hope that everyone will eventually find the time and energy to post what they received. We are going to keep the thread bumped for a while longer, so if you still have something you haven't posted, you will still have the chance.

Additionally, there are two people who are still waiting to receive everything they signed up for. We are trying to decide how long it's acceptable to wait before we consider the items lost in mail, but we still have some hope that their items will eventually arrive. However, we may end up contacting the grinch squad about this before too long.
santa and helper, i just want to say you were awesome this year. it’s seriously appreciated how meticulous you were. you did a really great job.

happy 2024 to you and thanks for continuing to follow up!
I think unless they can provide tracking codes its safe to assume the package has been lost. However, I think you can call post offices to try and locate them!!
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This is #6737, hopefully the last person to still check in besides the people with gifts lost in the mail (here's hoping they show up!). The last few months have been an absolute mess especially health wise, and I've ended up having to move apartments as a surprise on top of that so I'm just getting my bearings back and starting to work through the stuff I'm behind on.
#9406 - I'm glad everything got to you safely and that you liked it! Especially the bauble really freaked me out since it seemed pretty fragile, but it looks to have made it to you nicely. Sorry again about the delay with shipping, but thankfully everything made it to you only a little delayed (and in that sense, the delay in shipping out helped - I live elsewhere most of the year).
(I had your ID here, but it's somewhere in my heap of stuff to be unpacked) Thank you so much, you're a sweetheart. <3 The belt pouch is perfect, I'll have to test out the ears at my next event and the spirit gum removal liquid in particular was spot on - I never bothered to get anything to remove it with in the past and have just been ripping stuff off in spite of the pain so my ears will really thank you there lol. Also, after the parcel arrived, I was ever so slightly disappointed since one of my favourite things about these gift exchanges is getting a little card/note from the gifter - and then a few days later I found your card in my mailbox. I have it pinned up next to my desk, some of the stickers have already ended up on the back of my laptop and I'll try to get around to at minimum finding you on social media when I get the chance, since you added your tag. Thank you again, and I'm so sorry about being so slow with checking in!
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To #1066, Card tier. I didn't see any ID number for who sent it.

Finally my card arrived this Friday, and thank you for all the extras, it was fun to open with all the things inside! I will be saving the tea for the perfect moment!
I also really liked the Cardcaptor Sakura decoration tape on the inside of the card, Cardcaptor Sakura is an anime I liked a lot and it has played a big role in how I view the mahou shoujo ideal, and it also contributed to me deciding to try roller blades (alongside Kaleido Star)!

And thank you for all your good wishes!
I actually got what may have been the closest thing to a dream dress for me late last year (Saint Gabrielle), but now there are new items I want!
And it was really cool that we had so many similar interests!

I hope you have a good continued 2024!
Here’s my card that was lost in mail for a while! (from santa 3460 to me, 9460) I love all the small stuff and the postcard, I read your letter and since we matched I’m thinking of sending a letter back with a longer personal reply. You suggested keeping touch in social media before but I don’t have any so sending some snail mail might be nice (if you don’t mind). Thanks again!
The event is essentially done, but we may have some more things to share to wrap it up. It's not ready in this moment though, so here's an empty bump post.
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This should have been posted months ago for anyone to see it, but I'll just share some information about the tiers.

Before the event, we had a survey to get some idea of what tier structure people wanted. Most people wanted a smaller number of tiers, but we did not really listen to that wish. One reason for that was that the survey failed to mention what the options would imply. A smaller number of tiers would also imply a bigger drop if someone did have to be moved down.

Ultimately, it worked out pretty well, and the tiers were chosen so that no tier would feel too different from the tier below (hence the somewhat random feeling $45).

But, while it worked out this time, it may not work for future events. In some parts, it only just barely worked out, and a small drop in participants, or even the participants choosing differently, could cause some problems. Due to this, it's still desirable to find a way to reduce the number of tiers.
During planning, two alternative structures were suggested:
Card - $20 - $50 - $100
Card - $50 - $100

Additionally, another thing to consider is the rules and restrictions next year. First time participants this year were limited to the $20 tier due to the uncertainty about grinches, and while we haven't decided yet, we're considering reopening one higher tier for first time participants. But this could also kill the $20 tier, which until this year has always been an unpopular tier with only barely enough participants to make it work.

