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"Is this con really so dead that there is no thread about it on here when Day 1 is happening right now as we speak?" edition


Same exact location as ACEN:
July 5th-7th, 2024
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center & Hyatt Regency O’Hare, Rosemont, IL

Any guests you are excited to see?
Who are you cosplaying and are you going to any cosplay meetups?
Whose line is it anime?
Planning to go to the Friday Rave, the Saturday Rave, both, or neither?
How insane would it have been if Anime Midwest managed to somehow get the Zenless Zone Zero booth on launch weekend when not even AX themselves managed to get that. Wouldn't that be f000kin crawazyyy???
im so horny its not even funny, any trans or femboys here?
Hi. I'm not passable by any standards so you probably wouldn't want to know who I am let alone have fun with me. Sorry. :/
I'm a femboy
There WAS a thread about it...
But theres like 2 retards who samefag, and explode the thread to like 100 posts per hour.

Anyways, i'm going tomorrow cause usually it's less dead on Saturday. For some reason Friday is the day everyone sets up and shit, and then everyone goes on Saturday
Me? I'm just glad that GODAWFUL OP with an image for ants, poor formatting and even wrong info is gone
well it was terrible, however it's only a matter of time before they flock in here and ruin this thread too.
We're in this thread nigga
if youre less than 25 and dont mind me being so horny that I havent nut in 3 weeks, let me know.
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>it's only a matter of time before they flock in here and ruin this thread too.
Anon, who exactly do you think keeps creating new threads immediately as the other ones get deleted. Think anon, think.
Funny how the ugly fella keeps reporting the best posters in his shitty threads.
I look like I'm less than 25 cuz I'm Japanese
lets hook up then
i meant to say meet up
Speak for yourself, you hit the wall at 15.
Room 956, Hyatt Regency O'Hare Rosemont, the KEKISTANIS are here
Are you Black?
There is absolutely no way you're unironically wearing a shirt with you naked on it. There's just no way.
Can jannies give the drama frogs a 3 day? The acen threads were annoying cause of them.
This room is filled of weirdos
Yup, can confirm.
how many people are at the con?
is it dead or decently populated?
Dead. Imagine the Saturday gaming room at acen. That's it. That's all the people there is.
This is such a dead con, not worth going to! Also gonna plug, if i dropped my cosplay socials, would you guys give me money please?
This shit beyond dead as fuck broski. Why do you think I'm lurking here seeing/reading what these annoying faggots are up to instead of roaming the con? This bullshit "drama" is more interesting than this piece of shit con. I'm actually legitimately angry I paid actual money to come here.
Depends, are you a femboy and or trap and or passable trans?
no im not, i'm a cis female, sorry to disappoint :c
Are you Black?
lmao thats like the 4th year in a row it's been dead, how the fuck do they keep being able to afford the stephens
nuh uh sorry :/
exactly its been dead ever since kyle got punched into the wall, nobody wants to go to pedocon
:( Do you cosplay or plan to ever cosplay any shota characters? Can you look reasonably tomboyish enough whilst cosplaying a shota or would you look like a cis white female cosplaying a sho?
ew im not white! but i perhaps could, i dont think cosplaying a shota would be good rep for me, i'd get canceled or smth :c
Is CAD this dead too? Does the attendance really nosedive just based on Kopf alone?
well i mean i could look tomboyish though, idk
Amidst all the drama that was going on about in one of the many acen threads, some anon dropped insider info saying Kopf is on the verge of filing for bankruptcy but is planning on doing the fraud where he transfers all his assets (including the cons) to his "wife" (Erica C. Wise I believe) first so the court doesn't liquidate them. Of course that comment went completely unnoticed.
You think this is dead, pfff just go to CAD and take a look.
yeah pretty much any kopf con is dead, any new anime fan goes to magic, central, c2e2, fanexpo, and other non kopf midwest con
>Not a tranny
I wouldn't fuck you
Death to the SJW menace
Sad but atleast anime magic isn't run by a rapist
Ahhh I fuck only Black guys
wouldnt a rapist be in jail
No lmao
Con is dead frfr
I fuck only Black guys
How's the rave
>t. Scrote
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I hear this con is lame af
Its okay.
Bro these FUCKING peddlers are annoying. Atleast ACEN told them to fuck off, they're even in the con and hotels...
omg dj pedo!!!!
Y'all unoriginal ass bitches just call everyone pedos without knowing the definition of that word
more like dj diaper pedo
All of you losers will be wearing diapers eventually!
nah cuz i don't do truckloads of ketamine to get in disco babyfur space like that pedo hob nobbler
Overall? A fun con honestly, but don't go Friday or Sunday, those days are dead as fuck.

