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>Lose and be ordered to pay 100k
>Lose appeal and be ordered to pay 376k for wasting everyone's time
This isn't /a/
Your newfag is showing. This asshole used cons as his personal hunting ground for decades. Before he was officially me too’d it was basically an open secret amongst the con scene to not end up in a room alone with that guy
Realistically he didn't do anything wrong. He's innocent.
>This nigga gets cast as Ed, makes a LiveJournal and Yahoo community filled with 13 year old girls
>Fanclub run by his mother and underage girls he calls lieutenants and shit
>Talk to a VA for a while at an event and they say he's the biggest asshole in the industry
>It took 20 years for him to get here

He had an exceptionally good run
I maintain that he probably didn't do anything any other actor that gets famous does. He only got burned by the cancel crowd for pushing the Christian stuff.

Did he probably bone a teenage fan or two? Probably, yes.

Was that the real reason he got cancelled? lol no
Vic Mignogna
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>Imagine this goofy fuck is the lawyer you asked your fans to pay $290,000 to retain, and then you lose so bad that you owe another $375,000 out of pocket, and you're the PLAINTIFF.
It's over, your career is obliterated, and your retirement is spent paying off the people you went after in court.
vic grabbed my ass when i was 12.
His lawyer fucked it up for him. Never trust Rekieta for law advice or law recommendations ever.
Vic deserved better.

Tom Hanks fucks and murders children on an island.
Peak corruption and injustice.
i don't think vic should be around kids if he's molesting them
Nope he shouldn't if it's true, but it's disingenuous to say the real reason is because he got handsy with anyone. Everyone in Hollywood is a sex pervert.

You can be anything else in Hollywood but Christian. It's the one line they don't like crossed there. (See Chris Pratt).

I'm not even religious myself, but it's plain as day to see.
He never did anything wrong. If he had, he would've been sentenced in a criminal court, not a civil court which only exists for people to extort money out of each other.
Vic isn’t from Hollywood. Vic is from Texas. The court case was in Texas where Vic and Monica are from and where Funimation was pre-acquisition.

No one cares if you’re a Christian in Texas. Vic wasn’t liked because he was obnoxious at best and creepy at worst. People knew about this for years.
I'm using "hollywood" as a catch all term for the entertainment industry, mind you.
Dude was a pest. It's odd that he got ousted on weird sex stuff because he's been a generally crappy celeb for a while. That should have gotten him blacklisted long before we found out about questionable stuff with fans, cheating on his partner, and all of that.
Chris Pratt is so hated by Hollywood that he constantly gets cast in blockbuster movies
There are active communities trying to cancel him for daring to speak about Jesus. Just go to twitter or anywhere else when his name is mentioned.
He never did anything illicit to anyone. Spinning it that he was somehow "hunting" or "creepy" is just a smokescreen from having to admit that he never did anything wrong. He literally got "me too'd" for being nice to his fans.
molesting your fans isn't "being nice", you just think female fans are cold lying sluts. enjoy having no bitches.
He didn't molest anyone. Any incident that was ever named was met with the girls in question coming out in defense of Vic.

This is the problem with this kind of mob rhetoric. All you have to do is point a finger at someone, call them "creepy" or whatever and you'll be branded as a rapist, even if no incident ever took place.
you're talking to one of his victims right now buddy. he's long since been banned from my local cons because of it
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>bro just wait till the eleventh hour to file bro it'll be fucking hilarious
>oh oops you forgot to do it anyway
>nah its cool anime is fucking way and cringe anyway, I don't even care
>also Josh Moon is an autistic poopyhead and kiwifarms is literally evil
>Any incident that was ever named was met with the girls in question coming out in defense of Vic
Literally where? I’ve seen dozens of claims from people over the past decade and never once saw anyone retracting their claims
You're not fooling anyone Jamie Marchi
so he doesn't voice in any anime anymore? fucking sucks. wish he'd stfu cuz i'd still hit
Nobody cares about your shit opinion. You probably have dyed hair and hate white people
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Come out of your anonymous hiding hole and provide some evidence for your grand accusation. Otherwise you're full of shit.
tldr anime voice actor banged a few cosplayers, did not want a relationship, hoes mad (bcuz "mah meal ticket reee")
>to not end up in a room alone with that guy

What might happen? Sex? Oh no, not that, the horror oh noes

>Did he probably bone a teenage fan or two?
Unironically, what the fuck is the point of being famous if you can't bone a couple teenage fans every now and then?
>Try to go to a con in Nebraska
>Nebraska cosplayers run him out of town
>Try to come back for private signing at comic shop
>Nebraska cosplayers run him out of town
>Get invited to another con
>Nebraska cosplayers get the con shut down permanently.
They give Nebraska a bad name.
Nah, kicking him out is good.

Don't suck his cock

I remember watching this and the interaction immediately had my "This is is a dude desperately trying to fuck" radar going off like mad
Guy seems like an extreme and obvious sex pest
Idk if he truly raped any kids though I wouldn't put it past him
The notion that Vic got cancelled for being a Christian - you know, the most prevalent religion in the world - is dumb as hell.
You fucking dentheads must've drunk too much of the Rekieta juice with all his "he's just a good Christian boy and didn't do nuffin' wrong" bullshit.
Vic got cancelled for years of inappropriate behavior. I don't know that he did anything to warrant his career being ruined, but he deserved at least some of what he got.
>You can be anything else in Hollywood but Christian. It's the one line they don't like crossed there. (See Chris Pratt).
Chris Pratt was "cancelled" because he was supposedly part of an anti-LGBTQ church. Had nothing to do with being Christian. Stop making shit up.
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Getting the original leads for the English dub back is going to be super awkward

And that’s not including the hypocrisy
yep hollywood be like that

cant be christian, also cant be real nigga

on god they be accepting uncle tom ass house niggas ONLY
>Chris Pratt was "cancelled" because he was supposedly part of an anti-LGBTQ church. Had nothing to do with being Christian.
Hmm... are you sure about that anon?
nayrt but I remember that tidbit as well.

It also didn't look good when he unintentionally (or intentionally) threw shade at his ex-wife for birthing a son with issues.
It already looked like she was a starter wife he left behind because he was a big star now and wanted to trade up for a more prestigious woman.

