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Previous thread: >>10897117

The Flower Kitten series is releasing this week
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There's an ivory colorway only available at Sendai
Lots of hair accessories made with organdy
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If this was bunnies I’d be all over it like a rash. I wish they’d used this fabric for Flower Garden Teatime.

The boob ribbons are an interesting design choice though
Nu AP is so ugly
>The boob ribbons are an interesting design choice though
that's because it's popular with chinese lolitas. taobao brands put them on a lot of stuff because it looks like the ribbons on hanfu. i personally don't like the ribbons like that, it'll look better as just bows.
They just traced over Vanilla-Chan and made it worse
I'm with the Chinese on this one. Titty ribbon a cute.
When is sugar hearts JP MTO shipping? I can't go that far back in the AP news section of the site.
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O i c. I think it looks alright on the jsk but a bit weird on the OP, like there’s too much going on with the yoke. I ended up getting the lavender jsk but where is my matching headbow, AP? Where is my Decoration Ice Cream headbow? Not even enough spare fabric for some barettes?

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Just lots of plain basics this week
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Bad news: Melody Toys again
Good news: it’s the regular jsk cut that a lot of people wanted!
Bad news II: no mint or sax
They do look similar but the art style and theme is way different for it to be traced
this looks good. i wish they did more white with pink lace pieces though.
Next saturday should have this
sax is the best colorway, are they stupid?
Do we have any idea why this print specifically has been re-released a billion times? Is it China's favorite print or something?
No, it's not super popular there.

My personal theory is somehow the fabric printing order got fucked up and AP wound up with like 10x more Melody Toys fabric than they needed. so now they just keep re-releasing it to use up all the extra. That would also explain why the color selection has gotten more and more limited through all the billion releases they've done, bc they're gradually running out of the excess fabric.
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Why is AP USA doing another Day Dream Carnival MTO?
There was already one in January with a ship date in September.
I dont know but nows my chance!
OH YAY! I'm so glad you posted this, I missed out on the first mto and now I can still get it. Who knows why, but I hope offering multiple chances is something they do with future mtos too
What color do you want to get? The sax and lav and pink are so pretty. The ivory is gorgeous and I just can’t decide
I got the lavender actually! So excited!! If you still cant decide I think you should go pink!

Me too! I had no idea the first one was going on until after it was finished! Very excited I got a chance to make a purchase.
I got pink and lavender. I like ivory too, but I'd be too paranoid about it getting dirty really easily.

Congrats on being able to get it anon!
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AP have posted info about the Lyrical Bunny backpack MTO. Scalpers BTFO

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They’re also offering a Princess Ribbon Decoration MTO which I am very excited for

Why are they kind of ugly
these are low key usakumya bootlegs and look like actual children's plush toys
actually tacky and costumey, recent AP is so disappointing
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I think it is lovely and hime as fuck. I want lavender but I do wish it was solid like the pink.
getting one of every color.
That lavender fabric looks sooo cheap
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Suzuran Bouquet this week


The OP comes in black, mint & pink, and seems to be a presale in certain stores & online shop only. The JSK is available in black, mint, pink & lavender.
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I love this.

Also, did people stop posting AP releases to the Lolita Updates FB group? I was surprised not to see discussion about this release.
lolita updates is just really slow
What's the best way to keep up with news of AP's MTOs? Not just announcements but reminders on the dates they happen etc? I don't wanna sign up for the official newsletter because I don't care about regular releases, only MTOs.
the swollen sphere cheeks
I do not understand the obsession at all, it makes otherwise cute plushies/figures look like they tried to swallow bees.
Did anyone have any luck with the drop? Both the sugar heart bracelet and necklace sold out in one minute.
I went in-store. The only popular items were the pink and blue heart pocket jumper skirts. If there are items you wanted there’s a chance a SS can find it in stock because today’s release was not that popular.
I checked out with the Sugar Hearts socks first and then went for the choker and bracelet, which immediately sold out. Amateur mistake. I'm just going to try again in the AP USA drop
Those jsks are gorgeous. Really wished I could afford one, but I don't think the cut would look very good on me.
I kind of wanted the OTKs, but AP has turned me off of thier socks with the bad quality/no stretch.
I miss the dark pink letters for the necklace and bracelet too. I have the original necklace and it looks much better than the rerelease stock photo. I was tempted by the bracelet, but just feel iffy about all of it.
My SS got the necklace, rings and socks for me!
got the socks and purse. kind of afraid of what the quality of both are going to be.
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I got the necklace, bracelet, ring, socks, and blouse! I would've gotten a bag as well if it wasn't made of that cheap pleather.
will the US shop get the accessories too?
I missed out on some items but I was able to snag a few items on the Paris website.
The purse is made out of synthetic leather. It will crack and peel like that material is prone to do.
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Was this really so popular there needed to be a re-release so soon?
Hmm, talked to someone that got one of the new purses and they say the material is a lot nicer than their old synthetic leather. We'll see.
They re-released it for me personally so that I could finally get my lavender jsk set :^)

