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>107 days until Fanime
>No vaccines but still have mask mandate in place

Did you get the hotel you wanted?
What are your cosplay plans?
How are we feeling about this year?
This con is deader than shit
Lmfao @ masks. Dead con is dead. Only ugly people still support that shit.
Fanime is dead
AX way too corporate
ALA is dull
Sac is....Sac
SDCC is a normies

Whats a good CA con?
the masking is especially stupid because everyone just takes off their mask the moment they exit the official con area. also dumb because guests can flaunt it and not give a fuck.

staff from the cosplay and gaming departments seem to be leaving en masse

con isn't dead, just stagnant. it's a glorified party con and in that regard it's doing great. tons of people in the park every night.
Well, sad to see that the consensus on this con is that it pretty much sucks. I’ll be going for the first time this year, is there anything redeeming or is it just something to enjoy with your friend group?
This is my first year as well and going solo. Sucks to see how dead the con is.
more staff resigned from gaming and whatever the fuck "stage of stars" is. fanime apparently has jack shit for staff benefits, lol. held together by string and duct tape, and the love of certain department heads providing for their people.

also they have a vaccination requirement for staff but not attendees so that's one improvement. they still want masks.

it's basically a giant party con. it's been that way for a while. if you're looking for a con to just hang out with people or cosplay at it is great. if you are looking for guests, you're in the wrong place, because fanime's have been lackluster for quite a while. if you're solo i hope you're good at talking to people because without friends it is pretty meh.
>still have mask mandate in place
dude not even hospitals do that shit this is literally just uglies trying to hide their ugly faces and forcing it on everybody else
nah the hospitals over here still do it. santa clara county in particular requires everyone to at a hospital. most of the other counties are hospital staff only. for an anime con it's outdated though. everyone just takes off their mask the moment they exit the actual fanime controlled grounds lol
hospitals absolutely still do it. stop throwing a tantrum about it or go lick a toilet seat if you want to get sick so badly

>if you're solo i hope you're good at talking to people because without friends it is pretty meh

Rats, that is what I was fearing the most. I am not super autistic and have good enough social skills to meet people. However I do need a starting point which is the issue.

I been to Sakura con, Kawaii Kon, AX, ALA, etc for years but never Fanime.

Is there a discord or something to join? Interacting there usually is a good starting point but I have not seen a public bay area/SJ con server
Anime Impulse is doing a ton of stuff and Anime Pasadena and Anime Riverside are looking up
I'm sorry this is both of your first times and not during the apex of this cons legacy,
I'm someone who used to frequent the con for years and during the 2010's it was one of the most fun things to attend, same with ALA.

Not that you guys can't find some fun, the party element of it is still there it's just not as big as it once was and a lot of those things people will praise the con for are usually outside of it nowadays.
When I finally attended again last year I basically had to go around and seek the shit that was fun, the park rave, the outside raves and concerts which unfortunately have a cover charge and though fun were usually packed and video programming stuff which is now relegated to the 18+ area that you have to take a bus to get to miles away near the airport, etc.
There weren't that many room parties like there was before and the nightlife at the con itself is nonexistent minus some game tournaments here and there but the con isn't even 24 hours like it used to be so it's pretty much empty all the time.
And like >>10902568 said, the guests are almost zero to nothing, they used to get great bands and industry folks but nowadays there's practically nobody.
Also they do have a discord through their official site but it's very much kind of empty which reflects the state of the event itself.
Genesis volunteers don't even get free badges
Impulse feels like a mall where people just go for a few hours look at stuff then leave
Why no vaccines but masks required? Wouldn't the opposite make more sense if you required one of them?
Anime Destiny hosted at UC Berkeley has a nice vibe to it. It's a small more intimate one I'd recommend checking out if you're looking for a single day con.
>Anime Impulse is doing a ton of stuff
Which one, because the Pomona event sucked ass this year.
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So some pretty heavy con drama is happening at Fanime.

>Multiple Fanime departments have resigned due to grievances such as communication issues, operational challenges, and concerns about staff and attendee welfare. We hope that our resignation sparks a re-evaluation of operational practices. Our hope is for comprehensive reform within Fanime, focusing on improved communication, staff support, and engagement with the community.

I'm curious to see how well this con is gonna run with staff leaving in droves.
so far the only really important division that has had people leave is gaming, and that's because the really-late-hours gaming hall (formerly 24/7) was one of the main things you could do at the con

it is hilarious how things are going overall though. i am always happy to see a good shit-flinging fest.
alright, after reading the complaint site, this could easily be fixed by just having a bunch of pallets of food from costco in a room. that covers your staff meals and staff suite, and honestly, isn't that much money compared to how many tickets they're selling. shirts are cheap if you get them en masse so they should be able to do that too. free hotel rooms, while nice, are something not every con provides, especially one where hotel rooms are at a premium like fanime. maybe they could get them rooms farther away or some shit.

>There is a lack of support in enforcing COVID-19 policies such as proper masking, which undermines efforts to ensure the safety of attendees and staff.
this line in particular, get the fuck out of here. no one cares anymore. if you're not going to enforce it on everyone, including guests, then get the fuck out.
there's now a war between the two sides as "factcheckedbyfanime" has been made by a fanime staffer, undoubtedly not at the behest of the higher ups
Where did you see this?

