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Old thread: >>10903515

Featured Idols: Nonsweet CA
Is the blonde one a troon or? There's some white girls who can pull off idol looks but wow she looks so out of place, big and awkward.
Will I see any gulls at their show tomorrow?
she looks fine. she just looks tall in comparison to the other members who are really short.
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Stupid question but how did she blow up the way she did? It feels like she’s in every LA event
because she pretends to be a loli as a grown adult woman and moids and weeaboos eat that up
Because of all the degenerates and neckbeards and people who’ve never heard of hygiene or deodorant hyping her up. She’s super overrated and people calling her an ‘idol’ are wrong. She’s a cosplay dancer, but not an ‘idol’ really. There’s a huge difference between an idol and a person dancing around in some costume stuff.
God i regret not jumping on that and getting those neckbeard buxx.
exactly. She is a good dancer though unfortunately and she IS good looking, but I can't with the loli shit.
It’s like she’s purposely doing that stuff at this point jfc…. I’ve also been to one of her events on accident once and I don’t think anybody in the crowd knows what a shower is. Nonnie was right about the stench and hygiene stuff.
Thank you for making a new thread
Featuring a turkey-necked middle aged man in this vid sure was a choice. Can't even see his face but can tell from the neck/body that he's old af. They don't know a single young guy they could've used instead? Is it one of their dads? Weird
I'd love to hear about what you've accomplished in life lmfao
he just looks like a tech dude, and is probably around the actual age of the members. The more neutral he looks the better as the viewer, esp male, can insert himself as the chatacter. You sound 12 lol.
Get off TikTok and go outside for once
t. butthurt scrotes, probably look as bad as the moid from the video
You done being a white savior for internet brownie points?
No, none of them are
I think the actor is probably their regular photographer
Hope you get help for your daddy issues. Supporting gross postwall moids on the internet won't make daddy love you more
Go touch grass
You just sound jealous that he's in a position you wish you were in ir something. Like this is cgl, the idol thread at that, mostly non-moids here and if there is a moid they usually make weird comments about people's appearances. You must be the real moid.
[Kaigai Idol News Roundup]
>Non Sweet completed their first one man live. Will appear at Tokyo Idol Festival as guests of their producer SHUN. Full album release later this year with existing singles and 3 new songs.
>Paida joining Babybeard tour as opening act in Australia.
>Multiple aussie idol groups are also getting featured in the Babybeard tour.
>Phoebe is now fully into the 2.5D dual identity with her Ami Amami frog vtuber persona. Planning multiple appearances at various cons.
>Former australian idols Gumi and Ria are living in japan performing as the duo Crazy Fantasy.
Thank you for the update!!
thanks slowtaku !
Don't forget.
>Berry-chan illegally working in Japan on a tourist visa.
dead community
Could you explain this? How do you know she’s performing illegally? /genq
the scrap money underground idols make is barely enough to even be considered getting in trouble with the law. There is no way she's making taxable income.
cant wait to see paida being awkward as fuck while talking on stage once again. how did she even make it that big with those looks and that random ass attitude she has going on
Aw someone's projecting
miyu simpson
I think Paida is incredible. I love her music. Her stage presence is okay, and I wish she polished her choreography more, but just the fact alone that she is a hobbiest who can sing while dancing without sounding super out of breath is impressive to me. She isnt a professional, so its unfair to hold her to that standard. Her passion and love for her work is so obvious in everything she does, I cant help but root for her.
A bunch of kaigai idols performed in Japanese within the past few weeks:
>Berry performing at 2 taibans
>Marmalade, J from Aquarius, Pan Ranger, and Steffi featured at ADEN’s last live in Japan
>Wooly performing at a taiban

>A hobbyist
She is literally signed to Fake Star and is doing this on a professional level.
It’s fair to say she needs improvement on stage. It’s hard when she only performs a few times per year. I hope she’ll tighten up her stage presence while touring.
people relate to her awkwardness because they find ut endearing and are probably awkward too.
it's not her hobby because she does this full time. she doesn't work at a day job and uses all her time for idol content. which is surprising why her stage presence isn't more tight and more confident with all the free time she has.
the amount of clout she has is a bit overboard though honestly. i dont vibe with her at all but i guess thats a crime to say in this community now. there are much better dancers and better vocalists than her, more good looking performers with greater stage presence and music is arguable. her music is nice but i cant bring myself to like her much
well fair but thats not the point of being an idol
it is for jpop! maybe in kpop where everyone is a robot its not cute to be awkward, but in jpop? yes. i don't know how people miss this distinction.
did anyone see any of these performances? how were they?

k-poppies have irreparably damaged the overseas idol community.
the point of being an idol is sharing your growth journey with an audience.

objectively, it would be nice if paida did get better stamina and confidence for lives. however, ultimately not everyone will appeal to everyone. she deserves her success because she has a clear artistic vision for her work and has been consistently working on idol stuff since the mid 2010s.

