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It's been 10 years
Are cons safer now?
Anyone encountered any con creeps?

I (male) got my butt grabbed by another guy once, didn't bother me desu (not gay)
did a guy grab it or a girl grab it? were you presenting as a male or a female?
>women dresses like a whore
>literally looking for sex
>having sex with like 30 dudes in one con
>absolutely strutting her stuff
>but oh no, an ugly guy dared to approach her
>rape rape rape rape, I just do this for fun!!! stop sexualising me!!
Not really, I'm still hearing about creeps, sexual assault, and upskirt photos. Also had a lot of pickpocketers at the previous con I went to.
As someone that's been going to cons for over a decade. Don't really think cons were ever overall unsafe...
Isolated incidences of creeps being creeps is always going to be a thing.
I think the only thing that has really changed is people are more explicit about asking permissions for photos.
Literally nothing you said happened. Have you tried not constructing arguments in your own head?
I had a gay guy hit on me but that was about it
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All the creeps I have heard about were the bums and thugs that weren’t even part of the con.
Hi again, Kari
Nothing's really changed from a decade ago. Cons aren't actually "unsafe" beyond isolated incidences which are 99.999% of the time personal grudges/vendettas/stalking incidents and never really have been beyond that (which is more of an issue of mental illness in broadly social spaces than a "con" issue). There are creeps and passing gropers still, but it's shifted from autistic spastics trying to re-enact shit they see in their ecchi animus to normies who think they are cool enough to get away with anything and only seem to materialize at parties. There's also annoying assholes who still do creepshots and manipulative photographers, but they really only victimize new congoers who don't have an eye for this shit, and they're usually scared to even work with clients who have been going to cons for 3+ years.

My takeaway is that this "movement" didn't really help anything, but general societal disdain towards people being rapey or just seeing rape itself as entertaining has vastly reduced the amount of morons who figure it's "no big deal", as well as made it so lots of people will call out rapey behavior among their social circles. This has, unfortunately, also led to a lot of blatant false claims of randoms being rapey or individuals being groomers or "She was underage" (read: 19 years or older at the time of interaction), but those have always been an issue as well.
not to tinfoil but i'm completely convinced normies go to cons to do creepshots and passing gropes because they know they can probably just blame it on the nearest autist or think anime fans are all desperate degenerates anyway. every time i ever see someone get kicked out it's some guy who doesn't even seem to be there for the con.
A lot of normies go to cons because they think it's the easiest source of pussy on the planet (the truth is the polar opposite) and if they show up with their basic bitch tastes in anime and what they've deluded themselves into thinking constitutes "rizz", that they can bed anybody they see almost immediately. The creepshots and groping comes from their inevitable failures leading to them "taking it out" on the con weirdoes rather than simply accepting this isn't their space and leaving.
The only incidents of too much touching I've had were foreigners who didn't speak english who wanted selfies with me but got very handsy during it.
Bait but even if it were true... she's consenting to doing stuff with the hot guys and not consenting to doing anything with the ugly one. What part of that do you not understand? Do you really think women owe every man attention or affection just because he exists?
>sexualize yourself
>complain about being sexualized

The average woman is like the homeless guy masturbating on a bus, they thing what they are doing isn't wrong
Just men and women not so stealthily grabbing my ass. I know its plump and shit but at least ask me first.
Defcon took an enormous heelturn when the various allegations of them hit the internet. Now its safe space nonsense with troons everywhere. Oh yeah and its full of business casual normies that don't know shit fuck about anything.
based analogy
Unrelated, but this stranger i asked for help lowkey thought i was a creep/flasher because i kindly asked if he could lower the zipper on the back of my bodysuit that i couldnt reach
damn wasnt expecting a DEFCON poster here. yea SJWs ruin everything, i see that in a local hackercon
>Oh yeah and its full of business casual normies that don't know shit fuck about anything
I've slept on Defcon in the past because I don't know anything about infosec (most of my expertise is with gamedev), but from what I've been hearing about it over the past few years it seems like everyone there are computer turboautists or don't know shit and there's no middle ground between them.
I'm not sure how it was before but there's a stupid amount of groping. It feels like people are under the impression that it's acceptable or they won't get in trouble for it. And I guess in general they don't, it's easy to get away with and not taken as seriously as it should because it's not as 'exreme' as other things
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Cons have the highest concentration of maladapted autists in the world. They cannot understand social cues so they do creepy things that weird people out.

This is misinterpreted as malicious sexual predation by normies
May I grab your ass, please?
Neither of us in cosplay
>Go to convention notorious for arguably autistic, and socially starved "losers" (This was back when anime wasn't cool"
>Wear literally nothing
>Be attractive
>Oh jeez, why are all these ugly men looking at me (aka giving me the attention I wanted, just not from ugly men)

This is why nobody listened to women until about 15 years ago. They throw themselves into the lions pit, wanting attention of the alpha lions, then wonder why they got attention from *all* the lions.

Honestly I don't even look at this image as a bad thing, I see it as a remarkable achievement of western culture, a woman can wear basically nothing and at most she gets some ugly blokes staring if not taking a photo (which is expected at a convention anyway), if you had a woman showing her ankle in say the middle east or India, she would have got raped for "being such a slut".