Saturday from like 10 AM to 7 is prime time for the convention to see cool cosplays and people doing neat and fun shit.
Don't go in expecting ACEN, because its like a quarter of that in terms of space. But the space feels better used than ACEN and the guests are better most of the time too.
It's just a fun little con, but the things that hamper it, are the fact that it basically closes at 7, and the gaming rooms are pitiful. The panels are interesting but splitting them between like 3 hotels is a weird choice and gets confusing as FUCK to navigate. Plus for some reason there were "anti chicago violence" retards there trying to nickel and dime people which was really out of place.
I'd say don't fly out here if you aren't a 4 hour drive away, just go to fucking AX instead [spoiler]and where ever your morals stand on the host having like 3 alleged sexual assault cases on him, but like 90% of the people there probably either don't know or don't care[/spoiler]
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this dead also?
the con basically fucking died at 7 bro
Any of you get a girls number?
Room 954 Hyatt Regency Rosemont O'Hare

Why is enemy cat in my room
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Looking for friends, maybe it's a bit to be making this discord but would be cool if you joined.
>the gaming rooms are pitiful
Jeez, yeah they were. The tabletop area was dedicated to a new game that bought half the space and no one played. There were no rentals or borrowed, just the handful of things already out.
The VR room was broken on day 1.
One fifth of the rooms were dedicated to Werewolf.
The PC room had no room for PCs. Just hotel laptops that couldn't connect to each other.
The competitive room was tiny and had two stations people actually used while everyone else played single player games
The arcade room had barely any cabinets.

It legitimately ruined one of my friend's day.

Also, unrelated to games, every +18 panel was awful with the exception of the burlesque show, which was alright.
The majority of the normal panels were pretty good, thankfully. Raves were decent, but there weren't that many people.
This con only took one thread. Bro..
the sex dungeon was funny
Props to whoever dragged the fucking picnic table across the bridge to the smoke pit.
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There were a couple of good panels, like the Quinton Flynn improv one, where he improved shit over his own scenes and talked about the industry.

But splitting shit over like 3 hotels with a confusing as fuck map that was wrong with how it laid out. Like, the left is ONLY the hilton and is all 3 levels of it, but genuinely at first glance I thought it was the Hilton AND the Hyatt, not just 3 levels of the Hilton.

Also putting 4 panels in the Hyatt was retarded, same with cramping the gaming and crafts rooms in the small as fuck Hyatt rooms.
It's probably cheaper than getting another Hall rented, but we only used half of Hall A for everything.
If Kopf isn't fudging the numbers somewhere, and he is getting half of ACEN's sizes, pretty sure he can afford to expand the fucking sizes.

Also putting "X Meetup" on the schedule was nice, but there was no designated meeting area shown, so I wandered around trying to find the RE meetup which was retarded
turns out when you give the retards a 3 day ban, the thread becomes comfy
I'm in this thread nigga I was just fucked up

Fuck you nigga
Needed more DDR setups but beyond that it was a good time. Lining up with the 4th on Thursday was great having fireworks go off literally everywhere you could see from the balcony.
Needed more arcade games.
Like people said before, it was a good con, I liked it, lotta people on Saturday and lotta interesting shit and panels.
However, the arcade games and supplementary shit fell flat, not enough space and not enough machines. It was very pitiful.

The rest of it was fun though
Just came in to say- that Makima in the dress had a nice, fat ass for having such a thin waist. That is all.

See you around everybody. Hope you had fun!
Nazi pedophiles keep on winning
There was a girl who dressed as bowsette, and lemme just say bro.
Thank GOD I was wearing a mask where you couldn't see my eyes, cause I stared at that mother fucker for like 20 minutes from across the con.