But yeah only the sax OP is left on the jp site and the JSKs were gone in under a minute. It’s not unusual for AP to re-release a new print within months of its debut.
Glad you got something you missed out on!

After Ice Cream Parlor in 2020, that really hasn't been true for regular print re-releases. Happy Garland and Jelly Candy Toys took a year, so that's why Dreamy Night Cakes sticks out to me.
This is gorgeous, might fuck around and make this my first AP main piece
love the dreamy night cakes blouse so this is great actually. def feels a bit soon though but im glad more girlies were able to get some pieces
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I don't wear sweet but I really like this, I should have bought it
Still waiting on AP US to drop the sugar hearts accessories and bags

I stopped holding out hope for a milky-chan mto, but I wonder why they haven’t done one? Surely AP has to know it would be like printing money. Is it just not as popular overseas? Even in Japan the secondhand pricing is wild.
The secondhand pricing is wild because they know stupid westerners will pay their overinflated prices.

If Chinese customers aren't asking for it, it won't happen.
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I took this screenshot before the "buy" button went live - did they not get inventory for the bracelet or lavender "Love" ring? I refreshed for awhile and they never appeared.
How fast did the choker and ring fly off the shelf?
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If you joined the Decoration Ice Cream MTO, what did you get?

I already have the pink jsk, and decided to also get it in white!
People like this print?
Synthetic leather is still synthetic learner. The type AP uses will flake eventually. If you’re talking about the PVC purses (I think that’s the material used. It’s shinier and resembles plastic. It’s not considered a synthetic leather to my knowledge but someone who knows materials better can correct me if I’m wrong) then those won’t flake.
Dreamy night cakes is up and they still have everything. Looks like multiple pieces were released of items.
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Be My Valentine JSK again, but with sax and black instead of lavender and mint
Decoration Ice Cream's basic heart jewelry
And decoration heart enamel bag with a dangling cherry pouch
Free her
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I almost almost bought this bag until I saw it to scale. Wtf is this AP? I assumed it’d be similar to their other tote bags and didn’t bother looking at the measurements. Anyway glad I swerved
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Out of the 4 heart tote bags on the online shop, it is the second largest, only losing by 1-2cm.
Yokohama has a tall girl working there
This other photo is probably more accurate
*heart-shaped bags
love these
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Did you all get your Bunny Chan Pocket JSK? I did. I missed the headdress but it looks stupid anyway and I would not wear it.
The early to mid 2000s AP bags were made from vinyl iirc. Pvc is a type of vinyl, but not all vinyl is pvc. The vinyl they used was more matte, although still very plastic-y looking, and doesn't flake (it can get a yellowish hue over time though) and is often still called fake leather even though it doesn't look like leather at all to me. Perhaps fake leather was/is used as a catch all term for synthetic non-fabric materials used for bags.

Some PU shoes are also referred to as fake leather, but they're just as plastic-y looking as the vinyl bags.
AP released a new series called Fancy Stationery. Was anyone happy that this exists? None of the main pieces have soldout.
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I absolutely love it but I can't afford it right now, so I'm glad it didn't sell out like I thought it would! I love cute stationery and I love Bunny College so this series is the perfect mix.I know a lot of lolitas just don't vibe with these bright all-over polyester prints and that's fair

