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Previous thread. >>10910760

Cosplay feels.

I'm so sick of ageplay thots in the comm. They be like goo goo gah gah- gah guh *farts* gah guh gah *shits* gah GUH GAH AAAAAA AAAAAA *vomits* *farts* *chokes on own vomit and dies*
well, my son lost his $300 cosplay at the park
Parkcon at fanime? Or just… at the park
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I really want to buy and wear more ryosangata (pic related) stuff but i'm 21 and my sister always says how and where are you gonna wear most these things in london. I say Cons,with friends (who are all weebs and very accepting) or when i got interesting places which i always do with the pieces I own.
and my mum says how are you gonna find a boyfriend and says men will be scared of you.
Like I don't wear my ryosangata clothes every weekend but my brother is surprising very supportive of me wearing it.
whenever I buy something i go into hesitant thought spiral like is "is it normalfag friendly","It subtle so no one will mock me", "i need to hide my power level"
i'm probably gonna quit the hobby to make these two shut up and try more an normalfag.

Anything that isn't cheapshit from Primark, H&M, Shein or whatever will probably get you looks in the UK. I've gone out in nicer clothes that aren't J-fashion or alternative before and people have still asked me why I'm wearing what I am or where I got it from. British people generally have terrible fashion sense and judge the fuck out of anyone regardless of what they're wearing (my friend got heckled and asked if it was Halloween once when she wore a late 2000s emo type fit and she lives in a major UK city). People will comment regardless of what you're wearing, so I'd say just buy and wear it and stop cringing.
>British people generally have terrible fashion sense and judge the fuck out of anyone regardless of what they're wearing (my friend got heckled and asked if it was Halloween once when she wore a late 2000s emo type fit and she lives in a major UK city).
yeah like I always wear feminine stuff and jfashion during the weekends but my mother and sister got really negative when show them more overt feminine things despite me wearing lizlisa stuff
>People will comment regardless of what you're wearing, so I'd say just buy and wear it and stop cringing.
noted,also people really like the normalfag friendly street wear in my family such a hypebeast shit and coquette
British people really want you to feel miserable
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just an idea
>British people really want you to feel miserable
it's the national pastime
i started on a genderbent astarion cosplay last year and got as far as patterning and mocking the whole thing up/casting prosthetic elf ears and then the fanbase got so cringe in the past few months i don't think i wanna finish it
Do it anyway. Large fanbases will always have cringe
I think they look cool and you shouldn’t be devaluing yourself by trying to hide what you want to do just to appease a guy. Find someone who appreciates the dresses, or at least someone who understands that you like them, or don’t find anyone at all.
t. moid (but gayfag)
I finally settled on who I want to cosplay next, but this character has a six pack, I still got a whole month of starvation ahead of me before I get to see if there's even a six pack under all that bulking I've been doing. I need to start making/ordering the other parts of the cosplay soon, but I'm so nervous that I'll have everything ready to go and when the con I'm going to rolls around I'm still either too fat or I lost all the fat and it turns out I have a femboy stomach from not exercising my abs enough.

I've seen at least two ageplayers on Hinge in my time swiping in the past 12 months, so I guess what I've feared about more extreme fetishes becoming mainstream is becoming true. You'd think there'd be less of them given how averse zoomers are to age-related things after the whole Epstein thing.
Post tummy now. For progress comparisons.
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I've now lived long enough to see zoomies feeling nostalgic for Youtube Poop
>YTP leaned into early 90s nostalgia
The irony isn't lost on me and I don't feel old yet. That day will come when this sort of thing stops coming off as a surprise
>the fanbase got so cringe in the past few months
it always was, the normies just left because they either dropped or beat the game and all that's left is coom central, say fuck it and embrace it
I unironically use nostalgia to rizz up zoomer girls because they seem shocked if you say you were actually there for stuff like the 00s internet (mostly it's vocaloid for girls)
Men don't care about what women wear, just like they don't care about our personalities either. As long as you're slim and have a decent face, you will have plenty of men into you regardless of what you wear. They're extremely superficial and that's all that matters to them.
I let him wear his Diarrhea Wimpy Kid cosplay to the park and he forgot it after he the the bathroom.
Just do what you want. Life is too short to be all constipated with concern of other peoples' opinions.
I have really enjoyed going to a a number of the conventions in my state this past year and by doing so I have cultivated a friend group. I am very happy about this; I've been isolated for much of my life and this change is positive.
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In a way the femtists are harder to chat up than the costhots. I can definitely get their attention but they seem honest to God oblivious since they're actually there for the convention, full stop. Plus there's the age. I'll remember this for later since it's an angle I'd never considered
My con friend group has been dying. For career reasons I need to move elsewhere anyways, but I don't have any clue how to make new con/cosplay friends as a guy in my late 20's
Same here, you have to talk to people before. Even stuff like the con’s forums or discord is better than nothing.
What series do you cosplay?
do you think you have a better chance of finding a creative artsy gf who loves creating cosplays by attending cons than by browsing dating apps?

do you have any success stories?
Finding someone with shared interests is always easier through the hobby itself than through dating sites.
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i want her in my life
Femcel cope. I can feel the bitterness of "they only have stable relationships with boys because they're pretty, I wish I were pretty too!" from behind the screen.

Change the genders around and this post came straight out of /r9k/ screaming about Chad.

Don't be /r9k/, guys care more about personality than you're giving credit. At least, the guys I assume you'd like to date. It you just want a fuck boy who just wants a pretty hole to ignore when he's not horny then I guess you may be out of luck.

Guys have a wide range of preferences for body types and looks. Most "ugly" girls are entirely done by most guy's standards. Girls have the worst taste in judging what guys find attractive and call each other ugly for easy psychic damage.
Ordinary people are going to be turned off by anything out of the ordinary. Your mother and sister want you to fit in with ordinary people to find a proper man. The rest of your family find your clothes a charming novelty. If you're making your money then you should make your own choice, whether it is a good or bad one.
What is London like btw?

These are the men you are giving the time of the day.
No, men are animals. We will fuck anything. Fat women, amputated women, stinky women, goblin-faced women, robot women. Men with options will fuck their type. Men without options will convince themselves that the woman they think they have a chance with is their type. Which is why when you take pity on a bottom feeder and befriend him he will end up wanting to fuck you. Like Chris Chan and that chick from the gaming store he used to go to.
We are quickly tempered as we grow. Our libido chills out some and our spirit is scarred by the world. Not that we can't feel romantic feelings prior to that but we develop a need for another heart to cherish and to complete us at that point. And with it comes the interest in a woman's personality, because we want to spend more time with you and do more than just sex with you.
fuck you roastie, post tits
I am a man who fell madly in love at eleven. If you're a man then at some point either you or a mate sprayed AXE/Brut/STR8 on him like it was pesticide because he heard the urban legend that the pheromones in it will make girls horny.
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Yeah, but cons aren't dating events. Most people don't go there to date, they just go there to have fun and relax.
I didn't say anything about cons. There are other places you can get together with people who have the same interests.
Dating happens amongst people of the same community. It's incidental to socialization at large.
i’m an oldfag so im a little past wearing lizlisa but i would love to see people wearing it… i bought some lizlisa for a cgl secret santa a few years ago and i hadn’t realized how nicely made it was before i saw it. you can buy the same look nowadays from aliexpress or shein but it looks like shit and most people wouldn’t be able to tell because they don’t know what good clothing looks like

i think i was lucky being part of the shopping mall generation because i was able find out and see what good quality was like even if couldn’t always afford it
A person from my classes brought up a con that's coming soon, I didn't know they were interested in cosplay. I've been kind of considering the con, but it's laughably expensive and not that good so I've been kind of hesitant, but maybe I should go there. Maybe I could even talk to my classmate there for a bit, if she ends up going. I could at least show her one of my cosplays, if she goes.
But she'll also see how much of a loser I really am, she probably already knows but actually seeing me hiding away and crying from loneliness, that'd be even worse.
Even if she doesn't go, though, it may still be worth going because it's really long until the next con, and none of the cons nearby are really that good anyway. So I guess, my conclusion is that I'll go to the convention even though it's too expensive and it'll be a terrible experience.

But other than that, what will happen? I have this fantasy of meeting classmates through all of summer. We'll have a end of semester picnic soon, and after that we're not supposed to meet again, but I wish we could, I got no real plans for summer and it'll suck to spend all that time alone, I wish I could hang out with the awesome people from my class.
But I also wish I had more real friends that I could make real plans with.
You wouldn't wanna date someone who goes to "dating events" anyway, if we're being perfectly desu here
real. true social freedom is in realizing male sexual attention is worth nothing because men will fuck anything from objects to animals

wear whatever you want nonna, life is too short to worry about hiding your power level
>just date uggoes and/or old men, they care!
No thanks lol. It's very possible for girls to get a young, decent looking guy just by not being fat and taking care of our skin. Worked for me and I still get to wear jfash without any issues.
>We are quickly tempered as we grow. Our libido chills out some and our spirit is scarred by the world. Not that we can't feel romantic feelings prior to that but we develop a need for another heart to cherish and to complete us at that point. And with it comes the interest in a woman's personality, because we want to spend more time with you and do more than just sex with you.

My experience has been different. I feel that when I was younger, 18-22 or so, I was more of a wistful yearning romantic type whereas now that I am older I am apathetic/utilitarian.
I have never regretted going to a convention. I've made a lot of friends at conventions as well. That's my encouragement.
>too fat to enjoy lolita without a bunch of limitations and checking measurements on every piece
>sick of it
>take break to lose weight
>come back and boards and servers are all dead
where did everyone go nonnas? i crave interaction
i've done some comm stuff but online feels dead and i want to talk about pretty dresses with nice people
I don't think I've really regretted it either per se, but I often have a really bad time at conventions, and rarely is it actually good. Last time I went to this con, I had a terrible experience, I spent a lot of time crying and the best thing that happened was that an enemy hugged me to comfort me, and most con experiences are at best meh, and just as often awful. This con doesn't really have many activities to do either other than what they put on their program so it'll be boring and lonely.
I don't really make friends at conventions either (or anywhere else), so that's not likely to happen.
I say wear what makes you feel best about yourself.
My fiance wears EGL out in public whwnever we go out on a date.
Nothing wrong with looking different!
Dating sites largely don't work, don't bother it's just a heartache.

Find a hobby group and meet girls there, don't go in expecting a GF and things will eventually work out just due to proximity.

Con dating doesn't work unless you get lucky with a turbo con slut, but you probably don't want to be putting anything in her. Any meetup you have will be too ephemeral to form a lasting connection, and most people these days are too guarded/awkward to just exchange contact info with randos they meet at cons.
Cons work for bringing people you know from outside groups in to hang out though and share common interests.

My typical successes come from
>join some type of hobby group (art, soccer, dancing)
>be friendly with everyone there
>typically some girl will eventually ask me out
>we usually date for a few months
>usually invite her to a date to an anime con and sometimes they cosplay with me

so far nothing super long term, but that's just the dating game at work.
I would agree when it comes to women, but not for men.
Yes it's a double standard, but the dating pool for men and women are difference, and men have to try many more different things than women do.

Basically every female friend I have gets dates by existing and walking outside where they're inevitably hit on by men.
Men don't have that option so they have to cast their net into dating events and various other nonsense until they get lucky.

