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Someone who was a part of the ACEN crowd blew their brains out in front of their entire hotel room this year. The whole thing shook me and I didn't even know him. No one in this entire community will probably even hear about it and it's like the guy never existed despite being an integral part of multiple cons for almost a decade. It's starting to make me wonder if this is a common occurrence here. Just how often do things like this happen to you guys?
Some people outside the immediate sphere absolutely heard. The memorial, posts in unrelated threads, folks I know in my area told me directly. Do they care? Of course not in the long run but still showed more sympathy than his so-called friends. Just last night I came across something with his handwriting on it, so of course it "hit different", and it's also why I skipped ColossalCon. I didn't feel right doing it. All this is to say...every group hobby and every group within it has drama. That group in particular was unhinged already, so I sadly can't say "no one saw this coming". But is it common? Probably not.
It completely derailed the ACEN generals if you're talking about /cgl/ in particular. You can go back in the archives yourself and check if you'd like. I recommend it if you'd like to see some crumbs of sympathetic thought (like three posts in about a hundred?), but only if you're patient enough to scroll past the disingenuous shitters who threw a whole riot in there.
Nobody cares because he was a pedophile and a rapist
He was neither of those things. He was a good person just loved to party.
Hopefully Taylor kills themselves at Midwest or someone throws them over the balcony
G-d, that would be wonderful.
We know about it. Sydney was an awful person hence is why none of us care. Cry moar about it
OP your delusional if you think he was 'an integral part of multiple cons for almost a decade'. Just because you are attending cons to get your dick wet doesn't mean you have much anything to offer that others don't have.

CGL is hardly relevant to the con scene with the average anon age increasing, discord, tiktok, main con chatrooms, and so one BTFO of cgl for the past while. At best 1 out of 100 attendee's might know this place exists but it's probably closer to 1 in 500 or 1000, and of those you have weird clique-ish style communities like the midwest that aren't worth the trouble to be in.

> Just how often do things like this happen to you guys?
People die at cons all the time, though it's usually due to alcohol poisoning or OD'ing I doubt that many kill themselves in style.
This. The dude was in no way “integral” to a 30k+ con lol. The people from the seagull discord just talk about themselves here to the point where idiots like op think that they’re actually important.

>People die at cons all the time
Not only cons in general, but especially Acen. First responders are constantly coming and going from the area starting day 0. My friends and I usually bet on when we’ll see the first ambulance
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The "gullilluminati" shit is a real thing. They have a disportionate influence in running party rooms and are "shelling points" for lack of a better term for the party section of the cons. Pic related, 3 of those rooms were gull rooms at ACEN (if not more given how loosely the term gull is used)

And yes I know they all feud like Sengoku Japan

They OD and get the paramedics, they don't yeet themselves in a party room.
>The "gullilluminati" shit is a real thing. They have a disportionate influence in running party rooms and are "shelling points" for lack of a better term for the party section of the cons.
I hope this is bait or you're seriously retarded.

Gulls just normally crave social interaction of any kind which is why they are willing to open their doors and booze for strangers. Room parties are so massive there isn't a "market" to them unless you are one of those faggots who can't make friends and constantly has to be that creepy guy clinging to people to be let in.

>3 of those rooms were gull rooms at ACEN (if not more given how loosely the term gull is used)
Wow out of the thousands of hotel rooms in the area... damn real overlords on that real-estate
>Gulls just normally crave social interaction of any kind which is why they are willing to open their doors and booze for strangers.

Which gives them social capital then, which proves my statements above.

>Room parties are so massive there isn't a "market" to them

Sure seems odd given I literally witness the market for con party rooms first hand as shown by the image shown. If there are people collecting room numbers to coordinate and give information to, that shows there is a market for room parties.

And again the early pic shows a certain number of room parties, it is a limited number, not to infinity and beyond

>unless you are one of those faggots who can't make friends and constantly has to be that creepy guy clinging to people to be let in.

Irrelevant. the topic is "is there a market for room parties. The answer clearly is yes because of the self evidential posts in all the ACEN threads. Do you think all of this shit was happening in the hotel lobby or the smoking section or the parking garage? Or a nearby house? No logically that means the only places would be....room parties

>Wow out of the thousands of hotel rooms in the area... damn real overlords on that real-estate

Last I remember, there were not thousands of room parties happening at the main Hyatt at ACEN. Let me quote myself again

>They have a disportionate influence in running party rooms and are "shelling points" for lack of a better term



