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Years ago, when cosplay started getting popular, but also sexual, I remember being a big fan of a certain cosplayer. They turned out to be quite rude to their fans, and I was left being disappointed by it.

Later as the years went by, I came upon information that her cosplay hype died down, her twitch and vtuber arc couldn't lift off the ground, and she lost her twitter verification, and just isn't popular anymore.

Basically what I'm trying to say in this thread is; fuck that whore. But also how has the cosplay community/scene been? Has it gotten more slutty? Worse? Better? Are people chill, or rude? Tell me your experiences from before (5-10 years ago) v.s now.
I wish my face was that seat.
Me too bud, me too.
Lot of wannabe cosfame cosplayers trying to burn others for clout and hoping to become seen as white knights riding the dicks of others.
Still aye?
the only thing burnt here is you roastie!
sit roastie!
I just feel pretty good that she's unhappy.
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I used to enjoy the community. Now I know better and treat interacting with them as a chore to get through so I can actually cosplay. In short, love the sport hate the crowd.

All cons I go to now I pretty much just con floor cosplay and then go to bed early. I don't drink much if at all anymore. I don't care about or want to make friends at cons anymore. Dealing with congoers is just something Im now obliged to put up with if I want to enjoy my fucking hobby.

TL;DR: I hate you all, most of you wre socially maladjusted degenerates. Leave me alone and let me enjoy my stupid ass dress up hobby. I pay too much goddamn money and use too much of my PTO to have to pit up with your tism'.
I feel all of this way too hard. I'm still down for drinking and parties in theory but the reality sucks these days, especially with this trend toward large public gatherings (fountaincon/lobbycon/etc.) instead of room parties and the ever-increasing prevalence of drugs. I miss hanging around in a packed hotel room drinking beers and shitty red cup mixed drinks with a "curated" group of people who are mostly cool and more social because everybody knows the real weirdoes/creeps aren't gonna get invited.
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Cry about it
See, you're the kind of faggot I don't want anywhere near me
literally cry more

you sound like a hoot at parties. jk, reality check: people only put up with you because a) they want to fuck you or b) youre useful for something/a tool

piss off loser
See I can sympathize with this. Except that "curated" group of people also turned out to be massive fuckheads. This is why I say I don't want anymore con friends. Most of the ones I thought were surprisingly chill/normal gradually revealed themselves to be snakes. I unironically now have a diagnosed issue with paranoid ideation that I did not have before I started going to cons.

Normies may be boring but at least they aren't as prone to the same kind of sinister fuckery so many con people are.
Well that's two things I have going for me that you don't then huh? You reply instantly on a dead fucking board. You're the exact kind of terminally online dipshit with no sense of social norms that I actively avoid now. You want a reality check, here's one. The reason you're into con party culture is because you had no friends in highschool and get invited to zero social events that aren't in some way tied to the con scene. You, and people like you are pathetic losers who never had any of the normal experiences of people in highschool or college because you were insufferable to be around. And now you're desperately trying to make up for lost time by drinking yourself into a coma & striking out with hello kitty girls. I know exactly who you are because you're all the same fucking person.
yep the "curated" group is actually just a cult of weirdo losers that have absolutely nothing going for them outside of anime parties. some people apparently are too naive to realize this.

imagine being this pressed
Yeah, I guess I've known a bunch like that too, but I've also known a lot of good people and been part of groups that didn't have people like that in them either. My experience is that the laid back groups that go out to a big dinner together and then chill in a room with some beers are usually fine, it's the more hardcore wild parties that attract the real bad people.

It still sucks though, I'm not quite what's described in >>10902258 (I did ok in high school and well in college) but I definitely found myself with a lack of gender-balanced social opportunities after college because I went into a very lopsided career field so cons were a pretty nice thing to have and I really do miss the way they used to be for me, even if I get that a lot of people had much worse experiences that lead to the way the vibe at cons is now.
I miss when people did stuff AT THE CON.

Now a days people treat cons like malls where they just passively look at everything, buy an item and leave without engaging with the event or even talk about.

Come night time everyone parties with their cliques and the whole con feels like a ghost town
>yep the "curated" group is actually just a cult of weirdo losers that have absolutely nothing going for them outside of anime parties. some people apparently are too naive to realize this.
This wasn't really my experience, but maybe I just got lucky. The group I mostly partied with back in the day were almost all serious cosplayers who were decent company, had lives and interests outside of cons, and who just hung out together with some drinks to chill out after a day in costume. Pretty much 50/50 male/female too, and maybe 2/3rds were couples but quite a few single people too. For all I know that group is still going, actually, but I made the mistake of dating and then breaking up with somebody from the group and my ex started enough drama that we both became persona non grata in that circle.
Lose weight.
It's okay. I got invited to an orgy once, so I guess the party scene is still going. Got another invite for an orgy at katsucon but not sure if I'll go.

