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Last thread >>10900041
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Give me a couple drinks
you need help anon
You forgot the no.1 rule of CGL, don't feed the moid trolls.
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Is this an old photo or does she only wear the same two coordinates?

thats kind of an idea desu. get a bunch of this stupid lolita clothing and go to meetups. epic troll 10/10
is that the French sissy or the Atlanta one? I can never tell them apart
There's no deal desu. He's just what people used to call a brolita. Never heard of him causing any issues whatsoever, no proof of him engaging in fetish behavior or anything related. He's just some guy who enjoys lolita fashion.
Why does he look like Robert Sean Leonard
Nayrt, If this is the french one (like the other anon I cannot tell them apart unless you post them side by side) there are some posts on either behind the bows or beneath the bows about him doing some mildly inappropriate stuff (things a woman would either not have done or would have been considered gross and sus for) with proof pictures. It's just some stuff about him moving towards slightly sexual/fetishistic outfits. I used to think of him as one of the good ones and was disappointed when he started testing the boundaries of what he could post.
But you know, no blatant rule violations so nothing to be done.
A woman wouldn't wear sexual/fetishistic Lolita? Have you looked at devilinspired? Or h.Naoto
I'm not talking about what people call ero lolita, or the inclusion of spiked chokers/bracelets, cage skirts, torso harnasses and studded belts that are accepted as being for aesthetics only. Just like the inclusion of these items in gothic fashion doesn't automatically suggest anything sexual or fetishy.
I don't know what devil inspired has been up to, they're a reseller website for Chinese lolita stuff (which I have close to zero interest in anyway) and are not a brand themselves. They also sell other things outside of lolita.
How is h.naoto sexual or fetishistic? I admit I haven't paid much attention to them in all the years I have been wearing lolita.

If a woman added a sexual or fetish spin to her lolita outfit she either wouldn't post it in a lolita group, or if she did she would receive some backlash. Remember the face harness thing on COF? It's one of the reasons I haven't been there for years.
>A woman wouldn't wear sexual/fetishistic Lolita?

I specifically said "things a woman would either not have done or would have been considered gross and sus for" so I'm not denying that some women have done that. Please read properly.
yeah it’s the french one. that’s AP paris in the background
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Idk why reading comprehension is so hard on here. You could not have been clear nonny but a balanced, fairly rational take has no place on cgl kek
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Thought that was a little dog on a leash for a second before opening it. Why?
desu she doesn't look bad but it may be the angle
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I wish we could bully the trannies out of the fashion, but the handmaidens make it impossible.
It’s otherwise a pretty cute coord. I legit wondered why it had been posted until I expanded it. The wig is nostalgic for me, reminds me of my early days in the fashion. That is a very unfortunate face though eek.
I love himegyaru wigs but I'd have to wear soooo much makeup to pull one off sigh

>my first post of the day
>verify captcha
>please wait 1 minute before posting
Nayrt, If this was on a cute girl instead of on a creepy middle aged man I would still hate the bangs, the shoes and the pose.
>(things a woman would either not have done or would have been considered gross and sus for)
>tfw did a shibari photoshoot in lolita, nobody in my comm bats an eye and I get an influx of messages from people asking to be friends
It's almost like adult women in real life aren't nearly as obsessed with each others sex lives as the maybe 20 seagulls whining about it (who probably never interact with anyone in real life anyway)
yeah it would be a pretty cute coord in a girl, like standard 2012 sweet, shame its in a troon making a fetichist pose.

But you are a woman, hence you don't have a fetish for wearing hyperfemenine clothes while surronded by clueless woman. It's different. You wouldn't slip in the DM of a vulnerable member of the comm to groom her, a troon would.
Btw your take on ero lolita with the shibari thing sounds pretty cool anon
> q puta asco con esta
> holy fuck this atrocity decided to open an OF
I know posts like this start big arguments on cgl, but I believe that ero lolita as a substyle just shows that Japanese don’t believe in the concept of “Standard Lolita”. Of course Japanese were the first to coin the term “Lolita” and give basic characteristics of the style, but the same copy and paste sweet and gothic coords are (historically) caused by western standards and the fear of being labeled as “not lolita” by international norms. Of course there was bullies on japanese forums to, but nowhere as severe. Ero lolita supports this because japanese only wore ero for a short period of time in the early 00s (it’s possible it lingered for longer) and the style breaks the idea that lolita is modest and cannot show shoulders, thighs, or whatever bullshit western guides say about how lolita should look like generally. The best way to learn about lolita has always been researching japanese fashion as a whole and not relying so heavily on western sources.
Did you post it on any of the coord sharing pages though? Because that was what the French guy did. I'm not talking about what you post to your own personal page on IG or fb, although lolitas often do have a problem with people who post both lolita and kink stuff to their IG and will even ask them to separate it.

I'm obviously not denying some lolitas are kinky, just that it's frowned upon to even post slightly erotic/kinky outfits to community pages. And that is as it should since community pages are not kink friendly unless specified otherwise.
Nayrt, there have been several rounds of discussion regarding ero lolita. Some people claim that in Japan it's not a recognised sub style and that they don't even use the term. And that what westerners call ero lolita falls under the gothic umbrella in Japan and not lolita.
When those discussions were happening earlier I went looking for Japanese articles describing it but, at the time, could not find anything related to lolita fashion or gothic fashion.

