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Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery for cosplay?

If you did, were the results favorable?
no because the results always look terrible, ex: people who get cheek fat removed and end up looking like a mix of Bogdanoff and Holocaust victim
No because I don't have an onlyfans
I think about it often, but I just dont have the money to afford it unfortunately.
Op why did you decide to start sucking cock? Has this impacted your life negatively?
he got oral herpes from it so yeah it did
i thought of getting plastic surgery in general, but cosplays have exacerbated it. i'm tired of seeing my bulbous nose and it feels like i'll never be cute enough for these styles
I got them for general beauty and to pass better as a troon. The results were pretty good but I went from having a bit of bdd to having severe bdd so mentally im in a different but worse state.

I look forward to seeing how well it does when I crossplay though.
Kinda crazy how she went from nobody generic cosplay hobbyist to successful professional cosplayer just by getting a boob job. Shit can work like magic.
Do you think there are benefits to bigger breasts outside of the obvious Onlyfans work etc

Yaya Han doesn't sell sexy content but theres no doubt having big boobs raised her profile
A nice pair of D-cups + not being overweight will change your life. People will admire you more, popular girls who used to ignore you will want to hang out with you, you'll get invited to more places, more job opportunities, etc. Your problems will go from "I'm so lonely" to "I wish all these boys would stop hitting on me." And yeah, you'll get some clout online too.
Yaya Han doesn't sell sexy content? She sells prints with her tits out. That's selling sexy content, it's just not an OF. She also makes thousands each year selling those prints.
Who is that?
Are they the same person?
Kind of off topic to plastic surgery but I wear jfashion and have the body of a typical asian girl and I sometimes wonder if being more conventionally attractive would improve my social life like this. I wouldn’t change being alternative for the world but I have always wanted to be in large friend groups and be in relationships ever since I was very young. This comment sounds like high school logic that having bigger boobs can magically improve your life, but I’m starting to wonder if it’s actually true. The only surgeries I could think of doing are boob jobs or bone lengthening surgery. But I’m pretty cautious about body modifications like this, especially if they come with risks.
>bone lengthening surgery
enjoy never being able to run, pick up heavy weights, and potentially wheelchair bound too, all for a few inches of height
none of those things are worth it and if you need them to get into a social circle those people were never worth it in the first place and are fake af
>A nice pair of D-cups
Could you make it any more obvious that you're a larping moid.
Most coomer malebrain thing I've ever seen someone say on this board, and that's saying a lot.
Not male. I speak from experience.
I am thin with Dcups and an average face -- it is not a magical solution.
I have been in only a few relationships myself. Mostly the men who liked me were after lewd things. Strange since I tend to dress conservatively. You may get male attention with a boob job, but the boobs will become the only thing they see.
it literally pays for itself
I'm the same as
but with DDD cups and my experience is no different from my friends except I can't button up blouses over my chest
learn how bras work and come back. and if you do have huge breasts stop getting sized at the place trying to sell you a bra they carry. that's why anon thinks you're men.
t. 34G cup who understands bra size.
ALl men only want you for lewd things, even before you got fake tits you whore. That's the reason you got big jugs in the first place. You think men would care to talk to you without that gash between your legs? fuck no. Women are subhuman.
Not for cosplay but I seriously considered getting plastic surgery to look more Japanese because being a white guy who speaks Japanese, either in or outside Japan, is hell. Sick and tired of people telling me to my face it doesn't matter what I do, I'll never be Japanese, and of shit like Asian Americans assuming I'm just a dumb weeb who has never even been to japan based on my pure looks alone. People think im faking when i read japanese novels on the bus. Asians also think I don't know what racism is like, when in Asia I've dealt with stuff like girls assuming I'm gonna grope them on the bus and employers assuming I cheated when writing my resume and I can't actually write kanji, even police in japan not listening to me when i reported a guy for drugs, just because I'm white. Meanwhile I went to college in Japan so i know more Japanese than my full blood Japanese relatives (who were raised abroad)

Researched it and can't trust the results of surgeons so didn't get anything. Now experimenting with diy monolids, make up, human hair wigs, melanotan ii and stuff like that instead of surgery, although i just started recently. Note that i don't look like a caveman, no deepset hooded eyes or anything, so i've got a decent shot of passing as "half japanese". improving my cosplays would just be a bonus
>even police in japan not listening to me when i reported a guy for drugs, just because I'm white
Baka. Racism ja nai. Yakuza des.
larping as a japanese guy will not make japanese people treat you better.
You need actual help anon. First off, speaking Japanese as a white guy is not that big of a deal, especially outside of Japan. Worst case scenario people assume you’re a weeb, and given that you’ve mentioned cosplay, you are a weeb. I think you’ve got some serious insecurity clouding your mind here. You will always be treated differently in Japan, and getting plastic surgery or using a weird tan will only make you stand out more. I lived in Japan for 6 years, and you just have to accept that it’s different and you’ll always be an outsider, which comes with its own benefits and drawbacks. Move to Osaka meet good people and get some therapy for that complex. Plastic surgery to make you look more Asian will totally backfire and doesn’t address the root of the problem anyways.

