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File: images.jpg (12 KB, 259x194)
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trying to get in shape. have access to a gym and pool. looking for ideas for cosplay for MALES that i can use as real swimwear or gym exercise wear in public, that don't make me look like a massive faggot (pic related)
Why do you want to have cosplay activewear? It's not really practical in most cases. Except in maybe sports anime. Then, that's mostly just normal activewear.
I do commend your steps towards improving your physical health.
Dressing up motivates me. When I'm in costume I feel better about myself and am more interested in fitness.

So far I've come up with
>Body Improvement Club uniform from Mob Psycho.
They wear normal fitness clothes you can get exact copies of off Amazon.
>Classic anime red or blue striped tracksuit

Still looking for a swimsuit not from Free!, and more options which aren't martial arts uniforms.
I see, I get it 100%.
I usually have a rotating cast of anime graphic t shirt I use to work out in. Not quite the same, though.
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gintama has different sports and beach eps
Mash burnedead workout shorts

Try to cosplay as anyone from FREE
op is avoiding faggotwear
What is faggotwear?
Good luck
Boku no pico

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