But people who have the "will step on you for 5 dollars" are gay.
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/k/ fren if you visit /cgl/ again and see this it was nice meeting you!
There was a REALLY good saitama cosplay
but i didnt know if he padded his crotch or just had a HUGE fucking cock walking around, it was like a fuckin fist in there
I recognize that shoulder, could it be the illusive Finn? I know someone is going to make another thread about him just like the Acen one
We talked about how he saw that thread of someone asking about what he had, so he let me take a picture of this
I’m sure he got a lot of attention with that being carried around. Did he change anything from last convention? I remember him vaguely saying something about reducing carrying loads
Enjoyed it overall but probably won't go next year. I'll stick with Acen and Anime Magic. Really enjoyed the ghost story panel on Friday, was sad to miss the cryptid panel or whatever on Saturday but was too busy getting railed in my hotel room.
That video looks incredibly stinky
That map was so shitty.

>Panels 1 through 4 are shown to be outside, when they're inside
>Shape of buildings doesn't match the actual shape of buildings
>The roads don't actually go where they show, making them useless for using as references
>Other important roads, like the highway two feet away, are completely absent
>The three floors look like three separate buildings, which confused so many people and got them lost
>The map cannot actually be zoomed in on on a phone. Legitimately, no ones' phone could zoom in on the tiny picture. It's some weird mini-app that doesn't work with touchscreens.
>No information on where in the Double Tree that anything is. It's on the 2nd floor, in the mezzanine, and no one even told the hotel employees.
>No bathrooms, no food, no parking lots, and no sky-ways pictured or referenced
>It also comes on half of a 4x6 inch card, with text so small that it's easier to read on your phone, despite not being able to zoom it in without taking a screenshot or zooming in another a different part of the page and mousing over to the map, which cannot be moved after you get it on screen

I'm also upset that the coupons for reduced food prices were apparently ignored by many of the vendors outside the hall, but that's par for the course. Food always costs too much around cons.
>everything was on the second floor for the double tree
kek, I knew people were getting lost but I didn't know how badly

>Map couldn't be used as a reference because the Registration and Check in wasn't in the right area
>Autographs were in a different area inside of the Vendor Hall
>Meetups is an easily missable tiny text thing on the side of the building
>The hyatt bottom floor isn't to scale, and has less rooms inhabited than on the map
>One room is entirely to play werewolf for some reason
>Most of the bottom floor isn't where it was IRL
>Karaoke on the second floor isn't to scale and was actually in separate cafe looking area
>Big events overlapped meetups and fun things (could have made Leatherworking overlap the cosplay contests and shit, but instead made Meet ups, and fun things with the VA's overlap which means you went to one or the other)
>No in/out priveleges at big events as well which means you either went to see your favorite VA, or went to a fun rave
>Con died the moment the hall closed because the only link between the double tree and the Hyatt without walking half a mile is the convention center itself

The con was fun, and I liked some aspects better than ACEN, but some things could easily be fixed if Kopf wasn't such a jew with these cons. Thats why I go to Anime Magic for 3 days, it might be smaller but hopefully it can grow and kill Kopfs stranglehold on midwest cons.
>got a TON of pics of my cosplay but so far no images on social media
welp, theres always next year
I don't even know how to find them or what tags to check
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Enough of all this arguing and whatever other gay shit. Post your con images because I know none of y’all have social media. You may even find eachother, imagine talking to eachother and not even knowing they’re on here.
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God dammit why is it sideways, I apologize on behalf of /cgl/
my phone was dead the entire time so I couldn't take pictures.