>Ignore women complaining, they love the attention, they just hate that ugly men exist and have eyes as well
>The West is great and champions against fighting monkey brain thoughts
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More to add to my collection
Skimpy cosplayers know they are going to get attention
Its not that they hate attention they just want people to be respectful

Look but do not touch
What defines a "creepshot" in cosplay conventions?
wow look its this bait thread for the 1000th time to fish for reactions from radfemlitas and coomers. Not sure which is worse, this or the chinese girl bait thread
I've never actually seen this with a real person. Obviously there's a line, touching or really inappropriate comments are a different story, but I know a bunch of girls who wear slutty costumes and I've virtually never heard a single one complain about ugly guys just looking or whatever, and the few exceptions were told more as jokes about really extreme cases, dudes visibly standing there with boners or really ridiculous looking dudes or whatever.

Pretty much every single person I've ever seen actually post or talk about "creepy" dudes staring at girls in skimpy costumes was a girl who doesn't actually wear skimpy costumes, some bulldyke who thinks it's her responsibility to protect all the other girls from the evil that is masculinity or fat/ugly girls who are just coping with jealousy or just straight up prudes who are uncomfortable with any kind of display of sexuality (my ex was one of those) or whatever.
Jajaja funny as fuck
pussy is easy to come by if you crossplay and are willing to go whaling
NGL if you wore that and got rapped or gang rapped non stop till you want raw you kinda deserved it.

10/10 would cop a feel.
Nope without buying me dinner first.
Anyone got the original unmodified photo of this?
it's literally the OP image dude
>Who defines a "creepshot" in cosplay conventions?
Cosplayer: If you don't ask me its a creepshot
Photographer: If they notice and glare back its a creepshot
Some drunk guy felt up the sleeves of my venti costumes this weekend, but his friend stopped him immediately which was good to see.
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>cosplay is not consent
the jokes write themselves
Why do people think being uncomfortable is the worst thing in the world?
That's what the second amendment is for, but curiously the people who screech about this stupid shit the most are also the ones who screech about guns being evil or something
Male here. Lady at con recently felt my chest, shoulders and lifted up part of my costume to see my crotch area. I was not in revealing clothing. She wasn't my type. I was fine with it. Also left my bag sitting around at same con and no one took anything from it.

Some people will genuinely do this out of the innocent act of checking your cosplay construction, I did it once to someone in the past myself as I had given up on making that same costume out of frustration and was curious how they'd done the belt area. I had asked permission first tho.

I often prefer candid shots to posed shots, you get funny pics like sailor moon drinking a beer over her yaoi doujin that way. I don't see those pics as creepy. Upskirt pics and shit are definitely creepy but I haven't heard anyone complaining it happened to them.

Recently went to a con with adult panels checking for IDs. But even those panels were tame (rules like no swearing). Felt sad. A far cry from all the stuff like orgy parties I used to hear rumors about.
why do male feminists always have this exact look
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>I often prefer candid shots to posed shots, you get funny pics like sailor moon drinking a beer over her yaoi doujin that way. I don't see those pics as creepy

So is this candid or a creepshot?
There's a big difference between taking a candid shot of a friend and then posting it with her permission, and snapping and posting a random stranger.
If you're ugly, or on a smartphone
Welcome to (NOT) 2006
I never said I take candid shots of friends and then ask for their permission. Feels like you're reading far too into something. For me personally, I never post cosplay pics of others online, candid or not.

Seems like a normal shot to me. It's not like the camera is zoomed in on their asses as they bend down or something. Put them in full-body clothing and no one would ever consider it creepy, right?
What asses. There's nothing there.
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It's because none one actually has to work through a cringe socially awkward phase anymore due to technologies like the internet and gaming. People hate to hear it but you actually need those experiences. You need brush up against those social situations that cause friction because that only way you're going to develop as a person and learn to navigate your way through social relations. What the internet and gaming does is offer a friction-less version of the social relations, so you get to hit the dopamine buttons and feel like your doing social interactions but if things gets too rough you don't have to go through it you can just jump ship with no consequences and or just devalue the social interaction in your head bc it's incredibly easy to not think of the person on the other side of screen as a real person. Now you don't get the same high from online interactions but it is infinitely safer. So when people do stumble out into the real world and they inevitably do brush up against uncomfortable situations they just kind of freak out or feel incredibly violated because they can't just pull back like they can online. It's a reaction to a loss of control they aren't used to having to endure.
I would lean toward creep bc what is the candid moment being caught in this photo?
Bad candid, boring subject. Verging on creepshot.
>work through a phase like that going to fighting game tournaments
>now if I act the way I always have I get ostracized by the new generation of pussy niggas who police language based on someone else's feelings maybe being hurt
unironic clown world
why do people take the fucking internet seriously
maybe everyone's parents should be abusive or get late stage cancer so they get a fucking slap in the face and stop caring about made up problems
Between thuggery and zesty niggas, the thuggery era FGC was probably better. What ushered in the zesty era? Most sports are not as zesty as the fighting game scene.
Look at the seethe at this post when it's true
The girls who wear that shit go clubbing afterwards and want to get railed by like 8 different dicks. The girls who dress slutty are exhibitionists and get wet af when guys stare at them even if you're ugly. They just don't want the ugly ones approaching them. They want Chad or passable dudes to rail them.
>t. lowtiergod dickrider
kill all whroes