Having said that, the western comm does use the term and we know what it means. It's a convenient way to get an image/idea across. Ero lolita is not the same as a kink/fetish outfit or a highly sexualized version of lolita, so it also cannot be used to justify actual kink/fetish/sexy outfits being posted in lolita community spaces.
I think there is nothing wrong at all with this coord. In my opinion this type of sweet just looks awful without the makeup they used to wear back then. This person just needs good makeup but I think if they do makeup(they probably can't do makeup?) it might seem uncanny valley. Someone teach this unfortunate person makeup. Please.
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latin america? mexican or peruvian comm?
Still ita as fuck. A man in a burikko pose will always be ita
the thing is the western comm DOESN'T know what the fuck they're referring to BECAUSE there is not much evidence. most people just cite moon kana, but she didn't just wear lolita all the time. people cite the GLBs but forget the G is gothic, not EGL(though gothic lolita and EGL are also not the same exact thing) and tend to lump anything from GLBs into lolita, which is disingenuous if not ignorant. i've seen scans that people claim support ero as a lolita style, and they're not necessarily related to lolita, and just say ERO in romanized english and don't refer to lolita in the text. however people tend to forget that gothic fashion in japan during the 2000s was influenced by western styles, which included pinup styles, and that lolita was related to goth and experienced a huge change in the 2000s as far as direction. it's totally completely possible that during that time period there were some experimental sexy outfits styled like or as lolita. lolita was evolving drastically in the 2000s and sexy may have just naturally phased out, if it was ever in at all. to me, especially now, ero isn't really a style and is more similar to japanese goth from the 2000s than anything. it doesn't help that no one doing it knows how to do it tastefully and instead just tosses on a short petti and corset. i just wish people were more interested in learning than proving their point though because it's harder to actually have a conversation about these topics when no one is listening.
no one is listening because no one cares, nor really should they. Lolita has broken down as a rigid and defined style, and might be on its way out in general. Sub styles and strict rules really aren’t necessary when there’s not enough participation and engagement to maintain those boundaries.

Beyond that, it’s really just a question of whether or not your coord looks good, which you don’t need super strict boundaries to determine. Itas are gonna ita, but at this point there’s no excuse. Lolita has never been more accessible, and it’s never been easier to find examples of good coords. I’ve always found it weird the way people argue semantics for hours on end when they all look like shit anyways.
I agree, even if we (for the sake of the discussion) pretend it's an actual lolita sub style it seems to be really difficult to pull off. I see 1 okayish outfit that the wearer claims is ero lolita per 5 years on the coord sharing pages. Maybe there's some "queen of ero " on IG but I haven't seen her yet.
"Lolita is dead/dying" has been said since the livejournal days, so I take this with a mountain of salt.
"Rigid rules are the reason lolita is dying" is bs, the rules are what is protecting it from getting watered down too much, possibly getting absorbed into another style and fading into irrelevance. If lolita was an undefined aesthetic it would probably be dead now.
I didn’t say rules were “why it was dying” and just said it *might* be on the outs. I said the rules just aren’t that important or necessary when there isn’t enough participation. Lolita itself isn’t undefined, but the many distinctions between the subtypes are definitely going the way of the dodo, especially with the prevalence of cheaper options that don’t maintain any boundaries between substyles, and even blur the line between Lolita fashion and just vaguely kawaii style. Who knows what the future of the fashion will be, but for better or worse I think we can all agree there’s little appetite among newer Lolitas for more rules and subdivisions, which often results in truly hideous coordinates…
You sound new.

"it might be dying" is just a gutless way of saying you think it's dying. Moving on. There's no lack of participation.

>many distinctions between the subtypes are definitely going the way of the dodo
>options that don’t maintain any boundaries between substyles

There have always been pieces that cannot just neatly fit within one substyle, this is nothing new and was prevalent back in the 2000s as well.
Same for pieces that are on the edge of lolita and other j-fashion.

Who cares about what newcomers think, there have always been newcomers who have though the rules were annoying and that "lolita is whatever I say it is". We don't need more rules and more sub styles than are already here, but I also don't see anyone advocating for that.

The rules and sub styles are just guidelines and always have been. For newcomers it provides a simple framework to work with. Seasoned lolitas are able to ditch some or even most of the rules and still end up with an outfit that reads as lolita.
I think she is from the Mexican comm originally, but if I remember she moved to California, but idk which comm there
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when is she going to learn?? and hopefully get out of this fashion.
is this a recent pic? I didn't know she was still wearing Lolita
how is any of this ita.
both of these coords look fine to me just because they're fatties and have average looking faces doesn't mean it's ita
These are fine.
Smells like vendetta
The hair is a bit ita desu, the makeup/looks department is lacking and the bags def don’t match the coords. Still not on the level of other shit on here though and the message that goes with the post screams of vendetta.
I love when a vendetta post backfires. Not my favorite looks by any stretch of the imagination, but where does that green blouse come from? I’ve been looking for something just like that color.
Girl on the left needs some bangs but other than that I wouldn't call either of them "ita" territory. They also look happy, so that makes them look cuter, too.
At this point I see brolitas as evil demons or burglars in Skyrim that you just accept could show up and attack you or whatever but it's part of the landscape of the game. It makes the fashion seem more like an adventure game than a hobby, which you know, is autistic but at the same time it's kinda funny.
Anyone defending this likely also looks like absolute shit.
lolibrary > blouse > color (green)
i think people forget most lolitas who are saying it's super strict are new. i never even said anything about rules in my post here >>10907813 i was talking about the direction of the fashion from grungy to polished, so anon is either new or misinterpreted what i said or both.
Has the person in the photo done any of those things? I don't follow them or their comm
Bay area kei has a good overview of the style on their channel, it's an hour long zoom presentation but I like the examples and information.
what's wrong with it
Nta and I wouldn’t say “total shit” but there’s def room for improvement. Bangs/hair is bizarre, bags don’t match (red one isn’t on color scheme and looks out of place with the pink, white one is completely different style from the rest of the coord.), makeup, frumpy petticoat on the right, head bow on right looks out of place too imo. It looks like the girl on the right might be new, but to be brutally honest, they’re not super good looking, and someone clearly has a hate boner. I don’t even know these girls, but this looks like a pic they took for fun, and someone decided to shit on their good time.
>red one isn’t on color scheme and looks out of place with the pink
There is no pink in the dress on the left, what are you on? Maybe you should try zooming in before you nitpick.
she said "bags" not dress, and there is pink on the red bag.
they are fat and their clothes dont fit. they are greasy and unkempt. little to no makeup for the fancy elements of the clothing. they look cheap and ugly as hell.
idk guys I think sometimes people just want to wear their dresses and aren't treating it like it's a beauty pageant every time. sorry fat people can't just hide in their houses working out all day. They could get different purses though
Welcome to your first ita thread!
they might be extremely fat and disgusting, BUT, imagine the BRAPs
Reading. It’s fundamental nonny.

