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You need to learn how to vibe and talk to people at conventions. If you're underage that's one thing. If you're old enough you should budget for a hotel room so you can party and party with strangers and make new friends. The best part about conventions is meeting people and subsequently running into them at other cons in other years and it's all so fucking beautiful. It's the only time you don't have to suppress your powerlevel because guess what? They know all the dumb memes you do and have a lot of overlap in interests and other things you enjoy. You can ask someone why they're green and actually learn something about Startrek because they fucking love star trek so much they painted themselves green! SO WHEN I ASK THEM THEY ARE MORE THAN WILLING TO GUSH ABOUT THE SHIT THEY LOVE! I FUCKING LOVE NERD CONVENTION SHIT HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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I feel that one, anon. Both the male and female posters here seem to lose sight of this for their own reasons ("IT'S OVER" doomposting, getting up on their moral policing high horse) Thankfully the ones that actually come out for meetups are pretty much always cool, and sometimes they'll make the whole weekend
>The best part about conventions is meeting people and subsequently running into them at other cons in other years
Yep, never gets old. Cheers.
I try that, but noone really likes me
Especially women...
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then stop being a bitch and/or sexpest.
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You get it
Seeing people at other events you met at before and having catch-up drinks is THE BEST FEELING
EXACTLY i tend to be a bit of an autist at cons but seeing someone in the hall and going ...I KNOW YOU! will never lose its magic. listening to people talk about shit they're passionate about and vice versa, stupid drunk debates, having someone freak out over your cosplay and vice versa FUCK I LOVE CONVENTIONS. last con i went to a bunch of strangers in barbie cosplays shouted me down the hall and gave me a jello shot out of a cowboy hat because i was cosplaying a cowboy character. nowhere else bro
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This is that shit that makes it all so magical. Don't go to a convention for any reason other than to have fun and you will never be disappointed. I used to go thinking
>oh I'll find that merch I can't get
>oh I'll talk to some e-celeb
>oh I'll go to that panel
nowadays I just go eat a good meal get two drinks and ask people if they're supposed to be a gnome, then just like that stuff happens.
Why would I want to do that?

Most of these people are completly clueless about hygiene or social standards, why would I want to "party" with them? With "nerds"? What the fuck is wrong with you? lol
lose weight + wasted trips
I just wanna get drunk with randos at the next con. Is it that much to ask for.
OP, I share your passion so much. Also, it's in the con floor where it's at. You never know when someone is going to gush all over your costume, when someone with 2 milion followers will ask you a picture and you'll only find out, or when a TV news station will interview you, or you'll find someone from the same franchise you're cosplaying.

It's the best game of chance you can play, ever. Some people will never understand it. That's why I go to as much conventions as I can. It's a wonderful place to be.
only been to two conventions yet and also never cosplayed before
but I want to get into cosplay (somehow... got no idea where and how to start)
and I want to visit more conventions, I'll do that until im 35 haha
you are respressed because you're an introvert with unorthodox taste
I am repressed because I am insane
we are not the same
I would get a hotel IF IT DIDN"T GET BOOKED OUT IN 10mins!!! Some day I will get into colossalcon!
Just room with somebody else. CC is the one and only con I know where absolutely no one stays by themselves
10 minutes? More like 10 fucking seconds. People have bots that buy that shit up, and I've yet to see someone with rooms open for stragglers. Just get a nearby hotel, one can walk a mile hammered if they have to.
You don't actually HAVE to stay at the hotel closest to the convention center, bro. Basically any good one is going to have hotels by the dozen within spitting distance.
I'm scared I'll spill my spaghetti
Under any other circumstance, I'd agree. With ColossalCon, it's non-negotiable. Sleeping in the parking lot is better than booking off site, especially when (not exaggerating) Holiday Inn is going for $400 a night that weekend
For those struggling to talk with people, I'd strongly recommend the YouTube channel Charisma on Command. This channel has helped me relax, understand social queues I wouldn't understand before, and make friends easier.