Not a good look when you want to be marketed as a good guy in Hollywood.
>Chris Pratt was "cancelled" because he was supposedly part of an anti-LGBTQ church. Had nothing to do with being Christian.
Christianity is pretty conclusively and inseparably anti-LGBTQ. If you get heat for going to an "anti-LGBTQ church", you're getting heat for being a Christian. According to Christianity
>Gay = sinful
>Being born in the wrong body = impossible
Transgenderism can literally only be a mental illness (and wrong) in Christianity so there's not really room to say you tolerate Christians if they aren't LGBTQ. You sort of have to pick a side.
>Rekieta juice

I loved his more recent videos of throwing Vic under the bus and then trying to walk back a mile away from all of it. What a fuck head that people believed his large trays of bullshit.
>molesting your fans isn't "being nice"
No one isn't buying your shit and Vic won't pay a cent to the courts either. He's not giving up at this point.
and he's still getting booked at other cons You have no grounds here.
>Nah, kicking him out is good.
They should kick Jamie out as well.
Sounds like discord raiding and doxxing at its finest.
He slit my throat and killed me.
Fucking kids is doing nothing wrong?
Also like everything else?

Sorry for falling for bait but I like ugly and stupid behavior.
when did he fuck a kid
post proof
straight white dude here, no horse in this race, but one of the first things I heard about this dude was that he was a creepy child-chaser and that was in fucking 2006
>Vic's vengeance is coming
I can't wait
You can tell half of this thread are women because most of the posts are completely fucking retarded and the other half is them pretending to know what they're talking about.
First time I've come to /cgl/ in years and it's the first thing I see. I'll smell your fishy cunts again in another couple years.
A dressup board full of women, oh my god, I'll call the press and make sure they know
Yawn, 4chan poster wants video of questionable porn as 'proof'

I love how transparent pedophile apologists are, like saran wrap
local convention staff believed me (and all the other underage girls) which is why he is no longer welcome
he did nothing wrong
#FreeVic #FuckTheHoes
Same shit here. My ex, who I dated from '09-'13, had been groped up by him in an elevator while underage, and during the time I was dating her and hanging out with a lot of other female cosplayers because of it I heard a bunch more stories along the same lines. "Watch out for Vic" was just a common knowledge thing in those days and swapping stories about him was a pretty regular thing at afterparties. It's just that in those days nobody really thought they could do anything about it, nor did they want to put themselves through the shitshow the girls who DID speak out publicly later on had to deal with.
>local convention staff believed me
Yeah sure try again.
>My ex, who I dated from '09-'13, had been groped up by him in an elevator while underage
Anyone could have touch her besides Vic but she's not into your life anymore so your allegations is false at this point.
"Your allegation isn't true because you're not dating her anymore"
Are you fucking retarded?
When did /cgl/ get infested with tourists?
Literally everybody who's ever been to a con from the mid 00's to the mid '10s knows about Vic. Either you had an experience with him or you knew spmeone who had. Whether it was him getting handsy with minors or being an absolute shithead with constaff and acting like he was more important than he was.
Same, I'd been hearing shit about him since my first con in '04. First it was mostly him being a giant diva and an asshole to volunteers and staff, then there was the rumor he tried to fuck an underage girl cosplaying one of his characters, then more and more stories came out about him being inappropriate towards his underaged fans, including that video of him whispering something about mouth-feeding in the ear of a girl who couldn't have been older than 16.
According to one of his exes he got fired from teaching music at some christian university because he got caught having an inappropriate relationship with a student. Dude's always been a creep, and the minor fame he got from voicing vietnamese shadow puppets went straight to his head and made it worse.
Such high-profile events as "Greenville Toy Show" and "Buttfuck Nowhereburg Comicon"
Dude's never coming back to anything close to Anime Expo, Otakon, or Katsu.
AM doesn't count because it's also run by god-awful people.
>or being an absolute shithead with constaff and acting like he was more important than he was.
>mostly him being a giant diva and an asshole to volunteers and staff
Far from alone in that one though, I've been a GoH at a bunch of small cons (industry) and a lot of dub VAs are like that. I accidentally triggered a giant Greg Ayres hissy fit once, didn't even know who he was and just mentioned something about preferring subs and he threw a tantrum, immediately started sulking and refusing to talk to me, refused to come along to Starbucks with the handlers and some of us other guests which until then had been the plan, etc. His handlers later told me that they fucking hated him and considered me something of a hero for making him so butthurt.
>it doesn't count because I don't like it
Lel epic nonargument of the highest order
He doesn’t go to the homophobic church,
She was already famous when they got married, He met his new wife a year after the divorce. He made a Mother’s Day post thanking his wife for the She had given him , And people twisted it to be about his ex-wife. His son is fine
Wild that Monica and Jamie care so much about women that they didn't even press charges lol. People who are guilty of sex crimes go to jail, OP. Or at the very least get put on the sex offender's registry. Neither has happened to Vic. The absolute worst that happened is he got baited into suing people because they hurt his ego by calling him creepy. It was fucking retarded of him to try and sue in the first place, but his ego just wouldn't allow it. Vic had to pay a lot of money to learn that people are allowed to shit talk you but...he's not in jail, he's not on a sex offender's registry, and he if free to do and say anything he wants.... Monica and Jamie saw a lolcow and milked it, that's basically the beginning and the end of it.
criminal court has a much higher bar that you have to reach which is why so many people go free for various crimes. it's way easier to slam him in civil court, which they did. it was 100% smarter for them to do civil court than criminal court.
/cgl/ back in the day (like 06-8) was calling him a gropey creep so no surprises
Fuck the other potential victims amirite? They got paidddd. Slay queens!!
More retardation from the Vic corner, lmao.
It wasn't Monica et al. that was doing the suing. Vic was the plaintiff, not the defendent. The burden of proof is always on the plaintiff, he sued them for defamation, he had to prove that
A) Their statements were false
B) If their statements were false, that they *knew* they were false.
C) If their statements were knowingly false, that they were made with the purpose of interfering with Vic's livelihood.
They couldn't even prove A because Vic has had such a bad and documented reputation for decades. He tried to sue, he failed. Now he owes almost $400k and rising.
Predators flock together.
AM is run by exactly the kind of shitty people who'd go to bat for a rapist just because he got metoo'd.
There have been tons of threads about the chairs of AM on this board before.
Lurkmoar newfag
>I slighted someone's career and they got mad at me, they must be in the wrong
The case was decided on TCPA (which Monica and Jamie both filed) Vic never had the chance to prove anything. Vic sued them and he found out that you can't sue someone for calling you a creep, that's freedom of speech (Duh). Now Vic has to pay their lawyers for their time. There are no "damages" won...just legal fees. Nothing ever went to any sort of trial...
Which is why Vic is not on a sex offender's registry right now.