I think her success and other idol's success who you think are better can co-exist. so for the ones who tou think deserve more recognition, be a better fan and push for them to grow too by sharing their content more and giving them supportive comments and more engagement.
forgive me i don’t know how to type on this site all that well. but i did see some small idol cover groups in a convention i went to recently and i’ve completely fallen in love with it all. legit all of it, from the audience having light sticks and cheering the group on, to the dance and outfits of the group. i want to dive head first into everything but don’t know how/where to start. any ideas/help? i want to get into the community in every way possible.
Get on discord and join the international idol network (IIN). You can find the link to join through their Instagram.
Here’s a list of servers you can join

The idol list
Luminary idol network
Free Idol Project
Tri State Idol Union
Idols Galore
Texas Idol Directory
Southern Idol Directoru
Server for NWIF

You can look these up on Instagram and they’ll pop up and the invite links should be in their bio somewhere! Hope this helps!
what attitude? she's literally so friendly. Awkward at times, yes, but she takes her music seriously.
how do we feel about the new perry/prismic may/reso vi idol trio? charmaffect is a dumb name but I can forgive them if they're good

they've only announced perry so far but the color scheme and the fact that the three of them have been doing cover videos for a while, it's obvious
agreed Im not a fan of the name charm affect. I also was able to guess who the three members were. Probably just another temporary 'group' that will eventually disband in a year. Also what's with the AI thing on their logo post?? Did they use AI to come up with the logo??
I really hope they can stick around. I really like May and hope she can have another long lasting group to be in to show her skills more. I also like Vi more post-reso. Perry is someone I'm a bit unfamiliar with, but I'm gonna assume that they're at the sane level as May and Vi.
*same, although same level of sanity would be good too kek
i really want to become an idol and i can already sing, dance and have good stage presence from my background in competitive dance and music theater. i however dont have an idea how to market myself in this community and what to post in what quantity. i know idols with only selfies/images or only covers on their profile. what do you guys think is the most effective way to lead an idol profile without a gimmick character?
Just create actual content (dance/song covers/music)and follow the example of popular idols and you're already way ahead. But don't expect to get a bunch of followers quickly. Many idols in the community have been building their audience for YEARS.
I've recently noticed how paidas singing in some songs sounds like she's yelling
all ive learned from this debut is that vi has gotten uglier
She now looks your typical pride/nonbinary/liberal newgen.
They also use all pronouns and are non-monogamal. A conservative's nightmare lol
I think I'm looking forward to Metro rocks lineup more than the idol fest...but personally I'm tired of cosplay groups.
what is that shirt
It’s the special edition of the anime girl art T-shirt they’re selling that they wore at their one man live. Each member had a version with only themselves on it that they wore during encore. I really wish they sold them like that as well, you could make a cute oshi outfit with it.
probably everyone except cosplayers themselves are tired of cosgroups in idol shows. they just arent idols period.
Are you serious?
I just want to enjoy this as a spectator/audience, but I have to interact with others?
You said you wanted to get into the community and yet you don't want to actually see and speak to them??? Youll have much better luck finding events/new content and etc through the discords and Instagram pages than asking an anon board.
Go to Japan and experience actual idols first. If you need help on this, maybe visit /jp/ and look up any indie events, although, in the square outside of akihabara station around 5pm you will always find an idol looking to take you to a show.

