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Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?
Or is this another Switzerland specialty where everybody hates socializing?
OR is it because I'm male?
How do you even make friends at a con?

I went to a convention as Chainsaw Man last October and while over 20 people asked me for a pic, nobody actually stuck around or even made an attempt at small talk. I was hoping to meet people.

There's another convention coming up next month and I'm not sure if I wanna go get photographed and go back home all alone with no new contacts or friends again.
That's what I usually do. It's because:
-I usually don't want to take up too much of their time in case they want to look around to buy things or go to panels or meet their celebrities, etc.
-There are other people waiting to take their pic
-They're with their friends who want to go to other places
-I'm shy as fuck
This one always gets me. I usually make some quick chat about the fandom, where’d they come from, know any parties going on later? And then I dip cause I don’t want to be overbearing or keep them from anything. If they wanna keep hanging and chatting though then I’ll game if they seem like someone I’d like to hang with.

Any femanons have advice on where the line is between overbearing or not?
I'm 30s female, went to cons just a few years ago.

The problem with anime cons is that a lot of people are shy or socially awkward. Like another anon mentioned when I'm talking to someone I don't know I don't want to take up too much of their time.

It's completely normal for people to take pictures, say their thanks, say their goodbyes and leave. You might exchange contact information before leaving though.

Sometimes when the person I took pics of on day 1 sees me on day 2 they might come up to me and talk or ask to go do something together.

Small talk doesn't make people hang around you for long. A lot of con people aren't interested in small talk. Talking about their cosplay, or about an anime that's playing, or about the subject of a workshop is what usually works for me.

Example: I was attending a free worbla workshop and got to chatting with the guy next to me about star trek. He wanted to make a bat-leth (or however you spell that). We had good conversational energy so we exchanged contact info.

This other time I met a pair of women in their early 20s who wanted to rope me into the tiger and bunny fandom. They were really enthusiastic and we had a great time talking so they invited me to go drinking with them. We eventually walked back to the hotel together late at night giggling our asses off and exchanged contact info before going to sleep.

I was talking to a cosplayer about her cosplay after taking pictures, and she invited me to have lunch with her and what turned out to be a pre existing friend group. They were planning what to do after lunch and invited me along. I spent the rest of the day with them and got their contact info.

I think being female helps with talking to strangers at cons. Nobody suspects me of approaching someone for sexual reasons.
I try to talk to both men and women.
Yeah that's usually how it goes, people like your cosplay and just want a photo. Your cosplay was probably pretty good btw if 20+ people asked.

If you want new contacts/friends, I suggest you go the fandom meets. If you're cosplaying Chainsaw Man again, go to the CSM meet-up. There's usually group photo opportunities and times in between for chat.
I usually match energy levels.

>ask for pic
>yeah sure! who's your fav character from {fandom they're cosplaying}?
>start talking about fandom

>ask for pic
>they nod without saying anything
>take pic, say thanks and walk away
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very often, I'm seeing impressive cosplayers I want to take pictures of/with while i'm on my way somewhere. It's one thing to be a specific meetup and chat with people and another to flag down a king harkinian cosplayer while they're on the crosswalk, pic related
I guess mostly I don't want to take up too much of their time or don't have much time myself. I'll take your plight into consideration and try to converse more this year
So asking around for parties is cool?
Context is everything. You can already gauge the party types more easily just by waiting till after dark, since many of the normalfags have already called it a day. I wouldn't be so direct, and also keep in mind that an adjoined / neighboring hotel is critical. If not, there probably aren't parties happening at all. Not good ones, anyway
If there's an adjoined hotel can I assume there will be parties?
It's all but guaranteed...unless you're at one with a reputation for itself. In that case, it's 100% certain
>Be a human
>Be in a shared human space
>Other humans briefly interact with you, a human, for human reasons
>Humans go on their way being human and not imposing on other humans

>"BRO WTF!?"