If you're not into partying, the artist alley stuff is better nowadays. I'm hyped to buy some new buttoned shirts to wear at work.

If you are looking for community, it's 50/50. I'm a dude that cosplays, not fit either. Sometimes it's super fun to meet people and talk. Other times, guys and girls have the biggest tism and it makes me cringe. Some girl started reciting the lore about one piece cause I told her I liked her sanji cosplay. We were on the shuttle back to the hotel. She kept going after we got off. She finally stopped when I said I'm going to my room and she tried to follow.

Overall 7/10, it's fun every now and then, but ymmw
We all believe you too!
how do you even manage to get invited to those lol
Name her then, retard
Honestly, kinda just a right place, right time situation.
>Was roaming the con as Deathstroke.
>Got stopped for a picture by some madoka magica girl for a picture.
>Started talking about shows and shit, making crappy jokes.
>I asked if she was doing anything else that night.
>She mentioned she got some invite to an orgy but doesn't know if it's legit.
>I joked that I can tag along if she needs an out.
>She said sure, room was one of those suites on the 19th floor of the building
>Was a legit orgy, had like a handful of guys there and maybe 20 girls
>Got head from madoka while some other girl ate her out

The guy running it was kinda socially awkward, but he wanted to chat cause he thought my cosplay was cool. We added each other on insta. He mentioned he's running another orgy for Katsucon. But again, ymmw. I wouldn't believe the story myself, except for the fact that I was there and met up with madoka the following day too. Remember, even if it sounds absurd, some girls are just as horny and bored as us.
>I wouldn't believe the story myself
Assuming they're not trolls, the crowds shouting "This never happened" literally can't understand how it's even possible. Sad but funny in a way. And are you planning on showing for the inevitable gull meetup at Katsu next week?
It's not that I doubt these things happen. I just know that you wouldn't be there.
You guys have it good on the East Coast, nobody fucks at California cons anymore. I knew of some orgies back in the day and got invited to a couple but they were with people you wouldn't want to see naked and mostly either mostly dudes with a few nasty girls or more of a couples swinging kinda thing. (Actually had a funny one where my ex and I were hanging out with a somewhat known out of state cosplay couple and the girl kept flirting with me really hard, which I thought was strange, mentioned them later on to a friend from the same region as them and she told me that they were notorious swingers.)
Ok. so troll. Got it.
I had a harem of burros at my country, it was
A great orgy
probably, depends on when the gull meetup is.
Idk. I was followed by a male Troon for 20 minutes and had to lose him in the crowd. It's either kids, troons, or people looking to grown their social media following. This might be the first year out of 20 without a con, honestly.

The ONE good thing to come out post-covid cons was being high as a kite watching English-dubbed sumo on NHK in someone's room. (Sumo's pretty great, btw.)
They post them on FetLife now. I'm serious. Check the event page as well as like the anime groups on FetLife and they'll post orgy room info for the cons.

Warning: the Midwest orgy rooms prolly are full of/ran by SJWs (certainly the one at Colossal North last year and AMKE this year)
Hey be the change you want anon, set up a party and have ",if ppl want to fuck sure". So not advertising it as an orgy but having orgy capability in backup (lube condoms etc) but advertise it as a regular party where shit happens. Also:

Check Grindr and Tinder during the cons.
The only change I want to see is that moids stop posting their cringey sex fantasies in cosplay discussion threads.
Yea hell freezes before then
>femoids seething about lesbians
It blows me away that people think they can become famous and loved by being awful towards other people while cancel culture is a thing. All it takes is one Twitter thread filled with screenshots of shitting things they've done and it's over.
I'm glad someone else enjoys sumo too. Ended up getting into it cause of being bored during Covid too. It was basically hairless bears tackling each other.
Good luck, this website is infected with porn addicts

/pol/cards have nothing on coomers
I kinda suck to make friends there
And in general....
And when it comes to women...
Get ready for the /pol/coomers anon. They are already here.
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Wherever the cosplay community is in 2024, it isn't on the dead board of /cgl/!
suck my gigantic cock you fag!
I honestly just stick to one local con a year. low maintenance cosplay, and go with a couple of buddies. it's pretty fun for me, but maybe that's just because I don't go to cons often so I'm not getting sick of anything. my goals are usually seeking out other cosplayers from the same media since I usually go with relatively unpopular cosplays haha
>lost her twitter verification
…didn’t that happen to everyone though? Blue checks have to be paid for now

