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Anyone goin
do you like it
idkfk how to post
ACEN is currently on-going right now?
I think I'm gonna go, don't know anything about it. It's gonna be my first con but I don't have high expectations.
Great start, lads.
Loved it at the start, but things went downhill for CCE very quickly. The Kalahari kicked all of the cosplayers out of the water park on the last day of the con in its second year, and ever since then there have been more and more problems with the con.
The Poconos Kalahari staff isn't afraid to let CCE attendees know how much they fucking hate them there, and CCE management ignores any and all problems entirely.
It's a good con for room parties, so it's still worth going for that aspect. It was cool taking pics in the water park, but they've essentially banned that. Night swim/after hours water park "party" is just way too fucking crowded to enjoy it anymore.
Get your fill of the party scene there while you can, until they put a stop to that in the next couple of years.
is the rave in the waves or whatever they call it any good?
I went on Saturday night last year and there were just waaaaay too many people there. If you wanted to get on any of the popular slides it was a long wait. Forget about getting a spot in the grotto/hot tubs because it was shoulder to shoulder in there. Don't get me wrong, I like to socialize, but it was so packed it was just uncomfortable.
I might try going Thursday night this year in hopes it will be much less crowded. I did enjoy the rave/night swim the first couple of years I went when there were fewer people.
All that said, if you're staying at the Kalahari, just go to the water park during the day. It doesn't get really crowded there during the day/afternoon/evening. The rave is a good cheaper option to be able to visit the water park for those people that don't have day passes.
Went last year was fun
Mostly bc of the group I was with
Will go again even tho it's not the same crew probably
If it's anything like the con itself Thursday night, it's definitely gonna be hella less crowded. Didn't actually go to the waterpark myself tho (wasn't actually staying and the kalihari and didn't want to deal with changing/trying to get parking again) so I could be wrong
what are yall cosplaying for it this year
if I could get a room at the Kalahari, but the waterpark itself is shit to cosplayers and photographers during the public hours. The lifeguards constantly change the rules every 10-15 minutes. If you're shooting outside in the woods pr waterfall,bring bug repellent and check for leeches and ticks afterwards.
>if I could get a room at the Kalahari, but the waterpark itself is shit to cosplayers and photographers during the public hours.

It's gratifying to see someone else say this, because for whatever reason a lot of people downplay how shitty the waterpark staff is.
Photography in the waterpark is/was probably the biggest thing that sets the Colossalcons apart from other cons. At this point it's close to being banned entirely.
Waterfall is a great location if it doesn't rain, which it ALWAYS fucking does.
Predictions on how the con in Sandusky this weekend will go? Who's all going?
I mean, there's a separate thread for Prime. But since you asked, I think this year is when things are going to go noticeably downhill there. The downgrades are starting to really add up (no more waterpark day pass discounts, no console gaming room this year, off the top of my head), plus the microtransaction BS ($40 foam party kek).
They still aren't going to have it as bad as we've had it at CCE for a few years now, but I think it will be bad enough that some people are going to stop coming.
They're just accelerating to the endgame of all Colossals being 4 day OF thot frat parties with a dealer's hall and maybe some panels, shouldn't surprise anyone
i heard prime is 5 days now
Okay, 5 day OF thot frat parties with a dealer's hall and maybe some panels then
5 if you count wednesday day 0 being a con day. nothing actually officially happens or opens until thursday
Other than dealers, AA, and game room not being open, Wednesday was a "real" day with programming and late night swim.