I been searching around but I just see people debating on what to do for fanime, but looks like my first fanime is MOOT but flight and everything else has been paid for.
The "unofficial Fanime Facebook group." Fanime will still be a good hangout con, which is honestly all it has been for many years. You don't even need a badge for that. Plenty of people just ghost outside the convention center and hang out with friends. Parties are nightly in the park as a successor to lobbycon (which got kicked out for liability purposes)
>Where did you see this?


They got a whole website defending themselves.
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So apparently the Staffer that made that site admitted the C-suites are protecting a known stalker/abuser and won't do fuckall until a new code of conduct is implemented and he does something to someone else.
I think the con's gonna die the moment the media catches wind of things.
let's be honest, people in the bay area don't care about things unless they affect them directly. we just sweep shit under the rug or pretend it doesn't exist.

the bay area also doesn't have many conventions. fanime is the biggest one in the area. all other ones are fairly small (carriercon, offkai, anime impulse, hell even sacanime). crx was your second best bet but they figured out its easier to just piggyback off another event (read: anime expo) than have to spend all the time and effort to set up and run your own event in its entirety. when you're one of the only games in town, you enjoy a certain privilege.
also if the cops couldn't verify the order then it's quite possible the order was a TRO that expired, if she got an order at all. from my experience, if police can't see anything when we search either party's name, there's no active restraining order. even if an order was not served it'll still show up with that note on it. the victim would have to file for a normal long term restraining order, which, if she didn't, is on her. at the very least the victim should have been able to provide her copy of the TRO to fanime but with certain parts blacked out if she didn't want to give out her address or whatever.
okay i tracked down the comment thread

>I emailed the chair team with case numbers for assault and restraining orders in 2023 & have receipts to prove it.

>For clarification- It is not reports of my restraining order or assault against this staffer, but reports my lawyer found while looking into a restraining order for myself. We decided against going for a restraining order for myself because it would force me to disclose to my abuser my current address, a situation I was not comfortable with while my abuser still does not appear to have it.

lol the fuck, yeah no wonder they couldn't verify a RO because there wasn't one. did she even file a report for herself? like that's kind of the basic thing, if you didn't file a report, did you even care at all?
From what I've heard SacAnime is now bigger than Fanime.
>hospitals absolutely still do it
Hospitals are a private not anime cons you fucking retard
Been thinking on this a bit between this post, some others on the facebook gronp and some stuff on x, it probably wouldn't hurt to run their staff roster through a criminal sesrch
They print the roster on their convention guides right?
anyone have last years?
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That's probably not a bad idea considering this popped up on Fanime's counter website today.
I may have 2017's show guide somewhere and can start with the list of that staff and work towards the present from there.
So I was unable to find the one I had from 2017. Probably got tossed it after my ceiling caved in last summer. Sorry anon.
People saying Sac really shaped up and is now a better experience
I've never been to Fanime, is it worth checking out still? Then there's Offkai Expo the week after
>I've never been to Fanime, is it worth checking out still?

Not this years, no.
The people behind failedbyfanime should've come out with their stories before Fanime 2023 or soon after. If these reports have been piling up for years, they should've released them before 2024 badges went on sale. Myself and a big portion of my social circle all got fucked over by failedbyfanime not going public until recently, after everyone has their rooms, badges, flights, cosplays, etc. all paid for.
Shit happens m8. The Convention's C-suites probably did something to finally tip some of the staff's trust in the convention.
Judging by the back and forth going on between their heads of departments on some of the facebook posts it looks like some of the departments and their leadership get preferential treatment over others.
As a normal attendee it's likely to not affect you at all, unless you're trying to get some sort of social brownie points for not going to fanime in support of the groups that left.

Honestly it just sounds like they're mad over perks and decided to walk out over it. The groups in question aren't mission critical and will be replaced. The new people replacing them may have some teething issues initially but by year two will probably bounce back. The only one I can kind of see being an issue is if the arcade game supplier takes his games and stays home. I'm not sure if they are his games or fanime's games.
>if the arcade game supplier takes his games and stays home
Game Saru, Fanime's arcade cab supplier, is one of the signatures on failedbyfanime...
Yeah, that's why I mentioned him. Don't know if they're his cabinets in perpetuity or if he was just the one to initially source them and the cabs are then fanime's.
>Honestly it just sounds like they're mad over perks and decided to walk out over it.
Uh, have actually like read what they've been posting? Perks are part of it, but it also sounds like there's a couple sexual harassers in their middle management that have been there for like 5 years at least. I don't know if they can survive, this could be a Nebraska situation.

I actually asked the about that with the people tending the arcade last year because I wanted to know where they got them. It's a yearly contract with Game Saru, they said it's about 20k worth of machines give or take.
After everything we mentioned earlier and now with all these new problems arising, honestly no.
If you do wanna go for a day to just check it out you can just to at least get a feel for it and see it for yourself but it's a shell of it's former self.
The con is not that bad, but there aren't many guests, which is somewhat of the letdown. Nonetheless you can still entertain yourself well enough. Sometimes people her are way too negative about stuff, but that's imageboard culture for you.

