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reviving bc the previous thread from a while ago got nuked

what's everyone's thoughts on cosplay photography in 2024/the foreseeable future? it seems like the amount of bullshit we have to put up with as photographers in the cosplay scene only increases day by day and the cons outweigh the pros
Then stop doing it, it sounds like it's making you unhappy.
If you don't like cosplay photography then don't do it anymore!
don't do it anymore!
don't do it anymore!
Cosplay 'togs usually think they are better than they actually are

Also are creepazoids
Yeah, I agree.
>Also are creepazoids
It's over. You got me.
girls always pose as #1 for me so I guess I win
>Cosplay 'togs usually think they are better than they actually are
good thing I always underestimate myself in everything I do then
even a perceived underestimation of your abilities is actually an overestimation in practice
girls always pose as #2 for me
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Do it for free or don't do it at all. "Professional" photographers are cringe.
Does the dopamine hit of ig shootouts when they like it count as "for free"?
The only reason guys become cosplay photographers is because they want cosplayer GFs but are too ugly to be cosplayers themselves.
I've been found out

But also I think it's one of the more fun way to pass the time and mingle at a con.
Technically, cosplay photography is a dying art with the rise of reels. There's just so many cosplayers who once took high quality photos barely post them anymore because they don't preform well compared to video.
thank you short form content for melting people's brains
It's sad as I've been getting hit with bot accounts pretending to be female cosplayers telling me to follow so many cosplay photographers that paid for followers compared to those that have paid for ads on Instagram
>it seems like the amount of bullshit we have to put up with as photographers in the cosplay scene only increases day by day
Please list some things out. I'm sure you'll come off as a the proto-creepy photographer if you do.
What's your preferred lens for cons? Nifty 50? 24-70 zooms? 35mm primes?
50mm f/1.2 for solos
35mm f/2.8 for groups
Cosplay photography isn't going away. It's just people using cellphones and pro cameras and posting them to social media instead of their own websites.

Cosplay hall photography is a dying art.
I am so oppressed for nice lenses as a m4/3 user
as photography guys: if you had a gf and she wanted to get you a lens or other camera gear as a gift, what would really blow your mind?
I became a cosplay photographer because I had a cosplay GF, who I met while we were both cosplaying, and I had photography equipment and experience outside the cosplay world. I stopped marketing myself after we broke up and only shoot occasionally on request from friends now because I don't like the experience as a single guy, it's not fun knowing that everybody just assumes I'm some loser trying to get laid.

Back when I was really active as a cosplay photog my bread and butter were the 24-70 and 70-200 2.8s, since I was also doing real photography work and had the whole pro setup. I've since downsized and my main lenses are 35 and 85 primes. I've always hated 50s, it's an awkward focal length that never seems to be right for what I'm doing and I prefer the noticeable perspective effects of the other lenses.
>Back when I was really active as a cosplay photog my bread and butter were the 24-70 and 70-200 2.8s, since I was also doing real photography work and had the whole pro setup.

Do you think a micro 4/3 with the equivalent (12-35 iirc) lens would do the job for cons? Or does the small sensor and convention center lighting make it more difficult?

t. thinking about ditching a garage sale K-30 for something a bit smarter and smaller
I never did true hall shots (shot at cons plenty but it was always off to the side in a more organized, extended shoot and either in locations with good natural light or with off-camera flashes set up) so I'm not the greatest person to ask but I think it'd be suboptimal. I'll also say that, for what I was doing, I found that a zoom wasn't the best choice, I actually looked at stats of my photos and found that I pretty much never used anything between 35 and 70 on my 24-70 so I switched to faster, sharper primes.
Pro tip, always look at a “cosplay photographers” instagram. If it is 75% hot women and lots of cleavage/fanservicy photos, they are a creep. That covers a good 99.999% of them. Age, experience, or equipment doesn’t tell the story, it’s what they post to the public that says everything.
Stop shooting with male photographers and you never have to worry about things like that again
The camera brand of choice for coom brain degenerates.
unfortunatley the vast majority are male
if the female's photographer's insta is 75% hot guys and lots of exposed collar bones/muscles/fanservicy photos, they are a creep.
Most female photographers just photograph other naked women
Lmao the idea that most male cosplayers aren’t out of shape tubs of lard. Thanks for the kek
I am new to cosplay photography. How much do you pay to photograph the cosplayers at a convention? Is $50 a good starting point, since that is how much those people in costume charge at Las Vegas or Hollywood, or is that too little since the cosplay at conventions tends to be better quality?
$0, or they're paying you for the gig in 99% of cases. Would you pay people to take their picture on Halloween? Fuck no.
I feel like cosplay photography is a scam for the cosplayers. Think about it. When you work at a company, the company is enriching themselves using your time and skills and you get compensation in return. But for photography, you are paying the photographer for them to enrich themselves by using you as advertisement
No. Anyone that's paying you is 100% trying to convert IG clout to money. If you want that, fuck you pay me.

