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Previous thread: >>10902439
Does anyone know of any taobao stores that sell oldschool style black blouses? I'm particularly after something in cotton or a cotton blend with lace details and a ruffle or shirring type hem - i.e a design that looks nice untucked due to the detail at the hem.
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Is it safe to machine wash this jsk, or other black x white cotton pieces like it? Anything to watch out for when washing? I’m a little worried of the black leaking onto the white lace
Machine wash? Anon don't do it! I own quite a few black x white pieces and what I like to do is wash any white collars etc separately in luke warm water by hand, as in, try to keep the rest of the garment out of the water (then very lightly wash the entire piece in cold water afterwards). As for jsks, skirts and other collarless items, I hand wash in cold water, concentrating on areas that may need extra attention such as stains or the armpit area. Aim to spot-clean any white lace or particularly bad stains in advance too, before fully submerging the entire item in water. I always rinse everything thoroughly in cold bath water afterwards. I've never had any problems with this method, although if I'm washing something for the first time, I always test wash a section of the dark fabric for color run - it's easy to tell as clear(ish) water will very obviously change color from any run. You could risk a gentle machine wash with color catchers but I would never do this myself, particularly with burando.
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anyone know if hawase doll op will fit 38cm shoulders? Is it over for me?
Its ugly anyway
The 2005 and 2022 release of it fit me comfortably with room to spare at 35cm. You should be fine.
ayrt thank you so much!
What's the best way to keep up with news of AP's MTOs? Not just announcements but reminders on the dates they happen etc? Is there a specific hashtag or anything? I don't wanna sign up for the official newsletter because I don't care about regular releases, only MTOs.
nayrt, I used to hand wash all of my lolita items but then started machine washing cheaper pieces (still cotton), even things with white lace and red and black in the print. That way I found out I can machine wash most of my pieces (I won't machine wash velveteen) as long as I choose the right temperature, program and put in a lot of color catchers for darker colors and reds. It has never resulted in permanent staining/bleeding for me. The worst I ever had to tackle was a black, white and red print with white lace that had probably never been washed before and had terribly yellowed lace. It was a bleeder so I had to wash it 3 times consecutively to make it behave. I went through a lot of color catchers though. The dress came out clean without fading and the lace was finally white.

I'm not saying what you're doing is wrong though. Whatever works for you is good.
raglan sleeve designs are typically a little more forgiving.
Yes, it's perfectly fine to wash Lace Frill bxw in the machine, I've done it dozens of times. Other anon is retarded.
How dare :’(

I think your best bet is to set up google alerts for AP’s jp site.

Nayrt but blackxwhite and redxwhite are notorious for colour run. I’m always cautious with these colourways and handwash cold similar to >>10915450. Enjoy your grey lace.
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Anyone have an ID on the Baby heart apron here? I wasn't able to find this specific release on Lolibrary.
Black and white isn't notorious for color bleed though. They were specifically referring to Baby's lace frill as well, and I have it too, it doesn't bleed. kek
NAYRT it really depends on the release. some baby items bleed badly, others don't, and i chalk it up to dye lot variations. i would do a bleed test on a waist tie or something
That particular jsk might be fine, but that’s not a good enough reason to entirely write off a good post with some common sense laundry advice as “retarded”.

>Black and white isn't notorious for color bleed though
Objectively false. Red is the worst because red dye doesn’t fix especially well, but almost all dark coloured cottons will discolour white lace trim over time unless you take precautions to mitigate it.
Do you know what year the photo was taken? It could possibly be one of the releases without a photo.
This image is from the 90s and there are only a select few Baby pieces archived from the time period, so you most likely won't find out which one it is, unless you spot it on the secondhand market and get the item number
>almost all dark coloured cottons will discolour white lace trim over time
not sure what detergent you're using, but this is just not true.
nayrt but I machine wash colorways and prints that are well known for bleeding color and my lace has never changed color because I followed advice from people in my local comm who already had experience with it. I even fixed yellowed lace on well known color bleed pieces. If you use color catchers, the right machine program and a sensible detergent you won't have any problems. The first few washes of "bleeders" are the most important and most of the issues with dye run happen in this stage when the piece isn't washed the right way. You may need to wash the piece 2 or 3 times consecutively to get rid of most of the unfixed dye.

Hand wash if you want to, there's nothing wrong with it. But machine washing isn't bad in any way and won't lead to discoloration of the lace or other white details if you know what you're doing.
It looks like to me that this is actually a skirt with a (detachable) apron attached, because the skirt portion goes all the way down. afaik all btssbs aprons are shorter than the main pieces.

It could also be an altered piece. If you attach buttons to the inside of the skirt waistband you can add a detachable suspenders and add a heart shaped apron bib. Will only look good if your fabrics match though.
ended up snagging this bad boy for not much. can't find any more photos, sold listings, or info on it besides the lolibrary listing. supposedly sold out at the event.
anyone know anything more abt this event/general value???