[s]The vaccine is harder to remove than the masks.[/s]

Real car races would be cool because of the official theme, as unlikely as that is to happen albeit.
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Please don't file a report about fanime to the police. Whatever the fuck you just said isn't a crime they will investigate (fail to follow policies?), not to mention the police generally don't accept reports from third parties unless you want to be seen as crazy (then they will take the report, and toss it in the garbage can, because it's the easiest way to get rid of a crazy person).
Thanks for the advice, I guess I might try going to Offkai if I can get a friend to go with me (I'm in LA County)
That's an even smaller con that is way more niche. If your flight is cheap sure but I personally wouldn't travel to it unless my oshi was doing a meet and greet and i had to talk to her. it's more of an indie vtuber/small studio con, and I have no idea who will actually be back.
I planned to fly in from SoCal to hit two birds with one stone and visit friends + con but since it looks like this is a bust, is SacAnime worth going to instead? I can only get credit, not a refund for plane tickets
Sacanime is usually dub based so if you like English VAs you'll be going to the right place
My friends' oshis are going, here's hoping I find someone I like while I'm up there
Chances shit happens at the park this year?
Either by someone starting shit, or after 2 years of trashing it the city has cops stationed.
Eh, it's hard to say. Last year a guy got kind of knocked out and park con still came back the rest of the weekend. There's always the chance of something going down when you have alcohol involved. The cops came out early one of the nights but by nighttime were gone and people partied it up again. If the city really thought it was an emergency issue they would have kept a couple guys on overtime there immediately.
Have a friend that was going to staff this year but decided to quit back in march
stuff one of their execs kept saying rubbed her the wrong way because he kept calling the people that quit kids that are having a temper tantrum and just the way it was being phrased weirded her out as though there's some fucky sruff going on with the people up top.
Kinda a culty atmo.
I'll ask for some tea cause the whole comparing them to kids thing rings alarm bells to me.
can enough attendees make some noise about the mask requirement so they can drop it?
if they ain't firing people for sexual harassment on other staff with a quarter of their staff having left over is why would they listen to attendees about masks?
wait, what the hell? I was there all three days and I didn't hear about any knockouts. Was that why there were a bunch of people making sure everyone had water?
The only things at Sac-Anime are the panels, all guests, and the market floor. I've never had an issue there, but it can get a bit boring, and the guests are consistently awesome.
I think they found someone, because the staff email showed someone in arcade. They may have contacted a previous vendor, since I remember there was someone before Game Saru.
Not just perks, there's been a lot of dumb-ass infighting and budget slapfights. I remember console gaming and PC gaming had fights all the time before they were rolled into one. There's bound to be a lot of favoritism (and plain 'tism).
Talked with her over coffee thith morning.
She's 99% sure none of the victims of the sexual harassment or assault allegations involbed kids.
Just looks real bad that an exec was repeatedly calling them kids.
Also she's still getting staff emails after quitting
anyone thinking this con is going to survive has a shock for them when they getto the gaming hall
> no stages
> no pc gaming
> no gaming tournaments
> just an arcade and a ttrpg booth in the corner
> not enough staff for those either so those might go away too
> and a ball pit front and fucking center

also their maid cafe might be in the middle of a civil war because the person in charge didn't nut up and actually take the concerns aired on facebook to the execs like she said she would on facebook
I don't know if that was intended as a joke about how they know this con is going to fucking die. It's been held together with glue and tape, and no one comes for the guests. A lot of people stopped going and fucked off to BayCon or AX.

It's why I don't think a chunk of the staff simply quit over just perks. I was at one of the dead dogs and one guy got SUPER mad at me when I was discussing Anime Expo's feud with one of my friends out in the open. It also solidifies the accusations that there was blatant favoritism, too.
Nah some guy got in a fight and got knocked out at parkcon one of the first couple nights so fire dept and ems was called to check on his dumb ass

Sure doesn't feel like people aren't coming. Con has still been as crowded as it ever is the last couple years. It's a straight party con and all you need to do is give them a place to be nerds on a good holiday weekend. I'd say that long weekend has been a bigger reason for success than anything. If the hotels ever stop getting instantly filled up then that'll be a sign of the end.
More in the sense no one cares except for partying and some panels. All this drama won't really put a dent in the nerds coming and the people who do care are just going to support the smaller cons they're going to, and the capeshitters have that new comic-con in August.

I always tell newbies to go with friends, because Fanime is super boring without friends. I like Parkcon because you can actually talk to people without them getting weird.

It'd take, I don't know, McEnery burning down for Fanime to stop.
I'm going with my partner and a friend, how friendly would you say the crowd is? We are both pretty attractive and get along well with others, but mostly looking for places it would make sense to try and socialize to get invited to parties
Lol post a pic nigger, you're gf is probably fat and your jaw isn't that big
I don't care if you don't believe me. For the sake of my post, let's say hypothetically a couple is attractive and easy to get along with. Where are the oppurtunities to socialize? I feel like most panels are more of a presentation and it would be rude to talk during it, and our cosplays are not typically included in gatherings.
You'll definitely like Parkcon (if it happens this year) and the raves. Parkcon had people striking up convos with randos and free shots. If you're in cosplay, people tend to strike up more convo with you as well.

