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Guys, how old is too old?

Like, I am an oldfag in his mid 40s. Used to be very involved in the con scene back in the 90s and early 00s. I am currently on a very nostalgic mood about those days of yore, and planning to visit a few of the big cons to see how's the fandom nowadays. Would I be, as you youngsters say, cringe? Worse, would other congoers immediately assume I am a creepy pedophile? I don't really want to ruin some kids con experience like that.

Two things, I would be attending alone because the few con buddies from back then that I still keep in contact, are too jaded and busy to give a shit. Also, I am considering if it is a good idea to go cosplaying as an old timer character.
You'll be fine but probably bitterly disappointed to find out that it's nothing like you remember.
I've seen an age-appropriate Queen Elizabeth cosplayer and a 70 something year old Megumin, among others. You've got nothing to worry about fampai
Unless you try to hit in girls half your age you're fine. Anime cons are reaching normies status. Oldfags aren't getting much side eyes especially if you go to a big one.
Early 40s here. Just cosplayed as Goku recently.
Due to Toriyama' passing i got asked for hugs a lot and not in a cringe way but more of a nostalgia/respect kinda thing.

It never got weird so dont go there people.

You do you my fellow cosplayer and enjoy till the very end.
>oldfag in his mid 40s
Kids today call themselves grown-ups.
15 years older than you and still cosplaying.
Now man the fuck up or shut the fuck up.
>Guys, how old is too old?
No age is too old as long as you aren't letting your saggy dick/tits hang out of some skimpy costume. But all costhots are disgusting regardless of age.
the only thing cringe is not enjoying something you like because you think you're "too old"
Well put.
You went in what I consider the golden years so it won't be anything like you remember but cons can still be fun. Cosplaying an age appropriate character especially. I don't think anyone would think you're out of place. The average con age is probably higher now than when we went.

Enjoy. Have a good time. I'm not quite as old (mid 30s) but I still enjoy soloing cons. The feeling you get at cons, even with the way the scene has changed (for the worse), it's hard to capture anywhere else.
No such thing as too old man, I see plenty of people in their 50s. Plenty of characters to cosplay no matter what age you are.
Ah great , I have 11 years left
Dude do what you want. I'm telling you because I'm insecure about my age, I'm about to turn 36 and I see the lines on my face growing and I'm full of regrets and a desire to go back and try again. But I still plan to go to cons, I realized now more than ever how short life is and how fast time goes by. Do what makes you happy so you have no regrets.
It truly doesn't matter, as long as you're having fun and enjoying yourself that's all that really matters. Don't stress about it too much!
Its kind of funny how our parents does their best to drill into our heads how short life is, and in a twist we will be doing the same to the younger generations now that we know how short life is indeed.
half his age is 20 and perfectly legal. its easy as well if you have money.
t. old ugly bastard with money who loves cons
Cosplay age appropriate
Not sexy things
just went to a con. can confirm, many more older people (40+) there than in the early 2000s. the odd thing is the vendors were still trying to cater to the young teens who watch every new anime that comes out every new season regardless of how crappy it is, and the con staff was all young (just barely 20 years old). the management was total crap, they didn't take their jobs seriously, and the venders were just doing woke stuff or avoiding copyright infringement (no bootleg pikachus) selling original art stuff and not even anime merch, also the panels kept having trigger warnings and stuff. most of the congoers i talked to were annoyed there was nothing for the series they enjoyed and they felt out of place as there wasnt even any classic anime stuff around, a bunch of venders were about kpop not anime. the adult panels were a joke, again with the woke stuff, we weren't even allowed to swear or make adult jokes at an adult panel that we were carded at in order to get into. finally, people were cosplaying so much stuff i didnt recognize - later i googled "cosplay" o amazon and saw 70% of the costumes i had seen at the con. pissed me off so bad i decided to make my own con which will occur next year.
this is extremely cringe
people are also very lazy too, I'm talking about dudes in cheap Chinese cosplay walking around with shitty beards while the character they're cosplaying is clean shaven or too young to even have facial hair
In terms of vendors it could simply be a supply issue, unless it's one of the BIG older series, merch, art, etc. can be way, way harder to source at a reasonable cost. Especially if they are getting knockoff stuff, that's always going to be FOTM.

I still manage to watch at least a couple of new shows per season, but It's sad older stuff seems to have become hard to find, hell even stuff from a year ago seems to evaporate thanks to the acceleration of the anime scene.
they should have separate cons for the oldies
prime time of your con life enjoy it while possible, you look like the characters you are imitating and probably having the best times of your life
getting a slight bit up there but you most likely have more money now and don't need to result off cheap aliexpress or amazon pre made lolita dresses or costumes
You can still pull it off if you work at it might need more makeup than normal to hide how you look, men start balding women should be thinking about settling down or hanging up the dress to focus on raising a family
No hope unless you are a gymrat or have a young looking physique for blessed genes or live in a healthy state like california. You might be able to pull off some of the older characters but it is unlikely
>26 and older
You'll look like a divorced dad or something it's unlikely you don't have a good hairline (2 out of 3 people are losing hair as males by this time even here in LA), women have had a kid or been married(and probably divorced) you're stuck with alcoholics and loner losers

add 10 years and this is unironically correct
This. What do you think you're going to do ALONE op, make friends? Find love? All you will end up doing to spending money. Making friends isn't impossible at a con but it is socially awkward when it's out of your age range
Free reply for your low effort bait, solely because of the cursed digits. 1/10 otherwise
Nigga please most of the vendors , panelists , guests and staff at cons are probably around your age
God forbid him hitting on an another adult.
>put on yellow coverall
its literally that easy
I'm also in mid 40s but i still regularly go to cons. I hang out with my own age group of course, with people and friends i've met over the years. I've never cosplayed but I might pick an old man character for the lols one day. Master Roshi is a safe bet because people expect you to act like a pervert and make dirty jokes lmao.
>you're stuck with alcoholics and loner losers
don't forget druggies too, I'm also in LA and so many of my friends who used to be fun at cons just get high and sit around doing nothing all evening now
Satan overr here trying to destroy the self esteem of 18 yr olds.

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