Yeah I’m not sure where this was originally posted but it almost looks like a fairly personal/private group post. The bags are the worst part of this, and it’s really not that bad.
I would not post that shit online...
Nothing, they are just ugly and fat. Left's hair lacks styling and both weren't wearing make up. Is just nitpicking, not ita per se
Summer already? None of you seem to recognize what makes an ita. If they're sloppy and unkempt with ill-fitting clothing, it's simply ita. The lack of style is painful to look at. Stop calling nitpicks when you're clearly new, or their friend.
go back to tumblr newfag. god new anons used to at least TRY and blend in at first
I've been coming since 2014. Sorry 4chan has become such a a strong part of your identity though
Glad you didn't learn anything and contributed nothing all this time.
ita threads used to be enjoyable. i agree that these are all awful coords, but are we really letting cosplay gooners win over this board?
OK dylan
>Casual Lolita
that's just ryosangata/-kei
More like shein-kei desu
someone save that kumya...
Gene Simmons my swagger!
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Reddit mods continue to be fine with creepy crossdressers and his ita friends.
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Mini reddit dump over
I love when people try to take pics of their "nice" outfits but they pose in their dirty, ramshackle houses. Christ just go outside and prop your phone against a tree or something, nobody wants to see your hovel.
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I almost wanna go easy on this one for the sneakers and messy wig because it was clearly taken in the middle of a con, but...
This one actually hurts. There are so many small, super easy things that could be done to improve it so at least you'd have a pic that looks like you care at least a little bit even if the coord is still lacking, but no... The only explanation for posting this is that they think it actually looks ok as is. I just can't understand it.
hinata getting hyped up for this just because she's an idol is killing me. the petticoat peek is just. god. why. i'd love to see her in a proper coord in the future, though, once she develops a better eye for the style - assuming her stylists didn't put this together, in which case they should be fired.
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what happened to that poor kumya
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I never understood why people gave the advice for tall lolitas to wear underskirts. If anything it makes the coord look worse and I’m sure the petticoat gets flatter because of it.
To be fair, it’s a lose lose situation. Underskirts always look like shit imho, with the rare exception of a few OTT classic cords I’ve seen. They’re pretty much always way out of proportion in length. At the same time, if the dress is too short you also look ridiculous. Even short pudgy girls look better in most cords than tolitas. It’s rough.
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I don't even care that this is some indie brand rainbow jsk. Just ironing it and putting a pannier under it would make it look so much better.
God I hope that’s homemade. If that’s an indie brand they should be prosecuted for selling something that lumpy and poorly made.
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Not an outfit pic but I saved this post from the lolita subreddit because the mess of a floor left me speechless
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what is that? a chinstrap blush??
I don’t even know anymore
Someone come get their fugly grandpa
Anyone else just look a a photo and mentally correct the stuff a lolita could fix if they knew it looked so bad?

I do that and I'm like:
Needs wig, blouse should have longer sleeves if not then get something made that fits you, the waist is too long for the torso, don't wear a bow in front because the smallness of the bow emphasizes how wide you are, skirt is just left to fall so petticoat needs more fluff, wrong sock length for the look, absolutely wrong shoes.

And almost every single one what wears glasses needs to just admit their modern glasses look crappy with the look and they need to set some money aside for a cheap ass wire frame from amazon and get lenses put in them. That is not hard.
I'm guessing it was a failed attempt at hiding beard shadow using red (in this case probably lip stick) and the red wasn't properly hidden with foundation.

It could be my guess is wrong though, and I'm just not informed about a new blush placement.
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was this named lolita though?
Ok here’s the thing. You can’t always help being ugly/fat/a man. Hell I’ll even throw another bone and say it’s possible that you can’t help being disgustingly messy if you’re like super depressed/disabled. But how are you gonna take a pic like that and show it online? It’s like they have some kind of humiliation kink for being told to clean their house or something. Could have taken this picture literally anywhere else. Just disgusting.
Can fat people dress in lolita without being ita? Or is it just not possible
Yes, they can, if the clothes fit properly and they are well groomed/accessorized. It helps to have a sense of style before getting into lolita.
you can wear lolita even if you're fat, but it's going to be so much more difficult. It will be more difficult to find items that fit, and it will be more difficult to look good in it. Don't lose hope though. You can take your time learning about the guidelines and how to build an actual good outfit before ordering anything. I call this the research phase. When you're learning about all of this it will also help tremendously to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle so you will losing some weight. By the time you understand the basics you might have dropped one or two sizes sizes already. With lolita fashion (or basically any fashion) if you're obese or overweight any size that you drop gives you more options.
seconding >>10910593 this looks like a jirai coord
Be for fucking real. Stop making excuses for sissies.
We need a tallita inspo thread.