What's the measurement like for BABY's dessert OP? Says bust is 86cm on lolibrary but was wondering how accurate that is.
I know hand washing JSKs is the best thing but if I don't have time for that, which is safer: machine washing or dry cleaning?
Never had a problem with putting cotton and/or polyester dresses in the washing machine. Remove all detachable bits, and use a laundry bag and a colour catcher sheet. Low cycle and cold water. Careful with reds since they are known to bleed!
just follow the directions on the tag
terrible advice
How does Jesus Diamante's sizing work? Looking at pieces listed for sale on second hand marketplaces they have sizes like 38 or 42, and I can't figure put what those actually mean in terms of usable info on whether they'd fit me.
Thank you for the tips. Do you put them in the dryer on a low setting as well or line dry them and then steam out wrinkles or something like that?

I've been betrayed by tags on clothes before, with it ending up faded or shrunken after washing... wanna be extra safe with these since they're expensive.
No do not put them in the dryer anon. They won't shrink if you don't machine dry. Just hang them to dry after wash
The fact that you even asked about using a dryer on lolita pieces tells me you were the reason why your clothes faded and shrunk.
eh this is a thread for stupid questions after all, don't shame the baby lolitas for asking stupid questions here
I know this board hates idol lolita so maybe no one will answer, but are there any good guides or references for it? Is it a style that only Chinese brands do or have Japanese brands released some?
Tl;dr no
Long answer: many people outside of the board don't consider "idol lolita" lolita either for several reasons, mostly being that the overall themes don't mesh:
1. Idols wear costumes, which innately goes against the idea that lolita isn't a costume.
2. Idols and idol clothing often reveals more skin ie the midriff which many lolitas are against and think disqualifies it from being lolita.
3. Idol outfits are meant to be relatively simple and readable from a distance since they are meant to be worn on stage, while lolita is meant to have many small details.
4. Idol outfits are meant to be kind of disposable as the same costume will not be worn for more than 1 song or tour etc etc- which also goes against lolita as it's meant to be kept and worn a long time or resold.
All of these reasons kind of culminate in idols and lolita not meshing, and is the same reason that "idol lolita" is mostly (if not all) chinese- lolita in china has a lot of emphasis on being costumey or OTT and they have a different mentality when it comes to quality, especially taobao brands.
On top of this, personally I don't understand the appeal. Looking at the outfits I have found labelled "Idol lolita" a lot of it is just simplified themes that are already in lolita: tartan, sailor-esque, marching band, etc. To which I ask: why not just buy lolita that suits those themes instead of looking for specifically "idol" lolita?
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same anon but I'll make some various collages of what I mean- here's military lolita (and adjacent as I know other lolitas are picky about salopettes and such) as an example.
>personally I don't understand the appeal. To which I ask: why not just buy lolita that suits those themes instead of looking for specifically "idol" lolita?
Well personally, the appeal for me is the asymmetry of idol lolita dresses. The skirt portions are usually either split two-toned or two-textured (one side ruffled and the other straight) or has longer fabric draping over one side. It comes off much more "alt fashion" than most of the other types of lolita which are all about having perfectly balanced, uniform-like symmetry.
While I understand the knee-jerk reaction to dislike "idol" as an aesthetic inspiration for a niche lolita substyle due to the points mentioned, I feel like looking at idol costumes through the lens of "clothes someone wears for their job" makes it more sensible. Similar to maid outfits, nun robes, military uniforms, sailor uniforms, nurse uniforms, and cafe aprons/skirts "idol costumes" are in that same genre of association. Idols just happen to be entertainers but it's still their job that demands a certain look. In that way, I think (well-executed) idol aesthetic can absolutely have a home in "lolita substyles based on job uniforms".