I'd just consider it bad for a woman to do so, because she knows full well the men there are desperate and she already has other options that aren't as pathetic.
Considering their memes are all skibidi ohio rizz at 3am I can't blame them
> shopping mall generation
I’m a zoomer and I don’t understand why everyone thinks that malls are dead. Maybe some of the high quality brands went out of business but I still like observing the clothes even if there not loliable or alternative. I like a variety of fashions so maybe that makes a difference. A lot of my friends still meet at malls to look at the shops like Sephora or normie clothing stores, I decide to tag along even if I know I’m not going to buy anything.
>I don't understand why everyone thinks malls are dead
>Because stores are still there
That's the problem with the later generation mentality, it's a
>I have to be there for a reason
sort of mentality, the shopping mall generation didn't go to the malls for a brand or a store, it was just the general hangout place you'd go to with friends to just hang out.
there's still some of that, but even then it's always about going to a specific store or something, not just going to the mall for the sake of going to the mall.
Ayrt and I live in America so I don’t have a mall in walkable or bicycle distance. I also don’t live in a city which makes it ten times harder to find fun things to do without driving. If I’m going to the mall it’s planned ahead with my friends so we’re not mindlessly losing gas. I’m sure it was a different story in the 90s or the 80s but it was a car centric country then and still is now. The main reason I don’t go to the mall without friends is because the majority of the clothes are ugly and low quality and we can’t laugh at anything lol.
I'm sorry to hear that, I wish I could help.
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>mfw two week ago I had sex in a comic con on a surprisingly unused staff-only room, where i got blown and i blew too

Well now. I had sex in costume. And I love it. Now I know it's my fetish. And now I can't say i'm not attractive, I can't say I am hopeless and etc. Hell, i'm going to fuck in the convention in two weeks from now.

It's a good feeling but also, unbelievable. I went beyond what I ever expected.
>blown and blew
>now i can't say i'm not attractive
sorry bro, gay dudes will fuck literally anything.
congrats anon, get yourself out there. what costume?
takes one to know one
my cousin came back from vietnam to renew his work visa was talkin to my parents about finding me a wife in vietnam. im cooked
I'm not sure if this should be considered creepy or not. It's like you're a passport bro but you're the same ethnicity as the girl. Getting a mail-order bride seems fucked up either way
is this seriously the first time you've heard of this, anon? it's super common especially in ea/sea cultures. also it's more like he would be an anchor husband.

just accept it.
participate actively in the process so you don't one that hates you and you hate
It will do you good. A trad vietnamesse wife will probably beat the faggotry out of you.
Women also have to do the same for the reasons you just listed. Any woman who has dated the catcaller on the street is either desperate or seriously fucked in the head, and the guys catcalling or approaching her on the street are probably real pieces of work, too. It's way easier to vet someone seeing how they act multiple times in relation to being around others. Especially if they're drunk. Women have to be careful.
>or approaching her on the street
I look down upon catcallers but are you for real? Where the fuck do I talk to women then?
It's not just catcallers.
Every single woman I know has
>hobby friends
>guys she regularly interacts with at the store
all hitting on her.
and if she really is desperate a dating app would instantly land her 1000 dates.

are they great? obviously not.
but speed dating is far worse than all of the above, and as a guy I've done all the above and speed dating... and even more desperate shit.

but as a guy, I had 0 luck with all of them, until out of nowhere a girl I know wanted to date. a girl would never have 0 luck with any of those, and that's the real issue.
a guy has to do every possible thing, if a girl has already moved passed the
>people I know in real life
stage, it means she's fucked.
>and my mum says how are you gonna find a boyfriend and says men will be scared of you.
fuck that, some of us are into it and the guys it repels are ones you don't want to be with anyway, you can't be happy with somebody if you have to pretend you're somebody you're not to get with them. I'm too old for you and on the wrong side of the world but I'm a pretty normal well-adjusted guy (at least by this place's standards) and I'd be way more into a girl wearing the stuff in your pic than 99% of what I see women wear.
i'm sure you're surrounded by women you wouldn't want to date, too.
>then where DO I talk to women

Basically any place meant for socialising.
You're not the first guy to ask this. But by asking that you're expressing your frustration about the option of talking to random women on the street being taken away and then act like this means you cannot talk to women ever.
I think those guys and you already know where else you can meet women.

Also if having a healthy satisfying long term relationship is the goal women don't have it easier than men. Women get lots of men expressing interest in them, a fact many men are very salty about, but you have to remember that these are men.
No man more physically attractive than her will consider her unless it's to use her as a fuck hole with no strings attached.
The rest is just a collection of men from all walks of life, since a lot of men shoot their shot even if she's way out of his league and not in his age bracket. She's not going to be interested in hobos, quasimodo looking dudes and men much older or much younger than her. Not all of the remaining options are kind and good men either. And even those men are often only interested in having a very casual (meaning not serious, and probably also not monogamous) relationships that focuses on sex and not much else until a certain point in their life. Other factors will reduce the pool of acceptable options even further and that's not even factoring in the shallow preferences of some women regarding height, hair (or lack of hair), physical fitness and income.
We're just talking about how having even low standards will reduce the pool significantly if you're looking for a good long term relationship.
Some, but I'm willing to give most girls a chance if they're not obese or have children.
I'm not "surrounded", there are women I wouldn't date, but there's plenty I would, many of which I'm friends with.

That's the difference with women, for the most part men will give a woman a chance if she asks and she clears a very very low bar.
Women won't give those same men the chance unless they're just feeling depressed that week and need an ego boost.

And this isn't some incel soapbox or anything, it's just how I see it with every single woman I'm friends with. These days, most of those girls are the ones asking me out and not the other way around, that's just what age and money does I suppose but I can't help but see the irony.
>this isn't some incel soapbox or anything

Sure sounds like it is, since you've already parroted 3 incel beliefs in this post.
you mean just facts of life that everyone has known for decades?
It is so over for us 20’s fags
doubling down I see
Pretending to be ignorant doesn't make you right, you already essentially agreed by claiming that I'm surrounded by women I wouldn't want to date too.

The real reason behind the incel movement isn't that men are single, it's because they bought into the same belief as you did; that things are equal between men and women and that they should have the same opportunities and chances as one another. Except that men don't in the case of relationships, and whenever they mention the extremely evident divide, people like you just insult and attempt to gaslight them which given the extremely obvious evidence on the contrary, just makes them angry.
>I'm willing to give most girls a chance if they're not obese or have children.

There are a lot more things that a girl could have that would prevent you from wanting to date her. Age (too old), looks (too ugly) and political beliefs (women tend to be more left leaning than men) are just 3 very obvious examples.

>for the most part men will give a woman a chance if she asks and she clears a very very low bar.

For sex, not for a serious relationship. Men are a lot more picky about who they commit to and there's nothing wrong with that.

>Women won't give those same men the chance unless they're just feeling depressed that week and need an ego boost.

Yeah, women don't typically date or hook up with men for the ego/self esteem boost. Some men get respect from their male friends if they date very beautiful women. It gives them an ego/self esteem boost if they are able to be with a beautiful woman that's out of their league.
Women don't hinge their ego/self esteem on having sex with men regardless of how attractive he is. And especially not with men they're not attracted to, because as you said they did not want to give those guys a chance.
Women can just be lonely and/or horny. That's mostly why they hookup.

>it's just how I see it with every single woman I'm friends with.
your biases affect how you interpret what you see. None of what you described sounds like typical girl behavior.

>most of those girls are the ones asking me out and not the other way around
in your dreams maybe

> that's just what age and money does I suppose

This is the well known manosphere coping strategy. They tell themselves a fairy tale that women's market value is highest in their early 20s and that men's market value is highest much later on when they're well into their 30s and are financially stable.
Only some of this is true (and only partially) which is why it's such a convenient lie that they sell you.
Reality is this;
-men typically find women in their late teens~early 20s the most physically attractive regardless of the age of the man himself.
But this does not mean that men that are much older than these women are able to get into a relationship with them, and it also doesn't mean every guy who is much older than that age bracket would want to be in a serious relationship with someone of that age bracket. Lots of people (men and women) who are into their 30s consider people in their late teens~early 20s as basically kids. The developmental gap and experience gap is just too big. You typically need a decent level of relatability for a relationship to work (studies on age gap relationships all come to this conclusion). The average age gap in a monogamous relationship in the US is 2.3 years iirc. That's why it doesn't matter at what age women have their highest market value.

-the belief that men who weren't able to bag beautiful women (or any women) in their 20s are able to do so in their 30s because of things like money and experience is just nonsense. Firstly because if women did not find you attractive in your 20s they are certainly not going to find you attractive in your 30s unless you've changed the way you look (weight loss, different style, etc).
Secondly because women aren't going to date much older men just because they're rich. The gold digger is a dying breed in the modern western world.
Women are typically also most attracted to men around their own age.
If the market value beliefs were true it would be reflected in reality and large age gap relationships would be the norm and not the exception. The average age gap wouldn't be 2.3 years.
If you're attracting more women now than you did when you were in your early to mid twenties it's not because of money and your age.

In conclusion these "facts of life that everyone knows" are not supported by studies and statistics. It's usually only manosphere guys and incels who believe in that.
>There are a lot more things that a girl could have that would prevent you from wanting to date her.
Maybe for you.
I've dated women 10 years older than me, girls who are objectively uglier than me (personally I thought it was charming, but she was a bit fucked), and girls who were "nonbinary" who just watched trans videos on youtube.
They didn't work out, but I gave them the chance and there were usually bright spots to each relationship despite the fact they never worked out.

>for sex
I find men are very interested in relationships, sex is just a big part of that.

>that's not typical girl behavior
it's distilled down because i don't want to dump their entire lives.
but just the other day my best friend (female), hooked up with a doctor who was extremely into her, and basically told him to fuck off because he was a little shy. After using him for sex of course.
She's a bit of a slut though...

>that's a fairy tale
i spent my entire 20's single, despite doing all the things i mentioned. i hit 30, bought a 6 figure car, and suddenly i haven't been single for more than a month in years. (I say that as a humblebrag, I don't think my car actually had anything to do with it, i just love my car)

it's not a black pill, it's just reality. of course I could give additional advice to men as well, but this is a separate argument about the inequality of the two.

I don't know why you're so hyper focused on the age gap issue. I just mentioned that as a personal anecdote because that's been my life.
The point isn't that older men get hot babes, it's that women hold all the power in getting a relationships, and getting back to the main point means that a desperate woman has far more wrong with her than a desperate man.

To bring it back to the initial argument, since it's gone off the rails apparently.
Women at speed dating means they are abnormally desperate.
Men at speed dating is mostly expected.
Because, women can get dates far easier than men.
>I've dated women 10 years older than me
Depends on what you consider dating. For some people that's more casual, for other people it's with the intent to have a serious long term monogamous relationship. Most men aren't willing to "dumpster dive" (that's the term for dating someone uglier than you are) when it comes to serious relationships.

>I find men are very interested in relationships, sex is just a big part of that.
Standards for hookups and standards for serious long term monogamous relationships are often quite different. People in general are less picky when it comes to hookups because they don't have to share more than sex with them. If you're going to live together and eventually even have children together you will be more discerning about who you are going to do that with.
Men and women have hookups with people who they would not date. For example guys who are into fat women and don't want to be seen in public with them because they think that would hurt their reputation.

>it's distilled down
If you're only leaving out non-essential parts then my point still stands.
Have you considered your friend is unhinged? How old are you and your friend anyway? The fact that your best friend is female is also quite rare. Most guys wouldn't even consider being friends with women unless they had hopes of dating them. Maybe you're just such a weirdo/unconventional, you should not expect that your experiences are typical.

>i spent my entire 20's single, despite doing all the things i mentioned
which things were those?

>i hit 30, bought a 6 figure car, and suddenly i haven't been single for more than a month in years.
a man hitting 30 doesn't trigger some kind of switch in women's brains that makes him irresistible. Your chronological age had nothing to do with it.
The most likely reason is that you were more happy and confident because you got to a point in life where you could buy a 6 figure car that you love.
>ignoring me getting back to the point so you can ignore what I said and insert your own strawman
experience also has something to do with it. A lot of guys are not that good at interacting with women in their 20s. They can get much better at interacting with women when they're well into adulthood.