You're going to inevitably get some nonna who says "no, oink oink fatty-chan, it's Milky Planet not hamplanet"

You CAN be fat and look good in lolita, but the fatter you are, the harder it will be.
Someone who is slightly chubby will have a much easier time than someone who is morbidly obese.

You're going to need to invest time and money. Good materials and construction for the things that you buy aren't something that you can gloss over, because being fat is something that you have to dress against- it's going to make cheap, poorly-constructed pieces look even worse, and you'll look sloppy as a result.

Be realistic about your measurements. Something fitting is not the same as something that you can zip up or squeeze into if you don't breathe or don't move.

Avoid open-top shoes like tea parties if your feet swell. Invest in a larger petticoat to make the silhouette more dramatic. Style your hair in a way that flatters your face and make sure it has body to balance things out. Press and iron your pieces and make sure they're spotless.
Yeah I kinda think they have normalized being in that much mess and don't see it anymore so they post without thinking about it.
seconding this. as someone with a very cluttered living space due to muh tism, i would literally rather die than post a photo like this online. i take all my coord photos outside, but for a simple photo like this, they could literally just move their trash out of frame. this reeks of humiliation fetish.
expanding on this advice: dress for your body type as well! if you're busty or broad shouldered, you need more poof to avoid looking top heavy. you'll probably need a longer bodice unless you're very short, because using up all the horizontal stretch can take away from the length, as can a larger bust, and high waists can be really unflattering if you're fat. same goes for skirt length-- the dress may "fit" but be far too short on you, which makes it look ill fitted. i see that issue with sweets a lot. shapewear and corset undergarments can help with bunching and rolling and help give a defined waist, which is a big thing that can help the coord not look sloppy. pay attention to the straps on JSKs. if the straps are too short, it'll make the rest of the bodice fit badly as well. it's not hard to move strap buttons down on most pieces. socks are another common issue-- if the pattern is completely distorted, they're too small. tops rolling or squeezing can't always be avoided, but you can minimise it with glue or garters. i recommend pairing socks that roll or squeeze with skirts long enough to hide the tops. i also agree quality matters. thinner fabrics and poor construction will put a huge spotlight on any fit issues. in particular people tend to skimp on blouses. a cheap blouse will cheapen any coord.

finally: iron your clothes. it makes a massive difference.
if the people you described were dressing for their bodies they wouldn't be wearing lolita.
Just lose weight jfc
All of this advice is definitely good, but I think there is a point where that isn't enough to make them look good. Personally I think that point is where people are obese/morbidly obese + apple shaped. I've seen plenty of plus sized lolitas and there are a few I think actually look good in lolita (can't name names here, wouldn't name names here if I could, but their figures all went in at the waist and they knew how to coord), but there have been plenty of plus sized lolitas who I thought did not look good in lolita despite what their coord looked like. It didn't seem to matter how good their coord was, how cute their faces were or how they styled their hair. Someone could have a fully brand coord that fit them properly and was well coorded and properly styled, and still not look good in lolita.

I'm not saying these people should not wear lolita though. I'm saying they don't look good in it and never will look good in it as long as their body is like that.

imo most lolita dresses/skirts are not flattering on anyone, and will even make medium sized lolitas look bigger because of the volume and placement of that volume. It may be easier to think of "flattering" in the context of lolita fashion as "this main piece makes me look the least bad out of all the main pieces".
AYRT: i agree, and considered mentioning that if you're apple shaped it's over in my op. i think there's a lot you can do to work around being overweight, but a waist is kind of mandatory for the silhouette and i can't really think of a way to compensate for that beyond, i don't know, waist training or something.

did you know you can wear lolita while trying to lose weight.
Those people are mentally ill and lack self awareness, same way they can stuff their 50 y/o grandpa bod in a frilly dress, put on clown makeup, and go to a social gathering full of college age women. Also >>10910507 is more than just "messy" that looks like a hoarder house.
>waist training or something
I would just recommend weight loss. Wearing a corset to give the appearance of a waist can look really bad on plus sized apple figures. Worst case scenario they have the wrong overbust shape and end up looking like an ice cream cone. If they have a correct/normal shaped overbust corset or an underbust corset, that volume is still displaced from the waist to somewhere else. It can make the top half look like it's under high pressure, make shoulders look wider and make the bust sit unnaturally high.

People who are less fat and aren't apple shaped have far less tissue displacement to deal with so it doesn't look as weird on them to just accentuate the waist. They don't have to create a waist out of nothing, they're just accentuating what's already there.

Having said all of that; most lolita pieces aren't even designed with corsetry and exaggerated proportions in mind. Most lolita pieces are designed for, and look their best with, healthy medium sized bodies with normal proportions and the shape that regular modern underwear gives. Most corsetry gives the body an unnatural shape so it cannot be "stealthed" under clothes designed with regular modern underwear in mind, and most lolita clothes will not hang/fit right over it.