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Start. Doing. THIS.
A lot of it is blatant PUA/self-help tier bullshit but he does make good points.
You can just smell the desperate lonely male energy in this thread.

Good lord.
yup one of the best parts of cons are the random interactions like that of everyone just having a great time together despite being total strangers. never felt more welcome than at a con and it was because con people were just so awesome to me
I wish I could do this, but at this point I have too much of an age gap (31) between me and the average con goer
That's never stopped me
t. turned 32 while at a con this last weekend
Me neither another 32 year old.
See, it's no problem if we all go together. Don't let zoomers take over.
Zoomers are cool man, ever since I was 18 I partied with dude all the way up their 50s. I show the same respect down.
As long as zoomers aren't virtue signalling wokescolds does it matter? There's at least one thirsty nigga who isn't exactly much younger than you doing the male feminist shtick. (ask in the ACEN thread)
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Every time I come home from a con my friend list gets a little bigger. Especially at photo shoots. I have friends that run con room parties, so that helps. Last con I went to, not only did I meet cool guys, but we might get a presidential suite at ALA so, that’s pretty cool.
Joining an online cosplay group was the best way to meet new people.
Lmao go to Dragoncon you'll be younger than the average con goer.

Though that's also why it's super expensive, bunch of richie rich gen x/boomers coughing up thousands for a weekend trip.
yeah i honestly don't understand the weird age segregation thing some people try to push at cons. we were all the 18 year old congoer at one point, and most of us on this board will be the 40-50 year old congoer in a few years. it's just life.