This way you know going in on any "kaigai" event how much more amateur and sloppy things will be. Afterwards, just go twitter/instagram and search for your area+idol and see where it leads you. From my general experience with discords, dont join them, unless you want to catch cancer.
just say you have a japanse fetish
Not even a fetish, it's just the truth. NAYRT but idols are an industry in japan, and being an idol treated like an actual job. Western indie idols can't compete to a real active industry.
non sweet's new song is giving.... chat gpt generated lyrics
Speaking of which, what is this general doing here and not over at /jp/ anyway? Do they raeg when the idols aren't Japanese?
by no definition do oversea idols belong on /jp/. You might as well start an dub voice actor thread and see how well that goes. The cope you're coping for is /mu/
honestly not really sure why either but they don't really have a more fitting board to post in that wouldn't tear them apart. I just kind of see it as a containment thread.
They’re all also groups, no original soloists besides Auracle and Illixcite which we’ve seen in show after show with Next Stage… I’m getting really tired of the same cosidol groups getting in and then bringing very average performances
If we could bring back any sense of competition in the community then maybe groups would try a little harder. I feel like that's the only reason holmat tends to be on a bigger scale is because it's not only advertised/encouraging to have bigger ideas but also is very competitive to get into with good perks. All we have as far as original group acts goes is like you said...Auracle, and illixcite(whomst finds their way into working with every damn organizer and therefore apparently gets stage rights). And then we seem to now have "charm:affect" but they're not even in any of the events for Metrocon(that I've seen) so I wonder where and what they will debut this summer. And then all the other original soloists are just in Metro Rock this year. I'm also delighted to see Elfoxu in the lineup. She's super talented.
I will say though there are some (very few) cosidol groups that do put on clean and professional performances and you can tell that they do put some effort in
so why compare them at all?
if you've actually followed Japanede underground idol culture more closely, you would see some shitty can't sing can't dance and lack charisma acts too. the only difference is that they are japanese are probably have an eating disorder to stay skinny all while trying to appease pedos cheering them on and feeding into incel fantasies
Wait until you realize kaigai idols are the same exact thing and your moral superiority is crushed. You’re just as delusional as the weeaboo.
now show me kaigai idols with unhealthily skinny bodies who act like little children, have old male fans and can't sing/dance for shit
I've seen a fair share of shitty Japanese idol groups of girls that can't sing or dance. That doesn't change what I said though. In Japan, being an idol is a legitimate job with industry backing, culture support, and money. In America, it's an embarrassing hobby that gets you mocked.
people will mock you for anything against the norm. people like nonsweet, phoebe, paida, amuse, etc, there are plenty of people outside of the community who think what they do is cool and there are also people who think it's weird. being a kaigai idol isn't much different than being in a band. not all bands get industry support. a chika idol with no management and no label can't compete well in the huge industry in japan either. her parents or peers could still make fun of her and think she's weird for chasing that dream knowing that the future is unsure.
kaigai idols can suck and kaigai idols can be quite good. moral superiority where? this is all pop music operating at an indie scale. some people will suck and some people will be good. yeah, japan has a proper idol industry so people can get mainstream recognition, but it's not too different from the u.s. music industry where pretty much all big opportunities are controlled by corporate entities.
If you tell people you're in a band in the west, they'll know what that is. Tell people you're an idol, they're going to be confused. That's what I'm talking about as being the difference. Being an idol in Japan is a normal job, being an idol in the west is for the hardcore loser otaku types.
>but it's not too different from the u.s. music industry where pretty much all big opportunities are controlled by corporate entities.
it's totally different. you don't seem to realize how many more resources there are for indie musicians in japan than in large western countries. there's also no industry for kaigai idols to get into. this idol scene doesn't exist outside of japan. there's no point.
NAYRT, this is true...but not impossible. You can get success doing just about anything online these days. As long as you're consistent and make quality content, you can gain a big enough following to become "influencer" level. There's an audience for everything, you just have to find it. And be good at what you do of course. Easy? Not at all. But possible. Although Berry got catapulted into the public eye in an aggressive way, she got enough fans now to help find her projects and make money on TikTok.
ok so then just say you're an indie pop singer. I mean look there are ways to make people not think it's cringe if you yourself are not cringe. you clearly see zero potential in kaigai idols or indie idols
kaigai idols are turning into indie idols with english songs and appealing to english speaking audiences. while there is no idol industry, people can make their own cult followings happen. things have grown SO much in the past 10 years so things can only grow more.
this does not result in any real success. there are no real examples of this. idols in japan can go pro eventually, there is a ladder to climb.
so that means all the more reason to cheer on high quality kaigai idols so that they can reach success. thank goodness you aren't a kaigai idol yourself because your inability to see things creatively and lack of cheerfulness would make you truly unsuccessful and unappealing.
An indie pop singer is not an idol. You're missing the point.
i don't know about it being "normal." being an idol in japan is 100% pandering to otaku too.
oh right idol is basically being an imaginary girlfriend to pedos and incels. thank god kaigai idols don't have to pander to that crowd solely
yeah and your everyday Japanese person is not going to understand wotagei or understand the ins and outs of idol culture.
You guys seriously underestimate how normie liking idols is in Japan
why does paida have to constantly advertise herself as a female POC for people to pay attention to her? Let your work speak for itself
and shove her tits into our screens
idols are broad though. some people are casual listeners because idol music like sakurazaka46 is mainstream, but not all are die hard wotaku. die hard wotaku still have stigma against them, reasonably so. liking idol music and being a serious idol fan are different
i guess you could compare it to listening to taylor swift's music and being a swiftie
she called herself dark skinned but she's brown. she doesn't have the same struggle as actual dark skinned black people. really goes to show how distant she is from her own community of people.
Fr. I wish she would make different content online other then just her lip syncing to her own songs with weird click baity captions. She's gonna fizzle out quick if she keeps this up.
The most white savior and privileged
hands typed this
gets the black/lib audience

