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I lost my nail inspo folder on my old pc so I'm starting with a mini dump in hopes of other anons dumping as well :)
for tha jirai bitches u kno i luv u
I love nailart like this but man would I be way too clumsy to have it in myself. I feel like I would forget it's there and accidently stab myself in the eyes. Admiring from afar is all I can do.
for me long nails feel so gross i can't stand it. i dunno how people do it.
Thanks nonny love u 2
These are really cool. I could see myself using stickons for a convention
love the ones that are detailed and cute but not too long
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I really love middle and top right, wish I could find some like that
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i have a thing for nail charms, i wish i could wear them myself but im a compulsive picker and they last like 5 minutes lol
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question for anyone with a lot of reusable nails: how do you store/organize them?
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i don't wear them myself but i usually see people store them in cases like these, you can find them on amazon pretty cheap!
Same, I've tried press-ons, but honestly they're even worse for my clumsiness. It looks so ugly when they pop off.

Also this.
Posting here bc fuck it, it's kinda related
There's this chick on my fyp who recreates viral/complex nail designs and like half the time time she gets close but fundamentally misses the mark. Like uses aurora foil when the og used a chrome powder, cuts smaller pieces of foil when they should be bigger, uses charms when the element is sculpted, then tries to sculpt what is obviously a charm, etc etc and it irritates tf out of me. I'm not saying I could do it better, but to me the technique looks obvious and she just... doesn't see it? Like are we event looking at the same thing??????
/end rant
What the hell is going on with her fingers
I assume she’s double jointed
Has anyone ever done dress specific themed nails? I'd love to see if so. Thinking of trying my hand at replicating some of my favorite prints onto my nails.
nah, it’s a hand deformity
cute thread, I'll bump
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I've done it a few times but they're pretty sloppy. Look okay from far away though.
You color matched that grey perfectly and I think the cross looks really nice
my toenail recently came off, it's all purple and shit, is the right thread?
Go to a hospital
it already healed but do you wanna see the fallen-off purple nail? it looks like it could fit in this decorated nail thread
please learn to use gel polish, it doesn't have to be this hard...
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I have some long nails on right now and they're pretty but god do they make typing a bitch
You just have to get used to using the side and pad of your fingers instead of the tip. I’ve had long nails for so long that it feels really weird if I break a nail off
I really like these 3D fruit nails, but I would definitely prefer a full set of one fruit rather than mixing and matching
strawberry nails are the toppest tier of nails to ever exist 2bh
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First attempt at nail art. I'm left handed so only the right hand is good. Also my first time posting and wtf are the captchas, I'm misspelling it the fifth time. I hate it here
Those are gorgeous! I love the stained glass look. Can I ask what your process was for mapping that all out on the nails? Or did you kind of just dive into it?
I had a set made for Jewelry Jelly
sort of no
hell no
on the edge
I'll accept
almost yes
almost cute
too much stuff in there, almost a pass
why carry cum around in your nails? hell no
would be a yes if they didn't looked so stacy-ish
amateur but ok for the effort
trying too hard
can accept, but meh
some are ok
can see them working in a specific context, ok for elegance
ok at best
ok at best
no nono
just ok
almost ok
lamost ok
some are ok
almost ok
>t. scrote
and that makes my opinion more valuable than yours, obviously, you're welcome
overall you whore sluts have pretty bad taste in nails, get some class
>why carry cum around in your nails?
That’s cinnamoroll you stupid cunt
kill yourself scrote, the nails arent for your male enjoyment, they are for the women
>the nails arent for your male enjoyment
absolutely false, and you know it
the fact you hate more than half of these nails proves they arent for you, kys
it's for the ones with pleb tastes, correct
only teenagers and mentally ill losers call things "pleb", it's not 2010 you fucking retarded failure of man
lol, calm down, pleb
Scrotes are too sensitive to handle the concept that not everything is meant for them. Nothing new. Now back to our regularly scheduled program
these are very good though
>t. scrote
ok gulls, I know you're too sensitive I won't bother you again for a few days
>when you stab someone with your nails
Does anyone order nails from specific places? I know a lot of people like to make their own, but I was wondering if there were also gulls with favorite press-ons.
Not ready to let this thread die yet
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>t. megascr00t
these are so cute, does anyone know any shops to get nice jelly ones like this?

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