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barely anyone does military cosplays nowadays, and most of them are considered larping anyway. good news is that the market isn't saturated and ripe for the taking

long story short if you Google csgo cosplay you'd probably find me on the first result
When I wore an even vaguely military-esque outfit, people stopped me on the streets to thank me for my service. So I avoid military shit, bomber jackets and the like now.
Sounds pretty cringy. For them to do, not you
that's murica for ya. Over here you just get your picture taken surprisingly enough by passing families or normies not knowing anything about cons and just think the wow factor of seeing a larp with a gun
>barely anyone does military cosplays nowadays
This must be your area cause there's always plenty in my area. HolMat in particular has at least a couple hundred
>if you Google csgo cosplay you'd probably find me on the first result
Quite based. Evidently also the second result and another on row 5

For me, it was waltzing into ColossalCon East for the first time, in a state I'd never been to before, and being recognized almost immediately. It happened about a dozen other times after. Also, not exactly peak but I'm still amused that I can clearly see myself several times in the MGScon promo reel that autoplays on their front page
Op here, I'm a southeast asian anon. im basically living the white boy yellow fever dreamscape of petite Chinese doing genshin cosplays that are miles ahead what Sarah from SoCal could ever manage. Too bad my interests lie in the larp, and it's one guy in crumpled BDUs and tacky nerf rifles per 20 hu Taos.

>being recognized in another state
fuckin A', it's doubly more satisfying when not only do they recognize you, they also recognize your character. do something well and enough times someone will inevitably be interested in your niche character where they otherwise wouldn't.

Nothing triggers the dopamine harder than someone going "hey, aren't you're the same [character] from [insert con]?"
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I love getting recognized at outta state cons. Feels good man
I had a similar experience of going to Acen and getting recognized. I didn’t even have a huge following, so it was a bit of an ego boost
Thank god I live in the urban Northeast, no one gives a shit about "the troops" here.
the con shooting is taking too long, hurry up faggots
>shooting up a place full of magical girls and narutos
yeah thats not going well
Unless the magical girls are trained in military tactics it'll prolly work well enough. On the other hand...

>Yea call in an artillery strike to delete the grid the magical girls are in.

What was the name of the short story written by an actual published science fiction author where some magical girls absolutely wipe out a military unit (as in, wipe out a mechanized regiment)
Only thing they know how to do right is an air strike. Everything else is pretty lame
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This has to be one of my best.
I saw a captain Price among the military larpers/cosplayers at my last convention
There is a manga/anime called "Magical Girl Spec-Ops: Asuka"
very based, I'm currently compiling a kit for REboot4 survival mode hank. It's always fun to spot minor iterations between his designs
Military cosplay gives me major autistic vibes
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Thanks, I’m thinking of switching out the vest for a flack jacket, and a tan holster.
What's the difference between a bulletproof vest, plate holders, and a black jacket?
Bro I love it. I am gona do an Elite Crew cosplay soon. Got an AK prop and most of the clothes.
Its okay I pick up the slack for you
Nick Hunk. I wish to do a RE2R take eventually. What did you do for the uniform fatigues?
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Bump. Not cosplay but convention related. It counts.
>Giving a panel for the third time which covers a lot of philosophy, psychology and religion
>Get the creeping thought that's happened every time before and since
>"Does anyone even care about what I'm saying?"
>After it's over, a 40-something year old guys come up and says
>About halfway through, I called up my son and told he had to come hear this. The guy on stage knows his stuff better than half my colleagues
That sure felt nice
The pants are black cargo pants from a military store. The top is a black work shirt I found in a thrift store. Added the Umbrella patches.
if you know your shit you could get a few more cosplays out of just the flack jacket i.e:
>R6 SAS (Smoke/Thatcher/Mute)
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OP here again. I built Vigil's armour from scratch. It's my first time crafting anything. I had friends to help out but still.

Gonna include the ERC-7 when I have the time.
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.close up
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I like the SCP Foundation a lot, so naturally I wanted to cosplay a Mobile Task Force. Did so for Gamescom 2023 and 2022, as well as Halloween last year. This year I'll attend two conventions. I've always seen other military cosplayers, SCP as well as others. This pic is from last year when I was still all black. A few components are on the way, since I wanna get it switched to dark multicam by the end of the month.
that's a lot of zip ties what are those for anon
Those are just three and they're zip tie handcuffs for detaining anomalous humanoid entities, terrorists linked to the CI, AWCY or other groups of interest adversarial to the SCP Foundation, or just for detaining bystanders irritating the scene. It just fits the costume, ya know.
A bulletproof vest has layers of kevlar sewn into it and can stop pistol rounds but not most rifle rounds. They're relatively light and flexible and are usually meant to be worn under clothing.
A plate carrier has no protection of its own and is instead meant to hold metal or ceramic plates that can stop rifle rounds. They're usually meant to be worn outside clothing and have magazine pouches and/or MOLLE webbing for attaching various pouches and accessories.
A flak jacket is like a bulletproof vest but with less protection, only designed to stop bits of shrapnel from nearby explosions etc. but not direct hits from firearms.
There you go anon
I made this back in 2014 - my 3rd costume and still my magnum opus. Have tried multiple times to top it with limited success.
looks awesome chief, any current projects you're working on?
Anon this looks great. I wanted to do a MTF soon. What did you do for the clothes, gun, pouches and helmet?
That's a high peak. No shame in not being about to match it. Joseph Heller kept writing after Catch 22.
That’s sick.
It wasn't me, but I got my then-14 year old sister to cosplay as a loli from an ecchi manga for Otakon and she got so many pics taken of her. Few years later I found a site which had photos of Otakon in that year, and someone had taken a creepshot of her. It was pretty funny.
cant duel wield deagles kirito
Awesome cosplay, I wish the SCP cosplayers in my country actually cared about the SCP Foundation but they really only use it as an excuse to wear their airsoft gear or make some edgy super-power OC. They only have the most basic knowledge that always come from Secret Lab and some of them even said to me that they didn't considered the wikidot to be official. There so many secondary here it genuinely killed my interest in doing more SCP related cosplay.
One person even recognized what specific person it ismjhj
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Oh and a re-enactor let me use his MG 42 at Tekko con
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Had a couple. I'll start dropping em, 1st one was an accurate Panzer Soldat from Bo2
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Here's another Mechagodzilla from Godzilla v Kong. I managed to put this one out 3 months after the film came out for the next big convention
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One more: Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness with the late Lance Reddick

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