I'll just ask if anyone has any ideas or wishes for future tier structures, or other things?
Another thing that I've been thinking about is that the requirement for feedback may be too strict. Some people have multiple years of successful participation in the highest tiers, and definitely deserve to be able to join the higher tiers again, but do not have any feedback. Having an option to only match them with people who agree to it could maybe work, but with the smaller number of participants, it's not desirable to split up the pool of participants much more.
Maybe we could accept proof of successful past participation (repeatedly?) as a form of feedback?
What feedback really is is just a representation that someone is well organized enough to be able to ship something consistently, and that'd be taken care of even if we accept event participation as a substitute for feedback.
(There'd still be some things to consider, though, like how it could twist people's participation patterns away from what they truly desire, and when someone ships directly from a store to a giftee, that's also something that may not fully represent the same as a positive feedback.)
I think successful participation should be considered feedback. Making sure people got submissions in on time/before deadlines, or were communicative in case any issues came up. Is there a masterlist with notes that the hosts keep?
With lolita fashion being an expensive hobby, it makes sense that the 20 tier is unpopular because even a pair of brand socks cost 35 without shipping, so it's stressful trying to think of a gift that feels worthwhile enough. Maybe a higher jump between tiers would work better (Card - 50 - 100) for good-faith participants, but that could attract grinches like you said. It's a tough decision.

As for no feedback, there could be a disclaimer on the sign-up form that if there's not a suitable match who is ok with it then you may be bumped to the lower tier. That leaves some room for organizer discretion if a participant does have a history of participation but also some questionable behavior then the organizers can tell that individual there was no suitable match and observe their behavior in the lower tier another year.
I've only participated int he SS once, several years ago, but would like to again and I think Card - $50 - $100 makes the most sense.
the $20 tier wasn't so bad since non lolitas joined. one of my matches was just a cosplayer so i filled the bag with snacks and smaller merch items. but i could definitely see it being a problem if it was only lolitas. my match was a lolita, but she really spoiled me, and while i love that i wouldn't want anyone to feel obligated to spend more than the requirement.

maybe we could limit the $20 tier to non lolita participants? then again, a lot of the card tier gifts look far more than $20 worth of items.
i'd agree to this. a few years ago i did a $20 tier and matched with a lolita and she sent me some craft fair wooden normie hair clips that i threw out. i'm not a brand whore either. those generic taobao ribbon clips would have been better. the issue is the board is dying so participation in general is lower. i kind of think we should open up literally all tiers to basically anyone, have them do a quiz/survey and just make sure the number of new participants has enough grinch relief. these events always have a chance of people grinching, but the spirit of them is giving, not receiving so i think with the state of the board it's silly to have extra requirements still.
we didn't have any grinches this year, which feels like a positive sign.
A lot of people seem ready to give up the $20 tier, but I also think it serves some purposes that the other tiers don't. It's a way that people can participate without spending a lot of money, and a low stakes way for people who are nervous to join, that's less scary than a higher tier would be.
Removing the $20 tier may be the way to go, but it'd not be without cost, I'd wish to try to keep it if possible.
Could adding extra incentives be a way to go? In distant past, people who were not whitelisted could choose to send two gifts in the lowest tier, or one gift in the tier above. Or maybe people who are whitelisted could be allowed to sign up for one gift in the $20 tier without it counting towards their total number of gifts?
Another idea is to make the $20 tier global only, to make it more likely that someone could be matched with someone, but that may be counterproductive and make people less likely to choose the tier.

Maybe people have too high expectations of the tier. What if it's thought more about as a tier for people who just want something, for the excitement of exchanging something at all, which is not a part of the card tier, rather than as a tier for good gifts that hit well? Could it actually help to lower the requirement to something like $10, or at least make it clear in the FAQ and signup form that people shouldn't expect a lot in the tier?

As for the requirement for feedback, ideally the people who do join the highest tiers should be asked directly, because they are who'd be affected by the change. For at least some people, feedback is important, and past participation is not a substitute.
Maybe sending out a survey for direct information could be an idea.
As someone who has a lower exchange rate, I really appreciate the $20 tier.

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