gets the coomer audience

maybe she hates it herself, but money talks
Oh okay so what you're saying is she's just a sell out.
pointless to support them, bet they won't even last next year.
anything that may does never lasts kek
its funny how back then shit-mic announced they were making a comeback, and never did

LMAO took me a second. Totally forgot about prismic even saying that. The one thing prismic did have was a few attractive members. There's nothing appealing to me with may, perry and vi as a group. And their aesthetic so far has felt bland. I don't feel any spark with this group.
Prismic was good though. It must have been some falling out amongst the members because I see all the former members hanging out on instagram all the time without her. I think Perry and Vi compliment her well and they all match each others skills dancing and visually. The concept seems all right. I think Prismic's branding was stronger but I'm looking forward to the new group. I know it won't be cringe abd Florida is lacking non-cringe kaigai idol groups.
may is a problem, but she's not the only problem person in this group
not "bad" but just totally incompatible. People don't have to be villians/bullies/etc to have a fallout

love live brainrot gives people the idea that friendship triumphs all, but absolutely not. some people need to not work together.
So it's been revealed charm affect is debuting at yet ANOTHER idol event from Next Stage on Friday of Metrocon. Two hours long. Somebody stop next stage with these long ass events. Ain't now way anyone is sitting through that.
>Japanese fetish
Even if I did, which I don't particularly, the way the industry is handled is completely different and in a lot of ways better. They have over 30 years of idol culture which kaigai is barely capable of scratching the surface of.

I don't get the hostility, I'm just stating a fact that is incredibly evident should you ever attend a show over there. Things are just way more organised, the girls pretend harder and the culture is far more focused on pleasing the fans (while the fans focus on pleasing the idol) than in kaigai idol, where the culture is more about appeasing the idol and trashing the fans (and each other).

Kaigai mostly has been overtaken by tumblr-tier attentionfags that think that putting on a costume and pretending to be an idol will give them unlimited attention. I don't think that running an actual business occurs to half of them.

Groups like these quickly fall behind and lose all traction though, unlike in the kaigai scene, where you're stuck with them because the industry doesn't exist at all yet.

The only kaigai scene that seems to be churning out idol tracks in Japanese is the Aus idol scene.
Don't bother, other people in this thread are being obtuse and acting like 5 girls lip syncing at an anime convention is on par to a (popular) Japanese industry worth millions of dollars with thousands of talent participating in the creation of music, management of idol members, etc.
Kaigai idols are delusional for thinking they know the industry after performing one love live song.

>kaigai idol, where the culture is more about appeasing the idol and trashing the fans
It’s really awful how many kaigai idols treat their fans horribly. I’ve stopped supporting many kaigai idols due to how they snubbed me or other fans, meanwhile kissing up to event organizers and other idols.

It’s the reason why other kaigai idols make up most of the small crowds and support. The crab bucket mentality doesn’t help either.

Now watch someone call me a incel or making up excuses for mistreatment. Never fails in this community!
desu I’ve only seen a handful of kaigai idols that actually understand the culture. they’re the ones turning out crowds of actual wota.
>I’ve stopped supporting many kaigai idols due to how they snubbed me or other fans
I genuinely want to know who treated you so bad that you hate kaigai idols. What’s your story?
people need to name names because I've never net kaigai idols who were weird and rude like that. were they actual kaigai idols or dancers with wigs? those aren't idols, so I don't consider them representations of kaigai idols.
>tumblr tier attention fags

so you're a moid AND a boomer (with a japanese fetish)
damn if you were an actual idol fan, you’d know chika idols are notorious for trashing each other and hating wota.
Queen paruru said it herself.