>it's not a black pill, it's just reality.
it's just copium. A lot of the beliefs you mentioned are not supported by the evidence.

>I don't know why you're so hyper focused on the age gap issue
The market value beliefs just have a lot to do with age. Guys who were losers in their 20s aren't going to magically get hot chicks (of any age) the moment they turn 30. Unless they change something about themselves their chances in the dating market are just going to get worse.

>I just mentioned that as a personal anecdote because that's been my life.
nah, you were bragging. You can admit it. I'm guessing you're one of those guys who sees bagging a significantly younger woman as an achievement and status symbol amongst your fellow men.

>women hold all the power in getting a relationships
No they don't. Having more people interested in fucking you does not translate into having more people interested in having a serious relationship with you and you actually liking those people as well. As someone else already mentioned people don't tend to see the unsuitable options. It's just more obvious with women because men approach them a lot more than vice versa. You still need 2 willing participants in a serious relationship, no-one is forcing men into serious relationships. Women are generally sick of guys who just want hookups and casual dating, they tend to be a lot more interested in men who are willing to commit to a serious relationship. It's men who decide if they want to commit or not.

>a desperate woman has far more wrong with her than a desperate man.
only for sex/casual dating/hookups
>Women at speed dating means they are abnormally desperate.
>Men at speed dating is mostly expected.
>Because, women can get dates far easier than men.

sure, women who attend speed dating events are most likely abnormally desperate. I don't disagree on that and have never disagreed on that (you are talking to multiple people). They probably (wrongly) think that it's going to be better than dating sites which are mostly a sausage fest of guys looking for "casual dating/hookups/sex with no strings attached".
A common complaint from women about dating sites is that they find it difficult to find a man who is looking for a serious relationship. A common complaint from men is that there aren't enough women willing to have hookups/no strings attached sex. Women don't have an overabundance of options when it comes to guys looking for serious relationships that meet basic non-shallow requirements.

Neither dating sites nor speed dating events are reflective of society as a whole though. A lot of people have never used them and would never consider using them, they meet people the old fashioned way.

There are a lot of guys who are fat, ugly and not rich who are in relationships that they are happy in. It's not as bad for men as the manosphere claims it is. They parrot the idea that you have to be over 6 feet, have a 6 pack (abs, not beer) and earn 6 figures in order to attract any woman at all.
> A common complaint from men is that there aren't enough women willing to have hookups/no strings attached sex
This is the strawman.

Yes there are guys who are there for that, but most aren't. I have literally never heard once about a guy complaining that there's not enough sluts on tinder.

If you talk to any "incel" it's almost never about sex, it's about not having a relationship. I don't know why you think someone would go
>yeah dude i just want casual sex one time.
>oh more than once with someone i actually like? that's too much, just the once with an std infested whore is fine.

>it's not as bad as the manosphere
obviously it's not THAT bad, as there's plenty of contrary evidence. but, it's still pretty bad for guys and ignoring that reality doesn't help either.
I mean even your post is evidence of that, you just automatically assume every guy wants hook ups, despite that being the rarity by far. In my experience people get to that stage not because it's what they want, but because they've given up on actually getting a girlfriend.
mean girls are the worst archetypes reminds me of my sisters

parents are still talking about it. they even joked about talking to other families when they go to vietnam in October. rn im laughing it off saying nty but if it starts becoming too serious i'll give them a hard no. being emotionally involve with another person just isnt my thing.
>is this seriously the first time you've heard of this, anon?
Same-race people doing it with their own? Yes. What I usually see is white guys getting Asian mail-order brides, or Asian guys getting Eastern European or South American ones. It's never their own race of women, idk why.
Damn I really started a whole chain of arguments from my comment, my bad. I want to specifically address the incel shit. I don't know how many incels you've actually spoken to, but I'm a woman and want to give some perspective on this. A lot of incels haven't been in a relationship in general and don't even know what they want, which basically ends up in not wanting a relationship at all. They want a relationship, but not one in which they have to respect an actual person. They want sex when they want, to say what they want with no recourse or realistic response other than "wow you're so great nonny!" And don't have any deeper qualifiers other than "is hot". They want a girlfriend as an emotional bag to scream into and use when convenient. That is the textbook definition of a casual relationship, they just don't like that it's not for only THEM. The fact that you mention an "std infested whore" gives away the name of the game with you. Be real.
When women say "every guy wants hookups" it's not just the guys who outright say such things. It's also the people who treat women like they're only something to neg a transaction out of, much like how you're talking. I'm not sure what you're hoping to accomplish by "proving" that men have it worse in the dating scene. Would it make you feel better if people coddled you and commiserated with you? Are you hoping to score pity pussy?
heavy agree, even when men "want a relationship" most of them just want a bangmaid and the ability to say they have one. women not having to try to be objects of male desire isn't really "ease of dating" because most women don't want to be objects lol

however let's please get back to the feels
>mfw dress too big
and whatnot
Yeah ayrt and I didn't mean to derail a whole ass thread for this.
On a positive note, I just really like seeing people happy in their cosplays. Nothing is more fun than seeing people nerd out about foamcraft or giant wigs. I just really fucking love passionate people. Been feeling good about it lately.
I have a desperate, pointless, and pathetic crush on someone I 1) can never have, 2) who would surely annoy me if I actually knew them as well as I’m wishing for and 3) is a good enough friend I’ll neither risk the friendship by saying anything nor break it off to avoid the pain. I know this hardly a /cgl/ problem but I don’t know who else to tell. I’m just feeling very emo…
On another note: did you see converse kneehighs are coming back? I’m excited. The knockoffs I bought were awful.
Every word out of your mouth has to involve insulting people or talking down to them huh?

I’m not trying to gain anything other than to explain to you the situation, which clearly you just want someone to tell you
>wow you’re so great nonny!

I'm in the boat with you, nonna; the subreddit is itas and sissies, FB groups require FB, this board is slower than it ever used to be, and drama hungry idiots ruined servers.

I've always been a lonelita but sometimes I want to sperg about girly shit with women who actually get it. My normie friends are nice about it but they don't really understand lolita.
You’re not alone. I realized today that the subreddit is even worse than I remembered. Why are they all acting like it’s some hug box…?
Reddit admins really went nuts the past few years with the "harassment" rules. If you're the least bit mean to anyone on Reddit now, you risk being reported for "harassment" and "discouraging users from participating" and can catch a sitewide IP ban across all your accounts for it.
If you think every word of that post was talking down to you I genuinely don't know what to say other than that if you identify with incels that much despite supposedly not remaining single you should do some soul searching.
>n-no you!
Is not a great response.

Yeah my normie friends are great and try to be so supportive but I'm convinced normies just don't understand quality in general despite trying their best. I love my girl friends but the second we get to talking about fashion the copious amounts of fast fashion brands just depresses me. I love lolita but sometimes I want some quality normie clothes and I just feel like an alien talking to them. I know that's only tangentially related but it bleeds into lolita when they send taobao or art saying "looks like something you'd like nonna".
yeah... i used to be a lonelita outside of here and discord, and now i feel starved for content and discussion on those ends. i guess making comm friends is healthier anyway in the end.
>with women who actually get it
this, and >>10922412's point about nice normie fashion hits too. lolitas have an eye for quality in general that i'd feel autistic and rude trying to explain to normie friends.
They sound unhinged…
We need to bring forums back. They're not expensive to host or hard to code, someone just needs to volunteer to do it and not be executed for it.
Imagine Lolibrary hosting a forum. That’d be pretty cool.
What were the lolita forums? I have only heard of Blue Period and local comm forums.
How do normalfags even do this
There used to be several to choose from which was kind of the point
They are. This is a site that currently hosts some of the most misogynistic content on the internet including guides on how to rape women, formerly had subs for jailbait and beating up women and watching people get murdered, but god forbid you discourage someone from participating. They're virtue signalling retards.
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Apparently this is what happens when you “discourage” someone… So sad. When will they learn that babying people doesn’t mean helping them?

I also feel the same as all of you. I used to be active in FB groups but delete that after most groups becoming too hugbox. Discord servers are good but they usually always implode for some reason. Smaller community discord servers also just die off.

I talk to my friends about it but they all say they do not want to be in edgy/4chan servers cause in their mind it is "toxic". But we all met through cgl, which I find ironic that they are so against it.

I am not even trying to find ultra edgy, racist humor, look at me I'm a channer server. I just want a place to just talk to normal people who can understand my hobbies, niches, and more without feeling like it is too "normies" or "ow the edge".

I miss the days when hobbies weren't meant to be tools to become popular/monetized, but genuine hobbies.
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When your sister's femboy friend is acting weird, that's sussy bussy.
>I miss the days when hobbies weren't meant to be tools to become popular/monetized, but genuine hobbies.
Absolutely agreed. I hate corporations cashing in and I especially hate people giving into that mindset and pedaling "hustle culture" when it's just desperate poverty culture. Why can't we just work a normal job and have hobbies and a social life outside of work anymore? Why does fun have to become work?
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Thanks, my mum and sister changed theirs minds but she likes when i wear more darker colors and fashions (jirai-kei,cyber and gothic lolita) since she thinks it's more elegant on me.

I will just aim for these three i listed more, since these styles what we both like and i like compromises.
The person from my classes who brought up the con expressed excitement at not being alone when I told her that I was going to go, so I have hope that we could actually spend some time together and that it'll be an enjoyable con experience, at least part of the time.
Other than that, I don't know about many people I know that'll go, not that it matters because I probably wouldn't interact with them anyway, but I did look to see if an AA vendor who was nice to me and tricked me into buying something at my last con would come (no idea why they did that, was it just to trick me into buying their stuff?), didn't see anyone with anything I recognized as theirs though.
A lot of the AA people seem to be people I've seen at many cons before, and my interests aren't that close to what AA people make in general in the first place, so there probably won't be anything to buy. Some other AA people asked me what I'd be interested in at the last con I went to, would be awesome if they actually made something related to that, but don't know if they'll come and I made it clear that I don't like what other people like so it'd be a bad idea for them to actually make something I'd like.

As for my classmates, we did have that picnic, which was really nice, and then we went to an arcade a few days later, which was also really nice, and since then we haven't done anything together, a small number of us are planning to go out one final time relatively soon but then it's absolutely over. I hope I can at least meet the person who's going to the con more in the future, we even met just us two to practice earlier this week.
I skip the comm meeting ONE month and they posted a fucking video of themselves dancing to that Ice Spice FART song.
Stupid contact lenses REEEEEEEEEE
Stupid contact lenses day two. I'm going to practice every day until I can use them reliably. One thing I've learned so far is that it is better to buy daily lenses instead of the monthly ones because they get dirty easily. It's better to throw one away than to risk infecting your eye.
I’ve gained so much weight due to depression and stress eating…now a lot of my brand doesn’t fit. Need to lose a good 30 lbs, wish me luck gulls
>take a break from buying lolita things to save up money
>every time I peak at listings I see some good shit I really would want
>finally ready to spend again
>secondhand market is a Sahara desert of crap
Why does this always happen every time
Influx of subpar products on the primary market that then trickles down to the secondary when people try to off load it and not be a bag holder or even trying to flip it for a profit on someone unsuspecting and of course the good product gets snatched up before you've got the money together
Get on Wegovy. You won't have to diet or exercise, the weight will just come off. It's amazing
>just like they don't care about our personalities either.
this is just not true lol there are women who completely lose any appaeal as soon as they speak
something that women these days refuse to accept though is that (healthy) men don't like loose women. only porn-broken losers would feel romantically attracted to a loose woman, a healthy man feels disgusted.
I'm at a con and I'm bored, I actually met with a friend for a little while but they arrived late and had to leave early, and I'm not talking to anyone.
There were a few brief interactions early in the day but no one is talking to me and I'm not talking to anyone. And I wish I could actually spend time with some people.