Damn, Monica and Jamie just let a RAPIST walk free without pressing any sort of charges? Man...guess the money was just too good huh? That technically kinda makes them somewhat responsible for his next RAPE, no? They could have pressed charges...got him thrown away like Cosby..got him on a sex offender's registry and properly exiled from society...but nope, they just took that paycheck. I'm sure Vic's next victim will understand...after all today's economy is crazy./s

Jamie and Monica are just as bad IMO. They had his ass and just...took the paycheck. Jail time or it was all for nothing.

Fuck Vic, Fuck Jamie, and Fuck Monica.
He proved under oath that pretty much everything they said about his behavior was true.
>they had his ass
That's not how the American legal system works, retard. Real life isn't fucking Phoenix Wright. He tried to sue claiming that he was fired from Funi because they called him a creep. As plaintiff it was on him and his lawyer to prove as much. They failed to do so because obviously that was all bullshit. As a consequence for filing a frivolous lawsuit and wasting everyone's time he was made to pay everyone's court fees. He tried to appeal twice, now he has to pay even more for wasting everyone's time even more. These kinds of cases are only about addressing one thing at a time. Maybe outside of the US it's different and maybe that's why you're confused, but at no point was Vic in danger of going to jail if his lawsuit failed. Furthermore Monica and Jaime made it clear they weren't coming after his head, they were merely excercising their right to talk about and warn others of Vic's sexual deviancy. Vic is the one that tried to violate their 1st Amendment rights.
>He proved under oath that pretty much everything they said about his behavior was true.
So it was all lies right?
Furthermore, the entire case hinged on Vic proving his case, and his quarter-million-dollar legal defense team didn't file their paperwork on time, meaning the entire thing he was suing over didn't even get documented, resulting in the case being an instant wash.
>and his quarter-million-dollar legal defense team didn't file their paperwork on time,
Ty and Nick were supposed to be really good lawyers but jesus christ they were fucking retarded for not prepping this case. Still Vic will try again he has fuck you and will find legit lawyers than finding arm chair ones.
>Ty and Nick were supposed to be really good lawyers
Ty is a corporate merger lawyer that never touched defamation law before this case, and Nick is a trust fund baby who went to law school because "remaining productive" was a condition of his rich family buying his house for him. I think he's been in a courtroom like thrice in his entire career. And lost at least two of those three times.
I thought they were good but I was very underestimate on them how to fuck up cases like this that could been on Vic's favor.
Monica used to hang out with Greg Ayres all the time and try and help him groom young boys but people seem to never talk about that. Quinton Flynn used to hook up with female fans all the time and people here used to brag about being among them. I worked staff for 10 years at a con and only know of a few guests that actively avoided fans that were clearly try to fuck.
>Monica used to hang out with Greg Ayres all the time and try and help him groom young boys but people seem to never talk about that.
I would like to know more please?
A friend started talking to Greg at some small con. Greg wanted him to go to Otakon that year to meet up. He would call him a bunch and eventually got Monica to all talk up Otakon to him. She told my friend about how the three of them could go to a porn shop that also sells food that is not far from the con.
im glad you got molested, bitch.

Actually hes innocent and never did anything, I sure wish he did though!
No receipts, no proof.
They could (and still can) press charges at any time. No statute of limitations on sexual assault in the state of Texas.
Sounds like it's true why being in denial.
>a porn shop that also sells food
what store is this? do they have some good ass food?
*wink wink* They don't have anything on Vic only to slander and ruin him from financially which has worked all favors for Marchi and Rial. A lot of female fans are backing Vic and more support to push another lawsuit trial against Marchi and Rial because Vic fans got threatened by Marchi and other Eng VA's. This isn't over not by a longshot but more cans of worse will open much sooner.
Are you sure Vic didn't just accidentally grope you when he was hugging?
He always hugs his fans
>another lawsuit trial against Marchi and Rial
Yeah cuz the first one worked out so well, lmfao
The only fans vic has left are the incel groypers and the literal shortbus riders.
Name the shop
vic fans don't seem to understand the difference between genuine testimony and just making shit up online. Everytime they try to make something up about Monica, Jaime, etc it's the most hilariously obvious thing. Like the time they tried to say a pic of Monica giving a clearly 20-something y/o in a wheelchair a sidehug was a pic of her molesting a minor.
>porn shop that also sells food
It's crazy how obvious it is that vic simps never go outside
I mean most other stories are just trust me bro. I am not tell you to stop thinking Vic did anything I am just telling you Monica and most American VAs were just as bad.

No idea. This was 2006 and in the red light district of Baltimore, according to him when he told me about it later. I think he was under the impression that he would have a chance with her because the convo.

Take it all with a grain of salt but once again I was in the con scene for a long time. They all hated Vic way before this happened. At the Voice actor after dark panel that same Otakon, all the VAs on the panel made little quips about him when he didn't show up.
>The only fans vic has left are the incel groypers and the literal shortbus riders.
You know a lot of Eng VA's and older VA's are backing Vic even give to continue the lawsuits. Also former are going a lot of horrible shit in the VA scene very soon.
Just thought I would throw out my personal experiences with Vic (I'm male). I used to be in the Vic got cancelled for no reason camp but changed my mind. I always thought he was a super-friendly guy who had no respect for personal boundaries and treated everyone like they were his best friend and acted like he was super-famous, which he kind of was in the anime scene. If you watched anime in the early 2000s he voiced at least one character on a show you were a fan of.

>He got cancelled because he was a Christian
Quite the opposite, that probably let him get away with a lot of his behavior. He went to nearly every convention in the area and always led a Sunday prayer session. The intersectionality of anime fans and Christians is much higher in Texas area, which led him to have a lot of fans.

He was particularly more friendly and handsy with his young female fans. Given his personality people believed he was just being his overly-friendly self. Some people hated that behavior but others loved that about him. It wasn't until I heard some stories from some of my personal cosplay friends that had no reason to lie that I believed he was going over the line, in particular one girl (16 at the time) said he put his hand under her skirt and squeezed her butt when they were alone in the elevator together. I don't trust rumors but I do trust my friends.
To add to that, my experience with Rob Paulsen is that he says wildly inappropriate overly sexualized things to his female fans, many of whom were also underage, but since he doesn't get handsy with them, it just kind of slides off.
The only friend Vic has in the industry is Chuck Huber and he's a flat-earth truther moron. Lol try again.
I have a bunch of friends who staff at several different cons and when they've all been saying the same kinds of things about him since like 2007 and you notice that some of those cons have invited him once and never again, things start to fall into place.
What area of the country are you in though? I've only staffed in the Texas area, but I've been to cons in New York, Florida and California. These places at times can feel like completely different countries. For example, I've never seen faith groups or military recruiters tabling at an anime convention outside of Texas.