though a lot of zoomers do seem to have a nastier attitude about 30+ year old congoers than i remember when i was young. as a teenager i looked up to older con and fandom veterans and wanted to be seen as cool enough to hang out with them. nowadays, too many zoomers act like you're geriatric once you turn 25, and it's frustrating when it bleeds into irl interactions.
>though a lot of zoomers do seem to have a nastier attitude about 30+ year old congoers
>nowadays, too many zoomers act like you're geriatric once you turn 25
They do that with each other too, so I can give them points for consistency but none for being pathetic. It's obviously just an excuse not try anyway
i think the issue is that zoomers don't like older people. i look younger than i am, i'm only 29 and even older zoomers act like i am 50+ so i don't bother saying my age anymore.
I've had a very opposite reaction so it probably just depends on who. One sub-21 zoom was shocked when I told him I was 29 at the con, he was fine with it but I had to block him when he wouldn't stop asking me for nudes. Another 20y/o later I told him I was 30 after he was climbing all over my lap at a rave said he had no idea but still asked me to hang out after con was over.
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Spoken like someone who knows how to live it up. I'll drink to that. There are so many cons where I'll be disappointed that I ONLY stayed out till 1, ONLY got X many photo ops, ONLY felt 6/10 tipsy. Then I read posts from people here, sometimes even at the same event, who wallow in regret about doing nothing. Is that a representative sample? No, but it does bring me back down to Earth. Even if things don't live up to my expectations, I always try and definitely take more chances than not
You'll grow out of it once you hit 30. There's no one worth befriending at anime cons, trust me.
Zoomers literally hate anyone above the age of 24 lol
I met some in my early 20s like me and they made fun of my 28 year old friend before I told them to fuck off. ALA is the worst with this btw.
i should have specified because that's my experience basically with zoomer guys, girls however seem to think they're all shining beauties even though they don't know how the fuck to do makeup.
In general, women at cons aren't worth interacting with to befriend or even have friendly conversation with, even as another women.
They literally all have superiority complexes, and to be fair, it's not hard to have one when you consider that 95% of the men there are tripping over themselves to find their precious congoing gf.
Sometimes you can find normal, funny dudes though.
>but we might get a presidential suite at ALA so, that’s pretty cool.
Yo, I was planning on trying to hit ALA for the first time this year and I would kill to get that kind of party there, as someone who direly needs more friends and especially more confriends.
When you say friend list do you mean like Facebook, Discord, what?
34 year old male emergency room nurse checking in. I make 85k a year and also have my side hustles. The older I get the more money and power and experience. I do cheat on my wife sometimes by paying for BJs outside the con but I go solo to cons to be FREE
>turned 42 this year
>still go to cons, dgaf
>no plans to stop
>I do cheat on my wife sometimes
kill yourself
paying to who, the streetwalkers that just so happen to be there?
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Bumping this thread cause we're getting a bunch of self-pitying /r9k/ type posts again and I'm sick of it
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I got into conventions because my kid. Since she's shy, I have to be that bridge of communication so she can get photos or talk to ppl at booths. Met some cool people tho in the process. I'm finally going to cosplay for this upcoming one we're going to.
What cosplay?
How the fuck do you find people who split hotel rooms? I’ve been thinking about going to AX, but I don’t wanna walk around LA at night.
She likes Welcome to Demon School, so I'm dressing as Iruma. She's going as some character from a show I've never see
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>For those struggling to talk with people
>This channel has helped me
>it's blatant self help! what bullshit!
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just to clarify if you're againt self help you are the worst of the worst.
pua stuff is kinda scummy, will give you that, but it does help you understand people and how to talk to people.
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parent-child cosplays are the cutest most heart-warming things ever.
gandalf and hobbits is a good one. i've seen a few people do ash and misty (parents) and pikachu (child).
edward elric and alphonse elric would be a good one too.
>just to clarify if you're againt self help you are the worst of the worst.
This is the kind of shit that gets you obsessed with mewing 24/7
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I wish she was into pokemon and her mom isn't into cosplay!
Such a girl comment. I'm sure guys and other girls will gush to you about their cosplay. For guys striking up conversation it is simply not the same.
time to get your kid into pokemon.
>her mom isn't into cosplay!
i don't understand this, like, it's basically a costume party, dress up, have fun ???? profit.
anyways you should have the attitude of doing it for this kid, surely she'd do something fun like that for her own child, right?
>deriding self help and trolling on an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum
this is the kind of shit that gets you a successful life and a gf.
Please seek legitimate help instead of life advice from tiktoks, anon
>fake sympathy and compassion
how very psychopathic of you.
I've never used tiktok let alone a smart phone if i can avoid it.
Yeah see, this sort of bizarre sensitivity and immediate lashing out demonstrates my point well
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wow, there's so many degrees of manipulation in there;
>"you're just being sensitive, how bizarre, what a crazy random thing to be, there's just like, no reason for your feelings"
>desperately trying to frame me as the aggressor and yourself as the victim
sorry, i was wrong; narcissistic sociopath. I could go on but unlike you i never claimed or pretended to have any sympathy for you. I'm done being trolled now. also my replies aren't really for you btw, they are for other people to see, so they can begin to understand what's wrong with people who deride self help.
Get well soon!
This reads like something I'd have written years ago. People who refuse to help themselves come in lots of annoying flavors but the malicious ones are easily the worst. It's like being positive is a threat and they have to stamp it out. Sometimes I resist the urge to tell they can suck a shotgun, sometimes not. Either way, better to lead by example than giving these clowns a second thought. The irony isn't lost on me, so best cut myself off there
I'm gonna be honest, I don't think "Don't base your life choices around what you hear from youtubers and clickbait articles" is a particularly harsh or exotic sentiment.
I'm ((OP) gargling cock btw no homo) almost 40 the fuck are you talking about?
>I'm finally going to cosplay for this upcoming one we're going to.
based. who you going as. You should work on your costume with your daughter so she can be autistic about making it look good and you can focus more on wearing it and looking like a sick fuark.
I'm an nearly 40 yo boomer the fuck are you talking about?
Oh so you're delusional. You make people uncomfortable when you speak to them and they're too nice or awkward to tell you to go away
imagine being 40 and needing alcohol to interact with people.
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this is why I don't talk to you and yours. it's also why people let me into the party rooms when I just knock at the door
need? You know how nerds are usually shy and stuff? by lowering inhibition it makes them less restrictive towards an old fat bald man coming up and saying
Instead recoiling into a fetal position while blowing their rape whistle, they in turn respond
It's superficial. I'm in my early 30s and just due to looking like I could pass for one of them I've never encountered this type of attitude. I've people who are in their early 20s who get the shoulder though because they look like, well, adults.
you can see in real time that zoomers are scared of turning old and take this frustration out on older people
Things that definately happened, yea you definately just knocked on doors and were allowed in there with a 25 year age gap between you and everyone else, totally normal thing that happens and is never awkward. Lol.
Have you never gone to a multi-fandom convention? Or a science-fiction convention? Or any con but a few weeb cons? Yea that's pretty plausible especially if as the other anon says,*he looks much younger than he actually is*
OP must have been druk when he posted this if you know what i mean hehaheh
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>interact with con people
>realize just how less autistic you are than the average person there
Best thread on the board. Fuck this /r9k/ bullshit. Recently, I tried to escape this r9k mentality by attending cons, and boy, that was a blast. Even though I didn't make a lot of connections due to my lack of experience, I did make some, and that's a huge motivation boost. I'm looking forward to going to the next ones!
Hell yeah anon great job! Did you have a cosplay for it?
No, not this time. But I'm planning to pick someone from my titlelist for the next small local con!
I'm proud of you, anon. I was the same way and all it took was my first con for me to realize I can actually socialization and can improve what I didn't like about myself. A year and a half and several cons and cosplays later and I'm the happiest I've ever been, not entirely thanks to that but definitely in part.
I'm in the same boat dude, they have such an insane crabs in a bucket mentality, if I was still listening to them I'd still be alone with no friends but I said fuck it, made my own cosplay, and had the time of my life! I even got invited and went to an afterparty too. /r9k/ users think you need to be some gigachad superhuman to be able to enjoy life and that mindset can be incredibly soul crushing if you're insecure about your appearance, yet if you take even remotely any amount of your appearance as a guy you're easily in the top 20% of men at the con. It's honestly so surreal to actually be approached by people who want to talk to you and take pictures with you
Age is a limiting factor. As someone who has tried to put himself out there in cons for years, the cliques are *very* hard to break into. Maybe it's just worse in Canada like everything else idk
yeah it kinda is, especially with the enclaves that people form.
example: chinese people usually only hang out within their group
>the cliques are *very* hard to break into
I want to hear it straight from people who were going to cons in the 00s-early 10s, were there cliques back then too? This shit feels like I'm in high school again in a bad way
They did but they were much looser and more open. The onslaught of social media whoring has made cosplay since the 2020s (socially at least). It's like nowadays people see "asking for a photo" as an admission of submission, it's weird.