>treat interacting with them as a chore
>don't care about or want to make friends at cons
>Dealing with congoers is just something Im now obliged to put up with
Why don’t you just stop going to cons? It seems like there’s absolutely nothing about them that you find enjoyable. You also seem to think cons are a requirement for the hobby of cosplaying when they’re really not. They’re two separate things. You could just make your cosplays and post them online or hire a photographer to shoot you outside of cons. Why make yourself miserable? Do you compete in contests? Because that’s the only reason I can think of as to why you would HAVE to go to cons when you don’t actually like them
>that giant spike in the middle of 2014 because of dashcon was almost 10 yesrs ago
Jesus, and I thought /co/ was a ghost town. What happened?
Majority of oldfags moved on with their life and what's leftover can be found in "insert 21+ con discord here" or whatever social media posion you want to take.
Invest in /cgl/coin!
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just so you know how bad /cgl/ really is
106 posts per day on average
4 posts per hour
This used to be the only board that was primarily female. Then the board got overrun with coomers and trannies so a lot of people left for the farm or discord servers like the other anon said
Personally I think it kind of happened the other way around. Half the active threads on the board used to be costume-making stuff and nobody makes their own cosplay anymore, a lot of the old female guard aged out of cosplay/lolita, and others drifted away because of 4chan's increasingly worse rep and alternatives like discord servers. The coomers etc. were always here, and now they're just all that's left after everybody else is gone.

Personally I was on /cgl/ day 1 and I kinda feel like I'm obligated to check in here and there, but there's less and less point as time goes on sadly.
A lot of the older female jfashion wearers straight up moved to normie social media because they were sick of the fear of being posted, then it became that the janitors would ban you for "bullying" even if you said completely normal things so anyone who had stuck around moved to the farms
I wish we could all still chat shit here, social media is an echo chamber, I miss hearing unhinged takes
Why would any significant number of women post consistently on 4chan? They don't need attention. They have better moderated and safter spaces to post in much more supportive communities. And if they're looking to troll, this ain't it. The 4chan mods do not brook any wrong think. Women just aren't allowed since 2015, if they were ever, and that's not going to change until Republicans decide it's no longer profitable to make this one of their hubs of recruitment. Sorry!
Oh cool. Mentally ill lardass is back. Say what again?
There are no women on the Internet.
Cosplay “influencers” need to die
Im a fit poster and on tren. Try again bro
>They turned out to be quite rude to their fans, and I was left being disappointed by it.

Its the same but even worse. Now you have discordnigger fiefdoms instead of the threat of being punched in retaliation.
really defeats the whole fucking purpose of cons. to join one.
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god I wish I would've experienced the old school cosplay times
from what I've read it just sounds like pure soul
ready to get absolutely brapped
it was but its fucked now and never coming back

I just got into anime conventions so I hope I'm still in for a good time
Why even bother showing up if you don't like the people there? If you're not cosplaying for other cosplayers or congoers then just make your cosplay, pose in the mirror, take the picture and keep it to yourself? I don't understand at all.
Which vtuber was she?
I felt that way about going to Phish shows, it was cool at first I hated the music, I hated the crowd but sunk thousands of dollars into going. I just stopped going to shows unless my friends are going and its just an excuse to hang with them. I still go to shows but not as much as I used to. Just a weird sense of devotion I had.to something I no longer enjoyed.
I used to lurk this board sometimes 5-10 years ago because I thought lolita was a cool subculture and I wanted to know more about my female friend's hobby. Since when have half the threads become cosplay coombait straight out of one of the porn boards (cosplay thighs, cosplay boobs, etc.)? Maybe it's just as >>10902594 says.
I actually quit around 2012 and started going to events agian in 2022. In a broad sense the "old days" felt more like a singles mixer, you went there to socialize with strangers, and people actually socialised with strangers. In modern times it's a shopping mall where some photos are taken. A lot more gays now too, mostly "non binary" fat lesbians. I really think everything is fucked. Even though I like the old days more they're gone, and there's this stuck in the past mentality that doesn't connect modern people.
>In a broad sense the "old days" felt more like a singles mixer, you went there to socialize with strangers, and people actually socialised with strangers. In modern times it's a shopping mall where some photos are taken
This is the best concise summation of how I feel about cons as well, as somebody who's been going since '01.
There's always been gays you blind fuck.
>be me
>teenager in the late 2000s/early 2010s
>live in a shitty state deep in the bible belt
>our local cons have always been mediocre, charging California con tier prices while being absolutely disappointing events and shops themselves
>cosplayed back in 2012
>mostly women, but there were some cute boys that cosplayed too

>see post-covid con pics
>it's mostly 300+ lbs males in regular clothing (the typical incel polo and cargo shorts combo too)
>literally all of the cosplayers are just other women, some also obese and others not
>zero males bothering to cosplay
Tbh maybe it's better in the states where going to conventions actually introduces you to interesting people that don't have type 2 diabetes or feel obliged to not cosplay because the men will think they'll turn into homos if they do.
It kind of speaks in general the problems with males right now and how they won't bother to objectify themselves and think they need to troon out to do so. :/ The misogyny is so deeply rooted into their brains that they can't see how it's possible for men to be attractive for others in an "acceptable" way unless they're gay or LARP as women.