For all the exceptions I believe there was a thread about corsetry and j-fashion on cgl. Maybe it's still there.
in my experience, tights do the most to help me feel balanced when skirts hit me higher up than i'd like
ehh, glasses are a tricky subject imo. getting cheap ones online can take quite a while, and if you have sight approximately as good as a blind cave salamander like i do and need to get specially thinned lenses, it also complicates things. even then, though, i've seen opinions all over the board on what types of glasses are 'best' for lolita. you say wire frames, other people say avoid wire frames at all costs for lolita. some people swear by circular lenses, others say don't touch them with a hundred foot pole

what works for me is just having my glasses in a common color i use in my coords. i've gotten compliments for matching my glasses to my coords, but really i just like the color so they're my regular pair. as long as they're not super loud and clashing with your style, anything's fine imo
Looks like a seller badge, probably means she was behind a table for most of the convention. Lolita equivalent of pajama pants with a button down for work calls, why bother if it's not going to be seen
That said, could have probably cropped the pic to hide the shoes.
i'm talking about people who naturally have a waist equivalent to their bust/hips even at a healthy weight, in which case weight loss won't really help. a corset that's intended to take in the waist by only a couple of inches can simulate a proper waist without looking exaggerated
>why bother if it's not going to be seen
>That said, could have probably cropped the pic to hide the shoes.
because eventually you have to get up. i work a booth at cons and bring slippers to wear at the booth but wouldn't take a fucking photo in them. there are lolita appropriate comfy shoes, even sneakers.
>getting cheap ones online can take quite a while

Where do you live? Cheapass options from places can get to you in 14 business days. Heck you can even order from Amazon and pop out the fake glass and have your glasses fitted to the frames.

One time a friend of mine liked some glasses I was wearing for a cosplay. Told her I got them at Hot Topic and the next week she got them and took them to her doc to have a pair made for that frame.

Lolitas should just pick something neutral and olde style that suits their face shape. Wearing a chunky modern frame takes a good looking 9-10 coord to a 6/10.
I'm glad you thought it through to go for a common color though. That's smart. I've seen a nice dolled up girl in pink and white wearing THE chunkiest black frames and it stole the whole focus.
What glasses shape do you recommend?
oh, I thought you were talking about overweight/obese apple shaped bodies using corsetry to create a waist.

For healthy weight people who don't have a waist, I believe that's called a "fridge body" or something along those lines here but I got used to calling it a ruler body shape, I don't think it's as much of a problem as being fat. A healthy lifestyle could still lead to body recomposition and/or body fat redistribution and it's always worth living a healthy lifestyle anyway. Even if that doesn't work, there are lots of "ruler shaped" lolitas who basically only have raised waist/empire waist/sack dresses in their wardrobe and effectively hide their lack of waist that way.

If a healthy weight ruler shaped lolita can find a corset that looks natural enough when worn under clothes they can stealth it, look good in skirts, "just waist" dresses and enjoy some of the side benefits (better posture, takes the pressure of layers of waist bands). I think I would try that if I was in that situation.
nayrt, I found a store that specialized in buying and repairing actual vintage frames (20s, 30s, etc) and installing modern lenses in them for clients. A bit pricey but some of those glasses looked better than anything I've ever seen in regular glasses stores. Couldn't imagine anything more appropriate for gothic and classic lolitas.
I ended up going with an vintage inspired round wire frame from Oliver Peoples. I like it so much that when I needed new lenses I opted to install new lenses in the same frame instead of buying a whole new frame.
Maybe it’s better for lolita but old style or wire frames look worse on my face than thicker frames
just take your glasses off for photos>>10910758
Disagree, glasses are cute and charming. They make a coordinate infinitely better.
I care about how my outfit looks outside of photos too
Depends on the frames and on the coord.
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nice smile, fat and a man, fat a man and brown, and fat probably a man and i think i saw their tits on amazon
the girl on the left is fine, she just needs bangs.

the girl on the right is not new, she's the delusional ita who was spamming her terrible handmade dresses for years and her coord is bad because she's been in the fashion for long enough to know better. the dress is very nice but does not fit her, her accessories and blouse are cheap and low quality, they ruin the coord
So nitpick vendetta
truly dire
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no she's a permaita

why does jfashion attract so many mentally challenged women?
hey chud, we're saying neurodivergent now, get with the times
I don't mean autistic/ADHD, I mean low IQ or intellectually disabled.
Nayrt but good question. There does seem to be a higher % of intellectually disabled people in lolita than in the general population. Of course they all wear sweet afaik, so they probably just like the colors and themes.
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Nothing in this picture fits her. I get uncomfortable just looking at it.
I'm no expert but I have three mentally disabled regular customers, all guys. Of the two almost nonverbal ones, one is a boy who dresses and has a hairstyle like a girl, he wears mostly pink stuff, fleece with pink rainbow unicorns, etc, but he's apparently not transgender. The other mostly nonverbal one likes anything dangly you can turn into a keychain, even if it's literal garbage. The third is fully verbal and loves soft stuff, and you can't wear sweatshirts around him because he'll cling to your arms and feel your arms up because he finds them so soft. Lolita has some of those aspects.