I don't want OF parties where its whales you have to roll in flour to find the wet spot.
Chris Chan and Tohru Adachi
east will unfortunately always have a place in my heart because it was my first as well, like 5-ish years ago. cgl will always be bitter about something at every con, just find the party scene, make some autistic friends, and enjoy yourself. i've never had problems with staff & i've done some weird shit in front of them. oh also the waterpark is not worth it, at least if you're going in cosplay and not just to hang out
>cgl will always be bitter about something at every con
The anti-Poconos Kalahari spammer is the most consistent, easy to spot person on this entire board. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, since I watched the staff intentionally lock someone outside and refuse to let them back in when the only other way back was getting in the water. Even that I think was pretty mild, and now they're bitching on how IT'S OVER for Prime. Fucking sick of this doomerism, me. I'm going back to the Druk thread
This thread only has about 20 posts, but there are already two or three people shitting on the Poconos. This may shock you, but a lot of people have noticed Pocono staff's disdain for attendees.
I did notice quite a few people saying that they might be done with Colossalcon after this year's Prime, but I don't see there being a mass exodus or anything. Closing down the whole water park for the foam party thing pissed a bunch of people off, but it's not the end of the world.
Prime attendees are just being a bit dramatic because they're used to doing whatever they want and basically having run of the venue during the con, and daddy Kalahari telling them "no waterpark for you" on Saturday was basically the first time venue staff set any boundaries for them.
They got a LOOOONG way to go before the Prime-Sandusky relationship deteriorates to the level of East-Poconos.

I shit on the Poconos Kalahari because it's valid criticisms, not sure about the others, but if the Kalahari is going to take CCE's money, at least have consistent rules. You shoot at the wave pool, and one minute photogs are allowed in the water, the next they aren't. One minute they're allowed to use a flash, the next they're not. Had a friend shooting underwater footage a few years back and a lifeguard said they haven't allowed photogs in the water all morning, when he pointed out there was literally 10 in the water at that moment, and plenty of photogs can easily pull up photos that he was wrong.
>valid criticism
I don't want thots hogging up the pool for their shitty social media posts. I hope they ban you whores permanently.
There's criticizing staff and then there's hurtbox circlejerking. Maybe (YOU) specifically don't engage in it but I saw more than my fair share of that in the Prime thread and it's clear as day here too: >>10915131
>Get your fill of the party scene there while you can, until they put a stop to that in the next couple of years.
Do you guys want or hope things will improve? Awesome. The moaners are hoping it gets worse
hurtbox circlejerking lmao. (You)
Being passive aggressive is very unbecoming

and illiterate fucks like you fuck it up for the rest of us that try to keep a peaceful atmosphere where everyone can have fun, thot or not
And thinking there's only one person on here who criticizes the Poconos Kalihari is delusional. I love East from a vibe standpoint, one of my favorite cons, but that's in spite of the Kalihari not because of it. You work there or something?
Yeah, and its ironic that they keep saying the supposed singular person that doesn't like the Poconos Kalahari is making themself obvious or easy to spot or whatever, when in reality it's that person defending the Kalahari for whatever reason that sticks out like a sore thumb.
But now it's a "hurtbox circlejerk"? How can one person circlejerk themself?
I do wonder why this person is so assblasted about people criticizing East or the Poconos venue. Do people sometimes exaggerate how bad things are at East here sometimes? I guess. If you wanna hear nothing but praise for the con, head to the official Colossalcon FB groups (where absolutely no criticism is allowed, kek).
I think it's somewhat exaggerated from personal experience, but at the same time the staff are indifferent at best and resort pricing is a constant fucking albatross for everything there. I've never stayed at the Kalihari itself (inb4poorfag from the retarded Kalihari employee, I'll timestamp my souvenir glasses from last year), but even then it's an insane catch-22 between paying a shitton for food and drink the entire weekend or driving into Mount Pocono and then never getting parking again. I know the price tag isn't explicitly just a Poconos thing, but having only been to East that's my frame of reference, and it sucks ass compared to every other con I've gone to where you never run into that issue since everything you could need is a 10-15 minute walk.
>If you wanna hear nothing but praise for the con, head to the official Colossalcon FB groups (where absolutely no criticism is allowed, kek).
It's so fucking bad lol, people were openly complaining in the official groups about not being allowed to issue criticisms there. If this is somehow a hatebox, Colossal does their damnedest to create a counteractive hugbox.
>compared to every other con I've gone to where you never run into that issue since everything you could need is a 10-15 minute walk
Respectfully, this is just how all Kalaharis operate. They are a resort, they want you to stay and eat all within their building, so of course they don't want a McDonald's within walking distance. Texas, East, Prime, they are all the same.
I know, hence me saying that stuff like the price isn't explicitly a Poconos thing. Cons at a resort just feels like a bad idea in general desu, sure it's more lavish and memorable but you're essentially paying the price of two weekend trips for one experience.
> I know the price tag isn't explicitly just a Poconos thing
Well, yes and no. Stuff at Ohio isn't "cheap", but almost everything at the Poconos venue even more expensive than Ohio.
I never stay at the Kalahari either, mainly because I have no desire to stay with a half dozen people piled on each other. But not staying at the venue means paying a ton of money for daily water park passes if you want to go. They had spectator passes you could get if you just wanted to hang out and take photos, then they took those away. Then they had a monthly pass that was $130 so you could go every day for that one price, which wasn't too bad. Now they took THAT away too.
It's an expensive event/venue, and that's a big part of why I personally am vocal with my criticisms. And I feel like a lot of the problems could be remedied pretty easily, and its frustrating that no effort seems to be made there.
>But not staying at the venue means paying a ton of money for daily water park passes if you want to go.
I actually haven't ever gone into the waterpark desu, feels like too much of a pain to change for and then change out when I'm not staying on-site. Even then, food/drink alone is enough for me to go "wait a minute" (I drink a lot at cons granted) and I have friends who paid for passes for just a day and felt the monetary squeeze. Can't imagine what it's like for people who do go to the waterpark every day especially if they aren't on-site, but if they're slowly taking away deals to squeeze as much money as possible from congoers that really only makes me feel better about not attending the waterpark.
>And I feel like a lot of the problems could be remedied pretty easily, and its frustrating that no effort seems to be made there.
Yeah it seems to me like they're really are just trying to milk weebs for as much as they're worth without NostalgiaCons or whatever-the-fuck putting their foot down.
>>10921042 well yeah resorts try to milk everyone of their money
Yeah I think I kinda lost the plot of what I was saying. I'm still going anyways so whatever.
never been to this con before, but I'm interested in going this year and saw that room blocks at the con hotel are already sold out. when do the room blocks usually get posted and how long does one usually have to book a room, is it like a 24 hour window before they're all sold out or more like a few weeks?
The bigger rooms go fast if you're not there on the dot, but the queen beds stay around maybe week most depending on the dates you pick