You deserve all those things and more. Fucking coloniser.
nigga I'm literally a white guy too and I both studied abroad and then worked in Japan for a few years and nobody ever treated me badly, Japanese people were overwhelmingly the nicest group of people ever, for them to treat you badly you have to have fucked up in some way. ngmi if you haven't embraced being a weeb instead of whatever the hell you're planning to do (which will only make you stand out even further since your concern is that you don't fit into Japanese society and you'll be known as the freak who literally got surgery to try to look Asian)
I studied abroad in Osaka and it was genuinely the best time of my life, I met some of the coolest people ever and want to go back to meet them someday
Just dye your hair black, keep it long, be thin and wear glasses. People will just assume you're Japanese at a glance.
Having big boobs makes jfashion 100x harder cause no blouse or unshirred dress will ever fit you again. Plus you dont wanna make friends w people or date someone who cares about boobs cause they'd be shallow coombrained degens. You dont even need to be super hot (I have a nice figure but a weird unconventional face) and you should just go to places where people you think you'd get along with would go (renfaires, gaming events, cons, board game venues). As long as you don't have a reputation for being a megabitch you're fine.
Who is that?
Should you not be proud of Japan for not letting other countries invade its land?
As other anon said, dye your hair black if you haven't already, that's the 1. step.
This is what stopped me from getting a boob job for years, but I went from being a 32A to a 32D/E and never had an issue fitting into pieces, even old, unshirred VM. I'm also pretty tall and thin, but a normal weight. Honestly it was worth it in my opinion, but it's obviously different for everyone.
I know for a fact that a few did in my area (Buenos Aires) and let me check

>agos ashford - obvious fake boobs
>lula bonjo - obvious fake boobs
>hika - more than just fake boobs, but I don't remember at the moment
>nekolina (formerly nathalia tsukino) - lips, boobs, anything that doesn't involve accepting herself
Not really, and you have to realize the market is pretty much full. Unless you have an angel on your shoulder, you're not taking any of the top earners down. I know one girl who got into cosplaying just hoping that money would fall out of trees because they're pretty, and they got the trendy Megumin cosplay years ago and surprise, surprise, it didn't happen.
This. It is a myth that Japanese fashion only caters to flat chests. These days there are actually a lot of Japanese women that have large breasts as well.
from a natural 32D haver, 32D isn't large at all. But I think a 32C is the perfect size for jfashion/lolita.
That's true, I'm thinking proportionally large. That being said, I fit with a decent amount of room to spare being several inches taller than average. Someone who was shorter, had a smaller ribcage or band size could easily get away with a significantly bigger cup size. I agree though, 32C probably suits all cuts better than lower or higher sizes.
C is too small. D is baseline these days. If you're going to get a boob job you should go G or larger otherwise it won't look impressive.
>People will admire you more, popular girls who used to ignore you will want to hang out with you, you'll get invited to more places, more job opportunities,
absolutely false. youre a man speaking from a coomer perspective
if anything, big boobed women are ostracized by other women because of envy. women like to be around women uglier than themselves
talking about perfect size for japanese fashion, not for your coomer brain, idiot
do not bog yourself with fat removal, just get a boobjob and don't skimp out on it and actually do your research. you'll be much happier for it.
I just want to have a cute nose instead of a fat honker. Why did I have to get my dad's nose, it's so unfair gulls.
I have incredibly deep indents under my eyes and i’ve always wanted to get rid of them but I’m utterly terrified of the needle going near my eye because I read that the fillers could move and damage your eyes so imo it ain’t worth it, photoshop is a helpful tool
Get a nose job. Shit costs like $1k in Turkey.
Enjoy being botched by “surgeons" who spend more time on photoshop and instagram than actually practicing their "job".

Also they only accept payments in physical cash kek. Theyre barely a step above backalley surgeons
i did, partially for cosplay but mostly because i had an actual very severe progressive deformity
it wasn’t really fixed aesthetically much (scars and residual deformity) but its easier to see and i don’t have mini seizures as often. still have some medical complications, and i blew all my savings because insurance didn’t cover it even though it was so obstructive that it caused me blindness and eventually neurological issues
all together meh i wouldn’t recommend
i actually stopped cosplaying shortly after but i don’t regret it because i look better and feel a little better

if you have a slight thing you want fixed plastic surgery is fine but for ugly and deformed people it’s probably a disappointment unless you really need it. i wouldn’t bother, especially if it’s for how other people perceive you.
I’m half Japanese half white and got bullied growing up in Japan, stop larping.
turkish surgeons are butcherers and hate foreigners
File: Ukraine.webm (2.9 MB, 1280x720)
2.9 MB
>busty Sabre
Nah, there are reputable surgeons there. Overseas plastic surgery is big business.
Not to mention that filler can rapidly age your skin the more you put in.
> victim.
Anon do I have stories for you.
post more sabers
Wow why the post with a Mordred pic got deleted?
I would seriously try Mexico first over Turkey. If anon is a Europe she has even more potential options.
The one on the right is Elizabeth Rage. I don't know if they're the same person but the left one reminds me of another cosplayer in the same spot as her [spoiler]and kissed her tit.[/spoiler]
You don't have to get plastic surgery, just get oppai from these guys.
They look too fake IRL
So you'd rather have "real" fake tits than fake fake tits...
crossdressing breast plates exist you retard
Yeah. Breast implants can look real. Boob plates look stupid unless they're covered up or photoshopped.

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