That Bocchi was cool as fuck, but they 100% needed more practice on freebird, unless fucking it up horrendously was apart of the bit.
Not even attending this con but what the fuck, why would you put things over in the DoubleTree instead of all in the Hyatt? Why are the road sizes swapped compared to IRL? Why does the Hyatt basement look like it's a building over the road? Why not actually label entrances insead of having tiny little diamonds that mean nothing?
When you see things like this and wonder "What the hell where they thinking, how did they not notice, why did no one change it?", you can be absolutely sure someone *did* notice and wanted to change it. They couldn't cuz either the designer or whoever approved would veto them all immediately
The consweet free ramen and stuff that used to be in the Hyatt was forced out to a different hotel, by the Hyatt staff themselves. According to Ryan when questioned about it last year, he said the Hyatt didn't want it in their hotel anymore because free food was "competing with their inhouse restaurants".
It gets better when hall B and C weren't even used but are on the map and several area's aren't where they would be IRL in relation to the convention center and hotels, and as some people have said, the shit at the doubletree was on different floors and had little to no signage.
It's also apparently a massive hike in their corkage fees. Probably less big when you're just a wedding or something, but matters when you're a massive convention.
I went to it on Saturday, frankly I enjoyed it. Near the end I went to that fnaf lore speech in panel room 7. Did not know that Scott Cawthon had this much history behind fnaf
I hated how the panels/meetups overlapped the big events.
Like, how hard is it to put Leather working (which was cool btw), over the raves and shit.

I wanted to go to that Cryptid shit, but the Cosplay contest was happening literally in the same time slot, and they don't let you come back if you leave which is gay
So when gonna get fight club with the two twinks that hit the wall two decades ago?
Yeah, they should really not have stuff do that. It ruins the experience because some people like to go on a trip through all the panel events and then chill in the artists alley.
Okay, Jeez!
That's weird. Image is attached but didn't upload.
Second try.
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And if course, now it's sideways...
Whatever, Hook moot. I'll post anyways.
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I'm a sucker for low-effort cosplays that are entirely accurate.
move them to your PC first and rotate, bozo baka!
So Im not the only one who felt retarded, thats a relief
Will try that
This thread is just one front of the war, lol believe you me there's IRL fights and in person confrontations as well
so... you fella's going to anime magic?
Yeh it likely to be a battlefield tho
Scrimblo Bimblo
Going to Fan Expo and CAD

People really just go after others? What for? Conflicting fandoms? I have really seen any of that happen not much accidents either other than the suicide at Acen… though maybe I’m not really on this board alot
Huh interesting, thanks Anons

I’ve definitely encountered some people that fit the definition. But never seen any conflicts happen
I would gladly enjoy the con if they raised prices higher.
c*Lifornia scum detected. Time to go back
The cons are fun, but if you see anyone's faces here or anyone posting just avoid them honestly.
They're super schizo in a weird schizo clique.

The con is fun, but Kopf needs to do something about the fucking panhandlers for "violence in chicago". They pestered me for some like 5 bucks and wouldn't leave me alone either outside OR in the walkway from the hotel to the center.
Yeah those guys were weird, they confronted me near the mall and I tried to walk around them the same way one would in chicago proper but they were super aggressive about it. I didn't see them in the con zone though.
Yeah those fucks actually motivated me to actually get into cosplay so I wouldn't be targeted by them. One tried to lead me out of the convention center to presumably mug me somewhere
I saw one get escorted out from the con area on saturday by security, it was fucking funny.
They kept getting closer and closer until security would kick them out, then they'd stay in their area.

I saw 5 of them in the outside area near the restaurant at the center where everyone takes "outdoor" pictures.
it's very funny how every con, the people checking the badges don't give a shit.
I accidentally snuck in ACEN my first year trying to find where I get my badge from and nobody cared
I would rip my own dick off just to see what you assholes look like in 40 years when you're all wrinkly and alone.
This isn't the flex you thought it was
I know I'm gonna look good in 40 years, aged to perfection *chef's kiss*
Not about being from California it's meeting the cost threshold for keeping "certain people" out. I've seen that attitude from people all over the country. Everyone seems aware of some price points the people they don't like won't pay so they're willing to pay that price point to not have to see them.
The ones i’ve been to at the rosemont convention hire some older folks to check them. I’m sure they just look to see if you have something that vaguely resembles the badge desu
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>implying you won’t be alive in 40 years
Honestly, that's gotta be a comfy fucking job.
You do nothing but sit infront of the halls all damn day, and look at all the interesting people there.

I used to work maintenance at Mccormick place helping set up for conventions, we got free passes to every convention and OT during big ones to help panels and shit with problems if we wanted it (but the OT was literally just wander around and look at panels)
Its certainly a lot easier than some of the work I've done for free badges, though it admittedly takes up the most at-con time compared to panels or more direct work.
all the drama here is in party rooms (which are free), that would just CONCENTRATE the drama


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