This. /cgl/ is where the phrase "cringe" was born from, and the cosplay cringe threads were so popular that reddit lurkers started using it outside of 4chan, then it became mainstream and lost all meaning.

There are more women on the internet now than way back when thanks to smartphones. I am phoneposting as we speak.
>Tbh maybe it's better in the states where going to conventions actually introduces you to interesting people that don't have type 2 diabetes or feel obliged to not cosplay because the men will think they'll turn into homos if they do.

Morale of the story here is don't live in the bible belt
Cosplays has been dying out since 2014/15
I get that. I feel like I walk on pins because you might misgender some freak or get cancelled for saying you think the Only Fans cosplayers are lame.
Its a nerdy hobby that got sort of taken over. I don't really express how I feel unless I know the person really well. Like I am in a Soviet agency. I don't "hate" the other con goers but I do pick and choose who I hang with. And even some of those people are pretty petty and get tied up in drama, or woke crap or have just the most horrendous takes (like multiple stories denouncing 'fatphobia' in the community or dumb political takes) you see on Instagram. Which I only used because cosplayers asked me for my IG profile which at the time I didn't have when I was first asked and I don't even talk to those people anymore. But I have met acquaintances I tolerate far more that I get along with well and have really awesome costumes and ideas. they are not all bad. Met a nice couple who gave me tips on home owning.
Yeah I get that but I don't feel like sitting through the LGBT panels or going to a dance where the lights are still on (believe me that happened). It depends.
she has that massive diarrhea ready to spill
Was it that wild? Ive heard stories of old posters here that have "made it" in the "eceleb, cosplay, con, etc world"
Alot of the cosplayer girls are easy to fuck, just chat them up, say you're poly and your dick will be getting wet from dumb ass white bitches in no time
And yet, you are still a virgin. Sad.
I went to a con last year with my partner in a polycule (I'm never joining one of those again) that did not give me more attention with women there at all.
Its not that I dont believe it but it seems just like the most foul degenerate thing imaginable and if somebody told me about such an experience in person I would instantly hate them, even if they were lying
>with my partner in a polycule
Moron. At least you learned your lesson I guess.
You really burned him
I don't post because we don't have cosplay threads (I miss costume power hours), no one makes their shit anymore, and why the fuck would I post here? For some coomer to act retarded towards my photos, then a /r9pol/tard baits and derails for 60 posts, a tranny bitterly inserts themselves into the conversation for no reason, and the jannies scratch their ass about it? The reason everyone left is because the janny rather ban on topic post than near porn on a blue board and give coomers more rights to post than the cosplayers and jfashion wearers who used to call this place home. Everyone left to social media and goomercord communities where they have actual moderation.

I used to like posting my WIPs. Learning about different jfashions. Getting patterns, chatting about meets here. I even liked the tripfags, at the end of the day at least they gave this place a little personality. It felt like everyone was personable back then. And even the hostility was an understandable type of hostility, but the aggression that's here now is the shit I expect from /v/ or some other shit low quality bait board. There's genuinely no reason to post here if you enjoyed this place from 2007-2013, and it sucks. Shit jannies really killed this board by not helping maintain board culture. That's been a thing for a lot of boards recently (/toy/ has been going through their own version of this), but it didn't hit any board harder than /cgl/ because cgl had such a great socially decent female and male mix of posters that were used to talking in their local con threads and thus had a level of decorum you didn't see in other boards. But jannies let this place go to shit and ran everyone off.

Fuck. I didn't mean to type so much. I just miss it so fucking much. Cons aren't as enjoyable either. I should probably do what everyone else did and just fucking stop coming here, but I still love cosplay and there's no decent place to discuss it other than here. Same reason I'm still on /toy/.
>Its a nerdy hobby that got sort of taken over. I don't really express how I feel unless I know the person really well.
Sums it up neatly.