Yes and no the smaller events are actually the better option. Last year I had to wear a tag that allowed for consenting to pictures. People avoided me like I had the plague. Didn’t wear one the other time and had no issues. Nothing compares to my 2009 bible black cosplay at the con.
Thanks, putting this in my super butthurt copypasta folder.
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albeit issa fact
>only knew thug life FGC era. Stopped playain fightan before zesty era
feels good man. Miss me with that furry shit sonicfox you brain damaged fuck
This word is nearing being meaningless now.
Is this what it means to get old? Just watching people butcher and twist existing words into new meanings? Christ
Last night at the Westin at AX there was a cute girl wearing the lewdest bikini bottoms/panties I've ever seen, and as she was about to get into her Lyft some random dude stuck his hand into her panties. Her friends and my group quickly threw the guy off of her and then chased him away (sadly he was fast enough not to get his ass beat) but it was pretty fucked.
Why, exactly, cosplay attract so many people with huge egos and peopel who are happy to destroy and disrupt entire legacies, entire peaceful coexistences in the name of virtually nothing, often with 'I just want to see things burning' mindsets?
I've thought about this as well, anon, and previously discussed it with some friends.
Cosplay inherently has an aspect of "look at me". That explains it attracting people with huge egos. Of course, not every cosplayer has a huge ego, but people with one looking for a new hobby during Covid lockdowns noticing a supportive community across social media can discover cosplay and think "that's for me". Those people won't do cosplay for the art of it, but for the praise they get in person or on social media.
The radical side of cosplay that wants to cancel their "friends" over small disagreements is harder to explain. You would think if they got bullied in school, possibly for liking nerdy stuff, then they'd know how it feels and not participate in the behaviour as an adult. Instead, they perhaps hold resentment and now want to put down others where they can.
Further, terminally online + active in a vocal progressive community = conditions for them to wish to seek their own "justice", no matter how trivial.
The cosplay community is "tolerant" of so many things, yet deeply intolerant over the existence of a small disagreement.
Thanks for answering, anon. I've noticed that, at least in my area, those who hild these undesireable behaviors such as seeking justice, excluding others for trivial disagreements and so on, are in the right-wing spectrum of things. Cosplay being a progressive thing, naturally has people who are, in the very least, centrists, and more predominantly, left-wing leaning or full left-wing people.

Personally speaking, the best course of action is to ignore and exclude them as much as possible. Don't talk to them when yo usee them, spread the word on what they did, and they naturally drift away / cosplay something else and just get off the grid entirely, because otherwise, due to the nature of the community itself, you can't 'blacklist' or shun someone out in an institutional way (like getting their full name and forbidding them to attend conventions).

Alas, every single hobby is like that. From fishing to football, from airsoft to painting. The problem is always in the human
I think it's the opposite too. People who become really good at cosplay but are so deeply insecure they feel the need to gatekeep the hobby lest someone becomes more popular than them. Being treated poorly (read: not with attention/validation because they dont have the tools to self regulate) and passing that onto the next person as a rite of passage after distorting that experience, thinking it makes them one of the "cool" cosplayers. I think once they see unspoken "rules" and take note of them they then try to enforce those percieved standard onto others and become frustrated with them.
You need a brain transfusion if you think anything less than 99.999% of the cosplay community are dumb far left drooling retards. They're also full of shit, they grandstand online but I can tell you from personal experience they're just as fucked up as the big bad righties.

Don't tow the line as a black person? They'll call you a nigger.

Don't tow the line as someone whose cosplays are WCS quality? They'll automatically go from fawning over you to claiming your work sucks.

They'll even cheer on physical injuries and attacking people, mocking deaths in said persons family, and all sorts of underhanded shit.

Retardation like this is expected of the teenage part of the comm but these are people in their 20s-30s-40s (!) and beyond. They're so fucking dumb they legit believe Trump will round up all the faggots and trannies in concentration camps and kill then.
a few weeks ago me and another cosplayer i was just taking pics with were approached by 4 drunk men who obviously were not even into cosplay or anime. They asked if they could take photos with us and we just sorta agreed but they were really weird.

Apart from that its usually just boomers taking photos without asking and lots of catcalling.
I remember going to a con in the mid 2000's where they had to ban yaoi paddles because too many girls going around smacking male cosplayers asses and trying to force male cosplayers to kiss and hump for their amusement. They also had to make a rule where you had to use the correct restroom regardless of who you were cosplaying as, because too many female cosplayers were dressing as male characters and going into the men's bathrooms to roleplay as men having gay sex.

Yeah, men can be creepers plenty of the time, but in my experience it's usually the women who are the real degenerates.
she literally did porn. everyone fapped to it when this image started appearing. she was a grade a whore and old and ugly now.
They were cosplaying as nip salarymen after a shift.
they were actually football fans but perverted salaryman will be my next cosplan

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