But it is true that wota are more dovoted to idols, AKA, they want to date them. And idols play into it too, AKA, they make wota think they have a chance.
sounds like we have our own gal safari kek
the truth is that moids will cum to anything and are stupid as fuck. idols don’t even need to flirt, just being nice to them is enough to make these men think they have a chance. If you can’t pass that bar, I don’t know what to tell you.
You don’t notice it because you’re probably an idol who gets their asses kissed. Most of the community is like this toward fans who don’t have anything they can gain from.

Next event you go to, take note of how kaigai idols treat each other, event organizers, those they can gain something from versus normal fans who aren’t any of those things.

It’s the same story in the cosplay community.
AYRT not an idol and never said I didn’t notice how a lot of kaigai idols clout chase LMAO. I just tailored my support to the idols I like that give me consistently good interactions. I just want to know what kaigai idols fucked you up so bad that you don’t support any.
The only idol I hope doesn't get far is Marmalade. She originally hated on idols and said she was above idols and called Wota disgusting pigs. She also never interacted with people unless they paid her money. There was an event here in Brisbane called HAi Festival (yes the one that Paida is performing at) and they invited her to perform and she tried charging them over $2k to have her there. She left her group Melody Parade with no money and a dream to be a japanese aidoru and suddenly realised she aint shit in Japan. She performed at the same event Paida did where Paida made news headlines and everybody ignored Marmalades performance.
marmalade didn't perform at the same show as paida because she was not on the taiban flyer lineup
Her vlogs also make no sense to me. First she has a mental breakdown because of being broke and then shows us all that shopping and spending she does in japan. broke where? she seems so privileged and tone deaf to me
Literally just a rich white girl that hasn't had to think critically once.
WTF is the Midwestern Idol Union doing? Are they retarded? They seem to be trying to run a standalone event and trying to take cuts of the idols merch or something?
Source? Cause that's insane
Sounds like you’ve never had to run concert events outside of fantasy land idol festivals. It’s standard at any venue.
you’re a troon
Why are all the idols that start drama and bully othet idols the ugliest motherfuckers
What the fuck am I looking at
Who is it and what did they do?
pastelkitsu from chaos squared - a brisbane duo jpop group that fell out of a old cosplay idol group
basically shes an awful person who thinks being an jpop idol that can be a proper job when she looks like that and cant even dance for shit
cant believe shes still trying kek
ya dawg i heard that she faked DID and wore a nazi ring? idk i also heard she was leaving used period products out and about when she was living with other people so
NO WAY what a grot
okay this reeks of samefag agendaposting. nobody knows this girl or anything.
She also sells 50c lightsticks from aliexpress for 10x the price and says they're her own merch
Clearly u ain't from Queensland lmaoo this ogre been around the block
Just bc u don't doesn't mean other people don't unfortunately know her. She's going to be at CMC this weekend for the first time in a while. I think everyone in the community knows her or atleast knows of the shit she pulls. I'm p sure she stalked someone at sp?
whats with some idols being unable to say thank you or just completely ignoring support? youre not a superstar stop being so full of yourself when youre not nearly all that.
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once again, all samefag. whats your beef with this girl that you have to make several posts acting like youre different people? just post her once with context like a normal person.
name names
Nah boss the first post was me the other two were seiryou process kek.
They put an announcement in their Discord. Ill grab screens later.
paida, xflo, serenasongbird with her wannabe attitude, mimi from reso and some others. they almost never reply to comments with thanks or whatever, rubs me the wrong way no matter how big they are.
why do these whales think they become idols, looks like she will break the stage by doing a jump.
you're telling me that you looked at serena's content, liked it, and wanted to support her?

yeah you're judgement is really poor and I can't take any opinion you have seriously
i've never supported serenasongbird bffr. just because i call her out from observing her comment sections and stuff doesnt mean i fw her content in any way. barely anyone likes her content, but that doesnt mean we dont look at her account lmao
>you're telling me that you looked at serena's content, liked it, and wanted to support her?



