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File: Comiccon_Montreal6.jpg (55 KB, 575x575)
55 KB
Happy Canada Day! Who's going to the Montreal Comiccon?
I missed anime north, I was debating to go to this one. Seems like it's more comic oriented than anime though.
A convention is a convention, they have VAs from several anime coming, pretty sure everyone is welcome!
going to Otakuthon instead, much cheaper for the 3 days pass.
Better choice imo. Montreal comic con is good for corporate , marvel capeshit slop. The vendor and Artist alley is mediocre as well.

Otakuthon is more anime themed but feels more lively and for anime/video game fans than Marvel and DC capeshit.
same! its my second year at otakuthon this year.
I won't be going to comic con though I have thought of going saturday for the celebs on stage event because a lot of cool people are coming but i'm going to a concert that day. i didnt think it'd be worthit paying 80$ for one day so im just going to otak
I didn't know it was soon, I'm going to Otakuthon instead. I wonder if I can meet people there instead of just being a loner. I'm only going to be there on saturday, so I don't know.
Otakuthon is ran by absolute retards unlike Comic Con that is ran by competent individuals.

Have fun waiting 5h in line for a concert only for it to be postponed by another 3 hours. You will get to enjoy your concert at the very back of the room, but not before getting yelled at by power tripping jannies. Also, no refund, it is YOUR fault for not planning your schedule accordingly
Are you that sperg who autistically writes paragraphs about how bad otakuthon staff and jannies are?

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