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july 18-21 pittsburgh, pa stop ignoring it's existence
who is the fashion show guest? i don't see anything about it online
Anyone else have trouble with getting a hotel nearby? Swear to god Picklesburgh is fucking with it, so fucking gay
prices are insane if you aren't using the con rate
It's hard to justify paying for the con anymore, nothing really sticks out to me that warrants however much they're charging now. Even more Knowing they pulled that fundraiser shit
Think part of it is that PA is weirdly devoid of strictly anime cons. Colossal East is growing overbloated and beyond that all I know are Zenkai and Setsu. I like Tekko but it definitely feels like one of the weaker cons I've been to desu
>that fundraiser shit
ntayrt, but a year or two ago they held a fundraiser for 100k to keep tekko alive because of some shit like con/venue prices raising after covid. kinda sad how after the fundraiser and how much they made, the con is still kinda mid and they've barely announced any guests this year
Ah okay I see, I remember hearing something last year about a fundraiser but none of the deets. The guest trickle has been pretty weird but I don't usually go to cons primarily for guests anyways. I find it weirder that between that fundraiser and holding Sangawa Project this year (iirc priced relatively the same as Tekko complete with badge upgrades despite it being like several years since it was last held and being so so much smaller) seemingly none of that extra cash has been put toward any big announcements or big upgrades at all.
Not that I agree but the fundraiser wasn't to make the con better it was to pay back the money lost due to 2020 being cancelled. Tekko is slowly bleeding out and running out of resources and guests willing to come back.
Oh no I figured it was to mainly make up for COVID debts, but at the same time it doesn't exactly feel like a con trying to bounce back on a second wind or whatever as a result.
>Tekko is slowly bleeding out and running out of resources and guests willing to come back.
Even then I hope it doesn't go under desu because PA is just fucking ass when it comes to cons for whatever reason. Everything in Philly is comics or just general Fan Expo shit and Colossal East is crowded out the ass and comes with the Kalihari staff treating you like shit. Is Zenkai any good? I have no idea.
Tekko is a dog shit con that has no idea what it wants to be. There are also sexual predators on staff.
Are you gonna elaborate on that or are you gonna be like one of those Twitter people who are like "THIS PERSON IS A PEDO" "Who?" "DMs..." I will say though that some of the staff was interesting. The ticket lady at the front last year was so rude, but I did try sneaking in on Sunday tbf
Definitely doesn't help that other conventions (Animate! Columbus, Dokidokon, Kitsunecon,ConnectiCon,and Collect-A-Con) taking place the same weekend managed snag more than Tekko
maybe i should get into traveling for cons desu, need to expand my horizons because i'm pittsburgh native and tekko is all i've known, that and steel city con but who cares about that one
At least they're finally announcing more VA guests
me and my bf are cosplaying a ship one of the VA guests happens to like, praying we’re able to see him
I mentioned some upthread, the next closest I know of would be Setsucon in Altoona but it's pretty small. Farther out is Zenkai in Lancaster or crossing the Ohio border for like Matsuri and Colossal Prime and shit. God the northeast sucks.
You all are blessed of you think Tekko is a bad con… My home con is Youmacon. T.T
yeah, idk why everyone here is hating on tekko. it's good, especially as a lolita. and the size isn't so terrible that it's stressful. i actually prefer it over bigger cons in my home state.
the ones that hate on tekko is because they’re the ones who only go to cons to fuck and party, and tekko just doesn’t have that scene
As someone who goes to the cons primarily but not solely for the socializing and party life, Tekko has been probably my least favorite I've been to because of that but I don't think it's bad by any means. DLL is absolutely beautiful (love taking photos by the waterfront or on the rooftop terrace), the game room both is the largest and has the most variety of any I've been to, and It's close enough to enough bars and restaurants that if you wanna get plastered it's well within your hands (God I can't wait for Condados and margaritas). Of course I don't know any of the behind the scenes shit aside from what's posted here, but from an attendee perspective it's good enough.
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That reminds me, did anyone hear anything about this last year? There was fliers for it everywhere
No lol I don't even remember seeing flyers for it, the fuck is this?