Plus with the rise of e-whoring (for men and women) the need to actually be social is considerably lowered.
Anyone going to HazardCon in PA?
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Something that can really make or break a con for me is the balancing act between with tismos and "normal" interactions (quotation marks since they're weird for the standards of true normalfags). Too much tism, I'm annoyed and drained. Too much neurotypical behavior, I get bored. Get some of both, I'm hype from start to finish. The best experiences have some of each but rarely hit the sweet spot
austin comic con coming up in a month so i'm in this mood again LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO
oh shit i hadn't heard about it until now but am in pa, would you recommend?
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I've been going to conventions, 4chan meetups, arcades, dances, and all that for over 15 years. I've never talked to a soul outside of a terse conversation or request for a photo. Someone in a chatroom told me that wasn't what all these were intended for a couple months ago. I was shocked, but I don't think I'm going to change anything since I'm still very awkward with initiating conversations, and I generally annoy people in my age group because my knowledge is so far removed from theirs
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I hope you start to budget for the big cons near you so you can have a room to be cozy in and go visit strangers and add them on shit for the next con just to hang out and be chill with frens. Love this shit. Otakon is coming up and I always consider getting a hotel room but there are rarely big room parties like some other conventions it's usually some lame sponsored party at a nearby bar where people don't even drink and just go for an hour to sit before leaving.
Not that I noticed. There were people who went as groups and stuff but that was when there was JUST ACEN. Or whatever area had one or 2 anime cons per year. When people were saving for just those few cons.