I finally got one of those stupid Lyrical Bunny bag charms when they re-released them on Wednesday. I'm not sure about the amorphous versions yet.
I weirdly love it in the grey, it's so pop.
The stationery and bunny details are very cute, but I just don't like any of the colorways.
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I don't know how to feel about them either, lol
I don't dislike it, but it's not great, either
I love the lavender and would love a full length skirt, but they only have the short ones this time. Really cute, but I'm too tall for that style.
Sorry for dumb question. The items released on the 24th release at noon or another time Japan time?
I have mixed feelings too but my biggest worry is how shit the qc has been on every other recent plush bag release. I have the original milky bear and the quality has fallen so far it’s hardly even recognizable. The fur used to be this almost woolen feel, with super dense filling and high quality joints. It has such a high quality feel. The lyrical rabbit bag I bought in 2022 looked like it was from dollar tree and the stitching on the face details was off center and wonky af. So disappointed and I know I wasn’t the only one cause people posted on here about it.
Question about granba, are the dress samples that will be for sale from this year/last year only or do they also sell previous years as well?
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I understand your gripe about plush bags, but these bunnies are just tiny keychains
A plush is a plush. Same factory, probably.
Online at noon JST, same as a Saturday release

Sample sale dresses can be from any year from the past 5ish years? It’s completely random, whatever they feel like getting rid of from their samples storage. Usually not marked down much though so sometimes not worth getting if you can find them cheaper second hand. Hair accessories, bags, shoes, and socks from more recent releases but not much gets put out. And very old jewelry.
Yes, but they're 1/5 the size and have no joints to worry about due to having a star for a body. There's not much to screw up in comparison.
Well I guess my wallet is safe for now. Thanks nona
NTA but samples can also have slightly different features/finishings, and also sometimes have different measurements. I bought a sample on Mercari that didn’t have the whirring that the final bulk produced item had.
Did it have a zipper instead? It must’ve been a fashion show piece when they have to dress models quickly.
Coming this autumn:
a dog (maltese?) print reminiscent of Lovely Poodle
a travelling bear print with bags and suitcases.
You're back!!! It's a miracle!!!

Any fun re releases??
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Fall Collection 2024
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Princess Puppy
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Travel Bear
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A sight for sore eyes.
Is all hope lost for a Milky-Chan MTO?
Crusty white dog print my beloved
can they offer an mto or preorder for this stupid dress in the solid colors already
why do you turbo slut whores want to feminize ur significant others with ouij, one of the biggest turn off from lolita ecosystem as a whole
>implying any lolita wants moids wearing ouji
I've witnessed tons of such posts, it's basically another accessory, like the meme bunnies
reminds me of that chocolate giftbox print from 5 ish years ago, but with better colorways. bonbon something

reminds me of romantic cat, but with dogs
Easily the best colorway of travel bears, it really makes the print pop with the design. If it’s not in a shitty fabric it’ll be a hit.

I like the bodice on this one, it matches the simplistic design quite well. But I feel it’s to mediocre for my taste.

The best tartan/solid piece for this week. Doesn’t look slapped together like the other ones.

Lolitas praying for a milky chan MTO is like christians hoarding their houses for the sinners when Jesus returns, always preparing but it’ll never happen.
oh man this so cute, i love dog prints. hoping it comes in cotton
I think ouji generally only looks good on women. Then there's EGA, which is far less feminising than ouji, and I still think it looks bad on most western men simply because you need to be able to look refined and they just don't.
>Lolitas praying for a milky chan MTO
I can dream.
We got Milky Planet and Sugary Carnival. No one thought they'd actually do it (I know they messed up Nakayoshi Bunny and Candy Fairy).
Maybe one day, it'll happen. I'll be wrinkly, but I'll buy it.
sugary carnival had multiple releases
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Looks like happy treat party is our Halloween print this year. Personally, I would have liked magical milk cats.
I hope they still have a new release this year, it seems a bit early tho Magical milk cats came out Sept last year
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> I would have liked magical milk cats.

Well don’t I have some news for you! Not sure if it’s only Sendai though. I wouldn’t be surprised if more were released at other locations.
Magical Milk Cats didn’t sell out so the stores are getting last year’s over stock in their stores now. Happy Treat Party did so much better, pretty much selling out every color and cut.

I’m also holding out for a new Halloween print this year.
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I'd also like a proper Halloween release this year, but nothing was previewed, so highly doubt it.
August isn't that unusual
In 2021, we had Moonlight Castle, Spooky Night Doll, Magic Trick School, and Dreamy Stage. No exciting Halloween print for that year.
woah, love this
Sorry for dumb/old question, but, does anyone have the re-released Sugar Hearts OTKs? How are they?
Last I knew, nu-AP's OTKs were awful and didn't stretch (Topping Heart). I haven't bought any since then, and didn't know if the Sugar Hearts ones were any better.
I have them in pink. They do stretch but it makes the design harder to see. Not as bad as other otks I own, but I wouldnt recommend them if you have thicker legs.
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It's almost 2 months later and we still don't have the Fancy Stationary jewelry?
this has my seal of approval, at least there was an attempt
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Maltese print this week
Tiered cut for ¥60,500
Regular cut for ¥37,400
The regular cut is cute, just too bad dogs gross me out. Even highly stylized illustrations of them.
If they removed the dogs and kept the cakes, gifts and cushions it would be so cute.
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Nooo don't fall off the board your so sexy aha

I got an email indicating Toys Donut Diner will be shipping soon! I'm excited. Has anyone who ordered DDC from the online MTO received theirs yet though? The delivery of that whole series has been so fragmented.