I mean why are you expecting otherwise?
Do you stop and chat to a bus driver, or a check-out clerk? Have a heart to heart, or are you just making small talk and getting on with your business?

Do people try and befriend the Mickey Mouse at Disneyland?

Attend the events around the conventions. Karaoke nights, quizzes, parties, whatever.
Also get better at talking to people.
The average con goer isn't gonna talk to you for very long, whether it's cause they're busy or a nervous tismo, I'll give you that. But on the other hand...
>Do people try and befriend the Mickey Mouse at Disneyland?
This gives me the impression you think conventions aren't places for socializing (and I'll gladly admit if I'm wrong). If that is the case, though, I'm gonna have to hard disagree. You can get an insular yet public experience almost anywhere
Literally me... Who did you cosplay as?
Literally just get a couple drinks in you, go to a panel, dance, whatever & make small talk with the attendees. If you heard about a party somewhere mention it to them and say maybe you'll see them there. If you haven't, ask if they know of anything going on. It's also easiest to fall in with people doing cosplays from either the same franchise or similar sphere as you.

I would also suggest joining a few discords related to the con prior to it happening. Don't rely on other anons or chl threads, that's a recipe for disaster.

NOTE: This is easiest to do if you practice good hygiene and have at least one other person with you. Going it solo at a con is difficult so bring at least one person if you can. If you can't, try what I mentioned regardless.
It’s important to quiz them to test their knowledge. If they don’t know the answers, just spit at them or laugh at them and berate them.
Sweet, I'm going to a smallish con soon but it's at a hotel so I'm gonna get my hopes up.
I just did my first con solo and had a great time, also I met up with people /here/ and also had a great time.
This was typed by a woman who lewd cosplays for money.
Cosplay is fun and for meeting people.
Anon is saying that in their opinion certain other events are better for longer conversation. You can still wear your cosplay to those, it could be a conversation starter.

And I agree that you shouldn't impose too much/too long on cosplayers whilst pics are being taken. You can talk to them but don't try to get into long conversations if they seem too busy or seem like they're not interested.
>And I agree that you shouldn't impose too much/too long on cosplayers whilst pics are being taken. You can talk to them but don't try to get into long conversations if they seem too busy or seem like they're not interested.
Agreed but that's anyone. If someone is visibly busy it might not be the best time to talk to them. Other than that feel free to talk to people. If they have to leave they'll say.
i ask for pictures of people all the time and just leave after, and i expect the same when people ask of pictures of me.

as for how to make friends- i walk up and ask for a picture. depending on how they react i gauge if theyre open to more conversation. if they ask for my picture right after i will suggest we take one together. that usually is a good indicator of how outgoing they are. usually i do better with females so maybe theyre attracted to me.
it also helps that im almost always with my sister and female cousin, who admittedly, are both are 8-9/10 depending on the day, and their attractive friends group.
Those are the best for meeting people to meet with at future cons or even just events if you're both locals. And don't be discouraged even if it looks like a small turnout
>This was typed by a woman
>Cosplay is fun and for meeting people
>woman who lewd cosplays for money.
I sure hope not. The "stay away from others / me" types on here always reek of lardass, so they don't need to worry about anyone talking to them anyway
I just wanted to spell it out because some people need reminding of the basics.
You had a great time with them because you don't know them yet. You think you do, but you don't. And if they never turn on you it's only because you're so pathetic they don't perceive you as any kind of threat.
Jesus you are jaded. Most people arent assholes man. Being respectful of other and most of the time they are to you. Some people don't but they're the minority.
all of these
I've met enough provably decent people here, and plenty of two-faced shitbags. Seems you're in the latter camp, so kindly neck yourself
Trust me, I've met many of you over the course of years. My being jaded is based on giving you fuckers the benefit of the doubt too many times. This board unironically has the worst people of any board and I have met/become friends with people from /trv/, /k/, /fit/, /b/, hell even fucking /pol/ has more tolerable people.

