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Anyone else retired from cosplay thinking of getting back and not knowing where to start?

Last con for me was 2017. Have helped friends with projects here and there but nothing for myself. Not a lot of sewing but got into crochet. I don't know what the latest anime(trends) are because I hate most modern shows. Is there space for people like me at cons anymore? I thought of starting with ren fair oc's for a start. I'm also 32 right now and don't even know if getting back to this would be a good idea. Haven't been on /cgl/ in years also so I don't know how different things around here have gotten.

I miss cosplaying, I just feel old.
Google how old yayahan is and then ask again.
Yaya has never stopped
I'm in a similar boat, maybe worse since I'm in my late 30s and I'm a guy. I'm also out of the loop with modern anime and even the older stuff doesn't have much in the way of suitable characters, there's a lot more in vidya and western stuff but I've never really been in the con scene for any of that, and the stuff I'd really like to do is mostly from non-comic related TV shows and movies so events like DragonCon are the only real appropriate places for them.
And? She's like 45. There is no too old. Go have fun.

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