Did anyone go for Travel Kuma-chan? Pink was the most popular online but red and black are my favourite.

I hope they re-release the Fancy Border cardigans this winter
>Has anyone who ordered DDC from the online MTO received theirs yet though?
Oh wow I completely forgot about it. It was supposed to be shipped out in August, right? Yeah I never got mine.
>>Has anyone who ordered DDC from the online MTO received theirs yet though?

I received mine on the 16th. It arrived to my SS on the 9th and was shipped to me on the 10th.

I believe the MTO was originally scheduled to be ready in August put it pushed back to September but with several delivery periods continuing into October based on AP Harajuku's Instagram posts.

Pretty sure mine was part of the second delivery period.
Angelic Prophet, where are you in these dire times?
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Has the prophet been found out and banned?
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Why couldn't they have lined the string of logos on the bottom of the skirt's hem like the JSK?
all ugly shit. washed out prints, cheap polyester, who wants any of this crap? I guess >>10942162 is fine but if I want plain solid basic OPs/JSKs, I'd just go to BTSSB...
I'm guessing/hoping it's just a sample, and it will include the text in the versions that are sold.

I'm not a big AP fan (I mostly wear btssb) but I like looking at new releases and these are fairly disappointing imo. The two solid dresses are the best of the bunch and they're not even that good.
why the plastic millionarie's wife lips?
This model has thick lips, but it appears they've emphasised them with makeup this time.
I just hope it's only the makeup and she didn't get surgery
You're so naive to think she didn't have a lip flip and a fuck ton of filler.
Her parents are famous and plastic surgery is more acceptabel/common. Look at modeling images of her from 10 years ago compared to now, she's definitely got work done since
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Comments on the 2025 collection?
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They all look like uninspired taobao releases with the AP name slapped on it …incredibly disappointing
The Sanrio premium dresses are pretty nice, I especially like the little Twin Stars one >>10942981
I wish the accessories came separately. I wouldn't buy dresses so fancy.

Once again, the art clipping on the bottom like >>10942165

It’s a shame because the polly pocket compact play set idea is very cute. I hope that gets fixed in production or has some other item in the series that doesn’t do that.
genuinely really like this but... more cotton lace? really?
you mean eyelet lace? no disrespect just never heard of someone wanting poly lace over cotton before
I want to like this, but some small details are off putting. The sash and it's attached bow could have been a solid color, doesn't stand out being the same material as the dress. The cotton eyelet lace on the bonnet is different from the poly lace on the bottom hem. It would have been nice to see a fancier custom lace similar to the cake lace on Whip Factory, or the bunny lace on Happy Garden.
The sash is actually a separate item; doesn't come with the dress as a set, so that's why it's also printed.

It looks really bad with the non-premium cuts.
Any nonas ever been to the AP store in SF? You have to schedule an appointment to visit but I've always been to scared to do that without knowing for sure that I'd buy something they have in stock -_- have walked by it countless times and still haven't set foot in there.
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Release for 12/21
Comes in special black colorway for the JSK
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This series is made of cotton
is there a specific name for this kind of shorter cut lolita style?
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Living life on the edge
That is a salopette if I am not mistaken.
thanks a lot
This print is ugly asf
Anybody know what is in the lucky packs this year?
Mostly Happy Park Carnival and Dreamy Baby Room jsks with a matching barette in the packs I've seen posted for sale. A long sleeved white blouse, Misty Sky ribbon clip, and Toe Shoes otks too.
Leftover stock that hasn't sold at any other point. So far I've seen fluffy puff bunny, dreamy baby room, and some other forgettable print.
has anyone seen scans from Spoon ?
Ayy lmao, teddy bears with severe autism
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The Halloween treats OP is my dream dress, does anybody know where I could get it secondhand that’s not $400+ usd
>t. Poorfag
There's a full set on Lacemarket right now for $250
Let’s gooooooo

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