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prev thread autosaged > >>10895776

seriously what's going on with this replica.
Should have ironed it first.
replicas make me so nostalgic
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tokyo alice has the 2002 usakuma backpack for a whopping 600,000 yen
Horrifying alteration from Weibo
Didn't it sell for less than ¥60k last year kek
actually genuinely this looks so much better. The original cut doesnt look good on anyone
The original cut only looks good on girls who are thin and don't have busted hag faces.
Same lmao, I quite like it. It reminds me of the curtain clothes Maria made for the kids in The Sound of Music.

No one cares about Celestial anymore anyway so nothing of value was lost
i agree, it looks like it's a 2 piece set now.
the original cut looks best on thin, narrowly built young women who are below a B cup.
Some chinese lunatic is going to bite, I feel it in my bones. They should've just put it on yahoo auctions like they do with their other sought after stuff, but I guess they don't want to pay the fees if it goes too high.
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on my usual LM shopping scroll and see this ridiculous BIN pop up, I know it's rare but there's no description at all about the condition and this seller seems to flip a lot of rare sweet pieces... is OTT sweet even that trendy nowadays anymore for this level of pricing?
I’ve bought a few rare dresses recently and it feels like there’s not really competition for them anymore. I’ll still spend up to $500ish on a rare dress, but yeah forget that. Only dress I see actively selling in that range is Melty Ribbon Chocolate
What's with newfags on lacemarket not leaving feedback? I've had four people not leave feedback in the last two months, even though tracking shows that they got their packages.
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I’ve been watching this for ages hoping the seller would lower the price bc never in my wildest dreams did I think anyone would actually buy it, but once again I’m reminded that lolitas are deranged
kek get fucked poorfag
I don't know why anyone would do that considering it pops up not that infrequently for 1/4 that price...
pathetic attempt at larping
seethe harder
It's a rare item .
Having own a few sets of that specific set myself, I don't expect to see anymore being listed.
it's not that rare. I've seen it pop up a half dozen times the past 5 years.
Yes and I expect it to be less and less each passing year, which is already happening
more like pathetic scalper encouraging people to buy scalped listings so she can get her weekly paycheck
Leave some for the rest of us goddamn kek
>owning multiples of the exact same thing
ok hoarder-chan
This dress used to go for over $1000 for every colorway besides black. The BIN seems pretty reasonable if the condition is okay.
it's not exactly hoarding if you are keeping it aways from everybody else.

only a few are allowed to own this set.
Let me guess, your "camera is broken" or "only a few are allowed to see the photo proof"
some of us just have money. i hope you aren't into mary magdalene
>it's not exactly hoarding if you are keeping it aways from everybody else.
That is exactly what hoarding is. Not sure why you picked this dress aka the least popular colorway of the most popular AP dress ever of all dresses to hoard but ok.
Daily reminders:

1.You're absolutely allowed to sell at whatever price you want.

2. You're also allowed to buy at any price you're fine with.

3.Poorfags will always complain no matter what.

4. Are you going to build your wardrobe or are you going to wait 5+ years for "the right pricing will appear" which is very unlikely btw
all of this. And if you're annoyed by scalpers then just ignore them. I know what I'm willing to spend on a specific piece so if the scalper price is way over my max then I just don't buy it. Either someone else will buy it or the listing will stay online for long enough for the scalper to lower the price.
mary magdalene is the worst brand for this. it's rare enough that if you don't pay the scalp, someone else will, so you just kind of have to suck it up.
honestly I'm positive most of the seethers are poorfags or young and don't have good jobs. after getting established in my career for a few years scalping is just an annoyance for me now. I've seen people scream about $20 markups on $300 pieces, it's really not a big deal. I still refuse to sell to anyone who blatantly scalps though, epsecially the cunts who buy my shit only to sell for $100 markups right after getting it. I don't mind as much if they buy and resell for higher years later when trends change, or markup by just shipping and paypal fee cost, it just pisses me off if they buy just to scalp.
That's not how cup sizes work. If you have a small band size, a D cup would still look just as small. I recently learned my size is 65D instead of 75B...
I originally posted the Sugary Carnival jsk and I’m sorry but there is an enormous difference between paying scalper prices and paying 188,000 JPY for this set. It historically sells for half that price at most. This is nothing to do with poorfaggotry, it’s someone having a manic episode.