That's Hot Mass, go there if you trying fuck in a booth and do coke.
Is it gay only?
Usually Club Pitt is but during certain events like Hot Mass it's for everyone
is there anyone in the know on here that can tell me if there's a Japanese lolita guest? and if there will be a swap meet?
The fundraiser goal wasn't 100k iirc but the number it was was also *conveniently* the exact amount of money that Pete's takes as salary every year as head of con ops.
this is why living in pittsburgh fucking sucks all the cons are horseshit and if you want to go to one thats actually decent you have to drive to like philly or out of the fucking state
NTA but this is 1000% true. Not a pedo but the cops were involved, he had to do court mandated stuff, and they kept him on as one of their main staffers.
I think it’s Meta, but could be BTSSB since they’ve been more active stateside lately. Could end up being just shitty domestic “brands” too though, tekko has had major budget issues.
Tekko is a fashion con, not an anime convention. Great if you're into Lolita, otherwise skip
It says meta under the 2024 tea party but there’s still tons of 2023 info all over the place because they suck ass at updating anything even a month out from the con.
yeah, i wouldn't trust that, either. the model apps aren't even indicated as open on the website, but they've been open for over a month
They just closed today.
even then, the website had has "Model applications for Tekko 2023 are CLOSED at this time" the entire time. nothing about them opening for 2024.
if the apps closed today, that makes me assume we aren't getting any japanese brand guests.
I don't want to say too much because I genuinely don't know how much I can say, but there are two guest brands confirmed. Don't know who, but the rest already listed are indies.
Sleeping Samurai
Woah what? I don't NOT believe you, but is there proof or even a post about this? I can't find anything and I haven't heard anything about that.
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I'm shocked tekko actually got a jp brand this year.
i'm not, the fashion track has always been good. still waiting on a lolita jp brand, fingers crossed.
same anon, the website now says the flea market will be on friday from 3-5 pm. which is way earlier than last year, ugh. hope i can drive down fast enough
Sebastian moved to the states last year, so I'm surprised 6% hasn't been at more cons honestly
It seems like everything is super early this year, it's weird. I wonder how the nights will be? All events seem to be happening before 8pm
Should we be expecting another guest announcement this week (maybe hopefully today)? It's awesome they got 6%DOKIDOKI but I can't imagine them also being the tea party guest.
Possibly. Apparently some issues with the contract. All brands will be revealed by the first I think.
bump. 3 weeks until day 0
they are at least one of the tea party guests, apparently
i'm traveling alone (late 20s, woman) and was hoping to be able to walk around and grab food in the immediate area but some post on facebook has me nervous i'll be mugged or something. is there anything specific i should know/where to avoid?
Read that same one if it was in the unofficial group. I'm not a Pitt native so I can't give specific areas, but the couple times I've been have been without incident aside from one instance of some homeless retard heckling my group. It never seemed any more dangerous than walking in any other city to me with the usual caveats like keeping spatial awareness and not drawing attention to yourself (which may be easier said than done if you're in cos, granted). If you're really nervous I'd recommend befriending a group to at least walk with outside of DLL. Are you at one of the adjacent hotels, or commuting/farther out?
There's tons of great food within a mile of the convention center, but yeah I really would not travel alone (especially after dark) as a woman. Find people to go with if you can. The odds of something bad happening are slim, but it 100% absolutely happens
i'm at one of the adjacent hotels. i don't remember feeling unsafe any of the other years i've gone, but i've always been in the westin and mostly did delivery anyway. obviously this year i'll have to be outside a bit more. i'll probably just try to hang around groups of people if i can... if any other lone lolitas are going and want to walk together to get dinner, maybe we can plan something.
pitt native, woman here, don’t be too worried about the frequent pearl clutchers we have here. there’s a ton of food right around the con center! everything you need desu is a good like ~10 min walk to and from the con center at max. there’s power in numbers too and there will be also a ton of goers walking around
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Tekko released their schedule today and boy howdy does it look like a doozey. A 2 hr prayer service, lmfao. Very Vic like.