Post-covid there's now too much politics & drama. This hobby which used to be a fun escape from shit is now deep in it.
I think you can still have your pods of normie cosplayers who just want to dress up as media characters, maybe have a beer or more during the weekend, and go on with your lives crafting been events and adult responsibilities. I don't actually think cosplay is completely dead, despite my doom posting. I think cons are shit now for meeting new people and general social experiences, but if you have your own group and just want to hang out with buddies you rarely get to see, it's pretty fun still.
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When did all this orgy talk and sex party stuff start? Wasn't around in the mid-late 2000s.
It's all made up stories.
>Wasn't around in the mid-late 2000s.
It was, not sure it was ever real but I definitely remember hearing claims about them back in the day.
Oh and also there were always swingers and stuff, my ex and I were propositioned by other couples a few times around 2010 or so, I actually remember a pretty funny one where we were walking with another cosplay couple we'd just met and I couldn't figure out why the girl was being so overly friendly/flirty with me right in front of my ex and her BF, and then I found out from mutual friends way later that they were notorious swingers in the East Coast scene.
I swear this site is just a politics and videogame data-mining operation through 4cdn. With a good fourth of those boards being bots or viral marketing firms.
Dogshit ruined by coomers, eceleb streamers, and gen alpha tiktokers
Gen alpha is currently 11. Zoomers. You're thinking of zoomers.
anything below 21 is a zoomer
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Also, what happened to 4chan's "total unique IPs in thread" counter? Noticed its showing a "?" for a week or more.
It was removed. Threads created after the removal won't even have that.
zoomers are as old as 28 now retard
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I used to be pretty motivated to go out and meet new people but after being in the community for a couple of years and hitting 5digit followers I just can't be assed anymore. Been in so many catty, bitchy group chats looking at people shit talking others or their friends behind their backs, tea getting spilled left and right, "why are you talking to this person they offended my very soul with something insanely insignificant" "did you hear about what smegmacos did to grimblo this weekend yikesss", political issues out the ass, having to walk on eggshells, etc. It's all so fucking tiresome.
god damn misato is so hot!!!

ieskai me into evangelion baby!!!
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Anon is this the type of woman that you would want
Yes, she doesn't have to apologize or hold me though
>Come night time everyone parties with their cliques and the whole con feels like a ghost town
Now I don't feel so bad about missing out on con parties with strangers if it turns out they don't really happen anymore and me drinking with my weeb buddies during cons instead is the normal thing to do
Removed about a month ago, since it makes it easier to spot bot threads. My guess is Hiro somehow gets kickbacks from letting people ruin his site with shillbots making entire threads full of ragebait
To be entirely fair, Anon, looking to be attractive to others is unironically selling yourself for the amusement or admiration of others. Nobody is supposed to be so spineless, and you're not supposed to whore yourself out for something as common and insipid as admiration.

Proper humans know that pride and self-image should come from inside, you don't have to dress yourself up pretty to buy it from other people.
i didnt read the text but FUCK YEAH baby!!!

shes so hoT!!!!!
You say that but physical fitness and basic self-care should be treated as duties. It's not just pure vanity, although that is also a factor. It feels good to look good even as a guy, it's nice keeping yourself and your home orderly. A clean living environment, well-made and well-fitting clothes, skin that isn't constantly suffering acne or a gross texture, hair that isn't flaky and unpleasant, the list goes on.

It differs somewhat for women because makeup and elaborate dress are more socially normalized for them, but as a man basic self-care can work wonders for your mental, physical, and emotional health. It's not generally something that a lot of men are taught and it shows.
>"why are you talking to this person they offended my very soul with something insanely insignificant"
Can you give some examples of what you mean by this?
Fellow unassed person here, what they mean is that the community is the embodiment of "if I don't like person X then you can't be on good terms with them either!"

As you could imagine, this gets tiresome quickly due to the fact 98% of the comm everyone hates everyone, has bipolar disorder, and will never give the same as they expect from others. I really don't know how they handle life desu.

You're also talking about people who would rather get bent out of shape over animated children instead of giving a fuck over real ones who suffer real abuse. The NPC meme is not far from the truth.
>You're also talking about people who would rather get bent out of shape over animated children instead of giving a fuck over real ones who suffer real abuse. The NPC meme is not far from the truth.
Easily one of the worst things to come out of zoomer puritan culture. Considering that they champion HRT for minors and AGP freaks harassing women in what are supposed to be female-only places, they also don't actually care about actual children or women being harmed. Specifically about cosplay, don't forget them attacking adult female cosplayers for "lewding underage characters" if they make a sexy cosplay
When did cons start having themes?
Every other social media post is asking "zomg what is the THEME for this year???"
it's not "zoomers", the website you're using right now has had a ban on lolicon since before you were born. you're showing your age.
NTA but you REALLY must not use 4chan much if you think it's some kind of anti-lolicon bastion
That rule only covers NSFW images
I wasn't talking about that I was talking about people (whether cosplayers or their fans) being harassed for cosplaying or liking cosplays like the Evangelion girls, you know something that's been done for decades
>Fellow unassed person here, what they mean is that the community is the embodiment of "if I don't like person X then you can't be on good terms with them either!"
My ex turned into this in the last couple of years we were together and it's a big part of why I broke up with her. Shit was ridiculous, she'd be best friends with somebody one week and then absolutely fucking hate them the next, over fucking nothing - a completely unrelated social media comment that she somehow took as a slight, or over them cosplaying with a different cosplayer of "her signature character," or whatever - and then she'd spend days sitting there ranting about them to me and get mad when I wasn't enthusiastic about hating them, and would sometimes accuse me of having feelings for that other girl or cheating with her or whatever.