At least I've been able to not treat the person I've been treating poorly poorly this time, but I wish I could talk to them, they even acknowledged me unlike almost everyone else I've met before, they greeted me albeit in a strong way thay makes me wonder if they're being sarcastic and mocking with their greeting. I hope I'll be able to stay away from them and not bother them for the rest of the con too.

It's nice when people compliment your coord, and yesterday there was someone who actually recognized my cosplay which is super rare, that was really nice as well.

I have been talking a bit to someone who also has a relationship to all the people I've met before that we pretend we don't know each other that are here, I want to talk to them, but we only talked for a brief time months ago.
Or I just want to talk to someone in general.
I’m not in the “overweight” category yet just because I’m so tall. I don’t think I can get prescribed weight loss medication
Women will never, ever tell you the real # of men they've slept with, so how would you know they're "loose"? Moids are so stupid kek
Cardio. CICO. Good luck.

We can sniff out whores the same way women can sniff out guys faking confidence.
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>be at fan panel just to socialize
>get paired with some mom not in cosplay
>she says so herself she's just here to chaperone some grandkids
>jokes about the culture shock seeing this many people in costume surrounded by loud and dynamic art vendors
Thought that was funny
Vaginas don't work like that
I like that their logic is that sleeping around one time with 10 different guys makes their holes loose, but having sex hundreds of times with only one guy or just being a virgin with thousands of dildo sessions has no impact.
The vagina clearly has a barcode scanner installed so it can confirm the same dick is entering. Source: it came to me in a dream
How can I convince a cosplay girl to let me smell her stinky sweaty feet after a con? Im asexual and dont want to fuck her I just love the smell of womens feet its like cocaine to me.
its easy anon, money talks
>same way women can sniff out guys faking confidence.
lmfao women fall for guys with blatant fake confidence all the fucking time, I've known so many girls who get repeatedly fucked over by guys that any dude can tell has an ego made of glass.
don’t they have magic pills nowadays that helps you lose weight? Idk how much they cost but you could pawn off some of your collection and get it. Then instead of being sad about being bigger you can be sad about not having those dresses in your collection anymore. Imagine all the mula that could be made if every single seagull on this planet sell just one piece of their collection. We might be able to purchase me a super sailboat so that I can sail around the world. It’d be like cosplaying one piece but not really cosplaying because I’d be a real pirate. It’s not like you guys would miss one piece of your collection you barely even wear it. What’s one piece of clothing that doesn’t even coordinate with anything when you could get US a super sailboat. honestly forget the magic pill you can got on a walk or w/e to lose weight buttt you should consider selling a part of your collection for the sailboat movement. I’ll let you seagulls sleep on it arrg

where’s the math nerd seagull itt. You should calculate how much we would make if this plan was to be set in motion. ballpark it so that I can start looking for sailboat in our price range. we might have to pawn more than one jsk
I feel like this is a clever rouse to snag nonna's dresses from LM. Your pirate tricks won't work on me.
Women will fuck any blithering retard with a sufficient amount of bluster. They're really not any better at reading men than men are women, and their only insight to emotions is in other women. Most of them also just don't care, if you're tall enough or have enough money or just drugs they'll conjure up their own imagined perception of you and cling for years in agony.
Total olfactoryphiliac death.

Would you rather sit on your toilet or the public toilet?
you know what? $20 is $20
>are you really this divorced from the concept of integrity?

nayrt, but many guys believe what she just explained. They think having sex a hundred times but with a different guy each time means your vagina is as wide as a hallway, but if you've had sex a hundred times with your husband and no-body else your vagina is still like it was when you were a virgin.

>Would you rather sit on your toilet or the public toilet?
if this is about hygiene I wouldn't fuck the male town bicycle either, or any man for that matter. The most important thing I learned from Dr Christian Jessen is that men's hygiene is far worse than women's hygiene.
Tips on egomaxxing? I've been getting a lot of compliments about my body lately ever since I started grooming myself properly, but I can never capitalize on them because idk what to even say to initiate anything
i dont even care about cons all that much anymore
but i'm at the point where i want to sort out whatever this feeling is
i've been having a longing to just tell people to just put me in whatever cosplay they feel like
but i'm
1. in a living situation where i can't go meeting random people very much and have been throughout the last five years
2. due to supporting my parents who started having health issues just before the pandemic (my savings tanked a bunch of costs until social security finally kicked in hahaha)
3. male and about to become a wizard so despite rolling good genes making me look a bit younger i have to wonder whether anyone would actually want to do something like this
it's an escape for me that also seems to make me more motivated to get things done around home. exchange my public face for someone else's for just a little while, let "the character" take care of things that need doing, you know? let "me" rest a bit (while actually getting motivated and doing more).
but i also don't have enough solid cosplays to do it a lot. plus as much as i'm loved, family is kinda judgy about this specifically so i just feel like a bother when i do let myself wear something a little bit out-there, and it kinda kills the vibes of it as a result.
i don't know if there's anything to be done about it but to vent in places like this and deal with it until either i can get my own place someday or find someone who actually enjoys putting me specifically in different silly outfits and doesn't mind the silly baggage.
and yes. it does go both ways and i wish i had enough lying around to do it to someone else as well. that's the other half of the problem. it just wouldn't be fair to this hypothetical person, you know? i'm probably screwed with this feeling and will just have to deal with it, but such is life.
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How do you guys deal with being asked for social media accounts when you've neglected them for years?
>abandoned Facebook
>only use Twitter to access art
>same for tumblr
>Instagram devoted to esoteric hobby not relayed to cosplay
>no Snapchat to speak of
Tfw only ok with sex while drunk, but most people would consider that rape even though it’s the only way I can actually consent
I bluepilled myself, decided that there's no reason in being elitist faggot that 'avoids social media' if it actively stands in a way of my socialization.

> >Instagram devoted to esoteric hobby not relayed to cosplay
Just create a second account?
yeah just make another instagram account/a tumblr sideblog if you want. just throw a few wips or whatever on there and fill it with con pics when you do go to one. maybe it'll suck to not have access to facebook groups but everyone has instagram. what >>10923973

same. you just gotta work on yourself anon
I admire your femcel status, I'm the same but being male, and I have a gf, shame it's almost as if we're made for eachother, but in reality, I never got a fb, or twitter, or tumblr, or instagram, I made a snapchat for a zoomina exgf once
kinda based how I still managed to get laid without trying
>'avoids social media' if it actively stands in a way of my socialization.
that's the weapon they use, they're trying to scare you, and your own friends are doing the scaring part, kinda sick, ngl. the datamining machine is hungry.
in my case it has a lot to do with having witnessed first hand what happened with social media and doxxing, and avoiding that at all cost
I would talk to you if I we were ever at the same con, though that's probably never happened. Either way, I've been seeing you make this kind of post for years now and concur. Please do reach out to someone you can trust and tell them how you're feeling
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> the datamining machine is hungry
I don't care.
for now
i miss behind the bows
Would you rather a pencil that's been sharpened once or a pencil sharpened 20 times? Thats right- the dick gets shorter the more women you fuck. See how stupid that sounds? I can play the game of false equivalence too.
As long as someone gets an std test amd doesnt keep talking about their ex I don't give a shit. Cons or not, jfashion or not. I don't tend to like people who get around but not because they're dirty or something, I'm just an extremely socially awkward homebody so I don't want people to drag me into social situations I'm not keen on.
I should clarify, I don't have Kaczynski syndrome when it comes to social media; I just don't feel like documenting huge swaths of my life online especially when it's pretty mundane
We need to bring back secrets. I have so much to say and nowhere to say it without it getting deleted.
Foreskin losens the more you pull it back and forth.
you don't really have to, just slap like 5 "mundane" pics up and you'll indefinitely have an account to contact people on/direct them to when they want to follow you
I have a 2009 Ghost (Call of Duty). Dude was cosplaying König. And we fucked again. In the same costumes.

well, sex happened, my dude, it's what matters. happened twice.

For me, it's a bit of a thrill of doing it, actual horniness and just the desire to do so. When you're horny you don't really think well.
The sex part might be a crock of shit
But more relationships definitely impacts your future ones.

When I take virgins or girls with <3 boyfriends they take it seriously and will try to make it work
When I date girls who’ve dated tons of guys it’s always the dumbest shit that’s “deal breakers”
I had a girl break up with me despite everything going great for months because I showed the red flag of not hating JK Rowling
>take virgins
Ok now I know you're larping man.
Aside from that, I think it mostly has to do with getting more and more jaded from experience. As long as you can show that you aren't like their other partners and can actually talk about shit, I find things go relatively well. If someone runs off because I say I don't actually like kimi no na wa or something then shit, cya. That's why I talked about the baggage in my initial comment, anyone that projects their ex onto you is just bad news. Maybe it's just my age range, though.
Of the 6 girls I’ve dated 2 were virgins. They were by far the best to date.
The other 4 might have been fun and had bright spots, but every single time they were either explicitly comparing me to their exes or it was heavily implied.

I’m 30 now and this still happens.
There’s a good reason people don’t want to date sluts, when they use things like hallway vaginas they’re just oversimplifying it because getting into the details is just gonna lead to things like your cope that
>w-well just cause most girls do that doesn’t mean they all do!

Unfortunately yeah, finding virgins at 30 isn’t exactly easy anymore so I take what I can get. Doesn’t make me happy to settle but I’m happier than being single
Tfw virgin with natural roastie vagina
>men will be scared of you.
I'm not, I think it looks cute anyways, your mother doesn't know how men work
During cons I'll be surprised with myself. Firing on all cylinders with almost no breaks and in the back of my head I'm thinking "Why is it not like this back home?" Then I get back and remember "Right, it's cause conventions are where I can spend more than 24 hours not thinking about or interacting with people I absolutely detest"
genuine question: if you met a girl who had never dated anyone but had a lot of sex back in the day, would you consider her? i can't tell if your (and most guys') issue has to do with jealousy/insecurity over exes or if it's really the amount of one night stands a girl has had
funny, the worst girl I've dated was a 19 yo virgin
just document what's worthy and keep it on an album, how our elders used to do it
Oof, F, most men will think you fucked godzilla
Men don't know how vaginas work
Skill issue, if you were better than the ex there would be no problem.
nayrt, Most men don't know how women's genitalia work. For example a lot of men think women pee out of their vagina, or that women only have 2 holes down there, then there's the age old question of where the clit is, some men also think women can't really have orgasms and it's all some elaborate hoax. "Roastie vagina" is a derogatory term for a vagina with larger labia minora, sometimes with more pigmentation. Larger labia minora are sometimes associated (by some men, not by women) with a larger amount of past sexual partners. But there's no causal relationship between the two. It's just part of the natural variety in shapes, colors and sizes. The west seems to have decided that women's genitalia without pubic hair, without labia minora and without pigmentation are the best, despite the fact that this almost doesn't occur naturally with any ethnicity at any age. Some porn actresses get their labia minor surgically removed/clipped, their pubic hair permanently removed and their genitalia and anus bleached to attain the look.
most men won't think that. you're a retard. most men will still fuck a woman they're already attracted to no matter the look of her vagina bc men like sex. you have to have a smelly vagina or something to really digust them.
You can dislike multiple things you know.
I don't like girls who date a lot, because it's a heavy red flag that they treat relationships as easily disposable. It's always a constant comparison to see if you're worth staying with.

I don't like girls who sleep around because it's a red flag that they treat sex as something casual and disposable, and I don't need to worry about my girlfriend sleeping around or cheating on me. It also just means she's not likely to feel the same emotional connections or needs I have for a physical relationship because she's just willing to fuck anyone.