In my personal experience with lolita years ago, I met way more people with abusive families than anything (I mean actually abusive, like CPS was involved).
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this tranny looking like a thumb
Asians get a pass.
No pass. Dress is garbage, he's not cute, needs to lose weight and stop abusing filters.
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Plus tags. Anyone who defends these kinds of individuals in this fashion is ita too.
someone please pick up their divorced Dad. He got too drunk again!
honestly the only thing throwing me off is the hair so not matching. But the coord looks good. This person can't quickly just change their hair so this feels nitpicky
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I hope this is bait, otherwise you have really really terrible taste.
Ew. Throw them all away.
Lolita can be considered a "nerd hobby" and just like other nerd hobbies (anime, vidya, comic books, whatever) attracts a lot of social outcasts, autists, and retards because they don't "fit in" with regular social circles and nerd hobby stuff is escapism.
There are three genuinely intellectually disabled women in my comm, and they all wear sweet. I think their carers see lolita as some kind of Disney princess toddler dressup clothes for adults. Mostly they wear secondhand Bodyline and Taobao stuff from resellers.
It’s nice that they’ve found a hobby that gets them out of the house but it’s so awkward when they come to meetups, because mentally they’re like small children. It’s like having an unaccompanied kindergartener at the table with adults who doesn’t understand anything we’re talking about and keeps interrupting us to talk about My Little Pony or Frozen. Your run of the mill autistic weeb is one thing, but these women are something else.
ayrt, there are two intellectually disabled lolitas in my comm. One is mildly intellectually disabled, the other is a more severe case. I have zero problems with all of the autistic lolitas in my comm because at least they (the ones in my comm) know how to behave like adults and have never caused any issues afaik.
Well, I am forgetting one dude in my comm who is probably autistic but has never said anything in that direction. He is our middle aged cross dresser with a beard who squeezes himself into crap tier dresses and who makes things a bit awkward for everyone. Everyone is nice and polite to him but no one wants to actually be friends with him.
He offered up his house for a sleepover once in a meetup thread, the mods didn't say anything to him but quickly changed the rules so that every meetup planned through the local comm page should be in a public place (restaurant, cafe, workshop, museum, etc) and not a private residence.
If I knew ahead of time the intellectually disabled lolitas were coming to a meetup I would simply not go. I have enough bad memories of being forced to babysit intellectually disabled people for a lifetime. I'm not putting myself in a situation where that is a possibility. And even if things go as well as can be expected they still make things really weird because they're not able to participate in normal topics of conversation.
Well, if you hide the head, I agree that the coord is pretty ok.
Actually horrifying, I'd instantly ban that pedo
I doubt that will ever happen. He hasn't actually broken any rules, everyone just seems to tolerate him. I'm guessing people assume he has a genuine innocent love for lolita fashion because he's not wearing actual sissy outfits.
People are generally not that smart about this imo, because I've known a guy who shelled out for actual jpn brand and admitted that wearing lolita was a fetish for him. So I'm not convinced someone has "a genuine innocent love for the fashion" if they don't wear sissy crap. No one is making excuses for his awkward and sometimes borderline inappropriate behavior, but if they did I'm sure they would say he's just socially awkward and doesn't mean anything inappropriate by it.

If it were up to me I would ban guys like these immediately and not let them in. But then I wouldn't be a mod because people would accuse me of transphobia or something like that.
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What is the point of wearing lolita to people who dress like this? I like lolita because of the lace and the frills. These people just want to wear a nerdy shirt, a printed skirt and some converse, why don't they just dress as a nerd and be done with it? why tag it lolita or pretend you'te interested in the fashion? I see so many western tumblr types dress like this and call it lolita.
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Klingon kei. Who knew.

I think they see this as a “casual” coord….rip
zoomers missed out on the pastel goth fad so they're trying to recreate it with shitty ita coords.
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if she spent ~$50 she actually could have gotten a decent dress instead of this horrific ensemble and that’s not even counting the labor. I understand wanting to hand make for the experience or enjoyment of it, but it’s really not that much cheaper than buying second hand unless you’ve already got the stuff laying around
LovelyLor was a mistake.
She has such a cute face, it's so sad she ruined it with... With all that
it's hideous what is she thinking?
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holy shit
do you have a better photo of the coord instead of a side-shot? 1-2 miscolored accessories and a mishapen hoopskirt does not an ita make
You have shit tier taste lmao.
Can gen X please wear tights. 40/50 year old legs should not be on public display.
You sound like a moid.
you should go to the gym
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NTA but its hard to know what your issue is if we cant see the full coord
You’d have to be retarded not to see how bad this is. It’s not rocket surgery.
nayrt but this has nothing to do with age. This is edema and people at any age can have this. Yes, it's ugly and I don't want to see it. But this person (probably a guy, let's be real) has no shame and no taste to begin with, which is glaringly obvious from their outfit and accessory choice, so they're not going to care what anyone thinks.
That's a you problem. The whole coord is bad.
Que puto asco, y además de gorda está morena no mames.
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You cannot be fucking serious
Morena donde? Estas ciega????
This is honestly cute, I wish scarfs were more common in sweet lolita.
This is why I’m a lonelita.
They need to kick that fucking creature out. Wtf.
I absolutely agree. Our mods won't take appropriate action because the guy in the photo is not a part of the comm. The fashion show event was not featured in the comm group or discord, so it's not considered an official meet up.
what are your comm's mods supposed to do if he's not part of your comm? do you think they can just run randos out of a public space because you don't like them?
The person not being liked in question being an ugly sissy in an ugly dress, but whatever. They should've at least denied the picture imo
They could ban the event host who invited him. If she's cool with inviting and hanging out with pedo sissie's she deserves to be banned. >>10914087
He's not just a sissy he's a pedo who gets too handsy with the love live kids .
This is why I will not join a comm.
Holy shit I started at the left and thought "that's not bad" but going right it gets progressively worse and worse.
I don’t understand why the people who attended did not confront him about why tf he’s even there. Maybe they did idk.
Bruh you started on the left and didn’t immediately feel the pain of that poor tortured OP ? It looks like she forced it into a JSK.
My guess is they didn't care, or they didn't want the police called, the event was a fashion show held at an old folks home. I'm pretty sure the event host works there as a day job because otherwise why would an old folks home want to put on a fashion show for seniors?
i cant stand trannys they look so hideous in such a cute feminine style. men are a mistake.
kys troon
troons all look the same at this point perverted old men in dresses
>>10906525 one of these things is not like the others kek
vile. i feel so bad for these women.
Kek you say that like they don’t look awful too…
Looking awful doesn't mean you deserve to be stuck with a creepy degenerate old man. Itas can learn to dress better. There's no fixing a sissy.
They probably invited him into the comm themselves. People really need to start facing more of the consequences of their retarded ideologies. I hope he creeps on all of them and makes them extremely uncomfortable.
Has anyone ever actually been able to confront a comm creeper and force them to leave an event? Thankfully I've never had encountered one myself but personally, I'd be afraid of confronting any grown ass man, you never know what they might end up doing
Actually no, he is not apart of any of the comms m active in our state. However , the host that invited him is active in the comms. I think she should be banned desu. Anyone who's cool with pedo sissie's should be banned.
this looks absolutely amazing wth
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Sissy fetishist posts on Reddit, but no one can say anything about it despite his disgusting post history because trans lol.
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Also, while I’m on Reddit, the fuck is this.
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the thumbnail made me think she had stuffed pillows up her cardigan.
This has to be edited right?
steampunk lolita grandma seems pretty cool to me tho
Ita but fun
Even more kekworthy are the comments from ftm troons standing in "solidarity" with this fetishist