Even just hanging outside at night is great. I've never been to a Fanime room party (I've only done WorldCon back in 2017) and as far as I know, they don't usually advertise them out in the open like they do at capeshit/sci-fi/furry cons.

It's not that people are necessarily hostile outside of that, even though there's lots of horror stories. Hell, I'm wary of socializing at the con at times because of spilled spaghetti at panels, both ways.

The evening crowd tends to be a party crowd. Take that with a grain of salt, I think the last time I was there before 11AM was in 2011. :V

>projecting this hard
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at least the stages are no loss, game room programming was always a hot mess
IDK, I liked the random Jackbox stuff.
I don't know why they won't have Guildhouse do promos. It might have something to do with Finali still working with them.
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fresh stupid shit from Fanime.
ball pit was "art" and was just going to be looked at
whoever the tard wrangler at fanime is put the exec who had the idea in a headlock till they cried uncle
turns out it was an execs plan
probably meant as a fuck you to the staff that quit
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have you ever gotten PTSD at a convention?

that's a fucking essay right there, goddamn. it is literally 2000 words long.
>i had brought with me a plushy of the marine/arctic creatures (based on a mythical creature from Scotland) of a childhood game that I grew up playing.
GOD so many words to say you had your mental health Lapras plushie.
There is no way in hell that ball pit thing was meant as anything less than a spiteful middle finger at the people leaving them.

I wonder if any staff are leaving for Anime Expo. I know they're going to Mag-West and Baycon.
How do people who are this frail survive their existence? Its probably scared of breathing for fucks sake.
the bulk of people are from gaming and cosplay departments, both of which i don't think AX has a specific need for. also they're going to find that the AX machine is retarded too, but maybe with less "sexual assault"
i've heard it's way more retarded and filled with infighting, especially more so when AX has industry contacts
Oh it absolutely had to be a fuck you to everyone that left.
Also seems they had a pedo in charge at one point.
DESU with the way they keep shell gaming shit they're probably still on staff too.
To that one ex staffer afraid of naming whoever harassed you on staff, just name drop them here. They can't prove it was you. Maybe it was a friend who you confided in that posted it. Whoops. Plausible deniability.

See, just like right now, I'm talking shit anonymously.
I'm not going to any con that still has a mask mandate. My Fanime 2023 experience was my breaking point for that.
Last year they had a mask + vax mandate they were actually enforcing. It caused stupidly long lines just to get in the door. Once inside it was just like any other generic con I've been to a dozen times.
SacAnime is where it's at now. No mandates means the lines go way faster. Not being treated like an infected swine is also nice.
Plus, if you get bored of the con you can see the state capitol or go to Old Town Sacramento. Compare that to San Jose, which has absolutely zero historical significance and nothing of interest to do if you end up wanting to leave the con for a bit.
The only advantage to Fanime is that it's located next to the San Jose airport, but I doubt anyone is flying in for freakin Fanime.
AX has been gutting more staff in favor for vendors
Leaving a convention to go look at some buildings is not the upside you think it is
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low quality bait from a redditor
and someone fucking fell for it.
what a stupid fucking hat too
Lol nah just tired of dumb shit on Facebook where people are like oh this person is still on staff and he harassed me and they won't do anything boooooo just fucking name them. The whole Failed by Fanime thing is fucking stupid.
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bait and reddit spacing m8
rule 4 exists because the dipshits nolifing it on /b/ couldn't stop sending swat teams after each other over petty internet bullshit and california may be a commie shithole but there's enough people heated over sex assault and harassment that someone getting doxxed in connection could very well end with someone catching a bullet anon
This is the Bay Area. People are passive aggressive at best. Ain't no one getting shot over this. Everyone is about performative bullshit in the Bay.
Fanime announced metal detectors and body scanners
that doesn't sound like an event not worried about someone getting capped
Hi team!

In the spirit of transparency regarding the recent Fanimecon drama, I'd like to bring something to light. There is currently a legal suit filed by FANS (Foundation for Anime and Niche Subcultures) against their former CFO, Craige Kevin Howlett. The suit alleges fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, unjust enrichment, and more. FANS is seeking an amount no less than $656,000 from Craige Kevin Howlett.


If you have a PACER account, you can view all the details. This is all public info.

https://files.catbox.moe/hwsngk.pdf - PDF of the complaint for if you can't pull it.

Some interesting tidbits:

Debtor’s fraudulent withdrawals from FANS’s Bank Account, for his personal use and benefit, and refusal to repay
FANS in full for these improper withdrawals caused FANS at least $656,000 in damages. Based
on FANS’s current investigation of Debtor’s fraudulent withdrawals, FANS estimates Debtor’s
actual sum of fraudulent withdrawals to total approximately, and at least, $656,000. FANS now
seeks full recovery of these sums.

According to Debtor, $87,058.95 of the debt was
used to make Debtor’s credit card payments to Black Card, Capital One, and Apple. $77,974.87
of the debt was used for direct support, consisting of mortgage services, a Dell computer purchase,
and payments to the IRS, Foundation Lock Financial, Tesla Motors, and “the Law Offices.”
$35,418.40 of the debt was used for indirect support, which included payments on Debtor’s Disney
time share, air conditioning repairs, refrigerator replacement, T-Mobile hot spot, and various
purchases from Amazon

Look thru the PDF for more! Please don't ban me mods.