They're both gross but for different reasons that still result in a bad relationship.

Sure but the reasons for being bad are usually difference. Most virgin girls are just some level of autistic, and just being patient and verbal with them is enough to get by most of it. It's awkward and they usually do stupid shit, but most guys are more willing to forgive that.
Like sure, non-virgins are more "fun", but if I want fun I'd just be friends. I want more than "fun" when it comes to a relationship.

Most the times the comparisons are beneficial to me. However I don't enjoy hearing about all the shitty things her ex-bfs did to her, or how bad her ex was at sex. And I don't need to see the text messages where guys who used to fuck her and begging for her attention.
Like it's not flattering to show me all the guys who want to fuck you, I'm not interested in the size of your ex's dick even if it's smaller than mine.
But more importantly, I know I'm not better than them in every way, meaning for every positive trait that's shared with me I know she's thinking of an equal amount of negative ones, because you see it slip up all the time.
>When I take virgins
The average for virginity loss in girls is 17, so either you're a pedo or you're lying.
>it’s always the dumbest shit that’s “deal breakers”
It's almost like having more dating experience helps women figure out what they truly want in a relationship, what's most important to them, and what they won't put up with anymore. Imagine that.
>The average for virginity loss in girls is 17, so either you're a pedo or you're lying.
I don't know if it counts as irony that slut proponents immediately resort to calling people pedos.

But, that's the AVERAGE meaning there's girls both above and below that age. And in addition I was talking about my entire life, the fact the first virgin I dated was 17 means nothing because I was 18 at the time and we dated in high school. The other girl was 25.

>It's almost like having more dating experience helps women figure out what they truly want in a relationship, what's most important to them, and what they won't put up with anymore. Imagine that.
>what they truly want in a relationship
pretty much.
Because it's no longer about making a relationship work and compromising with someone you like. It's about what YOU want and only what YOU want. If someone isn't perfect well they'll keep trying.
Then suddenly they're 30 and bitching on 4chan that people want girls who haven't dated the entire city.
>Because it's no longer about making a relationship work and compromising with someone you like.

nayrt, if they're too picky they'll just price themselves out of the market. I don't understand why you're bothered by it, these are not the kind of people you would want to date anyway.
If 4 out of 6 of the girls you dated broke up with you because of deal breakers then it just sounds like you're the common denominator here.
If you're 30 now and the women you're interested in dating are around your age then I think 2 to 5 is a normal amount of past partners. Still wanting to date a virgin at age 30 just sounds like insecurity on your part. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try, I'm just saying the world isn't divided by virgins/ 3 past partners or less and sluts. Someone could have 1 past partner and be jaded and pessimistic, someone could have 6 past partners and have a positive outlook on life.
One piece of advice if you want to avoid jaded/traumatized women, is to look for women with a healthy amount of self worth. It's the insecure ones that put up with too much disrespect in the past, and became jaded/traumatized as a result.
>I don't understand why you're bothered by it, these are not the kind of people you would want to date anyway.
It's more just explaining why people don't like dating those kinds of people.
I just gave reasons why people dislike girls with lots of partners and it has little to do with vaginal circumference.

>sounds like you're the common denominator here
I always have a laugh at relationships talk too. It always immediately jumps to blaming the man because clearly something was wrong with him. You point at me and say it's my fault that 4 relationships failed, but it's perfectly normal for women to have more than me, but they're not the common denominator there.
The irony of course is that all my relationships except my first have ended on great terms, they just ended for extremely retarded reasons and I'm not dumb enough to go begging for a retry with someone who casually breaks off a relationship over what books you like.
And the first was only rough because i was a teenager and retarded.

> Still wanting to date a virgin at age 30 just sounds like insecurity on your part.
It's just the norm.
Not a single man of any age is ever going to hear that their girlfriend is a virgin and think it's a bad thing. It is ALWAYS a good thing for a girl to be a virgin.
Most men just recognize that the vast majority of girls have their "fun" and they have to settle for what they can get. And that's like always, when women have used up all their options and are desperate to settle down.
Men have just decided to value their wants more, but when men want to value their desires its a bad thing.
nothing makes me happy. it feels like a void has opened up inside me and sucked every last drop of joy out of my life. there's no point in trying to keep myself alive anymore. I've been trying to for so long, but it just isn't working. I don't want to die.
t. A man who doesn't know how vaginas work
My cosplay gf hasn't responded to my texts in 4 days :(
>bitching on 4chan
It's you. You're describing you.
>man want to value their wants
Yeah and their desires are so surface level it's laughable. That's why it gets made fun of or put down, because when you ask a guy what he wants it's something fucking stupid and boils down to not wanting a human being. The only difference on cgl is "has to be willing to cosplay the characters I want to fuck or wear lolita".

bro if you got dropped because of books you clearly didn’t have much to offer

get your zinc up because that dick flaccid, get a third job, hit the gym, learn to anticipate needs. idk but speaking authoritatively for all of us is doing a disservice to the discussion here because you are not a great anonymous baseline for women to find a good dude
>Not a single man of any age is ever going to hear that their girlfriend is a virgin and think it's a bad thing. It is ALWAYS a good thing for a girl to be a virgin.
Nah, I'd rather have a girl who's been in regular monogamous relationships before, virgins are too awkward about everything and I have a big dick so I'm a bad guy for a girl to have her first time with.

This. seeking to date virgins exclusively is for insecure men who think about other dudes cocks too quickly and draw comparisons, they can’t just live in the moment of having a wet grippy box grab their cox

if she gets tested and has normal social skills/expectations then it doesn’t really matter if she had a hoe phase. Bro just doesn’t want to have his limp dick compared to a healthy one
>that women only have 2 holes down there
there is only 2 holes idiot. the pee hole in front and the one you stick your pp in by the butt
just join in on any event with other people, and then if they're not already in a group, ask if they want to hang out.
it wouldn't attract cosplayers specifically, but i'd personally try joining or running a ttrpg, since that's what i enjoy, and pickup games are an attraction at my local con.
from there you can see if the other players are also looking for friends to chill with.
Rate my take: I'm 30. I want to date a virgin because I'm a virgin. Studies show that people who have had multiple partners are more likely to not stay in a relationship. I'm probably naive, but sex in my opinion is a special thing that you bond over. I'm not saying you need to get married first, but I want to really know someone first. I don't care about dick comparison. Dicks do gross me out though. I wouldn't a kiss after a blowjob for example. And even after proper hygiene, if a woman has slept around, there is just an ick factor.
How many texts? Are you being desperate?
>Not a single man of any age is ever going to hear that their girlfriend is a virgin and think it's a bad thing.
Tfw my first boyfriend was super annoyed and frustrated that I was still a virgin...
The fact that you're still a virgin at 30 means you're not attractive enough to pull a girl young enough who's still a virgin herself. I hope you realize that. You might get lucky and find an old, ugly Susan Boyle type virgin I guess.
this, if you're still a virgin past high school you're basically defective in some major way
It's mental not physical. Turned down the girl who asked me out in high school because I wasn't expecting to be asked out. Regretted it that night but didn't think to just talk to her and still regret it do every once in a while. After high school I would only go out of my house to go to work or to go hang out with one of the 3 friends I kept from school. I prefer hanging out one on one. Spent way too much time with online games as well. I'm very introverted and don't like going to parties when I don't know anyone. Only one of my 3 friends did groups but he would go clubbing and I was not comfortable around alcohol due to my mom calling it evil.

It took me until 25 to start going to gaming stores alone. I would always go with the one friend who did that prior. Went to a couple new year parties for 2 years until Covid hit. As for my friend who drinks, I used to DD for him but I would never stay at the bar or club, it was always drop off and pick up only. I was not comfortable going to those places. Post-covid I starting going to game night where alcohol was being served and I found everyone became more obnoxious the more they drank.

I also drank some Kool Aid of being Christian and sex is only for after marriage and for the purpose of procreation and I don't want kids and the divorce stories scared me. My worldview on that changed somewhere around 25. Up until 25 I thought I was actually okay single. Made a post here years ago saying that I didn't think I needed sex. Porn gets me by but I am realizing that I'm going to have nobody to share life experiences with.

Got a phone number from a girl in high school, tried calling, didn't have a car, didn't know what to talk about. Never spoke to her again after that one phone call.

You can't get someone if you don't even make an attempt. My problem is I literally haven't tried at all to date anyone in the past 12 years since graduation. Actually, I've never asked anyone out.
Oh yeah, and the only time I ever made a friend after high school was when I started going to the gaming store alone. Became friends with a woman who was a little older than me, single mom I think. 2 boys. She invited me to a couple of new years parties with our gaming group. Only would hang out with her with our group and I was not wanting to see her as anything more than a friend. Covid killed our gaming group. I only realized we were friend when she texted me asking if she was a bad friend for something. (I don't remember what.) But I was the bad friend for making zero effort to stay in contact during Covid.

There are some people I will see through my gaming friend who doesn't drink but I only go to those groups with him expect for one time when I went to game night without him. Making friends as an adult is hard, especially when you don't go to places except occasionally to play Magic. I hate going to stores alone and waiting to join in a group so I only go with my friend. It's all sausagefests anyway. But I go there to game not to try to find a date.
As a man, the personality I want from a woman is someone who treats others with common decency. However, what matters to me more than than personality are interests. If we don't share interests it isn't going to work. Likewise if we don't share life goals, it isn't going to work.

My list (in no particular order)
>No kids ever
>No pets
>Sober in every way
>Not pro or anti-religion
>Not overly political

It's crazy to me how many people don't follow The Golden Rule.
>ick factor
this is why women dont like you
as a more serious answer, why do you have the idea that just because someone isn't a virgin it means they don't see sex as special? "ick factor" aside, having a lot of sex doesn't necessarily mean you don't see it as special. Also if you expect someone to be very sexually active WITH you, you should expect the same WITHOUT you, so depending on how important having sex with your partner is I'd definitely take that into account and possibly tweak those expectations a bit.
You really do need to get a car if you're in the US though.
I mean I treat it as an exclusivity thing when I say special. As far as the car thing, I do have one. It's just that when I was in high school I didn't so I couldn't meet up with that girl who gave me her number. Sorry that was not clear.

>ick factor
That isn't why women don't like me. As I have stated already, women don't know me at all. I don't put myself in situations to talk to them. Much less have I had an opportunity to have a conversation regarding sex with a woman. Only women I've talked to in a social situation has been the single mom who I was friends with for a couple of years and my friend's friend brings his girlfriend to our Magic game nights sometime.

This year a waitress asked my friend and I if we were into nerdy shit because of our shirts. (We are.) She helping to host a game night at her 2nd job, but it was an hour drive away and they couldn't get enough people to keep it running. But yeah, outside of professional or business situations, I don't talk to women because the rare places I go don't have them.
>it's more just explaining why people don't like dating those kinds of people.
That's like hating pancakes and then hating the fact that pancake restaurants exist because you hate pancakes. Dude, if you hate pancakes just don't go to a pancake restaurant.

>It always immediately jumps to blaming the man because clearly something was wrong with him.
>it's perfectly normal for women to have more than me, but they're not the common denominator there.
>Men have just decided to value their wants more, but when men want to value their desires its a bad thing
it's very obvious that you're undesirable in ways that become more apparent the more time your partner spends with you, that's why it's your fault. Wouldn't have been any different if you were a woman. But you sound very invested in being a victim in your narrative so this probably won't change your mind.

>all my relationships except my first have ended on great terms
>they just ended for extremely retarded reasons
>someone who casually breaks off a relationship
The math aint mathing. You claim they ended on great terms, but you're here complaining and being bitter and resentful of your past relationships and why they ended.