Gosh the lolita subreddit gets more embarrassing by the day
Oj this coord made me laugh out loud because there are so many beginner coords that are a full pink coord but with black shoes. And this coord is fully black with pink shoes. I love it
This is not the kind of ita I think is fun. I'm guessing she dressed like that and thought it was not ita. Even though that outfit technically ticks most of the boxes it just doesn't look like lolita to me.
And what's with her holding the bag like a hunting trophy?
Ita is fun to me if it's done on purpose/knowingly and the completed outfit is still balanced and evokes nostalgia. Like a full black and white outfit with a mini hat, and dripping with low quality synthetic lace. The silhouette is there, it fits well, the right shoes, the colors are balanced/evenly distributed, the hair and makeup are done well, etc.
Nothing wrong with black shoes with a pink main piece, as long as it's done right.
>her holding the bag like a hunting trophy?
she does it all the time everytime I see her post I giggle because of that
>Ita is fun to me if it's done on purpose/knowingly and the completed outfit is still balanced and evokes nostalgia. Like a full black and white outfit with a mini hat, and dripping with low quality synthetic lace. The silhouette is there, it fits well, the right shoes, the colors are balanced/evenly distributed, the hair and makeup are done well, etc.
If it’s that well put together it’s not really ita anymore
Lace monster dresses are still ita, even if you make a cohesive outfit with it.
I just had a look and you're right. What is she thinking?
This coord illustrates the difference between fast fashion and actual fashion. Actual fashion tells a story. This is just a mishmash of black shit. She's imitating what's been popular for ages, bastardizing everything with sweet. Mention The Sex Pistols, and she'll get offended. Show her Betsy Johnson or Vivian Westwood, and she'll find a knock off made by a child. r/Lolita is where fashion goes to die in a pair of crochet gloves.
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Idk why she does it, but reminds me of this kek.
It’s happened in my comm on several occasions. Usually it’s a rando in public who tries to hop in on a meet, but pretty much every comm has an application process. Tbh an age limit would solve a lot of problems. No one under 18. No one over 50.

I mean is there any evidence to suggest any of that? I get you’ve got a deep fear of penises, but you can’t just call someone a pedo because you think they look creepy. Especially given how it distracts from actual cases of sexual harassment in the comm when it’s literally just someone looking bad. Back it up or back out.
This is honestly iconic. I wonder what’s going on with the dress in the back….
The guy is known in my local cosplay community as a pedo. He's been caught getting handsy with love live cosplayers who are clearly underage. Before his obsession with love live he was obsessed with vocaloid and got handsy with little Miku cosplayers .
can we get full storytime on lolcow or somewhere? for peoples safety
That room background looks like the setting of a horror movie
you grow blind to it after a while

pics like these are good motivation to tidy a bit, though
ngl I'd smoke weed with them
there is only one person in this picture.
There's clearly 25 people.
we get it, you failed english
>but going right it gets progressively worse and worse.

Is this subtle racism? You really need to cool it with the bigotry, the black girl on the right doesn't look *THAT* bad
We are talking about clothes here, not race. Not everything is about you Shaniqua.
the one on the left, which anon thought looked best, is also black. Stop fishing for an internet argument.
Wheres my lolita wife :(
in bed with another lolita.
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I'm guessing she took this picture when she changed into the purple blouse to check the fit and shared with her comm or a specific group. The lower half looks so cohesive that I expect she was wearing something matching before.
oh fuck, well I stand corrected.
What is it with poorly dressed people always posting pics with their messy ass room in full view? Most embarrassing behavior.
Absolutely horrifying, why would you want to show the world you live in a slum like this?
This chick is insane. She always gets offended when people offer even light concrit.
I mean… does she look sane to you?
This isn’t even her worst coord. She could fill this entire thread herself.
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this photo was captured ‘users’ underwear’… i have so many questions. is this a man or a woman ?
I'm 99% sure that's a man.
>negra tratando de convencerse a si misma.
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Had a look to see some cute coords from Cotton Candy Carnival and immediately greeted with this lmao.
This thread reminds me why I’m alone.
Jesus, that's not her size. How is it not obvious to yourself that something doesn't fit you when it's this tight?
There's a lot of good coords here actually. If you ignore the.. *cough* men
They really do stick out like sore thumbs.
Discord chans are looking rough
Poor Misako
Cgl still can’t differentiate men between women with big noses, some things never change.
Fat but no boobs, wide shoulders, sissy petticoat, crossdresser/drag leg wear, face like one of the Hanson brothers.

That is a man.
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Poor misako looks like she’ll be eaten
I had to look up misako's height because of this picture. She's 1.57m.