Most of the time photographers and cosplayers do it for the love of the game or as an excuse and icebreaker to socialize.
Show me even one coomer female photographer
However, I can show you several male photographers who's insta is full of tits and ass
What's actually wrong with sleazemaxxing? It seems to be mutually beneficial for thots and sleazy photogs
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Thanks, guys. My spouse's birthday is coming up and I really wanted to go all-out.
>just work for free
>working for pay is cringe
>implying female cosplay insta is not full of tits and ass
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Spoiler: people like looking at people they find pretty, and likewise work with people they find pretty. Especially if they're not making money. Why should someone force themself to work with people who are not pretty for free?
Well, the Canon EF 1200mm f/5.6L USM Lens is like $100,000. Maybe have them put a ring on you first.. ;)
Lol that’s straight up retarded. You’ve gotta be pretty full of yourself to think you’re in anyway enriching for a photographer. Also you could say that about any artist/craftsperson with a portfolio and I think you would realize how stupid it sounds.
>you’re paying the seamstress to enrich themselves by using the cosplayer as advertisement
>you’re paying the wedding photographer to enrich themselves by using the happy couple as advertisement
>you’re paying the muralist to enrich themselves by using the side of your building as advertisement

Anyway stop being cheap scum and pay up for a person’s labor

Girls don’t like getting molested or hanging around dudes with a molesty vibe
Zero point to this lens for 99.9% of photographers and the last 0.1% would be better served by renting it
>Girls don’t like getting molested or hanging around dudes with a molesty vibe
Patently false, Harvey Weinstein and Terry Richardson immediately come to mind and those are just some famous ones.
Yeah the cheaper lens seems like it might be the best option. That or taking them to the Laika store. We've been married for years now, but my spouse is hard to buy gifts for, even though I feel very spoiled.
Yeah, I suggest getting their thoughts and watching what they look at. A huge telephoto bazooka is neat, but useless for most types of photography. Macro lenses go the other way. Amazing if you want to shoot insects, but useless for distance. It really comes down to what kind of photography they do.
cosplay photographers please explain why men ask for pictures of my fatty self for cosplays? it makes me feel happy sure because i try my bestest to look good but WHY. i always forget to ask for them too like what do they even do with them? did someone post me on the internet somewhere or are they doing something worse privately?
They mostly shoot either people or landscapes, but they're still kind of trying to figure out their niche since they're new to the hobby. I noticed my spouse has been collecting increasingly large lenses, though. When I showed them the suggestions they kind of liked the smaller one, but also mentioned maybe getting another camera to work with since they only have a 35mm right now (my spouse does film photography exclusively)
Maybe they like your cosplay.
Harvey Weinstein and uncle Terry were both me too’d. That’s just further proof they don’t like getting molested
They were very happy to get molested, and to let other young girls get molested, and to benefit from being molested, for 30 fucking years .
Bud they weren’t happy about it. They were inexperienced models/actresses who were afraid of getting blacklisted if they didn’t roll with it and keep quiet
Does anyone here use con shoots to fund their weekend? Do you charge a lot and just do a few shoots, so you have more free time for weeb activities? Or do you charge a more moderate amount and make shooting cosplays your main con activity?
I charge $300 per session, and I do 5 a con.

The exclusivity and rarity is why I can get away with it. I could probably charge $500 and still fill up slots.
As someone who has never booked anything like this, how does it all go? like whats the process involve from someone reaching out to you, to them getting the pictures?
Do you do first come first serve with your slots or do you wait for several people to reach out so you can pick who you want to shoot with?
Find someone you want to hire. Message them about availability. The two of you hash things out. Upon the agreed upon date and time, you meet up and take photos. Payment is made either at the beginning of the meet up or at the end of the meet up. Afterwards, according to whatever was agreed upon, photographer sends any edits, additional unedited photos, etc after an agreed upon period of time.
Oh you're the photographer. Uhh same steps but step one is that you have to be good enough to convince someone to want to pay you money. Usually this is done by having a portfolio of work showing off previous results or word of mouth from previous clients to their friends. >>10923518 has to be either really fucking good or there's no one else in his neck of the woods to charge $300.
I always find it suspicious when photographers that advertise about how they've been shooting the con for years, never post or use any photos from the previous con's paid shoots for their ads! Like can we see some samples from past clients before we hire you?
That’s weird. I guess they either suck at photography or got stuck shooting a bunch of uggos that they don’t want in their portfolio. Where are you seeing stuff like that anyway? Do they just have blank social media pages or is this just a discord rando?
Speedlight? Or not even bother with that shit unless you're getting paid?
If you aren’t getting paid, then you should only be shooting in the way that you want to be shooting. If you want to bring it, then bring it. If you find it cumbersome, then leave it behind
You see those ads often on the groups for cons in Facebook, like AX, Katsu, Ota, SDCC, NYCC, Dragon, Colossal
At the end of a shoot, who owns the photos/copyright? Do both parties allow themselves to share on social media or does one have exclusivity? Does the cosplayer paying the photog normally also get rights to sell prints/merch from the photos?
>At the end of a shoot, who owns the photos/copyright?
The photographer unless otherwise stated in a contract