>Not a single man of any age is ever going to hear that their girlfriend is a virgin and think it's a bad thing.
Nah, you're just expecting other people to be like you because you can't imagine anything else. It's obvious from the way you talk about relationships and women you've ingested way too much manosphere content. I know from personal experience and my friends that it's quite common for men to be uncomfortable and weird about the idea of dating a virgin.

> I want to date a virgin because I'm a virgin
>I'm 30
lol, you buried the lead on that one.
If you're still a virgin at age 30 then you're either asexual or there's something wrong with you, regardless of whether you're male or female.

>Not overly political
you can say the quiet part out loud.
>If you're still a virgin at age 30 then you're either asexual or there's something wrong with you, regardless of whether you're male or female.
I already explained what was wrong with me. Sums up as literally not trying due to being happy being single and largely not attending social events. Only got the confidence to go to group events without my friend when I was 25, even got told I looked younger than 25. Then Covid happened, had some other bad thibgs happen and now I am 30. Funny that you mentioned asexual. I am not. Very much attracted to women. My neighbor when we were in middle or high school (a bit of an asshole at times) called me gay because I thought it was disrespectful to publicly talk about which girls I was attracted to. I grew up very sheltered Christian. I thought a blowjob was blowing air on the dick when I was in middle school yet somehow knew sucking dick was a thing when I thought that. Found out they were the same when we and said neighbor were telling your mom jokes. In high school in an attempt to get my neighbor to stop trying to find out what my type was I told him I was asexual without knowing the word for asexual. Idk why but I thought that was easier than explaining how I thought pointing out who he thought was hot was rude. Same friend in middle school called me out once in private about a girl I had a crush on when we were in middle school and I denied I liked her. He was like "dude, you're all over her" and I was. I just didn't know it. But looking back with an adult brain, I was down bad. She considered me a best friend.

I guess living with a Christian mother of divorced parents does that. I was constantly afraid of being caught doing something wrong and lust is a sin. My dad would sometimes try to find out if I thought a girl was cute and like with my friends I would tell him nothing. Especially if I thought she was.

>you can say the quiet part out loud
I do not know what this means and English is my language.
More on board topic, I found out my local con has a cosplay dating event. Must show ID to enter to prove that you are 18+ I wanted to do it but have never really cosplayed. Best I did was winning a Halloween contest as a kid for swappong out the cutout face mask for the voice changer helmet as Darth Vader for for that Halloween costume. I made sure to wear all black under it too. Only cosplay I am suited for is Harry Potter but I am not a fan and only one I'd like to do is Spider-Man. But I would not want to just do the morph suit, masks are banned, and I am not comfortable with attention. Then I came on the board and remembered how many mental issues a lot of cosplay goers have and decided not to go to the event.

Guess I should add that I have Asperger's. Denied it for years to myself because I didn't want to have something wrong with me. I still do not tell people and over time and via customer service jobs can now fake being a normie in everything except for having never attempted to date anyone since high school. Only thing was indirectly telling my crush I liked her and dating a girl on RuneScape for almost a year when we were both 14. That only started because on of our friends suggested we date. Her dad wanted to talk to my parents and I ended it but stayed friends. Met her IRL when we were 17. But yeah almost no social events and only other female contact being work doesn't go well.
>how many mental issues a lot of cosplay goers have
Just realized how bad that sounded. But due my issues I probably need a normie gf. I'd like some geekyness so we have similar interests, but I am aware of how exhausting I get for others when I start to talk about my interests and don't want a feedback loop like I already have with my best friend. Nor can I be the more stable partner. I hole up in my room for a day after most days I go places. Want to today but I have a weekend pass to a con so I am making myself go so my friend isn't alone and I am trying to invite another friend of ours. Something I almost never do is invite people to stuff.
>I already explained what was wrong with me.

Well, all of those reasons plus the fact that you are severely autistic (you should have mentioned it earlier, it's highly relevant just like being a 30yo virgin is relevant) means that all of your traits and issues are the reason why your love life is the way it is.

I know it's tempting to blame the other person and/or to come up with theories that are supposed to prevent the same thing happening again.
Like thinking dating a virgin will increase the chances of your relationship being a success, it won't, you can find studies to support any viewpoint and the manosphere tends to pick studies that suggest none of their issues are their fault. But everything you've mentioned about your past partners and what they did wrong in your perception is a lot less big than what's wrong with you.

I hate to say it but I think the one who broke up with you because you don't hate JK Rowling probably just gave you a fake reason so she could leave without a long, awkward talk about what's wrong with you. Some people do that kind of thing because they fear that giving the real reason(s) starts a discussion that could give the other person the impression that whether you break up or not is up to debate.

You sound quite immature for a 30yo, which isn't that uncommon with autistics because autism sometimes presents in a very noticeable delay in development so I don't blame you for that. But consider that you might still not be mature enough for a functioning relationship.
You need to get better reading comprehension.
>serverly autistic
It's Asperger's and the most mild form of autism, althought they've drastically adjusted how the spectrum is categorized in the past 20 years. I don't like to lead with it in a discussion because I like reading responses about how normal relationships are supposed to function and/or advice for normal people. I try to live life like it doesn't exist but you're right. It affects things here.

>tempting to blame the other person
There isn't one to blame.

>past partners
I haven't had any other than that one girl when I was 14 and it was online only. We met as friends when I was 17.

>don't hate JK Rowling
>claiming I got broken up with
I was confused as to why you brought up JK Rowling, but then remembered I mentioned that I could cosplay as Harry Potter. The only reason for that is because I look very similar to Daniel Radcliffe. I didn't notice until someone else told me I did. I'm not super into Harry Potter and I don't follow JK Rowling on Twitter or even know much about whatever controversey she was in.

The online relationship I had when I was 14, I broke up with her because I didn't want to tell my parents about the relationship and her dad wanted to speak to my parents.
Hey fellow autist here and there really is no "mild" form of autism like ur coping, people will always treat us as "with or without" and it'll severely affect our lives as it has yours. We live and develop at a different pace and that's fine, but trying to bridge the gap by looking for someone with very specific requirements is probably just going to leave you isolated and prevent you from having meaningful connection. I know it's usually kind of 0 or 100 and you have the idea that it's just because you haven't tried but it's really beyond that. It's better to accept yourself and be open about it to have success, but if you're open about wanting a virgin normies are going to think you're a creep. Just because we develop slowly doesn't mean other people do, so it comes off as predatory for a 30 year old dude. People see the age, not the developmental level.
mentally defective is still defective
i'd tell you to stay out of the gene pool but you seem to be doing just fine on that front

based take
autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic. autistic? i was autistic once. they locked me in a imageboard. a blue imageboard. a blue imageboard filled with seagulls. and seagulls make me autistic.
In my third world country, there's some sort of mafia or cartel that extorts people with keychains. They offer it to you apparently for free, then they ask you how much you think it's worth, and then ask you to collaborate with that amount for something (college work or something like that).

They purposely stay in public areas where the internal convention security can't act, and police won't be able to act because they can easily claim they're just selling it.

Because they prey upon people who often can't say no or don't have the street smartness, I wish they would die. The most horrible death, with pain, with agony, making them wish they weren't scammers in the first try.

I wish it was legal to kill scammers. Conventions should be safe areas. May God bring their biggest anger on them. If they don't die I hope they suffer. Unfortunately murdering scum like these convention scammers is illegal.
>I wish it was legal to kill scammers. Conventions should be safe areas. May God bring their biggest anger on them. If they don't die I hope they suffer. Unfortunately murdering scum like these convention scammers is illegal.

Stop being so cringe. Just shut up and lurk until you understand the board culture.
Very well said. I've never had this conversation in real life. Would absolutely see how normies would think it's strange. I'm not looking for way younger either. Haven't looked at all really. I've never been on apps. Like I said earlier, only ever talked to 3 women socially ever in the pas 12 years. One was a tabletop gaming friend and the other two were friends of friends or girlfriend of friends. But yeah, I don't have these conversation with anyone. The perks of being anon.

Fair. I don't want kids anyway, just a relationship. Accidental pregnancy is another fear of mine. I really don't want kids or the responsibilities behind that. Both the time it would take away from myself and the financial responsbility and the unpredictability/ Although I'm sure I'd do a better job parenting than a good chunk of people who shouldn't even be called parents.
No he's right. I don't want your demo bro.
That's not the point. Nobody likes scammers. But >>10924603 is like a cringy 14yo.
>I don't want kids anyway, just a relationship. Accidental pregnancy is another fear of mine.

assuming you're the 30yo virgin consider getting a vasectomy because it will put a lot of those fears to rest.
I think you're lying. You don't care at all how a woman looks? As long as she meets these standards of personality, is nice, and shares your interests then it doesn't matter if she's fat or has a huge beak nose or whatever? Yeah right. You want her to be conventionally attractive in addition to all this.

So what are you even planning on doing? You're gonna ask out women in their mid 20s and older and then grill them immediately about if they're virgins, then drop them if they're not? There's like literally 1% chance that you'll find a virgin and you'll quickly gain a negative reputation among local women as a creepy virgin fetishist. They'll probs even post you to AWDTSG.
Thank you anon for seeing the truth.

>board culture

Right, where 90% of the board's movement is lolita, which is a minority of a minority.

Wishing scammers would die because no one who can do anything will take action until they get violent is being edgy?
>Wishing scammers would die because no one who can do anything will take action until they get violent is being edgy?

Going on a frothing at the mouth rant that includes multiple painful death wishes upon others and wanting murder to be legal for the crime of scamming is unhinged. And cringy. Take your pills anon.

>Right, where 90% of the board's movement is lolita, which is a minority of a minority.

I do not see how the proportion of lolita vs cosplay activity on the board is relevant.
There has always been pushback against anons who are crazier than the average cgl visitor. Someone else may have already told you this but it's best if you shut up and lurk.
you seem like a knowledgeable member of this community. do you perhaps know how I can edit a post I made earlier? It seems like i made an embarrassing mistake that I would like to fix but cant seem to find the edit button sir or madam

much appreciate
gossip girl
You see now why your parents want to marry you off? You are a literal mentally ill faggot. Get the fuck out of here.
yeah bro totally if you didn't lose your virginity by at least 2 seconds old you're basically a permavirgin who should kill himself
everyone must experience the carnal act of meat going inside meat hole as soon as possible or else you're basically a failure because... because reasons okay!
woah using the f slur? Jesus anon learn board culture the majority of anons on this board is fruity ah (as heck)
>genitalia without pubic hair, without labia minora and without pigmentation
That describes prepubescent genitalia. Men are pedos, what else is new.
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Cosplay takes up so much room. I don't understand how the japanese do it in their small apartments. Especially when they produce stuff that requires lots of practice and experience, which translates as lots of accumulated older cosplays. I wonder if they have storage units in Japan.

Those dang dirty men.
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Ice Spice is obsessed with farding and shidding. Not very lolita.
man, I can't speak for anybody else but I just think it looks hotter without hair, the whole pubic area is very erotic and it's more attractive when it's exposed instead of hidden behind something that looks like my beard. Smooth hairless skin feels a lot better than scratchy hair too. Most women I've known who shave do it out of their own preference anyway, for comfort and perceived cleanliness or just aesthetic reasons so it's stupid acting like it's some atrocity awful men are inflicting on women.
They actually do that in LA
Never accept a CD from anyone
Yo bitch, go dress up in your camel toe yoga pants and athlete sweather. You forgot to bring out your ugg boots too.
16 year old boys aren't prepubescent, you retard.

That's because you're pornsick. Men in the 60s/70s loved full bushes on women because that's what was in porn back then. Men blindly prefer whatever is shown in porn because they're easily brainwashed.
>calling prev anon pornsick while
excusing pedophilia

16 year old boys are still minors, pervert.
Nayrt but to be a virgin at 30yo absolutely means there's something off about them if they're not asexual/aromantic.
It either means they either have such low confidence and/or poor skills that they decided not to try, or they did try but nobody wanted them.

