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The time is almost here. 1 Week to go until the Otaku Detroit Summer Bash so let's get some discussion going.

Dates: July 13, 2024 - July 14, 2024
Venue(s): Sheraton Novi Hotel
City: Novi, Michigan, USA
Kayleigh McKee (known for doing English dub voices for Yuta Okkotsu from Jujutsu Kaisen, Pina from Beastars, Itaru Saito from the Prince of Tennis II, Mito/Tozawa Misumi from Sword Art Online Progressive: Aria of a Starless Night, Kiku from One Piece, Rongshi and Chai Yi from Genshin Impact, and Testament from Guilty Gear Strive)

Registration link: https://www.otakudetroit.com/registration-info#BYpbHOaff=oddtdtcreator&lang=en-us&locale=en_US&status=30&view=listing
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Nintendo has been confirmed to return for Summer Bash 2024. They were at IsshoCon back in January in the same venue.
Can't wait to hear people talking about the Wii U consoles dying
Yo midwest fags, come join. We can maybe coordinate something before this con.
yo, fuck no, stop peddling your shit discord, there are too many already
agreed. Some people just need to know when to stop plugging their shit.
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Looks like they didn't run out of badges for people to get
context: their wording is a bit confusing but they're basically saying that there will be badges at the door for those who didn't pre register..
fanservice doko?
it's a reference to a trend in anime which is that there's a beach fanservice episode
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someone stole a basket from one of the hotel employees.
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well, it was fun while it lasted. See you all for the next con.
Certainly was, anon. I'll make a thread for Dokidokon later on tonight or tomorrow.
>having conversation in board game room.
>Some gook tells me to watch my language because children are present.
>Continue to curse even more.

Lol don't bring your kids if you're gonna be a prissy little bitch.
Where the con pictures at? Did anyone even go?

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