She was a well-known, popular, influential cosplayer and breaking up with her burned pretty much every bridge I had in the community, especially after she started publicly accusing me of stuff and lying about the breakup etc. but thinking back on what that relationship was like I don't regret it at all.
what causes this? BPD? because holy shit this basically describes most of the cosplayer girls I've known that tried to be social media famous, their real personality is a complete 180 from how they present themselves on socials and it's like walking on eggshells with them with how easily they are offended and how easily their opinion can turn on you
There was (likely still is, I don't check /b/ much) loli threads on there.
Yeah that's pretty textbook BPD. To a certain extent women tend to be narcissistic but that's above and beyond.
>She was a well-known, popular, influential cosplayer
And she was dating you? Right...
unironically yeah. most e famous girls have either BPD or HPD and that's a big reason every tiny thing has to be a world ending schism
That's what I assume it was, but she refused to even see a therapist or anything so I'll never know for sure.

Yeah. This was a long time ago now, back when dating an attractive cosplayer was a lot more attainable for a regular guy, and she wasn't famous when we got together, that happened during the relationship and was somewhat my fault - I did almost all of her photography, turned her on to series and characters including the one she initially went viral with, etc. I think going from somebody with a few dozen DeviantArt followers to 250k on Twitter by the time we broke up is a big part of what fucked her up, simultaneously gave her a huge ego and a massive degree of insecurity and paranoia and turned her from a pretty cool chick into a neurotic reclusive alcoholic abusive mess.
>back when dating an attractive cosplayer was a lot more attainable for a regular guy
nowadays even the fatties and uglies have inflated egos
I think it's still possible, I know a lot of pretty attractive cosplay girls who are with average guys, but it's definitely a lot harder than it used to be and especially if you're trying to go after zoomer e-thot types.
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Basically, China now produces the majority of cosplay outfits and props, and has saturated the social media venues with professional highly filtered photos of professional models. Finding 'authentic' cosplay is like searching for a needle in a haystack since results will of course bring up the most attractive pictures.

But also,

Anime characters fucking suck today.
>psychotic survey corps
>deadpan immortal elves who have somehow picked up no wisdom at all about life
>vinland psuedophilosophy trash that people think is a valid period drama.

Magical girls are fucking gone. In this climate only another Miyazaki could bring them back.

Why cosplay when you can't be inspired by this shit?
>psychotic survey corps
is this about attack on titan? cause that fandom has been dead for years
>you're showing your age.
Hey, remember /I/?
>Finding 'authentic' cosplay is like searching for a needle in a haystack

As a 20+ cosplayer this is correct. I can barely find anyone who made their whole costume anymore.

They bought it from China or
They commissioned out the prop or
The commissioned out the wig or
They will even hire someone to do their make up occasionally.

I get sourcing out something you have no chance of making look good. But people are hiring folks to make Link's wig, or some other fairly simple design.

I'm also tired of the KleinerPixel type cosplayers that cosplay the flavor of the month. Yes, we know you can look like 98% of cosplay girls because they draw them all to look like you. You look nice but please try something harder.
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Can I even fabricate wigs?
>Anime characters fucking suck today.
>Why cosplay when you can't be inspired by this shit?
Sounds more like a skill issue
no one cares about others nowadays, some cosplayers just want to sell their socials others just like their cosplays not the poeple in the event and the rest are degenerates
Mfw OP is just salty that he got rejected by some normie woman

This happens all the time to men
And some cosplayers just want to sell each other the same products they're all promoting in the same affiliate programs.
Feel the same...
I just looked at the current state of it in my area and I had a single tear going down my cheek, like that Indian from that one commercial (or was it The Simpsons?)
My era (2011-2013) was so much more genuine and innocent. It really was... 11 years ago...
Unexpectedly good post from a chuddie
I assure you, it's not. You've just never been invited to one. These events are invite only and you're not going to bumble your way into one by showing up at a randos door with a bottle of jack. Well, unless it's a bunch of gfurs because I have accidentally walked into that shit.
I was gonna say they let anyone into th furry orgy rooms unless they require mursuits or bondage shit
Most people that do those orgies or poly shit (like 80% or 90%+) are fucking gross.

