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hi i explain in my vocaroo
to keep on topic ig just general convention thread and like experiences? or advice
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>some event where I can meet a large array of very weird people
You're already on the right track
>I would like to go with people
It always helps to know which event(s) you're planning to attend. AX? (I'm not going, but it's a guess)
>Been to two anime conventions, Comic Con once, likes Renn Fairs
If you're a keen observer, that should've been enough to show there are different flavors of "weird", which of course can extended even more into furry or sci-fi events. The type(s) you'd like best depends most on how open you are to impromptu chats with strangers, drinking and tolerance levels for neurodivergent behavior
>The experience of being in a Discord server full of freaks
I'd rather avoid the political bent but since you said it, official con Discord meetups for cons skew towards far lefty and unofficial con Discord meetups go far right
>Any advice
I can boil down 50 pages of it into just one sentence: Wear a costume

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