Damn no wonder Fanime been shit lately and so cheap with staffers. Their CFO stole $650k from them and tried to declare bankruptcy to escape paying it back.
>body scanners
I guess the scanner images will also be for sale.
So Fanime is eating shit because some dude wanted to get a Tesla and work on his house?
i'm sure it's only part of the reason.
Former staff here ama.
drinking rn so might not respond coherently
Want to touch on this tho
got pushed out after nearly throwing hands with Craige when I found out about his budget fuckery
pretty sure it's been a shell game between FANS, ARG, CWA and Fanime for years and they're trying a hail mary by throwing him under the bus now that the attorney general has sent them a 60 day notice to get their ducks in line or things get referred to the franchise tax board
looks like dude also got divorced too

the scanners don't show anything besides the general locations of "potentially dangerous items." if you want some hot cosplay photos you'd be better off using whatever camera you actually have.
> arg, cwa?
the fuck does any of that even mean and any details you can share on the pedo >>10911203 mentioned?
>ooks like dude also got divorced too
saw in that post about the texas fucking good they sucked as a couple
>the fuck does any of that even mean and any details you can share on the pedo
arg = anime resource group its the previous corportation fanime was being run under before they had the brilliant idea to become a non profit to try and dodge taxes think they still existwhich is funny since when they made fans all the money and stuff was suppos to move to fans and arg get dissolved
cwa is clockwork alchemy the speampunk con that was tied at the hip to fanime run by the same people and I think was being run as a loss on their taxes for tax purposesI
think when I tried to slap craige it was only a quarter million that was missing on the sheets but that number's def gone up since then since the filing in texas says 656 thousand
>details you can share on the pedo
pretty sure it was pedos
one was allowed to be on the chair team one last year, kinda a thankyou for your service kinda deal but kept hush hush because it was before he was to report to prison and I think he's still in prison and he was supposed to have an escot but I know he slipped it at least once and I heard from staff at the picanic after con that they saw him without the escort more than once
aware of one offender and one i suspected of being registered that that were on staff before my departure but I haven't seen the name of the one I knew for sure on the program guide since 2018 I think so he may have been shitcanned but could have been promoted to a spot that can have names removed from the program guide too
i think this is readable but Ill look once the whiskeys done and if I cant make sense of this will delete and report it more clear like
Everyone on staff has the option to remove themselves from the program guide or change their name from their legal name. People on staff can see the complete staff list on the admin site, though I'm not sure if the list of legal names is available anywhere.
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Did you get the hotel you wanted?
I live 20 minutes away and work at the University, so I'm fucking good.
What are your cosplay pgoof.
I'm really debating on it since I have one of those Vault 111 suits from the Fallout 4 release. Only problem is it is WAY too late to find a Pipboy prob and even then I'd warmth to add some 3d printed guns to complete the look.
How are we feeling about this year?
Pretty OK, furst time going again since 2018 and I'm on the hunt for a Shantae Nendoroid.
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>Did you get the hotel you wanted?
I'm local so I'm gonna be parking at my friend's place and we're all just gonna walk to the con.
>What are your cosplay plans?
First time ever making my own cosplay by hand! Kamen Rider Nigo and I'm pretty happy with the progress so far. Just gotta be finishing it up pretty soon.
>How are we feeling about this year?
All the drama aside, I'm really looking forward to it this year! With his shit my May has been so far I'm absolutely looking forward to hanging with my friends and checking out the cosplay gatherings! Would be cool to make some new friends too, so fingers crossed.
Got into Kamen Rider recently, so that's where most of my money is gonna be going to in dealer's hall.

Would you know how those scanners work? I usually bring some booze in plastic flasks on my body, will they see them?
Metal only of certain densities. It triggered on a laptop battery but not other stuff I had on me. It shows the general area on a person on their monitor and they will ask to check that area. Plastic won't trigger.
any nice places to visit while in san jose?

I know there's the San Pedro Square in walking distance, a lot of the shops near SJSU shut down and that whole area is kind of dead.

A couple personal bar recommendations I enjoy are the Guildhouse, they have gaming computers, board games and held a rave last year.

and Miniboss is your run of the mill barcade. they have a virtual on cabinet, a room dedicated to pinball and some really good themed mixed drinks.

what other places do you guys recommend in the downtown area?
There are some actual nightclubs all right next to each other in downtown SJ like Temple and Loft for more of a party vibe. Santana Row is a little bit away from downtown SJ, definitely a more upscale mood but lots of cute shops and fun to walk through. Straits is a fun but classy little lounge with velvet ropes/bouncers etc. If you want to stick to the convention crew though they will likely be milling around downtown near Miniboss.
there's a ramen shop in japantown that uses locally made tofu
Some people are saying internal fanime messaging indicates they are finally going to drop the ridiculous mask mandate and have it be "recommended" instead. Only took you what, two extra years?
I figured they'd drop it last second. They always pull these stunts in the final hour. Likely they do it to try and pump attendee numbers if they're lagging.
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The Loft is having an anime dj event on thursday and sunday. I've been to their events before and its always a good time
like pottery
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I just read the list of events where wearing a mask is still mandated.