I'm old as fuck but I still have fun at cons. I mostly go to see old friends.
lol her back has boobs
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this thread is helping me relieve a personal crisis I had at holomat 2023. Maybe people really are less friendly now? I went there to get some gifts for my wife and her sister's birthday but I also expected the old con experience I'd have in like 2014 or some shit. It never mattered that I was alone because I could always chat up strangers at the bar, often times ones that were unrelated to the con. For example my wife brought me to a MLP convention I had no interest in so I ended up spending the evening shooting shit with an elderly german woman there for her daughters and a maintenance guy that just got off his shift at the hotel. Typically at anime cons I end up chatting a bunch of different people up and get invited to room parties and shit.

not at 2023 holomat. Everyone felt so unapproachable. Like I was getting iced out of even looking at a stranger's direction. Even at the bar people were sequestered into their cliques. I just chalked it up to my social skills getting rusty post pandemic but I had a minor freakout about the extroverted part of my personality being blunted somehow, maybe with age. like I stopped being this person that could make a total stranger smile no problem. Not going to say it's all the atmosphere changing, there were some people that felt friendly but I was to shy to even say hi and read the vibe from there.
>I just chalked it up to my social skills getting rusty post pandemic
The pandemic fucked over all our social skills. Some people got rusty, others forgot how to engage with society. Everyone is more angry and afraid. We all have collective social trauma now and hardly anyone talks about it. It really bothers me that it's not discussed...
>It really bothers me that it's not discussed...
literally everything about the pandemic has been memoryholed and it makes me both sad and angry because the worst effects of it were on youth who all have literally stunted development
yes it's it's really sad how nowadays it's considered weird to try to talk to strangers, and i practically never see anyone younger than like 35 anywhere in public anymore
Different con, same experience. It was like everyone who was there had come with their friends and intended on not talking to anyone who wasn't already a friend.

I've noticed the same trend online in the past few years though. People act like it's crazy, stalkerish or creepy if a random stranger comes across their public blog/twitter/whatever and posts a comment, or if someone tries to send them a private message. Hell, I've even noticed the level of interaction on Discord has lessened in the past 2 years - when someone writes something people are now just clicking a button to send an emote instead of actually writing a response, so the servers all die due to no actual conversations happening. Young people see no problem with this as they don't know any different.
for discord, it doesn't help that all the big servers are run by power tripping mods who instantly kill any "off topic" discussion, the "no memes in #general" is the best example of this
For what it's worth, something about HolMat makes people more closed off. I'll recognize dozens of attendees but even the ones who like to party aren't as open to it as they are back home. Holiday Matsuri is also the only major Florida con that brings in a lot of people from out of state
I remember seeing cosplays in the late 2000s and wishing to join. It was much more organic then, and while I'm aware the pornographic stuff existed it wasn't visibly a huge industry like it is now.

I was a preteen then and wouldn't have fit in. I am cosplaying now but I don't get clout online and it makes me a bit bitter. I have no interest in managing social media or selling nudes. I feel like I was born too late.
I believe it because anime nerd spaces have always been full of normalfag adjacent loser types. ie drugs and sex parties.
>ban on lolicon
/c/ has consistent lolicon threads.
/a/ has them reach bump limit at least twice a week and thats not even counting the loli-anime discussion threads.
/b/ has a consistent loli, shota, and ai degen threads full of it.

lolicon isnt banned from 4chan. NSFW on SFW boards is. /l/ was removed in like 2006 because of cp spam by antis who wanted the board gone. They do the same now but with gore or shit.
>/l/ was removed in like 2006 because of cp spam by antis who wanted the board gone
why do anti-cunny people always have actual cp?
More thottery
Too much onlyfans shilling
So I would like to start by saying your aren’t nuts. I have also found modern cons are just less friendly than those back in 00’s and early 10’s. I don’t think it’s just that the pandemic blunted peoples social skills and has made them more fearful of interacting with strangers. The culture as a whole as been accelerated by the national culture.

Every interaction feels much more cliquish and transactional. When I started going to cons everyone was on the same page. We were all weebs who wanted to meet other weebs. Not that just isn’t the case, anime and cosplay have grown so much that not everyone is there to socialize like that any more. “The cosplay community” isn’t really a community any more. It’s more a collection of cliques and sub groups that has cosplay as a common thread.

What has come with that/ contributed to that is that every interaction feels far more transactional now. As soon as common forums died and were replaced with individualized social media profiles it has really been a race to the bottom because there is no real shared space everyone feels a stake in now. The new elitism isn’t cosplayers shunning someone for having a poorly made cosplay; it’s clout chasers. I mean why interact with a lowbie? If the translation isn’t shares for followers it’s actual dollars but that is a whole other conversation about how people try to make cosplay their job. But yeah tl;dr very few ppl do cosplay purely for the love of the game now.
ok so things are bad

can we do anything to save it?
or is it inevitable that its doomed forever?
tried getting into it in 2016, didn’t like it, now I avoid it at all costs. Made a few friends, but none of those friendships lasted. Would have been nice to have kept some of those friendships, I live in LA and have a nice house now that would have been awesome to share with others with mutual interests, especially after hours for kickbacks or if they needed a place to stay