NAYRT Okay but I get it sometimes looking at the trash is entertaining. Especially how she complains so much about doing so much and "for some reason not getting attention".
Tbf it can be overwhelming to individually respond to every comment you get, especially when you're popular enough to almost get 100 on every post. xflo specifically at least acknowledges comments with a like. I think that's fair.
>Ctrl + F "coom"
>1 result
definitely these whores has some work to do
They don’t think their whores but are quick to call each other whores. It’s really funny to watch!
It's the only thing you can sell when everyone is promoting body positivity and you have no talent
gtfo moid, literally no girls call each other whores as insults. most girls in this community are queer or don't care about getting moid's attention. that's partially why this community is so slow at growing since moid support would mean more financial support. but also, maybe it's for the better since men ruin everything and make everyone's life worse.
I wish there weren't so many trannies in the aus idol community it's so gross
Name names
NYART but what fantasy bubble do you live in? I hate moids to but bffr the catty behavior is that bad everywhere. Take off the rose tinted glasses.

>most girls in this community are queer
You make it obvious you’ve never interacted with the community once
most are queer OR they don't care about moid's attention. that doesn't mean there aren't pickmes who want moid attention but for the most part, most are queer OR they're cis het and don't feed into the male gaze and act like an egirl. practically every group has one or two queer members, for starters.
catty behavior exists but calling each other whores and sluts like moids stereotype girls fighting against each other like a 00s comedy written by a dude with a lesbian fetish, doesn't exist here
lmao people act like japanese/asian idols don’t have the same rate of queer people that western idols have. whats with this fantasy that asian people aren’t dirty dirty queers, dykes, fags, and trannies too?
If you’re going to talk shit give examples or gtfo moid
>talk shit
do you see a slur and immediately freak out? anon’s saying that idols that are queer women or trans exist in japan and that kaigai idols aren’t uniquely “tainted” by “wokeness”.
Does anyone know why so many idols in California lean into or encourage other idols to do pedobait/lolicon shit? Hamu, Strawberry Sunday, Asayoru, even Phoebe now with her other vtuber personal…
>inb4 JeAlOuS
Appealing to lolicons is objectively fucking disgusting.
Asayoru seems fine to me. What have I missed?

The common denominator between all of those acts is that they are asian/asian passing... so there's that.
Chill man I just want to know who the trannies are
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Sae, the owner of Asayoru, letting the others do their lolishit in association with her maid cafe business. Sae hyping Hamu up while she dressed like an elementary schooler complete with randoseru and filmed a cover of Lolikami Requiem in a public park next to a neighborhood.
Asian women are able to be idols and be appealing without appealing to pedophiles.
>Being scared of a body type
>body type
Nah, they can be as petite as they want. Most asian idols are. I have an issue with them using that to appeal to lolicon fetishes. Hamu and Sakurin branding themselves as “legal loli imoutos” when they’re grown women is nasty and those who enable them are worse. Sorry you’re so cumbrained that you think it’s ok to keep this loli fetish shit in the community.
If you hate it so much, call them out publicly. Make the twitlonger and google doc. Tag them and ruin their careers. Not the first time this community has done it over petty shit. Continue the legacy this community is known for.
To be fair, this information is all publicly available on Hamu and Sakurin’s pages. Sakurin’s old instagram handle used to have loli imouto in it iirc before she changed it. Asayoru has to keep a positive relationship with local performers but it is kind of weird that these idols that appeal to lolicon are faces of the SoCal kaigai idol community.

Not sure what Alexis has to do with this but I don’t think her career is “over” lmao.
If it’s publicly available, then there should be no issue gathering evidence and calling them out. If you genuinely believe it’s an issue, shouldn’t you speak up about it? Or are we once again all virtue signal talk and no action?
imagine living rent free in someone's brain like this
Here are some communities better suited to your tastes
NTAYRT People have already called them out for this locally and it’s why everyone mentioned except for Hamu toned it down. Also people can make their own choices about the content they post on their accounts. A lot of people in SoCal think it’s weird to brand yourself that way and it’s not really virtue signaling to say that it’s weird. Most normal people think pretending to be an underage girl for fetish reasons is weird lmao.
It’s really funny that when an idol people like is criticized for their behavior, it’s not an issue, it’s virtue signaling to point out, and it’s not worth it to talk about. Stay gold. Take it to lolcow.
Maybe instead of being all bark no bite, it wouldn’t be taken as virtue signaling. This community has issues with talking about problems, wanting to make big moves, but there is never any action.

Maybe DO something about it.