Guest lists can vary widely by who's local and easier to get. In the early 2000s, if you were a bigger con in Texas your guest list almost always had Vic and David Jason Frank because they were local. As for other guests that you had to pay more to get them there, there were quite a few big names that attended once and never again, just because you want to mix up your guest list each year and also grab people who are relevant at the time.
My ex, who I mentioned earlier, was from Dallas and her Vic incident happened there, I think at A-Kon. Elevators seem to be a big part of Vic's MO, I've heard multiple that happened in them including my ex.

The Christian shit pisses me off, and I agree that he's actually gotten away with more than he otherwise would have because of it. I have absolutely nothing against actual Christians, I'm one myself (though from a relatively obscure Eastern European denomination) but the way scumbags can just put on a bit of Evangelical lip service and instantly have hordes of supporters no matter what fucked up shit they do is absolutely insane to me, like people from my church would be skeptical as fuck if somebody accused of fucked up shit suddenly started putting on a big show of being devout in our denomination but people in the South just seem to take their word for everything the instant they invoke Jesus's name, all the way up to big preachers smuggling blood diamonds and shit. In my book they should crucify the fuckers for using God's name as a shield for their own sins but somehow they don't see it that way despite all their shows of supposed devoutness.
>My ex, who I mentioned earlier, was from Dallas and her Vic incident happened there, I think at A-Kon. Elevators seem to be a big part of Vic's MO, I've heard multiple that happened in them including my ex.

I'd ask you if your ex is my cosplay friend because guess where the incidents I heard about happened? At A-Kon! Unfortunately I can't even ask based on a first name because the ones I know that had incidents with Vic are still popular in our local cosplay community and both have fairly unique names that if I said people would immediately know exactly who I'm talking about.
This would've been mid-late '00s, she's in her late 30s now. She cheated and then tried to make up a cancel on me after I dumped her so I haven't been in touch but from what I've heard she's been on the east coast for about 10 years and has at least one kid now. Given the timeline she must have been one of the first girls Vic did something to at a con. For what it's worth I heard very similar stories from other girls 10+ years ago and some of them were also at Texas cons so it's a pretty big pool of potentials.
>she's been on the east coast for about 10 years
Then it's not either of my two cosplay friends that had incidents with Vic. JFC how many victims does this one person have?
More than we can probably imagine. I was once sitting around at an afterparty or group dinner or something with the aforementioned ex and a whole bunch of other girls from what was then the "elite" West Coast cosplay scene, somebody mentioned Vic, and out of maybe 10 girls there 3 had personal encounters and a fourth had a close friend who'd had one. The whole attitude was different back then though, just something to pass around and warn other girls to watch out and to some degree something to laugh about, nobody really took that kind of thing as seriously or wanted to make a whole public shitshow out of it.
There's more than besides Chuck Huber and many of them would stay out of it but they do support Vic.
>JFC how many victims does this one person have?
Where are the proofs though?
>(though from a relatively obscure Eastern European denomination)
Sonny S, Colleen C and Kyle H all seem to follow him on Twitter as well as a few other big name VAs and Youtubers, some probably just don't openly support him for fear of pissing off Funimation.
Nah, Ruthenian Greek Catholic, which is usually, and confusingly, known as "Byzantine Catholic" in the US but isn't the same thing that's called "Byzantine Catholic" in Europe.
>following someone on twitter automatically means support
Oh look the retard is back
Any decently sized con has budget to fly a high-profile guest or two. Location really isn't that big of a limiting factor.
at anime nyc there were some memes courtesy of the fed boy and marine recruiting tables
>Any decently sized con has budget to fly a high-profile guest or two. Location really isn't that big of a limiting factor.
Depends on the con budget and the appearance fee of the guest. Hotels are a given, but add in a plane ticket on top of the appearance fee and certain guests are extremely pricey but still worth it due to their draw. But those costs don't see good returns if you keep getting the same expensive guest year after year which is why most cons change up their guest list and don't see the same high-cost guests year after year. In the case of Vic, you would see him on the guest list year after year in his local area.
>at anime nyc there were some memes courtesy of the fed boy and marine recruiting tables
That's because in NYC that was an odd site to see at an anime convention. Military recruiting and faith groups tabling at anime cons has been a staple for over two decades in Texas.
I hope a vigilante hunts down Monica Rial. I hope plantiffside lawyers are held liable instead of the plantiffs themselves in the future with tort reform. I hope the judge gets hunted down by vigilantes.
Vic was at fault for being unable to take responsibility for being touchy. Any reasonabke person has very little sympathy for him for getting scammed all because he couldn't stand just taking the L, apologizing, going to fucking therapy and laying low for a few years. If he had been smart he might've been getting roles again by now.

Get help and touch grass.
This is exactly why no one takes you incels seriously.
>"But look look Monica used to be friends with him."
There are two closely related possibilities.
A: They have to pretend to be friendly while on press tours and making appearances at cons together, because that's just how being a fucking professional works.
B: Maybe they were friends, but have you ever been friends with someone who continuously acts inappropriately or is constantly an annoying piece of shit? Your first reaction as their friend isn't to immediately cut them off, you try to help them, you tryntonget them to recognize their mistakes and change for the better, which are all things that Rial stated she tried to do. But after dealing with that kind of shit for years with no sign of change or improvement, you just have to cut your losses for the sake of your own sanity. After years and years of promising to change and proving to be unwilling to do so, youbhave to realize that being The Good Friend isn't going to do any more good.
>He was TOUCHY
>He was CREEPY

He didn't do anything illicit to anyone and all you have is vague emotional reactions because you think hugs at conventions are a form of molestation in the feminist bible.
I never liked dub VA's and the fans behind them and this case showed me they're all unlikable assholes. Kinda surprised no one mentioned the audio leaks itt
>All you have to do is point a finger at someone, call them "creepy" or whatever and you'll be branded as a rapist, even if no incident ever took place
I don't think that makes sense because there is no way to have something happen but at the same time it can't be explained
like if someone is making something up they have to will it into existence but at the same time block resolution

if someone waits for years to report something and then they do it on social media instead at the appropriate place then in my book they are blocking resolution
some celeb having sex with his fans doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me though

in my book me too is just a socialist power grab from a third party that use women for their own ends

it infringes on rights of others and is not unlike other stuff that we have already seen
like doesn't anybody find this weird because protest is usually about the infringement of rights not about infringing rights
if your burning, destroying and looting stuff how is that helping anybody
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>This is is a dude desperately trying to fuck
he just gifted her a hat
the guy seems extremely gay to me
he talks like an aunt would talk to his grandson when she comes over and gives him a birthday gift
if that is his I want to fuck routine then all his fangirls left him dry out in the desert