>Do both parties allow themselves to share on social media or does one have exclusivity?
Both have the right to post the images for self-promotion

>Does the cosplayer paying the photog normally also get rights to sell prints/merch from the photos?
No, that’s typically something that would need to be negotiated separately. Some photographers sell the merchandising rights for a flat fee, while others ask for a percentage of sales
damn thats alot worse than I thought, the photographer just holds all your stuff hostage what a horrible deal
Welcome to copyright laws in America. Negotiate ahead of time so everyone is on the same page for expectations and you'll avoid conflict later on.
How is it being held hostage exactly? You can post the pics freely. The only issue is if you try to profit off of their work. Also maybe a reality check is needed, but 90% of photographers at cons are wayyyy undercharging for the service being provided, so I can absolutely understand them taking issue with selling prints of their work
On the other side of the coin, I feel like a lot of photographers will be like "sure, cool" if you got commercial usage rights. I don't think a lot of them know the laws either.
12-35 f2.8 or 25mm f1.7/1.8 or 17mm f1.7/1.8 are all plenty good for casual hall shots. Still good for one on one shoots if you have daylight available.
anything 40 to 100 is good for detailed upper body or head portraits.

Going lo-fi with an old digicam or a point and shoot film camera with built in flash, or even an instax/polaroid is also a nice vibe for hall shots.
The instant photos are especially fun because you can give the person the print immediately as a keepsake.
Another thing with m43, is take advantage of the sensor stabilization to use longer exposures without a tripod. I can regularly do half second exposures handheld with sharp results. In a busy con with people walking in the background that can make a cool motion blur effect behind your subject while they pose.
101mm f4.5
shit, I was about to scream at the idea of using lenses that wide for people photography and then I realized you were talking about m4/3.

Personally I find that 35+85 equivalents are all I really need, I shoot Fuji now so specifically the 23 1.4 and 56 1.2. As I said in an earlier post I don't really do on the spot hall shooting though, I'll take somebody off to the side and do a mini-shoot.

That's personality rights, and if the photographer sells them without the cosplayer's permission, hope they enjoy the lawsuit. Plus side is most competent commercial companies have lawyers that will require paperwork from all parties.
Cosplay whores complaining about photogs.

I don't even professionally do photography but I have my Canon R5 and a 35mm prime lens. Its the easiest way to coom into OF/Cosplay girls (as a bald 34 year old )trying to make it big as the next e-girl.
This is just Cosplayers mad they don't have the rights to the RAWs.
Why such an expensive camera if its just for a hobby?
Cheap Yen Rate, also its make you look more professional imo.
In any case no photographer should do anything for free at a con.
I made over $1,600 during Anime Expo, I barely broke even, it sucks.
That’s a basic bitch camera, come back with a real camera like R3 and R1 little boy.
Did you book things ahead of time or was all that money made on the spot?
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What's your business/revenue? >>10927460 Same question.

I don't need the performance of the r3 and if I'm filming video I have a used RED helium cine camera for 8k.
> t. mad they never got pics of themselves
> since that is how much those people in costume charge at Las Vegas or Hollywood
$20 is a good starting rate, and if they are good, $50-100, pay $200-500 if they do nudes of if they have over a million followers on social media.
asians irl vs what they look like in photoshopped pics is scary

and i’m korean
How much time do you spend on the photo editing and processing after a shoot? Mind sharing your workflow for editing and organizing?
So basically, unless they make a specific contract, the model can't sell prints because the photog owns the photograph copyrights and the photog can't sell prints because the model owns the rights to her own likeness, and the photog would need a model release?
>However, I can show you several male photographers who's insta is full of tits and ass
Yes and?
Double that and I think that’s closer to reality, always being several thousand with you to a con. It’s also etiquette to tell them that you have the thousands of dollars ready for photos so that they are ready for photos.
I can't tell if this is trolling or not but it's the cosplayer that pays if there's a model release.
Depends the goal with any digital photography is you should shoot with the intention of having least amount of post processing as nessary or at least that's my goal.

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