My words are based on dealing with those two faced shitbags asshole. Ill rope myself right after you guzzle some bleach.
just drink a few beers unironically
You WILL talk to strangers at cons and have fun
You WILL find your girlfriend/boyfriend at cons
and you WILL be happy
I keep shooters with me and keep a constant low key buzz throughout the con I try to have one to two drinks an hour.
based and Drukpilled
Based and same. I don't know how you can just be at a con and not be buzzed. And it makes everyone's cosplay and all the events and stuff so much more impactful. I sincerely wish everyone walked around buzzed like me, it would make the vibe so much more fun.
I usually try to hand out shooters or hits off my weed pen, so many people decline it's kinda shocking.
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>I sincerely wish everyone walked around buzzed like me
Do I have just the place for you then
It sucks its in the middle of some flyover state.
Still big and cool enough that I've met people who came in from overseas. But also digits
Those swimsuits are so hot.
Genuinely had not considered this since I don't really like waterparks but on second thought, the convention itself doesn't take place in a waterpark. Now I just need to get rich enough to drop 1000 bucks on a hotel room for two days.
Get three friends and its $250
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>get friends
ahah for sure anon I'll ask my friends I have those
My tradition is to drink a 4loko at cons. Makes stumbling through lines more fun.
realistically you will not get a room for this year's colossal. you have over a year's time to network and get yourself out there for 2025's colossal. go to cons, join local discords, be social and you can do it
I'll throw in on a room for 2025
There’s also the fact that colossal rooms go fast. If you get one and post to colossal’s fb or discord that you have spots up for grabs in your room, I guarantee they will get filled. If you make a post like that though, make it clear IN the post that you aren’t just looking to fill spaces in the room, but you’re also looking for people to hang with at the con
>How do you even make friends at a con?
>I'm male
IME you don't
Women will think you're hitting on them
Guys are just there to get with women
Why would you want to make friends there anyway
My problem is, I don't know what to talk about...
Yeah it's normal. Happens to me all the time. Most people just want the photo. Especially if you're in a high traffic area like a corridor or vendor hall where people are constantly on their way somewhere.
Next time try breaking the ice by complimenting them and asking a question while you have their attention. Like "Thanks! I love your _, where did you get it?" The roll from there. If they're interested in talking they'll engage, if not they'll make an excuse and leave. It'll help if you have a friend with you as social proof that you're not a loner weirdo. Then you and your friend can team up with the new people you just met and hang out a while.
This will work best at meets, interactive panels, etc, basically you want to be at places where people congregate and stay for a while rather than places where people are busy and just passing through. That way you're not interrupting their itinerary by trying to make friends. Avoid panels that are serious or presentation-focused though, that's like going to a movie on a first date. You're not actually going to talk to people and make friends if everyone is silently focused on a fucking powerpoint the whole time.
Then you haven't seen enough anime. Seriously just talk about anime.
might be a switzerland thing idk im an american
lmao, I'm 36 yrs old, I just head straight through to the shopping stands to see if anyone is selling some interesting artbooks and then I fuck off. I'm at the age in where I can only appreciate cosplaying through the internet and silently so, less people think I'm a potential sexual predator.
It's a paradox. If I saw a person- not even just a qt, literally anybody- out in public or at my job or whatever that was into anime, it would be extremely easy to start a conversation hit it off

But it in a con, literally everyone there is into it. So that means nobody (including you) is special or has some special insight. At that point it's back to square one.
Then why do you go to a con?
You're responding to ragebait.
It's just that most otaku have zero social skills. Good social skills convo:
"Hi, are you cosplaying from Bum Fighter 2? I love your LunarCheek eyeliner, so few get it accurate!""
"Actually I'm from Devilman, but do the characters look that similar? What's Bum Fighter about, is that what you're dressed as? I'm intrigued."