the only reason they would ever want to fuck him is because he looks good
he looks like chad
superficial whores love that and get mad afterwards when they are thrown away like a piece of trash
that is likely all there is to this whole nonsense
>"vic didn't do anything illicit"
He tried to have a whole lawsuit about it. Most of the shit people said he did he admitted to it in his own affadavit.
Nobody is burning anything they just called a dude out for inappropriate behavior and instead of being normal and apologizing he decided to try to sue them into silence which worked great for Barbara Streisand didn't it?
Let's be honest, If Vic was in those outtakes, you guys would never shut up about them. You people don't actually care about racial or homophobic slurs / harassment / inappropriate jokes Etc. you use these things as to cancel people you don't like. When someone you DO like does them, it's "No big deal" or gets swept under the rug.
hugs aren't assault, but squeezing an underage girls ass is
>but squeezing an underage girls ass is
There are much worse things that Eng VA have done if Vic did it or not. Like I said were gonna have another lawsuit trial coming soon.
Literally nobody cares about the outtakes.
It's a really obvious and pathetic deflection from the fact that vic is a serial sexual harrasser.
>pathetic deflection from the fact that vic is a serial sexual harrasser.
Still where's the proofs?
>"a new lawsuit is coming"
Beard and Rekieta have run off with the gfm money and left Vic holding the $500k bag. It's over. The dude literally can't afford to try to sue anybody anymore. He's in debt for the rest of his life, lmao.
Even if you were right about "other VA's have done worse" so what? We're perfectly fine with the Scott Freemans of the world getting the boot too. It's a lameass whataboutism that doesn't excuse Vic's behavior. If they deserve to be fired then let them be fired just like Vic was.
Open your fucking eyes and read, you illiterate retard.
gb2reddit, faggot
There is a noisy minority that does scream and shout about every little thing under the sun and the vast majority of people honestly have no reason to care. Cancel culture has gotten so wildly out of control that most people just have apathy to these situations anymore. Look at Anime Matsuri. People know that the person running it is a lying cheating pedophile scumbag but so many people just don't care that the con is still running. Wanting to go to an anime convention beats out social justice for them.

The Vic situation though is just a whole other can of worms. Even though so many people knew about his obnoxious and inappropriate behavior but what could be done about it? Say you were Vic's handler at a convention and witnessed him doing something inappropriate. Would you call him out on it? What gets achieved by that? You piss off a GoH and he gets another handler. You report it to someone higher up? They aren't going to kick a GoH out of the con. You try to warn others? That was done quite often but too many people didn't believe it or just didn't care. Look at what happened to Monica Rial when she reported him. Sure, Funimation did an investigation and fired Vic, but she started getting hate mail and death threats from Vic's fans. Did that help her situation or career?

Then there's the issue of uneven responses in cancel culture.
>Dan Harmon openly admits to sexually harassing a female writer working under him
Not Cancelled
>Justin Roiland jokes about having sex with an underage girl
>Kevin Hart makes a homophobic joke
He can't host an awards show
>Donald Trump openly brags about sexually assaulting women
He should be president

Sorry that last one was a joke. I know that Trump's supporters don't give a rat's ass about social justice.
>self ownership is tyranny over the self
>"the principle of ownership is not derived from body but mind/ and it is then applied to anythjng that can be considered a body/ anything that concerns mind can not be owned

Self-contradictory word salad, with a healthy dose of red-scare horseshit, lul this is fucking retarded and I feel dumber for having read even half of it. Fuck off back to /pol/ incel.
I did and it's all actual bullshit.

>The dude literally can't afford to try to sue anybody anymore.
He has more money and support to push another lawsuit if he can find lawyers who know how to defamation lawsuits instead of finding youtube grifters.
it's because call-outs only work on people who the majority were already ready to dislike. people not obscure enough to be a literal-who but not prolific enough to be able to just fall back on your hardcore stans and wait out the storm.
>he has more money
Not after being ordered to pay half a million in court fees retard.
Every lawyer who knows jack shit about defamation lawsuits was on twitter saying it was a bad fucking case lmao.
Res judicata, dumbass. It's basically double jeopardy for civil cases.
You can't sue somebody for the same fucking thing after a judge has ruled on it.
You can try to appeal but Vic already tried that like twice. He's done. He has no supporters in the industry. He has no money. He has no career. Cope.
Every congoer oldfag I know knows about "Icky Vic" Back when cons still did "Voice Actors After Dark" panels there was always at least one story about him. Whenever he wasn't a guest himself.
Meanwhile Atlanta has Alec Baldwin doing signings mere weeks after being in court for manslaughter

Really shows what Amerimutts care about the most
Read it again dingus. Preferably without crying this time.
News flash he won't pay a penny.

>You can try to appeal but Vic already tried that like twice. He's done. He has no supporters in the industry. He has no money. He has no career. Cope.
Reply to me once again when he gets a new trial, faggot.
>Every congoer oldfag I know knows about "Icky Vic" Back when cons still did "Voice Actors After Dark" panels
Vic knows about it but doesn't give two shits about it. Vic was always getting shit because he was too popular and opened doors when gave them work outside of Texas.
Amazing how there are supposedly all these stories about wrongdoing yet somehow there hasn't been a single shred of evidence.
Testimony is evidence, fag.
You really suck ass at the whole armchair lawyer thing.
>He won't pay a penny
Yeah because he doesn't have any money lol. They'll just put a lien on his earnings then.
Show me a testimony that Vic raped, molested, or otherwise sexually assaulted anyone.
Try not making memes while you're having a stroke, boomer.
>newfag doesn't know about his ED page
Fucking this. The only fans he has anymore are basement dwellers who jumped on during the lawsuit.
He never sexually assaulted anyone. This is fact. You'll never be able to provide anything besides calling him "icky" or spreading stupid rumors. This has been debated to death and his detractors never have anything of substances to say outside of emotional appeal and baseless rumors.
He has an ED page?! Oh well then that changes everything! Quick lock him up!!

You folks are so chronically
online and separated from reality it's honestly shocking sometimes.
He will not pay a penny he would go to jail than deal with giving money to Marchi and Rial.
No, wait, if Baltimore, this is hilariously legit. That whole street is alternating carryout places, strip clubs, and then Circus Books on the corner for porn, and right by the convention center too. The strip clubs are known for having excellent food if you don't mind hanging out with people who go to strip clubs for dinner. Lmao. God, I love this city.
Yeah because everything on ED is factually true with no bias whatsoever

Don't even like Vic but that is the stupidest retort I've ever seen. Everything that's written on ED should be taken with a giant handful of salt. It's crazy that people nowadays are too new to remember the snark culture that websites like ED sprouted from and are now reading those articles at face value.
Social media is destroying humanity.
Lotta samefagging in this thread from the incel camp.