It was easier to move around and stuff and people weren't going around in groups. Well *I* wasn't.
I love hanging at cons alone. Like meet up with friend for a short while but than disband after a while to stroll alone. Its just more relaxing that way and u can focus on your own interests.
For anyone wondering "Why should I talk to people when I won't see them more than a couple times a year?", go to the area of vendor hall where people are shilling other cons in the area. There's almost a 100% chance one or two will also run weekly / monthly anime related events
>"Why should I talk to people when I won't see them more than a couple times a year?"
agree with your post, but also this is a positive imo. you can have friends to go back to and catch up with at cons, and most of the time you don't even have to keep in contact the rest of the year. a lot of people don't really care about "friendship maintenance," you can just show up and be best friends for 72 hours
You're all based, so fucking based. Hope all of you are still going strong,

Hope the best for all of you, see you at AX24
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Music is the great uniting force, it's an instant way to show who is or isn't feeling the mood. And to that end, is my trusty JBL speaker. Put out the call, watch how everyone reacts
>Heads bob in passing
>That one's really cool, I like it
>Hanging around to participate
>If you like X song, how bout similar Y song next?
Hell, even the normans who aren't there for a con at all want in on it sometimes. Not everyone takes to this of course
Unfortunately they're always above healthy body weights, and I can only see that pattern so many times before putting two and two together. Either way...it saves me a lot of time in knowing who is or isn't worth talking to
>Making noise is rude
I practice what i preach. If you've got your own speaker, and it's playing stuff I hate but other people like it, go right on with your bad self
>It's the only time you don't have to suppress your powerlevel
Yes and no. There are times when I feel real good about not being an autistic double agent, and I don't have to hide my interest and it's great a feeling to be amongst like minded people, however. Not a lot of people these days hide their powerlevel and proudly have their anime stickers everywhere and always wear animu clothing. However that is not a bad thing. Just a sign of the times changing. Godspeed OP
im sure someone will love you femcel-chan
I'm 31 and I only started going to cons in the last 4 years or so.
Plenty of zoomers asked for pictures of my costume at the last con I went to. It's not weird unless you make it weird.
i don't cosplay and i go to cons will people start conversations with me or the other way around?
You need to have a reason for people to talk to you or be interested in you. Cosplay is a good way to do that. Or be a photographer as an in to initiate conversation.
I've been considering taking my daughter to her first convention at the end of the month. It'd be less cosplaying on our part and more just letting her look at other people dressed up - she's 2 years old and loves people watching and well behaved in crowds (obviously if I did this I'd stick to wandering the halls with her by me/in my arms at all times, no panels or anything). Is this a bad idea? I'm on the fence about it so it's not a big deal if so.
You must initiate if you have no cosplay.