>Black and White Ball
>Speed Dating
>Speed Dating
>J-fashion Signia Panels
>Game Night
>Doll & Plushie Meetup

Sauce: https://www.fanime.com/news/covid-19-policy

Everything about this mask policy update and where they are enforced feels arbitrary. By their logic, It's ok for me to be surrounded by people all day in the dealer's room without a mask, but it's unsafe to sit next to someone and look at J-Fashion without a mask on.

I'm happy they're moving in the right direction and phasing them out because, at this point, we should drop masks altogether. I feel like we're clinging to rules for the sake of clinging on to them.
it's less about covid at this point and more that people figured out masks also prevent con crud.
if someone wants to mask, then let them, and vice versa. since con crud isn't life threatening you shouldn't force it on people.
Invariably it's the assholes who come to the con dripping sick with the flu who won't wear them.
I'll be there rocking the same danganronpa cosplay I've worn for my past 2 cons, say hi if you see me. Wish I had more time to put together the costumes I wanted but only just found out I'd be able to travel to it like two weeks ago, so nothing new.
this. there's always some guy tracking snot all over the place.
And you know that dirty bastard just HAS to touch every god damn thing in the dealers room / artist alley.
> the execs knew about and allowed a convicted pedo on staff before their prison date

THAT IS NOT FUCKING OK! How has this con not burned to the ground yet?
Probably because he is up the chain of command. Did a run of the names of the staff I found on past year's programming guide, got a hit on megan's law list. Probably speedrunning the con to death or get something more out of it.

It's also hilarious they are doing calls for volunteers now and asking for those aged 13 and up. Guess they want to feed the pedo or something.
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Big fucking car trouble only a little over a week before the con. I swear my whole month of May has been plagued with awful shit.
I better see some top tier cosplay ass and titties to counterbalance the bad mojo.
any gulls gonna be in the fashion show?
i'd sooner kill myself. bay area fashion shows are never good.

>too fat to wear fashion now because getting older

I'll be in the audience.
mitsuwa market in san jose has an arcade with japanese capsule machines, attached to it is also a kinokuniya. There's a Daiso in the same shopping area also. I highly recommend the curry place nearby.
There are some bars if you're into drinking, like nomikai and 55 South. Paper Plane is crowded all the time so don't even bother. There is an icecream shop near all of this so good place for a snack. A lot of smaller bars will also do anime-themed nights for a quick cash-in but never tried them.
I don't know anything about lolita, only ever cosplayed, but I wanted a comp'd badge. Hopefully it'll be a fun way to meet friends I guess
If you like weird history, I'd recommend getting a tour at the Winchester Mystery House if you're in the area.
they do require you have your own accessories, shoes, and petticoat
They said they'd provide them, I noted on my application that I don't have any lolita wardrobe/experience. Maybe fanime was strapped for models this year
2024 is my year for finally getting into speed dating I can feel it
where the cute asian twinks at?

— cute athletic 5’6” twink

drop a discord and ill hit you up :)
Driving up to all the way up to San Jose down from LA on Thursday afternoon and have one additional space in my car for anyone struggling for transport. If you're looking for a last minute carpool from socal hit me up
So have they managed to get, any decent Guests this year or not so much? Last year one of them canceled at the last moment, but at least the Ghibli talks were cool. Why is it easy for AX to get industry guests and overseas guests but Fanime only gets like these few?
AX has the benefit of being the biggest anime show in the US so companies will spend their own money to bring guests and AX doesn't have to spend a dime. They'll get bang for their buck in terms of spectacle and marketing. Fanime is a much smaller convention and thus they would have to spend their much more limited amount of money. They also don't want to bow down to industry forces (the whole "for fans by fans").

With that said they have Survive Said the Prophet who have their performance visas so at least we get a concert this year. Survive Said the Prophet actually got shafted a few months ago because of visas, ironically. The Ghibli guy is back for 35th Anniversary of Kiki's Delivery Service. The final Japanese guest is Yuu Hayashi who voiced Mikey from Tokyo Revengers and Ryunosuke from Haikyuu. Three Japanese guests is about as much as I expect from Fanime.
Anything to do at night besides Park con?

The fanime discord is kind of dead and have not found one where there are gulls or of the sort to see what is going on at night.
Can you link the discord?
Aniclover is doing a couple of events on day 0 and day 3 at The Loft doing EDM/anisong stuff. If you want to drag yourself to SF, Guitar Wolf/Hans Condor/Electric Machine Gun Tits/Tokyo Beatniks will be at Bottom of the Hill on day 3.
why aren't they doing anything on the actual nights of the convention? any recs for those nights? what is park con?
IIRC Fanime has Musicfest (Survive Said the Prophet), probably on Saturday. Masq Sunday. I'm sure there's other shit too but I don't go to the other shit. I don't even go to the masq for that matter. Parkcon is just a bunch of people hanging out in the park drinking. We used to do it inside the lobby but Fanime didn't want the liability of people drinking there.