Rooms sellout quickly now,about 10-15 minutes, ever since they raised the cost of the waterpark for non hotel guests.

If you have a room at the Kalahari it's free
I'll definitely be fine settling with a nearby hotel for this year, but damn, it sounds like I'll have to watch their social media like a hawk for trying to get an onsite hotel next year. thanks for the info
Thinking of going just because my Prime this year was lame compared to it last year, but probably gotta find people to go with, not sure I'm willing to make a six hour drive just to go alone
Shits coming up in like 2 months anyone excited?
>Oppai loli mascot
I think I’ll pass
I'm thinking of going. I might not stay at Kalahari.
Been a number of reports of people having their reservations at the Kalahari cancelled because of "overbooking". They're offering rooms at another hotel and including water park passes. Anyone that is staying there might want to keep an eye on their emails.
I saw in the official FB group that whoever runs the CCE account (con chair?) posted "we have conveyed to them that they need to do more to help make things right".
That was just absolutely fucking adorable. Oh honey, Kalahari management knows you're a bunch of fucking pushovers, and you'll eat whatever shit they shovel in your mouth. They'll do absolutely nothing, and you'll bend over and take it with a smile.
I think it's pretty much common knowledge that Colossalcon management has basically zero say in anything anymore. I don't know why they're trying to talk big when they know Kalahari management will literally laugh and tell them tough shit.
Where are these reports? I don't see anything on the CCE or Prime FB page, nor is there anything on Twitter. This is an image board, it wouldn't kill you to post screenshots.
NTA, but I just checked the CCE FB group page, and literally the first post in the feed was about this. You aren't looking very hard anon.
I recall seeing people posting about this topic there last week as well. They're using the term "isolated incident" in the email, but it seems to be....not that isolated, considering the number of people that said it happened to them.
Post it then, samefag. Jesus Christ you people are on a fucking image board.
Anon has a point I can't see any kind of problems looking at their facebook page but I also don't have an account

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