As a SoCal native, never came across this. It’s also not fair to speak for a majority of the community either. If people really thought it was weird, she wouldn’t receive the opportunities and video views.
AYRT Damn. Just my circles then. I don’t think >>10923487 wanted big sweeping changes. I think they wanted to talk about something they thought was gross. Why does everything need to be big changes? Can’t someone complain?

Public callout posts are over. People just compile their evidence and then send them to event organizers now. IMHO this is way more effective than a callout because the organizer can decide on their own without public pressure. I think it’s funny when event organizers decide on their own that there’s merit to a document and stop giving idols opportunities or even blacklist them, then people complain that the their reputation and careers are RUINED FOREVER.
We’re moving the goal post now. This community never changes doesn’t it?
>people complain
>people do stuff about it in a way that has results
Kill yourself, anon.
>People just compile their evidence and then send them to event organizers now.
>the organizer can decide on their own without public pressure.
this is really smart
So much for being the loving, supporting and accepting community
Does this actually work, though? I saw people *say* they did it on lolcow but I guess we’ll find out by next year by if certain groups and idols get opportunities.
Hi, as an event organizer, we see this as a red flag for the community, you and the person you’re reporting. If you do this, good luck on it not backfiring for the rest of your circle.
Event organizer for what event? Have you ever actually received something like that or do people just claim to send them on the internet?
NAYRT but I know someone who has sent in complaints to an organizer before. So I'm sure it happens.
Name who you are and I’ll speak out.

We also investigate these claims because 9 times out of 10 it’s accusations taken out of context or petty personal drama. If you think someone is harmful, make sure your report shows actual harm if they are a danger to real people.
> Name who you are and I’ll speak out. Ok. I’m one of the organizers for MIU. Your turn.
This reeks of NWIF staff. They can’t even ban someone who was legally convicted of stalking and harassment from their event, let alone idols with drama.
Word about Reso being divas and demanding too much got their opportunities limited
You just don't want to deal with your hurt ego when you find out that you made a mistake putting someone on your lineup.
People talk, that’s just how it is.

On top of attendees and other performers talking, organizers also talk to each other about their experiences with performers. If you make an ass out of yourself behind the scenes, staff WILL notice and choose to not move forward with you the next time you apply. If you really made an ass out of yourself, they’ll do that and tell their friends too. I’ve seen it happen time and time again.

In the case of Reso, it wasn’t just attendees and other performers talking. It was a case of staff and organizers seeing their poor behavior behind the scenes and passing that along to their other staff and organizer friends. One event after another gave them a chance and almost all of them had similar experiences until only Next Stage would take them.

That doesn’t mean that there isn’t places that won’t take chances on a performer or group that’s behaved poorly in the past. It’s just harder to come back from if you pissed away all your good will.
just move that dumb white bitch of the group, I bet her white ancestors are pissed rn lol..hope she fucking loses it.
Picks a Japanese name stfu u racist pos.
i have a feeling that certain organizers that use 4chan may have already made mistakes and already feel guilty kek
Unless there's a performer that puts other performers in danger (or isn't a team player), there's really nothing to be guilty about. If people can't put aside petty drama just because they have personal beef then I'm sorry you don't deserve the stage. People need to grow up.
reso wasn't even bad as performers, organizers talk shit about them bc they were unprepared. i was at akon and the worst that happened is they wanted a sound check to sing live and the organizers weren't prepared to do a sound check at all. all the performers were talking about it but only reso, paida, and melancholiah sang live so it didn't matter to us.
If performers are making drama at an event or around an events, organizers shouldn’t move forward with them next time.

I’ve also seen organizers reject idols on the basis of their behavior outside of events, like if they complain about being rejected or feel entitled to perform. Organizers just avoid the headache and choose not to work with them. For example, Serena Songbird is basically blacklisted from most events in her area for her entitled behavior online because organizers just don’t want to deal with that.

As someone who performed at akon that year, I remember some of the staff actually being really rude in the Discord before and in person during the event, especially if you weren't the guest group from Japan or Paida.

They kept promising a lot but would then get annoyed if you asked questions.
Nobody in my group said anything because we didn't want to ruffle any feathers.
That would absolutely bother me as a performer. It's also not weird or diva to request a sound check either. Event organizers should try to be as communicative as possible with their performers and make sure everyone feels prepared.
What do people even mean when a performers “puts other people in danger”? Is it just for creeps and people that have sexual assault allegations or does it apply to credible allegations of bullying/harassment?

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