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Naka-Kon is this weekend so I figure I'd make a post.

What are you cosplaying?
What panels are you planning to attend?
Is there a non-formal dance/rave this year?

Posting mah slab or iron since I'll be Guts on Saturday.
I’m only going this Saturday, and after traveling out to LA last month for Touhoufest I didn’t feel like putting together any cosplay or anything right now, so I’m just going in casual clothes.
I’m interested in the DDLC and Godzilla panels on that day.
This is actually my first time going to Naka btw. I’ve gone to other cons and stuff, but I always keep forgetting to try this one out. It seems like it’ll be cool.
Might come by Friday night to support my friend at the rave, and hang out afterwards, then I'll probably be here most of Saturday afternoon and night to party
I'll probably put on my shitty meme cosplay if I have the time to clean it before then. It's still smelly from sweating in it at Acen
Damn no one on /cgl/ cares about Naka Kon anymore, huh
I think the Kon itself just isn’t very notable these days. I haven’t seen it advertised anywhere, and all the other local-ish cons seem to overshadow it with all the big names they bring in. I don’t recognize any of the guests for Naka-Kon at all. I don’t know anyone who still goes and when I told some people that are into anime and stuff about it, they had no idea there was a convention going on this weekend.
Misako is there.
I know it was on the downturn before but it doesn't help covid nearly killed it. I think they are still trying to build it back up and will eventually get the larger names to visit again. But I guess only time will tell.
I really don't see much of a reason to go out there these days, especially given the current economic times. I consider myself one of the old school veterans of the con and I've had to accept the fact that myself and whatever group I associated myself with has gone their separate ways. It's a not a bad thing but that's just how life is.
Well, I still had a lot of fun at the con today regardless. Bought some cool stuff, saw some neat cosplays, and hung out with some cool people at the game areas.

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