There's nothing wrong with being a virgin past high school and into your early 20s, it may not be the average but it's understandable since a lot of people are still really focused on finishing their degree (and so may not even take time to have a love life) and early 20s is still really early in adulthood whilst 30 is well into adulthood. Like you're not fully developed since there is still physical and mental development taking place. Also some people grew up shy with low confidence so they need these early adulthood years to come out of their shell, for others who had poor social skills it's the time they finally get good at socialising. Some people lose touch with the friends they made in school, and have to rebuild a social circle whilst having their first full time job.
Even prepubescent girls have labia minora though. But the hairlessness indeed makes it look closer to prepubescent genitalia. Apparently porn in the 90s had something to do with the west now generally preferring a hairless cooch.
The Japanese have no such hangups about pubic hair and iirc the majority of Japanese women don't remove their pubic hair, although body hair removal for other areas of the body is popular and big business. As for the pigmentation: everyone has some pigmentation before puberty, almost no one has coloring that comes close to the bleached look, but pigmentation does increase during puberty as a result of hormone changes.
Cue guys saying these boys were lucky.

I hope these women get at least as much time behind bars as men in their position would.
I don't know why I initially thought those were people in suits instead of them being giant plush toys this guy lugs around with him. But good for him.
It's strange enough that anyone would prefer female genitals without something that is supposed to be there and doesn't occur before puberty starts.
Pubic hair also isn't vestigial, it still has a purpose. Mostly to prevent painful raw skin from friction rash (and resultant infections) in damp high friction places.
Shaved vag is only smooth the first day, after that the new growth is far more prickly than uncut hair. With waxing you have to wait until enough new growth has occurred each time for it to be able to be waxed. Permanent hair removal is both costly and drastic.
You may say that those women prefer to shave it themselves, but social pressure to adhere to body hair grooming norms plays a large part in shaping that preference. If it's objectively better to have a hairless vag and not just a societal norm in some countries then far more Jp women would remove theirs.There's little to no pushback if they remove it so they pretty much have a free choice about this. The west also had razors pre 90s, so if it was better they'd have done it en masse as well.

What >>10925226 said about men and porn is true. Trends in porn do influence what men want.
I was going through some con photos earlier and there was this Kratos. He had done a bad job at his muscle suit and he looked like was wearing a bouffant. Poor guy was all alone. I should had talked to him.

People under the age of consent are illegal, you pedophile.

>something that is supposed to be there and doesn't occur before puberty starts
Like armpit hair? Body hair is disgusting. Plus everything >>10925149 said.
You think armpit hair is disgusting because you've been told that it is, you didn't come up with that idea on your own. There's nothing inherently disgusting about armpit hair, you should be washing your pits anyway regardless. Hair or no hair, if you wash it as often as you should it's clean.

Armpit hair shaving/removal is not the norm/default everywhere. Body hair grooming practices vary per country and a culture that removes more hair is not an indication that that culture has better hygiene. Washing is what makes you clean, there's no alternative for it.

If you argue that it looks disgusting or gives you the ick then (sensory issues aside) that's because you've been conditioned to think it is. I rarely (if ever) see unshaved pits in western media unless it's on men.

I hope you're a naked mole rat from the neck down, otherwise you're a hypocrite.
>The west also had razors pre 90s, so if it was better they'd have done it en masse as well.
They did in some places and at some times, it was pretty common in Ancient Rome and Egypt and has remained so in Islamic cultures continuously. It's also worth noting that it's become MUCH more common in Japan than it used to be, still not the default but nowhere near as rare as it was a few years ago, Japan had a thing where shaving used to be associated with prostitution but that's faded a lot with the more western-influenced younger generations and trends toward skimpier lingerie.

I'll also add that there's a major element of genetics going on with hair growth and it's not the same for everybody, personally I have to shave every other day to stay nice but my GF can go close to a week because she just doesn't grow that much hair naturally.
I've seem a documentary on this and it's true that body hair grooming practices vary by region, culture and era. You mentioned the association with prostitution in japan and that reminded me that that association used to be in the west as well. Just a long time ago. They shaved to hide that they had pubic lice. I say "hide" instead of kill because you cannot get rid of pubic lice by washing or shaving although it does reduce their numbers somewhat. Shaving was also associated with illness as it was done sometimes to hide symptoms of syphilis and other illnesses/health issues. To appear healthier prostitutes would use what was called a "merkin" (a pubic wig, but what a funny name ay) and the first mention of the practice in the west dates back to the 1450s.

Because body hair grooming practices vary I think there's no right or wrong as long as you can maintain cleanliness and are truly choosing to shave or not based on your own preference and not because of societal conditioning. I hate the misconception that shaving pubic hair makes you cleaner/more hygienic. I shaved mine for over a decade because of social pressure since it's the norm in my area. So simply out of fear that I would receive negative criticism about it. It was a standard and I did not want to be caught not living up to it. A man has never seen my unshaven down stairs.
Some men can be so dumb about this by thinking an unshaven cooch is gross, but their unshaven crotch isn't. Anyway, I went to a gyn to treat vaginismus, she told me to stop shaving, what pubic hair is for and why shaving has some negative side effects. A year later I decided to try it out. But I hadn't seen my pubes in over a decade. Turns out it's blonde, thin and straight. I don't have a lot of it but it doesn't look sickly. There were no down sides to not shaving, only upsides. My skin is happier and I need less time in the shower. I eventually settled on trimming it when I think it's getting a little too long.
>Some men can be so dumb about this by thinking an unshaven cooch is gross, but their unshaven crotch isn't
Yeah, that's fucking dumb. I STRONGLY prefer women hairless, based more on personal experience than porn, but I absolutely hold myself to the same standard and haven't had pubes in years either. Hell, if anything I think it ought to be even more of a thing for guys than girls just given the way our anatomy works.
>Most women I've known who shave do it out of their own preference anyway
Do you know just how time consuming it is to shave the vag lips? Do you know how common knicks and razor burn is on that area? Do you know how painful waxing is? And yet you seriously believe single women are doing this shit? Lmfao no. They only do it when dating/in relationships, because men expect it. No one just does it for funsies.
And yet I've known multiple women who do, including my female roommate, who hasn't had sex in two years. (And before somebody says something, no, I'm not creeping on her to know this, she's a massive oversharer who spends hours a day talking my ear off about literally everything that goes on in her life.)

btw for anybody who wants to shave and is having a hard time with razor burn etc. I can't recommend the Gillette Skinguard enough, the aforementioned roommate "borrowed" one of mine and came out of the shower raving about how great it was for pubes, so I tried another for my own and it is indeed amazing.
My friends bailed out on me. I'm big mad. I got a genshin impact (never played the game) cosplay because they wanted to do a group cosplay. How do I make friends?
Nayrt, but I also shaved multiple areas when I was single. Not because of preference but because of fear. Fear of it accidentally peeking out of my bikini bottoms, fear of meeting someone who would deride me for it. I was also a pick-me and had low self esteem. Shaving was a way to live up to guys expectations and societal standards. I wasn't even consciously aware of this, I thought I preferred it myself and that not doing so was gross and deviant. I had the same misconceptions about an unshaven cooch as those hypocritical guys. I would have never thought to ask my bf to shave. Them having pubic hair just never bothered me. I think a shaven male downstairs looks strange.

Other people can have whatever preferences they like regarding body hair as long as they don't claim that not shaving is gross and as long as they're not hypocritical.
I even heard a guy say that pubic hair on women was "unnatural". Lol, that is the peak of being brainwashed by social standards.
There's definitely a double standard about shaving between men and women and way less expectation of guys doing it for sure, but as I said I personally think we've got way more practical motivation just because we've got overlapping parts that get sweatier, can be itchy when hair is between bits, etc.

As for my take on women I wouldn't say it's gross, it's just not actively appealing to me the way a shaved one is.
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> cosplay feels thread
> last 1X posts are about men and women genitalia shaving differences
The pastel goth and rave scene ruined the cosplay scene.
Same when I was young. I thought I had to because of porn and men's expectations. Thank god I grew out of that, I don't even shave my damn legs if I'm not a relationship these days. It's amazing and comfy to just be hairy.
>don't even shave my damn legs if I'm not a relationship these days.

I use the rule of thumb that if I'm not showing that specific body part in public, then it's okay for me not to shave it. I mainly wear jeans so I rarely shave my legs. Because I burn really easily I never wear sleeveless tops and prefer to be fully covered even in the summer heat. So no-one is seeing my armpit hair either.

I cannot stand the feeling of shaved legs touching each other. I've always disliked it.
I shaved my legs once before ended up with strawberry legs
You make friends by being thrown into crappy situations with other people and overcoming them together.

"Why you on internet? Why you no working? No crying! You make money now!" this is what your arranged marriage wife will be like.
That should stop happening after you do it enough. Just to play it safe, I'll shave a full day before anyone can see them
I'm sick of colored people ruining the scene
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trueee. I don’t understand why people do that to themselves. I’m perfectly fine just laying here on my bench swing reading light novels with my cats chilling off to the side enjoying the nice night summer breeze with not a care in the world weee
i only did it to swim faster for pe swim class kek
Fag bushes are hot. Stubble is the fuckin worst.
I'm sick of people in positions of power ruining fucking everything.
Women, get out of cosplay. Leave that to men, 100% men. Conventions should block women from entering, all tickets paid by or in the name of women should be refunded immediately and even the staff should be 100% men. Women are the cause of all mayhem.
I'm an extreme bottom despite being a fairly masculine guy. I'm too anxious and unable to read people that I don't ever even try flirting with women at cons even when I've been talking to them for awhile and it's seemingly going well. I'm way more attracted to women, but all the action I do get is with guys because they'll initiate things or push things forward while I'm too terminally worried about making people uncomfortable that I don't go any further than matching whatever they're doing.
Just how many girls rejected you at the con, anon?
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I don't have any advice for you but I just want you to know I'm stealing some of this for one of my OCs, especially the part about being overly worried about making others uncomfortable to go beyond matching their moves. That's just peak character flaw and development opportunity in my smut literature for him.
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I’m a girl and I honestly agree. The pedo side of it is gross but I don’t believe that most men who want it shaven are pedos, if anything they’re just following trends in porn like other anons have pointed out. However I do have preferred reasons why I shave, it can get very sweaty in summer and blood clots can get stuck in the hair which was very uncomfortable. Your right about it being more erotic when it’s shaven, and honestly the thought of unshaven pubic hairs is just gross to me.
It’s rare I ever get bumps or razor burns from shaving, and I do it pretty consistently. Sounds like a hygiene issue but it could be genetic.
The thicker or curlier it is, the higher chance of ingrown or razer burn. Sensitive skin affects it too.
Damn u were really so mad that u pasted this comment in a whole ass other thread huh
>pedo side
I honestly think only women make that connection, frankly. Men don't think that hard about something like that . As a guy, the only bodyhair that somewhat grosses me out is leg hair - armpit or pubic hair? I don't care, but leg hair for whatever reason grosses me out.
>t. Man who loves his wife natural
>girl I'm friends with wants to cosplay buff guys but is a cute 5'2 girl
>I want to cosplay cute girls but am a buff 6'2 guy
All of them.

Yes, my anger needed to be unleashed.