>only a few are allowed to own this set.
kek, fair play. I’ll fight you for the next one anon.
Cup sizes are assigned based on the measurement difference between bust and underbust iirc. If someone has a narrow/small ribcage and small breasts in relation to their rib cage they do not have a large cup size. Very high waisted cuts don't tend to look good on people who have a larger difference between underbust and bust, in other words they usually don't look good on larger cup sizes. It has nothing to do with being able to get your body in the dress or not. The seams just aren't curvy enough for larger cup sizes so it looks weird.
Some bodices are almost rectangular with how little difference there is between bust and waist, this is often worse with higher waist cuts.
can confirm. i'm slim with a small band, but have a D-DD cup, and lots of dresses fit with wiggle room but look like shit because they simply weren't made for people with noticeable breasts. it is what it is. some lolitas bind or use a tight sports bra, but it usually doesn't look very good because unless you also have very narrow shoulders you can still tell they don't have the body type the dress is for.
you'll find lolitas cope with their bust size by overusing "sister sizing" and ignoring how bra sizing works entirely. having a small ribcage when you have bigger breasts is totally meaningless in the fashion. lolita is made for girls with a smaller b or c cup in japanese sizing, so a or b here, meaning 1-2 in difference between rib and breast measurement. anon thinking that being a d cup means her breasts are smaller is in denial.
Yep, this, and it also makes the bodices shorter because they get consumed over the bust. Plus western body types tend to be longer/taller so straps/sleeves will be too short so the boobs won’t sit in the right spot on the bodice. JSKs with adjustable straps are easy to work with but some dresses that don’t adjustable straps or sleeves with elastic just aren’t going to work even if you technically fit. A lot of people want to say you’re just fat, but that’s not even the case. You can be within the measurements to fit and still get boob loaf just because you’re shaped differently than the bodies it was designed to fit
People are allowed to buy at sell at whatever they want, and people are also allowed to have an opinion on it, both of these things are true at the same time.

You say "wait 5+ years for the right price" but this set is really not that rare to pay 500% markup on; this is probably the third time I've seen it this year alone. And a wardrobe consists of many parts and pieces - you can buy other stuff that's fairly priced instead of panic fomo buying overpriced hypebeast prints.
>which is very unlikely btw
Newfag scalper spotted. Also this >>10928171
Stay mad
lots of scalpers larping in here this time it seems
you're the one who's mad. i'm sorry you only found out about lolita during covid and had to pay 180000 yen for a dress that's neither that rare nor beautiful and you won't even fit into
Someone will buy, there's always going to be a buyer :)
Unironically the best comment here.
I wish that was true and I wouldn’t have to see the same things getting relisted on lacemarket for the 50th time
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The first two are givens but I start to disagree on the third one. The reason why poor lolitas are complaining is because of scalpers like you who raise prices to ungodly levels and expect people to believe it’s a “fair” price for its rarity or whatever bullshit you pull out of your ass, it’s funny because the majority of people who are called poorfags are just regular lolitas who don’t have 400 dollars lying around whenever they see a autism dress. Seven times out of ten lolita dresses are high quality and deserve to be paid a fair amount for but anything over 300 dollars is a clear rip off and there really isn’t a good reason why a lolita dress should cost half a thousand dollars or more. As for the fourth one; If your looking at the lolita market consistently I can guarantee you you will be able to find the same dress cheaper in a span of 2 years (unless it’s from the 90s or earlier and no one’s ever sold it before), this fashion isn’t some kind of ultra rare collectors hobby like scalpers make it out to be.
Bruh this was a status item briefly like ten years ago, even longer. Nobody really cares about it any more and even fewer will in the future.
>because of scalpers like you who raise prices to ungodly levels and expect people to believe it’s a “fair” price for its rarity or whatever bullshit.

We never said it was the fair price, but it will always be the right price for the RIGHT buyer.
Now kindly btfo~
It is indeed still a iconic piece, the fact that we managed to sell it at 188,000 says otherwise. Good luck with finding yourself a set.
>anything over 300 dollars is a clear rip
There are dresses where that's obviously not true
don’t reply it’s obviously bait. he types like the chiaki tranny.
Yeah here's one for 40,000. Like I said: this set is not that rare and pops up for a fair price often. There is no reason to spend 188,000 on it, ever.
>anything over 300$ is a clear rip off.

Nayrt but this is not true for old, rare, sought after, in good condition items.
That doesn't mean I think a dress or set should go for 1000$ or more, but anywhere between 300 and 600 seems appropriate to me for dresses, or up to 800 for sets. Depending on the item of course.
But I do agree sellers should stop overstating (or even clearly lying about) the rarity of an item. The terms "old school" and "rare" often pop up on listings where the seller is asking far above the average resale value for that particular item. This wouldn't fool experienced lolitas searching for that item so I'm not sure who they're trying to fool here. Beginners who don't have a clue about the right price range probably wouldn't pay more than 500 for a dress, since they're beginners.
Bought :)
relisting soon
Ok so you are just flipping them then. Well, this is live proof that no one has to pay overinflated prices for this dress so good luck finding an idiot that's as dumb as the person above to pay 4x what it's worth
Fyi, someone bought this for 188,000 not too long ago...
The entire point of this conversation is that that was a stupid thing for the buyer to do because this dress pops up for a fair price often, like literally just did a few hours ago, so there is no need to be paying 188,000 yen for it
No one here ever argued the need for spending 188,000 on a dress.
It was more of a matter of how much time you can save rather than how much money you can save.