>LARP: Adult Survivors of Cinematic Trauma (heavy)
I think as long as you've walked around in a city before by yourself, you will be fine. I wouldn't walk around after 9pm outside of convention area but there's also a bunch of food places close to the con center. Walked to the closest ramen place and back by myself a few years ago and didn't have any issues.
these are larps. you know, roleplays? don't think they're actually anything religious, retard
Where are you getting this from? Not seeing it on the site or Twitter.
nta but Eventeny, also has AA layout up. Not sure what else, didn't look beyond that.
Not to hyper defend or anything but it's clearly a huge WIP, there's several events not filled out there.

The weirdest thing to me is a 2pm masquerade, I've been going to cons for 10+ years and never seen one that early, wtf
Tekko has no idea what they're doing and management makes the worst decisions you could think of, literally all the time.
t. Former staffer
Having an entire panel room dedicated to 18+ panels so they're not all stacked in the same timeslots is at least a clever idea, I haven't been to many cons so maybe it's more commonplace than I think but this is the first I've seen it implemented.
ntayrt but 18+ panels are retarded because they don’t check ages
does anyone who isn’t a complete freak go to those? does anyone actually give a fuck about “THE HISTORY OF HENTAI AND OPPAI AHEGAO FACES” panels??
they checked my ID to go watch banana fish last year lmao they def check IDs at the door of anything, dunno where you got that from
Literally every time I've been to an 18+ panel at tekko I've had to physically show ID, even as somebody who is clearly an adult. There was actually one time where I left my wallet in the hotel room and had to go back to get it to enter the room. There's so many reasons to shit on tekko, but there's no reason to lie.
So am I the only person in this thread planning on cosplaying or what? Anyone have any cosplans?
>does anyone who isn’t a complete freak go to those?
Yeah? It tends to be more of a mix than you think, though I've personally had more former shortbus kids in regular panels since a lot of 18+ panel people are either drunk or just there to vibe.
>does anyone actually give a fuck about “THE HISTORY OF HENTAI AND OPPAI AHEGAO FACES” panels??
It doesn't matter if you do because see above. I prefer going to like raves or concerts or parties during the nighttime, but nearing blotto watching a Dangan cosplayer demonstrate shibari techniques isn't a bad way to kill some time.
I'll be at Tekko and cosplaying Rory Mercury and Sailor Mars.
What's up fellow Mars, you going to the meetup?
best places to get booze nearby (bars and stores)?
it’s in pittsburgh and you’re gonna be downtown there is literally a bar every single corner here
Not him but he probably means the nearest state store to actually buy alcohol that can be brought back to the hotel room
When are they gonna update the fucking schedule?
what kind of stuff would you want to buy at the lolita swap? trying to sort through what i should bring
Ouji/Aristocrat pieces, mostly anything more gothic or classic. Last year was very sweet heavy.
i wear classic so that's helpful. thanks!
The Tekko site finally updated to say that the schedule is live recently. Still basically on Tekko's Eventeny site. https://www.eventeny.com/events/tekko-2024-6825/
me and my bf’s wigs just arrived today hell yes it’s so happening, doing my dream couples cosplay
lmao at tekko announcing baby as a guest literally a week before the con
what the fuck is hemophiliacademics? a course in blood makeup? fetish play? some bloody action scene shit?
why do these retards never name their panels something that's easy to decipher?
can you please read the column that that's under? it's the fucking larp track. why is everyone here a retard at reading the schedule
Because people like to shit on Tekko even if they need to make up reasons to, see >>10926562
>There are people that actually travel from out of state to go to tekko
Fucking WHY? The con is so mediocre. Everyone I know that goes only goes because it's close and there's not much else in western PA. Is there anybody ITT that's actually traveling to go? Please explain the appeal.
Not out of state but eastern PA sucks too dude, everything in Philly is comic or gaming and NJ cons shrivel up and die.
Don't you have collosal east? I have heard countless good things about collosal
We do and it's a blast but not without its own fair share of problems (prices, parking, apparently rude staff but haven't encountered that myself). And if you're not a party person then you're screwed, your only other options are Puchicon (lmao), traveling out of state to ANYC/Ota/Katsu, or heading west for Tekko.
can anyone confirm if arcade is open on Thursday?

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