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I've seen Black dude cosplaying varied character but not Black woman, is it due to their lack of representation?.
this nigga has never been to atlanta
Muttoid Ryuko. What's that on her right thigh anyway.
It's literally the opposite. Black guy cosplay is exclusively One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, Jojo, Naruto, Tokyo Revengers, the like
and this
there's probably more black women cosplayers nowadays but historically the issue has been any time a black woman cosplays a non-black character they get shit-on online for it, but when a black man cosplays a non-black character people think it's based and funny
That's because guys are cool with other guys and women are just mean and do anything to tear down other women. They do the same thing if a white girl tries to cosplay a dark character. There was that overwatch or dota cosplayer awhile back that made a badass costume but got shit on by cosplay women and stripped of a contest win because she wasn't dark enough.
Cause guys respect other guys since they arent the target of their lust but don't respect women so anything they personally find ugly is grounds for racism and misogyny. Guys give girls shit for not being their perfect uwu Asian animu waifu all the time, don't kid yourself. It's not always a "girls just don't support girls!!!" Problem.
Guys see other guys as competition since they aren't the target of their lust.

>but don't respect women
You have achieved nothing and are being an insufferable 24/7. What makes you think you deserve respect.
I am a female and never once has a guy gone at me for inaccurate cosplay. Every female I've ever come across nitpicked me to death. I don't blame any female that exita the craft.
It happens to both. There's literally a 100% hitrate of some truly hilarious and genuinely unique reference to the character they cosplay either being Nigg(rest of their name)/(charactername)niqua or Netflix X/Y/Z or some kind of gangster/criminal unless it is an explicitly African/African-American character. There's also nothing I've seen to suggest either black men or black women are more avid/prevalent cosplayers that differs from other general men/women statistics in the scene.
Blacks: "REEEEE only blapypo can cosplay blapypo!"
Michael Jackson: "Okay cosplay me."
In conclusion: women, get out of cosplay. Leave that to men, 100% men. Conventions should block women from entering, all tickets paid by or in the name of women should be refunded immediately and even the staff should be 100% men.
There is a group of Jews around my city that seem to cosplay Michael Jackson, like MJ clothes and their little jew hats/curls and they moonwalk. I have no idea why. I have mostly seen them outside the orchestra.
Contrary to popular belief on here a lot of black people do get shit on for cosplaying their favorite characters.
No thank you, its nice to see people in cosplay that actually put in effort and its always women.
Looks like a keeloid scar.
In real life maybe, I was talking about online. See >>10926513 this moid as proof
Proof of what, that you deserve no respect? You are a bitchy cunt.
Lose weight.
I don't get where you got that from. You are mental.
Well I don't give a shit what fat internet coomers have to say about me so that sounds like a you problem if you do. It's called SELF-esteem stop letting others dictate it for you.
This isn’t a thing, take your meds. You bitches are so catty and hateful toward your fellow bitches that they had to make an anti-vendetta rule here.
MJ famously disliked jewish people, it’s probably a mockery.

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