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i dunno when drawthreads tapered off here but i periodically check back and there just never is one. so ill be the change I want to see in the world. post coords for me to draw, thank you. (and other artists too of course)
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Ooh, thanks for the opportunity, your art style is very pretty :) this is one of my fav coords from this year. Perhaps I'll be drawing other coords later too if other ppl post them.
your black strokes would be cuter if they were moded all the way from thick to ultra thin
>t. failed artfag pseudo art critique
i’m actually doing egl fashion as a theme for an art exam so this thread will be so helpful
Self described failed artfag critiques instead of draws. What's new
at least it had some constructive tips to improve
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needed inspiration, thanks for posting
1/10 kys heroine chic tumblr princess
ayrt, it's an unexpected style but it's cool to have this sort of drawing of myself!! thank you, and sorry about the other anon being a weirdo :')
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I love draw threads! Glad to see them again.
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>>10899411 Ol' lace, the fastest draw in the west.
I love it nonny, thank you!
I'd love to immortalize this old pic with a nice artwork.
I appreciate any art I may inspire, especially if it's horror themed where you make a monster face instead, I'd love that.

This is meta macross sheryl collab set in black
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oh sweet summer child. anon was probably too high on benzos to k
remember what she was drawing.
adorable, love it
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I dont know what you meant by monster, but that monkey was haunting my nightmares. Hope this ones fine, lol.
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Waa that's so pretty! Tysm, I wasn't expecting to get two drawings, what a privilege haha :)
The other drawings ITT are super pretty too <3 I hope more people post coords so maybe I can draw one too ^^
I think this is a really wholesome type of thread~
I absolutely love both of these, and sorry for the monke ~
thank you very much for taking the time to draw me I really appreciate it!
I really really love this!! I'm just so happy with how it turned out I had to post it again <3
gull love your coord
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gonna leave my coord here while I draw some of the others in this thread. so happy to see we finally have a drawthread again!
>greasy hair
>ugly dress
Pick a struggle
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Not a cord but would be dope to have a drawing.

I ended up vomiting on the train that night, was pretty fun.
If you want to do tenshi kaiwai, invest in makeup, contact lenses and some straight hair wigs (and shoes). Otherwise you just look like a weeb loser with poor hygiene.
Bruv i ain't no tranny, also yea i need better shoes i'll give you that.

>weeb loser
Yea thats the point.
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gorgeous artwork and coords all around!

if my 2022 secret santa is ITT, here's a coord with the skirt you gifted! :)
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hope you like it, i took this as a chance to practice with colored pencils
T. Femcel
You are cute
>T. Incel

>Verification not required
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Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it~
I am a fool. Now I remember I did a gasmask version of this coord, and received an amazing fill from Xeebom.
Very long time ago, so I hope with my face it's different enough
The gas mask version is very cool
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love your coord
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Quick sketch
Adorable artstyles!!!
thank you so much for the beautiful artwork! these are both so cute and really made my day!
I love to see everyone's coords and drawings!

It was a great idea to draw them together!
this greatly reminds me of the black parade
Can we get some more coords? Its a bit quiet in here.
I would post but I embarris
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dunno if this counts but i did draw a coord on twitter
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this isnt lolita retard
your style is so neat! looks very polished, love it

also pls post coords gulls, i want to draw
Stay on the board; I'm actually drawing now.
>a-anon l-let's genocide the kikes t-togehter
y-yes m-my q-qween
Aw thank you both so much! I wasn't expecting to get even more drawings, I'm lucky :) They're both ver pretty
I had said before that I'd like to draw a bit too but couldn't make the time for it. I will try to do it now. I think all of the coords posted here have already been drawn at least once so pls post some more! If anyone has a picture with a pretty background or interesting pose, I'd like to practice drawing those but otherwise I'm still happy drawing a regular coord shot! It might take me a few days to get to it but I'll try to do at least one!
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imagine this but kumyas. can a drawgull make it happen?
Sorry anon above, I want to draw a coord :( but I hope someone else does your request.
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All I have are old coord shots. I’d love to see more coords to draw too!
would be nice to have someone cute to draw
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Thank you for posting a coord! As I had said before, I need to practice backgrounds so it highkey sucks lmao sorry, I will also post the no background version.
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Whelp, you peeps wanted more coords - I liked this recent one of mine.
That's a man, baby.
not all brown women are men, dumbass. proof or stop troonfoiling.
Nope, don't think so. Those look like ethnic features. The eyebrows and jawline look female to me.
This is so cute, thanks so much! In ref to the above comments, thanks for catching my “ethnic” features and manly jaw as well. Lol
I'm glad you liked it :) I didn't even realize you were the same person as the other pic above, I guess hairstyles really change one's face. (If posting more than one pic is allowed maybe I'll share another one later).

I will try to draw the newest coord pic during the weekend.
she's just an ugly white girl with european features. she looks like a witch.
post your coord for us to draw then
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The background is, once again, a mess. So I offer my apologies and a no background version.
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No apologies anon, it's really cute, thank you so much! I particularly love how you did the dress pattern.
I'm glad you liked it ^^
I probably won't be doing any more drawings for now but in the future I'd like to try again, it was fun.
Wish drawfriends were still as common as back then.
Contribute then!

I'm >>10917699 and given the prejudices here, it was a crapshoot if someone would draw me or if a bunch of people would ridicule my appearance, but I also love the draw threads and what they represent so I did it to keep the thread alive. In the past I've also done drawings and trust me, I can't draw. Can't say that those anons would have been happy but again, it's about being the content you want to see.

Sorry, will get off my soapbox now.
I'll try lol

It's okay, you look fine
That's the spirit.

And thank you, I liked this look but ya know, being fat is a crime lol
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trying to keep the thread alive! please excuse my less than ideal background
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censoring that truck's butthole like
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Bump before this gets archived... I know this board is slow but the amount of threads that could be posts in already existing threads aren't helping keeping good threads like this one alive :/

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