If you have a cosplay, and if its good, you can walk around saying nothing while people tell you how good you look.
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Something necessary if a bit hypocritical: when you see any of the following posts DO NOT engage or take at face value
>No one makes friends at conventions anymore
>You have no chance of ever getting laid / with anyone who isn't ugly
>People are always so cold / only wanna talk for a minute
>Everyone will avoid you unless you're with a group
All either demoralizing types who never go outside, or more likely, a total skill issue that's being cast as some hard universal truth
Most of these things seem like universal truths in the Canadian cons that I've went to. People are just cold to me. Guess its the autism, noone wants to add a socially retarded male to the group. I do try though
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Never having been to a Canadian con, I'd can't confirm or deny, but there have been plenty of Leaves in my travels. Most of them are cool, and I lurk the Anime North thread each year since they're always funny. Whatever the case, those posts are especially full of shit when it's about a con I know very well. If you want people to be more loose, it's usually as easy as waiting for vendor hall to close
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demoralizing posting on 4chan in general, is at an all-time high, so posts like OPs are a shining light in this hell hole.
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They're always ready on command too, it's quite uncanny. At least three threads now since making that post, I've addressed one of the points and then directly underneath pops up someone who doesn't even engage, but still says I'm wrong because [some bullshit I made up and it's over]
Get a leash, my kids got a cute backpack looking thing with a leash on it. In crowds like that people don't look at you funny it's a genuine safety issue. And she gets to carry all the stuff she wants in the backpack. I don't use it for going to Walmart or anything like that but if there's a crowded event, she's small she could get stomped or snatched, leash.
>go to con
>try and compliment someone
>they completely ignore me
don't talk to a single soul the whole con after that conversation
>Druk in the OP
I got drunk at a con for the first time recently, it was a life-changing experience. Suddenly I was no longer afraid of talking to strangers, the con instantly became 100x more fun. Definitely gonna be doing shots at my next con for a good time. Thousands of drunk drivers around the world can't be wrong.
alcohol is a poison
I imagine they just didn't hear you, though it's still embarrassing all the same when you try and compliment a stranger's cosplay and they ignore you because they simply didn't hear you
Yeah, that's why you enjoy it in moderation
Loosen up, have a good time, meet some people also having a good time
Yeah, I drink and/or vape weed all day all night at cons now and it makes all the difference for me. Buzzed is the exact right condition to burst through my anxiety and actually get me talking to people.
not even in moderation i refuse to drink alcohol or use drugs
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Next PSA time
>Some types of chantard autism translate well in person, others don't
Being cheeky, some meme-infused banter? Great. A smug tone, pissy gut reaction to everything? Less great. There's so much focus put on the sad sack posting, the contentious asshats get to slip by. And I know the popular excuse, it was mine for a while too
>I'm just being honest! It was a comment, not a complaint!
Lads trying to enjoy themselves won't see it that way, and with good reason
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>be me
>see doomers piling in again
>bump this thread
simple as!
That's fine, just don't be lame about it
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Addendum, cuz I'm seeing it nonstop from the doomer crowd
>I'll look / feel / be creepy
Literally no one says or thinks this but the poster themselves. If a hypothetical convo with strangers makes them immediately react that way...maybe best self-reflect on the "why"
>Buzzed is the exact right condition to burst through my anxiety and actually get me talking to people
This right here, so much this. I used to think the move was to caffeinate to get me to be more social because it'd make me feel good, but now I'm Enlightened

I used to think this, the key is moderation as another anon pointed out (and, tying it back to the thread, as Druk itself points out). One beer/shot to loosen up is fine, binge drinking every night is when you have a problem.
I'm 31, never been to a real convention. I'm sure as hell I won't fit in there but hey, fuck it.
probably going to be seen as a creep yada yada but fuck it.
any tips on sneaking alcohol in?
I'm on my way to con, hit me with your funmaxxing tips anons. I am well loaded with weed, booze and snacks to share, and cosplaying two of the three days, albeit from kinda niche shows. I want to have a really fun and social weekend.
don't they usually check for weed and stuff?
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If you don't act creepy, you won't be seen as "creepy". Simple as t. 32. Also it's as easy as bringing a hip flask, thermos or soda bottle and burying it in a backpack. (Sometimes easier!)
On paper, yes. In practice, no.
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What the F, page 10!? Cease this madness at once !
Cheers, bot bro.
You normal socialites cannot comprehend how much of a infinitesimally tiny minority you all are, In real life you don't even notice the people you pretend to uplift here trying barely to do the things you do while pretending to be open and wholesome then immediately berate and blame those same people in this thread telling them its their fault, why would anyone even try to talk to you or anyone else when they see how you REALLY feel about them here? then theres scum like this anime avatarfag in every convention thread who only posts to jerk off to how superior and better he is on fucking 4chan of all places your the one who really needs help.
I hope theres some kind of cultural crash someday so all these normalfag consumerist trash can fuck off and the rest of us can have our events of nerds and dweebs again
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Yes, yes. Very good. Now type that again without crying. You can do it!
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see that right there is the opposite of the vibe you want to bring irl. you're literally at a convention of nerds who like nerd things. do you really thing you're going to run into chad/stacy looking to pump their gram numbers and make a tiktok
nah dude more than half the people there are just spouting memes and shitposts irl. once you get into the room parties by not being an elitist douchebag, or sometimes by being an elitist douchebag and backing it up with charismatic interpretation of why it's necessary you can have these deep person to person connections with someone you more than likely will never interact with again ever in your life.