At some point parkcon will just get suddenly closed down by the cops, but who knows when that will be.
So for cosplay meet ups are we supposed to sign up somewhere or just show up on the day of?
Just show up
Do we still do meetups? Its been a while since I've been, but the pre covid thread meetup stuff was always pretty fun
yep! there is a whole schedule on the site

It's weird how Fanime doesn't run have an official Discord of FB group.
eh, the unofficial group does pretty well. probably better that way too because there is free reign to post whatever the fuck. failed by fanime would have gotten absolutely zero traction (even less than it is right now, no one really cares) if it had been an official group.
> Did a run of the names of the staff I found on past year's programming guide, got a hit on megan's law list. Probably speedrunning the con to death or get something more out of it.

If this is true, then this is a huge deal. Care to drop any hints on where in the programming guide? I'd like to check for myself.
Gull meetups are difficult these days since close to every mobile+public IP is permabanned.
>Offkai Expo

>see that its local to me
>check website
>badges sold out, non-transferrable
I am down for a gull meetup, it has been been a hot minute since going to one.
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Is the volunteer work worth the opportunity for reimbursement or is it better to just pay the whole weekend?

>the video store was replaced by gacha business

The prolific bans are definitely quite bothersome. The Convention Center might've been banned. The Tech museum WiFi seemed to work though.
up to you whether or not $85 on the cheaper end or $105 on the higher end is worth working for. at a job paying you $10 an hour post-tax it'd be 8-10 hours of work to get a badge. for a full weekend badge, it is 20 hours of volunteering. if you want to get involved in the convention running scene, volunteering is a way in. volunteer multiple times and you'll probably be given a way into bigger roles. or if you just want to help out, or you don't really have a lot of plans for the con, volunteering is good.
Does the official forum count?
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Another day, another post on the FB page about another scum sucking creep.
Is anyone keeping count? I think this is what, five now?
this is gonna be my first Fanime since a friend decided to buy me the weekend pass
im kinda nervous

will you guys be liveposting here just in case you do a meetup?
Notice: South hall has the slow metal detectors so unless you have a burning desire to go to it asap just wait until 9pm or 10pm to go in.

Basically what most people do is just hang out because there's not a ton to do. You'll be fine. I assume your friend knows people at con. Talk to those people, make friends. Talk to more people. People are pretty friendly at this con.
This was posted by Instagram user clownhop who is a scumbag herself. I question the validity of this. After the whole bear picker thing I no longer believe in sexual assault anyway.
First time visiting a con alone. Not really expecting much, but any advice for making new friends and having fun without creeping people out? The friend I was going with had to cancel but I decided to go alone anyway to step out of my comfort zone a little since the con is close by.
I'm also at the con alone for the same reason. We should make a meet since I'm sure plenty of others are alone as well. What time does park con usually happen?
> bear picker thing
was head down at work the last few weeks what'd I miss
With all the sex assault allegations at tfanime are you sure they're your friend?
I think he means the "women would rather pick a bear to be stuck in the woods with" thing

There were a lot of people echoing similar interactions with the guy at other events so unless it's a massive organized campaign to just shit on one idiot, it is real
>There were a lot of people echoing similar interactions with the guy at other events
That's selling it short, kartel's got a rap sheet longer than some people locked up in county hes just somehow dodged the police or just getting dragged onto the street and his ass beat kinda surprised that didn't happen in vegas or fresno
>"women would rather pick a bear to be stuck in the woods with" thing

thanks now I get it
i wouldnt mind if she SA'd me
even if clownhop is full of shit and deflecting attention off herself by trying to be some kinda savior, there's enough of a record of him getting banned at other cons that it looks bad anyway especially if what heard from a friend is accurate and he's on staff too and not just there as part of the public
As most of you gulls know I run a delivery service on my days off. from food to booze to everything in between this fanime Sunday only. Prices are cheaper than doordash and Uber satisfaction and safety guarantee.
so im planning on going tomorrow Saturday
any events you guys recommend?
and how late should I stay before things just die down and people leave?
I was too beat to go to parkcon tonight. Hoping to go tomorrow.
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Parkcon is an absolute blessing. Can't believe I missed it for this long.
the yaoi panel was good
Parkconpill me.
It's a big rager in the park. People set DJ booths up and everyone hangs around having a good time.
I had fun at the rave, then stumbled upon parkcon on my way out. Was wondering where everyone was at after hours, looked like a good time.
anything worth doing today?
We got mahjong too
It's honestly not going to change anything if a giant party isn't your thing. It's best with friends, and depending on your tolerance, maybe just an hour

With that said I somehow stayed for like three hours for the last two nights and I don't know how because it's not my thing but I kept running into people I know
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Thanks. That would make me want to kill myself
I'm almost postive I saw some dude in the dealers hall selling chesirrrr artwork. pretty sure without permission.
Lots of people getting their shit stolen at park con this year.
Like what? People grabbing bags or just like people leaving shit to go dance and its not there after
Not even to dance, just looking away for a few seconds and then looking back and their bags are gone.
worth coming today?
Day 4 is basically leftovers day for me. Anything I didn't do previously or want to go back and buy stuff. Artist alley, dealer's hall, and this year, looking at the cars in south hall.
I actually took my nephew to his first con day 4. he ran around and made me pay for an overpriced stuff charizard.

good time, happy memories for the little dude.
All dealer's halls have massive booths of just stolen art work or AI generated images these days. They make a fuckton of money from people who don't know any better and con staff never gives a fuck, so they won't be going anywhere.
Maybe not this year
was talking with the wild bills guys near when they were closing up before heading to parkcon and they hadn't totalled everything up but they think they barely broke even at fanime.
Fanime wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be this year. Failedbyfanime made it sound like the con was going to be completely nonfunctional but as an attendee, I didn't feel like the con was different at all. That being said, I'm ghosting for sure next year.

