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File: HMat.png (2.28 MB, 1879x941)
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Any of you guys going to this?
decided at the last minute but ye
>Shitty hentai convention
>In San Diego
>AX just 3 weeks away
No, not worth the 3 hour drive to SD.
How in the fuck did these guys get the permits to hold something like this?
Society is collasping.
local here, the hotel is old tiny and a bit funky
i think they're just glad to have people putting on events/staying there lol
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Is the existence of porn conventions a new development for you?
i didn't know about this
god i am tempted to just drive there right now
Didn't go all days. It was okay for a first year con. Plenty of virgins in T-shirts + trousers. Not enough butts and nipples.
I know a few of Staffers and we talked about the con over the weekend. It's either it doesn't come back or it gets moved to another time in the year. Having a convention in California between Fanime and AX is generally a no-no.
What the male to female ratio?
I went and It was BASED AF. It was like time traveling back into the 90's. Small not overcrowded con run pretty smoothly. Was actually able to socialize and interact with people without it being an inconvenient pain in the ass. Panels where small and intimate and not overcrowded

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