one of my best con stories was pre jojo popularity explosion pre anime, I'm talking like SBR was on chapter 5. I was at magfest vibing talking shit at the fighting games and drinking playing mahjong some australian dude says hey come check out room blah blah blah. I get up there it's just one black dude says everyone's on a liqour run or something we play some shit fighter or something and get into a fucking hour long discussion about how duwang translation was peak and gold experience requiem may or may not have been great. I don't know who the fuck that was never saw the australian dude ate free pizza and drank liquor was turned away by arin hanson at another party I was invited to and karmas a bitch that was the year he scarred his face busting it on a toilet seat.

god I love vibing at conventions. had a great time at Otakon this year work kept me late but I helped randos sneak into some VIP parties or something we got the bracelets and everything with no purchased tickets. wristband free drinks etc. god damn I love my conventions

pic rel how it feels to vibe and some randos just fold you into the group after a
>suh dued yall chillin
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>SBR was on chapter 5.
Another millennial then. It's nice to know we're still out there, with no signs of stopping but less nice to know THE KIDS still haven't found their place in the world yet. I assume every "it's over, i'm so old, i hate parties" post is by a zoomer now, because they probably are. I'm also, more than likely, who he's talking down to, since I'm all over this thread. And on one hand, he's right. But on the other, it's coming from the place of someone who gets asked for advice on how to pick up con girls or how to find parties. I eagerly indulge them without even a second thought, they seem to listen, they ignore every single word, act upset when their ideas (that I didn't propose) fell through
>with someone you more than likely will never interact with again ever in your life
Plenty of those but I still enjoy thinking that "I'll never see them again" and then literally bumping into them who knows where. If anything posts like yours *slighty* make me regret not getting into this lifestyle sooner, though I was also the listless loser as a teen. Hell not like I even knew these behind the scenes shenanigans were a thing till much later. But hey...who that's all said and done, here is now. It looks pretty nice, it feels pretty nice
i purposefully give bad advice on how to socialize to red pillers so that they continue to be unsuccessful
Hecking upvote, fellow incelbro

Can’t relate. Incels don’t have sex
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This was posted somewhere before but is an excellent guide on making the most of your con actually. It's not just about getting laid, half of it is how to have the best time

I don't go to cons to party or do drugs or normie shit.
I go to cons to cosplay, walk around, buy shit, and go to fun and interesting panels

Getting complimented on my cosplay and having it recognized is amazing and fills me with joy.
Some of the best nigga's i've ever met at cons have been doing basic shit like panels or playing board games or chess or shit in a hall.
>walk around, buy shit, and go to fun and interesting panels

This sounds really boring

Cosplaying while partying is insanely fucking fun you should try it

You can do boardgames during the day. Night is for partying
most ppl cant do that
Skill issue, bot bro
>This sounds really boring

It sounds boring now, but that's basically what cons were all about 20 years ago
>be nerd
>can't talk about anime irl because no one else besides you watches it
>go to a convention
>rare finds in the dealer rooms because no one's doing Japanese imports en masse yet
>panels where you can discuss your favorite nerd shit irl
>meet people in the hallways, everyone's eager to talk to each other about anime because they don't get a chance to outside of cons