That is also the fakest smile I've ever seen on her. lol.
Fat women like lolita because they think they can get around being unattractive by immersing themselves in alternative fashion. However, all it does is further emphasise how gross they are since lolita makes your proportions appear larger.
fat people do look even bigger when wearing lolita (the silhouette adds visual volume), and I've seen some who were so big that if I were in their shoes I would lose weight before wearing lolita. Most of them have terrible taste as well.

But I'm pretty sure 99% of them are not wearing lolita to be attractive to people. Regular people (or normies if you prefer) don't like lolita fashion.

Fat people (and I mean obese people, not like 2 pounds overweight) are societal outcasts. Alternative fashion tends to attract societal outcasts.
I’m pretty sure the boobs in this picture alone outweigh Misako by several pounds kek i know it’s bad but still can’t stop laughing
That's Fred Armisons girl character in Portlandia
>Lolita Collective
More like collectively 500 pounds
nightmare fuel
and tranny apologists
I feel so bad for her. The US has the worst looking lolita community in the world.
She looks so uncomfortable. There's pain in her eyes and visible strain in her smile.
You guys do realize she's already been to burgerland dozens of times and the events are always full of ugly fat people. If she was really that traumatized she wouldn't keep coming back for more.
Found the fat
Didn’t Misako visit as a brand thing with ETC because they started offering plus sizing? Lolita Collective has plus size ETC pieces in their storefront now so I think Misako knew what she was getting into with this one.
exactly kek. if anything, i'm sure misako is happy to have ugly amerifats as easy props to make her look better, rather than the cute models twenty years younger than her back in japan
I will say the girl on the left looks fine. Girl in maroon would look passable if she lost some weight and did something different with her hair so I'd classify her as nitpick. If it was just those two and Misako I would say this doesn't belong on here.
But the girl on the far right is another story.
This guy made me feel so uncomfortable. Ugly coord. Does anyone know who he is?
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aliexpress final boss
matching your reds is just as important as matching your pinks, but otherwise cute casual coord.
how tall do you have to be for brand to be that short on you? is this replica?
Did she call this lolita though? I expect her to know better
I do not like this look from her at all, the JSK is so unflattering on her it pushes the coord into ita.
>100 yd weed stare
I'm sure her parents can't wait for her to move out.
Judging by the wrinkled cotton and the chest detailing I don’t believe this is a replica. This is about the length from somebody that’s 5’10 - 6ft tall or even taller. Both releases lengths are about 89cm so this is just a man.
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she really thought she ate posting that on june.
She thought it was international ita day.
Idc if it's pride-themed or not, this print is just ugly and reeks of age play.
oh my god that fuckass print it haunts me, I've never seen a good coord made with that and it's always either tranny moids or fattychans who own it
She definitely ate, just too much
Sus vendetta desu. Yeah it’s a meh look. No, no one who doesn’t know this girl personally would care enough to post it here. Go take your meds kek
What has always killed me is the price and the fact that a lot of people actually bought it. The fabric is so cheap, there’s not even any lace/lining, and the artwork is pretty inexpensive and low effort. It looks like something you’d pay $25 for at a craft show and I think they sold for $150 ? That’s basically the price of a brand skirt.
>women can't be tall
There’s literally sissy shoes in the background anon
nayrt, but this person is tall, completely flat chested and has very wide shoulders. That's too many coincidences for it to be a woman. Then there's also the shoes in the background that >>10920196 pointed out.
nayrt, did you see the gross floor and that painting? And the cat ears. Then there's also the fact that this room is a mess. It looks like someone broke in and was searching for drugs.
actually it looks like an unfortunate woman to me. mainly because of all the tattoos. it's like a typical weeb girl disaster.
a woman that size with that build would have boobs to match, not whatever that is. There's nothing inherently feminine about the face either, from this angle it looks androgynous (and not in a hot way). Also note the forehead and the thinness and limpness of the hair.
You think men or specifically cross dressing men don't get tattoos?
Do the sissy shoes need to be pointed out again.
That poor cabinet... I'm willing to bet it used to look gorgeous in its original color. Do itas experience an uncontrollable urge to turn everything around them gaudy, ugly and cheap?
Lmfao, it’s AP so not that tall. This cut is the worst for tall girls, no way to adjust where the bodice hits. Also, the camera angle makes it look 10x worse.
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holy shit
At least this creature is calling it ita. Now if only it had the good sense to either not do "ita kei" at all, or go with some sort of visible/marble outfit.
>ita kei
41% now
stop troonfoiling. sometimes women are just ugly and flat chested
Tall, fat, wide build women are not naturally flat chested.
Has anyone considered this might be a FTM instead of a guy? That could explain the flat chest. But then having shoulders that wide is just too much of a coincidence, so it's probably just a guy.
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This pedo is back and posting in alt kawaii groups on fuckbook again.
what an extremely punchable face.
somehow I don't feel offended this balding creep is wearing taobao head to toe except for the fact it's gross and tacky but I would feel vitriolic if it was wearing brand and murderous if it was brand I wanted.
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I had to do a double take
Love that second girl in red's coord!! But imagine being her and half your comm either are men or girls who don't bother wearing a proper coord to a meetup.
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as well as this pedo, Faeriekanon
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This was supposedly punk lolita. More like photoshopped to hell whatever it is.
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If I looked like that I wouldn't put myself online for everyone to see. Does he not know what he looks like? Does he have no shame? People like this are the opposite of the more common decent looking lolitas who are too self conscious about some imagined flaw.
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eh, this is fine
Why does she keep wearing that wig? It’s absolutely fried and looks so crusty…her friends need to tell her to retire it.
larping scrote detected
No, it isn't
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Shitzielocks wearing ita after who knows how long.
Hate when people wear a regular petticoat with a long dress. Gives such a bad shape.
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aliexpress hot topic lookin ass
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