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what's your cozy /cgl/ indulgences for warm weather? picnics, waterfront strolls, ice cream parlor meetups? do you prefer to stay indoors and work on crafts with AC blasting? share your favorite summery treats and comfy pics
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need maido...
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It gets extremely muggy where I live very quickly and it can feel like the entire atmosphere is pressing down on you. Going outside is like wading through a thick soup. The mugginess makes even 28C unbearable. It rarely gets over 35C here though, but it feels very different from warmer dryer climates. Always funny to see people from those places say we're a bunch of pussies for complaining about such low temperatures. That is, until they experience it for themselves. The common sentiment is that a muggy 30C without AC is much worse than a dry 43C with AC in every building.

For my own wellbeing I stay inside with the fan on, get some sewing done, and follow a strict ventilation schedule to make the indoor temp as cool as possible. Almost no-one has AC, this is the sweaty buttcrack of Europe after all, but it is gradually getting more common to get AC installed. The brave people who do have to endure disapproving comments and glares from people around them.

Tips to beat the heat: don't go outside between 11 in the morning and 6 in the evening, use the fan as often as possible, if it gets really bad put your feet in a tub of water and a cold wet towel around your neck. Say "fuck it" and get AC installed.
We have access to a wide variety of ice pops and ice cream from Asian countries. One of my favorite things is to buy a flavour I haven't tried yet.
Corn and red bean might sound strange but it works.
Every month of the year is suitable for hot soup. In the winter it will warm you up, in the summer it will make the air around you feel cooler as you warm up and sweat more.
Eating very cold dishes is something I wouldn't do outside of summer. So I enjoy chilled salads and ice cold noodle soup whilst I can.
Use a parasol with insulated lining, a hat, long sleeves, etc.

When the summer weather is a bit more bearable I like going outside and seeing all of the beautiful gardens.
is this grimes
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To piggyback off this, if you're someone who gets exhausted easily in heat, I recommend lemon water as it helps rehydration more than regular water. Nangmyeon or reimen are really nice cold soups, watermelon is in season and tastes great chilled, and cold barley, mint, or oolong tea are great too. Doing your cooking in the early morning or evening will prevent you from having the stove on in the day, and leave you with sufficiently chilled foods. I know my appetite disappears when I'm hot, so if you're like me I hope this helps!

Don't forget to wear sunscreen if you're picnicking! Long sleeve blouses made from organic material are still great in the summer as they can keep you protected from the sun and wick moisture from you. Cage skirts can help give you a little more air, and decorative boaters or sun hats are great accessories for the summer! Sunglasses are also recommended. Small handkerchiefs can help you to wipe sweat from your forehead, and some people use the cool patches for when you have a fever on their necks as well. Hope everyone has a good summer!
These are some great tips. Although I must admit I don't wear lolita in the worst of the summer weather. These times would probably be suitable to wear a camisole but I feel like clawing all clothes off my body when it's that hot and going outside with exposed shoulders will probably cause a sunburn and lots of stares from the general public.

I do get exhausted easily in the heat and have been enjoying lemon water and "fridge tea" for some years now. I didn't know lemon water was more hydrating, I just liked that it had a fresher taste than regular water.

You've read my mind, I love those noodle soups and water melon. I also lose my appetite when it's hot so I tend to focus on staying hydrated and eating foods that give a cooling feeling. Salads are great. A few years ago I tried mango and chicken together in a salad with a tomato based dressing and it was a revelation (although usually I hate fruit in salads). I also like pretending I'm closer to the Mediterranean than I really am, eating those foods seems to give a more bearable vibe to summer. Bruschetta, hummus with vegetables, flat breads, sun dried tomatoes, olive oil, grilled vegetables, roasted eggplant spread, etc. All wonderful stuff, but realistically summer food mostly consists of soups and salads for me. There was this (probably) northern European soup I loved and ate often a few years ago, it had sautéed onion, carrot, and celery to start off with, then vegetable broth, potato cubes and fish, and was finished by adding milk/cream, a large amount of dill and S&P. It was excellent at replenishing salt and making you sweat.
Spicy foods are also a summer favorite. The most spicy things I have made are Korean and Indian dishes, but I'd like to try to make authentic Mexican food in the near future.