Compare that to now:
>be nerd
>can't talk about anime irl; despite it being super popular and a normie thing to watch now, finding other people who watch seasonal anime is a real challenge
>go to a convention
>dealer room full of crap you can buy for cheaper on Amazon. Bonus if you're going post-covid: half the video games are "graded" scams, but also a bunch of zoomers selling their entire stock at a discount because they're flipping some boomer's hand-me-down anime shop
>panels are either industry advertisements or random shit you already know, audience interaction is very minimal
>meet people in the hallways, half of them are normies wrangling their costhot gf's around, or costhot gf's who'll cringe if you discuss anime with them
Cosplaying is basically one of the few ways to make the latter experience fun because you'll at least get the eager talkers to approach you. You can also be the type to show up to pick up easy costhots and party, but I have no game and know enough weebs irl outside of cons that party all the time to where doing it at cons isn't exciting to me anymore.
>go with friends
It's already over
For real though, will people think I’m a creep if I tell them I came alone?
Should I just not mention it?
Will this let me fuck a Makoto Niijima cosplayer?
>fun and interesting panels
if only they still made them. anything interesting or engaging is usually not allowed anymore. most panels are just entry level
>have you heard of thing!?
or top ten mojo nonsense. I wish I got to perform more panels I got turned away from Otakon and Magfest a couple times because I didn't have enough of a resume for panel hosting. I performed panels at tiny little locations like high school conventions and community colleges so I could build that resume and they still refused. I simply stopped applying to hold panles on interesting obscure things that people enjoyed based on the feedback forms I had to prepare and show for my big con applications.
are you fat or bald? otherwise yes
Conventions stopped being novel and fun for me when I wasn't a teenager anymore. They turned into hollow venues for getting drunk and having random sex. I'm really not into either of those or the social aspect of having to get there.
I would love to talk to people about something interesting, but so many people aren't there for that.
conventions lost their appeal when social media became a thing and clout goblin normies descended upon cons for fame and pussy. also the main reason cons used to exist (for weirdo nerds to meet each other) doesn't really matter since they can just meet online
>dealer room full of crap you can buy for cheaper on Amazon
these dealers make their money from people's FOMO, that they simply MUST buy something at the convention
people won't give a shit if you're actually cool to hang around. you'll only be creepy if you actually act creepy basically
this is just a normalfag's guide to attending large anime conventions. Of course a frogposter would reccomend some garbage like this
I spend most of my time on IRC with other old farts so conventions are the only place I get the chance to reliably meet younger people in my area
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Yeah, I agree 100%. Just don't even try and then complain anyway, it's much easier
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Hard and fast rules are rare but here's one: If you're afraid of sounding tismo, don't start rambling about lore from your favorite obscure series, unprompted. While some will appreciate that, not many will, and that's besides the point which is: "It sounds tismo."
But what if I'm at the tism panel
Then sound off like a tismo. It's not if that's good or bad, rather "Know you will sound tismo if you lore dump. Do it if you're ok with that, and don't do it if you're not"
You're a litteral retard if you're into online 'self help'. If you can't use your brain to solve your own problems, you're retarded.
If you do shit like cold showers and become a bodybuilder, becuase some online stranger told you it was sexy, you're a retard.

Self help is filled with retards. Litteral chuds. Use your brain
bro same. I went to a convention just this year as a Skyrim guard and a guy dressed as Dagoth ur gave me some "skooma" which was spiked gatorade lol
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Hey, here's an easy way to be the unsung hero of your next con party: DON'T just think about kegs, vodka, rum, whisky, tequila etc. Somebody's already thought of that. But I can almost promise, NO ONE thought to bring water
yes yes be the medic friend and have ice cold water and ibuprofen for your friends. they will love you so much. being the person who brings food is another awesome thing to do. get some big costco pizzas, drunk people LOVE pizza

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