It'd be hilarious if this was all Squally still trying to do damage control.
He's not going to fuck you. You're too old.
wait what is ED?
>ED page
That's even less reliable than kiwifarms
but what IS it?
I love how Vic won in the end and funimation is now dead. Beautiful justice for him.
I've seen more receipts on ED than I've ever come across on the farms.
Funimation's not dead, they got renamed to Crunchyroll after the merger with CR because Sony thought they had the stronger brand.

Thanks for proving that vicstans don't know shit about industry side.
>owing almost $500k to the people you sued is winning
That's why they are not carrying licences over to Crunchyroll, and rid of everyones Funimation digital purchases, right? Because they are the same company?

God you idiots are dense. They are different companies.
Really not beating the allegations about vic stans being psychotic assholes are you?
Blame Sony. They're the ones in charge of this whole mess. Like the other guy said, they thought that CR had the stronger branding.
Rooster Teeth is dead. The hour of Vic's Vengeance is at hand.
They were entirely separate entities. Assets would roll over to the new parent company otherwise. They would keep the licenses if they could, but they can't, so they aren't.
You know, it IS kinda telling that not one, but BOTH companies that decided to publicly drag Vic are now defunct...while the ones who did not (Viz Etc.) Are still operating.

It's almost like having reactionary, chronically online SJWs who are more concerned with Twitter updoots than operational excellence run your company is a bad idea.
Tons more companies are being screwed over by folks like Zaslav chasing tax writeoffs, correlation =/= causation.
Sony buys Funimation.
Sony buys Crunchyroll.
Sony merges the two together, keeps the CR branding because zoomers are more familiar with Crunchyroll.
Like any merger, some titles fall through the cracks.
It's not a conspiracy it's just licensing issues.
Funi and rooster both got bought out by superconglomerates that are more willing to shave off their subsidiaries for profit. Viz did not. Not everything revolves around your favorite pedophile.
RT's biggest shows were a cringey fake anime, a 20 year-old machinima of a game nobody cares about anymore, and a bunch of glorified youtube shit. They've been on the decline even before they fired the pedo.
What's wrong with nutting inside 18 year old groupies?
People that think Vic is innocent isn’t a real anime fan because we all knew this shit prior to the lolsuits. This is exactly why gatekeeping is important.
By and large I think the majority of the people defending him are just /pol/ retards backing him on principle because he's a guy being accused by women.
And yet, here you are posting in a thread with this picture on it.
By saying this you're accidentally letting it slip that it's actually the reverse for you.

>Crucified for hugging young girls too long.
>Can't live in peace anymore or hold a job

Just another victim of "me too" how sad.
Edward Elric
What in the hell does that have to do with Lolita fashion? Unless you're thinking he'd look fab in some Angelic Pretty.
The c in /cgl/ stands for cosplay, newfag.
And so I ask again, what the fuck does that have to do with Vic fucking Magoogoo? Does he have cosplay calendars? Is he a cosplay photographer? Does he have absolutely ANYTHING AT ALL to do with cosplay? Does he run some cosplay photography tips forum that I'm unaware of? Perhaps he runs some sort of cosplayer talent agency? No? Why is there a whole ass thread on this board dedicated to some has-been voice actor?

(one of the most active threads on this whole board might I add). Dedicated to someone who had absolutely ZERO to do with cosplay. On top of that, someone you all SWEAR you hate and want absolutely NOTHING to do with.

I remind you that this is someone who you all are BEGGING will fall into irrelevancy. Yet here you all are, discussing him. Maintaining his relevancy on a board that is not about anime, or voice acting.

Can we PLEASE just stop talking about this asshat. Yes, he is an asshat we know. NEXT. How about a thread on how to stay warm during a cosplay shoot? Or a thread about the latest BTSSB drop? Or a thread about....fuck IDK anything relating to cosplay or fashion at all? No? Just some dude you a swear you don't care about?

>No srsly gullz he's the worst, like I don't care about him AT ALL. He's like SO dead to me. Like, he's totally fallen into irrelevancy.

*Makes ANOTHER thread about Vig*
>im glad you got molested, bitch.
crossboarder here, why are /cgl/ posters like this?
Fuck off, tourist.
This board has been mostly overrun by incel coomers who jerk off to costhot threads and treat any actual woman with hostility
Many (most?) of the girls he did shit to were cosplayers. Aside from that, /cgl/ has always been the board for anything to do with anime cons, in fact it actually spun out of the "secret" /con/ board that used to only exist during the summer con season.
Not in the least, actually I'm pretty skeptical in many cases, especially as somebody who's had someone try to wrongfully cancel me in the past. Vic is just different because this shit was so well known in the con community years before it became major public news, and I personally know multiple who had bad encounters with him and told me about it before cancel culture in general was really a thing.
There is no statute of limitations on sexual assault in the state of Texas. Have them take him to court and put an end to all of this. Literally ANY of the supposed HUNDREDS of girls can take him to court at ANY time. All it takes is one, look at Cosby.
When was your heyday? Back in like 2013-2016 when I lurked most, he was getting namedropped 30 times in every “con guest horror story” thread
Newfag would've known that if he wasn't a culturewar tourist.
Lol file a police report or stfu. Why should I care of the "victims" don't even care?
seagulls love drama more than life itself, newfag
Police require evidence. The public doesn't.
The police have a long history of being zero help more often than not
Tell that to Bill Cosby
Yeah and they let him get away with it for like 50 fuckin years what's your point?
Who's "They"?

Of course nothing happened until someone pressed charges?? Duh?? Any one of Vic's Victims could do the same. Like...at ANY point in time. Even now. Today. But they but they have not, and won't. So again I ask. WHY should I care when they (the victims ) themselves don't care? You know what I'd do if I was RAPED? File a police report. AT THE VERY LEAST. But not a single police report exists despite HUNDREDS of supposed victims. Not. One. Police. Report. So why should I care? The victims obviously don't, so why should I? Hell at this point Monica and Jamie SHOULD file a police report. If they actually cared about these supposed victims. But they won't, because they don't actually care. So why should I?
Weird how you have nonproblem with someone not pressing charges for 30 years but when someone has the same reservations for just 10 suddenly it's some kind of unbelievable issue for you.
The cops, dipshit.
In this case, the victims don't care because they don't exist.
He's accused of sexual harassment, not full-on rape like Cosby or whatever. Nobody wants to drag themselves through a court case over getting their ass grabbed in an elevator 10 years ago.
If there's no evidence then an "accusation" means nothing. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything on the internet. If you make up some shit just to drag someone you don't like throught he mud and ruin their career then THEY are the victim, not the other way around.
>It's an issue for you

My guy, I literally asked "why should I care?" Like 4 times in my post, lol. If anything it's a Non-issue for me. My logic is sound. If he assaulted you, file a police report. Then at least people have something tangible to get behind. Something to point to and say:

>Hey look, here's official, tangible documentation of his history, Not just some /cgl/ ED shit post.