Your tips on what to wear are good, I always cover my head when out in the summer sun. RinRin had a video on Japanese summer products you might like to see, including cooling packs.
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For sure, as much as I love lolita some days are just not lolita weather, they're "wear whatever clothes I can take off fastest to shower 4 times a day" weather.

Yes, lemon water is really good when exercising too! I drink it during my routines and really do notice a difference.

Soups and salads are great for summer, and the spicy food too. Pickled vegetables like radish and ginger certainly perk me up quite a bit, and kimchi helps as well. A lot of fresh fruit is in season during the summer so it's also perfect for cold smoothies or shaved ice with fruit. So many possibilities.

I haven't seen that rinrin video, I'll have to check it out!
It seems we like a lot of the same stuff. I'm eating water melon right now, sadly it smells faintly of kimchi since I didn't close the jar well enough and now the whole fridge smells like kimchi.
I was looking forward to strawberries this year but a lot of the stuff in the stores isn't quite ripe at the moment. I had some earlier this year that were pretty good, but a fully ripe and fragrant strawberry is the best. There are lots of melon varieties available to me now, but I only really like watermelon. I try my best to eat what's in season and currently it's cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes.
I have never tried shaved ice, I just haven't had the opportunity yet.

Another way I stay cool in the summer is just by slowing down. So I try to do things indoors and slowly. Not only would vigorous activity in hot weather warm me up even more, I also have low blood pressure that gets worse in the heat and especially with lots of activity. When I was a student I would only have time to sew lolita stuff in summer, so that's what the hot weather reminds me of.
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the strawberries in our garden ripened, and they were delicious. i hope you get good strawberries soon, gull.
Aw thanks :)
I just came back from a trip to china, which is sweltering during the summer (and air conditioning is less robust there) and they also have a ton of great cooling items. my personal recs:
Wearable ice packs. I found an ice pack ring in china, and they make sanrio & snoopy versions as well as just colored ones. There are also stick-on ones, which can be found as "fever reducing sheets" in america.
Cooling sprays & wipes.
Fans. There are handheld and wearable battery-powered versions, which i prefer, but fans you have to wave work pretty well.
Parasols, wide brim hats, and any other forms of portable shade.
Thank you for describing these. I will see what's available here before I decide to taobao it, lol.
it's so hot but I want to wear lolita. Suffering.
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what a beautiful parasol, did the brand release that at some point?
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>black clothing
>in full summer
Imagine how sweaty they are under there
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>be me
>stay hydrated, fully dressed, INDOORS

AC is a human right
Agreed it baffles me when houses don't have ac, especially considering global warming.
If it's nice enough outside, having windows open gives some nice ventilation though.
nayrt, I wish I had AC but it can be very expensive to buy, install and run. In some countries it makes a lot of sense. In some others who only have 4 weeks of extra hot weather you can probably get by with a fan, a cold wet towel on your neck and the swamp cooler (feet in tub of water).
There's also a lot of criticism about ACs as they're not good for the environment and can cause higher local outside temperatures in places where every apartment has an AC running. The ones that are less harmful to the environment are also a lot more expensive. Some people also believe they are bad for health, this is why some people in countries where it does get hot enough for AC are still staunchly against them.

I wish I had AC, maybe I'll get it if I ever move. I want to be able to sleep decently and be productive regardless of the weather. And do lots of lolita sewing.
i hope you get AC, gull. lack of urban greenery + asphalt deserts contribute more to heat islands than a window unit, so don't fret about keeping yourself productive and sane
i used to not sweat much but i sweat a ton now, it feels gross and i hate it
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She needs to chill with the filter jfc my eyes
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