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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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Have many anime cons outgrown their current convention centers / venues?

Anime Expo and Katsucon both seem at their limit
Sakuracon, but they went too far in the opposite direction. Having it in three disconnected buildings is stretching things really thin. Makes for a kinda soulless feel unfortunately

OtakuFest knew they pushed their limit last year, with people needing a shuttle to park 6 miles away. We'll find out next month if their venue upgrade changes things for better or worse
megacon orlando this year was super packed even on a sunday

maybe they should finally fucking reserve the whole con space for once and not share it with a godamn cattle convention
Anime Boston is guaranteed getting thrown into the BCEC as soon as the Hynes contract is up. Saturday this year reached the cap
>cattle convention
what a rude way to describe plus size cosplayers
They have a contract with them for a while don't they?
no one likes a fatty
Katsucon and its uncapped tickets. MAGFEST at the same venue in the Gaylord was still packed.
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MEFCC basically got kicked out of the ITC in Dubai for being too busy, rowdy, and having "unprofessional" guests (con-goers, cosplayers, and non-business types)
They're in the neighboring city now, but the Con itself is so expensive it's not really worth going.
Anime Expo is being held hostage by the LACC
Megacon Orlando 2025 is already selling tickets, on February, so expect the same occupancy next year
The less crowded days are Thursday & Friday, Saturday it's the most crowded day, Sunday is when you can catch some good offers from vendors
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How did Otakon do in DC? Haven't been since like 2016 or something.
I know that's why Anime Weekend Atlanta had to swap venues.

I'm gonna miss that convention center!
Nope, Anime Boston recently signed contracts keeping them in the Hynes currently up to 2028. It's also been said that the BCEC layout/configuration does not align to what Anime Boston wants to do/offer.
It shrank down to about 24,900 in 2017-first year in DC, climbed up to about 28,500 in 2018 & 2019. Coming back from COVID in 2021, it shrank down to 25,564 despite only having a masking requirement. It climbed to about 40,500 in 2022 (in part due to AnimeNEXT's issues in 2022) and to about 42,000 in 2023.
ACEN needs to fucking move shit around or extend vendors/artist alley.
The vendor hall was all packed at the back with massive open space upfront, artist alley was cramped as fuck, and then the cosplay/gaming area was massive with miles of empty space inbetween.
Yeah no kidding especially when the front of the dealer hall is all the corporate industry booths nobody really cares about. That section of the floor was empty all last weekend. Only part up front that had lines was the con merch and I'd imagine that was mostly to buy the glasses to get free whiskey lmao
>try to go to artist alley
>one guy stops dead in his tracks to look at his phone
>whole line gets backed up
>nobody can pass him because this is happening in several places at once
>parents bring their fucking kids to these things and have them waddle around these crowded spaces
>others have theirs in strollers being space thiefs
>groups walking slowly and horizontally, sometimes stopping in the middle of walkways

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