But if the victim does not care enough to do the bare minimum to seek proper justice, then why should I care enough to try and help "cancel" him? Like damn, if you don't care, then I CERTAINLY don't. I'm all for keeping creeps off the streets. The difference is, I don't want them banned from cons... want them behind bars or on the sex offender's registry...or to have SOME SORT of trail of police reports at least...Because criminal acts deserve criminal consequences. Mean tweets don't do shit and I'm not wasting my time with it. All it does in embolden his fanbase's resolve...and MANY others feel the same way.
Anyone who wears bootcut jeans is weird.
>All it takes is one, look at Cosby.
Yes and he ends up getting out of it.
Nigga did 3 years, paid a fuck ton of time and money and has a LEGAL and VERIFIABLE paper trail following him for the rest of his life.

Vic has some /Cgl/ shitposts and a bunch of twitter REE-ing.

Vic deserves the Cosby treatment AT LEAST. But not one of his supposed "Victims" have ever bothered to even do as little as file a police report. Not one. It will DEFINITELY never happen unless someone files one. You think the the cops just....throw people on the sex offender's registry based on Twitter threads? Someone has to get off of their LAZY ASS and file a report. JUST ONE. OOOOONNEE. ONE of the supposed HUNDREDS. ONE. That's all. But they just....can't do it can they? Selfish bitches.

>Oh I care so much, I'm a victim waaa waaa oh won't somebody help me?

Bitch, YOU help you, and help his future victims while you're at it (if you really even care, that is)

Jamie and Monica are not " heroes" they're stuck up selfish self-centered bitches who care more about internet clout than helping his future victims, or even their own sexual assault.

The fact that neither of them have filed a police report for their claims is both telling and shocking. Honestly at this point, it makes them complicit in his next sexual assault. You're telling me that they are comfortable enough to start a whole
podcast about their situation, which they describe the events in detail, but they don't feel comfortable enough to just... Tell the exact same thing to a cop? There's no statute of limitations for sexual assault in the state of Texas. They can go file report...now... Today even.

You're telling me it's not exclusively about clout? My guy, They have a whole ass podcast about their sexual assault. A PODCAST ABOUT THEIR SEXUAL ASSAULT lol. But no police report? Ok sis. Keep getting them clicks though.
filing a police report for sexual assault in texas doesn't do much, the cops just laugh and call you a liar. informing women to be careful around him does about as much but without the humiliation
>The cops laugh and call you a liar

So? File it.

It's not for them. It's for you, and for the other victims.
In this case they would be right since you are lying about Vic sexually assaulting anyone. It never happened.
Monica Rial grabbed my weenie when I was a wee little shota
This. 100000% this. It was an open secret I first encountered when I was 13 and at an event where a couple of girls who couldn’t be located turned up in his room. The victim complex on this dude is next level.

Also, my older brother was best friends with a guest coordinator at one of his events and he is apparently the biggest asshole and diva in the industry.
Doesnt matter if you file it if the cops/justice system still doesnt do shit.
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Claims aren't evidence and there have been people that spoke out. One girl even had her image used by the cancel mob and she corrected it. Don't be disingenuous.
Things that didn't happen for 100, Alex
It's about a paper trail. A real and tangible one. Holy fuck it's WILD to me that people can claim to be against Vic but also against reporting him to the police. Like, do you guys secretly support him? You want him canceled, I want him in JAIL. Or at the very least I want him to have a REAL paper trail that normies can get behind. Not some online forum posts that anyone can just type up. Vics "haters" do more to protect him than his supporters do lol.
Honestly, it's kind of an open secret at cons these days that Monica is a bit of a drunk. I've heard many times that she regularly gets sloshed and sits drunk off her ass at her signing tables. She reeks of alcohol and says some pretty inappropriate around kids sometimes. My friend wanted to get a signature for her daughter but they did a total 180 after seeing (and smelling) Monica.
He sounds like a man
I like him
>at an event where a couple of girls who couldn’t be located turned up in his room.
>he is apparently the biggest asshole and diva in the industry
So a normal famous person?
Take your meds.
This, he was a joke for years on /cgl/. The defense squad that shows up in these threads is evidence of how far the board has fallen.
>The defense squad that shows up in these threads is evidence of how far the board has fallen.
Your welcome faggot.
Vic did nothing wrong

But if he did, you deserved it.
The jannies let this place become a stomping ground for mentally maladjusted moids from other boards and didn't ban them for being retards, so they purposely shit up threads like this while well meaning gulls try to make sure no lurking zoomer actually takes it seriously (but in doing so takes the tourists bait). Don't take anything seriously here anymore, just like the rest of this site. /Cgl/ used to be a kind of reprieve from the typical 4chan autism because everyone here actually went outside or socialized but now it's probably 70% baiting r9fags or poltards.
Dan Harmon isn't really a good example. His admission came with an honest apology which she publicly accepted, and he has shown that he is actually trying to be better. That's why he wasn't cancelled. He did what few perpetrators and abusers do: he apologized, took responsibility for his actions, and took demonstrable steps to fix his behavior.
He never fucked kids and there's not a single picture of him 'groping' a kid despite all of the made up con stories. This shit is lamer than the old fake 'there was totally a smelly fat hamplanet whale at my con and she raped all le gay boiz and stabbed pplz' shit that used to get posted here. You hate him because he's a white christian male. End of.
>Why aren't you submitting to the mob? Give us your head on a platter and admit to the stuff we made up! We will be merciful, I swear!
Now do Ed Piskor.
Chris Pratt abandoned his pet cat because it got old and he didn't want to care for it. When called out on it he went on a rant about how he met Prince William. Guy is a fuckhead.
Yeah too bad almost every woman who worked with him called him out and staff at anime cons were told to keep an extra eye on him but sure be a chud who thinks women dont get sexually harassed.
Isn’t that basically the same thing he did with his intellectually disabled child?
One can only dream of this outcome. Realistically though, he would do anything to get out of jail. He’s not cut out for that and would be scared shitless.

