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Super beautiful girl has a band called Nenagenix (top tier band)
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>giant boobs
I differ. But i was kinda like that in the past.
When you love her properly, you learn to love all of her, including most variations. Lain looks good almost every way and with most boob sizes (also those are not giant!, They are fine).
Don't be sad anon , thanks . Good job re-sharing it anon, now i have the name
, maybe i will find more.
>>10924560 #
I agree! I rly like every vertion of Lain, I don't understand whats so special about her desing but I love 99% of every fanart and cosplay there is of her.

btw, I do think her boobs are massive, I think is extremly unusual to have such a small waist and have more than that, unless the girl is fat.

tho I know is slavic contries is more normal to be so slim and having super big boobs
-only a Democrat socialist FAG will be disgusted by beautiful boobs
Cringe, literally just an excuse to be a thot. Shitty "cosplay"
What should she do? Magicly shrink them? I know theres boob binding techniques but with that shirt it would be hard to hide.
combination of binding or at least not wearing a pushup bra and not wearing such a tight top. Lain's dress is supposed to be loose; if hers wasn't hugging her tits so much they wouldn't look as big. Lain also has other outfits that would better help hide the fact that the cosplayer has a completely different body type, too
the girl literally gather more than 10 computers to shot those pictures. I think there is a strong level of commitment. not everyone can accomplish doing a cosplay and also a setting.

Shes the lain cosplay mvp in my opinion. Living with that much old tech.

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