The main problem is "well-executed" imo but like if AP or Baby did an IP collab with love live or im@s I feel like people would warm up to it. There are a lot of outfits in both of those series that would look right at home in a nicely curated lolita wardrobe, without showing skin or breaking generally accepted guidelines for the fashion.
If you like asymmetrical stuff and longer fabric draping over one side you'll probably like punk lolita.
Double breasts doesn't indicate military lolita, anon.
Idol costumes are not really a theme though, especially since most of them are themed off of other things anyway, including lolita. The rest of what you mentioned isn't meant to be "profession/job wear" it's distinctive historical female clothing, the same reason why hime, wa and qi lolita exist. Military lolita exists for the same reason it does in goth and punk fashions in both japan and the west, irony and style, there's nothing more ironic than rebelling in something themed after government issued garb. To add, idol lolita is more ridiculous BECAUSE it's a profession, we don't have geiko lolita or OL lolita or mail woman lolita, idol is just as stupid.
>It comes off much more "alt fashion" than most of the other types of lolita which are all about having perfectly balanced, uniform-like symmetry.
>she thinks alt means edgy when it just means alternative, as in a different option
oh so you're retarded. alt fashion is just literally anything that differs from the norm. if anything the stuff you're describing is less "alt" because it's like normie goff tier.
these are all tagged as military on lolibrary, argue with them not me. call it whatever you want, but marching band and it's themes also have military origins.
Asymmetry is present in punk lolita too, but even aside from that- it's ok to wear idol costumes and not label them as lolita. Lolita absolutely is alt fashion, though, so I'm not sure what you mean there.
almost none of those costumes are single use, though. Most of the uniforms in the professions you mentioned are still focused on being a quality, reusable garment. I understand what you mean, I just really don't see the need nor demand when like >>10918428
says it's not really a theme.
Also even if BABY of AP did a collab, it'd be kinda shit? What costume would you want translated? I think you can take inspiration, but again if it's lolita I really don't think it's going to read as an idol costume, simply because lolita has a stronger identity with more guidelines.
The only lolita stuff I would put in the dryer are the socks.
Is Bodyline known to change their shoe sizes? For example, would their S from years ago feel the same as the current S?
Not trying to argue with you, just pointing it out. Tags on lolibrary are often incorrect and it's confusing to newbies. For instance quartet chocolate is not even marching band themed though since it includes a violin same with bichon cirque which is a circus. To me the tags seem like a stretch because someone associates the buttons with military. And again not directing this at you personally for posting it.
Ayrt and yeah makes sense- admittedly in all my years I haven't dabbled in military in the slightest so it's quite haphazardly put together. What would you call it, then? I'm strictly a classic lolita so other areas aren't my specialty. I feel like it's far enough thematically from plain sweet, and although there are buttons it's not a universal cut either. "Military" is the closest thematic descriptor in my opinion, even if other themes are present.
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can someone please teach me how to tie a perfect bow with the waist ties on the jsk like in the stock photos?? I keep trying but mine keep turning out lumpy and ugly
they have a size chart on their page, use that
i wouldn't even do that desu. have had discoloration happen from that
Has anyone ever bought from Forest Wardrobe on Taobao? What's their quality like?
meta's tut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pz2A70Dfrc
Does anyone have brand recommendations for long lasting red lolita shoes? Preferably leather, but those seem pretty difficult to find.
Heard people say good things about American duchess, but I only own one pair so I can't say much on them. I've had them a couple years and they're still going strong, albeit I don't wear them daily.
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Wow, these look so lovely but my size is out of stock, what a bummer...
help..! somehow there are multiple pulls in my polyester ap print. Im guessing my cat got their claws into it. can it be saved?
Do brand bags get dry rot? And does it spread to other bags?
Mine didn't and I've had them for 18 years, but that is no guarantee yours won't.
it really depends on your climate. some people keep brand bags for years with no issues, others get peeling within months. humidity and UV is the enemy.
I bought a bag second hand, and it seems like it has dry rot. Ive heard that it's a fungus, so I'm afraid to store it with my other bags. Is that true?
is the bag real leather or pleather? dry rot is typically just degradation of the material usually caused by UV
Pleather. Think melty moon
yeah that's peeling. it's just something that happens to pleather sooner or later
Its not dry rot. Its just plastic peeling over time. Dry rot isnt a thing for plastic, because well how do you think a fungus can eat plastic?
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How often does ETC restock popular colorways? I wanted to get picrel, but it's sold out.
Does anyone know if/when Sakura1tama will be back?
I wear mine everyday, they hold up but I have to take them to the cobbler once or twice a year to get the soles repaired
I would recommend Chausser, but it seems like they don't have many options currently.
This is a really nice brand anon, it’s a shame there not very size inclusive.
is it ita to wear a tiara for hime lolita
I’d say it is about 90% of the time. You have to style it correctly and get something above Claire’s tier. Probably not a great idea if you’re still new since it can look super tacky and cheap if executed poorly.
No, tiaras are the perfect accessory for the majority of hime hairstyles
no if it's brand, yes if it's tacky party city garbage
thanks girlies and ofc i would never wear something cheap with lolita completely defeats the purpose of the fashion
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anyone know where I can buy black and white vertical stripe socks? not tights or stockings, gotta be socks; these have been sold out for awhile
I'm not having any luck looking, not sure if google sucks now or I'm just stupid
sockdreams should have what you're looking for
Maybe taobao or bodyline.
tragically sock dreams was a no, but thank you
sadly, bodyline is also a no-go but thank you too; I am super open to taobao shops, I've been scouring taobao, ebay, aliexpress, etsy, and some slightly shifty-looking sock specialty sites
The reason I ask is because I'm having such a weirdly difficult time finding such a simple item, doesn't really make much sense
I know this sounds stupid but going to medieval fairs have had a lot of sock options and I have even used some for my lolita coords. There the cotton material you would expect from normal socks and came In black and white stripes. I’m just brainstorming on anything outside of what your already looking at.
Nona you'e a genius, thank you
what’s the quality of Bubbles? just basic fast fashion level?
How accurate are the weights listed on closetchild?

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