Yeah basically. Chris Pratt is a grade A POS.
He's had a defence force for ages, it only increased after /pol/ decided he was their guy for some fucking reason.
2014 was a decade ago. Move out of your mom's basement already and dilate.
I'm a Proud chud. And claims are not evidence. Need proof. You literally have no argument to what I just said since I literally showed how 'evidence' when provided was false. Retard.
Enjoy not having a gf. Your andrew tate ways are sure to repel any women.
Ad hominem.
Not even a logical one either. I don't know of any male who ever got a girlfriend because they supported false allegations against Vic.
calling women liars is generally a good woman repellant
Yes because a man calling out another man is sure to make women want to fuck him. Why do you dipshits think being nice to a woman makes her want to fuck you? People like you are why eugenics are a good idea.
do you think women like it when you aren't nice to them? you know women are just people right?
Probably because there are male feminists who do precisely that, and from my experience witnessing one such male feminist, it seems to clearly work.
I guess it worked in to kill a mockingbird.
to be fair, those guys get pussy because they "don't control women" by letting their girls sleep with other people (most of the time in an open relationship/polyamorous way) and do onlyfans
>Realistically though, he would do anything to get out of jail.
There hasn't been any criminal charges yet and Vic won't pay a cent to Marchi and Rial.
>persona hunting ground
The guy in question, or at least his (or THEIR presentation) was pretty jealous in ways.

I mean male feminists are full of shit so it's not the secret path or whatever the redpillers say
kill yourself
Yeah, I'm sure all those innocent and naive virgins that he violated were all thinking that they'd spend the night in a room with him play Super Smash Brothers.
reminder not a single person on Epsteins Flight logs (who would rape and kill kids) is in jail or owes anyone money, but people are riled up over some creepy VA.
My man shall rise for the ashes. The flames of the hateful haters can only burn for so long. He shall return and regain his former glory.
I like how they're innocent virgins now.
>people are riled up over some creepy VA.
Many of them defended Vic though.
Men talk hot shit considering you go bald by 25.
Not me baby
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"Dammit Nick, we lost again!"
>what the fuck is the point of being famous if you can't bone a couple teenage fans every now and then?
Fuck off nigger.
gulls don't be child molesters challenge
Who is this guy? Name? And what happened!??!! Legit don’t know
Truly needs to unalive himself at this point.
Vic Mignogna he's a voice actor and he was the victim of false accusations
Musicians and mainstream actors were known for hooking up with underage groupies all the time, it wouldn't be shocking if he did the same thing too back in the day.
He's gonna represent himself and the two women in the case and proceed to dig the hole deeper
Kiwis le owned
>"victim of false accusations"
gtfo newfag
that's what he gets for being hetero and a white man in the 2000s. What did he expect would happen?
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>No one came forth with actual evidence
>All fake twitter posts that were easily proven fake
>The people in the pictures stolen for the posts would come out and defend Vic
>Other Va's and Antis form a fucking discord server to gather evidence against Vic
>None found
>Goku and Vegetas va made a video showing how much they hated the guy
>Got fired from funimation for pulling a "Friends" hair as a joke about her wearing a wig
Tell me again how theyre not false. Go ahead. im waiting.
can we make this general thread about shitty VAs? i’m interested in more
Zeno Robinson is an entitled twat online who used the George Floyd murder to boost his career (as well as other black VAs)
I remember Rittenhouse fired his big-name "conservative lawyer" who'd been swanning around with the Proud Boys and got him photographs with them, and instead went with a local lawyer who was less interested in flaunting the case and just did his job. Rittenhouse got out of killing two dudes (in self defense tbf) because he didn't go with a guy who was more interested in making himself look like a conservative star.

Sadly Vic didn't go that route.
>Brings up Andrew Tate in a Vic M thread
Blud yappin at this point
>gtfo newfag
Saying that is not an argument yapper
Vic said he tried talking to defamation civil lawyers who know what they're doing. No one would take his case who was competent so he ended up with Ty.

If Vic had taken the PR hit and said sorry, then all he had to do was shut the fuck up for a year. He would be currently coasting on his name at conventions around the country. He had to let his ego get in the way of defending himself.
You don;t say sorry for things you didn't do. And he has been out of the news infrequently so not sure how him appealing will help his image. He was a t a con in Jersey not too long ago and had people buy from him.
Not sure how selfish you have to be to blame his ego for anything. The dude got raped
Cant wait for Vic to get arrested after trying to fuck underaged girls
He did nothing wrong.
And Anime Matsuri just announced him a guest (big surprise)
seething vik hater
vik did nothing wrong die mad roastie
Nah, he didn't.
>Mfw I see vics virgin asshole
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>This asshole used cons as his personal hunting ground for decades. Before he was officially me too’d it was basically an open secret amongst the con scene to not end up in a room alone with that guy
as far as I know that's not a crime and it's not morally wrong either and it's not related to what some people accuse him off

>Allegations of sexual harassment
>Multiple accounts alleged that he kissed, groped, and made lewd homophobic comments to fans without their consent, some of whom were underage
>Voice actresses Monica Rial and Jamie Marchi tweeted their support for those speaking out, and alleged that he had also sexually harassed them

>he kissed, groped, and made lewd homophobic comments to fans without their consent
since when do you need consent to kiss someone
if someone is surprised they obviously can't give consent/disconsent yet
and why would he try to come onto a women that doesn't want to when he can simply "hunt for other women that end up in a room with him" like you said




>Before he was officially me too’d
>This asshole used cons as his personal hunting ground for decades
can I take this as a personal confession and motive of yours why this took place
it sounds like you wanted this to stop taking place in a non legal way instead of complaining to convention staff about it
>since when do you need consent to kiss someone

You can't shove your tongue in randos asshole.

this is all true if i was a socially maladjusted sperg with no sense of boundaries and don’t know how to willingly gain consent from women
What the fuck? I thought this was America!
Dick Lasagna. Voice actor who got me-too'd.
Some other black VA almost try to cancel Wendee Lee over dub casting shit.
They won't care. He's either gay, a furry, or both, so he's "one of the good ones." Just like Damian Mills or one of many other such examples.

Vic didn't get canceled for being a creep. He got cancelled for being straight and white while feeling zero shame for it.
>They won't care.
They will care soon enough losing Chiplock would hurt them.
Well, since we're making shit up, I'd like to announce that I'm Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr and I'm gonna win this election.
I've known you catty cunts for so long that I could never take your word for it. Are you the one who got mad because he didn't want to sign gay porn of his characters?
>See Chris Niosi

Nothing will happen to him because he is either Gay, supportive, A furry, all three.

Again we see, "He's one of the good ones"

Again we see yet more proof that Vic was cancelled because he is straight, white, and feels no remorse for it. Not because he "Abused" anyone. If being an abuser is all it takes to be thrown out of the VO industry, then Mills and Niosi would be out.

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