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Hey this is my first posting here. So I wanna go to anime expo next year during my next vacation and I wanna cosplay just for fun since I have the money to buy costumes and assets but the only problem is that I'm not good at makeup since I have never done makeup and only had it once but I left someone do my makeup for me that one time I have seen a lot of cosplayers having heavy makeup to look almost like the characters. Is it necessary or is it optional?
It's optional but it makes your cosplay look a lot better and more polished. If you want people to actually engage and enjoy your cosplay, the nicer it looks with complimentary makeup, the more likely people will give you a second glance.
practice doing simple makeup on yourself. you don’t need to do complicated accurate makeup. it’s best to stay away from that if you’re a beginner. i can’t do that myself either, i just do what looks flattering on me. so foundation, blush, simple eyeshadow, lip color, and mascara. you might not even need eyeshadow. for lips, you can even use a tinted balm. all these things bring color to your face and make your features pop out. a lot of people are going to say you need this and that and you need to do this and that, but just the basics can make a big difference in your appearance.

also don’t think that you HAVE to do anything at all, this will just help your look overall.
If you are already attractive and pick characters with a face similar to yours you can go pretty far without any makeup. The more you stray from those the better the makeup will have to be to compensate.
If you just want to cosplay casually it's not a huge deal, but if you want to look good in photos you pretty much have to wear foundation, and once you've got foundation you'll look weird unless you add at least a bit of additional makeup. This applies to pretty much everybody too, I don't care how good your skin is or what ethnicity or gender you are, cameras WILL make you look greasy if you don't do something to make your skin more matte.
Cosplay is what made me get good at makeup, back when I was 18 or 19. I was a very weird and uncool teen and never touched makeup or skincare, until I got deeper into cosplay. There's lots of easy tutorials out there (especially for cosplay or generic "no makeup" looks), and lots of guides as to good affordable products. Even just a basic foundation + blush + mascara makes a huge difference. But at the end of the day, no. Lots of people don't wear makeup with their cosplay.
No offense but if you don't know how to do basic makeup then you likely aren't also doing basic things required to be attractive, makeup is pretty low on the ladder. Thus you likely aren't attractive enough to be a good cosplayer
Lol not everyone needs 3cm of makeup cakes on to look nice. Some people are just blessed. Sorry your an uggo without it.
3cm of makeup isn't "basic makeup". But everyone needs basic makeup to look professional and tidy, unless you're in the 0.01% of people who look absolutely 10/10 perfect when they wake up. And nobody who watches anime is in that 0.01%. Even Gisele Bundchen needs makeup.
Op here I'm average looking but I'm not attractive I know that for all my life and I don't really care
if you don't care then why ask about it at all? there's not a rule saying you have to wear makeup or else.
will you be my cosplay gf?
Only if you cosplay my husbandos and have sex while you are wearing the cosplay
of course.
What's your body type if you are fat or overweight then it's a turn off
I had to Google whoever that was and they look like a man so duh they need makeup.
I'm lean and asian/french
I work in the tech industry and I take home the bacon.
She's a major celebrity, why the fuck are weebs so sheltered??
If you just wanna cosplay and hang out in the halls, you don't really need makeup, though learning some basic makeup will cost you very little (especially when you're just starting out, cheapo department store makeup is fine) and will take you like an afternoon, and have pretty big impacts right off the bat on you looking good. If you want to do more than that, ie full photoshoots or cosplay contests, you'll have to learn much more complicated makeup. It really just depends what your goals are.
Not being into Brazilian trannies doesn't make me sheltered.
makeup is a skill that takes some practice but getting "good enough" only takes like 5 tries it's easy to learn. really no reason not to and it makes a huge difference between looking lazy and looking good especially for a female character.
primer + foundation + blush + setting powder + lipstick for the face
eyeliner pencil + eyeliner + mascara for the eyes
just buy from elf/wet and wild/maybelline
If you plan to never wear it outside of cons do this. If you plan to wear it at all regularly or find you like it and start to wear it regularly do not do this. You need good makeup not cheap shit from Walmart or it will WRECK your skin. You'll be 24 looking 40.
I’d give her dozens of babies

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