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I'm gonna do my first cosplay soon but I'm having issues with my contacts, so here a few questions:

>I haven't been able to get them on, no matter what I do. I form a nice little cup, get my fingers nice and close to my eye lids, pull apart to create space to see a big ol eye ball, press the lens against the white area, but it doesn't stick. Tried turning it inside out and it still doesn't work

>The woman telling me these told me to keep the lenses in a special liquid. I'm doing that, but how exactly does maintenance work here? Like there's a tiny strand of hair at the bottom of my lens liquid cup that I keep a lens in, so do I gotta pour everything out and refill it with new lens liquid? Do I need to wash the lens after each failed attempt at getting it in or can I just dump it into the lens liquid cup?

>Once I actually manage to get them on, how hard is it to get them out?
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Here's some pointers that I know, but bear in mind that I'm very much a contact lens amateur myself.

>Can't get them on
Be patient, and keep your eyes open. The biggest hurdle is not blinking while you get them in. Having dry, clean fingers to keep the eyelids pulled open will help immensely, but to get them in requires persistence and patience.

>Turning your contacts inside out
Don't. Bad idea. You need to make sure the contacts are shaped like a perfect curve and not bowed out. If you put them in bowed out, you risk damaging your eye and you'll be very uncomfortable.

It sounds like you have extended wear contacts. After every use, you have to empty the contact solution from the case and refill it with fresh solution. It's a hassle, but it keeps the lens clean. Wash the lens with the contact solution before you put them in the case with the fresh solution. DO NOT USE WATER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.

>How hard is it to get them out?
Not hard. It's basically a pinch and pull situation that requires dry, clean hands and keeping your eyes open. Just be careful.

Other notes:
>Why is it so hard to see with colored contacts?
The color of the contact itself blends into your vision, and you likely don't have contacts with your prescription.

>These are uncomfortable to wear after an hour! How do I fix this?
Get contact lens lubricant for your eyes. You'll need it if you're thugging it out all day at the convention.

>Can I swim with these on?
You shouldn't, but if you're at a convention like ColossalCon or HolMat and you want to go into the pool, keep your head out of the water at all times. If a drop of pool water gets into your eye, don't sweat it, but if you get splashed, take a moment to get out of the water, get the contacts out, clean them, and put them in their case.

I hope all of this helps, anon!!
One other thing to add: Always wash your hands before you put your contacts in. If you don't have access to a restroom or you're getting ready in your car, hand sanitizer spray is your best friend. I highly recommend B'laster.

Also, all of what I just said implies that you have a backpack or bag with contact lens cleaner and miscellaneous stuff for cosplay emergencies. You can never be too prepared.
NAYRT but what happens if I use water? I'm in a similar situation to OP. While I was trying to get it in, it fell off my finger to the floor so I washed it with water and then put it into the solution. Still haven't tried to put it in my eye again but I have changed the solution that they're in.
if u put it in solution it should be fine.

One thing that helps me is standing straight while looking into the mirror to see exactly where u apply the lenses. The tip of looking up while applying is imo not good. Hold the eye open with one hand. Carefully apply the lens with the other while keeping a look on what ur doing.
Try to surpress the reflex of eye closing when the lens touches a bit. Wiggle a bit then close ur eye. The lens schould stay in then.
crazy glue them on
Hi I taught kids how to put contacts in for 5 years:

>lens isn't sticking when placed on the eye
Add a drop of solution to the cup of the lens before applying it; when it doesn't stick it's usually because it's too dry. Don't flip it inside out. It needs to forms a nice cup, if it flares at the rim it's inside out.

I empty the solution every time I wear my lenses, and if I see anything floating in the case I empty it and rinse it with more solution. You can use water if you want but I don't trust tap water unless it's a case cleaning day and I'm cleaning with soap; if you rinse the case with water, let it air dry, try not to use paper towels/washcloths to dry it. Rinse with solution and you don't need to dry it out, you'll be putting the lens back in solution anyway.
I also recommend using Clear Care on occasion, depending on how often you wear your lenses. I do a con or two per month so I disinfect my lenses with Clear Care once a month. Don't use Clear Care directly before putting your lenses in though, it a peroxide solution and you'll have a bad time. Rinse your lenses with normal solution if you use Clear Care.

>putting them in/taking out
I put the lens on my index or middle finger, pull my lower lid down with my middle or ring finger (depending on which finger the lens is on, obvs), and look in the mirror as I place the lens on the center of my eye. Depending on how strong your reflex is to blink, use your opposite hand to lift your upper lid by pressing your lashes toward your brow bone. If you have a strong blinking reflex, try touching your eyes a few times without a contact in your hand; it'll get you used to having something coming towards your eye.
Once my lenses are on my eye, I look around a little to make them suction on and center themselves completely before I blink; if you blink too early you run the risk of blinking it out of your eye.
AYRT, phew thank you.
Also very helpful, thank you.
Whatever you do, do not fall asleep with them on
Just make sure if you’re tired of wearing them or just tired in general make sure you take them out
The only thing I have to add is to buy a cheap pack of dailies and practice daily. Clip your nails so you won't hurt your eyes while removing your contacts.
Keep in mind that prescription contacts are made to fit your eyes, so any cosmetic you buy will not be an exact fit and could risk injuring your eye if you try to wear them for a long period.
this isn't true, i have been wearing both kinds for years and have some that are identical to my prescription ones. circle lenses and cosmetic contacts used for cosplay have differing base curves and strengths just like a prescription. prescriptions aren't an exact fit or made for your specific eyes, they are sized the same as cosmetic ones. optometrists just pick the base curve and brand that will fit best, which is why you need to get them refitted if you change brands.

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