>my anger needed to be unleashed
>leaves the most effeminate, flaccid post on an anonymous board that nobody browses anymore

precisely the point. i have a reputation to care for and all these words needed to be placed somewhere they would be actually read and not in some one sided notebook
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Next obligatory karaoke post
>Baka Mitai, already one of the most overused con karaoke songs out there
>You already know there'll be at least three people every night who do it
>That one guy who only does the two minute version
my feeling when that face
Endless such cases!
I wish more places had Machine Gun Kiss
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That shouldn't be an issue, unless they're annoying sticklers who only let you pick from their list of shitty 20 year old MIDI covers. But yeah, come to think of it, I don't think I've ever heard anyone try Machine Gun Kiss...or anything else from Yakuza, for that matter
>Pick me, pick meeee! I'm not like the other girls!
Libfems are pathetic
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Do Bobobo!

Wtf. Are you picking words at random or something.
>went to Japan for the 3rd time recently
>went to a con in Tokyo
>very well organized and fun, lots of waiting lines but buying doujinshi was very fast and easy despite that
>sellers are very nice and polite, and actual fans of the series they made doujinshi of instead of selling crappy, ugly badges and keychains of flavor of the month series
>no bullshit like literal who youtubers and tiktokers invited as guests, we were all either sellers or visitors buying things for ourselves among fans
>cons in my country can't compare
>want to go back again next year
Am I insane for wanting to go a 4th time just for weeb shit activities? I'm never going to bother with Japan Expo again in my entire life after this. It's like I've seen the light.
How do you go alone to the con in a country whose language you don't know? I want to make friends, but people everywhere seem very busy and hard to approach, which doubles my sociophobia and makes things worse.
You learn the country's language. Which won't solve your problem because people can't make friends at cons even in their own countries.
Someone please tell me I'm not going insane. Is there any place for people to actually enjoy Lolita fashion without having to deal with people who know nothing about the fashion. Like... Urgh, what's wrong with Redditors and the FB groups?
Discord servers.
all of the fb and discord groups I'm in have at least a few beginners, even Daily-EGL (which claims to be an exclusive group with stricter member screening, was once intended to be a beginner free group but I don't know if that's still one of the goals) has some iffy coords by people who haven't quite mastered basic coording yet.

But since there are so many groups on fb and discord it would be weird if there wasn't a "seasoned lolita" group somewhere. On the other hand if there is a seasoned lolita group it's probably no longer strictly for seasoned lolitas because people these days are too scared to actually reject beginner applications. Over the last decade I've seen a lot of groups turn into hug boxes with close to zero quality control.

Honestly, I think your best bet to enjoy lolita fashion with people who actually know what it is would be to just hang out with your lolita friends online and irl.
>have a huge 2010 AP sweet wardrobe that i rarely wear anymore
>decide to sell a bit cheaply at swap meet to test out the waters
>sell a lot, some pieces go to clear newbies, feels good
>some other pieces sell
>see them scalped on lacemarket for a massive markup
Fuck selling at low prices, I'm going to auction everything I don't want anymore on LM at high starting bids. I don't give a fuck if they take ages to sell, I'm done selling cheaply for newbies to get older pieces only for greedy assholes to swoop in.
mucho trabajo
I only sell for way below average resale value if it's not a sought after print or item. I always ask myself "would I be okay with someone reselling this for way more than I sold it for?" If not then I sell close to average resale value.
But how does one get invited?
Mea culpa ultra magnus vanitati latinae canentis. Words that can save your life.

Hell if I know. Idk how people network online.
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I told my little brother that a girl in my comm is turning 30, and he started chanting "SAG HEX SAG HEX" I just realized what he meant wtf
ask around in your local lolita community or ask your friends. If that doesn't give you a result then swallow your pride and ask on BSOLF.

How easy this all is depends on your involvement online. If you don't post coord pictures, or if you do but you don't interact with the online comm in other ways, then it's going to be more difficult to get an invite.
nobody likes your little made up stories.
There was a cosplayer who was walking around AX while streaming. Her camera was trained on me for probably 30 seconds during a vtuber concert. I was the only person cosplaying there, had a large prop I was balancing against my body, and was waving penlights so I'm sure it was just a somewhat funny/interesting sight, but I'm also super self conscious and half feel like people were making fun of me.
what sub style do you wear? you can make friends that way. additionally if you join the bigger servers you can find friends and then split off into smaller groups.
You should had gone to that streamer and forced her to dance with you. Then exchanged names and started following her around while providing commentary.
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A 26 yo woman in our comm only just learned that you don't stick pads to your skin like duct tape. All because the topic of pubic hair came up and she said she only shaves so she can use pads. And we were like, nani the fuck?
lol my roommate was doing this the other day because she's having a bad one and couldn't find a clean pair of panties she didn't want to risk ruining, so she was just running around the place in an old t-shirt with a pad stuck to her crotch.
>couldn't find a clean pair of panties she didn't want to risk ruining
So she risked ruining the carpet and sofa?
And she's a lolita? Was she out of thong diapers?
Normally I'd care but everything is already trashed and I'm about to sell the place to a developer who's gonna gut the place and remodel anyway, but really she's just scatter-brained as all fuck and makes some very strange decisions sometimes.

Nah, she's a weeb-flavored "alt" girl who occasionally cosplays and wears j-fash and lolita-adjacent stuff, but not real lolita. (Though she kept referring to some of the stuff she wore as "lolita" until I bullied her out of it.)
is this real? i'm confused how this even works. are the wings sticking to the inner thigh?

Stop making shit up. Even if someone was stupid enough to try it once they would find out it doesn't work the first time.
And there's no way they were talking about pubic hair during a meet or in the online comm.
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We saw a swimsuit cosplayer with ridiculous side bush, and we were wondering if we should tell her. How could she NOT know??
Correct your parents' mistake and commit domestic violence against him.
You bitches have been bullying men your age to not date zoomettes because you'll end up spinsters. Why are you pissed at the idea of zoomers also being not you?
also being into you*
don't bother replying, there's some anon that likes to make up obvious lies and posts them as "feels", you can tell it's the same guy because it usually revolves around something sexual with someone younger, is only a couple of sentences long, and is always with a reaction image that's named something instead of gibberish. see below
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>Unplug from the computer and phone almost completely during con weekends
>Check Instagram (which I never even wanted) after it's over
>Stories and reels and photos of people I wanted to see and never found
>delivered in mail box
>it is not in my mail box
>neighbors haven't reported anything misdelivered
Is it hopeless gulls? What can I do? I can't believe this had to happen with a grail dress. I'm so distraught I cried at the post office while trying to get a supervisor to talk to the carrier.
A lot of bigger shipping companies have a system where you can report issues like these and they'll do an investigation.

I had something similar happen years ago. The seller accidentally gave me the wrong tracking number so I saw "status: delivery successful" when I had nothing. A few days later my shoes arrived. It's less likely that such a thing would happen these days since a bunch of information is now attached to each other, but it's not impossible.
Thanks anon. I don't feel optimistic but I'm praying it was a similar mistake and my grail dress will just show up.

I messaged the seller to ask for a photo of the package to help the postal service but they haven't replied. Hope they don't think I'm starting shit, I really just need as much reinforcement as I can get.
I'm meeting this Taryn dude in Brazil for an anime convention. Anything I should know about him?
My mail carrier has a habit of scanning stuff as delivered days before it actually is. No idea why. Maybe that's what's going on for you too, hopefully.
Closing the saga: It might be gone for good, the carrier seems to know nothing about it and speculates someone probably broke into my locked mailbox.

I'm so fucking upset gulls. It was a grail dress I wanted for so long I don't know what to do with myself. Years of effort and a big pile of money, gone. I wish so bad I could just throw more money at this problem so it wouldn't hurt so much.
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Thank you for your message, I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner.
It did make me a bit nervous that people recognize me, but it's not really surprising, and it's probably okay.
Just for the sake of it I decided to dig up the oldest feels post during a con I could remember making. Even back in 2018 I was talking about the guy who's been nice to me at cons
> I've seen them at some cons now and then and every time they have greeted me and we've had some nice, although really short, conversation, and one of my better con experiences in recent years was due to spending the day with them.
But it's been some cons that I haven't seen him now, some that he's been going to in the past, so I wonder if he's finally stopped going to cons, maybe I should message him again, he didn't respond last time I messaged him when I asked to meet up.

I was thinking about who I could reach out to, but at this point the con is so long ago that the feelings are no longer fresh in my mind, but I really don't know who it could be, I have some people I can meet but I may not have anyone that I'm sharing deep, personal feelings with? It may be possible, but it may require me to talk to someone I never talk to, or to interact with someone old in a new way.
Ask to touch his abs
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I think my comm went to the water park without me because I'm the only one without a yeast infection.
There really is a difference between getting to know people online and in-person. I wish I didn’t live so far away from my lolita friends that live near each other; they’ve all gotten so much more buddy buddy with each other, ignoring and not reaching out to me even though I’d usually reach out to them more often in the past…maybe I just need to make new friends like they’re doing
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>Watch Mononoke in the kinoplex last night
>Ad for Anime NYC
el oh el
>Ad for Rose City Comic Con
do you live in an apt or house? you can try reaching out to a supervisor at the post office to see if then can track where the carrier scanned the package when they delivered it. If you live at an apt you’re sol tho since the mailboxes are grouped together. do you know how big the package was? It seems like something that would be too big to fit inside a mailbox so the notification should have been “delivered to your front door” or “left inside the parcel locker” desu
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>be me
>really into Lolita in early 20s
>hit rough patch at 23, take a long break from the fashion
>nowhere to wear frills, very little money to buy new things, just not feeling it with where I am
>4 years pass, in a much better place emotionally and financially
>local comms seem dead
>get on CGL
>it's almost all cosplay threads
>fuck Lolita died while I was gone
>big sad
>feels kind of dumb to want to wear frilly things at 27 anyway
>maybe feeling that way is what's actually dumb, I don't know anymore

Shit sucks guys
Lolita isn't any more or less dead than it was 4 years ago.
Facebook groups have become inactive or have a lot less members because of the mass migration to discord. This may be why your local comm seems dead if you're checking your local comm fb
>flipping thru IG stories
>see memorial service post
>it's for frilly-cookie's funeral
Man, she was a huge sweetheart and I love the apron she made for me. What a shock. I can't imagine how devastated her friends and family are...
I'm so sorry anon. I hope you'll at least get your money back.

There's no such thing as being too old to wear whatever clothes make you happy. Misako is in her 40s, is still a daily lolita and looks as amazing as always.
Some people would argue that it's okay if misako does it because she's cute and looks a bit younger than her age, but it's not okay if you're not cute and do look your age.

I say fuck it, just wear what you like.
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My cosplay gf is helping me crunch for A fest and she's introducing me to her friends soon. I'm going to help her crunch for her next cosplay too!
There are many lolitas in their late 30s and early 40s who look fine, just keep up with skincare and don't get too fat.
My cute cosplay gf does not exist.
Oh my god, I had no idea. She was such a massive style inspiration to me and I also own one of her aprons. I admired her handiwork so much and always meant to buy more from her shop.

Genuinely gutted even though I didn't know her personally. I can't get over how young she was and how her whole life was ahead of her. God.
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Not to be mean but Misako does not look young. Props to her for aging gracefully instead of doing fillers and stuff, but she does look her age. Nothing wrong with that though and she still looks great in lolita.
She doesn't look much older than 30
She will someday anon, I trust in you!
Kek anon no. Women don't have major volume loss in the cheeks/nasiolabial area already at 30. That happens in middle age.
ayrt and this also depends on the pictures. In some of them they removed her laugh lines. I heard she doesn't like it though.
I think she looks her age as well, but I know lots of people think she looks younger than 40.
Please, I don't know where you are but an average 25 year old American already looks older and more busted than misako.
I'm getting fat, I have been eating so poorly and haven't dared stepping onto my scale in almost two months, I fear what it'll show me, and lately I can even feel that I've gotten fatter. All my progress is being reversed.
You partook in the seed oils didn't you?

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