Wild Bill's isn't a massive booth of stolen artwork or AI generated images.
Don't bother, Fanime staffing has shit compensation. Other cons at least give you meals and comp your hotel room, Fanime doesn't feed you and only gives you 20% off your room. They're too cheap to even give staff a t-shirt.
every department had $50 per person food budget this year, it was great

in the past staff perks weren't as good as other cons but it's getting better now that Craige is gone. Most of us staff because it's a good way to meet people and make friends and it gives you something to do at the con rather than attending the same panels for the 10th year in a row
Had one of my better con experiences this time. Did speed dating and actually matched with a couple guys! Enjoyed all the panels I went to too. Didn’t end up cosplaying because I wasn’t proud of how the look turned out though.
The most fun I had this year was the mini concert at parkcon on Saturday. If fanime can't get any good music acts at least some randos with a tent and generator can. CWF was also hype as usual.
SStP was good. Too bad their set was only 70 mins.
honestly i couldnt tell the difference between this year and last, the failedbyfanime thing just seemed like a vocal monority
I wasn't expecting to have a good time this year but it ended up being the best of the post pandemic ones. Finally attended parkcon since I had a hotel and I'm mad at myself for skipping it last year. I wish it was all anison mixing but I still am thankful for all the hard working DJs. I had forgotten that post con depression but it hit pretty hard as I woke up for work today. Still on the fence about attending next year although it seems things are looking better at least.
Ironically this year felt way better ran than the previous 2 years. I barely noticed the staff was even there.
the only real noticeable loss for the general attendee was the shortened game room hours.

i'm glad the mask policy got changed because that was the most noticeable thing about staff previously. even in the karaoke room where you were supposed to still mask, people didn't give a shit (i forgot to bring masks with me to the con and didn't want to buy any, no one cared)
Ten bucks says that's what all the money for gaming hall's stages and tournaments turned into.
Did anyone else notice a ton of technical difficulties at the panels they went too or was I just unlucky and picked a bunch of broken panels? Hooking up a laptop to a speaker system shouldn't be that difficult in a city filled with engineers.

Also, holy shit, the dance parties at Fanime were a joke. I went and there were MAYBE 20 people dancing.ParkCon ate the fuck out their lunch with that one.
>giant no-rules party
>in a public park, walk wherever the fuck
>people bring their own food and drinks/alcohol
>security, badge, and ID check
>controlled entry/exit
>no large bags
>no outside food or beverages

there's absolutely no reason to go to fanime dance
No reason to go to Fanime. Parkcon has more people and is the more fun experience
>gained 4 pounds at the end of Fanime and it isn't piss weight
I need to stop drinking so much at cons if 1 meal and walking around all day still makes me gain thanksgiving weight.
I'm surprised, what did you eat the whole weekend?
I barely gained any weight and I felt like I had a lot of food too
It takes about a week after the con to fully evacuate the alcohol and extra water weight from your system, I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Damn anon I would’ve drank with you, had a bunch of flasks on me, would’ve shared
For me the Taco Bell that's walking distance from the con is my downfall. I could just buy taco party packs and stuff them in my minifridge in my hotel.
Jack in the Box tacos for 99 cents at 2 am when you're drunk are a godsend
question here is, were people actually dancing in the park at night?

I didnt go this year but I have never seen that happen before

also it didnt seem that empty in the hall during the videos I saw. but who knows. It seems to have recovered. there was zero people in the 2022 and 2023 videos
Yes. It's basically a drunken rave out there. 6+ djs going which kind of mucks things up but at least there was variety
despite failedbyfanime attendance rose by like 2000 badges sold. That being said, this year sucked for dealers - a lot didn't break even until much later, and the general agreement was a 30% decrease in revenue since last year. Artists alley seemed to be doing gangbusters but it might've been a grass is greener deal.

i could feel my convention confidence literally draining as i walked near the taco bell in cosplay and the normie density increased. to top it off they closed at 12 am instead of 1 am like google maps said so we made the walk there only to get turned away for the degenerates we were...

parkcon is the shit, reminds me of the lobbycon/smoker pit at ACEN but even more, plus you got tables selling weed, alcohol, and pokemon cards lmao. walk around to whichever DJ matches your vibes, or just chill with your friend mahjong'ing. it's pretty popping to go for a day or so and get your fill.
According to one of the facebook groups for Fanime, parkcon just had it's first death.
i feel like if it really was laced drugs from someone at the park we would have heard about it sooner. like you aren't hiding ambulances from everyone there, plus the hotels. only if they saved the drugs for later and od'd when they got home or some shit, and at that point, who knows if they actually got it from the park.
no pics?

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