Bad convo:
"Actually I'm from Devilman."
"Oh ok, that sucks, bye."
Having just got back from a con where I made some really cool friends and got contact details, I will share what I think to be important considerations:

>Best time to try and socialise is while waiting in lines or in seating areas between events. Any location/time where the other person has nothing better to do than talk to you is a good starting point (and that's okay). Trying to socialise with people who are walking the halls is silly because they're probably going somewhere.

>Established friendgroups are too hard to break into alone. Stick to singles, couples, or isolated members of friendgroups that can introduce you later.

>If the friendgroup doesn't reject you (but does not explicitely invite you) remember to consciously ask "Is it alright if I join you?" If they answer yes then you are no longer an awkward hanger-on and can focus on socialising within the group you just joined.

>When walking around parts of a con you want to socialise in, adopt open body language (hands out of pockets - a natural armswing while walking will make you feel less uncomfortable). Try and have a slight smile on your face or at the very least a positive expression. Now is not the time to have RBF.

>With the above in mind, scan your eyes across people as you walk and pay attention to those who make eye contact with you. If they smile back after a second or two you are allowed to go up to them and attempt socialising. Else, break eye contact and keep moving.

If it works for a sperg like me then I hope it works for you too
Huh, I avoided anything with a line at the con I went to over the weekend. Mostly because I don't really care to meet voice actors.
>Is it normal for people to ask for pictures and immediately leave after?
Yes. If they want to chat they will but usually they just want to take a pic and leave. If you want to chat you gotta be the one to engage, don't wait for them to.
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how do i keep a conversation going? if i ask a question they just give a quick answer and its awkward silence and if i ask another question it feels like im interrogating them
you aren't going to get big conversations with everyone. if you don't click with a few questions and it naturally fizzles quickly, its okay to move on
My friends and I walk around with a water bottle filled with vodka.
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That's why I also mentioned seating areas. "Hey, can I sit next to you?" is an easy way to start a chat with someone because if they say no you never had a chance of talking to them anyway.

Two things to remember:
>You will get out what you put into a conversation
>Most people love talking about themselves

Ask questions that can't be answered with yes/no. If they're giving short responses anyway, offer your own input on their answer before leading into a probing question for more detail. If you ask how long their cosplay took and they say six months, you could say
>Wow, that's a long time. What part of it took the longest to do?
Rinse and repeat. If they answer a question with something you disagree with e.g. liking Naruto, you bite your tongue on the judgement, acknolwedge the validity of their view, and mention your own as a preference rather than a superior position.

After a bit of this you'll have some confidence with your rapport. Especially if they're asking you things too. Here's where you ask for socials - ideally for the purpose of scheduling a meetup the next day of the con - but that might not always be possible. Point is to at least make it clear you'd like to hang out with them at some point which is why you're asking for their info. If it's gone particuraly well you could ask to tag along with them then and there too

Ganbare your best anon!
what if I hate all popular anime?
I am....
It's crazy how I wouldn't mind hooking up with cosplayers but their personalities are usually awful.
>or a check-out clerk?
This actually used to be standard practice. Back when I worked as a cashier during college, my managers would give me crap all the time about not chatting up the customers enough and instead just processing them as fast as possible.
Is something fucky here?
What a negative view of human beings

Strangers are just friends or rapists you haven't met yet. Figure out the ones you want around and you'll find yourself having a good time, if only for a night.
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>implying partying isn't normalfag behavior
I'm wondering this too, I'm going to be at a con for a day and I'd like to meet people. People say that it's easy to socialize, but I don't know. My old friends are normies and my social muscles atrophied since the Pandemic.
I haven't watched a lot of anime in years but I'd like to go to a weeb con just because it sounds fun. A furry con too. So just do it.
Speaking as a casual photographer, I lately feel awkward trying to do any kind of small talk, especially at a big con, because I don't want to hold them up. I will ask for contact info to see their stuff later or send them, what I have.

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