Not "any room"
You sound like a very well adjusted and normal person who is totally not terminally online.
Gull meetups are fine but they are insignificant to the amount of people hosting room parties that are just as fun or easy to get into if you have any social skills. They fact you found 4 or 5 parties at a con with hundreds going on is not some grandmaster game of influence at cons. MIdwest 'room parties' are notoriously shit compared to other parties out there, I suggest you expand your horizons on room parties and social aspects in general if you seriously think like your posts.
Only show up to west coast gullshit like AX and ALA but I'll say that it's very eerie to see that happen in real time. I don't expect to ever draw a crowd if I off myself but it's still weird seeing irl
Actually rereading your post I am pretty sure this isn't a troll, so let me break it down because this is just sad.
>Which gives them social capital then
No, being desperate for any kind of attention to the point they just open the door if someone mentions a few memes to 'come on in' just because this is their socializing for the month is not really social capital. This is desperation.
>Sure seems odd given I literally witness the market for con party rooms first hand as shown by the image shown
>If there are people collecting room numbers to coordinate and give information to, that shows there is a market for room parties.
Grats you have like a few names there, were you personally invited to them or are you one of those people who "hears of a party" then jots the numbers down and runs through they list trying to get in. At midwest we had some huge faggot who would do that constantly steal booze, be weird, and threaten to call security sometimes during a kick out. He also had a "super list of things" like you. Most people 'don't "collect the numbers for room parties" they get invited to some and then go around to them. Collecting them all seems sus.
> the topic is
Yeah and you failed to understand the CONTEXT, cgl in comparison to reddit, discord, tiktok, fandom gatherings these days has all but been buried. This isn't news, compared to the amount of room parties that normally go on gulls don't throw that many. Sure The percentage of gulls attending and throwing room parties might be higher but man, some gulls call 2 bottles of booze and a sound bar playing music a "party".
>Last I remember, there were not thousands of room parties happening at the main Hyatt at ACEN
Yeah last ACEN many shut down because staff had a stick up their ass, you know there are other hotels hosting shit across the street right? I can't tell if you seriously only live cons through gull tunnel vision or just can't seem to network to other groups. Other hotels exist anon.
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>No one in this entire community will probably even hear about it
no-one would shut up about it
he should've done it in the middle of the hall to actually be remembered by more than 3 people
Guys PLEASE start name fagging yourselves there's too many schizos to keep up with. It's like Jersey Shore except everyone is even more retarded, fat, and gay. Do you fuckers even watch anime? Finally started Frieren cause I got tired of seeing that elf in a lot of porn.
>Guys PLEASE start name fagging yourselves
Why would you ever ask/expect limp-wristed cowards to do that? They can't even confront each other in their own servers
Namefagging is a faux pas on imageboards I thought, also we can all identify who is who by their typing style anyway

It's the same fags as earlier lol
>You sound like a very well adjusted and normal person who is totally not terminally online

Dude we are all posting on an imageboard. We're all terminally online.

>Gull meetups are fine but they are insignificant to the amount of people hosting room parties that are just as fun or easy to get into if you have any social skills.

Well, to provide more context 1: I'm not a gull (unless we use the loosest possible definition of "posts on this board"). I am not referring to gull meetups, I am referring to room parties. They will be in your room parties and they do have some level of influence

>They fact you found 4 or 5 parties at a con with hundreds going on is not some grandmaster game of influence at cons.
I didn't go around getting the information, I was running my room. One of those rooms in the screencap posted above is mine.

>MIdwest 'room parties' are notoriously shit compared to other parties out there, I suggest you expand your horizons on room parties and social aspects in general if you seriously think like your posts.

I've been going to cons since 2008, they may be shit compared to the coasts but compared to how they were a decade ago it's still significantly better. I naturally have a lower standard than you as the post made. Compared to JUST ACEN and Reactor (until it died in 2009) this is significantly more active.
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>Namefagging is a faux pas on imageboards
This thread is too short to be autosaged
You sure about that?
Where are you, faggot coward. The KEKISTANIS are here to rape you! Oh we know your holes are so loose we can shove a fucking watermelon up your ass
Racist sack of shit pussy fat bitch oughta be handled like Nanking
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> We're all terminally online.
no anon you're a real special case here lmao... I kinda feel bad for you if you aren't doing some very elaborate troll. Like a genuienly hope you are trolling because if not you might want to go look in a mirror and read the shit you typed out loud about yourself... this is seriously a pathetic mindset
>I'm not a gull (unless we use the loosest possible definition of "posts on this board")
"Oh I'm not a gull I just go to conventions they attend, room parties they have, and meets they have as well as poster here. A gull I am not one sir".

>They will be in your room parties and they do have some level of influence
this is pure schizo, this is like saying "republicans are in the room... they will change the climate".

CGL became largely irrelevant after everyone got super scared of the 4chan /pol/ boogie man association in 2016, discord is just the final nail in the coffin for this place. cgl only exists as a reference to again, a very small group of people in a niche part of the con community. It doesn't have any influence like your "gulluminati" schizo thinking. I can't believe I have to type this

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