Do you even understand value of time vs money?
the argument was "are you going to wait 5+ for "the right pricing will appear" which is very unlikely btw" >>10927889
but it didn't take 5 years. It took a week.
it may have taken a week for me, surely I was lucky because someone posted the link here. Unfortunately for others it could be months, years even
Bingo, it's definitely sainte posting these
>scalpers like you who raise prices to ungodly levels
I will never fucking forgive the mercari/fril scalpers for that. Now both retired japanese lolitas and second hand websites think it's the norm and stubbornly let their literal-who dresses sit on their sales page for 100k each for months, if not years. Painful.

Yup, very obvious. Can't even pass on an anonymous imageboard kek.
oh no what a tragedy having to wait to buy something instead of getting the instant gratification of buying extremely overpriced chinese sweatshop dresses to satisfy your shopping addiction
Ayrt and I didn’t touch on the people that buy scalped items so I’ll keep it short; there’s always gonna be a mentally deranged lolita that thinks $500~ is a fair price, but what keeps the cycle going is sellers start to notice people paying those amounts for the dresses and it spreads like a virus, this has affected regular japanese sellers as well that would’ve given a beginner lolita a good start. I also noticed that this is the type of wording scalpers use in listings so I wouldn’t be surprised if your one of the few scalpers in the thread.

It’s funny because these comments only prove my point more.
A lot of dresses were sold much higher than 300 at retail, why would they not be worth that if they're in great condition and hard to find. 300 is an arbitrary random number
buying overpriced items isn't flexing your wealth, it's flexing your idiocy
Sorry to ask this here, my grail dress was stolen in the mail and I'm desperate. Where are some good places to look in case someone tries to flip it?

I'm checking ebay, craigslist, and facebook marketplace already.
The type of people that steal mail aren't usually the types of people that are going to know the value of your dress - they're looking for electronics or recognizable name brands to flip, not lolita dresses. It's most likely going to end up in a dumpster. I'm sorry, anon.
> funny because these comments only prove my point more

Nayrt but why should a dress or set that was originally around or more than 300$, that is is good condition, very popular and rare not go for more than 300$?
Just because you've decided on a price cap off doesn't mean that's reasonable for every dress or set. You could hold the opinion that you should be able to get any car second hand for max 5000$ but that's just not going to happen. And it's not sane, realistic or reasonable.

Hating scalpers and scalper prices is one thing, but thinking that every dress should go for a max of 300$ even the ones where that's far below the reasonable average resale value, just because you don't have the money is ridiculous.
Nayrt, she has a lot of entitlement and is delusional. Trying to shame people into selling far below average resale value is not going to work.
>most likely going to end up in a dumpster
I know you're right, I'm just desperate. It hurts so much given how rare and old the dress is.
I wonder how many rare and old dresses have been thrown in the dumpster by niggers. Probably dozens.
if it makes you feel better, i had a dress be stolen and then returned a week later, just in an opened box.
you could try putting up posters and making posts in neighborhood groups to try and see if anyone's seen it. Offer a reward with no questions asked, maybe the thief will see it and try to cash in.
calm down sperg
Seeing this reminded me this thread existed.
The inbreeding probably has something to do with the low IQ
She's delusional. Funny how everything is loliable.
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a fat person who greatly overestimated their alteration skill, that's why. I hate this sort of stuff, just get a professional to do it.
The comments are a goldmine of lols the newfags are crying so hard
There's a full set of the skirt and blouse cut on fril for about the same price. Same color.
Somebody bid the BIN price half an hour ago. Do we think they'll pay up or did they negotiate a price with the seller?
The description states the BIN price is a placeholder for offers.
Top kek. The word "scammer" gets thrown around a lot on LM whenever consenting adults willingly offer A Lot Of Money in exchange for desirable goods

>Holy grails arent a constant. Wasnt it sugary carnival and 2010s sweet a second ago? Theyre profiting off of a fad thats pulled in many new lolitas who like oldschool. For me is the audacity especially after a damn rerelease too.
I forget a lot of lolitas' birth years now start with 20 until I see unbelievably shit takes like this
I hope this makes more people sell theirs
How much did she try to sell it for?
I don't get why they spam in the comments, it already sold for 1k a few months ago in an auction and no one said anything?

i have a blue colorway i'd consider selling. its missin bloomers, id listen to offers but no way in hell i'd list to lacemarket after people getting doxx'd over it
I'm looking for the blue OP. Do you have a throwaway email?
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Has anyone ever seen this before? People on Xianyu making listings to buy from LM on others’ behalf and taking a commission off of it… the listings pictured here are not mine but if a Chinese girl was having trouble buying one of mine I’d rather she message me to work something out instead of going through some hustler neet
holds should be banned from lace market, it's so stupid. if they can't buy let someone else pay up.
I don’t let people hold items anymore. I was tired of holding stuff for people just for them to change their mind and back out the sale. I wouldn’t mind doing it if they didn’t always waste my time
I’m the op, thank you but I’m looking for the black colorway.
Sometimes people message after the listing time and negotiated with the seller.
other times reserved listings are because the seller arranged the sale privately before listing the item.
Nta but in this case, they shouldn’t list it on LM in the first place. Just arrange a private sale.
lace market is used for feedback in this case.

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