I stopped going to cons 2 years ago, much of the current scene isn’t really appealing to me and because I teach, I see a lot of my students there which is sometimes cool but other times makes it weird
until something is done about social media, nothing will change for the positive, it will continue to be a race for clout and continue to spiral.
Can't say I missed the part about /cgl/ being "/pol/ with vaginas".
Sounds like a fun time
Can you actually get into these hookups and parties if you're not a cosplayer yourself? And outside of coomer stuff, are you just limited to taking pictures and small chat, not getting in the community?
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Hookups without costume? Couldn't say, I always go dressed up. Parties, yes, they're the majority. Just know this is what everyone's thinking without actually saying it: >>10929675
>are you just limited to taking pictures and small chat, not getting in the community?
Go to as many events in your area as you can, that makes you part of the "community" by default
Little late here but Toriyama's death had a sticky in /a/ that was capped at 9001 unique IP counts but it ended up stopping it for the whole site and they haven't fixed it since
I don't care for drinking booze with strangers, fuck off
What the fuck else am I supposed to do?
>pic unrelated
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Feeling's mutual, lad. Fuck off altogether while you're at it, know what I mean?
>orgies everywhere
well damn I guess I better start cosplaying to get some, life ain't gonna give me it for free
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/cgl/ hit a new low this weekend at 31 posts in a day (barely more than 1 per hour)

How low can we go?
>life ain't gonna give me it for free

You're quite right

That's because there's mostly only lolitas. I wish this was a more busy place where cosplayers could comment on things without fear of being cancelled and all that.
"But why don't you just leave the thing you were a part of creating because all the new idiot grifters want to drive you out instead of them keeping to some level of decency? You can always just stay in your room and take selfies to post online where the same assholes exist to cause you the same problems! You should change, not them!"

Many such cases and gatekeeping is a good thing that keeps out disease.
I tried all my inspirations, not really much to it anymore. Even when shirtless when I told myself I would never do it because of my physique
I really wanted to get into cosplay in high school since I was from some small town but once I went to uni in a big city I was too scared to make myself go to a con cause I didn't have anyone to go with me.
Maybe I should just buy some cheap wigs and try dressing up for myself at home. Wish I had a buddy who would get me into making own costumes.
t. Poland anon
you still wont get some
We are faggot.
My favorite is when cosplay thots try to become vtubers, and it doesn't work out for them. "What do you mean I have no personality?!?" #bless sorry sweaty
has any board lost as much traffic as /cgl/?
And here I was thinking they took the counters out to hide how bot infested the site has become, turns out it was for a very 4chan reason this entire time.
Necrobumping is the only fun to be had on /cgl/ nowadays
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1 year update. I really hated the way my body changed post pandemic and I wasn't in great shape when I went to holomat in 2023. This year I worked on myself a lot so I lost enough weight to get my face back and put on enough size to be back at my old peak. Maybe being more conventionally attractive helped, maybe wearing a closet cosplay helped but whatever the case people were a lot more approachable. Line buddy conversations, people coming up to me to shoot the shit and plenty of other random conversations. managed to find some other VN enjoyers and exchanged contact info, they're pretty cute but i'd be happy if we can form a VN book club.

didn't work on my social skills nearly as much as my body though. Completely fumbled the ball with a girl that invited me over to the bar at the rave so we could talk. I felt so fucking bad for her because getting words out of me was like getting blood from a stone. don't blame her for suddenly peacing out. spent the rest of the rave poorly dancing by myself or with other sweaty men. great time.

also met up with an old friend that got ditched by the people he was supposed to go with. dude bounced back from being a depressed sack to a beacon of joy with me around. making strangers smile again and revitalizing my buddy, I can't really ask for more. I'm feeling more like myself again. holomat 2024 was great for me.
>big fan of a certain cosplayer.

what certain cosplayer?
It's definitely fake, and even if they really did happen there's no way anybody from here is going to know about it.
''There's a lot more gays now''

Womanbrain can't handle maths classic
What in the terfbabble is this, men don't cosplay bc of misogyny?

People don't cosplay as much anymore cuz they're on constant serotonin drip from social media and smart phones, which means they don't pursue hobbies like they used to.

What has trooning out or being gay got to do with cosplaying ani chars? There's plenty of masculine chars to cosplay, if anything the men are way more faggy now doing way more femboy/super twinky cosplays
I'm glad things improved for you anon. Keep working at it.
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I think it was more alive 10+ years ago, at least with this board. Basically part of it is >>10929675 where sex sells, and sites like onlyfans have made it where low effort cosplay costumes bought online for porn only. Cosplay porn as become another tag for the overall porn industry than the original goal of dressing up as something you like as a form of expression. So seeing anybody do cosplay for anything nicher is really rare in the modern era, lewd or not. Covid/lockdowns pushed this even further. This also has a massive thing with normalfags being weebs in general, meaning being a weeb isn't a special status like a geek anymore.

tl:dr: Cheap cosplay porn replaced most of it with normalfags going to cons, drastically changing the idea of cosplay for most people being about porn than self expression.
fucking boner robin, the absolute legend

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